(Section "A") (Short Question Answers) Marks:20

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(Section “A”)(Short question answers) Marks:20

Note: Attempt any 10 questions.
Q.No.1. What is Chemistry?
Q.No.2. Define mole? And Gives examples.
Q.No.3. What is difference between theory and hypothesis?
Q.No.4. State the law of conservation of mass?
Q.No.5. What is empirical formula? Give an examples
Q.No.6. The atomic masses of 17Cl35(75%) and 17Cl37(25%) calculate the average atomic
mass of chlorine.
Q.No.7. Define any five branches of chemistry?
Q.No.8. C14 and N14 both have same mass number yet they are different elements explain?
Q.No.9. Outline main points of Dalton Atomic theory?
Q.No.10. Define any two terms: 1) Atomic Num. 2) Isotopes 3) Mass Number
Q.No.11. Calculate the number of moles in 30 g of each:
1) CO2 2) H2O 3) Na Cl 4) Mg . C=12 , O=16, H=1, Na=23, Cl=35.5, Mg=24
Q.No.12. Discus Rutherford’s gold metal foil experiment.
Q.No.13. What is combination reaction? Give an example
Q.No.14. Define three properties cathode rays?

Section “B”(Long question answers) Marks:20

Note: Attempt any 02 questions. Q.No.18 is compulsory

Q.No.15. What is chemical reaction? What are its different types? Explain with examples
Q.No.16. (a) Describe discovery of proton?
(b) What is law of multiple proportion? Explain with examples
Q.No.17. What important role chemistry plays in the society?
Q.No.18. Balancing the chemical equations and also mention types of chemical reaction?
1) KNO3 --------------------- KNO2 + O2
2) CH4 + O2 --------------------- CO2 +H2O
3) KClO3 --------------------- KCl + O2
4) H2+O2 --------------------- H2O
5) CO+O2 --------------------- CO2
Section “C”(Objective type) Marks:20
Note: Encircle the correct option overwriting is not allowed

1) Chemical reaction and chemical combinations depends upon.

a) Physical Properties b)Electronic configuration c)None
2) In water hydrogen and oxygen are present in the ratio of
a) 1:8 b) 2:12 c) 2:3
3) Relative atomic mass of 3O2 is
a) 48 b)144 c)180
4) Which of the following can be separated by physical method
a) Compound b) Mixture c) Radical
5) The information obtain from observation is called
a) Fact b) Theory c) Principul d) Law
6) The symbol of sodium is
a) Ag b) Na c)Fe d)K
Write True or False:

7) Atomic number of sodium is 23. (T/F)

8) Electron was discovered by J.J Thomson (T/F)
9) The symbol of atomic number is A (T/F)
10) Al-Razi prepared ethylalcohol by fermentation (T/F)
11) The formula of calcium carbonate is CaCO3 (T/F)
12) Atoms of same elements having same atomic number but different atomic mass.(T/F)
13) In natural atom the number of proton are always equal to number of e- (T/F)

Fill in the Blanks:

14) PVC which is plastics is the short name for ……………….

15) Biochemistry is the backbone of …………………………..
16) The symbol of sodium is …………………………………….
17) Oxygen was discovered by …………………………………
18) 18 g of H2O contain ………….. molecules.
19) The formula of Sodium chloride is…………………………
20) The best disinfectant is …………………………………….


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