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- Can you tell me something your family?
There are 4 people in my family: My wife, my son, my daughter and me. My
wife is a teacher. She sis thirty-eight years old. My son is a student. He is
eleven years old. My daughter is a student, too. She is six years old.
- Where do your family live?
My family live in Bac Giang city. Bac Giang is a mountainous province, which
is 70 kilometers from Vietnam’s capital, Hanoi.
- Who are you close to in your family?
In my family, I am close to my wife best because we have a lot of things in
common. She is an understanding, caring and sweet life partner. We share and
support each other about all things in life.
2. Job
- Do you work or study?
- Why do you choose that job/ that study?
- Do you think you will ever change your job/study?
3. Free time
- What do you enjoy in your free time?
In my spare times, I like to do many things. I really love watching movies. My
favorite types of movies are comedy, adventure, and drama. Sometimes on
Saturday, especially when it is cold outside, it is so nice to stay inside and
watch movies and relax. Also, in my leisure time, I would like to meet with
friends and go to a restaurant. We eat and share with each other about things in
- Why do you like doing these activities?
I love doing these activities because they help me relax and boost my energy.
After a hard-working day, doing what I love will be a good way to relieve
stress and refresh my mind.
- Do you read books/ watch movies/ play sports? Why
Well, actually I often take part in playing sports with my friends. Recently,
I’ve taken up swimming, you probably know that swimming is one of the
healthiest sports because it strengthens all of the muscles equally. In addition to
this, I really love the feeling of floating as free as a fish when I’m in the water.
4. Holidays
- What do you do when you have a holiday?
Sometimes I would choose to take a short trip to peaceful places to unwind
myself and enjoy the fresh atmosphere. Every now and then, I just stay at home
spending time with my family and have a little get-together to celebrate the
- Where do you like to spend your holiday?

- Do you enjoy staying at home during the holiday?

5. Transportation
- How did you come here today?
- What is public transport like in your town?
- Do you think people should use public transport?
6. Hometown
- Can you describe your town or village to me?

- What do you like about your hometown?

- What jobs do people do in your town do?
7. Shopping
- Do you enjoy shopping?
- How much time do you spend shopping every week?
- Do you enjoy shopping alone or with your friends?
8. Keeping fit
- What do you do to be in shape?
- What’s your favorite sport?
- How can we get young people do more exercises?
9. Television
- What sorts of thing do you watch on TV?
- What is your favorite TV program?
- Do you think it’s a good idea to have a TV in bedroom?
10. Weather
- What is your favorite weather?
Well, I'm actually not fond of any particular kind of weather, you know. I think every
season has its own unique beauty and it's up to us to enjoy it. For example, not many
people like the freezing weather in the winter, but I see it as a perfect occasion for
me to wrap myself in warm coats or sweaters.
- Does the weather effect the way you feel?
I believe that the weather always affects us in every aspect. If it is a gloomy day, I'm
pretty sure everyone will easily get bored or tired of whatever they are doing. In
contrast, the sunny days make us feel alive and active.
- Do you like the weather in your country?
Actually, I am not a big fan of Vietnam weather. As you know, Vietnam is a
tropical country, so the climate here is quite hot and humid. What upsets me the
most is that the weather is getting more unpredictable. It can rain dogs and cats in
the morning and suddenly clear out in the afternoon.
11. Music
- What is our favorite type of music?
I am into traditional music. To me, it helps me to relax, nurture love for the
country. Whenever listening to traditional music, I feel proud of the
history, culture and customs of our country.
- Do you think music is important?

In my opinion, music plays an essential role in daily life. Music helps

listeners feel relaxed and comfortable after a hard- working day. A
joyful song can cheer you up and change your mood. It is the reason
why when you are happy or in troubles, music is always your good
- If you could learn a musical instrument, what would it be?

12. Hobbies
- Do you have any hobbies?
In my spare times, I love watching movies. My favorite types of movies are
comedy, adventure, and drama. Sometimes
- What hobbies a re popular in your city?
- Why do you think people should have hobbies?
13. Food
- What’s your favorite food?
Well, I would say that I’m not a picky eater and I can eat like the whole universe. But
if i have to choose, I would definitely go for Vietnamese traditional cuisine because it
is all about the combination of fresh ingredients, intense flavours, and ease of
cooking and preparation, so it wins my heart.
- Is there any food you dislike?
Well, to be honest, there is this one particular kind of food which I don’t like, the one
that stinks. I can’t eat things that are too smelly, for example, durian, shrimp paste, or
stinky tofu. I just cannot stand the smells of them.
- What is a healthy diet?
In my opinion, a healthy diet should include foods from each of basic food
groups. Eating a balanced diet also help provide the body with essential
nutrition and vitamins it needs to function.
In my perspective, a healthy diet is a
14. Reading
- Do you like book?
Yes, I am a big fan of books. To me, they are the sources of human’s
knowledge. Whenever reading books, I feel like
- What kinds of book do you like?
- Do you think it is important to encourage children to read?
15. House
- Can you describe the house you live?
I am currently living in a detached house in Bac Giang City. There are 5 rooms
in my house: one living room, two bed rooms, one bathroom and a kitchen with a
balcony facing the street. My favorite space is the living room because my family can
gather and watch TV together.
- What do you like about the area where you live?
What I like best in my

- Do you think it is better to live in the center of town or outside in the country?

16. Pet
- Do you like animals?
To be honest, I like friendly animals such as dogs, cats and birds. I consider them
human’s friends and keeping them as pets will help me release my negative
- What is the popular pet to have in your country?
I suppose the most popular animal in my country is the dog. A lot of Vietnamese
children grow up with memories about their puppies as their childhood best friend.
Dogs are also known a loyal and playful animal, so many Vietnamese family raise
them to guard their house.
- Why do people have pets?
I think we would all agree that pets are loyal companions to human. Especially for
those who adopt pets when they were just newborns, these animals are like the
precious children to many families. They can also help relieve stress and cheer
people up when they are upset or tired. 

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