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Lesson Name: Introduction of Time Lesson Sequence: 1/5

Lesson 1 Lesson Time 1hr
Lesson Aims: To have students understand the difference between analogue and digital clocks along with terms used in describing time and how to tell
time using an analogue clock.
Linguistic: Vocabulary (knowledge of words and their meaning)
Skills focus:
Speaking and writing, how to tell time.
Learning Objectives:

 Learn how to read, write, and tell time on analog clocks

 Identify time by the hour, half hour, and quarter hour
 Make their own clocks
 Interpret and demonstrate time
 Utility words
 Descriptive words related to familiar objects and personal experiences.

Materials Needed:

 What Time Is It? Mini Poster printable

 Clock Hands for Mini Poster printable
 Brass fastener or tack
 Let's Make a Clock Template printable
 Brass fasteners, one per student
 Paper plates, one per student

Before the Lesson: Print the What Time Is It? Mini Poster printable and the Clock Hands for Mini Poster printable. Cut out the watch hands and use a
brass fastener or tack to attach them to the watch face on the mini poster. Hang the mini poster and use the moveable watch hands to demonstrate important
time concepts to your class. Make a class set of the Let's Make a Clock Template printable.
Anticipated Problems: Contingency: Time can be added or taken away to certain tasks depending
Timing problems may arise if it is found that the students don’t know the on what is working for the students. As long as students are working,
vocabulary well enough yet. Differentiation for this lesson includes monitoring each group can be split between practices.
breaking into smaller groups to work through lesson and work together.
Management of smaller groups may be difficult, hard to monitor.

Lesson Procedure

Stage Stage purpose Detailed steps Time interaction Materials

Engage/Mak Warm-up Play: Have students name daily school activities. As they identify what 10 Open Class Whiteboard or
e time those activities start, write the correct time on the board in digital minutes Chalkboard
Connections format. Ask volunteers to write the word name for the digital times
listed on the board.
Study Controlled Pass out the Let's Make a Clock Template printable and have students 20 Individual- Whiteboard or
practice create their own clocks by following the directions on the printable. As minutes Open class Chalkboard,
a class, practice moving the hands of the clock to the times shown on Individual
the board. Clock
Activate Free Practice 20 Open Class- Duct Tape,
Make 12 marks on the floor with tape to create a life-size clock. Call
minutes Collaboratio Space for
out a time and have two students demonstrate it by standing where the n students.
hour hand should point and where the minute hand should point. Give
all students a chance to demonstrate time.

If students aren’t comfortable or need extra clarification on where to

stand, get the entire class involved on where they think their peers
should go.

Activate Assessment Students will then go back to their desks and the teacher will write out N/A N/A N/A
and Feedback three times on the whiteboard. Students will then draw a clock (clock
handout available if necessary) as well drawing in the hands to
demonstrate the times shown on the white board.
Teacher will collect journals at the end of lesson, and assess student
work. A grade does not need to be assigned, but journals will be an
indicator of growth over all unit lessons and what areas need to be

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