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“The world is not ours, the earth is not ours, it’s a treasure we hold in trust for the future
generations”, aiming that the humanity will be dignitary of the credence they have given to us.

Did you know that destroying the environment can easily bring a negative impact in our
lives? Did you ever know how dangerous is that to our health? Now more than ever, calling the presence
of the youth nowadays is what essentially needed predominantly the students that entail knowledgeable
learning’s on how to take care of the Earth. World Environment Day serves as an avenue reminding us of
all the sacrifices that Earth has given to us and  everything that we should be doing to protect and
preserve it. Therefore, we have come up with a list of Goals to save the Earth in simple ways.

There are things we can do to protect our earth and environment. Reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Cut down on what you throw away. Follow the three "R's" to conserve natural resources and landfill
space. Volunteer. Volunteer for cleanups in your community. You can get involved in protecting your
watershed, too. Educate. When you further your own education, you can help others understand the
importance and value of our natural resources. Conserve water. The less water you use, the less runoff
and wastewater that eventually end up in the ocean. Choose sustainable. Shop wisely. Buy less plastic
and bring a reusable shopping bag. Use long-lasting light bulbs. Energy efficient light bulbs reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. Also flip the light switch off when you leave the room! Plant a tree. Trees
provide food and oxygen. They help save energy, clean the air, and help combat climate change. Don't
send chemicals into our waterways. Choose non-toxic chemicals in the home and office.

Protecting our planet is starts with us. The environment has totally shown love and care to the
humanity. Our beloved Earth is not just the one that must work but also the people inhabiting it. What is
given can be taken. Let’s not forget that Earth is giving us life. Take care of it and it will continue paving
prosperity; neglect it and it will wreak havoc upon us all. You know what’s right or wrong. You
understand what’s good or bad. All you got to do is to act upon it. Let’s all work hand-in-hand for Mother
Activity 3

1. What are SDG’s and why do you think it has to be studied?

The Sustainable Development Goals – also known as SDGs – are designed to bring people
together to improve life around the world. Created by the United Nations, they are a set of common goals
to help us overcome global challenges like poverty, inequality, climate change, and more.

The SDG agenda is the only way forward to address the global sustainability challenge of
ensuring human well‐being, economic prosperity, and environmental protection. For this, all SDGs need
to act as a system of interacting cogwheels that together move the global system into the safe and just
operating space. No SDG will do that individually, and the whole SDGs should not be seen as an additive
structure but as a system of synergistic re‐enforcement.

2. How will SDG’s be achieved? Why? Why not?

Sustainable development is the main practice which helps us to protect our environment from any
issue. It can be achieved by many ways like- by using renewable resources frequently without harming
our nature at all so we could achieve it then only. Preservation and proper utilization of natural resources.
Establishment of social solidarity through open communication between the government and the people.
Equal distribution of wealth, in such a way that poverty is alleviated.

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