From The Soil by The Root Cells

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Transport mechanism
- first things to consider 1. Hypertonic solution
- Materials move through a solution and crosses - solute concentration of solution higher than cell
a membrane. - Water moves out of cell into solution
Diffusion, Osmosis, and Movement across a - Cell shrinks
2. Hypotonic solution
- solute concentration of solution lower than cell
 movement from high concentration to an area
- Less dissolved particles outside of cell than
of low concentration
inside the cell
 Simplest method of transport
- Water moves into cell from solution
 Does not require energy
- Cell expands (and may burst in animals)
 Occurs via random kinetic movement
NET DIFFUSION STOPS WHEN 3. Isotonic solution
 concentration on both sides equal or when - solute concentration of solution equal to that of
there is a uniform distribution of particle cell
 equilibrium is reached - No net water movement
 Molecules continue to move, but no net change
in concentration Osmosis produces a physical force Movement of water
into a cell can put pressure on plasma membrane
1.Freely permeable •Cell membrane pushes against cell wall
2.Completely impermeable
•The rigid cell wall resists due to its own structural
3.Semi or selectively permeable
Factors Affecting Diffusion Across a Plasma Membrane Turgidity which keeps plants upright
Wilting if plant is not watered
 Diffusion directly through lipid bilayer Plasmolysis if water turgidity is restored
 The greater the lipid solubility, the more
permeable the membrane will be Facilitated diffusion
 All else being equal, smaller particles will diffuse  diffusion of large, membrane insoluble
more rapidly than larger particles compounds such as sugars and amino acids
 O2, H2O, CO2 (small molecules) rapidly diffuse  Does not require energy (passive)
across a lipid bilayer  Substance binds to membrane-spanning
transport protein
 Diffusion of hydrophilic molecules across a plasma  Binding alters protein conformation, exposing
membrane the other surface
•Plasma membrane is semipermeable  Fully reversible – molecules may enter the cell
•Water, while polar, is small enough to freely move and leave the cell through transport protein
across the plasma membrane  Particles move from areas of high concentration
•Larger, hydrophilic uncharged molecules, such as to areas of low concentration
sugars, do not freely diffuse (they can diffuse, but it is
very slow) Active transport
•Charged molecules cannot diffuse through lipid bilayer  Movement across membrane with an energy
•Ion channels and specific transporters are required for cost.
charged molecules and larger uncharged molecules  pump specific compounds in or out of the cell
 Requires energy to overcome the concentration
Osmosis and electrochemical gradient or to allow a large
 diffusion of water across a semi-permeable or charged particle to cross membrane
membrane  Requires specific integral membrane proteins
 the passive transport of water  Can be saturated like facilitated diffusion
 lower concentration) to higher concentration of proteins
osmotically active solutes (water concentration  Distinguished from facilitated diffusion because
is low) of its requirement for energy
 Water moves from dilute solution to
1. Uptake and release of water and solutes by
Plasma membrane permeable to water but not to individual cells to absorption of water and minerals
solute from the soil by the root cells

Osmotically active solute – a solute that does not 2. Short distance transport of substances from cell
readily cross a plasma membrane to cell to loading of sucrose from photosynthetic
cells into the sieve tube cells of the phloem
Osmotic potential is the total of all dissolved particles
3. Long distance transport of sap within the xylem  Fusion between transport vesicles and plasma
and phloem to whole plant phenomena to transport membrane
of photosynthate from leaf to root
plasmodesmata - fine cytoplasmic channels in the
Cellular-level transport primary cell wall

Animal cells: water from hypotonic to hypertonic Motor cells: Mimosa pudica and prayer plant
solutions (low concentration of solute and high - located in the midrib
concentration to high concentration and low
concentration) Point of flexure: midrib or point at which the petiole
attaches to the lamina or stem
Plant cells, there is added pressure due to the cell
wall •Opens as potassium ions slowly accumulates and
water diffuses in
Water potential
 chemical potential/free energy that water have Absorption
(Ψ) •Water and mineral salts are absorbed by the
 Affected by osmotic potential and solute epidermal cells or root hairs; pass through the cortex,
potential. endodermis and the pericycle into the primary xylem;
 Ψ = Ψp + Ψs and move upward
 Water will flow through a membrane from a
solution of high Ψ to a solution of low water MECHANISMS OF WATER ABSORPTION:
1. Root pressure – result from the osmotic movement
 Movement of water is related to Ψ; substances
of water into the root
diffuse from regions where they are more
concentrated to regions where they are more Soil solutes are absorbed and accumulate in the cell in
diluted or that water moves from regions where high concentrations as a result of the activities of the
Ψ is relatively positive to regions where Ψ is living root cells
relatively more negative
•The total concentration of the cell sap of the root
hairs and other roots cells is normally greater than that
Osmotic potential - water potential due to pressure of the soil solution
which maybe negative or positive
Solute potential - water potential due to solute •The greater amount of solutes in the cell sap reduces
concentration the water potential in the cell sap, much lower than
that of the soil solution
1. Water moves whenever there is a difference in Ψ
•Rate of movement depends upon the difference in
2. If Ψ of 2 regions are equal – no net movement of water potential of the 2 solutions
water – water may still be diffusing but in the same
amount into and out of the cell 2. Water tension in the xylem

3. Ψ must always be considered in pairs or in groups - no root pressure (when transpiration exceeds
•Animal cell when put in pure water will burst –  Pressure on the water in the vessels is lower
however, plant cells do not because of the wall – cell than atmospheric pressure
walls can counter act the Ψp
• Ψ in plant cells are very negative despite the influx of
water 1. Moisture content of the soil – readily available
water of the soil is very important
2 METHODS/ROUTES BY WHICH WATER MOVE 2. Root growth and soil moisture – capillary
THROUGH THE CELLS: movement of water in soils is too slow to meet
the requirements of growing plants; roots must
1. Symplastic movement – movement of water through continually penetrate into the new soil if they
the continuous connection of cytoplasm. are to utilize the water it holds.
3. Solute concentration of soil solution – equal
2. Apoplastic movement - Movement of water and
concentration of the soil solution and cell sap
solutes through the cell walls and the intercellular
results to a stop in absorption.
4. Unavailable water moisture – water molecules
Short distance transport that are held so tightly by the soil particles that
 Plant cells communicate with their neighboring the roots cannot absorb rapidly enough to
cells, transferring sugars, minerals and prevent wilting
hormones 5. Permanent wilting percentage of the soil – the
 Occurs through the plasmodesmata percentage of water left in the soil that a soil
 Transport across the plasma membrane can hold that is unavailable to plant
6. Influence of soil type – permanent wilting Vacuole to cytoplasm to wall > intercellular air spaces to
percentage vary with the type of soil; clay soil drier air outside
has a higher PWP than that of sandy or any soil
that is porous • As water is lost from a cell by outward diffusion, the
7. Root hairs – extensions of the root epidermal cell loses some of its turgor and
cells to increase the surface area
•Cell gains water by osmosis from adjacent more
8. Mycorrhizae – fungal associations with roots
saturated cells
•Quantity of water transpired by plants is of great
 prevents the passive transport of toxins
amount, as much as 98% of water absorbed by the
because of its casparian strip (wax)
roots is lost through transpiration
•Plasma membrane of endodermal cells contain many
Water use efficiency – ratio of grams of water lost per
transport proteins to actively transport some molecules
carbon dioxide fixed (transpiration to photosynthesis
in and (pump) out
•Once the water passes under the casparian strip, it is
•Plants have to open their stomata to be able to gather
free to enter the apoplast gain on its way to the xylem
CO2 from the environment; an unavoidable
TRANSPIRATION-COHESION-TENSION: a mechanism to consequence is the loss of water through the stomata
pull xylem sap up the plant
Evapotranspiration – the total amount of water that a
Transpiration unit of land area loses to the atmosphere through
 loss of water in vapor form into the atmosphere evaporation by transpiration from plants growing on
from a living plant the land
 supply photosynthesis, bring minerals from
Root pressure - mechanism to push xylem sap up the
roots for biosynthesis within the leaf and cool
plant (in some plants)
the leaf
 At night (very low transpiration); roots continue
Cuticular transpiration - When water is transpired
to actively transport minerals into the stele
through the cuticle
 Lowers the water potential in the stele
Stomatal transpiration – transpired majority of
 Water passively flows into the roots, pushing
water thourgh stomata, making leaves as principal
the water up against gravity
transpiring organ
 Water that reaches the leaves is often forced
out, causing a beading of water upon the leaf
tips (guttation)
1. Turgid leaf cells are filled with water; the
vacuoles are filled up with water and occupy
the greatest area of the cytoplasm
2. Walls of the cells are also filled with water
making it moist and air spaces almost saturated Atmospheric humidity – the drier the air above the
with water vapor plant, the greater is the transpiration rate
3. These results to a higher water potential within
the air spaces in leaves than the outside Air movements
atmosphere - the faster the air movement, the greater is the
4. If the air around a leaf is not saturated (or dry) transpiration rate
water vapor molecules tend to diffuse from the  carries away the humid air near the leaf surface
saturated air in the leaf through the stomata and replaces it with drier air resulting to a faster
into the less saturated outer air (where vapor transpiration rate
pressure and water potential, is lower)
5. Water molecules then evaporate from the wet Temperature - transpiration rate increases as air
walls and diffuse into the drier air in the leaf temperature increases
6. Creates a tension on the water in the xylem and
 High temperature causes the internal
gently pulls the water to the direction of the
temperature of the leaf to increase resulting to
water loss
a faster rate of water loss
7. Cohesion of water is strong enough to transmit
this pulling force all the way down to the roots Soil conditions
8. Adhesion of water to the cell wall also aids in
resisting gravity  Cold soil, alkali soils, poor soil aeration
diminishes water absorption of the roots,
Higher water potential - greater water molecule activity mesophyll cells of plants do not give up water
vapor as freely as they when they are well-
Diffusion gradient
supplied with water  reduced transpiration
 the concentration of solute increases
 (water potential within the cell decreases)
 Low moisture in the soil also reduces  The living leaf cells next to the tracheids in
transpiration rate veinlets eventually lose water to neighboring
Cuticle – about 10% of water absorbed by plants are  Water moves from the veinlets into the
lost through the cuticle, the thicker the cuticle the less adjacent cells resulting to the upwards
water is lost movement of water in continuous liquid
columns in the xylem
Stomatal behavior - after rapid transpiration, water
 Continuity of water is maintained even under
amount in the leaf is reduced causing the guard cells to
conditions of considerable strain because of the
become flaccid and closes the stomata
strong cohesive forces between water
 C3 plants have their stomata open during the molecules
day for photosynthesis (gas exchange)
Translocation – process of moving photosynthetic
 light cause the stomata of some plants to open
product through the phloem
1. Sunken stomata  Sieve tube members in angiosperms are
 stomata found below the level of the leaf arranged end to end to form large sieve tubes
surface  Sugar can be concentrated up to 30% by weight
 this way plants can facilitate gas exchange while  Transport is bidirectional
at the same time can reduce the water loss  Phloem moves from a sugar source (a place
where sugar is produced by photosynthesis or
2. Distribution of stomata – most of the stomata by the breakdown of sugars) to a sugar sink (an
are found on the undersurface, this is to organ which consumes or stores sugar)
conserve more water
Conduction in the phloem
Reduction of transpiring surfaces – some plants curl
their leaves during drought to reduce transpiration; Rapid translocation of foods throughout the plant
some plants do not have foliage leaves occurs in the phloem (100cm/hr), specifically sieve
Epidermal hairs – (trichomes); epidermal hairs; may
reduce the amount of water lost from the leaves  Foods may move upward or downward in the
phloem; direction of movement is from areas
Guttation where amount is high to areas where amount
 the loss of liquid from leaves of intact plants; present is very low
water secretion by the hydathodes  Concentrations of sugars in the sieve tubes is
 occurs when the absorption of water is high quite high (most common is sucrose); phloem
while transpiration rate is low sap contains nitrogenous compounds (amino
 Hydathodes – structure usually found on the acids), hormones and various inorganic ions
tips, margins or surfaces of leaves
Phloem loading – process of accumulation of solutes in
CLASSIFICATION PLANTS BASED ON THEIR WATER the sieve tubes to concentrations 1.5 to 2 times that in
NEEDS: the surrounding cell
Xerophytes – plants that are able to live in very dry Phloem loading and unloading
places  Sucrose manufactured in the mesophyll cell can
travel via the symplast to sieve tube members
•Thick cuticles
 Sucrose is loaded into the phloem via a
•Succulent thick leaves
chemiosmotic ATPase mechanism couple with a
•Loss of leaves/reduction of leaves to form spines
H+/sucrose symport
•Light colored leaves (to reflect light and heat –cooling)
 H+ is actively pumped out by hydrolyzing ATP
•Trichomes (hairs)
 H+ accumulated outside the membrane,
•Sunken stomates
generating a concentration and electrochemical
Cam Photosynthesis Hydrophytes – plants which live in  The H+ is transported by a carrier protein
water or in very wet soil (sucrose must also bind); when both are bound,
the configuration changes and the protein
Mesophytes – plants that thrive best in moderate water opens to the membrane interior
supply  Downstream, sucrose must be unloaded, again
utilizing an H+/sucrose pump
Halophytes – plants that grow on very salty soils  Phloem loading results in a high solute
concentration at the source end
Transpiration-pull theory or water cohesion theory
 Creates a hypnotic conditions in the phloem,
 Explains the movement of water from the roots
causing water inflow
towards the tip of the plant
 Hydrostatic pressure builds in the sieve tube
but is greates in the source
 At the sink, osmosis occurs with the unloading Thylakoids
sugar-water flows out of the phloem  connected sacs in the chloroplast
 Build up of pressure at the source and the  the chlorophyll is in its membrane
reduction of that pressure at the sink causes
water to flow from source to sink, carrying Grana – column-stacked thylakoids.
sugar along with it
Stroma - a dense interior fluid that Chloroplasts also
 Water is recycled via transport in the xylem


 is the process that converts solar energy into
chemical energy
 Directly or indirectly, photosynthesis nourishes
almost the entire living world
 occurs in plants, algae, certain other protists,
and some prokaryotes these organisms feed not
only themselves but also most of the living
 complex series of reactions

 sustain themselves
 producers of the biosphere, producing organic Tracking Atoms through Photosynthesis: Scientific
molecules from CO2 and other inorganic Inquiry
Photosynthesis’ equation:
6 CO2 + 12 H2O + Light energy C6H12O6 + 6 O2
 Almost all plants are, using the energy of
+ 6 H2O
sunlight to make organic molecules
Chloroplasts split H2O into:
 obtain their organic material from other
1. Hydrogen
2. Oxygen
 consumers of the biosphere
Incorporating the electrons of hydrogen into sugar
 Almost all heterotrophs, including humans,
molecules and releasing oxygen as a by-product
depend on photoautotrophs for food and O2
Photosynthesis as a Redox Process
Fossil fuels
1. Photosynthesis reverses the direction of
 Formed from the remains of organisms that
electron flow compared to respiration
died hundreds of millions of years ago.
2. Photosynthesis is a redox process in which H2O
 represent stores of solar energy from the
is oxidized and CO2 is reduced
distant past
3. Photosynthesis is an endergonic process; the
Photosynthesis - converts light energy to the chemical energy boost is provided by light
energy of food.
 Chloroplasts are structurally similar to and
1. light reactions - the photo part
likely evolved from photosynthetic bacteria
2. Calvin cycle - the synthesis part
 The structural organization of these cells allows
for the chemical reactions of photosynthesis The light reactions (in the thylakoids)
1. Split H2O
Chloroplasts -The Sites of Photosynthesis in Plants
2. Release O2
Leaves -are the major locations of photosynthesis 3. Reduce NADP+ to NADPH
4. Generate ATP from ADP by
Chlorophyll - the green pigment within chloroplasts photophosphorylation

Mesophyll The Calvin cycle (in the stroma)

 An interior tissue of the leaf where chloroplasts  forms sugar from CO2, using ATP and NADPH
are mainly found.
 contains 30–40 chloroplasts

Stomata – microscopic pores where CO2 enters and O2

exits the leaf.
 begins with carbon fixation, incorporating CO2 1. When a pigment absorbs light, it goes from a
into organic molecules ground state to an excited state, which is
2. When excited electrons fall back to the ground
state, photons are given off, an afterglow called
3. If illuminated, an isolated solution of
chlorophyll will fluoresce, giving off light and

Photosystem: A Reaction-Center Complex (protein

complex) Associated with Light-Harvesting Complexes

The light-harvesting complexes

 pigment molecules bound to proteins
 transfer the energy of photons to the reaction

Primary electron acceptor - in the reaction center

accepts excited electrons and is reduced as a result
Light reactions - convert solar energy to the chemical
energy of ATP and NADPH Solar-powered transfer of an electron from chlorophyll
a to primary electron acceptor is the first step of the
Chloroplasts - are solar-powered chemical factories light reaction
•Their thylakoids transform light energy into the THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF PHOTOSYSTEMS IN THE
chemical energy of ATP and NADPH THYLAKOID MEMBRANE
THE NATURE OF SUNLIGHT 1. Photosystem II (PS II) - functions first, best at
absorbing a wavelength of 680 nm
1. Light is a form of electromagnetic energy, also
 P680 - The reaction-center chlorophyll a
called electromagnetic radiation
of PS II.
2. light travels in rhythmic waves
2. Photosystem I (PS I) - best at absorbing a
Wavelength wavelength of 700 nm
 distance between crests of waves  P700 - The reaction-center chlorophyll a
 determines the type of electromagnetic energy of PS I.

Electromagnetic spectrum - entire range of Linear Electron Flow - the primary pathway, involves
electromagnetic energy or radiation both photosystems and produces ATP and NADPH using
light energy
•Visible light consists of wavelengths that produce  Cyclic and linear - two possible routes
colors we can see for electron flow during the light
Photons- Light also behaves as it consists of discrete
particles A photon hits a pigment and its energy is passed among
pigment molecules until it excites P680
Photosynthetic Pigments: The Light Receptors
•An excited electron from P680 is transferred to
Pigments the primary electron acceptor (we now call it P680+)
 substances that absorb visible light P680+ - is a very strong oxidizing agent
 Wavelengths that are not absorbed are
reflected or transmitted  H2O is split by enzymes, and the electrons are
 Different pigments absorb different wavelengths transferred from the hydrogen atoms to P680+,
 Leaves appear green because chlorophyll reflects thus reducing it to P680
and transmits green light  O2 is released as a by-product of this reaction
 Each electron “falls” down an electron transport
Chlorophyll a - main photosynthetic pigment chain from the primary electron acceptor of PS II to
1. Chlorophyll b – broaden the spectrum used for  Energy released by the fall drives the creation of a
photosynthesis. proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane
2. Carotenoids - absorb excessive light that would  Diffusion of H+ (protons) across the membrane
damage chlorophyll drives ATP synthesis
 Each electron “falls” down an electron transport
EXCITATION OF CHLOROPHYLL BY LIGHT chain from the primary electron acceptor of PS II to
 The electrons are then transferred to NADP+ and  On hot, dry days, plants close stomata, which
reduce it to NADPH conserve H2O but also limits photosynthesis
 The electrons of NADPH are available for the  Closing of stomata reduces access to CO2 and
reactions of the Calvin cycle causes O2 to build up
 This process also removes an H+ from the stroma
Cyclic Electron Flow  a wasteful process
 rubisco adds O2 instead of CO2 in the Calvin
 uses only photosystem I and produces ATP, but cycle, producing a two-carbon compound
not NADPH  consumes O2 and organic fuel and releases CO2
 No oxygen is released without producing ATP or sugar
 generates surplus ATP, satisfying the higher  may be an evolutionary relic because rubisco
demand in the Calvin cycle first evolved at a time when the atmosphere
 thought to have evolved before linear electron had far less O2 and more CO2
flow  limits damaging products of light reactions that
 protect cells from light-induced damage build up in the absence of the Calvin cycle
 a problem because on a hot, dry day it can drain
Purple sulfur bacteria - have PS I but not PS II
as much as 50% of the carbon fixed by the
Calvin cycle Calvin cycle
 uses the chemical energy of ATP and NADPH to
reduce CO2 to sugar
 like the citric acid cycle, regenerates its starting Photorespiration: An Evolutionary Relic?
material after molecules enter and leave the
cycle C3 plants - initial fixation of CO2, via rubisco, forms a
 builds sugar from smaller molecules by using three-carbon compound (3-phosphoglycerate)
ATP and the reducing power of electrons
carried by NADPH C4 Plants
- minimize the cost of photorespiration by
Carbon enters the cycle as CO2 and leaves as a sugar incorporating CO2 into four-carbon
named glyceraldehyde 3-phospate (G3P) compounds in mesophyll cells
 This step requires the enzyme PEP carboxylase
For net synthesis of 1 G3P, the cycle must take place
three times, fixing 3 molecules of CO2 PEP carboxylase
- has higher affinity for CO2 than rubisco does
THE CALVIN CYCLE HAS THREE PHASES - it can fix CO2 even when CO2 concentrations
are low
1. Carbon fixation (catalyzed by rubisco)
 These four-carbon compounds are exported to
2. Reduction
bundle-sheath cells, where they release CO2
3. Regeneration of the CO2 acceptor (RuBP)
that is then used in the Calvin cycle

In the last 150 years since the Industrial Revolution, CO2

levels have risen greatly

 Increasing levels of CO2 may affect C3 and C4

plants differently, perhaps changing the relative
abundance of these species
 The effects of such changes are unpredictable
and a cause for concern

Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM)- fix carbon in


CAM Plants

- open their stomata at night, incorporating CO2

into organic acids
- Stomata close during the day, and CO2 is
released from organic acids and used in the
Calvin cycle


Alternative mechanisms of carbon fixation have
evolved in hot, arid climates 1. The energy entering chloroplasts as sunlight
gets stored as chemical energy in organic
Dehydration is a problem for plants, sometimes
requiring trade-offs with other metabolic processes,
especially photosynthesis
2. Sugar made in the chloroplasts supplies
chemical energy and carbon skeletons to
synthesize the organic molecules of cells
3. Plants store excess sugar as starch in structures
such as roots, tubers, seeds, and fruits
4. Photosynthesis produces the O2 in our


Living cells require energy from outside sources

Energy flows into an ecosystem as sunlight and leaves

as heat

Photosynthesis generates O2 and organic molecules,

which are used in cellular respiration

Cells use chemical energy stored in organic molecules to

regenerate ATP, which powers work

Catabolic pathways yield energy by oxidizing organic


Catabolic Pathways and Production of ATP

The breakdown of organic molecules is exergonic

Fermentation is a partial degradation of sugars that •NAD+ functions – as an electron acceptor it function
occurs without O2 as oxidizing agent during cellular respiration

Aerobic respiration consumes organic molecules and • NADH

O2 and yields ATP - the reduced form of NAD+
- represents stored energy that is tapped to
Anaerobic respiration is similar to aerobic respiration synthesize ATP
but consumes compounds other than O2
Electron transport chain
Cellular respiration both aerobic and anaerobic
respiration but is often used to refer to aerobic - Where NADH passes the electrons.
respiration - It passes electrons in a series of steps instead
of one explosive reaction
 Although carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are
all consumed as fuel, it is helpful to trace •O2 - pulls electrons down the chain in an energy-
cellular respiration with the sugar glucose yielding tumble

C6H12O6 + 6 O2  6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Energy (ATP + heat) •The energy yielded is used to regenerate ATP

REDOX REACTIONS: OXIDATION AND REDUCTION The Stages of Cellular Respiration: A Preview

1. The transfer of electrons during chemical THREE STAGES HARVESTING OF ENERGY FROM
reactions releases energy stored in organic GLUCOSE HAS
2. This released energy is ultimately used to 1. Glycolysis - breaks down glucose into two
synthesize ATP molecules of pyruvate
2. citric acid cycle - completes the breakdown of
3. Oxidative phosphorylation
Oxidation-reduction reactions or redox reactions - - accounts for most of the ATP synthesis
Chemical reactions that transfer electrons between - process that generates most of the ATP
reactants because it is powered by redox reactions
- accounts for almost 90% of the ATP generated
Oxidation- a substance loses electrons.
by cellular respiration
Reduction- a substance gains electrons, or is reduced
(the amount of positive charge is reduced)

Reducing agent - electron donor

Oxidizing agent - The electron receptor

Redox reactions – do not transfer electrons but change

the electron sharing in covalent bonds



•During cellular respiration, the fuel (such as

glucose) is oxidized, and O2 is reduced



•In cellular respiration, glucose and other organic

molecules are broken down in a series of steps
Substrate-level phosphorylation – a small amount of
•Electrons from organic compounds are usually first ATP is formed in glycolysis and the citric acid cycle.
transferred to NAD+, a coenzyme
•For each molecule of glucose degraded to CO2 and
water by respiration, the cell makes up to 32 molecules
of ATP

Glycolysis - harvests chemical energy by oxidizing

glucose to pyruvate
- “splitting of sugar”
- breaks down glucose into two molecules of
- occurs in the cytoplasm and
- occurs whether or not O2 is present
1. Energy investment phase
2. Energy payoff phase

•The acetyl group of acetyl CoA joins the cycle by

combining with oxaloacetate, forming citrate

•The next seven steps decompose the citrate back to


•The NADH and FADH2 produced by the cycle relay

electrons extracted from food to the electron transport

Citric acid cycle - completes the energy-yielding

oxidation of organic molecules after pyruvate is

•In the presence of O2, pyruvate enters the

mitochondrion where the oxidation of glucose is


Acetyl Coenzyme A (acetyl CoA) – a converted pyruvate

which links glycolysis to the citric acid cycle
•This step is carried out by a multienzyme complex that
Chemiosmosis - couples electron transport to ATP
catalyses three reactions
•Following glycolysis and the citric acid cycle, NADH and
- also called the Krebs cycle
FADH2 account for most of the energy extracted from
- completes the breakdown of pyruvate to CO2
- oxidizes organic fuel derived from pyruvate,
•These two electron carriers donate electrons to the
generating 1 ATP, 3 NADH, and 1 FADH2 per
electron transport chain, which powers ATP synthesis
via oxidative phosphorylation
- has eight steps, each catalyzed by a specific
Cristae - the inner membrane of the mitochondrion
where the electron transport chain is in.

•Most of the chain’s components are proteins, which

exist in multiprotein complexes
•The carriers alternate reduced and oxidized states as
they accept and donate electrons
•Electrons drop in free energy as they go down the •In that case, glycolysis couples with fermentation or
chain and are finally passed to O2, forming H2O anaerobic respiration to produce ATP
•Electrons are transferred from NADH or FADH2 to the
electron transport chain Anaerobic respiration uses electron transport chain
•Electrons are passed through a number of proteins with a final electron acceptor other than O2.
including cytochromes (each with an iron atom) to O2 Fermentation uses substrate-level phosphorylation
•The electron transport chain generates no ATP directly instead of an electron transport chain to generate ATP.
•It breaks the large free-energy drop from food to O2  Fermentation consists of glycolysis plus
into smaller steps that release energy in manageable reactions that regenerate NAD+, which can be
amounts reused by glycolysis


- use of energy in a H+ gradient to drive cellular TYPES OF FERMENTATION
work 1. alcohol fermentation
- pyruvate is converted to ethanol in two steps,
1. Electron transfer in the electron transport chain with the first releasing CO2
causes proteins to pump H+ from the - used in brewing, winemaking, and baking by
mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane yeast
2. H+ then moves back across the membrane,
passing through the proton, ATP synthase
3. ATP synthase uses the exergonic flow of H+ to
drive phosphorylation of ATP

The energy stored in an H+ gradient across a membrane

couples the redox reactions of the electron transport
chain to ATP synthesis

H+ gradient - referred as proton-motive force,

emphasizing its capacity to do work



During cellular respiration, most energy flows in this 2. lactic acid fermentation
sequence: - pyruvate is reduced to NADH, forming lactate
as an end product, with no release of CO2
- used to make cheese and yogurt by some fungi
and bacteria
•Human muscle cells use lactic acid fermentation to
34% of energy – (in a glucose molecule) is transferred generate ATP when O2 is scarce
to ATP during cellular respiration, making about 32 ATP

•There are several reasons why the number of ATP is

not known exactly


FERMENTATION AND ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION - 1. All use glycolysis to oxidize glucose and harvest
enable cells to produce atp without the use of oxygen chemical energy of food
2. In all three, NAD+ is the oxidizing agent that
•Most cellular respiration requires O2 to produce ATP accepts electrons during glycolysis
•Without O2, the electron transport chain will cease to 3. The processes have different final electron
operate acceptors: an organic molecule (such as
pyruvate or acetaldehyde) in fermentation and
O2 in cellular respiration
4. Cellular respiration produces 32 ATP per
glucose molecule; fermentation produces 2 ATP
per glucose molecule

Obligate anaerobes
- carry out fermentation or anaerobic respiration
- cannot survive in the presence of O2
Facultative anaerobes
- Yeast and many bacteria
- they can survive using either fermentation or
cellular respiration
- pyruvate here is a fork in the metabolic road
that leads to two alternative catabolic routes


 Ancient prokaryotes - thought to have used
glycolysis long before there was oxygen in the
Biosynthesis (Anabolic Pathways)
 Very little O2 was available in the atmosphere
•The body uses small molecules to build other
until about 2.7 billion years ago, so early
prokaryotes likely used only glycolysis to
•These small molecules may come directly from
generate ATP
food, from glycolysis, or from the citric acid cycle
 Glycolysis is a very ancient process
many other metabolic pathways
Feedback inhibition - is the most common mechanism
for control
Gycolysis and the citric acid cycle are major
•If ATP concentration begins to drop, respiration speeds
intersections to various catabolic and anabolic
up; when there is plenty of ATP, respiration slows down
•Control of catabolism is based mainly on regulating the
activity of enzymes at strategic points in the catabolic
 Catabolic pathways funnel electrons from many
kinds of organic molecules into cellular respiration
 Glycolysis accepts a wide range of
 Proteins must be digested to amino acids;
amino groups can feed glycolysis or the citric acid cycle

- used in glycolysis, digested to glycerol
Fatty acids
- used in generating acetyl CoA), digested to
- broken down by beta oxidation and yield
acetyl CoA
•An oxidized gram of fat produces more than twice as
much ATP as an oxidized gram of carbohydrate

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