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General Ledger

Medina Information Service

Cash Account no. 101

Explanation Ref Debit
Sep-01 Issued ordinary - shares for cash 35,000
Sep-04 Paid cash and issued 2 - year 9% note for equipment
Sep-08 Paid september rent
Sep-15 Paid one-year liability insurance
Sep-18 Received cash for delivery services 2,500
Sep-20 Paid salaries for current period
Sep-30 Paid dividends

Account Receivable Account No. 112

Explanation Ref Debit
Sep-30 Doing Services 2,000

Prepaid Insurance Account No. 130

Explanation Ref Debit
Sep-15 Paid one year liability insurance with cash 400

Equipment Account No. 155

Explanation Ref Debit
Sep-04 Paid with cash and notes for 2 year 9% 30,000

Accounts Payable Account No. 201

Explanation Ref Debit
Sep-25 Received a bill for September utilities

Notes Payable Account No. 205

Explanation Ref Debit
Sep-04 Note for equipment

Share Capital-Ordinary Account No. 311

Explanation Ref Debit
Sep-01 Issued ordinary shares for cash

Dividends Account No. 332

Explanation Ref Debit
Sep-30 Paid with cash 1,800

Service Revenue Account No.400

Explanation Ref Debit
Sep-18 Paid with cash
Sep-30 Paid off debt (Account Receivable)
Rent Expense Account No.719
Explanation Ref Debit
Sep-08 Paid september rent with cash 1,000

Salaries and Wages Expense Account No. 726

Explanation Ref Debit
Sep-20 Paid with cash 500

Utilities Expense Account No. 735

Explanation Ref Debit
Sep-25 Unpaid (Include on Account Payable) 600
General Ledger
edina Information Service

ccount no. 101

Debit Credit Balance
35,000 35,000
10,000 25,000
1,000 24,000
400 23,600
2,500 26,100
500 25,600
1,800 23,800

ccount No. 112

Debit Credit Balance
2,000 2,000

ccount No. 130

Debit Credit Balance
400 400

ccount No. 155

Debit Credit Balance
30,000 30,000

ccount No. 201

Debit Credit Balance
600 600

ccount No. 205

Debit Credit Balance
20,000 20,000

ccount No. 311

Debit Credit Balance
35,000 35,000

ccount No. 332

Debit Credit Balance
1,800 1,800

ccount No.400
Debit Credit Balance
2,500 2,500
2,000 4,500
ccount No.719
Debit Credit Balance
1,000 1,000

ccount No. 726

Debit Credit Balance
500 500

ccount No. 735

Debit Credit Balance
600 600

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