Designer Egg/ Functional Egg/Diet Egg: Egg Components and Major Nutrients (60 G)

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Designer Egg/ Functional Egg/Diet Egg

Designer eggs are those which the nutrient content has been modified from
the standard egg in order to have health promoting function. Thus functional
eggs are those specially produced eggs which supply additional nutrients and
health promoting components like vitamins, chelated minerals, anti-oxidants,
omega-3- fatty acids, anti-carcinogenic, anti-aging, cardiac friendly and immune
modulating functions.

 Egg is already rich in many nutrients, whereas functional egg is not only rich
in many nutrients, but supplies various substances that improve immunity,
reduces blood pressure and over all health of consumers.
Egg components and major nutrients (60 g)

Yolk Albumen Shell Total

Wet weight (g) 19.0 35.0 6.0 60
Dry weight (g) 10.0 4.2 5.9 20.1
Protein (%) 17.0 11.0 3.0
(g) 3.2 3.9 0.2 7.3
Fat (%) 32.0 - -
(g) 6.0 6.0
Carbohydrate (%) 1.0 1.0 -
(g) 0.2 0.4 - 0.6
Minerals (%) 1.0 0.6 95.0
(g) 0.2 0.2 5.7 6.1
Vitamin and Mineral composition of contents Egg (60 g)

A (IU) 300
D3 (IU) 30
E (IU) 2
K (mg) 0.02
B1 (mg) 0.06
B2 (mg) 0.18
B6 (mg) 0.20
B 12 (mg) 0.001
Pantothenic acid (mg) 1.2
Folacin (mg) 0.008
Niacin (mg) 0.06
Choline (mg) 350
Biotin (mg) 0.01
Calcium 30
Phosphorus 130
Sodium 75
Chloride 100
Potassium 80
Magnesium 7
Manganese 2
Iron 1
Copper 2
Zinc 1
Iodine 0.02
Selenium 0.01

Omega -3- fatty acids-

 Omega 3 fatty acids are EPA (20:5 5,8,11,14,17) and DHA (22:64,7, 10,13,16,19 ) derived
from fish oils and ALA (alpha linolenic acid,18:3 9,12,15) from plant oils.
 Under natural conditions the chicken egg contains a ratio of 17.2 of omega 6
to omega 3 fatty acids.( 1.9 g=linoleic acid, 0.03 g ALA, 0.08 g EPA +DHA,
1.9/0.11= 17.2)
 But designer egg contains lower ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids.i.e.
n6:n3= 1.27 (1.4 g n6, 0.7 g ALA and 0.4 g EPA and DHA= 1.4/1.1= 1.27)
 There is a strong evidence that lower ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids
is more desirable in reducing the risk of many chronic diseases like cardio
vascular disease, hypertension, cancer, inflammatory and auto immune
diseases, TG, LDL,VLDL, atherosclerosis and stroke also retina and brain
 In corporation of 2 % fish oil or 10% Sardine fish in layer ration significantly
improve the omega 3 fatty acids.
 Low omega 3 fatty acids are associated with under development of brain,
visual activity, heart disease, cancer, inflammatory conditions, arthritis etc.
 Fatty acids composition of various fish oils reveals that they are very good
sources of n-fatty acids especially EPA 9.6-17%) and DHA (6-10%) in Salmon,
Herring, Sardine fishes.
 Among vegetable sources Linseed oil/Flax seeds oil contains ALA about 52-

55% (550 g/kg of oil).

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