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Poem in Defense of the Mawlid (translated from Arabic)

by Ibrahim Hakim on Monday, January 24, 2011 at 12:13am

"Praise belongs to Allah for His favors, the praise arising from a servant genuinely sincere in it.
We praise Him, and praise is indeed due to Him, as He singled us out with the blessing of the
best of His Prophets,
MUHAMMADUN, master of all the worshipers" ('abdi)
"I declare witness that Allah is Alone Worshiped, and that the best of His creation is
a Messenger who completes and renews; and all who believe in him live eternally - without
doubt - in everlasting gardens" (khuldi)

"And Know this, that whoever loves Ahmad (alayhi salat wa salam), no doubt longs to hear his
name uttered repeatedly,
For this reason, the carriers of sacred knowledge instituted the Mawlid after him, and it came to
be a rightly-guided matter,
It pleased all people, except those who have no share in mature discernment!" (rushdi)

"How many groups gathered out of love of him, and how many times did they depart carrying
that love for him?
They beautified the houses and the fields, and increased the bright lights and candle-lights
(wherever they settled), and they perfumed all whom they contacted with their sweet fragrance"

"How many homes did Allah erect upon his foundation (alayhi salat wa salam)? And how often
did joy and ease permeate the creation because of him (alayhi salat wa salam)?
They (his lovers who commemorate his remembrance) generously spent their dinars and
dirhams, and remembered the All-Merciful and the Chosen One, while engaged in prayer,
supplication, and praise!" (hamdi)


"Increase (your) salat and salam upon the Chosen Prophet from Tiham, best of creation and
master of people, the Lawgiver who delineated the halal and haram, and the origin of all
supremacy and dignity" (majdi)

"For anyone who sends benedictions (salawat) upon the Prophet once, Allah Most High sends
ten blessings upon him in return, this was authentically recorded plainly in the hadith recorded
by Imam Muslim, because of which this truth gained widespread fame, and it is the truth beyond
any doubt or criticism" (naqdi)
"And if Allah were to honor a servant with just one blessing, it would equal thousands of
thousands of (our limited) blessings and more! Consider then the numerous benefits of
(commemorating him alayhi salat wa salam), and the ever-ascending lights of the rewards
building up from such an act. So be keen in this, if you are indeed rightly guided (rushdi)

"Do you think this (mawlid) harms or upsets Ahmad (alayhi salat wa salam)? Or that it does not
please the Eternal Subsistent One? How can you blindly claim such a thing while not fearing the
dire consequences?
So repeat mawlid after mawlid, you will live happily, and gain eternal happiness and joy" (sa'adi)

Sung masterfully and beautifully by the Munshid, Mu'tasim al-'Asali, here: (skip to
continued here:

(please forgive any translation mistakes or poor choice of words, this is in honor of the upcoming
Mawlid season)
Top of Form
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• Yohosame Cameron, Sadiqur Rahman and 5 others like this.

Dawud Israel This is more a tribute to Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam rather
than a defense of the mawlid...simply put: its just from the hearts of those that
love to love Habibullah salallahu alayhi wasalam. :)
8 hours ago

Ibrahim Hakim
Thank you Sidi, Allahumma Salli 'ala Habibika-l A'dham

i felt the desire to translate it once i heard this line:

"And Know this, that whoever loves Ahmad (alayhi salat wa salam), no doubt
longs to hear his name uttered repeatedly,
For this reason, the carriers of sacred knowledge instituted the Mawlid after him,
and it came to be a rightly-guided matter,

It pleased all people, except those who have no share in mature discernment!"See

8 hours ago · 2 peopleLoading...

Ibrahim Hakim the translation is rough tho and could use some polishing, so i'm
hoping you listen to the youtube and the fantastic inshad (so you forget the
imperfections :P)Bottom of Form

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