Basic Components of Worldview: Part 1: Core Worldview Beliefs

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Basic Components of Worldview

Name: Brayan F. Martinez Camargo

Course: CWV-301 Christian Worldview
Date: 09.19.2020
Instructor: Eric Speir
Be sure you answer both Part 1 and Part 2 of this assignment before submitting.

Part 1: Core Worldview Beliefs

Based on the basic components of worldview presented in Chapter 2 and the topic
overview, write a response to each of the six questions that form the basic components of your
own core worldview beliefs. Respond to the questions about your own beliefs in your own
words, and not necessarily what you think the Christian worldview believes. Keep this document
intact and only add your answers in the box under each question.

1. What is your belief about the nature of ultimate reality? Why?

Your answer in two to three sentences:

As a Catholic person, I believe in God. However, I believe that God is not a person, God is
a whole, an omnipotent and omnipresent being who is always found everywhere in our
daily lives. As mentioned in the bible, he is a benevolent being who created us in his image
and likeness. My ultimate reality is supported on the faith I have in this being, the idea that
has been raised for years about the heaven to which those who comply with the
instructions given by Him go. It is something that cannot be verified or something that is
not entirely sure and that is why faith plays such an important role in my life. I was raised
with the values of the Catholic religion and throughout my life I have strengthened them
with the different situations that I have experienced. That is why my perception of the
ultimate reality is oriented as I previously exposed

2. What is your belief about the nature of the universe? Why?

Your answer in two to three sentences:

Regarding nature of the universe, I fully agree with the idea that it is an open system which
is considerably influenced by the spiritual world. Based on the knowledge I have got from
my religion, not only does God exist, there are other lower-level spiritual entities such as
Mary, the angels, archangels, cherubs, among others. I believe that these entities, including
God, are constantly influencing our path, that although we have the power of free will, we
are being guided by them. Every yin has its yang, just as there are these good spirits that
protect us and go with us, there are also bad ones such as temptations or sin and those that
deviate us from the right path. That is, from my perception of the nature of the universe in

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which we live, it is not a purely physical universe but also a spiritual realm.

3. What is your belief about human nature and the afterlife? Why?
Your answer in two to three sentences:

The human body is created in the image and likeness of God and has a soul which
transcends beyond the physical world. The human body, as well as everything that has life,
degrades over time and at some point, must come to an end. When the human body, the
physical body fulfills its cycle and its purpose in the world, the soul transcends the spiritual
realm. However, I share the popular belief that the soul not only transcends the spiritual
world and is its end, but that there is reincarnation. Now when physical life ends, our
spiritual entity, the soul, moves to a new body where a new life will begin. While writing
this answer I remembered a phrase that says, "why see this life and the next separately, if
one comes from the previous one?". I also think that the actions of our present have great
influence in the following lives since as mentioned in the phrase, one life comes from the
previous one.

4. What are the three worldview (atheism, pantheism, theism) beliefs about the nature of
knowledge? Which one best fits your belief? Why?
Your answer in two to three sentences:

As presented in textbook and in the topic overview, "Convictions about knowledge vary
depending on assumptions about ultimate reality, the universe, and humanity.
 Atheism believes in no God or spiritual realm.
 Pantheists believe in a spiritual realm, but not in a relational God who has revealed
himself to humanity and is actively involved in the lives of those who believe in
 Theists all believe in a single, personal, and relational God who is the creator and
sustainer of all that exists."

The one that best suits my beliefs is the theist. As Catholic, my faith and my religion are
based on a single God who created everything. Much of the knowledge comes from the
bible. Those people who read and understand it, generally use it as a guide in their lives
and as a source of knowledge that enriches their knowledge regarding their beliefs.
Personally, I am not this kind of person, however I pray daily, I constantly ask God for
guidance for the different circumstances that arise daily. I believe that the decisions that I
have made throughout my life have not only been by choice but at the same time they are
influenced and in response to my prayers.

5. What is your basis for determining moral right from moral wrong? Why?
Your answer in two to three sentences:

I have learned that the perception of what is morally right and wrong changes with the
culture of each region and of each person. My basis for determining whether something is
morally correct or incorrect is part of the different values that have and the ones which I

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was raised. Mainly I believe that we must consider the mutual welfare, that our actions do
not affect others in any way and if possible, generate a good environment for those around
us. Likewise, the norms established by societies are a guide to what is right or wrong.
Generally, everything that is seen against the laws or the norms established by the society
goes against the ethical principles, which means it is morally wrong.

6. What is your belief about human purpose? Why?

Your answer in two to three sentences:

The human purpose is not something certain, each human being has a specific purpose
which must be discovered throughout the life. We all have a purpose, it is different and is
developed based on our actions, our thoughts and our desires. This purpose is not to come
into the world, grow old and die, it is something much more specific, it is the personal way
that each human being has to discover how to be capable of contributing something of his
being to humanity. Each person has unique gifts and talents and throughout their lives they
discover how to take advantage of them by finding their purpose.

Part 2: Evaluation
1. Your answers to the questions in Part 1 form the basis of your worldview. Now that you have
articulated your worldview, evaluate it according to the practical test described in Chapter 2
of the textbook and the topic overview. Which of the three worldviews most closely matches
your core beliefs as you answered in Part 1? Does your worldview pass the practical test for
livability? Why or why not? Provide a clear explanation of the workability and practical
value in the most important areas of life and experience.
Your answer in 200-300 words:

Of the three different worldviews exposed, the one that most identifies with my beliefs is
the theistic worldview. As it is exposed throughout this chapter, it is a worldview that
develops from the belief of a unique God creator of everything. Regarding the livability
test, I can say that it passed it. Mainly and I think the most important reason is that I like it,
and I am very comfortable with my worldview. More than a belief, I think it is a lifestyle, a
lifestyle shaped by the different teachings that God’s word preaches. I have had the
opportunity to get to know different countries and learn about the different worldviews in
their own culture, and although many of them have very interesting foundations and
teachings, I have not reached the point of wanting to change my worldview or my way of
thinking. I would like to add that although they are different cultures, we can always find
teachings that we can add to our lives to be better people that from my point of view is the
highest objective of any religion. The life we choose to lead is based on what we believe to
be right and together with this we choose the path to follow. My worldview serves as a
daily guide to different situations in which, if I had another worldview, I would surely
approach it distinctively. I must add that the environment in which I grew up makes it
easier to follow this worldview, the environment that surrounds me generally shares my
beliefs, which is why I had support from different sources throughout my life as a catholic

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2. Reflect on your current understanding of the Christian faith. In other words, what is the
essence of the Christian worldview? How does one become a Christian? Your response will
need to articulate your understanding of Christian beliefs and does not require you to believe
Your answer in 200-300 words:

To follow the path of Christianity it is important to have theistic convictions, that is, to
believe in one God who is the creator of everything. This religion is based on the Bible, on
the teachings found there and the mandates of God. The essence of Christianity is found in
self-love and love for others.
"Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second
is similar:" Love your neighbor as yourself. " Matthew 22: 37-39.
It cannot be said that a person who claims to be a Christian loves God, but does not love,
does not forgive his neighbor. Jesus died on the cross for the love he felt towards us, this
being the greatest example of love and forgiveness, giving his own life for the salvation of
To become Christians there must be a change that comes through faith, repentance, and
confession of sins, and following the Word of God in all obedience, it is necessary to "be
born again." Another essential part is to believe and be convinced that we want to receive
the gift of salvation that God grants. It is necessary to open the doors of our heart and
allow him to enter, to receive him in our being. Christianity is a personal relationship we
have with God through Jesus Christ.

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