Name: - Ordonez, Eralaine G. - Week No.: 9 Course Name: Introduction To Psychology Professor: Dr. Philip Cordova Cuizon, RPM

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Name: _Ordonez, Eralaine G.___________ Week No.

: 9
Course Name: Introduction to Psychology
Professor: Dr. Philip Cordova Cuizon, RPm

Instruction/s: Create a story with a theme on “life transitions” from the time that you were born down to the
current life you have. Make sure that you will create as well a unique title about your life story.
“The Girl Who Seems Like a Stone”
Once upon a time in the southern district of Cavite, a rock has been born or to be much precise a baby
girl, her parents named her Eralaine. Why she's a rock?
Growing up, her parents noticed something must been wrong with her. She rarely talks, she only speak
when she needs to eat and only when she ask her parents to accompany her. In fact during her kindergarten
years, she still doesn't talk that much. Even so, she's like that, she was able to earn a spot in honorable
students. Grade school years, same as always, she speak seldom. Still, no big improvement. She always just
quietly sat in one corner of the room seemingly looks like a rock. In addition, they have also noticed that their
little girl seems to isolate herself away from the other children. That their princess do prefers to be alone rather
than play with the other kids at her age. What makes her more seems like a rock, is due to the blank emotion
she always wear on her face. They thought that her behavior is normal and the reason why she doesn't want to
interact with others, is maybe because she's too shy and she's still adjusting to her new environment.
Years have already passed, the little girl has now grown into a full teenager. Fortunately, she began to
talk more, but she still managed to be quiet all the time, that you could only hear a few words from her.
Moreover, during family occasions, she also seems to separate herself ,that she do not bond with her other
cousins unlike her older brother, who more so seems to have a much closer relationship with their cousins
compare with her.
She, the rock, starts to even notice that and wonder, what's wrong with her behavior? What made her
like this? What keeps herself from opening up to others and was she afraid? Why does she feel that it's okay
for her to be like this? To be alone? For others, being alone may seem bad and lonely, but for her that's not the
case. Even though she's alone and have no friends, though sometimes she feels jealous to those who have
many friends, still she was able to get herself a company, and that's books.
Reading books is what makes her day complete. In fact, she spend most of her time in reading to the
point that she locked herself in her room just to focus on reading completely shutting herself away from the
world which she's yet to see. She only gets out of her room, whenever her tummy starts rumbling signaling that
she should get herself something to eat. But little do she knows, that what her doing right now, makes herself
to be much more distant away from her family and to their other relatives, especially with her grandparents who
is puzzled on what they should do to be able to talk to her comfortably. That in their eyes it looks like she's
putting a much bigger blockage to keep them away.
In fact, her grandparents is the happiest among all the people during the day she was born. If only
given a chance, they want her to take care of her but due to their age, raising a child especially a toddler would
be a hard task for them to do. As a result, they always spoiled her on what she wants, though the little girl
seems not to care on the affection her grandparents were giving to her. Deep inside, she's glad to have them
as her family and that she loves them it just that she find it difficult to open up and express what she feels, and
this is the reason why sometimes her grandparents got confused whether they made her feel uncomfortable.
Be that as it may, they keep on visiting her just to ask how she was doing and as well as to give her a present
as a token of their appreciation to her.
Until one day, they stopped visiting her, and she wonders what happened to them so she decided to
visit them, but before she could even leave their house she heard a news that completely shattered every
piece of herself. The girl who always seems like a rock finally showed her true emotions, her true self who is
grieving for the loss of her loved ones.
Regret within her rises, regret of not saying the things she wants while she still have a chance. Regret
of not saying those unheard words she could have said back then, and now she lost her chance. Since that
day, she started to change, as for the reason that she no longer wants to regret anything. That realization
finally hits her sense, that her 'rock' self should now be completely vanished that she should now be much
more open to others.
So today, the girl who was born as a stone is finally grown into a woman, who now this time knows
how to smile and who knows how to feel.

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