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Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition

November 3-9, 2017, Tampa, Florida, USA

Energy and GHG emissions assessment in a plastic injection process at machine component
level: A case study of ABS plastic part produced in a Hybrid Injection Molding Machine

Javier Ávila * Vicente Borja* Marcelo López-Parra*

Alejandro C. Ramírez-Reivich*

* Center for Mechanical Design and Technology Innovation, Faculty of Engineering

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Cd. Universitaria, Distrito Federal, 04510, México

ABSTRACT sustainable products [5],[6],[11]. Furthermore, constantly

changing regulations are leading the market to implement new
In this article a GHG and energy analysis for the plastic injection structures of design, manufacture, transportation and disposal
process of an ABS medium sized injected part carried out in a [7].
hybrid injection molding machine is reported. A power
consumption process pattern for an ABS medium-size part is Researchers and companies make their best to develop efficient
defined as well as the energy usage of components, the energy ways to deliver better products and prime processes to
used for the injection process is calculated for the injection cycle accomplish market regulations and environmental, cultural,
and for the process setup. The reported study includes a hybrid social and economic requirements. Attention to environmental
machine analysis working under an electric network that relies aspects, social impact or resource depletion is accelerating and
mainly on thermoelectric energy generation. The GHG different drivers are exerting pressure on companies [16], [5].
emissions assessment was estimated using the 2015 emission Having a product or process that works and fulfills market needs
factor applied for Mexico. The results provide new experimental is not enough nowadays. It is imperative to be able to implement
data for ABS plastic injected parts in hybrid injection machines mechanism in industry to become more sustainable and therefore
it is very pertinent to develop measurement methodologies and
This paper describes the outcomes of a GHG emissions and
related standards to evaluate and improve sustainability of
energy assessment for an ABS medium-sized injected part
products and manufacturing processes [9].
carried out in a HIMM at UNAM. The approach followed by the
authors in this assessment was aimed at providing information
One illustrative example of how industry sector is producing and
about the energy usage and GHG emissions for the process and
establishing sustainability assessments in its processes and
the part.
products can be reviewed in Koplin [22]. Today industry uses
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to assess sustainability
The main contribution of this paper is the insight related to
performance (including energy performance and GHG
energy usage indicators in the process, the energy usage and the
emissions) of a product life cycle including the manufacturing
GHG emissions within components. The product used as a case
stage [23]. Such a sustainability assessment is predominantly
study and the results of its GHG emissions and energy
based on product´s material and weight, ignoring manufacturing
assessment are presented.
factors such as part design, manufacturing equipment and
processing conditions and facilities location [8]. The electrical
energy demand of machine tools is rarely specified and known,
The complexity of the environment, the globalization and its information is provided, for instance, in life cycle inventory
associated technological challenges has led to the need of a more databases. This information is restricted to a selection of
efficient and sustainable industry. The market demands more

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processes and based on estimations providing aggregated and including material selection, the mold and the peripherical
averaged data about energy demand [13]. equipment [25].

In the view of the authors, the contribution of this work relies on Regarding GHG analysis, an approach that somehow provides
the information gathering and the emissions and energy analyses the basis for the study of interactions between process and
performed on a hybrid injection molding machine (HIMM). The environment is the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) process [21]
energy consumption pattern obtained for ABS parts, the energy LCA is used to estimate the global impacts of a product [12]. The
distribution for a number of machine components and finally the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry defines the
GHG emissions, calculated for machine components and per LCA process as a process to evaluate the environmental burdens
injection cycle, integrate a wide group of data that expands associated with a product, process or activity by identifying and
current research work published on these themes. quantifying energy and material usage as well as the
environmental releases. The stages of a conventional life cycle
assessment of a product are as follows (1) Pre-manufacturing (2)
BACKGROUND Manufacturing (3) Delivery (4) Use (5) End of life.

Plastic injection molding is a cyclical process in which plastics LCA is among the most powerful tools available to date to
feed stock is melted and pressurized into the mold cavity to investigate the environmental performance of a technology, a
produce three dimensional parts [14]. The plastic industry in product or a service over the different stages of its life span, or
Mexico represents the 2% of world’s total production (5.3 MT) ‘from the cradle to the grave’ as is often said in technical jargon
[23], it is the 12th largest plastics consumer in the world, which [1].
accounts for 5.3% of the manufacturing sector and represents 1%
of Mexico’s GDP. Direct plastic consumption per capita in
Mexico is 48 kg a year [22]. The plastic injection process in ENERGY AND GHG EMISSIONS ASSESSMENT
Mexico is particularly important since it represents the 55% of
The purpose of the analysis reported in this paper is to introduce
the total plastic processing volume. 50% of the plastic injection
an assessment at component level for energy and GHG emissions
facilities are located in the central region of the country [2].
of a plastic injection process. The assessment leads to: (1) a
Power Usage Pattern for a medium sized part made of ABS, (2)
At the industry level, Fai presented an environmental impact
the specific energy consumption for the part, (3) the energy
assessment for the plastic injection molding process in Hong
distribution at machine´s component level and finally (4) a GHG
Kong [3]. Wolf made a sustainability assessment of polymer
emissions assessment at component level; methodology used
products in which authors set rules for sustainability assessment
shown in Figure 1.
and misconceptions, polymers life cycle and a description of
tools to perform the assessment [20]. Spiering elaborated a
supporting control system for design of products and processes
in manufacturing considering sustainability evaluations of
plastic products injection to predict energy consumption [15]. In
a recent work Schlüter and Rosano presented energy
consumption simulations at plant level based on realistic
processing conditions for two injection molding factories one in
Germany and the other in Australia [24].

At the machine level, Thiriez and Gutowski presented a work

with the differences in environmental performance of electric
and hydraulic injection molding machines to visualize the energy
consumption patterns comparison [17] Mattis presented a
method to link design decisions-parameters and energy
consumption [10], Godec Rujnić-Sokele, M., & Šercer,
presented a paper with the analysis of energy consumption in
injection molding systems and energy saving possibilities
Figure 1. Energy analysis methodology

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An experiment was performed using a Hybrid Injection Molding The scope of the study is to define the energy overhead of an
Machine (HIMM) to fulfill the objectives of the analysis; the injection cycle for each part, the energy consumption for the
machine (Figure 2) and the part specifications are given in Table machine set-up and to estimate the energy used in the motor,
1 and Table 2 respectively. hydraulic pumps, hopper, chiller, heated barrel, and nozzle
Mission, Vision and Scope
Machine and part description
The experiment was designed to be cost-effective and was
carried out in a plastic injection facility under industrial The hybrid injection machine and the part studied (Figure 2 and
conditions for an ABS part of 500 cm2 projected area. The 3) belong to a company in the central region of Mexico. The
experiment was designed taken into consideration: part, process, technical specifications of the machine are presented in Table 2.
data-acquisition, sample size and post-processing indicators (as
shown in Table 1).

Energy usage was measured during machine set-up and during

injection cycles, the energy usage distribution in machine
components such as: motor, pumps, hopper, chiller, heated
barrel, and nozzle heating are presented in the results and finally
a GHG emissions assessment at component level is given.

Table 1. Experiment parameters and variables

Environment Part Process Data Post-

conditions acquisition Processing
Temperature Geometry Machine Drivers Sample
Kind energy size
usage Figure 2. Energy analysis methodology

Humidity Thickness Injection Cooling Table 2. HIMM’s technical specifications

parameters energy
usage Feature Value
Surface Injection Material - Screw diameter 40 [mm]
area cycle-time drying Injection weight 195 [g]
energy Injection rate 144 [g/s]
Material Drying Injection pressure 192 [MPa]
time Acquisition Plasticizing 55.44 [Kg/h]
interval capacity
Cooling Screw speed 272 rpm
time Clamping force 1200 [kN]
Max. Mold 450 [mm]
The experiment was performed to obtain the energy consumption Hopper capacity 25 [kg]
pattern of an injection process in Mexico for a medium size ABS
part in a Hybrid Injection Molding Machine (HIMM) under The general specifications of the sample part studied are
environmental conditions of 25o C and 28% of relative humidity. presented in table 3.

The machine and the part were chosen under the following Table 3. Part features
criteria: For the injection machine election the main criteria were
Materia Weight Surface Injectio Injection
the accessibility for the data acquisition, as for the part, injection l [g] area n Cycle Pressure
cycles within 30 and 40 seconds and injection parameters [cm2] [s]
controlled and tested previously. ABS 166 500 38.75 110 psi

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machine idle. The Specific Energy Consumption was 2.66
MJ/kg. The energy consumed during machine setup was 6,004.3
Wh in a time of 35 minutes.

As mentioned before, by analyzing the power pattern (Figure 1)

and by knowing which machine components operates during
each process operation, the energy consumption of each
component was estimated (Table 4).

The screw motor consumed an average of 32% of the total energy

usage during the injection cycle. This machine component is
linked to the injection, dwelling and plasticize operations. Pumps
and chiller represented the 35.33% of the total energy usage and
they affected the cooling stage. The hopper consumed the
12.95% of the energy and it was related to the ABS’
hydrophobic–hydrophilic properties. The barrel represented
11.59% of the total energy used and it depended on the material
used. Idle represents the 3.51% and it was determined by the
control unit of the machine.
Fig. 3 Case study: Medium sized ABS part
Table 4. Components energy usage

The measurement equipment used to gather data was a Fluke- Components Energy %
435. The protocol to collect power-data consisted in testing the (Wh)
machine set-up and measuring the 150 injection cycles of the part Chiller 15.28 12.42
Pump 28.17 22.91
with a resolution output of 0.25 s to obtain the consumption Hopper 15.93 12.95
pattern. The HIMM´s idle power consumed was also captured. Barrel 14.25 11.59
To obtain the consumption pattern with the data obtained, an Screw- 39.57 32.18
averaged cycle (power vs time) was calculated and plotted using Motor
Nozzle 5.42 4.40
the Power Log V 4.2 and Microsoft Excel. A numerical method
Idle 4.32 3.51
(trapezoidal rule) was used on the patter information to get the
amount of energy consumed during machine set up and for each GHG emissions assessment
injection cycle. The pattern of the injection cycle was analyzed
to identify the operation of the injection cycle and from them the The GHG emissions at component level were calculated using
energy of each machine component was estimated. The hopper the Mexican emission factor for the year 2015 [26], [27] and they
and the nozzle energy consumption were measured directly with are presented in table 5.
clamp-on meter.
Table 5. Components GHG emissions
Components GHG
By analyzing the power consumption pattern of the injection (g CO2eq)
cycles (Fig. 4) it can be stated that plasticize and cooling stages Chiller 6.93
require most of the usable energy; the cooling stage is the one Pump 12.78
Hopper 7.23
that takes the largest amount of time during the injection cycle.
Barrel 6.46
Screw-Motor 17.96
The estimated averaged energy used to produce the part was Nozzle 2.46
122.94 [Wh] during an injection cycle of 38.5 s, the energy was Idle 1.96
distributed within the following components: motor, hydraulic
pumps, hopper, chiller, heated barrel, nozzle heating and the The GHG emissions per part manufactured are 55 gCo 2eq the
GHG emissions for the process set up are 2.97 kgCO2

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Fig. 4 Power Usage Pattern

RESULTS DISCUSSION emissions for the set-up, at component level the carbon footprint
can be reduced by reducing the cooling time and by optimizing
About the Power Usage Pattern the time for the plasticize.
The power usage pattern allows to visualize the energy usage
At plant level, there is an opportunity for plastic manufacturers
within operations, it allows to recognize opportunities to reduce
to reduce or even to eliminate the carbon footprint by using
power consumption and cycle time for single operations or to
renewable energy to supply the electricity of the process.
improve the performance of the process.

The pattern aid to understand the machine behavior, it provides

with critical information for producers to know the characteristic
energy usage of the parts they produce. An energy and GHG assessment for the injection molding
process in a hybrid machine was reported. The Power Usage
Pattern, the Specific Energy Consumption for a medium-size
About the Energy Distribution in components
part, the distribution of energy at component and the GHG
For component´s analysis, the screw motor consumes an average emissions at component level and for the process were presented.
of 26% of the total energy usage during the injection cycle. A
potential opportunity for the energy component optimization is The Power Usage Pattern gives an approach of machine
possible and it is linked to plasticize, injection and dwelling operations behavior and optimization opportunities can be
stages optimization. Pumps and chiller represent the 38% of the proposed for energy usage and cycle time, this lead us to future
total energy usage and it is linked to the cool stage. Optimization work based on profiles features. The shape of the Power Usage
is possible specially for the chiller. Pattern showed in this paper for the ABS parts, is similar to the
one reported in [17] for other materials.
About the GHG emissions assessment in components
The methodology considered part features, machine kind,
For GHG analysis, 55 grams of CO2 eq. are used per part material, environmental conditions, sample size, data-
manufactured in the complete batch 11.17 kg CO2 eq taking into acquisition, and data post-processing.
consideration set-up and injection cycles, the opportunities to
reduce the GHG impact is to produce more parts to leverage the

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