Varice Edgar Cayce

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1.EC: Yes, we have the body here, you see.

Now, there are many abnormal conditions in

this body. Some may be corrected. They have to do with the functioning of the organs;
some organic conditions, the blood supply and the elimination in the system. 2. Now, these
are the conditions as we find them in this body, [46], we are speaking of. 3. We find the
blood supply in the body is above the normal, both in quantity and in pressure. We find the
blood carries bacilli - that is of the streptococcus variety. The white blood is deficient, and
poor coagulation insues. 4. We find the nerve forces in this body very good.
5. There is a lesion about the tenth dorsal that produces the over-taxing to some of the
digestive functioning of the body. 6. Through the organs themselves, we find some
functioning very good. The condition through the lungs is very good. 7. That through the
digestive forces, we find: The overtaxation to the system, both from nerve forces and from
the superconscious forces attempting to care for the physical forces give rise to the
condition existing in the stomach itself proper, and the poor eliminations through the
correct channels have to do with this same condition. 8. The liver, we find, does not
function in the proper manner and form. 9. The bacilli that effects the blood supply
prevents the functioning properly of the excretory glands of this organ, as does the over-
taxation, at times, to the kidneys give off to this portion of the body the excess secretions.
10. The glandular forces about the pelvic organs, and down the venus forces of the
extremities show the effect of high blood forces, and the bacilli carried in the blood supply.
11. To rid the system of this condition, may be done by absorption, or by operation and
then by absorption. This can be removed but will take patience, PATIENCE and time. We
would take this into the system, first: 12. To one gallon of water, add:
Sarsaparilla Root..............6 ounces,
Dogwood Bark...................2 ounces,
Yellow Dock Root...............2 ounces,
Black Root.....................2 ounces,
Prickly Ash Bark...............2 ounces,
Mandrake Root.................15 grains,
Buchu Leaves..................30 grains.
13. This would be simmered, NOT BOILED, until reduced to one quart. While warm,
strain, and add:
6 ounces Grain Alcohol, with 2 drams Balm of Gilead. 14. The dose would be a
dessertspoonful three times each day.15. The body should not eat meats or fats of any kind.
If meats are eaten at all they would be fish or wild game. Better eat nothing except
vegetables. Do not overload the stomach, but keep that which tends to keep the bowels free
and open.16. After the first full quantity is taken, and the second begun, then we would
apply to the limb here for the infectuous forces, for the discharge to be removed from the
blood veins, first would be mullein poultice. The body should keep off the feet while this is
being applied to the limbs more than before. Then each evening apply a balm made of
Plantain Root and Stalk, in this proportion: To half gallon of water, add six ounces,
preferably in the green state, reduced until it begins to show a jelly formation - black color
- stem and roots together. Then add oil of butter fat, without salt (with the water and salt
taken out) until it makes a salve, and apply this each evening, but not until after the first
quantity and part of another is taken of the medicinal properties. Do that.

2. Yes, we have the body here; this we have had before.

3. In many respects conditions are very good; in others conditions are very unsatisfactory.
There are the tendencies for the superficial circulation to more and more dilate the broken
cells in the veins along the limbs, and these tend to make for not only swelling in the feet
(by the poor circulation created, for there is the slow return of the blood to the centers
through which it must be carried through the system for purification) but this slowness
tends to make for the accumulation of drosses in the system, making for the tendencies in
the alimentary canal and the organs of elimination to become congested, producing then
the constipation that makes for very material disturbances in the body, raising the blood
pressure to such an extent as to make for disassociation even at times of the return of the
pulsations, of the activity through consciousness in the system. 4. As we would find, first
we would wear the stocking or the elastic that BRACES the limbs; or used especially when
the body tends to be upon the feet a great deal.
5. And we will find that the massage of the compound that has been given for bruises,
strains and such conditions for the body, would be most helpful for this particular body
also. Use same from the lower dorsal all the way to the lower portion of the feet, down the
limbs, across the abdomen and especially down the side of the thigh where the veins are,
and over the calf or lower portion of the limbs, showing dilation and swelling so much. [As
in 326-5, Par. 6-A, which was given just prior to 243-18?]
6. Do these; following more of an alkalin and less acid diet; less of sugars, less of those
things that make for heaviness in the activity of the pancreas and liver (or sweets), will be
the most helpful.
7. (Q) Why the weak trembly feeling in my back and lower part of bowels?
(A) We have just been trying to describe it! Poor circulation!
8. (Q) Why am I unable at times to control my walking, feel so uncertain in my feet and
then break out in cold perspiration?
(A) The lower limbs are as if they were numb.
9. (Q) Any other advice for my better welfare?
(A) We would do this and, as we find, we would bring the better conditions for this body.

2.EC: Yes, we have the body here; this we have had before.
3. While there are some changes and some conditions that are improved since last we had
same here, the acute conditions that are the more disturbing in the present are those of the
varicose veins - that are the more aggravating and tiring to the body. Thus the great
distress that is caused when the body is on the feet for any great length of time; causing not
only the disorders through the lower limbs and thighs but in the feet also. 4. And this
general pressure, with the body attempting to go, causes the nerve pressures that become
reflexly aggravating throughout the body. 5. Parts of this, of course, have a reflex in the
general condition which has existed - where superacidity has caused distress. And this has
caused undue activity to the kidneys as well. 6. As we find in the present, those pressures
that exist in the lumbar and sacral axis, as well as in the lower portion - or coccyx end of
the spine - are the areas that need the more adjustment to alleviate those tendencies for the
circulation that carries blood away from the heart, and yet is so slow in the return of same;
thus causing the enlarging of the veins in the lower limbs. 7. We would also take Mullein
Tea. This should be made of the fresh, green, tender leaves. Pour a pint of boiling water
over an ounce of the Mullein leaves and let steep for about twenty to thirty minutes. Then
strain and keep in the ice box, so that it may be kept fresh. Take about an ounce to an
ounce and a half of this each day. Make this fresh at least every two to three days. Keep
this up, and it will aid in the circulation, in the elimination of the character of acid in
system, and aid in the circulation through the veins - that are disturbing. 8. When there is
the ability to rest, apply the Mullein Stupes to the areas in knee and along the thigh, and
just below the knee where the veins are the more severe. But the Tea taken internally will
be more effective. 9. Do keep up eliminations.10. Massage the feet and lower limbs daily
in a tannic acid solution, or that preferably obtained from using old coffee grounds - which
carries a mild tannic acid well as other properties that would be beneficial - that is, the
coffee made from same, see? Boil these and use these, as well as the liquid, to bathe feet in
- of evenings. 11. Do have the corrections osteopathically made in lumbar-sacral axis,
AND the coccyx area; and coordinate the rest of the body, for the tiredness and for the
relaxing of the nerves, when these are done.
12. (Q) Why do I have that soreness in my right side; sometimes so severe when I turn or
reach quickly?
(A) This is more of the pressure from the irritations of the nerves from the lumbar and axis
areas as indicated. This is the pressure upon the nerves that extend to the brachial center,
and thus to arms and shoulders, and through a portion of the lung. But it is not an
involvement in the lung, it is the encasement - or the pleura; the nerves to this area, and is
a sympathetic reaction in its nature. [Pleurisy?]
13. (Q) Do I wear the correct shoe?
(A) This is very good. It would be well if the elastic stocking were worn when standing on
feet a long time.
14. (Q) Why do I have the blur over my eyes at times?
(A) Taxation, weakness, and the general debilitation. The body needs a long, long rest.
15. (Q) I have had four or five colonics and they haven't seemed to help me at all. Should I
take them?
(A) For the body in the present we would take regularly for several days the Senna Tea.
Take this of evening when ready to retire. Then after it has been taken for several days,
regularly, have a colonic. And this will bring better results. Then, after a week, repeat this
again, and it will for this body bring better results. Do that.
16. (Q) Are my kidneys alright?
(A) As indicated, the pressures and irritations, and especially the areas of the lumbar axis
and the coccyx cause the overactivity, and sparse or scarce activity - also the superacidity
in the body produces the irritation.17. But do that indicated and we will bring better
1. EC: Yes, we have the body [1093].
2. Now, as we find, in many respects the physical forces of the body are very good. Yet
there are disturbing conditions which have been gradually building. And at times, when
there are disturbances either from congestion, cold, exposure, or from an overactivity in
those necessary influences that arise at times (from pulling, moving or lifting), these make
for conditions that become rather aggravating.
3. But, as we find, these may be materially aided. 4. Then, these are the conditions as we
find them with this body, [1093] we are speaking of: 5. THE BLOOD SUPPLY, this
indicates something of an impoverishment. Not that it is weak, as it were, in those
necessary influences in the cellular forces, but rather in those abilities to make for that
necessary element IN the white or leukocyte force to produce proper coagulation. 6. Hence
from those conditions that have arisen from times back, by something of an injury to the
end of the spine (by a fall, apparently), there has gradually been a slowing up of the
circulation. Hence there has been produced in the lower limbs and in the feet a distress that
has taken on the form of varicose veins - or a filling of these without their EMPTYING
properly back into the system. This slowing in itself naturally causes a drawing upon the
luekocyte or the lymph circulation. Thus there is the tendency for this to become at times
overcharged, but the more OFTEN less efficient in the ability for the coagulation to be
normal in those particular portions of the body. 7. These tendencies, from the circulation,
tend to make for pressures then through the weakening of the body in its physical
reactions; sometimes to the organs themselves. For the kidney and the bladder become at
times involved (not always) in the conditions. And the greater warnings would be in these
directions. For by this gradually rebuilding, or this gradually building for resistances, there
would be made a greater impaction in the veins themselves. Thus eventually, unless
precautions are now taken or unless there are those activities to remove the causes, there
would be the necessity of REMOVING some of these veins - through either operative
measures or by the draining and cauterizing of same through other methods that are being
attempted in some of those directions. 8. THE NERVE FORCES OF THE BODY, in
these, to be sure, through the strains, there is produced a nervous reaction at times making
for an irritability; not only in the mental reactions but for the general or for the whole
system. While the natural inclinations or tendencies are for an even temperedness, an even
reaction, these conditions become very much exaggerated or active upon the body in such
manners as to produce irritability. This naturally calls for a flow into the blood supply of
the effluvium that makes for weakening rather than for aiding in a betterment of the
9. THE ORGANIC REACTIONS, as indicated, the weakening of the body through these
stresses make for strains in the organs; though not a great deal of strain is experienced save
at periods when there is - through those manners as indicated - a congestion or a
destructive influence or force brought to bear upon the body.10. THEN, IN MAKING
FOR CORRECTIVE MEASURES, AS WE FIND. 11. We would take three to four
PERIODS (not three to four treatments, but three to four PERIODS of treatments), with
osteopathic adjustments and massage - as follows: 12. Three times each week for a period
of two to three weeks we would have the corrections osteopathically, especially in the
coccyx, the lumbar and the lower dorsal area. 13. Then we would have a rest period from
the adjustments for two to three weeks, during which rest period (not so much during the
period the adjustments are being made, but during the rest period) we would have each
evening before retiring a massage of the limbs. This may be done by self or by one close
attending same, but the massage would always be TOWARD the body, see? For such
massaging, use oils; not those that would tend to penetrate or inter-penetrate to deeper
tissue, but those that tend to make for a flexibility in the nerve ends and the supply. Hence
we would combine equal parts of Olive Oil, Tincture of Myrrh and Compound Tincture of
Benzoin. Heat the Olive Oil and add the others. This massage would be done each evening,
while during the adjustment period it may be done every OTHER evening, or less often -
or not at all; but during the adjustment period of rest (or rest period from the adjustments)
be sure the massage is given EACH evening. Begin at the toes, through the bursae of the
feet, especially around the ankle and the heel bursae; then to the inner portion and around
the calf and the heel bursae; then to the inner portion and around the calf of the leg, to the
knee, and then up to the thigh - through the whole portion to the groin, especially;
massaging toward the body all the time. 14. After the end of the rest period, then begin the
adjustments again. And continue in this manner until there have been three to FOUR
periods of the adjustments AND of the massage.15. Then there should be a vast difference.
After that, however, we would give further instructions; for there will be the necessity of
equalizing or ionizing the blood and nerve forces in these extremities.16. At times (though
this will become rather irritating), it will be well for the body to use the elastic stocking,
very tight. But if this becomes irritating, remove and use rather the cloth that may be
wound around same, see? This, of course, should be taken off when the massages are
given, or during the period of the massages - at the rest period from the adjustments. 17. In
the matter of the diet, keep very much in those things that have been outlined for the diet;
those that do not make for too great a strain upon the activities of the kidneys or the
bladder. But drink plenty of water, that these refuses may be washed - as it were - by the
activity of these applications through the system.18. Do these, for these periods, and then
we would give further instructions.

1.EC: Yes, we have the body here. Now we find this body very good throughout. There are
some abnormal conditions in this body to be corrected for the betterment of the physical
condition of the body. They have to do with the circulation, the blood pressure and the
condition through the lower extremities of the body. 2. Now, these are conditions as we
find them in this body: First, in the blood supply we find over quantity of blood both in the
building force of blood itself and the blood supply proper. The blood being too heavy for
the whole body, this producing fullness through the capillary circulation with the strain on
the system showing, especially, through the veinous circulation of the lower limbs, also,
the high hepatic circulation produced from the lumbar center, which has been produced in
turn by the nerve condition and taxation of the nervous system through the sacral plexus,
see. In the creative forces of blood supply through the lymphatic circulation shows through
the over-abundant of creation of tissue or of secretions throughout the whole system, this
producing overstimulation to the glands that function through secretive organs, producing
throughout the system the overtaxed condition of the body.
3. Through the nervous systems we find the body better than it has been in times back,
there being created through the mental forces to overcome the condition created in the
sacral plexus forces that hinders the circulation in its returning to trunk portion of body,
producing enlarged tissues or veins in portions of the system, the forces in the sympathetic
being overactive in their functioning producing sympathetic conditions through the
lymphatic centers and secretions as given. 4. In the functioning of the organs themselves
we find, except of functional conditions, at times the body very good, no specific organic
conditions showing through the system, yet in the overtaxed conditions, organs of the torso
suffers at times from the over-activity of pressure in circulation as well as strain from the
nervous systems through sympathetic conditions.5. To bring the equilibrium of the nerve
centers governing the circulation and to produce in the physical forces those action and
reaction to the muscular and nerve centers we would first take into the system, those
properties of the nature to produce the relaxation to the circulation in its building
functioning, take this: 6. To one gallon of rain water add, first,
Wild Cherry bark.......................4 ounces,
Yellow root............................2 ounces,
Black Haw bark.........................2 ounces,
Dogwood bark...........................2 ounces.
7. Reduce by simmering, not boiling, to one quart, strain, while warm add:
Grain alcohol..........................6 ounces, with
Balsam of Peru.........................2 drams, see.
8. The dose would be two teaspoonsful three times each day after meals. Upon retiring the
body should take the exercise to the lower limbs to assist the centers with their invigorated
forces from medicinal properties to force the blood supply to the trunk portion of body and
so equalize the circulation throughout the system. Drink plenty of water and keep the
intestinal tract well open throughout the equalizing of the conditions in the system. Do
9. (Q) Now Mr. Cayce, what kind of exercise do you refer to upon retiring?
(A) With the body lying prone, that is, upon the back, see, the limbs drawn up and
extended and kept in the circular motion for some two to three minutes each evening, see,
the limbs raised high, see, then extended and kept in this circular bending motion to force,
with the medicinal properties, the equalizing of the blood forces. Do not remove by
operative forces, see, but by the absorption and by the equalizing of the circulation in the
body. The exercises taken in the evening or at time of retiring so that the body has
advantage of the physical rest of the body and gives the subconscious or superconscious
forces their incentives to carry the healing forces to the body, see.
2. EC: Yes - we have the body here - this we have had before.
3. As we find, there continues to be a much greater activity in the deep or internal
circulation than in the superficial. Here especially we find this indicated in the manner in
which the veins in the limbs show the fullness, and where - as indicated - the disturbing or
the rupture of same has caused and does cause disturbing conditions in the immediate. 4. If
a better superficial circulation will be stimulated by deeper stimulation, osteopathically, to
the lumbar and sacral area - and, of course, go UPWARD; coordinating the dorsal and
upper dorsal and cervicals with same - we will find better conditions for the body.
5. As to the specific disturbances - we find this is not what would be called superficial
infection, but rather in the nature of the INABILITY of the slowed circulation to carry
away from the area the poisons and accumulations - by the very nature and character of the
condition itself; that is, as combined with the general condition, see?
6. Then, with the lack of the superficial circulation being nominal, the abilities of
coagulation - or healing abilities in the blood supply have become impaired.
7. While we find that the present applications [plantain?] are beneficial, there will be
required the more active influence of ELIMINATIONS for the system.
8. And here, owing to the diet, we find that the minerals as an eliminant - as with oils -
would be preferable to the vegetable compound as an eliminant. Hence as we find, if there
would be a course of the Crazy Crystals taken, this would materially aid - with the
osteopathic corrections - in bringing a better balance to the system. 9. And if the present
local application is not effective, or does not combine with these other suggestions to bring
relief - or if the place becomes angry again - we would then use Iodex as combined with
the Animated Ash. As we have indicated for such, the proportions would be about three
grains of the Animated Ash to an ounce of the Iodex - but this thoroughly, of course,
mixed together; using mortar and pestle. These will assist in producing such conditions as
to make for healing, as well as purifying the areas ABOUT the abrasion or eruption.10. Do
11. (Q) How often should the osteopathic treatments be given?
(A) During this particular siege or period, as we find about twice a week - and four
SHOULD be sufficient; and then they may be much farther apart - for the general
correction. This will require DEEP osteopathic manipulations in lumbar and sacral area,
and with special reference to the locomotions for the sciatic centers. Do these.

EC: Yes, we have the body here; this we have had before.
3. As we find, there are many changes in the physical forces of this body since last we had
same here. Most of these we find show considerable improvements. 4. In the present we
find there are those disturbances which are causing anxiety, owing to the general weakened
condition which at one time existed. There is the weakening of the cellular forces as
related to veins on the lower limbs.
5. These may be materially aided WITHOUT operative measures. But if there is the
continued necessity for using the limbs, or standing on them a great deal, or walking long
distances and the like, without the time to give a chance for that as might be applied to
react as a helpful influence, - then we find that the operative measures might become
necessary - or might be better; though this would require a long period of rest, AND the
disturbance as produced by same later would possibly cause more trouble than exists in the
present. 6. Thus the body must of necessity choose for itself.
7. There are also those conditions that are not fully corrected in the muscular forces above
the kidney, and across and below the kidney area. This is partially from toxic forces arising
from a kidney disorder, and partially from the general conditions in the body. 8. As we
find in the present, to remove the disturbance or to be benefited: 9. We would begin with
osteopathic adjustments twice each week, until at least fourteen such treatments are taken;
with special reference to the areas from which the lower limbs obtain their impulse for
circulation, - that is, through the sacral, the lumbar, and even to the 9th dorsal.
10. When necessary for a lot of activity we would wear the elastic stocking over those
11. Each evening before retiring, following a tepid bath - either a sponge bath, shower or
tub - massage the body with an equal combination of Olive Oil and Tincture of Myrrh.
Heat the Oil to add the Myrrh.
12. Do this, and with the general precautions as to diet, as to activities, we will make for
better conditions.
13. If the varicose conditions become so serious as to BREAK, then it would be necessary
to resort to operative measures.

EC: Yes, we have the body here, [2461].

3. Now as we find, there are rather those conditions that are as tendencies or inclinations in
the present. While in the present these only occasionally give distresses that become acute
in their reactions, they are gradually undermining the better physical health. Hence
corrections need to be made in the present, while the causes may be the more easily
eliminated. 4. These have to do with the metabolism of the system and the effects that are
created through the assimilating and eliminating systems. 5. Then, these are conditions as
we find them with this body, [2461] we are speaking of: 6. First, in the blood supply, - here
we find indications of toxic poisons through the system. The effect is indicated in the
unbalancing of the blood pressure at times, the torpidity of the liver in its activity, as
combined with the effects of mucous in pockets through the colon itself. 7. These
conditions produce the restlessness at times; the little or slight headaches, the dullness that
appears, the easily being tired, the bad breath of mornings especially, a feeling of scum
upon the palate, and the irritation that is indicated in and through the acidity produced in
the body. 8. There is irregularity with the eliminations from the kidneys and bladder, and
some distress in this area at times, - which is also indicated by pressures in the lumbar and
sacral axis, especially that produces a slowing of the circulation through the lower limbs
and the dilation in the veins in portions of the limbs themselves.9. We find that these are
the effects, then, of this toxic force that is produced by the pressure existing in the
distribution of energies and circulation in the lower extremities, from the 9th dorsal
downward - as well as from that which has been and is a part of the condition by an excess
of carbonated forces upon the system itself, combined at times with a toxic condition
produced by strong drink.10. These as we find are the SOURCES of this conditions.11.
The acidity is producing disturbances more and more through the digestive system, as well
as those influences upon the liver itself. This is causing a lesion in the upper dorsals and
lower cervicals that is a part of the whole general condition.
12. The affectation is to the organs as indicated, - the liver, the assimilating system, the
colon, the activity of the kidneys, and those conditions in the superficial circulation; or the
plethora in the veins - or varicose veins are showing their effect, which tends to make for
slowing of activities through the body.
13. Also these will and do produce the inability of the quick mental reaction as should be
the general activity of the body itself. 14. In making applications that would improve or
eliminate these causes through the system, we find that these conditions should be taken
rather seriously. Not that the conditions are serious in the present, but might easily become
such.15. First we would begin with taking ENO SALTS as an eliminant; a heaping
teaspoonful each morning before any meal is taken, for at least a ten day period. Then
leave off a week, then take again, and so on, until the toxic condition is relieved.
16. After the first ten day period of taking the Eno Salts, begin with the general
hydrotherapy treatments.
17. The hydrotherapy treatments - once each week - should include the sweats, the
massage and the rubdowns. These should be taken until at least ten such have been given,
18. And during that ten week period there should be given at least two or more colonic
irrigations, - these about a week apart in the beginning; and continue these until there is
little or no mucous indicated in the stool when these are given. 19. After the hydrotherapy
treatments have been completed, - that is, the full course of them as outlined; then have at
least six to eight osteopathic adjustments, with special reference to those conditions in the
3rd and 4th dorsal and the lower cervicals, and from the 9th dorsal to the lower portion of
the sacral - special reference to these, see?
20. As for the diets and other activities, these should be carefully watched from the first
and carried throughout the whole period of the changes that are necessary for the better
21. Throughout the whole period, refrain from these:
22. Do not eat fried foods. 23. Do not take carbonated waters or drinks.
24. Do not use malted or distilled spirits in ANY form, see?
25. PURIFY the system. 26. Drink plenty of water at ALL times. Occasionally, at least
once each week, put a lithia tablet in the drinking water. 27. As for other foods, - no red or
rare meats. If meats are taken, preferably use fish, fowl or lamb.28. Let one meal each day
consist principally, or a great portion of it, of raw vegetables; especially such as carrots,
lettuce, celery and the like. Prepare these differently almost each time, so that they do not
become burdensome to the body. 29. Not too much of coffee or tea, and neither of these
with milk or cream in same! 30. Do these, being persistent and consistent, and we will find
we will eliminate those causes and have a much nearer normal condition.
31. Because the body feels better, after any portion of those applications outlined, do not
go without completing the whole series indicated - if the best results would be obtained.
32. (Q) What should be done for sore gums from false teeth?
(A) Eliminate the poisons and the acidity from the system, and these will be helped.
Locally, if the gums are massaged with Ipsab it will be helpful. But the sources are acidity
in the system.
33. (Q) Why does lime form on teeth in unusual thickness, and what should be done about
(A) As indicated, it is from the impurities - or toxic conditions through the system. Do
these things indicated, and we will eliminate the causes.

2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [5037].

3. As we find there are disturbances in the physical forces of the body. These are the result
of accidents to the body. These need some definite physical and mechanical attention.4.
There was not as much precaution taken with this body at those periods of childbirth as
there should have been. There were pressures created in the lumbar and sacral and along
those areas where blood flow returns from or through arterial circulation, which cause the
activities when blood returns in veins to produce a plethoric condition along the inside of
the limbs. This gives a great deal of distress to the body at times. 5. Do keep off of the feet
as much as practical through at least ten days or two weeks of these applications that may
be suggested for the body, and there will be the ability to bring much bettered conditions.
6. These are results in the physical. In the physical they must be met. While the body has
an attunement to the mental and spiritual aspects of conditions within and without the
body, these are results in the physical. Let's meet them in the physical. 7. THEN the
keeping of the correct mental attitude will be much more effective for this body. 8. There
first needs to be osteopathically, or neuropathically, corrections made in the lumbar and
sacral area, especially the connecting of the association of the return flow through the areas
of blood from extremities to body; thus relieving the stresses and pressures made upon
portions of the body.
9. Do apply Mullein Stupes over the areas where there is the engorging of the veins, at
least twice a week. Gather the mullein leaves, bruise these and pour boiling water over
them (in an enamel pan or glass container, not aluminum nor tin). Then place over the
affected areas. 10. Take internally each day about two-thirds of a teacup of Mullein Tea.
Use dried mullein for this - a pinch between thumb and forefinger, put in a cup and pour
boiling water over same, allowing to set for thirty minutes. Strain off, cool and drink just
about two-thirds of a cup, daily. 11. Do have regular rest periods, and at least for the ten
days or two weeks that these treatments are followed, rest with the feet gently propped
high, or as high as or higher than the head. 12. Thus with these massages, with these
applications, we will bring relief for the tensions in the limbs, this tiredness across the
abdominal area, and better conditions for the body.
13. How may I grow strong enough to do the work I'm supposed to do?
14.(A) Do the things indicated here. Rest, as well as apply those things to remove nerve
tension that takes the strength of the body. Don't try to do with the mental self that which
must be done for the body in the mechanical manner.

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