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Instrument of Qualitative Research

1. Daily Life
Objectives: To understand respondents’ background & their lifestyle.

• Ask them to describe their normal day in their life – what do they do?
• What do they do on weekends? Where do they go?
• What do they do during leisure/spare time?
• What do they do for killing their time with friends?
• What do they do in break time at office or home?

2. About Shoes
Objective: Understand the role of shoes in their life.

• What does shoes mean to you? What role does it play in your life?
• When I talk about the word of shoes, what comes to mind? Words, images….
• What type of shoes do you used? What else?
• What type of shoes do you used out of home? Why?
• What type of shoes do you used in home? Why? What occasion?
• What type of shoes do you prefer? Check brand, format, packaging? Why?
• Is there any type of shoes do you avoid? What are they?
• If there is no shoes in this world, how would you feel? What would you miss?
• What would be the substitute?

3. About Shoes used

Objective: Understand the usage habit and role of CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand used.

• What do you know about CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand used? Moderator/Facilitator to
check if they have other terminologies for this CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand used
• What types of CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand used are you aware of? What format are
you aware of? Can you recall? What else?
• Since when that you/ your family/child starting to used CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand
• Identify source of awareness towards the category: from where do you know CARING BY
BIOKOS or other Brand used for the first time? What (your friend or relatives/small shops
seller/TVC) says about it?
• What was the trigger to used? Probe: what is it really about the product which attract them
to used (identify the ‘hot button’)
o What are the motivation for used CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand shoes? What are
the moments? Moderator/Facilitator probe on Sharing or Celebration
• What is the sensation of used CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand shoes? What is the
difference in sensation when compared with other shoes?
• Please recall one moment of used CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand shoes which really sticks
in their mind. Ask them to tell the story…what make it really memorable for them.
• When do you usually used CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand shoes?
o On what occasions would you used CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand shoes? What
time of day?
o Where do you usually used CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand shoes? Do you used it
in-home or out-home or both? Do you bring it to your office or/and when travelling?
o Why do you think CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand used fits in for this?
o How do you usually used it? Are there any other accompany? What makes it
o Why do you like to used CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand shoes?
o What sensations do they seek? Functional
o What emotions are derived from CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand used? Emotional
o Is there any occasions where you used CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand shoes more
or less?
o Does your friend affect you towards your chosen of CARING BY BIOKOS or other
Brand shoes? Reason?

4. About Skin Care Make Up

Objective: Exploring consumers’ perception towards Make Up, Skin Care and Skin Care Make Up
• What is Make Up?
• What is Skin Care?
• What is Skin Care Make Up? What kind of product is this?
• Do you know about the benefits?
• What are the differences between Skin Care Make Up and Make Up?
• Do you know Skin Care Make Up Brand? (mention brand)
• How you get information about Make Up Product?
• What type of media that usually used for search about product information?
• Bandingkan dengan brand lain untuk melihat 2 sudut pandang yang berbeda :
Kolerasi antara skincare make up:
Skincare : misalkan brand yang berawal besar dari Skincarec: Loreal
Make up : misalkan brand yang berawal besar dari make up : Wardah

5. Purchasing Habit
Objective: Exploring consumers’ purchase habit

• Who buys the CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand used?

• How often do you buy the CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand used?
• Is there any available stocks at home? Why?
• How you usually buy the Skin Care Make Up product?
• Where the place you usually buy?
• If you buy, what part the help you to decide buy a product?
• Which place do you usually buy the product? (Online Store & Physically Store)
• Where do you usually buy CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand used? What makes you choose
that particular place?
6. Brand Awareness in CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand Used Category
Objective: Understand the competitive mapping of Shoes brands.
o What are the brands of CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand used that you are aware off?
o For each brand mentioned:
What do you know about this brand?
How do you know about this brand?
What do you remember the most about this brand?
What do you like about this brand?
What you do not like about this brand?
o Which brand that your moms/friends/others used it?
o Which brand that your moms/friends/others did not used it? Why?

7. Caring by Biokos
Objective: Exploring consumers’ perception towards Caring by Biokos
• Have you seen this product? If yes, from where?
• What is Caring by Biokos? What kind of product is this?
• What benefits did you expect? What makes you think that Caring by Biokos gives you
these benefits?
• What is its uniqueness? What are the competitors? How does Caring by Biokos differ?
• How do you think the price of Caring by Biokos? Compared to other Brand used that you
usually buy?
• Have you known about Caring Colors?
• Have you known about Biokos? (Digali lagi mengenai image biokos sejauh apa? Apakah
premium, apakah scientific, technology, dermatologist product-kah?)
• Do you know benefit of Biokos?
• What do you think about Caring that combine with Biokos?
(Note : Yang ingin diketahui adalah elemen apa dari Biokos yang mengangkat image
Caring by Biokos? Apakah berpengaruh atau tidak ? Ini harus digali.
• Mencari brand attributes Caring by Biokos & Biokos
• Personafikasi : Describe the brand if become a person, a car, or other element.
• Do you know benefit when Caring combine with Biokos?
• What do you know about each product Caring Color and Biokos? (Mention kind of
• Why you not use Caring by Biokos? (Explain)
• Do you know, the difference between Caring by Biokos with your product that use
recently? (Revlon user and Lo’real user) explore from 4P’s.
• Where do you usually buy CARING BY BIOKOS or other Brand used? What makes you
choose that particular place?

8. On the Packaging
Objective: Exploring consumers’ perception towards Visual engagement
o What element that you remember most about this packaging?
o How is your impression do you have from the packaging? Probe on likes/ dislikes.
o Check impression for every element in overall (the brand name, the color, design, the
pictures, size, shape, etc.):
What do you like/do not like about this?
What does it give to the overall product of Caring by Biokos?

9. Moment of Consumption
Objective: Exploring consumers’ moment of truth

o Could you describe the shoes?

o When you used it, what kind of feeling in your mouth? What is the after taste you felt?
o Emotional feeling of consumption?
o How do you think you would enjoy/used the product?
The best time and probe for different moments, occasions, and situations of used
Caring by Biokos/other Brand and reasons
o What would make you used it more?
What are the barriers of more used?
o Can free gimmick/gift stimulate you to purchase more?
What kind of gimmick that you expect?
Can special character as a gimmick raise your interest to buy?
[Show the sample for benchmark]
o Where is the best place do they used Caring by Biokos/other Brand?
o Is it in-home or out-of-home? If out-of-home, on what occasions/situation?
o Can you describe your ritual used of make up?

10. Wrap up
o Thank the respondent and end the conversation
o Hand over incentive and make absolutely sure you have the respondent confirm its receipt!
o Say goodbye here.

Kesimpulan diatas, diluar objective yang sudah diinfokan sebelumnya, juga bisa menjawab beberapa
pertanyaan antara lain:

Apakah hasil dulu masih relevan dengan Caring by Biokos ( Bagaimana kita akan meletakkan brand
Kenapa jalannya tidak sebagus yang diharapkan?
Bagaimana menghubungkan Beauty Without Worry dengan karakter yang dipilih? Apakah karakter
tersebut bisa menjadi jawaban untuk problem ini
Korelasi Skincare Make up dan Caring by Biokos

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