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Punzalan, Joshua Mitchell L.

Community Health Nursing I Mrs. Rosita Vianzon RN, MaN

Overview of Public Health Nursing in the Philippines and Global Setting

§ What is the total population locally and globally?

• Locally: 110 million as of September 2020
• Globally: 7.8 billion as of September 2020

§ What are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality locally and globally?
• Mortality refers to the death rate or the number of deaths in a certain group of people in a
certain period of time.

o 10 Leading Causes of Mortality Globally (as of 2016)

1. ischaemic heart disease
2. stroke
3. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
4. lower respiratory infections
5. Alzheimer disease and other dementias
6. trachea bronchus, lung cancers
7. diabetes mellitus
8. road injury
9. diarrhoeal diseases
10. tuberculosis

o 10 Leading Causes of Mortality Locally (as of 2017)

1. coronary heart disease
2. stroke
3. pneumonia and influenza
4. lung disease
5. tuberculosis
6. diabetes mellitus
7. kidney disease
8. hypertension
9. breast cancer
10. asthma

o Mortality Rate of Children (as of 2019):

§ under the age of 5: 5.3 million
o Leading causes:
1. preterm birth complications
2. birth asphyxia/trauma
3. pneumonia
4. congenital anomalies
5. diarrhea and malaria
§ ages 5 to 9: 500,000
o Leading cause: injuries
• Morbidity refers to the amount of diseases a population encountered or the state of being

o 10 Leading Causes of Morbidity Globally (as of 2017)

1. acute upper respiratory infection
2. hypertension
3. acute lower respiratory tract infection and pneumonia
4. urinary tract infection
5. bronchitis
6. influenza
7. acute watery diarrhea
8. asthma all forms
9. tuberculosis
10. acute ferbrille illness

o 10 Leading Causes of Morbidity Locally (as of 2017)

1. cardiovascular diseases
2. cancers
3. neonatal disorders
4. muscuskeletal disorders
5. mental and substance use disorders
6. other NCDs
7. respiratory diseases
8. neurological disorders
9. unintentional injuries
10. digestive diseases

§ What is the Global Health Situation?

• Currently, the major concern in terms of health situation is the increasing number of COVID-
19 cases with the European region having the third highest number of new cases.
• Leading cause of death from cancers are from lung cancer patients, stomach cancer, colon
and rectum, liver, and breast cancer.

§ What is the National Health Situation?

• Filipinos generally live healthier and longer compared to older years because of rapid
economic growth. With this said, health insurance also covers more than 92% of the
Philippine population.
• With the rising number of cases of COVID-19, the National Health situation is currently
going down. The Philippine Healthcare system is slowly declining as it fights the virus. The
COVID-19 cases in the Philippines is nearing its 300,000 mark with an active case nearing

§ What is the Life Expectancy locally and globally?

• Locally: 73 for females; 66 for males
• Globally: 74 for females; 70 for males

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