Effectiveness of Online Shops

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Effectiveness of online shops

I would like to invite you to participate in a research study examining the characteristics, advantages and
disadvantages of your online shops and the perspective of the consumers, which will add to the
knowledge related to online business being online seller and consumer.

We Stephanie Aso, Ayra Mae Pelenio, Marial Ariston, Jelan Kate Niegas, Madysone Balongcas and the
data collected in this interview will help the study of relationship of teacher to their students in talking
about a kind of business ; online business at the Saint Columban College Senior High department. We are
under the advisory of Sir Carl Fuerzas.

Participation requires you: To answer all the question that the researchers ready for you and answer it all

Your privacy: Your participation in this study and your responses will be kept confidential. All the
answers from you and the responses to this study will be kept and no one will know about your identity.
Only the researchers will only know that you participated.

Risks to you: There are acknowledged risks that associated with participation of this study such
confidence, time, physical, psychological. And also you might experience discomfort, negative emotion
and anxiety.

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