Benigno Aquino Undelivered Speech Questions

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First Impressions 
A. What are your first impressions about the undelivered speech?
- my first impressions about the undelivered speech are it is dignified and eye-
B. What kind of document is it (letter, ad, newspaper, etc.)?
- The document is a speech.
II. Looking More Closely 
A. Make a list of unusual or unfamiliar words or phrases you encountered while
reading the speech. (give at least 5)
1. Habeas corpus
2. Subversion
3. Bypass
4. Communist
5. Curbed
B. Is there a specific date on the speech? If so, when is it? If there is none, are there
clues that might indicate when it was written?
- There was no specific date when Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. wrote this speech,
but there is a clue that suggested when might this document was written. He arrived on
August 21, 1983, which can be a clue when he wrote it.
C. Is there an indicated location? Where is it?
- He stated that he returned from the United States of America for a heart bypass
surgery; therefore, he must be in the Philippines at this time.
D. Who authored the document? Why did you say so?
- It is Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. because he wrote it using the first point of view,
and he was writing his deliberations and experiences.
E. To whom was the written document addressed? How did you know?
- The document addresses the people who were against him and did not believe
him because he spoke in a manner of justifying himself and his beliefs.
F. What is the purpose of the document? What made you think so?
- The purpose of the document is to inform people that justice cannot be
achieved only through military solutions but can also be achieved through nonviolence.

III. Thinking Further

A. What do you think is the most important information that the author of the document
was conveying? Why?
- I think the most crucial information that the author was conveying is the fight for
freedom and rights of every Filipino and the stop of economic, political, and social
B. Does the document convey a certain tone? What is it?
- Yes, it conveys a specific tone; it is serious.
C. What is the point of view of the author? Is it objective? Why?
- According to Julie Eshbaugh, in her article, an objective point of view involves
no emotions and thoughts of the passage. Otherwise, the speech of Senator Benigno
Aquino Jr. includes his feelings and ideas. The point of view of the author is, therefore,
not objective but rather subjective.
E. What is the relationship between the writer and the audiences? Explain.
- The relationship between the writer and the spectators is professional. It seems
that there is an unresolved matter between them.
IV. Drawing Conclusion
Integrate your background knowledge of the context of the speech with the content of
the speech. What conclusions can you draw about the historical period when the
speech was written?
This speech connects to the seven acts of defiance of Senator Benigno Aquino
Jr. against the dictatorship of President Ferdinand Marcos. During their time, I conclude
that there must be violence and economic, political, and social conflict that happened
amongst the Filipino people and the country Philippines, which convicts the Senator to
go against President Ferdinand Marcos. These facts are evident in the released news
back in 2014 and from the speech written by the Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. himself.

Eshbaugh, J. (2010). Point of View — First Person, Third Person, or Objective?
Arroyo, J. (2014, August 28). Ninoy six acts of defiance. The Filipino Express, pp. 8, 14.

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