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Villa, Jessa Mae P.

EL 108


crashing waves on calm bluish water,

White sand dashing makes a heart flatter,

seashells scattered in different shapes and sizes,

Beach birds running, races back and forth,

Seagulls racing side by side.

Lots of trees can be seen in every corners,

For it is surrounded by multiple mountains.

Warmth of the sun as you go looking for shells,

Waves turning softly foam waters,

Makes your feet tickles with excitement.

Boracay of the North they usually say,

Sand is good for building sand castle,

To keep babies busy and not being a hassle,

While oldies enjoy some leisure,

Taking breaks from hectic schedule.

Lots of cottages to accommodate tourist guests,

Coming from distant places.

Good services usually offered,

To make sure tourists spread,

"PAGUDPUD is really the best".

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