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Dear, my teacher, and dear friends, good morning.

(Ferst) of all, thank you for inviting me here on

this beautiful and plezent morning. I hope we are all in good health.
Today I will (kenvaa) the importance of (Ejekeshen) in my short speech. On many occasions we
hear the term education, but what is education? How important is education for our country and
ourselves as students?
Well, to (anser) the first question . (Ejekeshen) is the learning of the (nalij), skills and habits of a
group of people who are passed down from one generation to the next (trhroo) teaching, training,
or research.

(Ejekeshen) (tĕk) (ples) under the gaydens of others, but is also self-(thoh). The (etimoloje) the
(werd) (ejekeshen) itself come from the latin (werd) ducare (mining) to (gaid) direct, or lead. So
(ejekeshen) (minz) (liding) out activities. (Eni) (ikspereans) that has a formative effect on the way
people think, feel, or (akt)

can be (kinsided) (ejekeshenl). (Ejekeshen) (yoosully) (bigins) when a baby is born

and (las) a lifetime. (Ejekeshen) can start before the baby is born as (meni) (pipel) do
by playing music and reading to the baby in the (wooom) in the hope that he can
teach (ther) (bebis) before (berth). For some (pipel) , the (ikspire ens) of daily life is
more (mining ful) than formal (ejekeshen). Mark Twain said, "i have never let the
scholl (interfier) with my (ejekeshen)”. Family members have a very deep (thicing)
rol. (Ofen) deeper than they (rilayz), even (tho) the ( tiching) of family members
runs informally
The (anarabel) audiences, we study not to go to the graduation ceremony and hang
our picture on the wall of our house, much less to show off to our friends. we study
to (prates) and to acquire (nalij), and those two then will prepare us to the real
life situation.

and those two then will prepare us to the real life situation. Education brings us too many benefits,
such as confidence in ourselves, freedom to decide, (kanchens) as a (hol), help us to improve
ourselves, to feel fulfilled, to feel that we are something in life and that we have an end for which
to (liv). But this is not the only satisfaction that education gives us, but with it we achieve a better
quality of life; When we want to buy a dress, shoes, food, or anything else, we need a work, which
(kerentle) is not so easy to find and less if we don’t have an (adikwit) education.
It is (sed) that the future of our country is in the hands of the children and as the children in this
country, we must try hard to achieve that. That is why today I invite all the audiences here to reflect
on the importance of education. We have to take (advantij) of this (chans) to be able to go to
school to study. We must (apreshe at) the effort that our parents make to send us to school, and
think that there are many children who would like to study but for some reason they can not do it.
Finally, ask ourselves: without effort and education, how do we want to improve ourselves? How do
we want to live better? In short, how do we want a better country?. Therefore, education is an
important part of our life as well as an essential part to develop a better future for the country. So
this is the end of my speech today. I hope some of the points that I have (kenvaed) today make (as)
more (apreshe at) of our (chans) to be able to have the education at school and make us study
more dilligently for (booth) our country’s and our own future. I thank you for the attention. Good

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