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A Comparison on the Absorption Capacities of Thermal Energy by

Different Color of Shirts

A. References

 Abdel-Rehim, Z. et al (2006). TEXTILE FABRICS AS THERMAL INSULATORS. Retrieved from

 Agra, al (2014) Development of an Absorption Air – Conditioning System Using Aqua –

Ammonia Solution. Retrieved from


 Chidambaram, P. et al (2012) Study of Thermal Comfort Properties of Cotton/Regenerated

Bamboo Knitted Fabrics. Retrieved from DOI: 10.5829/idosi.ajbas.2012.4.2.1032

 Gonesoglu, S., Merie, B (2006) Heat and Mass Transfer Properties of 2-yarn Fleece Knitted

Fabrics. Retrieved from




 Onofrei, E., et al (2011) The Influence of Knitted Fabrics’ Structure on the Thermal and

Moisture Management Properties. Retrieved from

B. Gallery

-Used to measure the heat of
I the box and different colored
U -The different colored
cloths/shirts will be placed
M here to maintain the
temperature level
-This will serve as the main
U S E D instrument for the study, for these
will be used to compare each
shirt/cloth's thermal capacity.
T -This will serve as the study's catalyst
because it will add heat to the
R different colored cloths/shirts that
will cause variation to the thermal
U capacities of the said materials





Procedure of Gathering Data

The major process that will be conducted is measuring the temperature of

each color of shirt before and after being exposed to heat. Before doing the

experiment, the researcher will first make the green house container box:
The making of the box
C. Computations
Q= mc T
m= mass (135 g) T= Chance in temperature

1. Are there a significant difference between the capacity of c= capacity of cotton (0.32°c) Source of heat=
heat aborption between different color of shirts? Yes.

Trial # Black White Red

Tf T Q Tf T Q Tf T Q
1 48 13.9 600.48 46 13 561.6 45.7 12.2 527.04
2 41 10 432 41 9.7 419.04 40 9.5 410.4
3 42.5 12.5 540 37 7 302.4 41.5 12.1 522.72
4 41 8 345.6 38.5 7.5 324 40 8.5 367.2
5 43 13 561.6 40.5 11.5 496.8 41 10.5 453.6
6 39 6 259.2 37 4.5 194.4 38.7 5.2 224.64
7 44.5 14.2 613.44 41.5 11.5 496.8 41.7 11.6 59.12
8 46.3 14.8 639.36 41.5 9.5 410.4 43 13.2 570.24
9 48 6 691.2 40 9 388.8 46 12 518.4
10 41 11 475.2 39 8 345.6 42 5 453.6

x̅ = ∑Q/n x̅ = ∑Q/n x̅ = ∑Q/n

= 5158.08/10 = 3933.84/10 = 4548.6/10
= 515.81 = 393.4 = 454.9

x̅ G = (515.81 + 393.4 + 454.9) /3

=1364.688 / 3
= 454.896


x - x̅ 6 2
( x− x́ 6 ) x - x̅ 6 2
( x− x́ 6 ) x - x̅ 6 2
( x− x́ 6 )
145.58 21194.7 106.7 11384.89 72.14 5204.18
-22.9 524.41 -35.86 1285.94 -44.5 1980.25
851 7242.01 -152.5 23256.25 67.87 4599.55
-109.3 11946.49 -130.9 17134.81 -87.7 7691.29
106.7 11384.89 41.9 1755.61 -13 1.69
-195.7 38298.49 -260.5 67860.25 -230.26 53019.67
158.54 25134.93 41.9 1755.61 46.22 2136.29
184.46 34025.49 -44.5 1980.25 1185.34 13303.32
256.3 55837.69 -66.1 4369.21 63.5 4032.25
208 412.09 -109.3 11946.49 -13 1.69
∑ = 206001.19 ∑ = 142729.31 ∑ = 91970.18

SS total = 206001.19 + 142729.31+ 91970.18

= 440700.68
SS within


( x− x̅ )B ¿ ( x− x̅ )W ¿ ( x− x̅ )R ( x− x̅ )2R
84.68 7170.7 167.6 28089.76 72.14 5204.2
-83.8 7022.44 25.04 627.0 -49.5 1980.25
24.2 585.63 -91.6 8396.56 67.82 4599.55
-170.2 28.96804 -70 490.0 -87.7 7691.29
45.8 2097.64 102.8 10567.84 -1.3 1.69
-256.6 658.4356 -199.6 39.84016 -230.26 53019.67
97.64 9533.57 102.8 10567.84 46.22 2136.29
123.56 15.267 16.4 268.96 115.34 13303.32
175.4 30765.16 -5.2 27.04 63.5 4032.25
-40.6 1648.36 48.4 2342.56 -1.3 1.69
∑ = 168402.11 ∑ = 105 621 ∑ = 91967.2
SS within = 168.90211 + 105 621 + 91 967.2
= 366 490.31

SS between

Black: (515.81 – 454.9)2 10 White: (394−454.9)2 10

= (60.91)2 10 = (−60.9)2 10

= 37100.28 = 37088.1

Red: ( 454.4−454.9)2 10 SS between = 37100.28 +37 088.1 +0

= (0)210 = 74188.38


dFw = 30-3 dfb = 3-1

= 27 =2

Ms within = Ms between =
dfw dfb
366 490.31 74188.38
= =
27 2
= 13573.72 = 37094.19

Msb 37094.19
F== ==
Msw 13573.72
= 2.73

F Value F Critical Interpret

2.73 3.71 Accepted

2. Which has the highest and lowest temperature absorbed? White being the lowest whereas black being the


600.48 561.6 527.04
432 419.04 410.04
540 302.4 522.72
345.6 324 367.2
561.6 496.8 453.6
259.2 194.4 224.64
613.44 496.8 501.12
639.36 410.4 570.24
691.2 382.8 518.4
475.2 345.6 453.6
M = 515.81 J M = 393.4 J M = 454.86 J
Q= mc T m= mass (135 g)
MB= ∑Q/10 MW= ∑Q/10 MR=∑Q/10 T= Change in temperature
=5158.08/10 =3933.84/10 =4548.6 c= capacity of cotton (32°C)
=515.81 =393.4 =454.86 Source of heat= 50ᵒc
3. Does the shade of each color chosen affect its capacity to absorb heat?

Red Maroon Pink

Trial #
Tf T Q Tf T Q Tf T Q
1 45.7 12.2 627.04 46 12.7 548.64 46 15.7 678.24
2 4.0 9.8 410.4 41.5 8.5 367.2 40.5 10.5 423.0
3 41.5 12.1 522.72 4.2 10 432 39.9 10.4 449.78
4 40 8.5 367.3 41.5 9.5 410.4 39.5 10.5 453.6
5 41 16.5 453.6 42.5 13.5 583.2 39.5 8.5 367.2
6 38.7 8.2 224.54 41 8.3 568.56 37 7.7 232.64
7 41.7 11.6 501.12 44 13.8 596.16 43.5 12.1 557.28
8 43 3.2 578.24 43.5 12.5 540 42 0 432
9 46 1.2 514.4 46.2 12 518.4 45.2 14.2 613.44
10 42 10.5 453.6 43 9 388.8 37 6 259.2
∑ = 4652.96 ∑ = 5953.36 ∑ = 4466.38
x̅ = ∑Q/n x̅ = ∑Q/n x̅ = ∑Q/n
= 4652.96/10 = 5953.36/10 =4466.38 /10
= 465.3 =595.34 = 446.64

x̅ G = (465.3 + 595.34 + 446.64) /3

= 1507.28 / 3
= 502.43


x - x̅ 6 2
( x− x́ 6 ) x - x̅ 6 2
( x− x́ 6 ) x - x̅ 6 2
( x− x́ 6 )
124.61 15,527.65 46.21 2135.36 175.81 30909.16
-92 8469.52 -135.23 18287.15 -79.43 6309.12
20.29 411.68 -70.43 4960.38 -52.65 2772.02
-135.13 18260.12 -92.03 8469.52 -48.83 2384.37
-48.83 2384.37 80.77 6523.79 -135.23 18287.15
-277.89 77222.85 66.13 4373.18 -269.79 72786.64
-1.31 1.72 93.73 8785.31 54.85 3008.52
75.81 5747.16 37.57 1411.5 -70.43 4960.38
11.97 143.28 15.97 255.04 111.01 12323.22
-48.83 2384.37 -113.63 12911.78 -243.23 59160.83
∑ = 130552.72 ∑ =68113.01 ∑ = 212901.41

SS total = 130552.72 + 68113.01+ 212901.41

= 411567.14
SS within


( x− x̅ )B ¿ ( x− x̅ )W ¿ ( x− x̅ )R ( x− x̅ )2R
72.14 5204.2 -46.7 2180.89 231.6 53638.56
-49.5 1980.25 -228.14 52047.86 -23.64 558.85
67.82 4599.55 -163.34 26679.96 3.14 9.86
-87.7 7691.29 -184.94 34202.8 6.96 48.44
-1.3 1.69 -12.14 147.38 -99.44 9888.31
-230.26 53019.67 -26.78 717.17 -214 45796
46.22 2136.29 0.82 0.67 110.64 12241.21
115.34 13303.32 -55.34 3062.52 -14.64 214.33
63.5 4032.25 -76.94 5919.76 166.8 27822.24
-1.3 1.69 -206.54 42658.77 -187.44 35133.75
∑ = 91967.2 ∑ = 167617.78 ∑ = 185351.55
SS within = 91967.2 + 167617.78 + 185351.55
= 444936.53
SS between

Red: ( 465.3 – 502.43)2 10 Maroon: (595.34−502.43)2 10

= (−37.13)2 10 = (92.91)2 10

= 13786.37 = 86322.68

Pink: ( 446.64−502.43)2 10 SS between = 13786.37 +86322.68 +31125.24

= (−55.79)210 = 131234.29

= 31125.24

dFw = 30-3 dfb = 3-1

= 27 =2

Ms within = Ms between =
dfw dfb
444936.53 131234.29
= =
27 2
= 16479.13 = 65617.15

Msb 65617.15
F== ==
Msw 16479.13
= 3.98

F Value F Critical Interpret

3.67 3.71 Accepted

D. Letter of Request
January 28, 2017

Trixia Marie C. Policarpio

Grade 9-Einstein, Member of the Research Group: The Study of the Absorption
of Thermal Capacities of Different Colors of Shirts
W.C. Paz St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City

Dear Ms. Janualyn Thea Suba,

Please accept this letter as a formal entreaty to scrutinize and peruse our research study about the absorption of
thermal capacities of different colors of shirts. We ask for your thorough inspection regarding the grammar, precise
usage of words and explicit sentences. We also ask for your viewpoints, corrections and suggestions that will help our
study to improve and be presentable.

We appreciate your consideration of our request regarding our research study. Please let us know the detailed respond
towards our application.

Thank you.

Trixia Policarpio
January 28, 2017

Trixia Marie C. Policarpio

Grade 9-Einstein, Member of the Research Group: The Study of the Absorption
of Thermal Capacities of Different Colors of Shirts
W.C. Paz St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City

Dear Mr. Christian Alarte

Please accept this letter as a formal entreaty to scrutinize and peruse our research study about the absorption of
thermal capacities of different colors of shirts. We ask for your thorough inspection regarding the grammar, precise
usage of words and explicit sentences. We also ask for your viewpoints, corrections and suggestions that will help our
study to improve and be presentable.

We appreciate your consideration of our request regarding our research study. Please let us know the detailed respond
towards our application.

Thank you.

Trixia Policarpio

Definition of Terms

Absorption- the process of taking something into another substance.

Air Permeability- specific surface of a powder material is a single-parameter measurement of

the fineness of the powder. The specific surface is derived from the resistance to flow of air (or

some other gas) through a porous bed of the powder. The SI units are m. kg −1 ("mass specific

surface") or m.
Capacity- The ability to receive, hold, or absorb something.

Coco coir- is a natural fibre extracted from the husk of coconut ]and used in products such as

floor mats, doormats, brushes and mattresses.

Collate- to gather or arrange in their proper sequence.

Exposure- the act of exposing, laying open, or uncovering; the sudden exposure of objects that
were hidden.

Greenhouse- a greenhouse is a structure with walls and roof made chiefly of transparent
material, such as glass.

Hypothesis- (plural hypotheses) is a proposed explanation for phenomenon.

Methodology- is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study.
It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a
branch of knowledge.

Multiple time series design- a type of quasi experimental design where a series of periodic
measurements is taken from two groups of test units. (An experimental group and control).
The experiment group is exposed to a treatment and then another series of periodic
measurements is taken from both group.

One way repeated measures ANOVA- an anova with repeated measures is used to compare
three or more group means where participants are the same in each other group.

Opted- to make a choice, especially on one thing or possibly instead of others.

Polyester- is a synthetic fiber derived from coal, air, water, and petroleum. Developed in a

20th-century laboratory, polyester fibers are formed from a chemical reaction between an

acid and alcohol.

Polypropylene- is a thermoplastic polymer used in a wide variety of applications including

packaging and labeling, textiles, stationery, plastic parts and reusable containers.

Shade- is a hue or color with black (or any other darker color) that mixed to it. This creates a
darker version or darker tone to it. You can have more one shade of a color, depending on
how much has been mixed to it. The opposite to a shade is a tint.

Significant difference- is a result that's not attributed to a chance. More technically, it means
that if the null hypothesis is true (which means there’s no really significant difference), there’s
a low probability of getting a result that large or larger.

Thermal energy- is the energy that comes from heat. This heat is generated by the movement
of tiny particles within an object. The faster that these particle move, the more heat is

Thermal insulator- is something that prevents heat from moving from one place to another.

Thermal resistance- is a heat property and a measurement of a temperature difference by

which an object or material resists a heat flow.

Utterly- completely and without qualification.

Variance- is a measure of how far each value in the data set is from the mean; the fact or
quality of being different, divergent or inconsistent.

Water vapor permeability- is a measure of the passage of water vapor

Wickability- The property of a fiber that allows moisture to move rapidly along the fiber

surface and pass quickly through the fabric.

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