VCLC Guidelines For Health Standards

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Victory Child Learning Center, Inc.

Zamora Street Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

General Health and Safety Guidelines under the New Normal

The management of this school, as per authority given by the Board of
Trustees, hereby adopts the resolution issued by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF),
the recommendation by the Department of Health and the latest advisory of the Office
of the President that the operation of schools observe the compliance to minimum
standards for the health and safety protocols against the spread of the Corona Virus
Disease (Covid19) pandemic.
This school, in pursuance of Dep Ed Order No. 014, s. 2020, Guidelines on
the Required Health Standards in Basic Education Offices and Schools, hereby
emphasizes on the following matters:
a) no to face-to-face conduct of group classes to learners of this school
starting September 1, 2020;
b) modular mode and/or blended learning adhere to comply with the
minimum health standards to combat the spread of virus;
c) the learners shall be in school uniform (for old students having school
uniform already), otherwise they shall wear a presentable wardrobe conducive
for learning;
d) no wearing of face mask, no face shield, no prior appointment, no
entry policy in the school premises;
e) wearing of face mask, face shield and observing physical distancing at
all times in school observed by faculty and staff, and all walk-in clients or at
respective homes of learners where visitation is conducted;
f) frequent washing of hands or in the absence of immediately available
faucets, use of alcohol for disinfecting as installation of hands-free alcohol
dispenser is provided in our campus;
g) prompt communication of the parents with the school in case of feeling
of unwellness of the learner when teacher shall conduct home visitation;
h) open and constant communication of the school and the parents
concerning the health and safety of learners; and
i) all such other protocols to promote health and wellness and safety of all
August 14, 2020, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo.

By the Authority of the

Board of Trustees:

Academic Head

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