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f@( GRAMMAR _) Second conditional | wish about the present Ky OY] We use the second conditional totalk about situations that are imaginary or not likely. |fthere was an opportunity, quite a latof people would ‘make fraudulent insurance claims. Jake could take driving lessons i he was oer Would you keep money if you foundit inthe street? We can use unless in second conditional sentences tomeanif not. ‘woulda’ goto see that band unless itwas a free concert. A H H We often use were instead of was in the ifclause. We especially use the phrase if were you to give advice. ‘ff were you, fa stop seeing those guys. 1 Complete the interviewer's questions. Then write your own answers. Teta eur keene honest you are GMM / find a wallet with €200 / what / do? ‘fyou found a wallet with €200, what would you do? { would take it tothe police tation. Wilf / not have money for a bus ticket / take a ride anyway? EXIF / can download music from an illegal website / doit? Wiktetl small ties about yourself / if / want to impress somebody? Bvt / not want to do an exam / pretend to be sick? ‘[Wikread a friend’s diary / if / see it on the table? 2 @@p Ask and answer the questions in exercise 1. Give reasons for your answers. 3 Match the beginnings and ends of the sentences. 1 fwe wentto New York, 2 She wouldn't goto the party 3. Kinga’s parents would be A unless went, too. B I wouldn'teat fastfood. C ifthey knew about the soworried accident, 4 Unless! was really hungry, 0 ifthey ever saw'that photo. 5 Iflwereyou, E unless he hada really good reason. F I'd beso much happier. G | wouldn't become his friend on Facebook H we could stay with my friend Gary! 6 My friends would laugh 7 Sam would never be late 8 IF! had more money, 4. Write two pieces of advice for each problem. 1 I never seem to have enough money. ‘ftwere you, {wouldn't buy things I don't need. 2. Ican'tgetto sleep atnight, 3. My best friend isignoring me. 4 {keep losing things all the time 5 I can't remember new words in English. 6 find it difficult to make friends. 5 @@ Work in groups. Take it in turns to ask for advice. Choose the best piece of advice you are offered. PY We use wish + the past simple to say we would like a situation to be different, but it can’t be, 1 wish new the answer to this question. | wish didn’t have to goto school. eed Po We can also use wish + would + infinitive when we want something to happen. | wish Andrea would return my calls. 6 Make wishes using the ideas below. Then say what you ‘would / wouldn't /could / couldn't do. | wish | was an actor |ftwere an actor, | would meet lots of interesting people. 7 Lookat the picture and write sentences with wish + would / wouldn't. | wish the baby would stop crying.

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