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Dos empleados de una empresa transportista comparan modos de transporte para un envió desde el
occidente de China hasta Shanghái. Lee la conversación y desarrolla los puntos planteados.
1. Corrige la información en la tabla

Inland waterways Road Rail (Express

Speed in days 6 4 3
Cost Low Compared with Compared with
barge: 50% road: 40% higher
Flexibility Low Very high Low

2. Completa las siguientes oraciones usando la forma correcta de los adjetivos en paréntesis.

a. Shipping the goods by inland waterways is ___cheap___ (cheap/ expensive) than using road
b. Using road transport isn’t ___difficult____ (easy/ difficult) than using river barges.
c. Shipping by rail is _____expensive____ (expensive/ cheap) way to transport goods.
d. Shipping by rail isn’t ____slow__________ (fast/ slow) than shipping by road.
e. Trucks are ______flexible____ (flexible) option of transport.

3. De acuerdo a la conversación e información en la tabla, escoge el modo de transporte que consideres

es el mejor y justifica tu elección, con 4 oraciones donde utilices comparativos y superlativos.

I THINK THE BEST OPTION IS ______road_________________, BECAUSE…

1. It is the most flexible option to transport the transfer between the barge and the rail.
2. it is safer because it is not necessary to reserve space weeks in advance as on the railway.
3. You can go out every day to transport the goods safely.
4. this means of transport is adequate, reliable and will always be available.

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