EPRI High Voltage Laboratory

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EPRI High-Voltage Transmission Laboratory

“The Lenox accelerated aging chamber is a unique

facility that has, and continues to, provide members
with crucial information needed to select and apply
composite insulators. Many of the results from the
chamber have been incorporated by vendors and
utilities to improve the reliability of today’s designs
and applications. The accelerated aging chamber
remains vital in our investigation to address many
unresolved issues and other composite products,
e.g., guy strain insulators.”
Donald Ruff, Bonnieville Power Authority

For more than three decades, the Electric Power Research Institute
(EPRI) has played a vital leadership role in the electric utility
industry by conducting experimental and technology application
research in high-voltage transmission.

EPRI’s Lenox 
Contributing a critical element to this research is a world-class
laboratory focuses  research and test laboratory operated by EPRI in Lenox, Massa-
chusetts. The unique facilities, located in a rural setting, features
on electrical 
outdoor test lines available in all four seasons. Originally built by
design, testing,  General Electric in the late 1950s, the lab’s capabilities were
expanded in 1974 with the addition of a three-phase balanced
and research for 
1500-kV ac source, and in 1977 with the installation of a 1500-
transmission lines  kV dc source and an ac-dc converter station. For nearly half a
century, the lab has been the site of landmark research in HVAC
and substations.
and HVDC, including evaluation of overhead line performance,
environmental effects of HVAC and HVDC, and contamination
and icing performance of insulators and bushings.

Capabilities and Services

• Line Design and Performance. Simulation of line voltage,
geometry, phase spacing. Hybrid transmission studies.
Compact line designs.
•  Insulator Performance. Simulation of insulator contamination
and contamination flashover testing.
• Insulator Aging. Accelerated aging of insulators and line
components, including analysis in variety of service environments.

(continued on back)
• Full-Scale Test Lines. For both ac and dc. Full-scale 340-m
“I went to the High Voltage Transmission Line Design
main span line. Capable of being energized at voltages up to
and Operation Seminar specifically because of the ±1500-kV rms phase-to-phase or ±1500-kV dc. For dc,
opportunity to perform hands-on work and experi- configurations include monopolar, bipolar horizontal pole
configuration, and bipolar vertical pole configuration.
ments with different diagnostic tools at the Lenox
• Insulator Testing Facilities. Fog chamber (24-m high, 24-m
facility’s full-scale laboratory. All of the topics diameter), available voltage to 866-kV ac, 1100-kV dc or
covered in the seminar are pertinent and timely for 1200-kV impulse. Nonceramic insulator aging chamber,
for 230- and 500-kV assemblies, with mechanical loading
electrical engineers working in the industry.”
capabilities, temperature control, UV radiation, clean rain,
Wade Eckler, New York Power Authority and salt spray.
• Corona Test Cage. Inner isolated framework, microphones,
• Lightning Performance. Simulation of lightning and switching and rain spray.
overvoltages and impulse surges. • Impulse Generator. Outdoor bipolar multistage Marx-circuit
• Corona. Investigation of corona phenomena, including impulse generator, rated at 5600 kV 280 kJ. Compensated
measurement of corona loss, audible noise, and radio and resistive-capacitive impulse voltage divider.
television interference. Line compaction studies. • Manhole Testing Facility. Two full-scale manholes, with
• Manhole Design and Performance. Simulation of manhole transformer vault and three service boxes interconnected with
events and testing of mitigation methods. an array of conduits.
• Training. Video sagometer. TLWorkstation™. TFlash lightning • Arrester Testing Facility. Full-scale arrester characterizations
performance software. Live line maintenance. up to 765 kV.
• H.V. Inspections and Failure Analysis. Field inspection of
transmission line and substation components including: infrared,
For More Information
corona, splice resistance, electric and magnetic fields. Leakage
EPRI High-Voltage Laboratory
current and watts loss monitoring. Root cause failure analysis
115 East New Lenox Road
of arresters.
Lenox, MA 01240
Telephone: 1.413.499.5701, Fax: 1.413.499.5718
Drivers and Trends Technical Contact: George Gela, ggela@epri.com,
The laboratory offers the capabilities to conduct projects tailored 413.499.5710
to meet the specific needs of individual utilities, to provide appli-
cation support and training for EPRI-developed technologies, and
to perform basic research to address long-term challenges of the “As a new engineer into the field, the EPRI High
utility industry. Voltage Seminar was extremely informative. It was
a great experience for me to see actual full-scale
experiments of such great magnitude being con-
• HVAC Power Supplies. Full three-phase source in specific
voltage ranges up to 1500-kV rms phase-to-phase. 500-kV rms ducted. The value of being able to see, work with,
continuously variable. 3000-kV rms single phase. High-current, and learn about full-scale equipment in the field can
low-voltage transformers to 8000 A.
not be matched. This facility is pretty spectacular
• HVDC Power Supplies. Two 1500-kV dc power supplies,
providing bipolar voltages up to ±1500 kV. 1500-kV dc and something to see.
symmetrical cascade rectifier set, rated at 250 mA. Amanda DiMaso, Central Hudson Gas & Electric
• AC-DC Converter. Operating in bipolar mode up to ±-750 kV,
or in monopolar mode up to ±1500 kV. Auxiliary ±375 kV

1014536 October 2006

Electric Power Research Institute

3420 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304-1338 • PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303-0813 USA
800.313.3774 • 650.855.2121 • askepri@epri.com • www.epri.com

© 2006 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Inc. All rights reserved. Electric Power Research Institute and EPRI are
registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute.

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