Assignment Business Strategy Change - Submission Date 10 Oct 2020 PDF

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Module Name: Business Strategy & Change
Lecturer’s Name: Dr S. Gungadeen
Date of Submission: (10 Oct)
Total Marks: 30 marks
Word limit: 2500

Assignment question-Answer all questions

Flight for survival: what business model for Air

The turbulence within the national airline Air Mauritius has been terrible over the past

years. The recent publication of the results for the first nine months of the fiscal year 2018-

2019 is a clear warning that the national airline is in real troubled waters. It is becoming a

vexing challenge for Air Mauritius to generate profits.

For the period from April to December 2018, the company has incurred losses of Rs 998.2

million against profits of Rs 400.6 million, the same as in 2017. Surprisingly, the losses have

accumulated over the quarters, including the high season (October to December), during which

travel and tourism operators in Mauritius reap maximum profits. The main reasons pointed by

the company are increased competitions and rising costs of fuels. Besides, the 4th quarter is

expected to be even more challenging. Experts are asking for a business model that will bring

Air Mauritius back on track. To trim down losses, experts are recommending for major changes

from general operations to staffing.

The above article has been extracted from a local newspaper and had given a clear

warning of what we just witnessed recently: the collapse of our national airline. This

semester’s assignment is therefore based on the above scenario and you are expected to

use your understanding of this module to answer the questions.

Assume you are the Business Manager at Air Mauritius. You have been asked to write a

report, to be presented to the board of directors, on how a strategic plan should be

developed and change implemented in the organization for the next 3-5 years.

Your report should include the following:

1) An overview of the strategic management process

2) Steps involved in developing the strategic plan including a situation analysis

3) Various options or strategies to be used including Competitive Strategies

4) Implementation or tactical plans for the change process

5) Review and evaluation schedule including tools and management processes

6) Conclusion

(Word limit 2500)

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