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1. What referred you to Airtel Enterprise Ltd?

o Direct Call (Portal)
o Consultant
o Employee Referred
o Job portals
o Through temporary staffing
o Body shopping (Hiring Cheaper Employees from Other Country)
o Walk in
o Newspaper Ad

2. Potential Candidates in your Organization are generated through the following

recruitment sources:

(Tick and rank them based on the number and quality of candidates generated.

Also roughly specify the percentage mix of each of the following sources adopted.

For e.g. If your organization get maximum quality candidates from Job Portals, then put

ranking 1 and percentage say for e.g. 40%.)

Sr. No. Sources Ranking Percentages

1 Direct applicants
2 Placement Consultants
3 Job portals
4 Employee referral
5 Through temporary staffing
6 Head hunting
7 Body shopping (Hiring Cheaper

Employees from Other

8 Any other sources, please

3. Total number of interviewers that you met with? Please specify number of rounds for

technical and HR separately.


For Technical Interviews: ______ Rounds

For HR Interviews: ______ Rounds

4. How many times did you come to Airtel Enterprise ltd. for interview? _________

5. What were your primary reasons for choosing Airtel Enterprise Ltd. as your work place?

(Fill all that apply)

o Tech Assignment
o Career Growth
o Compensation
o Brand Name
o Location
o Company Culture

6. Did you turn down competing offers from other companies to join this company?
o Yes
o No

If you answered yes, where were your other offers? (OE Question)


7. For internal recruitment, are the vacancies declared publicly?

o Yes

o No
Out of total recruitment in a year, what is the percentage of internal recruitment?

o 0% - 5%

o 5% - 10%

o 10% - 15%

o 15% - 20%

o 20% - 25%

o More than 25%

o Not at all

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