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(MBA SEM 4(FINANCE), 2008-2010 BATCH)








Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management



I’m Soyeb Jindani, a student of BHAGAWAN MAHAVIR COLLEGE OF

MANAGEMENT, Which is affiliated to Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat
hereby declare that the project entitled “IMPACT OF FOREIGN INSTITUTIONAL
MARKET” is the original work done by me and the information provided in the study is
authentic to the best of my knowledge. This study report has not been submitted to any other
institution or university for the award or any other degree and will not be submitted in near

This report is based on my personal opinion hence cannot be referred to legal



Soyeb Jindani

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management



Preservation, inspiration and motivation have always played a key role in the success
of any venture. In the present world of competition and success, training is like a bridge
between theoretical and practical working; willingly I prepared this particular Project. First of
all I would like to thank the supreme power, the almighty god, who is the one who has always
guided me to work on the right path of my life.

I express my sincere thanks to Dr. A.S.Abani. (Director), Mrs.Drashti Shah

(Lecturer) & others faculty members of M.B.A. department, for the valuable suggestion and
making this project a real successful.

Last but not least, my sincere thanks to my parents and friends who directly or
indirectly helped me to bring this project into the final shape.

Soyeb Jindani

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


Executive Summary

The objective of the project is to find the impact of institutional investors like
FIIs , DIIs(Mutual Fund) and FDI in the capital market in india. Finaly to find the
relationship between the SENSEX and S&P CNX NIFTY variation with the variation of
the investments made by the institutional investors and FDI. India opened its stock markets to
foreign investors in September 1992 and has, since 1993, received considerable
amount of portfolio investment from foreigners in the form of Foreign
Institutional Investor's (FII) investment in equities as well as Foreign Direct Investment
(FDI). While it is generally held that portfolio flows benefit the economies of
recipient countries, policy makers worldwide have been more than a little uneasy
about such investments. Portfolio flows-often referred as "hot money"-are notoriously
volatile compared to other types of capital inflows. Investors are known to pull back
portfolio investments at the slightest hint of trouble in the host country often leading
to disastrous consequences to its economy. They have been blamed for exacerbating
small economic problems in a country by making large and concerted withdrawals at the
first sign of economic weakness.

The methodology used to is correlation and regression analysis. The degree of

association helps us to quantify the relationship between the variation in sensex and
s&p cnx nifty due to the variation in the gross purchase, gross sales and net investment
made by the institutional investors and fdi.

After completing the project the researcher could recommend that Government should
certainly encourage foreign institutional investment and foreign direct investment but should
keep a check on the volatility factor. Long term funds should be given priority and
encouraged some of the actions that could be taken to ensure stability are

• Strengthening domestic institutional investors

• Operational flexibility to impart stability to the market

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• Knowledge activities and research programs

To conclude with, researcher would say that the foreign funds is certainly one
of the most important cause of volatility in the Indian stock market and has had a
considerable influence on it. Although it would not be fair enough to come to any conclusion
as there are a lot of other factors beyond the scope of the study that effect returns and
risks. It is not easy to predict the nature of the macroeconomic factors and their behavior but
it has a great significance on any economy and its elements. Although generally a positive
relation has been seen between the stock market returns and the FII inflows, DII inflows and
FDI inflows it is not easy to say which the cause n which is the effect is.



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1.1 About Topic

This project, in a way, reveals the dependence of Indian capital markets on the FII,
FDI& DII (Mutual Fund) for the period starting from 1st January 2001 to 12th March 2010.
Researcher has applied a simple linear model to estimate the effect of FII on the stock index.
The data analysis tools used in the research is correlation and regression.

Researcher has taken two indices to study the impact of selected variables on Indian
capital market. Two indices are Sensex and Nifty. These two indices give the close picture of
Indian stock exchanges. The FIIs & FDI started investing in Indian capital market from
September 1992. Researcher has taken average daily data of FIIs & DII and daily closing
index of two indices. And for FDI monthly average data has taken from April 2005 to
November 2009.

1.2 Importance of Study:

• The studies about foreign investment inflows need to be carry out to protect
the Indian capital market.

• The study will help investor to take decision about their investment while
changing in pattern of foreign investment.

• For the stability of Indian capital market such studies are needed.

1.3 Objective of Study:

• To Study the Impact of Institutional Investors especially the FII & FDI on the
capital market in India.

• To study the daily trend of volatility in India and analyzing the impact of
Institutional investors in during that period.

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• To quantify the relation between FII, FDI, DII flows and their relationship
with economic variables, particularly with SENSEX & S&P CNX NIFTY.

1.4 Benefit of Study:

• Got the knowledge about the close picture of Indian capital market and its daily

• By studying foreign investment inflows, researcher came to know about the

detailed information about it.

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Introduction to the Industry:

Financial System:

The economy of each and every country in based on the sound financial system which
helps in production, capital and economic growth by encouraging savings habits, mobilizing
savings from house holds and other segments and allocating savings into productive usage
such as trade, manufacture, commerce etc.

Thus, financial system provides bridge for surplus of the savers to be utilized by the
deficit spending units.

The financial system includes three basic elements:



Financial Market:

Credit Money
Market Market

Forex Capital
Market market

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Market Purpose Players Regulatory

Money market Short Term ( from Banks, FIIs, RBI

one day to one year) Corporate, MF,

Capital market Long Term (above Corporate, Banks, SEBI

one year) FIIs, FDI, MF,

Forex market Short Term Long Banks, Corporate, RBI

Term Foreign authorized forex
currency funds dealers

Credit market Short Term Long Banks, FIIs, RBI

Term Rupee funds Corporate

Financial Intermediaries

Development Financial Institutions

Commercial Banks
Non banking financial Institutions
Insurance Organisation

Financial Instruments

Equity Shares
Preference Shares
Debentures etc…

Structure of Capital Market:

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Equity market
-public issues Secondary market Primary Secondary
segment segment
-private marketNSE,
placement BSE, traded
Futures and
Domestic International options
market Exchange

Index Stock

Financial markets are the catalysts and engines of growth for any nation. India's
financial market began its transformation path in the early 1990s. The banking sector
witnessed sweeping changes, including the elimination of interest rate controls, reductions in
reserve and liquidity requirements and an overhaul in priority sector lending. Persistent

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efforts by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to put in place effective supervision and
prudential norms since then have lifted the country closer to global standards. Around the
same time, India's capital markets also began to stage extensive changes. The
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) was established in 1992 with a
mandate to protect investors and usher improvements into the microstructure of capital
markets, while the repeal of the Controller of Capital Issues (CCI) in the same year
removed the administrative controls over the pricing of new equity issues. India's financial
markets also began to embrace technology. Competition in the markets increased with
the establishment of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) in 1994, leading to a
significant rise in the volume of transactions and to the emergence of new important
instruments in financial intermediation.

Indian investors have been able to invest through mutual funds since 1964,
when UTI was established. Indian mutual funds have been organized through the Indian
Trust Acts, under which they have enjoyed certain tax benefits. Between 1987 and 1992,
public sector banks and insurance companies set up mutual funds. Since 1993, private
sector mutual funds have been allowed, which brought competition to the mutual fund
industry. This has resulted in the introduction of new products and improvement of
services. The notification of the SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations of 1993 brought
about a restructuring of the mutual fund industry. An arm's length relationship is
required between the fund sponsor, trustees, custodian, and asset Management
Company. This is in contrast to the previous practice where all three functions,
namely trusteeship, custodianship, and asset management, were often performed by one
body, Usually the fund sponsor or its subsidiary. The regulations prescribed
disclosure and advertisement norms for mutual funds, and, for the first time, permitted the
entry of private sector mutual funds. FIIs registered with SEBI may invest in domestic mutual
funds, whether listed or unlisted. The 1993 Regulations have been revised on the basis
of the recommendations of the Mutual Funds 2000 Report prepared by SEBI. The
revised regulations strongly emphasize the governance of mutual funds and increase
the responsibility of the trustees in overseeing the functions of the asset management
company. Mutual funds are now required to obtain the consent of investors for any change in
the "fundamental attributes" of a scheme, on the basis of which unit holders have invested.
The revised regulations require disclosures in terms of portfolio composition,
transactions by schemes of mutual funds with sponsors or affiliates of sponsors, with

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the asset Management Company and trustees, and also with respect to personal transactions
of key personnel of asset management companies and of trustees.

India opened its stock markets to foreign investors in September 1992 and has,
since 1993, received considerable amount of portfolio investment from foreigners in
the form of Foreign Institutional Investor's (FII) investment in equities. This has become
one of the main channels of portfolio investment in India for foreigners. In order to
trade in Indian equity markets, foreign corporations need to register with the SEBI as
Foreign Institutional Investor (FII). SEBI's definition of FIIs presently
includes foreign pension funds, mutual funds,
charitable/endowment/university fund’s etc. as well as asset management companies and
other money managers operating on their behalf The sources of these FII flows are varied
.The FIIs registered with SEBI come from as many as 28 countries(including money
management companies operating in India on behalf of foreign investors).US based
institutions accounted for slightly over 41% those from the U.K constitute about 20%
with other Western European countries hosting another 17% of the FIIs. Portfolio investment
flows from industrial countries have become increasingly important for developing
countries in recent years. The Indian situation has been no different. A significant part of
these portfolio flows to India comes in the form of FII's investments, mostly in equities. Ever
since the opening of the Indian equity markets to foreigners, FII investments have steadily
grown from about Rs.2600 crores in 1993 to over Rs.272165 crores till the end of Feb 2008.

While it is generally held that portfolio flows benefit the economies of recipient
countries, policy makers worldwide have been more than a little uneasy about such
investments. Portfolio flows- often referred as "hot money"-are notoriously volatile compared
to other types of capital inflows. Investors are known to pull back portfolio investments at the
slightest hint of trouble in the host country often leading to disastrous consequences to its
economy. They have been blamed for exacerbating small economic problems in a country
by making large and concerted withdrawals at the first sign of economic weakness. They
have also been responsible for spreading financial crisis -causing contagion in
international financial markets.

International capital flows and capital controls have emerged as an important policy
issues in the Indian context as well. The danger of "abrupt and sudden outflows" inherent
with FII flows and their destabilizing effect on equity and foreign exchange markets have

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been stressed. The financial market in India have expanded and deepened rapidly over
the last ten years. The Indian capital markets have witnessed a dramatic increase in
institutional activity and more specifically that of FII's. This change in market
environment has made the market more innovative and competitive enabling the
issuers of securities and intermediaries to grow. In India the institutionalization of the
capital markets has increased with FII's becoming the dominant owner of the free
float of most blue chip Indian stocks. Institutions often trade large blocks of shares
and institutional order's can have a major impact on market volatility. In smaller markets,
institutional trades can potentially destabilize the markets. Moreover, institutions also
have to design and time their trading strategies carefully so that their trades have
maximum possible returns and minimum possible impact costs.

Indian Capital Market:

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The Indian Capital Market is one of the oldest capital markets in Asia which evolved
around 200 years ago.The working of stock exchanges in India started in 1875. BSE is the
oldest stock market in India. The history of Indian stock trading starts with 318 persons
taking membership in Native Share and Stock Brokers Association, which we now know by
the name Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) is the largest stock exchange
established in 1992 by Industrial Development Bank of India, Industrial Credi1992 by
Industrial Development Bank of India, Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India,
in terms of daily turnover and number of trades, for both equities and derivative trading. The
NSE's key index is the S&P CNX Nifty, known as the Nifty50, which is an index of fifty
major stocks weighted by market capitalization.BSE and NSE represent themselves as
synonyms of Indian stock market.

The 30 stock sensitive index or Sensex was first compiled in 1986. The Sensex is
compiled based on the performance of the stocks of 30 financially sound benchmark
companies. In 1990 the BSE crossed the 1000 mark for the first time. It crossed 2000, 3000
and 4000 figures in 1992. The reason for such huge surge in the stock market was the liberal
financial policies announced by the then financial minister Dr. Man Mohan Singh.

The up-beat mood of the market was suddenly lost with Harshad Mehta scam. It came
to public knowledge that Mr. Mehta, also known as the big-bull of Indian stock market
diverted huge funds from banks through fraudulent means. He played with 270 million shares
of about 90 companies. Millions of small-scale investors became victims to the fraud as the
Sensex fell flat shedding 570 points.

To prevent such frauds, the Government formed The Securities and Exchange Board of
India, through an Act in 1992. SEBI is the statutory body that controls and regulates the
functioning of stock exchanges, brokers, sub-brokers, portfolio manager’s investment
advisors etc. SEBI oblige several rigid measures to protect the interest of investors. Now with
the inception of online trading and daily settlements the chances for a fraud is nil, says top
officials of SEBI.

Many foreign institutional investors (FII) are investing in Indian stock markets on a
very large scale. The liberal economic policies pursued by successive Governments attracted

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foreign institutional investors to a large scale.Apart from FIIs, the non-resident Indians also
invest hugely in the stock market.Diminishing returns from bank deposits and the facilities of
online trading made them turn to stock markets and with the bull-run many have made a good
fortune from stock markets.

The initial public offers by Tata Consultancy Services, Maruti Udyog Limited, ONGC
etc were big events in Indian stock market. Not only did they put a great show, but also took
the stock market to newer heights. TCS is a big weight in the stock market from the day it
was listed. Traditional heavy weights are Reliance, Tata, Bharati etc. Now new entrants like
Biocon are also play significant roles in the market.

National Stock Exchange (NSE)

National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) is India's largest Stock Exchange & World's
third largest Stock Exchange in terms of transactions. Located in Mumbai, NSE was
promoted by leading Financial Institutions at the behest of the Government of India, and was
incorporated in November 1992 as a tax-paying company.

In April 1993, NSE was recognized as a Stock exchange under the Securities
Contracts (Regulation) Act-1956. NSE commenced operations in the Wholesale Debt Market
(WDM) segment in June 1994. Capital Market (Equities) segment of the NSE commenced
operations in November 1994, while operations in the Derivatives segment commenced in
June 2000.

NSE was set up with the objectives of

• Establishing nationwide trading facility for all types of securities

• Ensuring equal access to investors all over the country through an appropriate
telecommunication network
• Providing fair, efficient & transparent securities market using electronic trading
• Enabling shorter settlement cycles and book entry settlements
• Meeting International benchmarks and standards

NSE's markets

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NSE provides a fully automated screen-based trading system with national reach in the
following major market segments:-

• Equity OR Capital Markets {NSE's market share is over 65%}

• Futures & Options OR Derivatives Market {NSE's market share over 99.5%}
• Wholesale Debt Market (WDM)
• Mutual Funds (MF)
• Initial Public Offerings (IPO)

Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)

Bombay Stock Exchange is the oldest stock exchange in Asia with a rich heritage, now
spanning three centuries in its 133 years of existence. What is now popularly known as BSE
was established as "The Native Share & Stock Brokers' Association" in 1875.

BSE is the first stock exchange in the country which obtained permanent recognition
(in 1956) from the Government of India under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act
1956. Over the past 133 years, BSE has facilitated the growth of the Indian corporate sector
by providing it with an efficient access to resources. There is perhaps no major corporate in
India which has not sourced BSE's services in raising resources from the capital market.

Today, BSE is the world's number 1 exchange in terms of the number of listed
companies and the world's 5th in transaction numbers. The market capitalization as on
December 31, 2007 stood at USD 1.79 trillion. An investor can choose from more than 4,700
listed companies, which for easy reference, are classified into A, B, S, T and Z groups. The
number of companies listed on the BSE at the end of December 1994 was 4,702.

Over the last decade, there has been a rapid change in the Indian securities
market, both in primary as well as the secondary market. Advanced technology and

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online-based transactions have modernized the stock exchanges. In terms of the number
of companies listed and total market capitalization, the Indian equity market is
considered large relative to the country's stage of economic development. Currently,
there are 40 mutual funds, out of which 33 are in the private sector and 7 are in the public
sector. Mutual funds were opened to the private sector in 1992. Earlier, in 1987, banks were
allowed to enter this business, breaking the monopoly of the Unit Trust of India (UTI), which
maintains a dominant position. Before 1992, many factors obstructed the expansion of
equity trading. Fresh capital issues were controlled through the Capital Issues Control
Act. Trading practices were not transparent, and there was a large amount of insider trading.
Recognizing the importance of increasing investor protection, several measures were enacted
to improve the fairness of the capital market. The Securities and Exchange Board of India
(SEBI) was established in 1988. There have been significant reforms in the regulation of the
securities market since 1992 in conjunction with overall economic and financial reforms.

In 1992, the SEBI Act was enacted giving SEBI statutory status as an apex regulatory
body.And a series of reforms was introduced to improve investor protection,
automation of stock trading, integration of national markets, and efficiency of market
operations. India has seen a tremendous change in the secondary market for equity. Among
the processes that have already started and are soon to be fully implemented are
electronic settlement trade and exchange-traded derivatives. Before 1995, markets in
India used open outcry, a trading process in which traders shouted and hand signaled from
within a pit. One major policy initiated by SEBI from 1993 involved the shift of all
exchanges to screen-based trading, motivated primarily by the need for greater
transparency. The first exchange to be based on an open electronic limit order book was the
National Stock Exchange (NSE), which started trading debt instruments in June 1994 and
equity in November 1994. In March 1995, BSE shifted from open outcry to a limit order
book market. Before 1994, India's stock markets were dominated by BSE. In other parts of
the country, the financial industry did not have equal access to markets and was unable
to participate in forming prices compared with market participants in Mumbai
(Bombay). As a result, the prices in markets outside Mumbai were often different from
prices in Mumbai. These pricing errors limited order flow to these markets. Explicit
nationwide connectivity and implicit movement toward one national market has changed this
situation. NSE has established satellite communications which give all trading members of
NSE equal access to the market. Similarly, BSE and the Delhi Stock Exchange are both

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expanding the number of trading terminals located all over the country.

The arbitrages are eliminating pricing discrepancies between markets. The Indian
capital market still faces many challenges if it is to promote more efficient allocation
and mobilization of capital in the economy.

• First, market infrastructure has to be improved as it hinders the efficient flow

of information and effective corporate governance.
• Second, the trading system has to be made more transparent.
• Third, India may need further integration of the national capital market through
consolidation of stock exchanges.
• Fourth, the payment system has to be improved to better link the banking and
securities industries.

The capital market cannot thrive alone; it has to be integrated with the other segments
of the financial system. The global trend is for the elimination of the traditional wall between
banks and the securities market. Securities market development has to be supported by
overall macroeconomic and financial sector environments. Further liberalization of
interest rates, reduced fiscal deficits, fully market-based issuance of Government
securities and a more competitive banking sector will help in the development of a
sounder and a more efficient capital market in India.

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Chapter 3
Research Methodology

3.1 Problem identification:

What is the impact of FIIs, DII, and FDI investment on the Indian capital market?

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3.2 Hypothesis

(H): The Sensex and S&P CNX Nifty index rises with the increase in FIIs, FDI & DII

3.3 Research design:

“A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collections and analysis of data in a
manner that aims to relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. In fact,
research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted; it constitutes
the blue print for collection, measurement and analysis of data.”

A number of different design approaches exist; they may be exploratory study, formal study,
causal, cross sectional, descriptive etc.

For this study Researcher has chosen DESCRIPTIVE research design.

3.4 Sampling:

 Sample Size:

1. For FIIs,

• Daily trend starting from 1st January 2001 to 12th March 2010.(It includes
gross purchase, gross sales and net investment of FIIs)

2. For Mutual Fund(DIIs)

• Daily trend starting from 1st January 2001 to 12th March 2010.(It includes
gross purchase, gross sales and net investment of DIIs)

3. For FDI

• Monthly trend starting from April 2005 to November 2009.

• Yearly trend starting from 1991-1992 to 2008-2009

4. For Sensex and S&P Cnx Nifty

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• Daily trend starting from 1st January 2001 to 12th March 2010. (It includes
Closing Price of both indices)

3.5 Research tools:

• Software: Minitab 15 Statistical analysis tool

• Statistical tools: Corelation and Regression analysis.

• Secondary data of FIIs, FDI, DIIs.

3.6 Data collection:

Secondary data sources:

• Internet

3.7 Limitation of study:

• The time horizon of study was constrained for the researcher.

• The data is taken for FDI is on monthly basis which may not show perfect

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4.1Institutional Investors:

An institutional investor is an investor, such as a bank, insurance company, retirement

fund, hedge fund, or mutual fund that is financially sophisticated and makes large
investments, often held in very large portfolios of investments. Because of their
sophistication, institutional investors may often participate in private placements of securities,
in which certain aspects of the securities laws may be inapplicable.

Types of Institutional Investors:

DOMESTIC INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR is used to denote an investor - mostly

of the form of an institution or entity, which invests money in the financial markets of its
own country where the institution or entity was originally incorporated. In India, there
are broadly four types of institutional investors.

Domestic Institutional


Devlopmental Insurance Asset

Financial Companies Banks Managemet

Institution Comapnies

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of India (IFCI), Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI), Industrial
Development Bank of India (IDBI), the State Financial Corporations, etc. The role
played by these financial institutions (FIs) is to extend funds to the companies for both
long term financing and (more recently) working capital financing. The financial
institutions extend both debt and equity financing to their nominee directors in the

INSURANCE COMPANIES like the Life Insurance Corporation (LIC), General

Insurance Corporation (GIC), and their subsidiaries.

BANKS: Earlier banks used to finance only the working capital of the
companies. But now they are also extending long-term finance to the companies.

ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANIES all the mutual funds including Unit Trust of India
(UTI). The mutual funds collect funds from both individuals and corporate to invest in the
financial assets of other companies. In India, the mutual funds participate largely in
the equity capital of the companies. The mutual fund industry which is the major
institutional investors in India started in 1963 with the formation of Unit Trust of India,
at the initiative of the Government of India and Reserve Bank.

History of DII:

The history of mutual funds in India can be broadly divided into four distinct phases

First Phase: 1964-1987, Unit Trust of India (UTI) was established on 1963 by an Act of

Second Phase : 1987- 1993, Entry of Public Sector Funds .1987 marked the entry of
non- UTI, public sector mutual funds set by public sectorbanks and Life Insurance
Corporation of India (LIC) andInsurance Corporation of India (GIC).

Third Phase: 1993-2003, Entry of Private Sector Funds in 1993. Kothari Pioneer (now
merged with Franklin Templeton) was the first private sector mutual fund registered
in July 1993.As at the end of January 2003; there were 33 mutual funds with total assets
of Rs. 1, 21,805 crores. The Unit Trust of India with Rs.44, 541 crores of assets under

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management was way ahead of other mutual funds.

Fourth Phase: 2003-2007 In Feb 2003 the Unit Trust of India Act 1963 UTI was
bifurcated into two separate entities. The Specified Undertaking of Unit Trust of India,
functioning under an administrator and under the rules framed by Government of India.
The second is the UTI Mutual Fund Ltd, sponsored by SBI, PNB, BOB and LIC. It is
registered with SEBI and functions under the Mutual Fund Regulations.

4.2 Foreign Institutional Investor (FII)

Foreign Institutional Investor (FII) is used to denote an investor - mostly of the form
of an institution or entity, which invests money in the financial markets of a country different
from the one where in the institution or entity was originally incorporated.

FII investment is frequently referred to as hot money for the reason that it can leave
the country at the same speed at which it comes in.

In countries like India, statutory agencies like SEBI have prescribed norms to register
FIIs and also to regulate such investments flowing in through FIIs. In 2008, FIIs represented
the largest institution investment category, with an estimated US$ 751.14 billion.

FEMA norms include maintenance of highly rated bonds (collateral) with security

History of FII

The Year 2004 has been the most remarkable year in the history of Indian capital
markets with the BSE Sensitive Index closing at another record high and FII Flows at over
$8.6 billion, a 13.7 per cent growth over previous record year. It is particularly interesting to
note that India attracted 30 per cent of the foreign flows that washed the shores of the Asia
Pacific region during 2004.At a time when India witnessed a major election reversal and a
lean monsoon season. This is a testament to the resilience of the Indian economy and its well
managed corporate sector which continues to show a high earnings growth compared to the
peers in the Asia Pacific region. In addition the following factors contributed significantly to
the FII flows to India.

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• Regulation and Trading Efficiencies:

Indian stock markets have been well regulated by the stock exchanges, SEBI and RBI
leading to high levels of efficiency in trading, settlements and transparent dealings enhancing
the confidence level of FIIs in increasing allocations to India.

• F and O Segment:

The highly successful derivatives market in India has provided additional depth to the
markets with high traded volumes and multiple instruments by which investors can
participate in the Indian equity markets. In fact the Single Stock Futures (SSF) market in
India is one of the most successful SSF market in Asia after Korea.

• New Issuance: We have witnessed extremely high quality issuance during the year
from companies such as NTPC, ONGC and TCS leading to strong FII participation with
successful new issuance of over $ nine billion, yet another record for the year.

Importance of FII
Post 1991, our country has succeeded in striking the right chord with foreign
investors, though the pace of such development was slow. FII money flowing into the Indian
stock markets is definitely not a new phenomenon, and much is written about this issue in the
media and academia.

Basically the coefficient was very low at 0.18, which can hardly be said to be a strong
correlation. Further, I also ran a regression between the two variables, and found that FII
flows explain only 3% of the Sensex movements. However, this 3% was STATISTICALLY

It's a bit difficult to reach at a final conclusion when such issues are concerned. I
personally feel that we do at times over-react to FII flows. However, FIIs are more than just
money. They represent something unquantifiable known as investors' sentiment. I guess thats
why we get a bit anxious when there are sudden FII outflows, since such behavior may reflect
a change in investor sentiment.

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Macro-economic importance of FII flows for India

A survey of literature on portfolio investments revealed the importance of such

investments for a developing economy like India’s. Foremost, FII investments are non-debt
creating flows, also a reason why Indian policy makers sought to liberalize such flows in the
wake of the BoP crisis in 1990-91. Theoretically, FII investments bring in global liquidity
into the equity markets and raise the price-earning ratio and thereby reduce the cost of capital
domestically. FII inflows help supplement domestic savings and smoothen inter-temporal
consumption. Studies indicate a positive relationship between portfolio flows and the growth
performance of an economy, though such specific studies for India were not found.

India, in the recent past few years seems to have received a disproportionately large
part of its foreign investment flows via the FII investments in the equity markets. While in
the last three years the average share of FII in the total foreign investments was above 70%,
this is almost double the average share of around 36% of FII investments in the three years of
FY01 to FY03. More so, FII inflows have significantly contributed to the Balance of
Payments surplus in the last three years. Our analysis indicates that FII inflows as a
percentage of the BOP surplus was at around 35% in the most recent last three years while
the average from FY95 to FY03 had been only around 4.5%. Exhibit 3 also indicates that FII
inflows had significantly contributed to the sharp increase in the foreign exchange reserves of
the economy.

The large build-up of foreign exchange reserves through FII inflows poses a potential
threat of destabilization of the economy. Portfolio flows are most often referred to as “hot
money” that can be notoriously volatile when compared to other forms of capital flows. The
Mexican crisis and the East Asian crisis are classic examples of the damage that sudden
outflows of portfolio money can do to an economy.

Without immediately implicating any significant withdrawal of funds out of India of

crisis precipitating proportions, it needs to be noted that outflows of FII capital from the
market could adversely impact the value of the Indian currency, as FII inflows form the most
significant part of foreign inflows into the economy. Indeed, the recent soft trends in FII
inflows in May had led the Indian currency to depreciate against the US dollar The risk of a
large depreciation is even more as we are in a situation where the higher international price of

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crude oil has led to a significant weakening of the current account deficit. In other words, in
the event of a significant tapering off of FII inflows, $/Re could depreciate sharply in
consonance to a widening current account deficit, as the other forms of capital inflows into
the economy are not significant enough.

There are likely to be repercussions on the growth momentum of the Indian economy
if FII inflows significantly slow down. This is because a large extent of buoyancy in
consumption was possible due to the positive wealth effects of a booming stock market and a
decline in the interest rates due to a large overhang of rupee liquidity in the system (also a
byproduct of large FII inflows over the last few years). Therefore, if FII inflows were to slow
down, it will reduce the wealth generated by the stock market, the Indian currency will
depreciate and RBI will have to draw down on the foreign exchange reserves or hike interest
rates to prevent wild swings in the exchange rate.

Registration Process of FIIs

A FII is required to obtain a certificate by SEBI for dealing in securities. SEBI grants
the certificate SEBI by taking into account the following criteria:

i) The applicant's track record, professional competence, financial soundness,

experience, general reputation of fairness and integrity.

ii) Whether the applicant is regulated by an appropriate foreign regulatory


iii) Whether the applicant has been granted permission under the provisions of the
Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973 (46 of 1973) by the Reserve Bank of
India for making investments in India as a Foreign Institutional Investor.

iv) Whether the applicant is a) an institution established or incorporated outside

India as a pension fund, mutual fund, investment trust, insurance company or
reinsurance company. b) an International or Multilateral Organization or an
agency thereof or a Foreign Governmental Agency or a Foreign Central Bank.
c) an asset management company, investment manager or advisor, nominee

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company, bank or institutional portfolio manager, established or incorporated

outside India and proposing to make investments in India on behalf of broad
based funds and its proprietary funds in if any or d) university fund,
endowments, foundations or charitable trusts or charitable societies.

v) Whether the grant of certificate to the applicant is in the interest of the

development of the securities market.

vi) Whether the applicant is a fit and proper person.

The SEBIs initial registration is valid for a period of three years from the date of its grant of

Investment Conditions and Restrictions for FIIs:

A Foreign Institutional Investor may invest only in the following:-

(a) Securities in the primary and secondary markets including shares, debentures and
warrants of companies, unlisted, listed or to be listed on a recognized stock exchange
in India.
(b) units of schemes floated by domestic mutual funds including Unit Trust of India,
whether listed or not listed on a recognised stock exchange.
(c) Dated Government securities.
(d) Derivatives traded on a recognised stock exchange.
(e) Commercial paper.
(f) Security receipts.

The total investments in equity and equity related instruments (including fully
convertible debentures, convertible portion of partially convertible debentures and tradable
warrants) made by a Foreign Institutional Investor in India, whether on his own account or on
account of his sub- accounts, should not be less than seventy per cent of the aggregate of all
the investments of the Foreign Institutional Investor in India, made on his own account and
on account of his sub-accounts. However, this is not applicable to any investment of the

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foreign institutional investor either on its own account or on behalf of its sub-accounts in debt
securities which are unlisted or listed or to be listed on any stock exchange if the prior
approval of the SEBI has been obtained for such investments. Further, SEBI while granting
approval for the investments may impose conditions as are necessary with respect to the
maximum amount which can be invested in the debt securities by the foreign institutional
investor on its own account or through its sub-accounts. A foreign corporate or individual is
not eligible to invest through the hundred percent debt route.

Even investments made by FIIs in security receipts issued by securitization companies

or asset reconstruction companies under the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial
Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 are not eligible for the investment
limits mentioned above. No foreign institutional should invest in security receipts on behalf
of its sub-account.

Prohibitions on Investments:

FIIs are not permitted to invest in equity issued by an Asset Reconstruction Company.
They are also not allowed to invest in any company which is engaged or proposes to engage
in the following activities:

1) Business of chit fund

2) Nidhi Company
3) Agricultural or plantation activities
4) Real estate business or construction of farm houses (real estate business does not
include development of townships, construction of residential/commercial
premises, roads or bridges.
5) Trading in Transferable Development Rights (TDRs).

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Restrictions faced by FII in India

FIIs can buy/sell securities on Indian stock exchanges, but they have to get registered
with stock market regulator Sebi. They can also invest in listed and unlisted securities outside
stock exchanges if the price at which stake is sold has been approved by RBI.

No individual FII/sub-account can acquire more than 10% of the paid up capital of an
Indian company. All FIIs and their sub-accounts taken together cannot acquire more than
24% of the paid up capital of an Indian Company, unless the Indian Company raises the 24%
ceiling to the sectoral cap or statutory ceiling as applicable by passing a board resolution and
a special resolution to that effect by its general body in terms of RBI press release of
September 20, 2001 and FEMA Notification No.45 of the same date.

In addition, the government also introduces new regulations from time to time to ensure that
FII investments are in order. For example, investment through participatory notes (PNs) was
curbed by SEBI recently.

Foreign Institutional Investors (FII)

FII is used to denote an investor - mostly of the form of an institution or

entity, which invests money in the financial markets of a country different from the one
where in the institution or entity was originally incorporated.FII investment is frequently
referred to as hot money for the reason that it can leave the country at the same speed at
which it comes in. In countries like India, statutory agencies like SEBI have prescribed norms
to register FIIs and also to regulate such investments flowing in through FIIs.

• Pension Funds
• Mutual Funds
• Investment Trust
• Insurance or reinsurance companies
• Endowment Funds
• University Funds
• Foundations or Charitable Trusts or Charitable Societies
• Asset Management Companies

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• Nominee Companies
• Institutional Portfolio Managers
• Trustees
• Power of Attorney
• Holders Bank

Sources of FII in India

The sources of these FII flows are varied. The FIIs registered with SEBI come from as
many as 28 countries (including money management companies operating in India
on behalf of foreign investors). US-based institutions accounted for slightly over
41%; those from the UK constitute about 20% with other Western European countries
hosting another 17% of the FIIs. It is, however, instructive to bear in mind that these
national affiliations do not necessarily mean that the actual investor funds come from
these particular countries. Given the significant financial flows among the industrial
countries, national affiliations are very rough indicators of the ‘home’ of the FII
investments. In particular institutions operating from Luxembourg, Cayman Islands or
Channel Islands, or even those based at Singapore or Hong Kong are likely to be investing
funds largely on behalf of residents in other countries. Nevertheless, the regional
breakdown of the FIIs does provide an idea of the relative importance of different
regions of the world in the FII flows.

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4.3Comparison of FII and DII:

Institutional Investors Registered in India

• Mutual Fund Registered in India

Mutual Fund
Registered in
Year India
1964-87 1
1987-93 9
1993-03 33
2003-07 40
2010 45

From the bar chart above it is clearly evident that the mutual fund industry is

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still at a nascent stage as compared to the FII's. Since its inception in 1964 when the first
mutual fund i.e. UTI had the monopoly for 25 years. It was thus in the year after 1989 that
public sector banks and financial institution started their AMC .Finally in the third phase
when private players entered the arena, it lead to a fierce battle to hold the top slot in the
Indian mutual fund industry .The growing number of mutual fund companies
corroborates the fact that Indian public are now looking for different avenues to invest their
earnings and are confident on the working of capital market in India. This shows that
SEBI has in a way restored the faith of these investors in spite of the different scams
that rockedthe capital market in India.

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FII Registered in India:

Year FII Registered in India
1992-93 0
1993-94 3
1994-95 156
1995-96 353
1996-97 439
1997-98 496
1998-99 450
1999-00 506
2000-01 528
2001-02 490
2002-03 502
2003-04 540
2004-05 685
2005-06 803
2006-07 1050
2007-08 1303
2008-09 1390

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Data to get an idea about the trend of FIIs in India, and also to see the future direction
of their movement. India had 528 FIIs were registered with SEBI by end of 2001 and by end
of Feb-2008 the number increased to1303. And in 2008-09 it increased to 1390. The trend in
the number of registered FIIs has been consistently on the rise as can be seen from the
table; showing the significant amount of confidence that Indian Capital market has
developed in the last few years.

Not only has been the number increasing on a consistent basis, but the amount of
inflow into Indian market has also seen a manifold increased. The gross purchase, sales and
net investment figure on an annual basis gives a fair idea about the consistency of
their investments in our country. As we can see in the investment trends table, except for
1998, the net investment by the FIIs in the Indian market has always been positive since
liberalization which to a large extent tells about the consistency of their presence in Indian
market. This is also evident from the fact that the number of FII registering in India is
increasing in spite of the fact that SEBI has declined to issue any further PN notes and also
asked them to get registered. This shows that India still remains the hot spot for the
foreign investors in the coming years.

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Major Institutional Investors in India

The total number of Domestic institutional investors specially the mutual funds is 40
in number. Similarly insurance companies and other banks are very large in number. But out
of these there are some heavy weights which solely by their investments are among the top 5
domestic institutional investors in India. Among the total FII registered i.e. 1303 by the end
of feb 2008 the top 5 FII in terms of their investment in India are listed below.

Domestic Institutional Investors


Life Insurance in its modern form came to India from England in the year 1818. The
first two decades of the twentieth century saw lot of growth in insurance business.
From 44 companies with total business-in-force as Rs.22.44 crore, it rose to 176 companies
with total business-in-force as Rs.298 crore in 1938. During the mushrooming of insurance
companies many financially unsound concerns were also floated which failed
miserably. However, it was much later on the 19th of January, 1956, that life
insurance in India was nationalized. About 154 Indian insurance companies, 16 non-
Indian companies and 75 provident were operating in India at the time of nationalization.
Nationalization was accomplished in two stages; initially the management of the
companies was taken over by means of an Ordinance, and later, the ownership too by
means of a comprehensive bill. The Parliament of India passed the Life Insurance
Corporation Act on the 19th of June 1956, and the Life Insurance Corporation of India was
created on 1st September, 1956, with the objective of spreading life insurance much
more widely and in particular to the rural areas with a view to reach all insurable
persons in the country, providing them adequate financial cover at a reasonable cost.

LIC's emergence as the biggest investor in the country should not surprise anyone.
The state-owned company is 51 years old and enjoyed a state-sanctioned
monopoly over the life insurance business till 2000. The firm has issued 220 million
policies and earned total premium income of Rs39, 541 crore in 2006-07. It is allowed to
invest 35% of its funds in equities.

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The largest chunk in LIC's portfolio is the stake it owns in listed engineering giant
Larsen and Toubro Ltd. The 15.7% stake in L&T is valued at more than Rs19, 642 crore.
Other major investments include a 4.14% stake in Reliance Industries Ltd, the largest
Indian company by market capitalization, 7.2 % in ICICI Bank Ltd, 13.4% in ITC Ltd
and 4.2 % in Reliance Communications Ltd.


Reliance Mutual Fund (RMF) is one of India's leading Mutual Funds, with
Average Assets Under Management (AAUM) of Rs. 90,938 Crores (AAUM for Mar 08
) and an investor base of over 66.87 Lakhs.Reliance Mutual Fund, a part of the Reliance -
Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group, is one of the fastest growing mutual funds in the country.
Reliance Capital Ltd. is one of India's leading and fastest growing private sector
financial services companies, and ranks among the top 3 private sector financial
services and banking companies, in terms of net worth. Reliance Capital Ltd. has
interests in asset management, life and general insurance, private equity and proprietary
investments, stock broking and other financial services.


ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company enjoys the strong parentage of

prudential plc, one of UK's largest players in the insurance & fund management
sectors and ICICI Bank, a well-known and trusted name in financial services in India.
ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company, in a span of just over eight years, has
forged a position of pre-eminence in the Indian Mutual Fund industry as one of the largest
asset management companies in the country with assets under management of Rs.
37,906.24 crore (as of March 31, 2007). The Company manages a comprehensive range
of schemes to meet the varying investment needs of its investors spread across 68 cities
in the country. Upon its inception in May 1998 it manages 2 funds of Rs 160 Cr and has
grown to manage 35 Funds worth Rs 62,008.95 Cr.

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UTI Mutual Fund came into existence on 1st February 2003. Bank of Baroda
(BOB), Punjab National Bank (PNB) and State Bank of India (SBI) and Life
Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) are the sponsors of the UTI Mutual Fund. UTI
Mutual Fund is managed by UTI Asset Management Company Private Limited
(AMC). UTI AMC is a registered portfolio manager under the SEBI (Portfolio
Managers) Regulations, 1993 for undertaking portfolio management services and also
acts as the manager and marketer to offshore funds. UTI Mutual Fund has a nationwide
network consisting 70 UTI Financial Centers (UFCs) and UTI International offices in
London, Dubai and Bahrain. The fund has a track record of managing a variety of
schemes catering to the needs of every class of citizenry.


HDFC (Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited) is one of the dominant

players in the Indian mutual fund space. HDFC was incorporated in 1977 as the first
specialized Mortgage Company in India. HDFC Mutual Funds are handled by HDFC
Asset Management Company Limited. HDFC Asset Management Company was incorporated
under the Companies Act, 1956, on December 10, 1999, and was approved to act as an Asset
Management Company for the Mutual Fund by SEBI on July 3, 2000. The company also
provides portfolio management / advisory services.

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Foreign Institutional Investors:


DWS Investments part of Deutsche Asset Management, was founded in 1956 in

Frankfurt/Main. With fund assets under management of euro 267 bn, the company is one of
the Top 10 companies worldwide. In Europe, DWS is one of the leading mutual fund
companies and currently manages euro 173 bn. In excess of more than euro 147 bn assets
under management, DWS represents 22, 3% of the fund market in Germany, making it the
unchallenged number one.

The International nature of its business differentiates DWS significantly from

its domestic and international competitors. DWS Investments’ activities span all the key
European markets. In the USA, DWS is represented by DWS Scudder and manages
assets of euro 86 bn. In spring 2006, it launched its first funds as well as the DWS brand in
Singapore and India, continuing its successful expansion in the Asia-Pacific region.
Thereafter, more funds were registered in other countries in Asia-Pacific.


The formation of Citigroup in 1998 created a new model of financial services

organization to serve its clients' financial needs. As the company continues to grow and
evolve, it's increasingly evident that such a large, complex grouping of businesses can
indeed succeed. With 275,000 employees working in more than 100 countries and
territories, Citigroup's globality and diversity contribute to its continued success.


HSBC Investments is one of the world's premier fund management

organizations. It has established a strong reputation with institutional investors including
corporations, governments, insurance companies and charities the world over for
delivering consistently superior returns. In India we offer fund management
services for institutional as well as retail investors. Our array of products includes
Equity Funds Income /Debt Funds.

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Morgan Stanley is a global financial services firm and a market leader in securities,
investment management and credit services. It has more than 600 offices in 27
countries and manages $421 billion in assets for institutional and individual clients around
the world. Stanley Investment Management (MSIM), the asset management
company of Morgan Stanley was established in 1975. Morgan Stanley entered
Indian market in 1989 with the launch of India Magnum Fund. In 1994, Morgan Stanley
launched Morgan Stanley Growth Fund (MSGF). It is one of the largest private sector
schemes investing in equities.

The last boom in the Indian stock markets was inarguably driven by Foreign
Institutional Investors (FIIs). These were companies placing their bets on the Indian growth
story and rushing hot money in the stock markets. The top 5 companies that have the
largest share of FIIs, (All figures as of October 9, 2009)

Name of company FII share in company

Sybly Industries Limited 74.18 %

India bulls Real Estate 67.43 %
HDFC 59.85%
Geodesic 53.47 %
Amtek Auto 50.84 %

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Reasons for Growth in FII Investment:

Global liquidity is, of course, the primary cause of the recent surge in Asian markets
including India. Also low interest rate regime has led foreign investors to look for fresh
avenues to invest. This has resulted in most emerging markets seeing heavy inflows.
FII's see India as a good destination to invest in and make money. They are happy with the
Indian government's commitment to economic reforms. They are alsolooking closely at
sectors (and companies within these sectors) which they think have potential. In fact, the
growing competitiveness of Indian companies is an enticing factor.

Long-Term Capital Gains Tax: which is the tax an investor pays when he sells his shares
after more than a year -- has been abolished; thus one can sell his shares without
having to pay the government any kind of tax.

Rupee Appreciation: The dollar has been falling in value vis-à-vis other
currencies. As a result, FIIs don't find the thought of investing in the US market all that

attractive. They know they will make more money if they invest elsewhere.

Economic Growth: As mentioned earlier we witnessed a GDP growth rate of about 8.5%
last year. Our industries like Telecom, Banking etc are doing relatively well. All these make
our country very attractive to invest in. The sheer size of India and the relative stability the
country offers are other obvious plus points. Whatever the case may be, a perception is
gaining momentum that foreign investors are here to stay at least in the short-term.

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Foreign Institutional Investment: A Cost Benefit Analysis

The role of foreign investment over the years can't be ignored. It certainly has had an
impact on the Indian stock market with a lot of benefits but along with these benefits there
are a few costs attached with it. Therefore it is useful to summarize the benefits and
costs for India of having foreign inflows.


a) Reduced cost of equity

FII inflows augment the sources of funds in the Indian capital markets. FII
investment reduces the required rate of return for equity, enhances stock prices, and fosters
investment by Indian firms in the country. The impact of FIIs upon the cost of equity
capital may be visualized by asking what stock prices would be if there were no FIIs
operating in India.

b) Stability in the balance of payment

For promoting growth in a developing country such as India, there is need to

augment domestic investment, over and beyond domestic saving, through capital flows. The
excess of domestic investment over domestic savings result in a current account deficit and
this deficit is financed by capital flows in the balance of payments. Prior to 1991, debt flows
and official development assistance dominated these capital flows. This mechanism of
funding the current account deficit is widely believed to have played a role in the
emergence of balance of payments difficulties in 1981 and 1991. Portfolio flows in
the equity markets, and FDI, as opposed to debt-creating flows, are important as safer
and more sustainable mechanisms for funding the current account deficit.

c) Knowledge flows

The activities of international institutional investors help strengthen Indian

finance. FIIs advocate modern ideas in market design, promote innovation,
development of sophisticated products such as financial derivatives, enhance
competition in financial intermediation, and lead to spillovers of human capital by
exposing Indian participants to modern financial techniques, and international best
practices and systems.

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d) Strengthening corporate governance

Domestic institutional and individual investors, used as they are to the ongoing
practices of Indian corporate, often accept such practices, even when these do not
measure up to the international benchmarks of best practices. FIIs, with their vast
experience with modern corporate governance practices, are less tolerant of malpractice
by corporate managers and owners (dominant shareholder). FII participation in
domestic capital markets often lead to vigorous advocacy of sound corporate
governance practices, improved efficiency and better shareholder value.

e) Improving market efficiency

A significant presence of FIIs in India can improve market efficiency through two
channels. First, when adverse macroeconomic news, such as a bad monsoon, unsettles
many domestic investors, it may be easier for a globally diversified portfolio
manager to be more dispassionate about India's prospects, and engage in stabilizing
trades. Second, at the level of individual stocks and industries, FIIs may act as a channel
through which knowledge and ideas about valuation of a firm or an industry can
more rapidly propagate into India. For example, foreign investors were rapidly able to
assess the potential of firms like Infosys, which are primarily export-oriented, applying
valuation principles that prevailed outside India for software services companies.

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a) Hedging and positive feedback training

There are concerns that foreign investors are chronically ill informed about india, and
this lack of sound information may generate herding (a large number of FIIs buying or selling
together) and positive feedback (buying after positive returns, selling after negative
returns).These Kinds of behavior can exacerbate volatility ,and push prices away from fair

b) Balance of payment vulnerability

There are concerns that in an extreme event, there can be a massive flight of foreign
capital out of India, triggering difficulties in the balance of payments front. India's
experience with FIIs so far, however, suggests that across episodes like the Pokhran blasts,
or the 2001 stock market scandal, no capital flight has taken place. A billion or more of US
dollars of portfolio capital has never left India within the period of one month. When
juxtaposed with India's enormous current account and capital account flows, this
suggests that there is little vulnerability so far.

c) Possibility of takeovers

While FIIs are normally seen as pure portfolio investors, without interest in control,
portfolio investors can occasionally behave like FDI investors, and seek control of companies
that they have a substantial shareholding in. Such outcomes, however, may not be
inconsistent with India's quest for greater FDI. Furthermore, SEBI's takeover code
is in place, and has functioned fairly well, ensuring that all investors benefit equally in
the event of a takeover.

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4.4 About FDI

In the years after the Second World War global FDI was dominated by the United
States, as much of the world recovered from the destruction brought by the conflict. The US
accounted for around three-quarters of new FDI (including reinvested profits) between 1945
and 1960. Since that time FDI has spread to become a truly global phenomenon. FDI has
grown in importance in the global economy with FDI stocks now constituting over 20 percent
of global GDP.

In the US, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, foreign direct investment became
increasingly politicized. Organized labor, convinced that foreign investment exported jobs,
undertook a major campaign to reform the tax provisions which affected foreign direct
investment. The Foreign Trade and Investment Act of 1973 (or the Burke-Hartke Bill) would
have eliminated both the tax credit and tax deferral. The Nixon Administration, influential
members of Congress of both parties, and well-financed lobbying organizations came to the
defense of the multinational. The massive counterattack of the multinational corporations and
their allies defeated this first major challenge to their interests.

Different Types of FDI

By Direction


Inward foreign direct investment is a particular form of inward investment when

foreign capital is invested in local resources.

Inward FDI is encouraged by:

• Tax breaks, subsidies, low interest loans, grants, lifting of certain restrictions
• The thought is that the long term gain is worth more than the short term loss of

Inward FDI is restricted by:

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• Ownership restraints or limits

• Differential performance requirements


Outward foreign direct investment, sometimes called "direct investment abroad", is

when local capital is invested in foreign resources. Yet it can also be used to invest in imports
and exports from a foreign commodity country.

Outward FDI is encouraged by:

• Government-backed insurance to cover risk

Outward FDI is restricted by:

• Tax incentives or disincentives on firms that invest outside of the home

country or on repatriated profits
• Subsidies for local businesses
• Leftist government policies that support the nationalization of industries (or at
least a modicum of government control)
• Self-interested lobby groups and societal sectors who are supported by inward
FDI or state investment, for example labour markets and agriculture.
• Security industries are often kept safe from outwards FDI to ensure localised
state control of the military industrial complex

By Target

Greenfield investment

Direct investment in new facilities or the expansion of existing facilities. Greenfield

investments are the primary target of a host nation’s promotional efforts because they create
new production capacity and jobs, transfer technology and know-how, and can lead to
linkages to the global marketplace. The Organization for International Investment cites the
benefits of greenfield investment (or insourcing) for regional and national economies to
include increased employment (often at higher wages than domestic firms); investments in
research and development; and additional capital investments. Criticism of the efficiencies

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obtained from greenfield investments include the loss of market share for competing
domestic firms. Another criticism of greenfield investment is that profits are perceived to
bypass local economies, and instead flow back entirely to the multinational's home economy.
Critics contrast this to local industries whose profits are seen to flow back entirely into the
domestic economy.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Transfers of existing assets from local firms to foreign firms takes place; the primary
type of FDI. Cross-border mergers occur when the assets and operation of firms from
different countries are combined to establish a new legal entity. Cross-border acquisitions
occur when the control of assets and operations is transferred from a local to a foreign
company, with the local company becoming an affiliate of the foreign company. Unlike
greenfield investment, acquisitions provide no long term benefits to the local economy-- even
in most deals the owners of the local firm are paid in stock from the acquiring firm, meaning
that the money from the sale could never reach the local economy. Nevertheless, mergers and
acquisitions are a significant form of FDI and until around 1997, accounted for nearly 90% of
the FDI flow into the United States. Mergers are the most common way for multinationals to
do FDI.

Horizontal FDI

Horizontal FDI occurs when the multinational undertakes the same production to
activities in multiple countries.

Vertical FDI

Backward Vertical FDI

Where an industry abroad provides inputs for a firm's domestic productions.

Forward Vertical FDI

Where an industry abroad sells the outputs of a firm's domestic production.

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By Motive

FDI can also be categorized based on the motive behind the investment from the
perspective of the investing firm:


Investments which seek to acquire factors of production that are more efficient than
those obtainable in the home economy of the firm. In some cases, these resources may not be
available in the home economy at all (e.g. cheap labor and natural resources). This typifies
FDI into developing countries, for example seeking natural resources in the Middle East and
Africa, or cheap labor in Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe.

Investments which aim at either penetrating new markets or maintaining existing
ones. FDI of this kind may also be employed as defensive strategy; it is argued that
businesses are more likely to be pushed towards this type of investment out of fear of losing a
market rather than discovering a new one. This type of FDI can be characterized by the
foreign Mergers and Acquisitions in the 1980’s by Accounting, Advertising and Law firms.

Investments which firms hope will increase their efficiency by exploiting the benefits
of economies of scale and scope, and also those of common ownership. It is suggested that
this type of FDI comes after either resource or market seeking investments have been
realized, with the expectation that it further increases the profitability of the firm.


A tactical investment to prevent the gain of resource to a competitor. Easily compared

to that of the oil producers, whom may not need the oil at present, but look to prevent their
competitors from having it.

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Type of Foreign Direct Investors

A foreign direct investor may be classified in any sector of the economy and could be
any one of the following:

• an individual

• a group of related individuals

• an incorporated or unincorporated entity

• a public company or private company

• a group of related enterprises

• a government body

• an estate (law)

• trust or other societal organization

• any combination of the above

Methods of Foreign Direct Investments

The foreign direct investor may acquire 10% or more of the voting power of an
enterprise in an economy through any of the following methods:

By incorporating a wholly owned subsidiary or company

• By acquiring shares in an associated enterprise

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• Through a merger or an acquisition of an unrelated enterprise

• Participating in an equity joint venture with another investor or enterprise

Foreign direct investment incentives may take the following forms:

1) Low corporate tax and income tax rates

2) Tax holidays

3) Other types of tax concessions

4) Preferential tariffs

5) Special economic zones

6) Investment financial subsidies

7) Soft loan or loan guarantee

8) Free land or land subsidies

9) Relocation & expatriation subsidies

10) Job training & employment subsidies

11) Infrastructure subsidies

12) R&D support

13) Derogation from regulations (usually for very large projects)

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The importance of foreign direct investment

Foreign direct investment (FDI) provides a major source of capital which brings with
it up-to-date technology. It would be difficult to generate this capital through domestic
savings, and even if it were not, it would still be difficult to import the necessary technology
from abroad, since the transfer of technology to firms with no previous experience of using it
is difficult, risky, and expensive.

Over a long period of time FDI creates many externalities in the form of benefits
available to the whole economy which the TNCs cannot appropriate as part of their own
income. These include transfers of general knowledge and of specific technologies in
production and distribution, industrial upgrading, work experience for the labor force, the
introduction of modern management and accounting methods, the establishment of finance
related and trading networks, and the upgrading of telecommunications services. FDI in
services affects the host country's competitiveness by raising the productivity of capital and
enabling the host country to attract new capital on favorable terms. It also creates services
that can be used as strategic inputs in the traditional export sector to expand the volume of
trade and to upgrade production through product and process innovation.

Advantages of FDI

Attracting foreign direct investment has become an integral part of the economic
development strategies for India. FDI ensures a huge amount of domestic capital, production
level, and employment opportunities in the developing countries, which is a major step
towards the economic growth of the country. FDI has been a booming factor that has
bolstered the economic life of India, but on the other hand it is also being blamed for ousting
domestic inflows. FDI is also claimed to have lowered few regulatory standards in terms of
investment patterns. The effects of FDI are by and large transformative. The incorporation of
a range of well-composed and relevant policies will boost up the profit ratio from Foreign
Direct Investment higher. Some of the biggest advantages of FDI enjoyed by India have been
listed as unde

Economic growth –

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This is one of the major sectors, which is enormously benefited from foreign direct
investment. A remarkable inflow of FDI in various industrial units in India has boosted the
economic life of country.


Foreign Direct Investments have opened a wide spectrum of opportunities in the trading of
goods and services in India both in terms of import and export production. Products of
superior quality are manufactured by various industries in India due to greater amount of FDI
inflows in the country.

Employment and skill levels

FDI has also ensured a number of employment opportunities by aiding the setting up of
industrial units in various corners of India.

Technology diffusion and knowledge transfer FDI apparently helps in the outsourcing of
knowledge from India especially in the Information Technology sector. It helps in developing
the know-how process in India in terms of enhancing the technological advancement in India.

Linkages and spillover to domestic firms

Various foreign firms are now occupying a position in the Indian market through Joint
Ventures and collaboration concerns. The maximum amount of the profits gained by
the foreign firms through these joint ventures is spent on the Indian market.

Disadvantages of FDI
The disadvantages of foreign direct investment occur mostly in case of matters related
to operation, distribution of the profits made on the investment and the personnel. One of the
most indirect disadvantages of foreign direct investment is that the economically backward
section of the host country is always inconvenienced when the stream of foreign direct
investment is negatively affected.

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The situations in countries like Ireland, Singapore, Chile and China corroborate such
an opinion. It is normally the responsibility of the host country to limit the extent of impact
that may be made by the foreign direct investment. They should be making sure that the
entities that are making the foreign direct investment in their country adhere to the
environmental, governance and social regulations that have been laid down in the country.

The various disadvantages of foreign direct investment are understood where the host
country has some sort of national secret – something that is not meant to be disclosed to the
rest of the world. It has been observed that the defense of a country has faced risks as a result
of the foreign direct investment in the country.

At times it has been observed that certain foreign policies are adopted that are not
appreciated by the workers of the recipient country. Foreign direct investment, at times, is
also disadvantageous for the ones who are making the investment themselves.

Foreign direct investment may entail high travel and communications expenses. The
differences of language and culture that exist between the country of the investor and the
host country could also pose problems in case of foreign direct investment.

Yet another major disadvantage of foreign direct investment is that there is a chance
that a company may lose out on its ownership to an overseas company. This has often caused
many companies to approach foreign direct investment with a certain amount of caution.

At times it has been observed that there is considerable instability in a particular

geographical region. This causes a lot of inconvenience to the investor.

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The size of the market, as well as, the condition of the host country could be
important factors in the case of the foreign direct investment. In case the host country is not
well connected with their more advanced neighbors, it poses a lot of challenge for the

At times it has been observed that the governments of the host country are facing
problems with foreign direct investment. It has less control over the functioning of the
company that is functioning as the wholly owned subsidiary of an overseas company.

This leads to serious issues. The investor does not have to be completely obedient to the
economic policies of the country where they have invested the money. At times there have
been adverse effects of foreign direct investment on the balance of payments of a country.
Even in view of the various disadvantages of foreign direct investment it may be said that
foreign direct investment has played an important role in shaping the economic fortunes of a
number of countries around the world.

Manual of FDI Investment (FDI POLICY)


India, the largest democracy in the world, with its consistent growth/performance and
abundant skilled manpower provides enormous opportunities for investment, both domestic
and foreign. India is the fourth largest economy in terms of Purchase Power Parity
and the tenth most industrialized country in the world.. Major initiatives such as
industrial decontrol, simplification of investment procedures, enactment of competition law,
liberalization of trade policy, full commitment to safeguarding intellectual property rights,
financial sector reforms, liberalization of exchange regulations etc., have been taken, which
provide a liberal, attractive, and investor friendly investment climate. Main features of policy
on Foreign Direct Investment are dealt within this chapter.

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management



FDI up to 100% is allowed under the automatic route in all activities/sectors except
the following which require approval of the Government:

• Activities/items that require an Industrial License(Refer para 2.1);

• Proposals in which the foreign collaborator has an existing venture/tie up in India in
the same field(Refer Press Note no. 1 and 3 ( 2005 series),
• Proposals for acquisition of shares in an existing Indian company in the:
o Financial services sector and
o Where SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers )Regulations,
1997 is attracted; and
• All proposals falling outside notified sectoral policy/caps or under sectors in which
FDI is not permitted (Refer Annexure II).

Illustrative lists of sectors under Automatic Route for FDI upto 100% may please be seen
at annexure - III, IV & V.

FDI policy is reviewed on an ongoing basis and measures for its further liberalization are
taken. Change in sectoral policy/ sectoral equity cap is notified from time to time through
Press Notes by the Secretariat for Industrial Assistance (SIA) in the Department of Industrial
Policy & Promotion. Policy announcement by SIA are subsequently notified by Reserve
Bank of India (RBI) under Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA). All Press Notes are
available at the website of Department (

FDI up to 100 % is allowed under the automatic route from foreign/NRI

investor without prior approval in most of the sectors including the services sector. FDI
in sectors/activities under automatic route does not require any prior approval either by the
Government or RBI. The investors are required to notify the Regional office concerned of
RBI within 30 days of receipt of inward remittances and file the required documents
with that office within 30 days of issue of shares to foreign investors. For more details

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please refer details at RBI website at


All activities which are not covered under the automatic route according to para 1.2
above, require prior Government approval. Areas/sectors/activities hitherto not open to
FDI/NRI investment shall continue to be so unless otherwise notified by Government.


All proposals for foreign investment requiring Government approval are considered
by the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB). The FIPB also grants composite
approvals involving foreign investment/foreign technical collaboration. For seeking the
approval for FDI other than NRI Investments and 100% Export Oriented Units( EOUs),
applications in form FC-IL should be submitted to the Department of Economic Affairs
(DEA), Ministry of Finance.

Plain paper applications carrying all relevant details are also accepted. No fee is
payable. The following information should form part of the proposals submitted to FIPB: -
(a) Whether the applicant has any existing financial/technical collaboration or
trade mark agreement in India in the same field for which approval has been
sought; and

(b) If so, details thereof and the justification for proposing the new
venture/technical collaboration (including trade marks).

(c) Applications can also be submitted with Indian Missions abroad who will
forward them to the Department of Economic Affairs for further processing.

(d) Foreign investment proposals received in the DEA are generally placed before
the Foreign Investment Promotion. Board (FIPB) within 15 days of receipt.

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The guidelines for consideration of FDI proposals by the FIPB are at Annexure-I. The
sector specific guidelines for FDI and Foreign Technology Collaborations are at Annex II.


FDI applications with NRI Investments and 100% EOU should be submitted to
the Public Relation & Complaint Section (PR&C) of Secretariat of Industrial Assistance
(SIA), Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion.


The extant policy does not permit FDI in the following cases:
i. Gambling and Betting, or
ii. Lottery Business, or
iii. Business of chit fund
iv. Nidhi Company
v. Housing and Real Estate business except for the development of townships,
housing, built-up infrastructure and construction development project notified vide
Press note 2(2005 series).
vi. Trading in Transferable Development Rights (TDRs)
vii. Retail Trading
viii. Atomic Energy
ix. Agricultural or plantation activities or Agriculture (excluding Floriculture,

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Horticulture, Development of Seeds, Animal Husbandry, Pisiculture and Cultivation

of Vegetables, Mushrooms etc. under controlled conditions and services related to
agro and allied sectors) and Plantations(other than Tea plantations)


RBI has granted general permission under FEMA in respect of proposals approved by
the Government. Indian companies getting foreign investment approval through FIPB route
do not require any further clearance from RBI for the purpose of receiving inward
remittance and issue of shares to the foreign investors. The companies are, however, required
to notify the concerned Regional office of the RBI of receipt of inward remittances
within 30 days of such receipt and to file the required documents with the concerned
Regional offices of the RBI within 30 days of issue of shares to the foreign investors or


Besides new companies, automatic route for FDI/NRI investment is also available
to the existing companies proposing to induct foreign equity. For existing companies with
an expansion programme, the additional requirements include
(i) the increase in equity level resulting from the expansion of the equity base
of the existing company without the acquisition of existing shares by
NRI/foreign investors,
(ii) the money to be remitted should be in foreign currency and
(iii) Proposed expansion programme should be in the sector(s) under automatic
route. Otherwise, the proposal would need Government approval through the
FIPB. For this the proposal must be supported by a Board Resolution of the
existing Indian company.

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For existing companies without an expansion programme, the additional requirements for
eligibility for automatic approval are
(i) that they are engaged in the industries under automatic route,
(ii) the increase in equity level must be from expansion of the equity base and
(iii) The foreign equity must be in foreign currency.

The earlier SEBI requirement, applicable to public limited companies, that shares
allotted on preferential basis shall not be transferable in any manner for a period of 5 years
from the date of their allotment has now been modified to the extent that not more than
20 per cent of the entire contribution brought in by promoter cumulatively in public or
preferential issue shall be locked-in.


Equity participation by international financial institutions such as ADB, IFC, CDC,

DEG, etc. in domestic companies is permitted through automatic route subject to
SEBI/RBI regulations and sector specific cap on FDI.


In case of listed companies, according to RBI/SEBI guidelines, the issue price shall be
either at:
(a) The average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the
related shares quoted on the stock exchange during the six months preceding
the relevant date, or

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(b) The average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the
related shares quoted on the stock exchange during the two weeks preceding
the relevant date.

The stock exchange referred to is the one at which the highest trading volume in
respect of the share of the company has been recorded during the preceding six
months prior to the relevant date.

The relevant date is the date thirty days prior to the date on which the meeting of the
General Body of the shareholder is convened.In all other cases a company may issue shares
per the RBI regulation in accordance with the guidelines issued by the erstwhile Controller of
Capital Issues.

Other relevant guidelines of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)/ and RBI
including the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations,
1997, wherever applicable, would need to be followed. Further information could be
obtained at Security and Exchange Board of India's (SEBI) website:


An Indian corporate can raise foreign currency resources abroad through the
issue of American Depository Receipts (ADRs) or Global Depository Receipts (GDRs).
Regulation 4 of Schedule I of FEMA Notification no. 20 allow an Indian company to issue
its Rupee denominated shares to a person resident outside India being a depository for
the purpose of issuing Global Depository Receipts (GDRs) and/ or American Depository
Receipts (ADRs), subject to the conditions that:

• The ADRs/GDRs are issued in accordance with the Scheme for issue of Foreign
Currency Convertible Bonds and Ordinary Shares (Through Depository Receipt

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Mechanism) Scheme, 1993 and guidelines issued by the Central Government

thereunder from time to time
• The Indian company issuing such shares has an approval from the Ministry of
Finance, Government of India to issue such ADRs and/or GDRs or is eligible to
issue ADRs/ GDRs in terms of the relevant scheme in force or notification
issued by the Ministry of Finance, and
• There are no end-use restrictions on GDR/ADR issue proceeds, except for anexpress
ban on investment in real estate and stock markets.
• The FCCB issue proceeds need to conform to external commercial borrowing
end use requirements; in addition, 25 per cent of the FCCB proceeds can be used for
general corporate restructuring
• Is not otherwise ineligible to issue shares to persons resident outside India in
terms of these Regulations.
• There is no limit upto which an Indian company can raise ADRs/GDRs. However,
the Indian company has to be otherwise eligible to raise foreign equity under the
extant FDI policy.

A company engaged in the manufacture of items covered under Automatic route, whose
direct foreign investment after a proposed GDRs/ADRs/FCCBs issue is likely to exceed the
percentage limits under the automatic route, or which is implementing a project falling
under Government approval route, would need to obtain prior Government clearance
through FIPB before seeking final approval from the Ministry of Finance.


FCCBs are issued in accordance with the scheme [Scheme for issue of Foreign
Currency Convertible Bonds and Ordinary Shares (Through Depository Receipt
Mechanism) Scheme, 1993] and subscribed by a non-resident in foreign currency and
convertible into ordinary shares of the issuing company in any manner, either in whole, or

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in part, on the basis of any equity related warrants attached to debt instruments;


The eligibility for issue of Convertible Bonds or Ordinary Shares of Issuing Company is
given as under:

(i) An issuing company desirous of raising foreign funds by issuing Foreign

Currency Convertible Bonds or ordinary shares for equity issues through
Global Depositary Receipt

(ii) Can issue FCCBs upto USD 50 Million under the Automatic route,

(iii) From USD 50 -100 Million, the companies have to take RBI approval, (IV)
From USD 100 Million and above, prior permission of the Department of
Economic Affairs is required.


Foreign investment through preference shares is treated as foreign direct investment.

Proposals are processed either through the automatic route or FIPB as the case may be, as per
the following guidelines:-
(i) Foreign investments in preference share are considered as part of share capital and fall
outside the External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) guidelines/cap.

(ii) Preference shares to be treated as foreign direct equity for purpose of sectoral
caps on foreign equity, where such caps are prescribed, provided they carry a
conversion option. Preference shares structured without such conversion option fall
outside the foreign direct equity cap.

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(iii) Duration for conversion shall be as per the maximum limit prescribed
under the Companies Act or what has been agreed to in the shareholders agreement
whichever is less.

(iv)The dividend rate would not exceed the limit prescribed by the Ministry of Finance.

(v) Issue of preference shares should conform to guidelines prescribed by the SEBI
and RBI and other statutory requirements.

FDI in EOUs/SEZs/Industrial Park/EHTP/STP


100% FDI is permitted under automatic route for setting up of Special Economic
Zone(SEZ)Units in SEZ qualify for approval through automatic route subject to sectoral
norms. Details about the type of activities permitted are available in the Foreign Trade Policy
issued by Department of Commerce. Proposals not covered under the automatic route require
approval by FIPB. The procedure mentioned in para 1.6 will be applicable for seeking
requisite approval.


100% FDI is permitted under automatic route for setting up 100% EOU, subject
to sectoral norms. Proposals not covered under the automatic route would be considered and
approved by FIPB. The procedure mentioned in para 1.6 will be applicable for seeking
requisite approval.


100% FDI is permitted under automatic route for setting up of Industrial Park. The
procedure mentioned in Para 1.4 will be applicable.

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All proposals for FDI/NRI investment in EHTP Units are eligible for approval under
automatic route subject to parameters listed in Para 1.2. For proposals not covered under
automatic route, the applicant should seek separate approval of the FIPB, as per the procedure
outlined in Para 1.6.


All proposals for FDI/NRI investment in STP Units are eligible for approval under
automatic route subject to parameters listed in Para 1.2. For proposals not covered under
automatic route, the applicant should seek separate approval of the FIPB, as per the procedure
outlined in Para 1.6.


FDI inflows are required to be under the following mode:

i. By inward remittances through normal banking channels or

ii. By debit to the specific account of person concerned maintained in an
authorized dealer/authorized bank. Issue of equity to non-residents against
other modes of FDI inflows or in kind is not permissible.However,

Issue of equity shares against lump sum fee, royalty and External Commercial
Borrowings (ECBs) in convertible foreign currency are permitted under the automatic
route subject to meeting all applicable tax liabilities and sector specific guidelines.

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Amount of FDI Inflows
Year (inRs.Crore)
(Aug 91 to March 92) 408
1992-93 1094
1993-94 2018
1994-95 4312
1995-96 6916
1996-97 9654
1997-98 13548
1998-99 12343
1999-00 10311
2000-01 12646
2001-02 19361
2002-03 14932
2003-04 12117
2004-05 17138
2005-06 24613
2006-07 70630
2007-08 98664

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2008-09 123025
2009-10 (upto Nov 09) 93354



FDI (Rs. In
Countries Crore)
U.S.A. 8,002
U.K. 3,840
JAPAN 1,889
CYPRUS 5,983
U.A.E. 1,133
FRANCE 2,098

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Sector FDI (Rs. In Crore)

POWER 4,382

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For the purpose of statistical analysis Researcher has considered 10 year data of
FII , DII and FDI Investments, ,NSE S&P CNX Nifty and BSE Sensex Indices.
Statistical Analysis is carried out to find the degree of association between the Net
investments by the institutional investors with the capital market i.e (Sensex & Nifty indices).

This analysis tool and its formulas measure the relationship between two data sets that
are scaled to be independent of the unit of measurement.

1. FII

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INDEX Gross Gross Net Investment of

Purchase Sales of FII FII
of FII
(Sales- Purchase)

Sensex 0.846 0.840 0.092

S&P CNX 0.849 0.841 0.102


2. Mutual Fund

INDEX Gross Gross Net Investment of

Purchase Sales of MF
of Mutual Mutual
(Sales- Purchase)
Fund Fund

Sensex 0.815 0.858 0.058

S&P CNX 0.817 0.859 0.057


3. FDI

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INDEX Inflow of FDI

(Sales- Purchase)

Sensex 0.508


Regression Analysis:

Regression Analysis is statistical tool for measuring the association between two
variables. It is a technique used to predict the nature and closeness of relationships
between two or more variables. This analysis helps the researchers to evaluate the causal
effect of one variable on another variable. It is used to predict the variability in the
dependent variable based on the information of one or more independent
variable.Regression analysis that involves two variable is termed as bivariate linear
regression analysis. It is expressed as following equation.


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Where ,

X is the dependent variable (Sensex and Nifty Indices )

Y is the independent variable (FII Investments and Mutual Funds Investments,FDI).

a & b are two constants which are known as regression coefficients.

b is the slope coefficient i.e the value of b is the change in value of Y with
corresponding change in one unit of X.

Regression Analysis:

Dependent Variables: Sensex S&P CNX NIFTY

Independent Variables:

FDI Inflows FDI = - 2045 + 0.731 SENSEX FDI = - 2580 + 2.60 S&P Cnx Nifty

Gross Purchase of FII FII Gross Purchase = - 619 + FII Gross Purchase = - 731 + 0.838
0.240 Sensex S&P Cnx Nifty

Gross Sales of FII FII Gross Sales = - 646 + 0.229 FII Gross Sales= - 742 + 0.793 S&P
Sensex Cnx Nifty

Net Investment of FII Net FII Investment = 26.2 + FII Net Investment = 14.9 + 0.0418
0.0110 Sensex s&p cnx nifty

Gross Purchase of MF MF gross Purchase = - 132 + MF gross Purchase = - 158 + 0.206

0.0592 Sensex s&p cnx nifty

Gross Sales of MF MF Gross Sales= - 125 + 0.0568 MF gross Sales = - 149 + 0.197 s&p

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Sensex cnx nifty

Net Investment of MF MF net = - 7.49 + 0.00239 Sensex MF Net Investment= - 8.19 +

0.00811 s&p cnx nifty


• From the above table it can be seen that each independent variable have its regression
line with dependent variable.

• So to find the value of any of the shown variable by putting one value of sensex or
nifty one can find it vice versa.

Calculation of Regression lines:

1. FDI versus SENSEX

The regression equation is

FDI = - 2045 + 0.731 SENSEX

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant -2045 2248 -0.91 0.367

SENSEX 0.7311 0.1688 4.33 0.000

S = 4445.55 R-Sq = 25.8% R-Sq(adj) = 24.4%

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Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 1 370527558 370527558 18.75 0.000

Residual Error 54 1067196262 19762894

Total 55 1437723820

2. FDI versus S&P CNX Nifty

Regression Line:

FDI = - 2580 + 2.60 S&P Cnx Nifty

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant -2580 2274 -1.13 0.262

S&P Cnx Nifty 2.5957 0.5748 4.52 0.000

S = 4396.21 R-Sq = 27.4% R-Sq(adj) = 26.1%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

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Regression 1 394086106 394086106 20.39 0.000

Residual Error 54 1043637715 19326624

Total 55 1437723820

3. FII Gross Purchase versus Sensex

The regression equation is

FII Gross Purchase = - 619 + 0.240 Sensex

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant -619.44 32.59 -1.13 -19.01

Sensex 0.239907 0.003180 75.45 0.000

S = 778.913 R-Sq = 71.6% R-Sq (adj) = 71.5%

Analysis of Variance

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Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 1 3453403601 3453403601 692.06 0.000

Residual Error 542262 372367266 4606705

Total 552263 4825770866

4. FII sales versus Sensex

The regression equation is

FII Gross Sales = - 646 + 0.229 Sensex

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant -645.59 31.91 -20.23 0.000

Sensex 0.228913 0.003113 73.52 0.000

S = 762.651 R-Sq = 70.5% R-Sq (adj) = 70.5%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 1 3144154862 3144154862 5405.71 0.000

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Residual Error 2262 1315660515 581636

Total 2263 4459815376

5. Net FII versus Sensex

The regression equation is

Net FII Investment = 26.2 + 0.0110 Sensex

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 26.15 25.68 1.02 0.309

Sensex 0.010993 0.002506 4.39 0.000

S = 613.804 R-Sq = 0.8% R-Sq(adj) = 0.8%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 1 7251497 7251497 19.25 0.000

Residual Error 2262 852219626 376755

Total 2263 859471123

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6. FII gross purchase versus s&p cnx nifty

The regression equation is

FII Gross Purchase = - 731 + 0.838 S&P Cnx Nifty

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant -731.19 33.51 -21.82 0.000

Sensex 0.83827 0.01101 76.13 0.000

S = 772.070 R-Sq = 72.2% R-Sq(adj) = 72.1%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 1 3454812547 3454812547 5795.77 0.000

Residual Error 2236 1332862609 596092

Total 2237 4787675156

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7. FII gross sales versus s&p cnx nifty

The regression equation is

FII Gross Sales= - 742 + 0.793 S&P Cnx Nifty

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant -741.70 32.81 -22.61 0.000

Sensex 0.79319 0.01078 73.56 0.000

S = 756.054 R-Sq = 70.8% R-Sq(adj) = 70.7%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 1 3093177445 3093177445 5411.27 0.000

Residual Error 2236 1278137606 571618

Total 2237 4371315051

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8. FII Net versus s&p cnx nifty

The regression equation is

FII Net Investment = 14.9 + 0.0418 s&p cnx nifty

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 14.89 26.32 0.57 0.572

s&p cnx nifty 0.041807 0.008649 4.83 0.000

S = 606.459 R-Sq = 1.0% R-Sq(adj) = 1.0%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 1 8593207 8593207 23.36 0.000

Residual Error 2236 822384018 367792

Total 2237 830977225

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9. MF gross Purchase versus Sensex

The regression equation is

MF gross Purchase = - 132 + 0.0592 Sensex

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant -132.215 9.096 -14.54 0.000

Sensex 0.0592350 0.0008857 66.88 0.000

S = 217.363 R-Sq = 66.4% R-Sq(adj) = 66.3%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 1 211318648 211318648 4472.65 0.000

Residual Error 2268 107155874 47247

Total 2269 318474523

10. MF gross sales versus Sensex

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The regression equation is

MF Gross Sales= - 125 + 0.0568 Sensex

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant -124.727 7.350 -16.97 0.000

Sensex 0.0568407 0.0007158 79.41 0.000

S = 175.657 R-Sq = 73.5% R-Sq(adj) = 73.5%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 1 194580641 194580641 6306.22 0.000

Residual Error 2268 69979986 30855

Total 2269 264560626

11. MF Net versus Sensex

The regression equation is

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MF Net Investment= - 7.49 + 0.00239 Sensex

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant -7.489 8.865 -0.84 0.398

Sensex 0.0023945 0.0008632 2.77 0.006

S = 211.843 R-Sq = 0.3% R-Sq(adj) = 0.3%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 1 345302 345302 7.69 0.006

Residual Error 2268 101782517 44878

Total 2269 102127819

12. MF gross Purchase versus s&p cnx nifty

The regression equation is

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MF gross Purchase = - 158 + 0.206 s&p cnx nifty

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant -157.579 9.356 -16.84 0.000

s&p cnx nifty 0.205529 0.003068 66.99 0.000

S = 215.447 R-Sq = 66.7% R-Sq(adj) = 66.7%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 1 208312641 208312641 4487.83 0.000

Residual Error 2241 104021091 46417

Total 2242 312333731

13. MF Gross Sales versus s&p cnx nifty

The regression equation is

MF gross Sales = - 149 + 0.197 s&p cnx nifty

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Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant -149.386 7.574 -19.72 0.000

S&P cnx nifty 0.197415 0.002484 79.48 0.000

S = 174.416 R-Sq = 73.8% R-Sq(adj) = 73.8%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 1 192190367 192190367 6317.68 0.000

Residual Error 2241 68173524 30421

Total 2242 260363891

14. MF Net versus s&p cnx nifty

The regression equation is

MF Net Investment = - 8.19 + 0.00811 s&p cnx nifty

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant -8.195 9.126 -0.90 0.369

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s&p cnx nifty 0.008114 0.002992 2.71 0.007

S = 210.142 R-Sq = 0.3% R-Sq(adj) = 0.3%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 1 324680 324680 7.35 0.007

Residual Error 2241 98961913 44160

Total 2242 99286593

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Analysis, Interpretation

And Conclusions

1. Impact of FII gross purchase and sales on Sensex:

The effect of FII on sensex is positive. And the co-efficient of correlation is near to +1
(0.846) so the effect is high.

2. Impact of Net Investment of FII on Sensex:

The effect of FII on sensex is positive. But the co-efficient of correlation is low and
far from +1 (0.092) so the effect is low.

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3. Impact of FII gross purchase and sales on S&P Cnx Nifty:

The effect of FII on S&P Cnx Nifty is positive. And the co-efficient of correlation is
near to +1 (0.849) so the effect is high.

4. Impact of Net Investment of FII on S&P Cnx Nifty:

The effect of FII on S&P Cnx Nifty is positive. But the co-efficient of correlation is
low and far from +1 (0.102) so the effect is low.

5. . Impact of MF gross purchase and sales on Sensex:

The effect of MF on sensex is positive. And the co-efficient of correlation is near to

+1 (0.858) so the effect is high.

6. Impact of Net Investment of MF on Sensex:

The effect of MF on sensex is positive. But the co-efficient of correlation is low and
far from +1 (0.058) so the effect is low.

7. Impact of MF gross purchase and sales on S&P Cnx Nifty:

The effect of MF on S&P Cnx Nifty is positive. And the co-efficient of correlation is
near to +1 (0.859) so the effect is high.

8. Impact of Net Investment of MF on S&P Cnx Nifty:

The effect of MF on S&P Cnx Nifty is positive. But the co-efficient of correlation is
low and far from +1 (0.057) so the effect is low.

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9. Impact of FDI on Sensex:

The effect of FDIon Sensex is positive. But the co-efficient of correlation is near +1
(0.508) so the effect is high.

10. Impact of FDI on S&P Cnx Nifty:

The effect of FDI on S&P Cnx Nifty is positive. But the co-efficient of correlation is
near to +1 (0.524) so the effect is high.

At last, from the correlation it can be said that impact of GROSS PURCHASE
Even FDI inflows have significant impact on Sensex and S&P Cnx Nifty.


According to findings and results, Researcher concluded that FII gross purchase and
gross sales have significant impact on the Indian capital market. Therefore, hypothesis is
accepted. BSE Sensex and S&P Cnx Nifty have positive correlation with FII. Also the degree
of relation is very high in both cases. It shows linear relation between FII gross purchase and
sales and stock index.

For FII net investment, there is less significant impact on Indian capital market. The
relation is positive but very low which may be because of range of data used in daily trend.

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management



According to findings and results, Researcher concluded that DII (MF) gross purchase
and gross sales have significant impact on the Indian capital market. Therefore, hypothesis is
accepted. BSE Sensex and S&P Cnx Nifty have positive correlation with DII. Also the degree
of relation is very high in both cases. It shows linear relation between DII gross purchase and
sales and stock index.

For DII net investment, there is less significant impact on Indian capital market. The
relation is positive but very low which may be because of range of data used in daily trend.


According to findings and results, Researcher concluded that FDI has significant
impact on the Indian capital market. Therefore, hypothesis is accepted. BSE Sensex and S&P
Cnx Nifty have positive correlation with FDI. Also the degree of relation is very high in both
case. It shows linear relation between FDI and stock index.

After analyzing the nature of FII,DII and FDI in the past it would be safe enough to
say that the foreign funds is certainly one of the most important cause of volatility in the
Indian stock market and has had a considerable influence on it. Although it would not be fair
enough to come to any conclusion as there are a lot of other factors beyond the scope of the
study that effect returns and risks .it is not easy to predict the nature of the
macroeconomic factors and their behavior but it has a great significance on any
economy and its elements. Although generally a positive relation has been seen between the
stock market returns and the FIIand FDI inflows it is not easy to say which the cause n which
is the effect is and strange behavior has also been noticed in the past.

Foreign investment certainly are influencing the Indian stock market but the

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extent of this influence cannot be determined or rather the extent of India's dependence
on the FIIs is a subjective issue as on no clear grounds can we see a permanent
relationship between the stock market returns and the Foreign inflows. But to
generalize they have shown a positive relation most of the time apart from a fewoccasions
where the behavior of their relation was difficult to explain.

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


Chapter 7


After analyzing the nature and behavior of the foreign institutional investment (FII),
Domestic Institutional Investment (DII) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the past and
it’s Influence on the Indian stock market it would be safe enough to say that foreign funds are
one of the most volatile instruments floating in the market and needs to be handled

Government should certainly encourage foreign institutional investment but should

keep a check on the volatility factor. Long term funds should be given priority and
encouraged some of the actions that could be taken to ensure stability are
• Strengthening domestic institutional investors

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The participation of domestic pension funds in the equity market would augment the
diversity of views on the market and hence the domestic pension funds must be encouraged.

• Broad basing of eligible entities

In order to address the market integrity concerns arising out of allowing some entities,
which do not have reputational risk or are unregulated, there is merit in prohibiting
such entities from getting registered.

• Operational flexibility to impart stability to the market

The stability of foreign investment in India will be enhanced if FIIs are able
to switch between equity and debt investments in India, depending on their view about
future equity returns. SEBI can make such policies.

• Knowledge activities and research programs

There must be a lot of research programs and studies conducted by the

economic affairs regulators in India.



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• Business Research Methodology J.K. Sachdeva Himalaya Publishing House.

Research Paper:

• K.S. Chalapati Rao, K.V.K. Ranganathan and M.R. Murthy," Foreign Institutional
Investments and the Indian Stock Market".


• Minitab 15 Statistical Analysis Tools

Annexure :( Weekly Reports)

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management, Surat

MBA Programme

Winter Training (January-March, 2010)

Weekly Report

Name of the student: Soyeb Jindani

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


Roll No: 14

Week No: 1

Start date: 26th Dec 2009

End date: 1st Jan 2010

1. Finalized Project Title


Week no 2

Start date: 2nd Jan 2010

End date: 8thJan 2010

Work completed in this Week:

1. Prepared Research Proposal regarding project title.

Submitted To: Mrs. Drashti Shah

Date of reporting: 8th Jan 2010

Week no 3

Start date: 9th Jan 2010

End date: 15th Jan 2010

Work completed in this Week:

Read articles like,

A) Impact of FDI on Indian Economy

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


B) Role of FII in Break Countries

Submitted To: Mrs. Drashti Shah

Date of reporting: 15th Jan 2010

Week no 4

Start date: 16th Jan 2010

End date: 22nd Jan 2010

Work completed in this Week:

Collected data related to FDI of last 20 years that contains following things

a) FDI inflows year wise

b) FDI inflows month wise
c) FDI inflows Sector & Industry wise
d) Main Components of FDI

Submitted To: Mrs. Drashti Shah

Date of reporting: 22nd Jan 2010

Week no 5

Start date: 23rd Jan 2010

End date: 29th Jan 2010

Work completed in this Week:

Collection of Data regarding daily trend of FII and DII

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


Collection of Data regarding daily trend of Sensex and S&P Cnx Nifty

Submitted To: Mrs. Drashti Shah

Date of reporting: 29th Jan 2010

Week no 6

Start date: 30th Jan 2010

End date: 5th Feb 2010

Work completed in this Week:

1. Preparing Conceptual framework of FDI and FII

Submitted To: Mrs. Drashti Shah

Date of reporting: 5th Feb 2010

Week no 7

Start date: 6th Feb 2010

End date: 12th Feb 2010

Work completed in this Week:

1. Preparing Conceptual framework of FDI and FII

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


Submitted To: Mrs. Drashti Shah

Date of reporting: 12th Feb 2010

Week no 8

Start date: 13th Feb 2010

End date: 19th Feb 2010

Work completed in this Week:

1. Preparing Conceptual framework of DII and Comparison of Mutual Fund with FII

Submitted To: Mrs. Drashti Shah

Date of reporting: 19th Feb 2010

Week no 9

Start date: 20th Feb 2010

End date: 26th Feb 2010

Work completed in this Week:

1. Preparing Research methodology for analysis.

Submitted To: Mrs. Drashti Shah

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


Date of reporting: 26th Feb 2010

Week no 10

Start date: 27th Feb 2010

End date: 5th March 2010

Work completed in this Week:

1. Data Analysis using Minitab Software

Submitted To: Mrs. Drashti Shah

Date of reporting: 5th March 2010

Week no 11

Start date: 6th March 2010

End date: 12th March 2010

Work completed in this Week:

1. After statistical analysis making interpretation, conclusion and giving recommendation.

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


Submitted To: Mrs. Drashti Shah

Date of reporting: 12th March 2010

Week no 12

Start date: 13th March 2010

End date: 20th March 2010

Work completed in this Week:

1. Preparing First Draft to be submitted on 20th March 2010

2. Submitted Draft on 20th march 2010

Submitted To: Mrs. Drashti Shah

Date of reporting: 20th March 2010

(Data Collection)

FDI monthly trend

Amount of FDI S&P

Inflows ( In Rs. Cnx
Month Crore) Sensex Nifty

Apr-05 1172 4 1902.5
6715.1 2087.5
May-05 2844 1 5
Jun-05 1149 5 2220.6
Jul-05 1411 7635.4 2312.3

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7805.4 2384.6
Aug-05 1739 3 5
Sep-05 1238 8 2601.4
7892.3 2370.9
Oct-05 1844 2 5
8788.8 2652.2
Nov-05 3410 1 5
9397.9 2836.5
Dec-05 1587 3 5
Jan-06 2962 9 3001.1
Feb-06 563 24 3074.7
11279. 3402.5
Mar-06 5515 96 5
Apr-06 2972 93 3508.1
May-06 2443 61 3185.3
Jun-06 2405 25 3128.2
Jul-06 5235 88 3143.2
Aug-06 2878 05 3413.9
Sep-06 4222 42 3588.4
Oct-06 7718 9 3744.1
Nov-06 5157 31 3954.5
Dec-06 9108 91 3966.4
Jan-07 8515 92 4082.7
Feb-07 3081 09 3745.3
13072. 3821.5
Mar-07 16896 1 5
Apr-07 6928 37 4087.9
May-07 8642 46 4295.8
Jun-07 5048 51 4318.3
15550. 4528.8
Jul-07 2849 99 5
Aug-07 3394 6 4464
17291. 5021.3
Sep-07 2876 1 5
19837. 5900.6
Oct-07 8008 99 5
19363. 5762.7
Nov-07 7353 19 5
Dec-07 6146 20286. 6138.6

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17648. 5137.4
Jan-08 6960 71 5
Feb-08 22529 72 5223.5
Mar-08 17932 44 4734.5
Apr-08 15005 31 5165.9
May-08 16563 57 4870.1
13461. 4040.5
Jun-08 10244 6 5
14355. 4332.9
Jul-08 9627 75 5
Aug-08 9995 53 4360
Sep-08 11676 43 3921.2
Oct-08 7284 6 2885.6
Nov-08 5305 2 2755.1
9647.3 2959.1
Dec-08 6626 1 5
Jan-09 13346 4 2874.8
8891.6 2763.6
Feb-09 7329 1 5
Mar-09 10023 9708.5 5
11403. 3473.9
Apr-09 11708 25 5
14625. 4448.9
May-09 10168 25 5
Jun-09 12335 84 4291.1
15670. 4636.4
Jul-09 17045 31 5
Aug-09 15796 64 4662.1
17126. 5083.9
Sep-09 7326 84 5
Oct-09 10895 28 4711.7
Nov-09 8081 22 5032.7

FII Daily Trend DII (MF) Daily Trend

Date Gross Gross Net Date Gross Gross Net

Purchases Sales( Investm Purchas Sales( Investme
(Rs Rs ent (Rs es(Rs Rs nt (Rs
Crores) Crores) Crores)
Crores) Crores

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) Crores)

2-Jan-01 48.4 63.6 -15.2

2-Jan-01 83 8.2 74.8
3-Jan-01 101.1 111.3 -10.2
3-Jan-01 267.3 63.8 203.5
4-Jan-01 183.6 122.6 61
4-Jan-01 264.8 236 28.8
5-Jan-01 71.3 125.7 -54.3
5-Jan-01 556 225.8 330.2
8-Jan-01 37.1 144.4 -107.4
8-Jan-01 438.4 115.2 323.2
9-Jan-01 99 109.3 -10.4
9-Jan-01 172 141.5 30.5
10-Jan-01 60 80.2 -20.2
10-Jan-01 294.4 122.5 171.9
11-Jan-01 32.8 108 -75.3
11-Jan-01 295 201.6 93.4
12-Jan-01 103.9 87.1 16.8
12-Jan-01 168.5 152.6 15.9
15-Jan-01 92 68.4 23.6
15-Jan-01 414.4 203.1 211.3
16-Jan-01 55.4 83.1 -27.7
16-Jan-01 534.8 309.6 225.2
17-Jan-01 62.1 55.9 6.1
17-Jan-01 232.2 97.5 134.7
18-Jan-01 44.6 82.4 -37.8
18-Jan-01 324.8 226.4 98.4
19-Jan-01 172 129.8 42.2
19-Jan-01 523.1 137.2 385.9
22-Jan-01 62.4 223.3 -160.9
22-Jan-01 608.3 289.8 318.5
23-Jan-01 59.9 164 -104.1
23-Jan-01 334 125.5 208.5
24-Jan-01 97.8 175.8 -78
24-Jan-01 336.9 198.6 138.3
25-Jan-01 68.6 129.1 -60.6
25-Jan-01 173.5 135.4 38.1
29-Jan-01 45.6 65.8 -20.2
29-Jan-01 566.1 210 356.1
30-Jan-01 87.6 192.7 -105.1
30-Jan-01 178.3 213.7 -35.4
31-Jan-01 75.2 242 -166.8
31-Jan-01 543.5 183.2 360.3
1-Feb-01 34.7 274.4 -239.7
1-Feb-01 488.6 227.8 260.8
2-Feb-01 209.1 156.5 52.6
2-Feb-01 405.8 340.2 65.6
5-Feb-01 54.9 137 -82.1
5-Feb-01 334 261.9 72.1
6-Feb-01 46.3 124.9 -78.6
6-Feb-01 274.1 325.6 -51.5
7-Feb-01 97 139.4 -42.5
7-Feb-01 200.3 253.2 -52.9
8-Feb-01 103.3 161.2 -57.9
8-Feb-01 133.2 329.9 -196.7
9-Feb-01 142.3 202.7 -60.4
9-Feb-01 352.5 269.3 83.2
12-Feb- 12-Feb-01 71.8 185.1 -113.3
01 354.3 202.4 151.9
13-Feb- 13-Feb-01 96.2 303.5 -207.3
01 195.5 150.6 44.9

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14-Feb- 14-Feb-01 37 51.7 -14.7

01 606.4 206.6 399.8
15-Feb- 15-Feb-01 87.7 230.7 -143
01 224.3 145.6 78.7
16-Feb- 16-Feb-01 61.2 49.5 11.7
01 284.3 102 182.3
19-Feb- 19-Feb-01 21.6 110.6 -89
01 447.4 159.2 288.2
20-Feb- 20-Feb-01 100.3 77.6 22.8
01 88 90.1 -2.1
21-Feb- 21-Feb-01 40.5 148.1 -107.6
01 253.4 147.5 105.9
22-Feb- 22-Feb-01 64.6 185 -120.3
01 318 214.2 103.8
23-Feb- 23-Feb-01 79.3 94.6 -15.3
01 249.9 243.3 6.6
26-Feb- 26-Feb-01 50.5 95.5 -45.1
01 375.4 229.6 145.8
27-Feb- 27-Feb-01 97.4 47.6 49.9
01 122.2 146.1 -23.9
28-Feb- 28-Feb-01 174.7 131.7 43
01 350.3 193.9 156.4
1-Mar-01 156.5 149.8 6.7
1-Mar-01 401.5 528.9 -127.4
2-Mar-01 106 175.7 -69.7
2-Mar-01 372.4 422.1 -49.7
5-Mar-01 154 70.6 83.3
5-Mar-01 651.5 393.1 258.4
7-Mar-01 53.6 52.3 1.3
7-Mar-01 338.2 318.4 19.8
8-Mar-01 63.7 78.9 -15.2
8-Mar-01 546.7 257.7 289
9-Mar-01 73 147.8 -74.8
9-Mar-01 189.9 176.4 13.5
12-Mar- 12-Mar-01 103.6 133.8 -30.2
01 303.7 164.2 139.5
13-Mar- 13-Mar-01 202.3 163.5 38.8
01 159.3 140.5 18.8
14-Mar- 14-Mar-01 69.5 56.9 12.5
01 790.8 297.5 493.3
15-Mar- 15-Mar-01 71 95.6 -24.6
01 257.6 224.1 33.5
16-Mar- 16-Mar-01 115 146.9 -31.9
01 464.6 172.6 292
19-Mar- 19-Mar-01 10.3 65.6 -55.2
01 309.5 110.3 199.2
20-Mar- 20-Mar-01 7.8 38.2 -30.4
01 102 159.1 -57.1
21-Mar- 21-Mar-01 24.8 36.2 -11.5
01 233 146.6 86.4
22-Mar- 22-Mar-01 16 68.2 -52.2
01 259.9 146.1 113.8
23-Mar- 23-Mar-01 54.1 30.3 23.9
01 278 146.5 131.5
26-Mar- 26-Mar-01 13.1 25.1 -12
01 216.7 175.4 41.3
27-Mar- 27-Mar-01 54.1 26.7 27.4
01 77.1 45.6 31.5
28-Mar- 279.2 207.8 71.4 28-Mar-01 28.6 54.8 -26.1

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29-Mar- 29-Mar-01 13.7 52 -38.3
01 158.9 190.9 -32
30-Mar- 30-Mar-01 16.6 93.6 -77.1
01 187.1 180.7 6.4
2-Apr-01 24.6 69.7 -45
2-Apr-01 305.9 172.5 133.4
3-Apr-01 33 32.7 0.2
3-Apr-01 177.2 69 108.2
4-Apr-01 21.1 33 -11.9
4-Apr-01 258.1 81.4 176.7
6-Apr-01 34.9 24.2 10.7
6-Apr-01 168.6 108 60.6
9-Apr-01 9.4 27.4 -18
9-Apr-01 290.1 225.5 64.6
10-Apr-01 44 60.4 -16.4
10-Apr-01 133.3 148.3 -15
11-Apr-01 57.4 120.3 -63
11-Apr-01 187.1 183.4 3.7
12-Apr-01 57.2 47.6 9.6
12-Apr-01 178.4 78.2 100.2
16-Apr-01 30.3 30.7 -0.4
16-Apr-01 366.5 178.2 188.3
17-Apr-01 31.8 25.4 6.4
17-Apr-01 194.6 95.4 99.2
18-Apr-01 39.2 29 10.2
18-Apr-01 219.2 121.4 97.8
19-Apr-01 67.6 128.1 -60.4
19-Apr-01 483.1 181.8 301.3
20-Apr-01 46.9 72 -25.1
20-Apr-01 444.7 291 153.7
23-Apr-01 18.6 79.3 -60.7
23-Apr-01 399.9 209.7 190.2
24-Apr-01 23.1 75.9 -52.8
24-Apr-01 86 145 -59
25-Apr-01 17.7 31.2 -13.5
25-Apr-01 202.3 157.7 44.6
26-Apr-01 42.1 79.6 -37.5
26-Apr-01 69.6 65.9 3.7
27-Apr-01 96.7 20.6 76.2
27-Apr-01 178.5 126.9 51.6
30-Apr-01 50.9 52.6 -1.7
30-Apr-01 255.9 189.9 66
2-May-01 59.3 64.2 -4.9
2-May-01 155.2 204.9 -49.7
3-May-01 10.5 61.1 -50.6
3-May-01 170.3 74.4 95.9
4-May-01 27.7 33.7 -6
4-May-01 199.2 117.9 81.3
7-May-01 30.5 22.6 7.9
7-May-01 265.9 127.2 138.7
8-May-01 41.3 62.5 -21.2
8-May-01 35 92.2 -57.2
9-May-01 27.9 65.7 -37.9
9-May-01 187.4 110 77.4
10-May- 01 42.1 45.7 -3.6
01 190.7 108 82.7
11-May- 01 31.7 36.1 -4.4
01 147.8 191.4 -43.6

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14-May- 01 18.9 41 -22.1
01 188.1 94.5 93.6
15-May- 01 38 15.8 22.2
01 175.9 64.4 111.5
16-May- 01 31.4 70.6 -39.2
01 189.1 83.9 105.2
17-May- 01 69.8 74.4 -4.7
01 131.7 102.8 28.9
18-May- 01 87.1 85.1 2
01 213 69.5 143.5
21-May- 01 33.4 73.7 -40.3
01 248.5 156.1 92.4
22-May- 01 58.9 61.9 -3
01 55.9 72.1 -16.2
23-May- 01 109.1 113.5 -4.4
01 105.7 110.3 -4.6
24-May- 01 45.8 73.6 -27.8
01 200.8 133.4 67.4
25-May- 01 33.4 86 -52.6
01 221.2 166.7 54.5
28-May- 01 50.3 100 -49.7
01 216.9 161.9 55
29-May- 01 61.2 130.5 -69.2
01 73.1 65.4 7.7
30-May- 01 39 97.5 -58.6
01 224.1 130.7 93.4
31-May- 01 47.2 57.9 -10.7
01 138.6 250.9 -112.3
1-Jun-01 36.2 31.3 4.9
1-Jun-01 173.7 250.7 -77
4-Jun-01 16.8 59.4 -42.6
4-Jun-01 243.6 175.5 68.1
5-Jun-01 31.3 31.1 0.2
5-Jun-01 83.4 76.8 6.6
6-Jun-01 45.9 53.9 -8
6-Jun-01 325 202.1 122.9
7-Jun-01 36.9 64.1 -27.2
7-Jun-01 95.9 93.2 2.7
8-Jun-01 46.6 49.1 -2.6
8-Jun-01 177.1 68.7 108.4
11-Jun-01 27.2 27.4 -0.1
11-Jun-01 166.1 94.3 71.8
12-Jun-01 14.6 35.5 -21
12-Jun-01 79.5 120.1 -40.6
13-Jun-01 22.8 25.2 -2.4
13-Jun-01 181.6 121.7 59.9

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


14-Jun-01 17.3 53.8 -36.5

14-Jun-01 62.8 97.4 -34.6
15-Jun-01 39.2 38.3 0.8
15-Jun-01 128.1 160.4 -32.3
18-Jun-01 28.5 22.2 6.4
18-Jun-01 289 267 22
19-Jun-01 30.4 34.3 -3.9
19-Jun-01 125.5 158.9 -33.4
20-Jun-01 40.8 41 -0.3
20-Jun-01 236.6 126.5 110.1
21-Jun-01 25 29.5 -4.6
21-Jun-01 120.6 74 46.6
22-Jun-01 35.6 21.8 13.8
22-Jun-01 104.2 53.2 51
25-Jun-01 16.7 43.7 -27
25-Jun-01 219.3 63.9 155.4
26-Jun-01 46.6 44.6 2
26-Jun-01 96.4 67.6 28.8
27-Jun-01 33.8 24.6 9.2
27-Jun-01 297.4 187.3 110.1
28-Jun-01 27.8 12.6 15.2
28-Jun-01 137.9 139.9 -2
29-Jun-01 38.7 27.2 11.5
29-Jun-01 119.1 148.3 -29.2
2-Jul-01 3.2 15.2 -11.9
2-Jul-01 181.2 124.9 56.3
3-Jul-01 12.5 107.5 -95
3-Jul-01 86.6 56.1 30.5
4-Jul-01 23.1 54.5 -31.4
4-Jul-01 134.7 146 -11.3
5-Jul-01 14.8 45 -30.2
5-Jul-01 159.6 137.6 22
6-Jul-01 6 22.1 -16.1
6-Jul-01 127 132.3 -5.3
9-Jul-01 16.2 26.3 -10.1
9-Jul-01 148.2 115.9 32.3
10-Jul-01 14.2 52.8 -38.6
10-Jul-01 39.8 35.7 4.1
11-Jul-01 25.6 33.3 -7.7
11-Jul-01 89.9 76.5 13.4
12-Jul-01 47.1 56.4 -9.3
12-Jul-01 101.9 85.5 16.4
13-Jul-01 34.6 73.8 -39.1
13-Jul-01 341.5 146.5 195
16-Jul-01 15.6 8.7 6.8
16-Jul-01 237.6 178.8 58.8
17-Jul-01 13.3 10.5 2.8
17-Jul-01 109.3 98.1 11.2
18-Jul-01 24.9 30.5 -5.6
18-Jul-01 326.1 122.8 203.3
19-Jul-01 47.5 47.1 0.4
19-Jul-01 151 173 -22
20-Jul-01 21.4 44.3 -22.9
20-Jul-01 162.4 133 29.4
23-Jul-01 3.1 6.3 -3.3
23-Jul-01 134.2 104.7 29.5
24-Jul-01 16 41.7 -25.7
24-Jul-01 10.3 29 -18.7
25-Jul-01 20 47.1 -27.1
25-Jul-01 116.4 120.6 -4.2
26-Jul-01 30.5 72 -41.6
26-Jul-01 116.9 65 51.9

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


27-Jul-01 19.2 59.1 -39.9

27-Jul-01 138.6 104.8 33.8
30-Jul-01 37.8 16.4 21.4
30-Jul-01 92.9 83.8 9.1
31-Jul-01 28.7 49.6 -21
31-Jul-01 63.4 76.5 -13.1
1-Aug-01 29.1 35.3 -6.2
1-Aug-01 158.8 89.3 69.5
2-Aug-01 43.3 46.5 -3.2
2-Aug-01 257.7 205.2 52.5
3-Aug-01 53 67.8 -14.8
3-Aug-01 165.9 135.5 30.4
6-Aug-01 12.8 38 -25.2
6-Aug-01 178.5 124.8 53.7
7-Aug-01 15.9 55.3 -39.4
7-Aug-01 116.2 85 31.2
8-Aug-01 15.4 44.7 -29.3
8-Aug-01 79.7 40.1 39.6
9-Aug-01 22.8 70.2 -47.5
9-Aug-01 113.9 104.5 9.4
10-Aug- 10-Aug-01 32 50.4 -18.4
01 151.3 116.7 34.6
13-Aug- 13-Aug-01 16.2 49.4 -33.2
01 89.2 70.6 18.6
14-Aug- 14-Aug-01 28.9 53.4 -24.5
01 79.4 79.9 -0.5
16-Aug- 16-Aug-01 38.3 54.2 -15.9
01 108.5 96.7 11.8
17-Aug- 17-Aug-01 26.4 31.8 -5.4
01 178.6 139.5 39.1
20-Aug- 20-Aug-01 26.4 56.3 -29.9
01 234.2 217.1 17.1
21-Aug- 21-Aug-01 31.4 27.6 3.9
01 113.5 137.7 -24.2
23-Aug- 23-Aug-01 36.5 42.4 -5.9
01 136.3 139.4 -3.1
24-Aug- 24-Aug-01 29.8 40.6 -10.8
01 190.2 132.3 57.9
27-Aug- 27-Aug-01 35.4 56 -20.6
01 188.5 199.3 -10.8
28-Aug- 28-Aug-01 35.2 43.2 -8
01 125.9 113 12.9
29-Aug- 29-Aug-01 31.8 64.2 -32.4
01 95.3 77.7 17.6
30-Aug- 30-Aug-01 46.3 39.5 6.8
01 128.5 135.7 -7.2
31-Aug- 31-Aug-01 37 54.6 -17.6
01 130.1 142.8 -12.7
3-Sep-01 21.6 34.4 -12.8
3-Sep-01 141.9 250.6 -108.7
4-Sep-01 31.7 37 -5.3
4-Sep-01 74.7 142.3 -67.6
5-Sep-01 39 50.5 -11.5
5-Sep-01 90.9 123.4 -32.5
6-Sep-01 60.9 79.3 -18.3
6-Sep-01 159.3 96.7 62.6
7-Sep-01 28.4 43.6 -15.1
7-Sep-01 141.5 135.9 5.6
10-Sep- 10-Sep-01 14.8 20.8 -5.9
01 181.6 148.8 32.8

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


11-Sep- 11-Sep-01 17.3 27.8 -10.5

01 105.6 91.3 14.3
12-Sep- 12-Sep-01 144.8 28.4 116.4
01 113.6 118.6 -5
13-Sep- 13-Sep-01 47.1 25.7 21.4
01 57.8 142.5 -84.7
14-Sep- 14-Sep-01 68 32.9 35.1
01 82.4 122.5 -40.1
17-Sep- 17-Sep-01 60.2 58.6 1.6
01 168.9 278.7 -109.8
18-Sep- 18-Sep-01 67.4 27.9 39.4
01 157.8 259.1 -101.3
19-Sep- 19-Sep-01 39.9 16.9 23
01 204.9 247.6 -42.7
20-Sep- 20-Sep-01 46.3 25.8 20.4
01 200.4 177.4 23
21-Sep- 21-Sep-01 35.3 26 9.3
01 255.5 184.6 70.9
24-Sep- 24-Sep-01 31.5 26.9 4.6
01 124.4 202.4 -78
25-Sep- 25-Sep-01 43.3 56.6 -13.3
01 171.6 155.7 15.9
26-Sep- 26-Sep-01 17.7 50.1 -32.4
01 196.9 209.8 -12.9
27-Sep- 27-Sep-01 31.1 39.2 -8.1
01 157.1 121.6 35.5
28-Sep- 28-Sep-01 32.7 58.7 -26.1
01 150 142.9 7.1
1-Oct-01 3.6 14.3 -10.7
1-Oct-01 191.6 133.4 58.2
3-Oct-01 8 66.3 -58.4
3-Oct-01 98 52.3 45.7
4-Oct-01 19.6 46.8 -27.2
4-Oct-01 155.9 130.9 25
5-Oct-01 38.9 84.7 -45.9
5-Oct-01 173.2 122.1 51.1
8-Oct-01 32 26.3 5.7
8-Oct-01 172.1 77.9 94.2
9-Oct-01 17.2 56.1 -38.9
9-Oct-01 81 88.9 -7.9
10-Oct-01 53.8 142.4 -88.5
10-Oct-01 135.6 114.5 21.1
11-Oct-01 27.3 90.2 -62.9
11-Oct-01 247.1 114.8 132.3
12-Oct-01 49 101 -52
12-Oct-01 241.2 150.9 90.3
15-Oct-01 21.3 46.1 -24.8
15-Oct-01 232.7 169.2 63.5
16-Oct-01 21.6 51.5 -29.9
16-Oct-01 174 122.8 51.2
17-Oct-01 61.5 90.5 -29
17-Oct-01 152.2 163.6 -11.4
18-Oct-01 26 86.1 -60.1
18-Oct-01 212.5 170.7 41.8
19-Oct-01 28.8 86 -57.1
19-Oct-01 146.7 91.5 55.2
22-Oct-01 70.1 55.1 15
22-Oct-01 164.9 100.7 64.2
23-Oct-01 45.1 81.7 -36.6
23-Oct-01 172.6 230.1 -57.5

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


24-Oct-01 37.4 88.3 -50.9

24-Oct-01 181 129.5 51.5
25-Oct-01 39.3 57.2 -17.9
25-Oct-01 194.8 141.7 53.1
29-Oct-01 51.2 78.3 -27.1
29-Oct-01 139.8 166.3 -26.5
30-Oct-01 42.6 36.9 5.8
30-Oct-01 169.5 187.3 -17.8
31-Oct-01 60.1 40.4 19.8
1-Nov-01 108.4 199 -90.6
1-Nov-01 70.6 69.7 0.9
2-Nov-01 287.4 190.6 96.8
2-Nov-01 64.3 80.4 -16.1
5-Nov-01 231.7 225.1 6.6
5-Nov-01 40.4 45.7 -5.3
6-Nov-01 123.6 210.8 -87.2
6-Nov-01 76.6 73.4 3.2
7-Nov-01 124.7 121.7 3
7-Nov-01 26.9 38.1 -11.2
8-Nov-01 84.6 85.3 -0.7
8-Nov-01 32.8 55.1 -22.3
9-Nov-01 148.3 129.4 18.9
12-Nov- 9-Nov-01 34 54.5 -20.5
01 125.6 147.7 -22.1
13-Nov- 12-Nov-01 19.5 20.9 -1.5
01 98.7 132.5 -33.8
14-Nov- 13-Nov-01 28.3 12.5 15.8
01 89.7 136.4 -46.7
15-Nov- 14-Nov-01 9.1 0.6 8.6
01 32.5 41.9 -9.4
19-Nov- 15-Nov-01 93.1 50.8 42.3
01 281.1 173.2 107.9
20-Nov- 19-Nov-01 65.8 84.2 -18.4
01 335.9 234.1 101.8
21-Nov- 20-Nov-01 73 139.4 -66.4
01 312.8 296.3 16.5
22-Nov- 21-Nov-01 41.7 91.7 -50
01 178 123.9 54.1
23-Nov- 22-Nov-01 69.1 84.2 -15.1
01 165.2 166.6 -1.4
26-Nov- 23-Nov-01 37.3 70.4 -33.1
01 102.4 109.4 -7
27-Nov- 26-Nov-01 42.9 137.3 -94.3
01 258.7 166.7 92
28-Nov- 27-Nov-01 73.3 122.3 -49
01 219 330.2 -111.2
29-Nov- 28-Nov-01 62.2 55.2 6.9
01 156.7 193.7 -37
29-Nov-01 42.5 62.2 -19.6
3-Dec-01 152.4 142.9 9.5
3-Dec-01 52.9 45.4 7.5
4-Dec-01 182.9 176.2 6.7
4-Dec-01 67.4 48.7 18.7
5-Dec-01 188.3 159.3 29
5-Dec-01 92.2 72.1 20.1
6-Dec-01 262.7 137.2 125.5
6-Dec-01 98.2 123.2 -25
7-Dec-01 474.6 246.8 227.8
10-Dec- 7-Dec-01 59.4 93 -33.6
01 276.2 230.2 46

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


11-Dec- 10-Dec-01 62.5 100.5 -38

01 147.2 168.1 -20.9
12-Dec- 11-Dec-01 122.6 55.9 66.7
01 135.6 279 -143.4
13-Dec- 12-Dec-01 108.4 48.5 59.8
01 163.9 254.9 -91
14-Dec- 13-Dec-01 177.3 54.1 123.2
01 321.2 242.4 78.8
18-Dec- 14-Dec-01 48 73.8 -25.8
01 76 166.4 -90.4
19-Dec- 18-Dec-01 24.9 58.8 -34
01 130.7 144.4 -13.7
20-Dec- 19-Dec-01 53.5 43.3 10.2
01 140.7 193.9 -53.2
21-Dec- 20-Dec-01 58.9 55.1 3.8
01 195.8 120.8 75
24-Dec- 21-Dec-01 51.4 57.1 -5.7
01 140.4 118.1 22.3
26-Dec- 24-Dec-01 59.6 42.5 17.1
01 86.7 50.9 35.8
27-Dec- 26-Dec-01 25.8 40.7 -14.9
01 21.2 16.7 4.5
28-Dec- 27-Dec-01 83.8 55.9 27.9
01 142.4 187.9 -45.5
31-Dec- 28-Dec-01 49.6 101.5 -51.8
01 176.9 129.5 47.4
31-Dec-01 44.3 94.4 -50.1
2-Jan-02 16.5 2.8 13.7
2-Jan-02 23.8 55.9 -32.1
3-Jan-02 141 132.3 8.7
3-Jan-02 39.7 90.3 -50.6
4-Jan-02 237.8 181 56.8
4-Jan-02 79.7 157.4 -77.7
7-Jan-02 577.7 267.4 310.3
7-Jan-02 52.9 149.1 -96.2
8-Jan-02 412.2 161.7 250.5
8-Jan-02 53.1 162.9 -109.9
9-Jan-02 476.1 310.2 165.9
9-Jan-02 71.2 113.1 -42
10-Jan-02 302.5 324.3 -21.8
10-Jan-02 75.1 163 -87.9
11-Jan-02 270.8 271.2 -0.4
11-Jan-02 155.3 137.7 17.7
14-Jan-02 288 322 -34
14-Jan-02 84.7 133.3 -48.6
15-Jan-02 205.7 156.8 48.9
15-Jan-02 87.9 74.3 13.6
16-Jan-02 195.4 257.5 -62.1
16-Jan-02 61.5 60.5 1
17-Jan-02 172.3 220.1 -47.8
17-Jan-02 151 100.4 50.6
18-Jan-02 183.3 143.4 39.9
18-Jan-02 107.1 106.5 0.6
21-Jan-02 160.9 201 -40.1
21-Jan-02 53.4 69.8 -16.4
22-Jan-02 123.3 126.6 -3.3
22-Jan-02 116.3 65.3 51
23-Jan-02 125 163.9 -38.9
23-Jan-02 110.4 88.5 21.9
24-Jan-02 162.2 215.3 -53.1

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


24-Jan-02 49.3 44.5 4.8

25-Jan-02 176.1 149 27.1
25-Jan-02 61.4 70 -8.5
28-Jan-02 134.9 210.9 -76
28-Jan-02 62.7 70.1 -7.4
29-Jan-02 160.6 267.6 -107
29-Jan-02 63.3 69.6 -6.2
30-Jan-02 160.5 176 -15.5
30-Jan-02 63.5 67.2 -3.8
31-Jan-02 164 186.6 -22.6
31-Jan-02 68.4 78.6 -10.3
4-Feb-02 180.9 228.8 -47.9
4-Feb-02 88.6 90.6 -2
5-Feb-02 140.9 152 -11.1
5-Feb-02 44.9 59.7 -14.8
6-Feb-02 152.6 159.2 -6.6
6-Feb-02 161 117.1 44
7-Feb-02 342.7 285.6 57.1
7-Feb-02 82.5 133.1 -50.5
8-Feb-02 362.1 255.5 106.6
11-Feb- 8-Feb-02 63.9 137.7 -73.8
02 381.4 130.9 250.5
12-Feb- 11-Feb-02 41.4 91.7 -50.3
02 133.5 92.9 40.6
13-Feb- 12-Feb-02 49.8 75.9 -26.1
02 144.6 75.2 69.4
14-Feb- 13-Feb-02 96 155.4 -59.5
02 316.8 83.8 233
15-Feb- 14-Feb-02 98.6 119.6 -21
02 324.4 58 266.4
18-Feb- 15-Feb-02 77.2 124.4 -47.2
02 301.3 138.6 162.7
19-Feb- 18-Feb-02 117.6 147.1 -29.6
02 303.3 160.4 142.9
20-Feb- 19-Feb-02 86.8 97.9 -11.1
02 235.1 195.9 39.2
21-Feb- 20-Feb-02 54.6 79.2 -24.5
02 277.2 177.2 100
22-Feb- 21-Feb-02 77.3 104 -26.8
02 196.3 134.2 62.1
25-Feb- 22-Feb-02 39 65.6 -26.6
02 333.2 203.2 130
26-Feb- 25-Feb-02 51.9 68 -16.2
02 183.7 90.8 92.9
27-Feb- 26-Feb-02 156.5 117.9 38.5
02 388.2 246.4 141.8
28-Feb- 27-Feb-02 93.6 92.2 1.4
02 383.5 204.7 178.8
28-Feb-02 157.7 118.7 39
1-Mar-02 372.1 375 -2.9
1-Mar-02 86.6 131.9 -45.3
4-Mar-02 286 189.9 96.1
4-Mar-02 35.9 93.8 -57.9
5-Mar-02 273.7 277.6 -3.9
5-Mar-02 138.1 154.2 -16.1
6-Mar-02 290.4 231.5 58.9
6-Mar-02 68 80.8 -12.9
7-Mar-02 249.1 228 21.1
7-Mar-02 52.2 119.3 -67.1
8-Mar-02 276.4 114.8 161.6

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


11-Mar- 8-Mar-02 44.5 89.5 -44.9

02 241.5 153.9 87.6
12-Mar- 11-Mar-02 36.7 62.7 -26
02 218 198.6 19.4
13-Mar- 12-Mar-02 59.7 73.9 -14.2
02 188.4 224.5 -36.1
14-Mar- 13-Mar-02 80.2 67.5 12.7
02 125 136.8 -11.8
15-Mar- 14-Mar-02 40.8 58.9 -18.1
02 99.6 78.3 21.3
18-Mar- 15-Mar-02 77.7 98 -20.3
02 278.1 244 34.1
19-Mar- 18-Mar-02 74.9 68 7
02 133.6 107.3 26.3
20-Mar- 19-Mar-02 55.7 72.6 -16.9
02 136.2 155.6 -19.4
21-Mar- 20-Mar-02 52.4 79.6 -27.3
02 133.3 110.1 23.2
22-Mar- 21-Mar-02 45.8 74.7 -28.9
02 76.4 124.6 -48.2
26-Mar- 22-Mar-02 66.5 66.8 -0.3
02 179.7 173.7 6
27-Mar- 26-Mar-02 38.1 74 -35.9
02 145.7 207.4 -61.7
28-Mar- 27-Mar-02 66.2 90.9 -24.8
02 234.1 214.3 19.8
28-Mar-02 58.5 93.5 -35
1-Apr-02 306.9 227.9 79
1-Apr-02 51.4 77.4 -26
2-Apr-02 87.6 87.3 0.3
2-Apr-02 71.2 93 -21.7
3-Apr-02 207.8 156.3 51.5
3-Apr-02 45.9 69.1 -23.2
4-Apr-02 196.3 206.1 -9.8
4-Apr-02 62.7 120.8 -58
5-Apr-02 322.5 260.6 61.9
5-Apr-02 52.6 97.8 -45.1
8-Apr-02 144.6 132 12.6
8-Apr-02 60.1 75.3 -15.3
9-Apr-02 141.4 121.1 20.3
9-Apr-02 69.3 91.6 -22.3
10-Apr-02 190.1 264 -73.9
10-Apr-02 103.9 86.9 17.1
11-Apr-02 318.2 306.6 11.6
11-Apr-02 99 92.3 6.7
12-Apr-02 339.4 294.5 44.9
12-Apr-02 81.3 102.5 -21.2
15-Apr-02 175.9 151.7 24.2
15-Apr-02 35.7 60.7 -24.9
16-Apr-02 120.9 202.2 -81.3
16-Apr-02 46.3 54.4 -8.2
17-Apr-02 127 184.6 -57.6
17-Apr-02 62.1 122.3 -60.2
18-Apr-02 239.7 191.7 48
18-Apr-02 50.8 77.6 -26.8
19-Apr-02 254.9 235.6 19.3
19-Apr-02 45.6 89.7 -44.1
22-Apr-02 235.1 304.8 -69.7
22-Apr-02 48 53.5 -5.5
23-Apr-02 212.2 213.8 -1.6

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


23-Apr-02 43.7 52 -8.3

24-Apr-02 124.6 131.1 -6.5
24-Apr-02 34.7 45.1 -10.4
25-Apr-02 100.9 119.4 -18.5
25-Apr-02 56.8 43.6 13.2
26-Apr-02 249.4 203.3 46.1
26-Apr-02 25.8 42.4 -16.6
29-Apr-02 127.9 133.2 -5.3
2-May-02 63.8 52.8 11
30-Apr-02 267.8 351.6 -83.8
3-May-02 36.9 64.5 -27.6
2-May-02 173.9 208.1 -34.2
6-May-02 40.5 81.2 -40.7
3-May-02 271.2 228.9 42.3
7-May-02 50.5 60.4 -10
6-May-02 138.5 127.1 11.4
8-May-02 78.2 79.4 -1.2
7-May-02 191.1 190.5 0.6
9-May-02 59.2 115.6 -56.5
8-May-02 134.5 77 57.5
02 36 100.2 -64.2
9-May-02 197.1 156.2 40.9
10-May- 02 75.5 84.1 -8.6
02 171.1 136.5 34.6
13-May- 02 57 99.1 -42.1
02 121.5 125.1 -3.6
14-May- 02 58.6 69.1 -10.5
02 116.3 87.2 29.1
15-May- 02 55.8 58.5 -2.6
02 161.9 140.4 21.5
16-May- 02 51.5 46.7 4.8
02 204.5 172.1 32.4
17-May- 02 90 70.7 19.3
02 166 152.1 13.9
20-May- 02 106.4 42.6 63.9
02 173.1 208.8 -35.7
21-May- 02 58.4 48.7 9.7
02 118.9 124 -5.1
22-May- 02 91.5 48.5 42.9
02 276.3 295.8 -19.5
23-May- 02 55.5 88.7 -33.3
02 184.7 166.1 18.6
24-May- 02 22 66.6 -44.6
02 141.1 187.9 -46.8
27-May- 02 69.2 89.7 -20.5
02 276.1 228.5 47.6
28-May- 102.4 104.4 -2 29-May- 72.7 53.5 19.2

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


29-May- 02 62.4 47.8 14.6
02 132.4 235.6 -103.2
30-May- 02 74.7 37.7 37
02 177.5 307.4 -129.9
31-May- 3-Jun-02 71.5 38.9 32.6
02 173.8 200.2 -26.4
4-Jun-02 45.9 58.8 -12.9
3-Jun-02 156.9 307 -150.1
5-Jun-02 84 68 16
4-Jun-02 54.3 137.9 -83.6
6-Jun-02 60.3 88.2 -27.9
5-Jun-02 84.7 104.6 -19.9
7-Jun-02 32.5 50.6 -18.1
6-Jun-02 316.9 189.1 127.8
10-Jun-02 67 49.8 17.2
7-Jun-02 238.9 139.3 99.6
11-Jun-02 102.3 107.1 -4.8
10-Jun-02 153.9 161.7 -7.8
12-Jun-02 49.4 110.6 -61.2
11-Jun-02 169.3 420.9 -251.6
13-Jun-02 25.9 76.8 -51
12-Jun-02 296.4 179.5 116.9
14-Jun-02 68.5 69.6 -1.1
13-Jun-02 263.6 196.3 67.3
17-Jun-02 66.5 85.4 -18.9
14-Jun-02 107.3 136.5 -29.2
18-Jun-02 45.2 83.6 -38.4
17-Jun-02 156.2 271.1 -114.9
19-Jun-02 37.2 95.5 -58.3
18-Jun-02 72.5 135 -62.5
20-Jun-02 67.6 95.4 -27.8
19-Jun-02 120 214.2 -94.2
21-Jun-02 38 62.5 -24.6
20-Jun-02 236.6 302.7 -66.1
24-Jun-02 34.7 50.3 -15.6
21-Jun-02 124.6 135.3 -10.7
25-Jun-02 37 73.1 -36.1
24-Jun-02 106.7 130.9 -24.2
26-Jun-02 41.9 50.6 -8.8
25-Jun-02 55.9 80.6 -24.7
27-Jun-02 81.4 90.5 -9.1
26-Jun-02 149.1 108.9 40.2
28-Jun-02 27.2 71.6 -44.4
27-Jun-02 214.1 157.3 56.8
1-Jul-02 50.6 43 7.6
28-Jun-02 200.7 150.9 49.8
2-Jul-02 48.8 54.1 -5.3
1-Jul-02 157.3 98.3 59
3-Jul-02 81.7 96.8 -15
2-Jul-02 118.1 66.5 51.6
4-Jul-02 76.9 96.4 -19.5
3-Jul-02 145 128.1 16.9
5-Jul-02 66.3 69.4 -3.1
4-Jul-02 158.8 123.4 35.4
8-Jul-02 59.3 62.1 -2.8
5-Jul-02 180.7 129.8 50.9
9-Jul-02 31.4 81.3 -49.9
8-Jul-02 149.6 120.5 29.1

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


10-Jul-02 33.1 51 -17.9

9-Jul-02 141.7 99.4 42.3
11-Jul-02 39.3 74.3 -35
10-Jul-02 142.4 184.8 -42.4
12-Jul-02 42.3 71.7 -29.3
11-Jul-02 103.1 103.2 -0.1
15-Jul-02 69.1 72.8 -3.7
12-Jul-02 90.1 136.8 -46.7
16-Jul-02 53 79.1 -26.1
15-Jul-02 91 77.5 13.5
17-Jul-02 47.6 58.8 -11.2
16-Jul-02 109.7 86.9 22.8
18-Jul-02 33.9 53.2 -19.4
17-Jul-02 75.6 114.8 -39.2
19-Jul-02 25.4 76.3 -50.9
18-Jul-02 103.1 110.9 -7.8
22-Jul-02 74.5 111.7 -37.2
19-Jul-02 94.4 89.5 4.9
23-Jul-02 102.1 103.6 -1.4
22-Jul-02 155 105.8 49.2
24-Jul-02 75.4 86.8 -11.4
23-Jul-02 133.7 203.9 -70.2
25-Jul-02 67.9 136.2 -68.3
24-Jul-02 357.7 128.2 229.5
26-Jul-02 100.1 64.6 35.5
25-Jul-02 118 246.9 -128.9
29-Jul-02 80.2 63.7 16.5
26-Jul-02 169.5 207.5 -38
30-Jul-02 80.4 71.3 9.1
29-Jul-02 257.3 240.7 16.6
31-Jul-02 105.3 54.3 51
30-Jul-02 247.3 162.6 84.7
1-Aug-02 29.8 48.7 -19
31-Jul-02 199.7 184.3 15.4
2-Aug-02 60.9 35.2 25.7
1-Aug-02 172.5 176.1 -3.6
5-Aug-02 25.7 37.3 -11.6
2-Aug-02 143.9 110.1 33.8
6-Aug-02 29.6 27.9 1.7
5-Aug-02 79.7 81.8 -2.1
7-Aug-02 64.7 65.5 -0.9
6-Aug-02 142.6 168.8 -26.2
8-Aug-02 40.1 45 -4.9
7-Aug-02 68.7 83.9 -15.2
9-Aug-02 43.3 53.2 -9.9
8-Aug-02 121.8 143.2 -21.4
12-Aug-02 57.4 51.7 5.7
9-Aug-02 87 103.1 -16.1
12-Aug- 13-Aug-02 65.3 45.3 20
02 92.5 173.8 -81.3
13-Aug- 14-Aug-02 35.9 46.6 -10.7
02 152.2 105.3 46.9
14-Aug- 16-Aug-02 58.4 48.8 9.6
02 126.4 81 45.4
16-Aug- 19-Aug-02 33.3 80.9 -47.7
02 73.1 85 -11.9
19-Aug- 20-Aug-02 73.4 71.5 1.9
02 155.5 139.4 16.1
20-Aug- 21-Aug-02 30.7 53.6 -22.9
02 125.5 61 64.5
21-Aug- 221 107.3 113.7 22-Aug-02 33.1 58.2 -25.2

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


22-Aug- 23-Aug-02 39.9 152.9 -113
02 96 111.2 -15.2
23-Aug- 26-Aug-02 35.6 94.2 -58.6
02 117 108.2 8.8
26-Aug- 27-Aug-02 47.6 61.7 -14.1
02 196.8 178.1 18.7
27-Aug- 28-Aug-02 38.5 43.5 -5
02 57.7 102 -44.3
28-Aug- 29-Aug-02 66.4 64.9 1.5
02 128.8 112.7 16.1
29-Aug- 30-Aug-02 110.8 36.3 74.5
02 116.3 66.8 49.5
30-Aug- 2-Sep-02 104.9 102.4 2.5
02 173.1 145 28.1
3-Sep-02 41.4 31 10.4
2-Sep-02 153.6 140.3 13.3
4-Sep-02 39.8 26.5 13.3
3-Sep-02 69.9 123.7 -53.8
5-Sep-02 62.9 60.1 2.8
4-Sep-02 93.5 452.7 -359.2
6-Sep-02 52.5 56.5 -4
5-Sep-02 86.1 143.8 -57.7
9-Sep-02 62.5 47 15.5
6-Sep-02 128.8 130.1 -1.3
11-Sep-02 70.3 80.4 -10.2
9-Sep-02 106.7 101.8 4.9
11-Sep- 12-Sep-02 63.4 58.2 5.2
02 200.6 233.6 -33
12-Sep- 13-Sep-02 35 25.3 9.7
02 191 155.8 35.2
13-Sep- 16-Sep-02 15.3 17.6 -2.3
02 118.4 136.8 -18.4
16-Sep- 17-Sep-02 25.9 58.8 -32.9
02 89.6 129.6 -39.9
17-Sep- 18-Sep-02 39 47.1 -8.2
02 87.6 73.6 13.9
18-Sep- 19-Sep-02 29.4 30.7 -1.3
02 136.2 107.1 29
19-Sep- 20-Sep-02 62 32.9 29.1
02 134.3 181.6 -47.3
20-Sep- 23-Sep-02 25.5 37 -11.6
02 82.7 164 -81.3
23-Sep- 24-Sep-02 46.1 77 -30.8
02 109.6 207.7 -98.1
24-Sep- 25-Sep-02 31.8 44.1 -12.4
02 153.5 171.1 -17.6
25-Sep- 26-Sep-02 34.6 29.8 4.8
02 136.7 174.6 -37.9
26-Sep- 27-Sep-02 65.1 34.9 30.2
02 115.4 113 2.4
27-Sep- 30-Sep-02 52.2 34.1 18.2
02 1337.5 70.4 1267.1
30-Sep- 1-Oct-02 33.6 59.6 -26
02 233 284.8 -51.7
3-Oct-02 76.1 30.4 45.6
1-Oct-02 111.6 198.7 -87.1
4-Oct-02 110.6 37.4 73.2
3-Oct-02 182.7 139.7 43

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


7-Oct-02 41.8 29 12.8

4-Oct-02 95.6 258.1 -162.5
8-Oct-02 53.5 27.6 26
7-Oct-02 92.6 317.3 -224.7
9-Oct-02 73.2 37.1 36.1
8-Oct-02 62.5 159.6 -97.1
10-Oct-02 70.9 50.7 20.3
9-Oct-02 105 172.7 -67.7
11-Oct-02 60.5 64.8 -4.2
10-Oct-02 97.2 157.4 -60.2
14-Oct-02 30.7 81.9 -51.2
11-Oct-02 209.1 179 30.1
16-Oct-02 35.2 72.6 -37.4
14-Oct-02 193.5 113.9 79.6
17-Oct-02 20.5 97.5 -77
16-Oct-02 139.1 127.5 11.6
18-Oct-02 56.8 78.6 -21.8
17-Oct-02 157.3 227.4 -70.1
21-Oct-02 34.8 24.2 10.6
18-Oct-02 193.5 158.4 35
22-Oct-02 39.1 106 -67
21-Oct-02 280.5 189.3 91.2
23-Oct-02 37.9 49.3 -11.4
22-Oct-02 109 153.4 -44.4
24-Oct-02 75.3 74 1.4
23-Oct-02 92 100.5 -8.6
25-Oct-02 83.1 86.6 -3.5
24-Oct-02 101.8 174 -72.2
28-Oct-02 58 47.2 10.8
25-Oct-02 98.4 165.6 -67.2
29-Oct-02 81.4 61.5 19.8
28-Oct-02 112.6 185.9 -73.3
30-Oct-02 38 68.8 -30.9
29-Oct-02 81.7 168.4 -86.7
31-Oct-02 136.4 107 29.4
30-Oct-02 163.8 152.6 11.2
1-Nov-02 39.1 110.9 -71.9
31-Oct-02 125.9 82.2 43.7
4-Nov-02 1.6 1.2 0.3
1-Nov-02 235.2 145.7 89.5
5-Nov-02 45.6 48.6 -3
4-Nov-02 238.1 316.2 -78.1
7-Nov-02 59.7 41 18.7
5-Nov-02 34.8 1.5 33.4
8-Nov-02 34.3 38.8 -4.5
7-Nov-02 34.6 4.4 30.2
11-Nov-02 25.2 29.1 -3.9
8-Nov-02 188.7 227 -38.3
11-Nov- 12-Nov-02 30.8 43.2 -12.4
02 74.8 95.8 -21
12-Nov- 13-Nov-02 59.9 34 26
02 162.1 137.3 24.9
13-Nov- 14-Nov-02 120.1 61.9 58.2
02 99.4 110.9 -11.5
14-Nov- 15-Nov-02 51.8 112.8 -61
02 149.4 122.7 26.7
15-Nov- 18-Nov-02 48.4 71.5 -23.1
02 250.1 182.8 67.3
18-Nov- 20-Nov-02 61.9 120 -58.1
02 328.8 144.9 183.9
20-Nov- 138.7 177.9 -39.3 21-Nov-02 79.5 129.8 -50.3

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


21-Nov- 22-Nov-02 85.3 157.4 -72.1
02 360.7 290.3 70.4
22-Nov- 25-Nov-02 51.2 123.5 -72.3
02 275.6 234.5 41.1
25-Nov- 26-Nov-02 82.7 112.5 -29.8
02 313.7 244.8 68.9
26-Nov- 27-Nov-02 55.5 53.5 2
02 288.7 211.3 77.4
27-Nov- 28-Nov-02 71.1 53.2 17.8
02 155.3 191.2 -35.9
28-Nov- 29-Nov-02 55.9 52 3.8
02 147.1 241.8 -94.7
29-Nov- 2-Dec-02 60.1 61 -0.9
02 224.1 131.5 92.6
3-Dec-02 62.3 112.7 -50.4
2-Dec-02 78.2 121 -42.8
4-Dec-02 111.8 86.4 25.4
3-Dec-02 146.4 144.5 1.9
5-Dec-02 49.6 64 -14.5
4-Dec-02 233.7 223.2 10.5
6-Dec-02 157.3 65.8 91.6
5-Dec-02 225.7 443.8 -218.1
9-Dec-02 107.3 76.3 31
6-Dec-02 123.5 100.6 22.9
10-Dec-02 49.6 69 -19.4
9-Dec-02 195.3 132.8 62.5
10-Dec- 11-Dec-02 45.1 58.4 -13.3
02 318.7 291.4 27.3
11-Dec- 12-Dec-02 49.4 95.3 -45.9
02 187.6 242.6 -55
12-Dec- 13-Dec-02 55.6 89.5 -33.9
02 360.7 293.9 66.8
13-Dec- 16-Dec-02 57.5 67.1 -9.6
02 328.3 155 173.4
16-Dec- 17-Dec-02 37.6 63.4 -25.9
02 236.3 259 -22.7
17-Dec- 18-Dec-02 66.9 71.6 -4.7
02 351.9 275.4 76.6
18-Dec- 19-Dec-02 54.1 65.3 -11.2
02 179.6 154.8 24.8
19-Dec- 20-Dec-02 42.1 40.1 2
02 225.8 177.6 48.2
20-Dec- 23-Dec-02 26.6 34.7 -8.1
02 219.8 179.3 40.6
23-Dec- 24-Dec-02 76.3 51 25.3
02 102.4 85.1 17.3
24-Dec- 26-Dec-02 87.7 86.3 1.4
02 187 47 140
26-Dec- 27-Dec-02 81.1 61.9 19.2
02 82.9 70.2 12.8
27-Dec- 30-Dec-02 56.3 42.5 13.9
02 87.6 68.5 19.1
30-Dec- 31-Dec-02 78.2 47.7 30.5
02 98.3 65.8 32.5
31-Dec- 2-Jan-03 72.3 101.8 -29.5
02 69.9 81.3 -11.4
3-Jan-03 46.6 45.5 1.1
2-Jan-03 51.5 23.3 28.2

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


6-Jan-03 37.8 63.4 -25.6

3-Jan-03 64.1 120.8 -56.7
7-Jan-03 55.8 49.6 6.2
6-Jan-03 208.8 231 -22.1
8-Jan-03 53.4 90.7 -37.3
7-Jan-03 180.7 179.3 1.4
9-Jan-03 61.8 66.9 -5.1
8-Jan-03 160.1 192.2 -32
10-Jan-03 121.1 269.8 -148.7
9-Jan-03 229.2 145 84.2
13-Jan-03 82 60.5 21.6
10-Jan-03 196.1 156.3 39.8
14-Jan-03 88.7 105.1 -16.4
13-Jan-03 256.8 202.6 54.2
15-Jan-03 48.6 68.5 -19.9
14-Jan-03 314.2 307.8 6.5
16-Jan-03 75.8 68.2 7.5
15-Jan-03 312 169.4 142.6
17-Jan-03 44.2 64.8 -20.6
16-Jan-03 410.6 153.3 257.3
20-Jan-03 54 47.8 6.1
17-Jan-03 231.3 155.2 76.1
21-Jan-03 61.5 80.8 -19.4
20-Jan-03 253.8 180.4 73.4
22-Jan-03 58.2 70 -11.8
21-Jan-03 180.4 172.5 7.9
23-Jan-03 50.7 151.5 -100.8
22-Jan-03 177.6 125.9 51.7
24-Jan-03 61.6 74.5 -12.9
23-Jan-03 124.3 107.5 16.7
27-Jan-03 126.7 81.1 45.6
24-Jan-03 201.7 185.4 16.3
28-Jan-03 64.2 92 -27.8
27-Jan-03 335.8 267.6 68.1
29-Jan-03 91 68.4 22.6
28-Jan-03 296.3 297.3 -1.1
30-Jan-03 73.5 108.9 -35.4
29-Jan-03 290.8 334.5 -43.7
31-Jan-03 71 77.8 -6.8
30-Jan-03 258.7 200.1 58.6
3-Feb-03 66.3 41.9 24.4
31-Jan-03 287.4 197.6 89.8
4-Feb-03 55.7 51.6 4
3-Feb-03 321 172.6 148.4
5-Feb-03 42 51.5 -9.5
4-Feb-03 168.9 131 37.9
6-Feb-03 41.7 39.3 2.5
5-Feb-03 255.9 122.6 133.3
7-Feb-03 43.6 108.8 -65.2
6-Feb-03 209.1 158.6 50.4
10-Feb-03 34.2 62.1 -28
7-Feb-03 173 103.7 69.2
10-Feb- 11-Feb-03 15.9 42.8 -26.8
03 110.6 119 -8.3
11-Feb- 12-Feb-03 33.2 44.3 -11
03 165.6 182.5 -16.9
12-Feb- 14-Feb-03 36.6 42.1 -5.4
03 114.4 143.1 -28.8
14-Feb- 17-Feb-03 78.8 48.2 30.6
03 125.9 170.8 -44.9
17-Feb- 18-Feb-03 41.6 53.8 -12.2
03 304.6 284.1 20.5

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


18-Feb- 19-Feb-03 58.8 67.8 -9

03 140 176.6 -36.6
19-Feb- 20-Feb-03 46.6 65.3 -18.7
03 108.5 76.9 31.5
20-Feb- 21-Feb-03 50.9 40.7 10.2
03 199.2 165.2 34
21-Feb- 24-Feb-03 42.5 39.1 3.4
03 154 134.5 19.5
24-Feb- 25-Feb-03 72.4 56.6 15.8
03 165.2 109.2 55.9
25-Feb- 26-Feb-03 64.4 49.8 14.6
03 77.5 114.1 -36.6
26-Feb- 27-Feb-03 92.6 47.8 44.8
03 94.8 159.2 -64.4
27-Feb- 28-Feb-03 122.4 64.4 58.1
03 196.7 203.7 -7
28-Feb- 3-Mar-03 40.8 44.4 -3.6
03 149.7 128.1 21.6
4-Mar-03 43.6 43.8 -0.2
3-Mar-03 362.3 187.5 174.8
5-Mar-03 41 25.1 15.9
4-Mar-03 132.1 107.6 24.5
6-Mar-03 47.8 22.3 25.4
5-Mar-03 100.9 131.2 -30.3
7-Mar-03 14.7 27.3 -12.6
6-Mar-03 112.3 131.1 -18.9
10-Mar-03 54.1 25.2 28.9
7-Mar-03 95.8 97.5 -1.7
10-Mar- 11-Mar-03 54.6 34.6 20
03 144.3 168.4 -24.1
11-Mar- 12-Mar-03 63.5 41.3 22.2
03 145.8 110.2 35.6
12-Mar- 13-Mar-03 31.4 52.8 -21.4
03 111.8 103.9 7.9
13-Mar- 17-Mar-03 60.2 20.5 39.7
03 85.7 99.8 -14.1
17-Mar- 19-Mar-03 39.1 27.5 11.6
03 155.1 222.4 -67.3
19-Mar- 20-Mar-03 47 40.8 6.2
03 172.8 257 -84.1
20-Mar- 21-Mar-03 25.6 42.4 -16.8
03 331.3 247.4 83.9
21-Mar- 24-Mar-03 32.7 26.8 5.9
03 342.6 185.9 156.8
24-Mar- 25-Mar-03 48.3 63.2 -14.9
03 171.6 127.6 44
25-Mar- 26-Mar-03 44.4 35.9 8.5
03 198.5 158.5 40
26-Mar- 27-Mar-03 29.9 53.6 -23.7
03 111.4 126 -14.6
27-Mar- 28-Mar-03 31.8 37.5 -5.7
03 145.7 170.5 -24.8
28-Mar- 31-Mar-03 37.9 47 -9.1
03 212.8 169.3 43.6
31-Mar- 1-Apr-03 23.8 42.9 -19.1
03 228.7 148.3 80.5
2-Apr-03 27.4 27.7 -0.3
1-Apr-03 151.8 135.8 16
2-Apr-03 139.2 81.7 57.5 3-Apr-03 35.9 43.2 -7.3

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


4-Apr-03 58.9 36.6 22.3

3-Apr-03 169.7 175.8 -6.1
7-Apr-03 34.4 54 -19.6
4-Apr-03 274.4 162.1 112.3
8-Apr-03 33.1 49.8 -16.7
7-Apr-03 258.9 222.9 36
9-Apr-03 36.4 54.8 -18.5
8-Apr-03 232 136.7 95.3
10-Apr-03 71.7 252.4 -180.7
9-Apr-03 251.6 187.5 64.1
11-Apr-03 178.5 58.9 119.6
10-Apr-03 156.5 167.7 -11.2
15-Apr-03 32.7 32.7 0
11-Apr-03 289.4 568.3 -278.9
16-Apr-03 68.1 41.5 26.6
15-Apr-03 576.3 863.8 -287.6
17-Apr-03 39.7 71.7 -32
16-Apr-03 523.6 429 94.7
21-Apr-03 59.5 32.3 27.2
17-Apr-03 414.5 186.6 227.9
22-Apr-03 50.4 44.6 5.8
21-Apr-03 288.3 205.8 82.5
23-Apr-03 44.2 57.6 -13.4
22-Apr-03 134.9 71.6 63.4
24-Apr-03 46.7 92.7 -46
23-Apr-03 183.9 155.2 28.8
25-Apr-03 41 61.1 -20.2
24-Apr-03 143.4 158.4 -15.1
28-Apr-03 73.2 73.3 -0.1
25-Apr-03 277.8 203.5 74.3
29-Apr-03 48.8 43.4 5.4
28-Apr-03 161.6 136.6 25
30-Apr-03 75.5 42.8 32.7
29-Apr-03 138.1 203.4 -65.4
2-May-03 64.6 41.9 22.7
30-Apr-03 277.5 160.7 116.8
5-May-03 82.1 68.4 13.7
2-May-03 304.6 169 135.5
6-May-03 86.1 79 7.1
5-May-03 301.5 237 64.6
7-May-03 67.5 80.1 -12.6
6-May-03 194.4 205.2 -10.8
8-May-03 75.3 81.7 -6.4
7-May-03 321.5 184.5 137.1
9-May-03 29.1 77.8 -48.7
8-May-03 280.6 232.2 48.4
03 77.4 68.4 9
9-May-03 196.4 196.5 0
12-May- 03 75.1 63.6 11.5
03 143.5 115.4 28.1
13-May- 03 54.4 51.3 3.1
03 178.5 154.3 24.2
14-May- 03 80.4 70.3 10.1
03 121.3 146.5 -25.1
15-May- 176 155.2 20.8 16-May- 79.3 81 -1.7

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


16-May- 03 120.5 108.3 12.1
03 198.4 176.9 21.5
19-May- 03 71 69.5 1.5
03 207.2 156.5 50.7
20-May- 03 79.1 112.9 -33.8
03 272 220.8 51.2
21-May- 03 51.5 66.1 -14.6
03 271.1 182.5 88.6
22-May- 03 61.5 55.6 5.9
03 283.1 204.6 78.5
23-May- 03 88.4 72.9 15.5
03 273.8 317.4 -43.5
26-May- 03 96 58.1 38
03 220.6 174.8 45.8
27-May- 03 117.4 103.4 14
03 161.6 111.3 50.3
28-May- 03 71.6 36.1 35.5
03 259.7 193.7 66
29-May- 2-Jun-03 107.2 108 -0.8
03 404.8 220.8 184
30-May- 3-Jun-03 24.1 29.1 -5
03 431.8 226.9 204.9
4-Jun-03 89 88.7 0.3
2-Jun-03 563.2 439.6 123.6
5-Jun-03 124.9 105.1 19.8
3-Jun-03 311 183.6 127.3
6-Jun-03 92.6 90 2.6
4-Jun-03 274.8 194.1 80.6
9-Jun-03 59.6 76.3 -16.8
5-Jun-03 268.3 212.3 56
10-Jun-03 97.4 71.8 25.6
6-Jun-03 421 208 213
11-Jun-03 55.7 115 -59.3
9-Jun-03 302.5 134.9 167.6
12-Jun-03 66.1 60.5 5.5
10-Jun-03 184.8 142.5 42.3
13-Jun-03 104.9 135.9 -31
11-Jun-03 184.7 227.4 -42.8
16-Jun-03 66.9 62.2 4.7
12-Jun-03 266.1 135.4 130.7
17-Jun-03 121.8 145.3 -23.5
13-Jun-03 203.7 121.1 82.6
18-Jun-03 101.8 139.6 -37.8
16-Jun-03 354.8 196.4 158.4
19-Jun-03 108.9 143.5 -34.7
17-Jun-03 169.8 141.8 28
20-Jun-03 74.7 85.7 -11
18-Jun-03 583.4 206 377.3
19-Jun-03 386.1 212.5 173.5 23-Jun-03 73.8 93 -19.3

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


24-Jun-03 69.6 117.8 -48.1

20-Jun-03 239.7 109.2 130.6
25-Jun-03 114.4 89.1 25.3
23-Jun-03 333.3 236.7 96.6
26-Jun-03 127.9 140.9 -13.1
24-Jun-03 262.9 214.8 48.1
27-Jun-03 105.6 96.4 9.2
25-Jun-03 252.8 335.2 -82.4
30-Jun-03 133.1 141 -8
26-Jun-03 304.7 173.7 130.9
1-Jul-03 68.6 77.1 -8.4
27-Jun-03 505.8 217.1 288.7
2-Jul-03 136.6 106.8 29.8
30-Jun-03 370 118.9 251.1
3-Jul-03 135.3 155.6 -20.2
1-Jul-03 309 155.9 153.1
4-Jul-03 64.4 83 -18.5
2-Jul-03 235.8 86.7 149.1
7-Jul-03 79.2 82.3 -3.1
3-Jul-03 237.7 169.8 67.9
8-Jul-03 82.4 123.7 -41.2
4-Jul-03 536.9 244.3 292.6
9-Jul-03 60.4 112.6 -52.2
7-Jul-03 450.8 153.7 297.1
10-Jul-03 247.2 187.2 60
8-Jul-03 334.2 160.3 174
11-Jul-03 119.8 113.6 6.2
9-Jul-03 586.1 395.9 190.2
14-Jul-03 62.4 73.9 -11.5
10-Jul-03 381.3 193.8 187.4
15-Jul-03 88.4 159.1 -70.7
11-Jul-03 479.2 337.1 142.1
16-Jul-03 152.6 79.1 73.5
14-Jul-03 359.6 387.2 -27.6
17-Jul-03 102.9 167.6 -64.7
15-Jul-03 361.3 291.6 69.8
18-Jul-03 65.9 81.4 -15.5
16-Jul-03 372.5 281.8 90.7
21-Jul-03 103.1 148.2 -45.1
17-Jul-03 242.7 293.5 -50.8
22-Jul-03 67.3 106.2 -38.8
18-Jul-03 224.2 199 25.2
23-Jul-03 128.1 66.9 61.3
21-Jul-03 263 237.8 25.2
24-Jul-03 214.1 146.9 67.2
22-Jul-03 271.3 237.5 33.8
25-Jul-03 139.8 66.8 73
23-Jul-03 296 297.1 -1.1
28-Jul-03 110.3 105.2 5.1
24-Jul-03 476.6 430.9 45.7
29-Jul-03 93.5 93.5 0
25-Jul-03 641.3 395.3 246
30-Jul-03 139 56.4 82.6
28-Jul-03 237.1 172.9 64.2
31-Jul-03 180.9 178.3 2.5
29-Jul-03 364.5 215.6 148.9
1-Aug-03 198.4 109.8 88.6
30-Jul-03 165.7 132.1 33.6
4-Aug-03 133 123 10
31-Jul-03 222 232.6 -10.6

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


5-Aug-03 195.4 187.8 7.5

1-Aug-03 732.7 497.8 234.9
6-Aug-03 126.1 188.7 -62.6
4-Aug-03 509.9 210.8 299.1
7-Aug-03 184.2 112.5 71.7
5-Aug-03 291.3 206.6 84.7
8-Aug-03 190.9 111.9 79
6-Aug-03 313 207.5 105.5
11-Aug-03 108 74.9 33
7-Aug-03 354.8 428.1 -73.3
12-Aug-03 83.3 97.3 -14
8-Aug-03 276.3 275.4 0.8
11-Aug- 13-Aug-03 117.4 150.6 -33.2
03 440.8 175 265.9
12-Aug- 14-Aug-03 126.5 128.7 -2.1
03 332.8 173.3 159.6
13-Aug- 18-Aug-03 127.6 109.4 18.2
03 356.4 163.3 193.1
14-Aug- 19-Aug-03 183.5 143.5 40
03 322.7 209.7 113
18-Aug- 20-Aug-03 109.2 162.4 -53.3
03 305.3 203.2 102.1
19-Aug- 21-Aug-03 197.2 143.6 53.6
03 320.1 199.7 120.5
20-Aug- 22-Aug-03 156.5 86.9 69.6
03 389.8 234.1 155.7
21-Aug- 25-Aug-03 184.5 151.4 33.2
03 373.5 187.1 186.4
22-Aug- 26-Aug-03 171 139 32
03 461.1 854.7 -393.6
25-Aug- 27-Aug-03 188.1 130.6 57.5
03 450.7 232.1 218.6
26-Aug- 28-Aug-03 205.9 229.8 -23.9
03 427.4 355.5 71.9
27-Aug- 29-Aug-03 161.9 163.4 -1.5
03 332.8 336.7 -3.9
28-Aug- 1-Sep-03 129.9 128.7 1.3
03 314.3 226.2 88.1
29-Aug- 2-Sep-03 136.7 219.4 -82.7
03 569.4 407.3 162.2
3-Sep-03 122 75.8 46.2
1-Sep-03 512.2 341.3 170.9
4-Sep-03 104.5 205.7 -101.1
2-Sep-03 539.9 243.1 296.8
5-Sep-03 98.6 138 -39.5
3-Sep-03 511.2 199.6 311.6
8-Sep-03 141.4 166.5 -25.1
4-Sep-03 401 334.8 66.3
9-Sep-03 147.3 285.6 -138.3
5-Sep-03 806.8 421 385.8
10-Sep-03 151.3 250.6 -99.3
8-Sep-03 630.1 337.4 292.7
11-Sep-03 94.7 83.8 10.9
9-Sep-03 556.8 293.7 263.1
10-Sep- 12-Sep-03 62.4 124.7 -62.3
03 894.6 499.4 395.3
11-Sep- 15-Sep-03 99.4 172.2 -72.8
03 417.4 285.1 132.3
12-Sep- 16-Sep-03 241.7 284.2 -42.6
03 403.2 491.5 -88.3

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


15-Sep- 17-Sep-03 134.7 176 -41.4

03 241.8 317.8 -76.1
16-Sep- 18-Sep-03 104.1 81 23.1
03 459.3 381.5 77.8
17-Sep- 19-Sep-03 220.7 162.8 57.9
03 598.9 403 195.9
18-Sep- 22-Sep-03 70.5 87.7 -17.2
03 716.9 418.4 298.6
19-Sep- 23-Sep-03 104.6 101.7 3
03 557.8 326.6 231.3
22-Sep- 24-Sep-03 101.2 56.6 44.6
03 418.2 306.6 111.6
23-Sep- 25-Sep-03 126.6 87.4 39.2
03 399.1 241.8 157.3
24-Sep- 26-Sep-03 119 55.2 63.8
03 234.4 343 -108.5
25-Sep- 29-Sep-03 143.5 76.9 66.6
03 761.5 359.1 402.4
26-Sep- 30-Sep-03 157.8 82.3 75.6
03 475 457.3 17.7
29-Sep- 1-Oct-03 103.3 70.6 32.7
03 340.6 311.1 29.5
30-Sep- 3-Oct-03 132.9 115.5 17.4
03 611.8 324.5 287.3
6-Oct-03 161.9 93.9 68
1-Oct-03 524.6 268.5 256.1
7-Oct-03 117.3 100.7 16.6
3-Oct-03 353.9 231.8 122.1
8-Oct-03 84.3 172.9 -88.6
6-Oct-03 1111.8 529.6 582.3
9-Oct-03 175.8 191 -15.2
7-Oct-03 638.2 282 356.1
10-Oct-03 155.6 197.7 -42.1
8-Oct-03 825.3 316.3 509
13-Oct-03 114.2 60.4 53.9
9-Oct-03 517.9 326.8 191.2
14-Oct-03 117.5 124.5 -7
10-Oct-03 591.1 309.3 281.8
15-Oct-03 248.3 284.2 -35.9
13-Oct-03 859.5 341.7 517.8
16-Oct-03 68.8 121.4 -52.7
14-Oct-03 690.7 250.1 440.6
17-Oct-03 243.8 272 -28.2
15-Oct-03 838 316.8 521.2
20-Oct-03 150.7 261.5 -110.8
16-Oct-03 575.1 270.6 304.4
21-Oct-03 120.2 293 -172.8
17-Oct-03 832.2 414.5 417.7
22-Oct-03 93 156.4 -63.4
20-Oct-03 861.8 325.9 535.8
23-Oct-03 123.4 144.1 -20.7
21-Oct-03 570.9 252 318.9
24-Oct-03 143.8 116.7 27.1
22-Oct-03 676.2 390.2 286
27-Oct-03 177.9 141.2 36.7
23-Oct-03 635.8 432.7 203.1
28-Oct-03 125.8 163.7 -37.9
24-Oct-03 390 477.6 -87.5
29-Oct-03 113.5 189.1 -75.6
27-Oct-03 408.2 286.2 122.1
28-Oct-03 388.2 276.2 112 30-Oct-03 297.8 147.1 150.7

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


31-Oct-03 281.9 134.2 147.7

29-Oct-03 566.2 320.2 246
3-Nov-03 217.8 211.1 6.6
30-Oct-03 654.1 430.6 223.5
4-Nov-03 229.7 217.6 12.1
31-Oct-03 856.7 519.4 337.3
5-Nov-03 141.9 244.7 -102.8
3-Nov-03 633.4 312.1 321.4
6-Nov-03 181.7 306.5 -124.7
4-Nov-03 1011.5 503 508.5
7-Nov-03 95.9 198.9 -102.9
5-Nov-03 1070.9 472.9 598
10-Nov-03 77.3 185.9 -108.6
6-Nov-03 771.2 506 265.2
11-Nov-03 122 173.3 -51.3
7-Nov-03 623.2 489 134.2
10-Nov- 12-Nov-03 92.1 132.5 -40.4
03 333.2 268.3 64.9
11-Nov- 13-Nov-03 62.4 82.6 -20.1
03 458 225.1 232.9
12-Nov- 14-Nov-03 72.1 75.9 -3.8
03 436.8 290.8 146
13-Nov- 17-Nov-03 108.4 101.6 6.8
03 497 440.4 56.6
14-Nov- 18-Nov-03 111 87.3 23.7
03 658 289.5 368.5
17-Nov- 19-Nov-03 148.6 96.1 52.5
03 404.2 391.8 12.4
18-Nov- 20-Nov-03 198.4 61 137.4
03 254.9 275.3 -20.4
19-Nov- 21-Nov-03 191.4 63.8 127.7
03 337.9 350.3 -12.4
20-Nov- 24-Nov-03 160.2 93.2 66.9
03 497.5 584.4 -87
21-Nov- 25-Nov-03 201.7 119.1 82.6
03 324 186 138
24-Nov- 27-Nov-03 337.8 123.8 213.9
03 274.4 272.4 2
25-Nov- 28-Nov-03 159.6 117.6 42
03 151.9 176.6 -24.6
27-Nov- 1-Dec-03 226.8 164.5 62.3
03 347.1 188.2 158.9
28-Nov- 2-Dec-03 213.3 193.1 20.3
03 862.2 424.7 437.4
3-Dec-03 185.8 157.9 27.9
1-Dec-03 445.2 229.1 216.1
4-Dec-03 282.2 180.6 101.6
2-Dec-03 1349.6 786.2 563.4
5-Dec-03 185.8 179 6.8
3-Dec-03 686.5 400.3 286.1
8-Dec-03 97 113.9 -16.9
4-Dec-03 517.8 363.2 154.7
9-Dec-03 101.2 179.6 -78.4
5-Dec-03 652.3 349.2 303.1
10-Dec-03 171.9 157.2 14.6
8-Dec-03 479.7 258.3 221.5
11-Dec-03 156.2 115.4 40.8
9-Dec-03 435.6 482.2 -46.6

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


10-Dec- 12-Dec-03 127 153.3 -26.3

03 653.4 304.7 348.7
11-Dec- 15-Dec-03 170.3 147.7 22.6
03 1010.8 398.5 612.4
12-Dec- 16-Dec-03 211.4 168.5 43
03 720.2 446.5 273.7
15-Dec- 17-Dec-03 307.1 111.1 196
03 589.7 440.7 149
16-Dec- 18-Dec-03 236.5 177.8 58.8
03 401.4 218.9 182.5
17-Dec- 19-Dec-03 160.8 208.4 -47.6
03 771.7 319.3 452.3
18-Dec- 22-Dec-03 285.3 218.5 66.8
03 421.6 477.7 -56.1
19-Dec- 23-Dec-03 261.9 274.2 -12.2
03 726.9 433.2 293.7
22-Dec- 24-Dec-03 214.7 173.8 40.9
03 934.9 317.4 617.5
23-Dec- 26-Dec-03 286.2 192.1 94.2
03 639.4 355.4 284.1
24-Dec- 29-Dec-03 249.5 123.9 125.6
03 637.6 330.1 307.5
26-Dec- 30-Dec-03 310.4 195.7 114.7
03 504.2 280.8 223.4
29-Dec- 31-Dec-03 206.6 209.2 -2.6
03 187.5 124.1 63.4
30-Dec- 2-Jan-04 216.7 258.8 -42.1
03 459.4 191.8 267.5
31-Dec- 5-Jan-04 283.7 325 -41.3
03 801.3 358.2 443.2
6-Jan-04 291 218.7 72.3
2-Jan-04 150.5 59.3 91.2
7-Jan-04 160.3 261.5 -101.2
5-Jan-04 731.5 230.8 500.7
8-Jan-04 263.9 181.2 82.8
6-Jan-04 686.3 469.7 216.7
9-Jan-04 437.1 273 164.1
7-Jan-04 943 779.5 163.5
12-Jan-04 233.7 232 1.7
8-Jan-04 830.2 743.8 86.4
13-Jan-04 212.8 175.4 37.3
9-Jan-04 1015.8 860.3 155.5
14-Jan-04 280.1 202.9 77.2
12-Jan-04 1447.9 998.8 449.2
15-Jan-04 235.5 159.3 76.3
13-Jan-04 851.8 678.5 173.2
16-Jan-04 216.5 264.9 -48.4
14-Jan-04 723.3 764.6 -41.3
19-Jan-04 199.3 110.6 88.7
15-Jan-04 803.3 782.4 20.9
20-Jan-04 205.2 127.1 78.1
16-Jan-04 631 688.4 -57.5
21-Jan-04 279.8 148.1 131.7
19-Jan-04 789.7 876.6 -86.9
22-Jan-04 403.4 277.2 126.2
20-Jan-04 679.5 652 27.5
23-Jan-04 177.6 246.8 -69.3
21-Jan-04 854.3 510.4 344
27-Jan-04 98.9 169 -70.2
22-Jan-04 750.6 615.9 134.7

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


28-Jan-04 234.9 220.3 14.7

23-Jan-04 947.1 899.1 48
29-Jan-04 241.3 81.1 160.2
27-Jan-04 703.2 641.7 61.5
30-Jan-04 201.8 88.8 113
28-Jan-04 1119.1 764.2 354.9
3-Feb-04 266.2 122.8 143.4
29-Jan-04 897.4 638.1 259.3
4-Feb-04 210.4 280.4 -70.1
30-Jan-04 818.1 847.9 -29.8
5-Feb-04 220.7 189.1 31.6
3-Feb-04 694.2 1130.2 -436
6-Feb-04 114.6 193.3 -78.7
4-Feb-04 1161.2 835.4 325.7
9-Feb-04 123 169.7 -46.7
5-Feb-04 759.5 616.4 143.1
10-Feb-04 95.4 254.2 -158.8
6-Feb-04 798.3 566.4 232
11-Feb-04 69.3 117.9 -48.7
9-Feb-04 803.8 578.3 225.5
10-Feb- 12-Feb-04 162.4 117.3 45.1
04 789.3 538.5 250.8
11-Feb- 13-Feb-04 217.2 198.6 18.7
04 1067.6 489.2 578.4
12-Feb- 16-Feb-04 77.7 142.2 -64.5
04 374.9 413.9 -39
13-Feb- 17-Feb-04 102.6 252.8 -150.2
04 1011.7 876 135.7
16-Feb- 18-Feb-04 79.8 169.8 -90
04 670 618.7 51.4
17-Feb- 19-Feb-04 133.4 131.6 1.8
04 657.7 592.1 65.7
18-Feb- 20-Feb-04 98.5 129.9 -31.4
04 748.8 381.2 367.7
19-Feb- 23-Feb-04 93.9 153.1 -59.2
04 1018 641 377
20-Feb- 24-Feb-04 105.2 71.3 33.9
04 882.9 624.1 258.9
23-Feb- 25-Feb-04 118.5 137.7 -19.2
04 1074.4 715.9 358.5
24-Feb- 26-Feb-04 186.4 113.7 72.7
04 541.8 709.9 -168.1
25-Feb- 27-Feb-04 131.2 194.6 -63.5
04 694 964.2 -270.2
26-Feb- 1-Mar-04 211.8 153.5 58.3
04 561 507.9 53
27-Feb- 3-Mar-04 169.2 196.9 -27.7
04 643 755.7 -112.6
4-Mar-04 149 120.6 28.4
1-Mar-04 763.2 437.2 326
5-Mar-04 169 146.6 22.4
3-Mar-04 916 582.6 333.4
8-Mar-04 202 249.8 -47.8
4-Mar-04 903.9 608.1 295.8
9-Mar-04 176.7 182.4 -5.7
5-Mar-04 763.9 507.2 256.7
10-Mar-04 162.1 180.3 -18.2
8-Mar-04 420.5 437.4 -16.9
11-Mar-04 176 128.3 47.7
9-Mar-04 819 462.3 356.7

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


10-Mar- 12-Mar-04 226.5 84.2 142.2

04 710 664.6 45.4
11-Mar- 15-Mar-04 286.5 221.9 64.6
04 540.2 478.8 61.4
12-Mar- 16-Mar-04 208 160.4 47.7
04 790.4 588.5 201.9
15-Mar- 17-Mar-04 243.8 239.2 4.6
04 950.1 743 207
16-Mar- 18-Mar-04 144.7 166.3 -21.6
04 676.6 552.7 123.9
17-Mar- 19-Mar-04 81.5 137.9 -56.4
04 688.8 629.9 59
18-Mar- 22-Mar-04 125.5 124 1.5
04 956.8 658.9 297.9
19-Mar- 23-Mar-04 115 161.6 -46.7
04 666.8 589 77.9
22-Mar- 24-Mar-04 81.8 118.6 -36.7
04 642.1 484 158
23-Mar- 25-Mar-04 202.6 85.8 116.8
04 534 353.6 180.4
24-Mar- 26-Mar-04 196.3 297.2 -100.9
04 801.6 274.5 527.1
25-Mar- 29-Mar-04 161.8 177.4 -15.6
04 480.6 416.4 64.3
26-Mar- 30-Mar-04 169.5 171.2 -1.7
04 953.6 782.9 170.7
29-Mar- 31-Mar-04 220.7 208 12.7
04 1854.7 615.5 1239.2
30-Mar- 1-Apr-04 130.7 199.6 -68.9
04 661 390 271
31-Mar- 2-Apr-04 314.4 157.4 157
04 744.4 376.8 367.6
5-Apr-04 205.5 262.5 -56.9
1-Apr-04 3908.5 418 3490.4
6-Apr-04 93 324.9 -232
2-Apr-04 1365.4 610 755.4
7-Apr-04 75.5 189.6 -114.1
5-Apr-04 1020.3 701.6 318.7
8-Apr-04 222.8 272.7 -49.9
6-Apr-04 887.4 470 417.4
12-Apr-04 112 162.4 -50.4
7-Apr-04 721.1 590 131.2
13-Apr-04 303.9 177.7 126.3
8-Apr-04 704.1 535.8 168.3
15-Apr-04 263.6 146.1 117.5
12-Apr-04 769.2 530 239.2
16-Apr-04 143.2 93.1 50.1
13-Apr-04 387.3 383.8 3.5
19-Apr-04 123 213.9 -90.9
15-Apr-04 800.7 419.7 381
20-Apr-04 164.6 160.7 4
16-Apr-04 986.5 1172.4 -185.9
21-Apr-04 213.6 191.6 22
19-Apr-04 621.4 558.8 62.6
22-Apr-04 254.7 225.3 29.4
20-Apr-04 1213.2 520.1 693.2
23-Apr-04 244.4 280.4 -36
21-Apr-04 345.1 333.4 11.6
27-Apr-04 261.1 261.2 -0.1
22-Apr-04 562.8 473.3 89.5

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


28-Apr-04 149.5 229.1 -79.6

23-Apr-04 1483.5 528.3 955.2
29-Apr-04 199.8 187.5 12.3
27-Apr-04 1092.2 711.2 381.1
30-Apr-04 186.7 126.9 59.7
28-Apr-04 1103.3 1096.1 7.2
3-May-04 204.2 172.2 32
29-Apr-04 698 647.1 50.9
4-May-04 115.2 177.1 -61.9
30-Apr-04 1021.5 1353.7 -332.3
5-May-04 153.7 189.2 -35.4
3-May-04 521.6 496.3 25.2
6-May-04 246.9 239.6 7.2
4-May-04 530.6 464.1 66.5
7-May-04 189.4 105 84.4
5-May-04 696.9 792.4 -95.5
04 260.7 123.5 137.2
6-May-04 1112.5 1150.6 -38.1
04 318.8 216.4 102.4
7-May-04 852.3 867.1 -14.9
10-May- 04 343.4 118.2 225.2
04 626.1 794.1 -168.1
11-May- 04 405.6 275 130.6
04 633 1228.2 -595.2
12-May- 04 612.9 212.9 400
04 785.3 1188.7 -403.4
13-May- 04 443.7 102.2 341.5
04 601.5 896.6 -295.1
14-May- 04 364.6 388.5 -23.9
04 785.6 1390 -604.4
17-May- 04 136.8 257 -120.2
04 980.2 1484.7 -504.4
18-May- 04 183.4 133.4 50
04 1236.4 1299.9 -63.6
19-May- 04 106.7 96.9 9.9
04 1303 1530.5 -227.5
20-May- 04 146.6 190.6 -43.9
04 1015 1064.9 -49.9
21-May- 04 140.7 151.9 -11.2
04 651.6 767.6 -116
24-May- 04 155.1 191.6 -36.5
04 445.6 638.1 -192.5
25-May- 04 54.8 102.9 -48.1
04 450 421.6 28.4
26-May- 475.7 605.5 -129.8 28-May- 150.5 226.1 -75.6

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


27-May- 04 123.4 182 -58.6
04 520.8 507.6 13.1
28-May- 1-Jun-04 124.1 158.1 -34
04 488.4 559.2 -70.8
31-May- 2-Jun-04 79.1 120.9 -41.8
04 819.5 630.4 189.1
3-Jun-04 131.6 152.4 -20.8
1-Jun-04 716.1 694.8 21.3
4-Jun-04 71.4 127.5 -56.1
2-Jun-04 778.8 513.9 264.9
7-Jun-04 132.2 114.4 17.8
3-Jun-04 482.7 429.9 52.8
8-Jun-04 80.6 76.5 4.1
4-Jun-04 605.9 554.2 51.7
9-Jun-04 99 100.4 -1.3
7-Jun-04 522.8 564.2 -41.4
10-Jun-04 56.2 52.5 3.7
8-Jun-04 614.8 392.6 222.3
11-Jun-04 56.7 79.4 -22.7
9-Jun-04 490.4 447.7 42.7
14-Jun-04 72.3 159.5 -87.2
10-Jun-04 414.8 412.2 2.5
15-Jun-04 51.8 88 -36.2
11-Jun-04 333.4 394.4 -61.1
16-Jun-04 62 74.5 -12.5
14-Jun-04 303.3 429.3 -126
17-Jun-04 84.9 61.3 23.7
15-Jun-04 373.8 246.6 127.3
18-Jun-04 101.7 61.9 39.8
16-Jun-04 508.3 399.2 109.2
21-Jun-04 100.4 171 -70.6
17-Jun-04 333.9 327.4 6.4
22-Jun-04 83.9 112.7 -28.8
18-Jun-04 396.7 408 -11.3
23-Jun-04 82.3 143.8 -61.5
21-Jun-04 373.5 389.2 -15.8
24-Jun-04 59.2 153.3 -94.1
22-Jun-04 375.3 354.5 20.8
25-Jun-04 148.8 83.6 65.2
23-Jun-04 298.1 432 -134
28-Jun-04 117.3 88.2 29.1
24-Jun-04 526.3 634.3 -108.1
29-Jun-04 145.2 75.3 69.9
25-Jun-04 711 684.1 26.8
30-Jun-04 189.4 134.8 54.6
28-Jun-04 465.4 420.6 44.9
1-Jul-04 58 92.1 -34.1
29-Jun-04 479 469.3 9.7
2-Jul-04 73.5 80 -6.5
30-Jun-04 529.2 518.4 10.8
5-Jul-04 59.7 96.9 -37.2
1-Jul-04 607.8 792.6 -184.8
6-Jul-04 73.4 84.9 -11.5
2-Jul-04 508.4 363.4 145
7-Jul-04 116.4 125 -8.6
5-Jul-04 357 295.9 61.1
8-Jul-04 332.9 251.2 81.7
6-Jul-04 280.3 232.4 47.8
7-Jul-04 359 323.8 35.2 9-Jul-04 176.3 135.4 40.9

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


12-Jul-04 44.6 98.3 -53.7

8-Jul-04 628.7 640.4 -11.7
13-Jul-04 110.8 153.9 -43.1
9-Jul-04 729.5 581.9 147.6
14-Jul-04 108.8 124.3 -15.5
12-Jul-04 568.1 641.8 -73.7
15-Jul-04 134.3 106.1 28.2
13-Jul-04 421.2 309.4 111.8
16-Jul-04 190.2 132.6 57.6
14-Jul-04 446.6 459.7 -13.1
19-Jul-04 117.7 135.4 -17.6
15-Jul-04 507.5 556.4 -48.9
20-Jul-04 99.6 85.7 13.9
16-Jul-04 381.4 509.3 -127.9
21-Jul-04 89.7 173.2 -83.5
19-Jul-04 564.5 432 132.5
22-Jul-04 167 272.9 -105.9
20-Jul-04 404.4 304.8 99.6
23-Jul-04 164.7 154.9 9.8
21-Jul-04 424 362.9 61.1
26-Jul-04 90.5 119.7 -29.2
22-Jul-04 447.5 429 18.6
27-Jul-04 90.6 192.2 -101.7
23-Jul-04 594.3 529.6 64.7
28-Jul-04 121.8 220.4 -98.6
26-Jul-04 390.9 322 69
29-Jul-04 100 194.3 -94.3
27-Jul-04 558.6 431.4 127.3
30-Jul-04 158.1 119.9 38.2
28-Jul-04 557.8 496.9 60.9
2-Aug-04 97.2 113.9 -16.7
29-Jul-04 512.1 482.8 29.3
3-Aug-04 182.8 144.2 38.6
30-Jul-04 846.6 684.4 162.2
4-Aug-04 63.7 125.8 -62.1
2-Aug-04 464.4 366.1 98.4
5-Aug-04 148.1 215.5 -67.4
3-Aug-04 459.9 401.3 58.6
6-Aug-04 111.7 185.1 -73.4
4-Aug-04 601.5 570.9 30.6
9-Aug-04 95.7 137.8 -42.1
5-Aug-04 376.6 371.1 5.5
10-Aug-04 156.9 148.7 8.2
6-Aug-04 684.1 512.2 171.9
11-Aug-04 147.8 181 -33.2
9-Aug-04 440 467.6 -27.7
10-Aug- 12-Aug-04 108.6 132.9 -24.3
04 443.5 411.2 32.3
11-Aug- 13-Aug-04 89.7 117.7 -28
04 373.5 315.2 58.3
12-Aug- 16-Aug-04 115.7 81.9 33.8
04 401 475.5 -74.4
13-Aug- 17-Aug-04 152.8 118.3 34.5
04 318 466.3 -148.3
16-Aug- 18-Aug-04 82.6 77.6 5
04 1256.4 451.1 805.3
17-Aug- 19-Aug-04 94.4 73.8 20.6
04 262.8 358.2 -95.5
18-Aug- 435.5 485.9 -50.4 20-Aug-04 79.3 78 1.3

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


19-Aug- 23-Aug-04 134.5 114.9 19.6
04 389.4 461.9 -72.6
20-Aug- 24-Aug-04 135.1 86.1 49
04 2183.2 358.3 1824.9
23-Aug- 25-Aug-04 160.7 251.1 -90.3
04 672.6 295.5 377.1
24-Aug- 26-Aug-04 197.2 172 25.2
04 286.7 310.1 -23.5
25-Aug- 27-Aug-04 141.6 102.8 38.9
04 413 467.3 -54.3
26-Aug- 30-Aug-04 159.6 146.9 12.7
04 626.1 731.2 -105.1
27-Aug- 31-Aug-04 162.8 113.5 49.4
04 822.9 696.9 126
30-Aug- 1-Sep-04 177.6 111.9 65.7
04 350.8 426.7 -75.9
31-Aug- 2-Sep-04 132.8 101.8 31
04 332.9 301.8 31.1
3-Sep-04 143.7 75.5 68.2
1-Sep-04 340.6 323.6 16.9
6-Sep-04 134.2 115.3 18.9
2-Sep-04 305.4 285.2 20.2
7-Sep-04 112.2 144.2 -32
3-Sep-04 474.3 318.8 155.6
8-Sep-04 159.4 81.6 77.8
6-Sep-04 446.8 377.5 69.3
9-Sep-04 143 212.3 -69.3
7-Sep-04 251.3 291 -39.7
10-Sep-04 241.8 219.3 22.5
8-Sep-04 431.5 393.1 38.4
13-Sep-04 199.6 199.7 -0.1
9-Sep-04 449 403.5 45.5
10-Sep- 14-Sep-04 212.8 207.4 5.4
04 505.9 350.1 155.8
13-Sep- 15-Sep-04 151.5 249.5 -98
04 503.2 363.1 140.1
14-Sep- 16-Sep-04 122.2 110 12.2
04 617.3 506.8 110.5
15-Sep- 17-Sep-04 150.7 193.9 -43.2
04 987.9 804.3 183.6
16-Sep- 20-Sep-04 136.7 207.6 -71
04 648.2 543.8 104.5
17-Sep- 21-Sep-04 217.3 185.7 31.6
04 464.1 315.6 148.5
20-Sep- 22-Sep-04 176.8 223 -46.2
04 920.6 439.5 481.1
21-Sep- 23-Sep-04 139.1 162.7 -23.6
04 650.7 430.6 220.1
22-Sep- 24-Sep-04 150.2 140 10.3
04 734.5 530 204.5
23-Sep- 27-Sep-04 106 112.5 -6.5
04 684.9 567.3 117.6
24-Sep- 28-Sep-04 181.3 255.6 -74.3
04 703.7 850.2 -146.5
27-Sep- 29-Sep-04 228.8 275.6 -46.9
04 468.6 385.1 83.6
28-Sep- 30-Sep-04 113 171.2 -58.2
04 443 404.2 38.9

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


29-Sep- 1-Oct-04 177.8 136.3 41.6

04 652.8 522.7 130.1
30-Sep- 4-Oct-04 195.6 162.4 33.3
04 700.8 593.8 107
5-Oct-04 129.5 235.5 -106
1-Oct-04 929.6 513.6 416
6-Oct-04 156.6 193.2 -36.6
4-Oct-04 833 590.2 242.8
7-Oct-04 117.2 285.2 -167.9
5-Oct-04 1027 613.8 413.2
8-Oct-04 146.2 204.4 -58.2
6-Oct-04 724.9 548.3 176.6
11-Oct-04 61.9 137.9 -76
7-Oct-04 681.7 659.9 21.8
12-Oct-04 149.3 287.1 -137.8
8-Oct-04 791.7 532.2 259.6
14-Oct-04 146.6 235.4 -88.8
11-Oct-04 9.9 6.2 3.7
15-Oct-04 137.8 126.9 10.9
12-Oct-04 539.8 373.7 166
18-Oct-04 129 157.3 -28.4
14-Oct-04 610.6 544.3 66.4
19-Oct-04 113.6 165.7 -52.1
15-Oct-04 958.4 783.9 174.5
20-Oct-04 110.9 153.5 -42.7
18-Oct-04 581.4 541.9 39.5
21-Oct-04 130 123.8 6.2
19-Oct-04 617 505.9 111.2
25-Oct-04 165 148.8 16.2
20-Oct-04 848.2 765 83.1
26-Oct-04 215.2 166.6 48.5
21-Oct-04 810.1 823.1 -13.1
27-Oct-04 171.1 88 83.1
25-Oct-04 606.5 777.5 -171
28-Oct-04 241.6 124.1 117.5
26-Oct-04 791.8 713.9 77.9
29-Oct-04 148.5 136.2 12.4
27-Oct-04 738 647.9 90.1
1-Nov-04 159.6 131.2 28.4
28-Oct-04 876 804.3 71.6
2-Nov-04 224.9 153 71.9
29-Oct-04 2014 1097.9 916.2
3-Nov-04 289.2 142.9 146.4
1-Nov-04 1737.4 542.3 1195.1
4-Nov-04 132.9 207.1 -74.3
2-Nov-04 523.3 391.4 131.9
5-Nov-04 244.2 276.3 -32.1
3-Nov-04 520.4 499.1 21.3
8-Nov-04 120.7 212.7 -92.1
4-Nov-04 678.2 607.4 70.9
9-Nov-04 130.8 154.6 -23.8
5-Nov-04 764.5 433.8 330.7
10-Nov-04 200.5 218.4 -18
8-Nov-04 1606.1 1021 585.1
11-Nov-04 131.9 227.7 -95.8
9-Nov-04 1128.1 833.1 295
10-Nov- 12-Nov-04 3.4 3.2 0.2
04 1050.3 778.4 272
11-Nov- 16-Nov-04 194.2 235.8 -41.6
04 792.3 624.9 167.4
12-Nov- 17-Nov-04 228.4 269.7 -41.3
04 574.4 357.4 217

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


16-Nov- 18-Nov-04 283.7 329.1 -45.4

04 65.2 177.8 -112.6
17-Nov- 19-Nov-04 179.6 291.7 -112.1
04 1018.3 660.9 357.5
18-Nov- 22-Nov-04 89.4 289.9 -200.5
04 873.6 603.6 270
19-Nov- 23-Nov-04 164.7 165.4 -0.7
04 836.6 620.6 216
22-Nov- 24-Nov-04 138.5 175.1 -36.6
04 975.1 457.8 517.3
23-Nov- 25-Nov-04 227.1 214.1 13
04 777.8 441.4 336.4
24-Nov- 29-Nov-04 216.2 245.7 -29.5
04 1002.8 439.8 562.9
25-Nov- 30-Nov-04 229.6 341.3 -111.7
04 880.9 601.8 279.1
29-Nov- 1-Dec-04 192.3 340.4 -148
04 1174.4 644.8 529.6
30-Nov- 2-Dec-04 400 502.5 -102.5
04 1360.4 862.2 498.2
3-Dec-04 244.2 327.7 -83.5
1-Dec-04 1616.4 739.5 876.9
6-Dec-04 191.5 322.7 -131.2
2-Dec-04 1125.4 793.3 332.1
7-Dec-04 202.6 284.4 -81.8
3-Dec-04 1844.8 850.6 994.2
8-Dec-04 212.9 232.7 -19.8
6-Dec-04 1356.1 882.8 473.4
9-Dec-04 166.1 260.8 -94.7
7-Dec-04 959.6 659.9 299.7
10-Dec-04 116 210.5 -94.5
8-Dec-04 995.2 690 305.2
13-Dec-04 133 192.4 -59.5
9-Dec-04 1017.4 870 147.4
10-Dec- 14-Dec-04 316.4 286.3 30.1
04 854.6 702.8 151.9
13-Dec- 15-Dec-04 394 230.4 163.5
04 951.2 622.2 328.9
14-Dec- 16-Dec-04 215.9 230.4 -14.5
04 730.4 530.7 199.7
15-Dec- 17-Dec-04 170.4 177.2 -6.8
04 774.7 592.3 182.4
16-Dec- 20-Dec-04 150 146 4.1
04 1225.3 818.7 406.6
17-Dec- 21-Dec-04 199.7 129.8 69.9
04 910.2 563.9 346.3
20-Dec- 22-Dec-04 183.6 151.9 31.7
04 637.7 476.3 161.4
21-Dec- 23-Dec-04 258.7 221.7 37.1
04 690.6 740 -49.4
22-Dec- 24-Dec-04 157.1 126 31.1
04 911 731.1 179.9
23-Dec- 27-Dec-04 136.4 159.1 -22.6
04 861.8 518 343.8
24-Dec- 28-Dec-04 246.1 171.1 75
04 668.4 432.5 235.9
27-Dec- 29-Dec-04 182.8 152.9 29.9
04 518.8 331.2 187.7
28-Dec- 289 259.4 29.6 30-Dec-04 168.4 145.3 23.1

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


29-Dec- 31-Dec-04 157.6 149.8 7.8
04 560.5 318 242.5
30-Dec- 3-Jan-05 202.9 95.2 107.7
04 440.4 266.3 174.1
31-Dec- 4-Jan-05 151.6 131.8 19.9
04 686.8 553.2 133.6
5-Jan-05 307.4 234.2 73.2
3-Jan-05 342.5 235.7 106.7
6-Jan-05 230 185.6 44.4
4-Jan-05 778.8 432.9 345.9
7-Jan-05 196.7 136.3 60.3
5-Jan-05 1069.6 869 200.6
10-Jan-05 155.6 83.6 72
6-Jan-05 915.3 973.2 -57.9
11-Jan-05 185.4 133.6 51.8
7-Jan-05 758.9 790.7 -31.8
12-Jan-05 285.2 154.2 131.1
10-Jan-05 675.6 743.9 -68.3
13-Jan-05 238.3 232.5 5.9
11-Jan-05 628 660.1 -32
14-Jan-05 154.4 163.7 -9.3
12-Jan-05 762.1 848.5 -86.5
17-Jan-05 92.1 159.5 -67.4
13-Jan-05 859 1044.8 -185.8
18-Jan-05 158 133.9 24.1
14-Jan-05 1158.7 1159.6 -0.8
19-Jan-05 118.2 148 -29.8
17-Jan-05 1023.9 908 116
20-Jan-05 272.9 289.2 -16.3
18-Jan-05 914.2 898.4 15.8
24-Jan-05 200.6 107.9 92.8
19-Jan-05 1112.9 1277.4 -164.6
25-Jan-05 186.7 124.4 62.3
20-Jan-05 478.8 556.1 -77.3
27-Jan-05 191.2 215.8 -24.6
24-Jan-05 854.8 868.1 -13.3
28-Jan-05 233.1 234.1 -1
25-Jan-05 845.2 1003.8 -158.6
31-Jan-05 207.2 256.5 -49.2
27-Jan-05 669.6 951.4 -281.8
1-Feb-05 159.5 272.5 -113
28-Jan-05 1279 1080.2 198.8
2-Feb-05 290.2 246.2 44
31-Jan-05 1524.4 892.5 632
3-Feb-05 195.6 211.9 -16.2
1-Feb-05 1880.4 985.1 895.3
4-Feb-05 131.2 113.5 17.6
2-Feb-05 2307.1 1486.7 820.4
7-Feb-05 109.6 195.2 -85.5
3-Feb-05 1829.6 455.6 1374
8-Feb-05 199.2 169.6 29.7
4-Feb-05 1028.6 539.4 489.3
9-Feb-05 193.6 141.3 52.3
7-Feb-05 744.1 494.5 249.6
10-Feb-05 198.3 148.6 49.7
8-Feb-05 571.7 466.4 105.3
11-Feb-05 229.5 167.9 61.6
9-Feb-05 773.6 553.6 220.1
10-Feb- 14-Feb-05 240.4 195.3 45.2
05 667.9 539.5 128.4

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


11-Feb- 15-Feb-05 107.6 239.6 -132

05 514 337.4 176.6
14-Feb- 16-Feb-05 179.7 157.6 22.2
05 1229.8 980.4 249.5
15-Feb- 17-Feb-05 108.6 205.9 -97.3
05 1489 654.8 834.2
16-Feb- 18-Feb-05 202.6 252 -49.4
05 1260.7 656.6 604.1
17-Feb- 21-Feb-05 121.9 180.3 -58.4
05 1186.7 713.7 473
18-Feb- 22-Feb-05 120.7 193.7 -73
05 796 562.7 233.3
21-Feb- 23-Feb-05 215.2 132.8 82.3
05 843.3 591.3 252
22-Feb- 24-Feb-05 359.3 119.6 239.7
05 586.4 375.6 210.8
23-Feb- 25-Feb-05 269.9 164.9 105
05 670.3 413.3 257
24-Feb- 28-Feb-05 212.2 235 -22.8
05 797.7 500 297.8
25-Feb- 1-Mar-05 142.1 314.3 -172.3
05 2257.8 2216.3 41.5
28-Feb- 2-Mar-05 219.6 173.3 46.4
05 953.3 489.2 464.1
3-Mar-05 312.9 137 175.8
1-Mar-05 1058.3 715.5 342.8
4-Mar-05 408.1 192.1 216.1
2-Mar-05 1096.6 558.4 538.2
7-Mar-05 369.9 227.5 142.4
3-Mar-05 1609.2 910.7 698.5
8-Mar-05 195.3 216.4 -21.1
4-Mar-05 1350.4 982.8 367.6
9-Mar-05 286.5 261.7 24.8
7-Mar-05 1458.3 904 554.3
10-Mar-05 233.1 271.7 -38.6
8-Mar-05 1393.2 931.5 461.8
11-Mar-05 254.8 204.9 49.9
9-Mar-05 1458.8 960.5 498.3
10-Mar- 14-Mar-05 145.7 217.2 -71.6
05 1544.3 751.1 793.2
11-Mar- 15-Mar-05 199 160.3 38.7
05 2008.6 698.6 1310
14-Mar- 16-Mar-05 272.9 112.3 160.6
05 1004.7 873.9 130.7
15-Mar- 17-Mar-05 277 225.9 51.1
05 3839.4 941.9 2897.5
16-Mar- 18-Mar-05 245.8 198 47.8
05 731.2 777.3 -46.1
17-Mar- 21-Mar-05 278 135.6 142.3
05 763.3 962 -198.8
18-Mar- 22-Mar-05 330.8 239.5 91.3
05 893.1 828.9 64.2
21-Mar- 23-Mar-05 459.9 306.6 153.3
05 912.6 776.6 136
22-Mar- 24-Mar-05 379.4 154.2 225.2
05 710.6 666.8 43.8
23-Mar- 28-Mar-05 339.1 409.9 -70.8
05 640.1 682.6 -42.5
24-Mar- 1031.1 1162.3 -131.2 29-Mar-05 440.9 257.5 183.3

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


28-Mar- 30-Mar-05 290.4 195.4 95
05 1078.8 815.6 263.2
29-Mar- 31-Mar-05 415.6 338.6 77
05 875 339.7 535.3
30-Mar- 1-Apr-05 252 147.5 104.5
05 757.6 2481.6 -1724
31-Mar- 4-Apr-05 220.4 203.6 16.8
05 1095.5 1086.1 9.4
5-Apr-05 206.8 164.9 41.9
1-Apr-05 1479.9 1121.3 358.6
6-Apr-05 154.3 162.2 -8
4-Apr-05 646.6 618.7 27.9
7-Apr-05 228 158.5 69.5
5-Apr-05 1104.9 860.9 244
8-Apr-05 179.7 114.3 65.4
6-Apr-05 590.3 486.9 103.4
11-Apr-05 98.9 101.4 -2.5
7-Apr-05 834.3 739.2 95.1
12-Apr-05 173.1 115.8 57.3
8-Apr-05 854.9 795 59.9
13-Apr-05 170.4 120.5 49.9
11-Apr-05 715.9 770.3 -54.3
15-Apr-05 168.8 141.8 27.1
12-Apr-05 527.4 456.9 70.5
18-Apr-05 344.7 119.6 225.1
13-Apr-05 560.5 669.2 -108.7
19-Apr-05 242.7 104.2 138.6
15-Apr-05 880.9 704.5 176.4
20-Apr-05 193.5 210.8 -17.3
18-Apr-05 772.7 1347.1 -574.4
21-Apr-05 305.5 142.7 162.8
19-Apr-05 635.9 1092.6 -456.7
22-Apr-05 265.5 89.3 176.2
20-Apr-05 859.4 983.5 -124.1
25-Apr-05 171.4 117 54.4
21-Apr-05 724.2 955.3 -231.2
26-Apr-05 177.7 97.9 79.8
22-Apr-05 790.2 813 -22.8
27-Apr-05 291 159.1 132
25-Apr-05 980.2 696.2 284
28-Apr-05 293.7 243.8 50
26-Apr-05 688.1 675.2 12.9
29-Apr-05 209.9 168.4 41.5
27-Apr-05 614.5 670 -55.5
2-May-05 183 129.9 53.1
28-Apr-05 844.9 978.8 -133.9
3-May-05 209.4 99.7 109.7
29-Apr-05 936.2 1261.5 -325.2
4-May-05 217.1 152.7 64.4
2-May-05 699.7 734 -34.3
5-May-05 348.1 208.1 140
3-May-05 402.9 418.9 -16
6-May-05 234.9 124.6 110.2
4-May-05 505.1 474.9 30.2
9-May-05 389.3 175.9 213.4
5-May-05 469.7 537.4 -67.6
05 348 161 187
6-May-05 701.8 578.5 123.3
9-May-05 940 812.7 127.3 11-May- 281.1 181.9 99.2

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management



10-May- 05 263.4 96 167.4
05 730 691.1 39
11-May- 05 437.1 150.7 286.4
05 679.4 778.1 -98.7
12-May- 05 517.6 143.1 374.5
05 683.7 856.9 -173.2
13-May- 05 322.3 141.3 180.9
05 765.9 810.5 -44.5
16-May- 05 631.9 185.6 446.3
05 1329 1138.4 190.7
17-May- 05 256.1 132.5 123.6
05 500.9 689.2 -188.3
18-May- 05 157.8 80.1 77.7
05 654.8 728.8 -74
19-May- 05 211.9 141.6 70.2
05 594.9 1033.4 -438.5
20-May- 05 457.6 90.7 366.9
05 669.6 606.2 63.5
23-May- 05 418.6 125.4 293.2
05 542 564.8 -22.9
24-May- 05 429.4 305.6 123.8
05 391.5 327.5 64
25-May- 05 290.6 221.8 68.8
05 532.2 694.7 -162.5
26-May- 05 207.5 343.8 -136.3
05 764.4 775.2 -10.9
27-May- 05 188.2 263.6 -75.4
05 1268 1453.1 -185.1
30-May- 1-Jun-05 236.3 216 20.3
05 857 1303.9 -446.9
31-May- 2-Jun-05 183.4 294.7 -111.3
05 681 495.7 185.3
3-Jun-05 169.4 271.9 -102.5
1-Jun-05 858.8 560.3 298.5
6-Jun-05 230 232 -2
2-Jun-05 863 657.8 205.2
7-Jun-05 204.4 180.8 23.6
3-Jun-05 768.6 643.1 125.5
8-Jun-05 284.1 237.7 46.4
6-Jun-05 58.8 26.1 32.7
9-Jun-05 207 243.8 -36.9
7-Jun-05 606.2 518.5 87.7
8-Jun-05 697.4 621 76.4 10-Jun-05 164.7 194.7 -30.1

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


13-Jun-05 187.9 183.3 4.7

9-Jun-05 782.2 489.4 292.8
14-Jun-05 213.6 192.1 21.5
10-Jun-05 906.4 612.9 293.5
15-Jun-05 231.8 245.7 -13.9
13-Jun-05 792.3 530.5 261.9
16-Jun-05 180 266.3 -86.3
14-Jun-05 622.9 2754.2 -2131.3
17-Jun-05 89.3 256 -166.8
15-Jun-05 707.4 522.1 185.3
20-Jun-05 181.7 409.8 -228.1
16-Jun-05 1056.3 663.6 392.8
21-Jun-05 130.2 198.4 -68.2
17-Jun-05 1543.5 1125.2 418.3
22-Jun-05 193 499.4 -306.3
20-Jun-05 1008.2 778.7 229.5
23-Jun-05 92.9 410.2 -317.3
21-Jun-05 1805.6 1344.8 460.8
24-Jun-05 221.3 254.1 -32.9
22-Jun-05 1344.1 1045.2 298.9
27-Jun-05 435.2 523.5 -88.4
23-Jun-05 3527.2 2059.6 1467.6
28-Jun-05 126.3 338.3 -211.9
24-Jun-05 1297.9 812.6 485.3
29-Jun-05 184.1 257.9 -73.9
27-Jun-05 1403.5 1049.3 354.2
30-Jun-05 387.3 444.8 -57.6
28-Jun-05 1494.1 1218.5 275.5
1-Jul-05 142.5 330.3 -187.8
29-Jun-05 1544.6 1022.8 521.9
4-Jul-05 214.3 214.2 0.2
30-Jun-05 1346.1 952.9 393.1
5-Jul-05 146.9 209.8 -62.9
1-Jul-05 2637.3 1905.2 732.1
6-Jul-05 212.6 250.3 -37.7
4-Jul-05 871 556.5 314.5
7-Jul-05 196.4 299.7 -103.3
5-Jul-05 662 466 196
8-Jul-05 156 248.8 -92.8
6-Jul-05 1061.6 681.3 380.3
11-Jul-05 191.2 302.3 -111.1
7-Jul-05 1203.8 816.1 387.8
12-Jul-05 257.3 383.2 -125.9
8-Jul-05 1196 790.1 405.9
13-Jul-05 271.6 410.4 -138.8
11-Jul-05 913 590.7 322.3
14-Jul-05 320.3 279.9 40.5
12-Jul-05 1272.4 809.9 462.6
15-Jul-05 283.1 176.5 106.6
13-Jul-05 1531.2 1154.2 376.9
18-Jul-05 313.5 303.4 10.1
14-Jul-05 1218.4 965.3 253
19-Jul-05 298.7 235.2 63.4
15-Jul-05 1221.1 1044.4 176.6
20-Jul-05 289.2 218.4 70.8
18-Jul-05 865.6 661 204.6
21-Jul-05 305.2 269.4 35.9
19-Jul-05 1591.3 1221.9 369.4
22-Jul-05 420.5 272.5 148
20-Jul-05 1212.2 824.2 388.1

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


25-Jul-05 456.6 312.9 143.7

21-Jul-05 962.9 645.2 317.7
26-Jul-05 512.6 332 180.6
22-Jul-05 869.2 570.1 299.1
27-Jul-05 232.3 123.8 108.4
25-Jul-05 1915.4 874.8 1040.6
29-Jul-05 591.7 247.8 343.8
26-Jul-05 1569.4 947.8 621.5
1-Aug-05 95.6 230 -134.4
27-Jul-05 1516.6 1025.7 490.9
2-Aug-05 478.7 362.7 116.1
29-Jul-05 1241.1 1046.9 194.2
3-Aug-05 617.7 413.3 204.4
1-Aug-05 2695.1 1685 1010.2
4-Aug-05 417.7 323 94.7
2-Aug-05 1338.2 695.5 642.7
5-Aug-05 478.6 410.5 68.1
3-Aug-05 1868.8 1305 563.8
8-Aug-05 322.9 409.7 -86.8
4-Aug-05 1940.2 1660.4 279.8
9-Aug-05 335.4 428.8 -93.4
5-Aug-05 1519.4 1278.4 241
10-Aug-05 433.3 244.2 189.1
8-Aug-05 1998 1190.8 807.2
11-Aug-05 511.1 275.5 235.6
9-Aug-05 1176.5 756.6 419.9
10-Aug- 12-Aug-05 944.5 438.9 505.6
05 1072.2 953.4 118.7
11-Aug- 16-Aug-05 504.7 372.7 132
05 837.6 938.8 -101.3
12-Aug- 17-Aug-05 469.2 426.1 43.1
05 1437.6 1437.8 -0.2
16-Aug- 18-Aug-05 367.3 257.2 110.1
05 1561.2 1286.3 274.9
17-Aug- 19-Aug-05 252.8 285.8 -33
05 1204.4 1186.9 17.6
18-Aug- 22-Aug-05 301.6 230.9 70.7
05 1037.8 881.5 156.3
19-Aug- 23-Aug-05 330 234 95.9
05 920.7 873.5 47.1
22-Aug- 24-Aug-05 442.2 271.4 170.8
05 959.2 1036.3 -77.1
23-Aug- 25-Aug-05 609.8 452.8 157
05 751.5 742.1 9.4
24-Aug- 26-Aug-05 275.8 230.4 45.5
05 841.1 780.5 60.6
25-Aug- 29-Aug-05 252 204.9 47.1
05 875.4 985.9 -110.5
26-Aug- 30-Aug-05 407.1 210 197.2
05 1195.4 888.6 306.8
29-Aug- 31-Aug-05 433 276.2 156.7
05 977.8 860.8 117
30-Aug- 1-Sep-05 439.2 261.5 177.8
05 619.7 610.5 9.2
31-Aug- 2-Sep-05 480.4 288.1 192.3
05 1009.3 751.2 258.1
5-Sep-05 328 239.1 88.8
1-Sep-05 1313.1 941.7 371.4
6-Sep-05 255.5 301 -45.5
2-Sep-05 1157.8 844.7 313.1

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


8-Sep-05 389.6 206.2 183.3

5-Sep-05 1260.7 1026.8 234
9-Sep-05 562.4 277.8 284.6
6-Sep-05 877.1 629.2 247.9
12-Sep-05 543.5 227.5 315.9
8-Sep-05 819.9 749.2 70.7
13-Sep-05 497.7 227.4 270.3
9-Sep-05 1938 1394.8 543.3
12-Sep- 14-Sep-05 500 367.8 132.2
05 1042.7 1092.7 -50
13-Sep- 15-Sep-05 393.4 353.8 39.6
05 892.5 725 167.6
14-Sep- 16-Sep-05 505.8 341.4 164.4
05 1325.2 907 418.2
15-Sep- 19-Sep-05 432.7 311.5 121.2
05 990.8 832.1 158.7
16-Sep- 20-Sep-05 520 445.1 74.9
05 1288.4 881.3 407.2
19-Sep- 21-Sep-05 656.2 565.3 90.9
05 1206.5 762.9 443.7
20-Sep- 22-Sep-05 482.9 481.4 1.5
05 750.2 649.1 101.1
21-Sep- 23-Sep-05 479.3 393.2 86.1
05 1308.5 986.6 321.9
22-Sep- 26-Sep-05 369.1 235.8 133.3
05 1845.2 1537.6 307.6
23-Sep- 27-Sep-05 522.7 291.3 231.4
05 1526.3 1011.9 514.4
26-Sep- 28-Sep-05 475.6 275.4 200.2
05 1018.6 1344.2 -325.5
27-Sep- 29-Sep-05 995.7 541.4 454.4
05 873.2 673.9 199.3
28-Sep- 30-Sep-05 395.4 368.4 27
05 1198.9 1172.6 26.3
29-Sep- 3-Oct-05 425.9 269.6 156.3
05 1336.5 1294 42.5
30-Sep- 4-Oct-05 433.1 475.1 -42
05 2377.4 2244 133.4
5-Oct-05 292.1 441.5 -149.5
3-Oct-05 1503.7 1540.5 -36.9
6-Oct-05 430.6 359.3 71.3
4-Oct-05 1019.1 1137.5 -118.4
7-Oct-05 466.6 255.8 210.7
5-Oct-05 1990.4 1568.8 421.6
10-Oct-05 222.8 289.7 -66.9
6-Oct-05 1431 1377 54.1
11-Oct-05 527.5 349.8 177.7
7-Oct-05 1575.9 2144.4 -568.5
13-Oct-05 285 261.8 23.2
10-Oct-05 1351.8 1643.7 -291.9
14-Oct-05 346.1 426.8 -80.7
11-Oct-05 1033.6 959.3 74.4
17-Oct-05 474.5 237.1 237.4
13-Oct-05 790.2 925.7 -135.5
18-Oct-05 515.2 202.5 312.7
14-Oct-05 1346.9 1746.6 -399.6
19-Oct-05 999 402.2 596.8
17-Oct-05 1832.8 1539.7 293.1
20-Oct-05 320.6 294.9 25.7
18-Oct-05 956.3 1255.3 -299.1

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


21-Oct-05 625 348.3 276.7

19-Oct-05 1193.5 1417.3 -223.8
24-Oct-05 398 208.2 189.8
20-Oct-05 1693.5 1890.2 -196.7
25-Oct-05 515 229.4 285.5
21-Oct-05 1250.2 1321.3 -71.1
26-Oct-05 315.1 223 92
24-Oct-05 1342.8 1747.2 -404.4
27-Oct-05 707.3 483.4 223.8
25-Oct-05 864.3 996.4 -132.1
28-Oct-05 486.5 283.9 202.6
26-Oct-05 850.6 1083.2 -232.7
31-Oct-05 487.1 210.6 276.5
27-Oct-05 2141.4 2595 -453.6
1-Nov-05 3.4 0.6 2.8
28-Oct-05 1456.5 2211.6 -755.1
2-Nov-05 166.1 290.3 -124.3
31-Oct-05 920.8 1138.5 -217.7
7-Nov-05 294.5 356.1 -61.6
1-Nov-05 775.9 924.4 -148.6
8-Nov-05 296.6 324.7 -28
2-Nov-05 123.9 73.3 50.6
9-Nov-05 218.2 256.2 -38.1
3-Nov-05 1340 955.5 384.5
10-Nov-05 209.7 293 -83.3
8-Nov-05 2812.7 2281.9 530.8
11-Nov-05 513.7 306.6 207.1
9-Nov-05 1823.7 1214.5 609.2
10-Nov- 14-Nov-05 372.1 302.5 69.6
05 922.3 823.2 99.1
11-Nov- 16-Nov-05 422.1 314.6 107.5
05 756.2 893.2 -137
14-Nov- 17-Nov-05 358.3 244 114.3
05 1225.9 1196.6 29.2
16-Nov- 18-Nov-05 348.8 231.8 117
05 870.5 836.5 34
17-Nov- 21-Nov-05 309.7 406.4 -96.7
05 1016.5 871.3 145.3
18-Nov- 22-Nov-05 324 288.6 35.4
05 995.2 904.4 90.8
21-Nov- 23-Nov-05 308.7 308.3 0.4
05 1171.1 884.8 286.3
22-Nov- 24-Nov-05 486.9 383.2 103.7
05 1517.9 1094.2 423.7
23-Nov- 25-Nov-05 386.1 320.9 65.2
05 941.6 774 167.6
24-Nov- 28-Nov-05 672.3 495.7 176.6
05 1169.1 857.3 311.9
25-Nov- 29-Nov-05 361.4 394.5 -33.1
05 1347.2 885.8 461.4
28-Nov- 30-Nov-05 417.6 388.9 28.7
05 56.5 17.1 39.4
29-Nov- 1-Dec-05 207.8 541.2 -333.4
05 1566.8 1408.2 158.7
30-Nov- 2-Dec-05 490.8 543 -52.2
05 1661.8 1407.9 253.9
5-Dec-05 167.1 350.2 -183.1
1-Dec-05 1429.4 1167.9 261.5
6-Dec-05 259.9 276.6 -16.7
2-Dec-05 1671.9 1246.8 425.1

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


7-Dec-05 426.2 301.6 124.7

5-Dec-05 1630.2 1115.5 514.7
8-Dec-05 297.1 368.1 -71
6-Dec-05 802.4 849.2 -46.8
9-Dec-05 477.7 428.9 48.8
7-Dec-05 840.2 767.3 72.8
12-Dec-05 401.3 530.1 -128.8
8-Dec-05 1128.4 1196.9 -68.5
13-Dec-05 502.8 637.1 -134.3
9-Dec-05 983.3 1024.3 -41
12-Dec- 14-Dec-05 379.5 675 -295.5
05 1700.9 1280.8 420.1
13-Dec- 15-Dec-05 348.9 494.2 -145.3
05 969.9 688.8 281.2
14-Dec- 16-Dec-05 389.2 809.3 -420.1
05 2539.7 1375.8 1163.9
15-Dec- 19-Dec-05 481.1 486.4 -5.3
05 2013.7 1581.1 432.6
16-Dec- 20-Dec-05 318.7 474.6 -155.9
05 1757.1 1215 542.1
19-Dec- 21-Dec-05 376.5 459.5 -82.9
05 4011.6 1326.1 2685.5
20-Dec- 22-Dec-05 322.1 418 -95.9
05 2175 1049.9 1125.1
21-Dec- 23-Dec-05 372.4 364.7 7.7
05 1654.3 1332.3 322
22-Dec- 26-Dec-05 410.8 430.5 -19.7
05 1484.3 1099.6 384.7
23-Dec- 27-Dec-05 456 329.1 126.9
05 1442.9 1182.3 260.6
26-Dec- 28-Dec-05 343.9 314 29.9
05 916.9 675.3 241.6
27-Dec- 29-Dec-05 521.5 338 183.5
05 442.7 386.7 56
28-Dec- 30-Dec-05 416.7 174.8 241.9
05 687.6 666 21.6
29-Dec- 2-Jan-06 240.3 463 -222.6
05 1206.2 1061.3 144.9
30-Dec- 3-Jan-06 394.6 467.8 -73.2
05 1515.8 1380.5 135.3
4-Jan-06 515.1 621.5 -106.5
2-Jan-06 1504.2 977.2 526.9
5-Jan-06 473 414.3 58.8
3-Jan-06 962.7 485 477.7
6-Jan-06 435 449.6 -14.6
4-Jan-06 1198.1 731.5 466.6
9-Jan-06 345.1 655.3 -310.2
5-Jan-06 2288.6 1376.6 912
10-Jan-06 400.4 554.3 -153.8
6-Jan-06 1432.5 1345.6 86.9
12-Jan-06 923.6 602.5 321.1
9-Jan-06 2241.5 1897 344.5
13-Jan-06 421.3 450.2 -28.9
10-Jan-06 1798.2 1401.1 397
16-Jan-06 313.7 530.1 -216.4
12-Jan-06 1294.1 1296.3 -2.2
17-Jan-06 305.5 607.3 -301.8
13-Jan-06 2773.8 3802.7 -1028.9
18-Jan-06 395.1 657.6 -262.5
16-Jan-06 1508 1500.4 7.6

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


19-Jan-06 531.2 483.6 47.6

17-Jan-06 1593.2 1625.5 -32.4
20-Jan-06 525.5 521.2 4.3
18-Jan-06 2218.9 1898.6 320.3
23-Jan-06 398.2 450.3 -52.1
19-Jan-06 1691.8 1689.5 2.3
24-Jan-06 526.4 584.7 -58.3
20-Jan-06 1088.6 1007.2 81.4
25-Jan-06 794.9 7 -230.8
23-Jan-06 2290.1 2235.1 55
27-Jan-06 841.3 514.5 326.9
24-Jan-06 1060.4 1378.6 -318.2
30-Jan-06 632.7 538.6 94.1
25-Jan-06 1632.2 1590.1 42.1
31-Jan-06 444.2 437.5 6.7
27-Jan-06 2631.2 1811.1 820
1-Feb-06 468.2 493.6 -25.4
30-Jan-06 2775.1 2056 719.1
2-Feb-06 499.1 550.4 -51.3
31-Jan-06 1216.5 1416.6 -200.1
3-Feb-06 340.1 295.4 44.7
1-Feb-06 1510.6 1293.2 217.4
6-Feb-06 278.9 608.9 -330
2-Feb-06 2114.5 1606.4 508.1
7-Feb-06 591.5 451.9 139.6
3-Feb-06 1509.1 1145.1 364.1
8-Feb-06 343.5 343.3 0.2
6-Feb-06 1902.3 1275.8 626.5
10-Feb-06 437.6 544.1 -106.4
7-Feb-06 2260.4 1463.9 796.5
13-Feb-06 343.1 386.1 -43
8-Feb-06 2483.4 1547.8 935.6
10-Feb- 14-Feb-06 550.1 504.3 45.8
06 1916.9 2035.3 -118.3
13-Feb- 15-Feb-06 524.8 465.2 59.6
06 2510.6 1896.2 614.4
14-Feb- 16-Feb-06 581.2 534.3 46.9
06 1979.7 1644.2 335.5
15-Feb- 17-Feb-06 573.7 503.8 69.9
06 1634.2 2135.8 -501.6
16-Feb- 20-Feb-06 391.8 549.3 -157.6
06 1868.9 1926.6 -57.7
17-Feb- 21-Feb-06 335.3 354.1 -18.8
06 1744.8 1497.7 247.1
20-Feb- 22-Feb-06 434.1 411.3 22.8
06 2218.9 1874.5 344.4
21-Feb- 23-Feb-06 576.5 646.5 -70
06 1307.7 721.5 586.1
22-Feb- 24-Feb-06 335.3 484.8 -149.5
06 1143.4 1018.1 125.3
23-Feb- 27-Feb-06 656.1 596.4 59.7
06 1529.6 1112.2 417.4
24-Feb- 28-Feb-06 897 679.6 217.3
06 2426.2 1664.8 761.4
27-Feb- 1-Mar-06 1046.9 842.8 204.1
06 1762.8 761.1 1001.8
28-Feb- 2-Mar-06 860.1 724.6 135.5
06 1574.9 1191.2 383.8
1-Mar-06 1714.8 1513 201.8 3-Mar-06 384 409.2 -25.2

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


6-Mar-06 731.6 502.1 229.5

2-Mar-06 2490.1 1914.1 576
7-Mar-06 532 596.4 -64.4
3-Mar-06 2272.9 1627.1 645.7
8-Mar-06 973.5 490 483.6
6-Mar-06 1699.9 1310.1 389.8
9-Mar-06 810.4 592.7 217.8
7-Mar-06 2248 2000.9 247.1
10-Mar-06 856.4 443.2 413.2
8-Mar-06 2350.6 2128.1 222.5
13-Mar-06 678.8 388.9 289.9
9-Mar-06 4114.3 3282 832.3
10-Mar- 14-Mar-06 583.8 543.3 40.4
06 3071.9 3358.9 -287
13-Mar- 16-Mar-06 625.7 487.7 138
06 2580.4 1955.7 624.8
14-Mar- 17-Mar-06 818.1 357.6 460.5
06 2004.4 1774.9 229.5
16-Mar- 20-Mar-06 543 441.1 101.9
06 2341.2 2176.6 164.6
17-Mar- 21-Mar-06 632 422.7 209.3
06 2715.3 2691 24.2
20-Mar- 22-Mar-06 538.1 474.3 63.8
06 3107.8 2632.9 474.9
21-Mar- 23-Mar-06 485.7 429.6 56
06 1593.2 1445.1 148.2
22-Mar- 24-Mar-06 502.5 554.2 -51.7
06 2053.1 1871.3 181.7
23-Mar- 27-Mar-06 997.4 479.7 517.7
06 2494.9 2194.3 300.6
24-Mar- 28-Mar-06 775.3 457.5 317.8
06 2049.4 1993.1 56.3
27-Mar- 29-Mar-06 517.8 465.4 52.3
06 1866.8 1729.3 137.5
28-Mar- 30-Mar-06 1001.5 744.8 256.7
06 2710.7 2160.5 550.2
29-Mar- 31-Mar-06 882.1 442.5 439.6
06 2188.5 1816.7 371.7
30-Mar- 3-Apr-06 701.6 489.9 211.7
06 1831.4 1737.5 93.9
31-Mar- 4-Apr-06 487.4 485.6 1.8
06 3441.5 2939.1 502.5
5-Apr-06 705.9 588.2 117.7
3-Apr-06 2352.4 2307.2 45.2
7-Apr-06 863.2 578.4 284.8
4-Apr-06 2039.6 1561.7 477.9
10-Apr-06 333.3 530.4 -197.1
5-Apr-06 2267.9 2135.4 132.4
12-Apr-06 746.5 561 185.5
7-Apr-06 2120 1806 314
13-Apr-06 1136.4 614.9 521.5
10-Apr-06 3538.5 3965.5 -427.1
17-Apr-06 602.9 400.3 202.7
12-Apr-06 1884 2305.7 -421.7
18-Apr-06 705.1 592.6 112.5
13-Apr-06 2636.7 3371.5 -734.8
19-Apr-06 676.8 608.2 68.6
17-Apr-06 2239.1 3199.6 -960.5

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


20-Apr-06 681.8 522.4 159.3

18-Apr-06 1947.6 1694.7 252.9
21-Apr-06 698.1 672.4 25.6
19-Apr-06 2183.9 2457.8 -273.9
24-Apr-06 713.5 636.2 77.3
20-Apr-06 2514.6 2715.7 -201.1
25-Apr-06 752.3 534.8 217.4
21-Apr-06 2447.2 2222.3 224.9
26-Apr-06 968.1 640.4 327.7
24-Apr-06 3093.3 2941.8 151.5
27-Apr-06 1336.7 815.3 521.4
25-Apr-06 2561.9 2367.1 194.8
28-Apr-06 494.4 300.2 194.2
26-Apr-06 1577.5 2086.3 -508.8
2-May-06 543.6 494.8 48.8
27-Apr-06 1784.7 1990.9 -206.2
3-May-06 722.6 580.2 142.4
28-Apr-06 5457.6 2943.8 2513.8
4-May-06 855.5 580.6 274.9
2-May-06 121.5 60.6 60.9
5-May-06 761.8 527.4 234.4
3-May-06 3128.9 2910.4 218.5
8-May-06 401 571.8 -170.8
4-May-06 2926.6 2019.4 907.2
9-May-06 726.9 575.4 151.5
5-May-06 2630 2307.3 322.6
06 981.5 453.3 528.2
8-May-06 2845.4 1737.3 1108.1
06 456.7 524.6 -67.9
9-May-06 2611.2 2244.8 366.5
10-May- 06 778.2 422 356.2
06 2599.9 2139.4 460.5
11-May- 06 1274.8 489.5 785.4
06 2516.4 2193.5 322.9
12-May- 06 1103.9 760.6 343.2
06 2174.3 3373.4 -1199.1
15-May- 06 707.2 513.9 193.3
06 1825.4 1806.7 18.6
16-May- 06 1244.5 481.9 762.7
06 1944.1 2672.5 -728.4
17-May- 06 1279.2 430.9 848.3
06 2488.9 3022.2 -533.4
18-May- 06 999.6 596.9 402.8
06 1593.1 2016.6 -423.5
19-May- 06 986.7 453 533.7
06 2104 2914.6 -810.6
22-May- 06 1505.5 343.5 1162
06 2699.1 4060.5 -1361.3
23-May- 3019.2 3949 -929.8 25-May- 961.7 553 408.7

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


24-May- 06 498 275.2 222.8
06 2306.1 3549.3 -1243.2
25-May- 06 338.4 193.3 145.1
06 1881.8 3816.9 -1935
26-May- 06 628.4 360.9 267.5
06 2181.6 3814.4 -1632.8
29-May- 06 589.6 269.3 320.3
06 1631.3 1884 -252.7
30-May- 1-Jun-06 496.7 371.2 125.6
06 981.1 1062.9 -81.8
31-May- 2-Jun-06 363.8 473.2 -109.4
06 1518.9 1527.2 -8.4
5-Jun-06 219.9 637.3 -417.4
1-Jun-06 1730.9 2563.2 -832.3
6-Jun-06 323.4 581.1 -257.7
2-Jun-06 2317.8 2600 -282.2
7-Jun-06 296.5 514.1 -217.6
5-Jun-06 2179.1 1538.6 640.4
8-Jun-06 475.9 707.4 -231.5
6-Jun-06 2088.4 1517.4 571
9-Jun-06 362.1 664.9 -302.8
7-Jun-06 1800.2 1715.4 84.8
12-Jun-06 256.4 268.8 -12.4
8-Jun-06 2052.5 2020.6 31.9
13-Jun-06 143.5 435.9 -292.4
9-Jun-06 2512.2 2400.9 111.2
14-Jun-06 127 465.2 -338.2
12-Jun-06 2106.3 1597.5 508.9
15-Jun-06 461.8 454.6 7.2
13-Jun-06 1525.5 1427.6 97.9
16-Jun-06 517.6 599 -81.4
14-Jun-06 1735.1 1817 -81.8
19-Jun-06 291.8 344.5 -52.7
15-Jun-06 1557.7 1921.1 -363.4
20-Jun-06 220.1 282.1 -62
16-Jun-06 1564 1424.1 139.9
21-Jun-06 343.6 245.7 97.9
19-Jun-06 2920.3 2260.7 659.5
22-Jun-06 500.2 417 83.3
20-Jun-06 1099 1077 21.9
23-Jun-06 362.4 544 -181.6
21-Jun-06 1281.6 1481.2 -199.6
26-Jun-06 185.2 312.7 -127.5
22-Jun-06 1152.2 1060.7 91.6
27-Jun-06 358 389.3 -31.3
23-Jun-06 1359.6 1562.2 -202.6
28-Jun-06 307.3 348.1 -40.8
26-Jun-06 21.7 14.7 7
29-Jun-06 459.5 416.6 42.9
27-Jun-06 2161.3 2188.1 -26.8
30-Jun-06 762.7 329 433.8
28-Jun-06 1735.6 1846.6 -111.1
3-Jul-06 153.2 227.7 -74.5
29-Jun-06 2084.5 2123.5 -39
30-Jun-06 1747.3 2027.6 -280.2 4-Jul-06 115.9 206.5 -90.6

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


5-Jul-06 259.4 327.9 -68.5

3-Jul-06 1793.4 1687.1 106.3
6-Jul-06 221.5 434.9 -213.4
4-Jul-06 1403.4 1148.6 254.8
7-Jul-06 309.8 726.1 -416.3
5-Jul-06 1122.7 908 214.7
10-Jul-06 237.5 175.3 62.3
6-Jul-06 2117.1 1561.2 556
11-Jul-06 274.6 290.8 -16.2
7-Jul-06 1133.4 1124.3 9.1
12-Jul-06 474.9 342.6 132.3
10-Jul-06 933.1 1369 -435.9
13-Jul-06 256.9 272.9 -15.9
11-Jul-06 644.9 692.3 -47.4
14-Jul-06 290.4 314.6 -24.2
12-Jul-06 809.6 943.1 -133.5
17-Jul-06 242.6 280.8 -38.3
13-Jul-06 1814 1438.7 375.3
18-Jul-06 285.9 143.9 142
14-Jul-06 1029.4 1015.3 14.1
19-Jul-06 324.7 450.6 -125.9
17-Jul-06 911.7 1255.3 -343.6
20-Jul-06 440.8 521 -80.1
18-Jul-06 764.8 1332.4 -567.5
21-Jul-06 306.8 302.5 4.3
19-Jul-06 917.4 1224.5 -307.1
24-Jul-06 416.6 328 88.6
20-Jul-06 1324 1234.1 89.9
25-Jul-06 637.4 402.2 235.2
21-Jul-06 1433.9 1112.6 321.3
26-Jul-06 650.5 374.4 276.1
24-Jul-06 1106.3 1159.8 -53.5
27-Jul-06 895.9 633.1 262.8
25-Jul-06 1387 1355.5 31.5
28-Jul-06 426 506 -80
26-Jul-06 1461 1231.2 229.8
31-Jul-06 330.9 371.7 -40.8
27-Jul-06 1418.8 1180.8 238
1-Aug-06 118.8 234.3 -115.5
28-Jul-06 1922 1460.3 461.7
2-Aug-06 285.4 385.8 -100.5
31-Jul-06 1107.3 976.2 131.2
3-Aug-06 538.3 367 171.2
1-Aug-06 1327.6 971.8 355.8
4-Aug-06 318.7 241.1 77.6
2-Aug-06 863.4 909.7 -46.3
7-Aug-06 444.5 345.2 99.3
3-Aug-06 1118.9 1014.8 104.1
8-Aug-06 271.1 397.7 -126.6
4-Aug-06 1466.6 1226.5 240.1
9-Aug-06 571.8 373.9 198
7-Aug-06 987.5 1034.5 -47
10-Aug-06 351.3 330 21.3
8-Aug-06 1009.7 893.8 115.9
11-Aug-06 422.1 374.6 47.5
9-Aug-06 1153.4 854.9 298.6
10-Aug- 14-Aug-06 313.1 280.6 32.5
06 1292.2 1041.8 250.5
11-Aug- 16-Aug-06 429.3 402.3 27
06 1284.3 1132.4 151.9

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


14-Aug- 17-Aug-06 448.7 472.5 -23.8

06 1123.9 1060.4 63.5
16-Aug- 18-Aug-06 310 366.8 -56.8
06 910.2 899.6 10.6
17-Aug- 21-Aug-06 298.8 295.3 3.5
06 2261.5 1309.5 952
18-Aug- 22-Aug-06 461.7 489.9 -28.1
06 1994.6 1185.8 808.8
21-Aug- 23-Aug-06 306.3 533.8 -227.5
06 1444.6 925.6 519.1
22-Aug- 24-Aug-06 609.5 550.9 58.6
06 997.1 954.4 42.7
23-Aug- 25-Aug-06 585.6 391.6 194
06 1103.7 1113.4 -9.7
24-Aug- 28-Aug-06 331.7 342.6 -10.8
06 1007 1059.1 -52.1
25-Aug- 29-Aug-06 415 342 73.1
06 1387 1319.4 67.6
28-Aug- 30-Aug-06 465.1 406.8 58.3
06 986.4 918.7 67.8
29-Aug- 31-Aug-06 555 500.6 54.5
06 806.5 763.1 43.4
30-Aug- 1-Sep-06 415.8 533.9 -118
06 1485.6 1116.7 368.9
4-Sep-06 389.4 446.9 -57.6
1-Sep-06 2194.5 1707.4 487.1
5-Sep-06 354.4 292.2 62.2
4-Sep-06 1379.1 1142.5 236.6
6-Sep-06 475.3 346.6 128.7
5-Sep-06 1186.8 735.7 451.1
7-Sep-06 306.8 426.6 -119.8
6-Sep-06 846.9 916.4 -69.6
8-Sep-06 580 387.2 192.8
7-Sep-06 1391.1 939.9 451.2
11-Sep-06 333.2 412.7 -79.5
8-Sep-06 1396.5 1412.8 -16.3
11-Sep- 12-Sep-06 500.9 388.4 112.5
06 1249.1 1298 -48.9
12-Sep- 13-Sep-06 712.2 330.3 381.8
06 1495.9 1401.2 94.7
13-Sep- 14-Sep-06 361.7 364.1 -2.4
06 1216.2 1336.8 -120.6
14-Sep- 15-Sep-06 377 393.8 -16.8
06 1962.5 1443.1 519.4
15-Sep- 18-Sep-06 342.9 344.8 -1.9
06 1604.9 1113.3 491.5
18-Sep- 19-Sep-06 472.4 408.5 63.8
06 1597.3 1138.3 459
19-Sep- 20-Sep-06 320.3 589.7 -269.3
06 1372.2 877.1 495.1
20-Sep- 21-Sep-06 566.4 374.8 191.6
06 1540.7 1264 276.6
21-Sep- 22-Sep-06 309.1 444.4 -135.3
06 1377.1 1141.1 236
22-Sep- 25-Sep-06 665.5 441.5 224
06 1878.7 1589.8 288.8
25-Sep- 26-Sep-06 891 422.4 468.5
06 1401.5 1249.4 152.1
26-Sep- 1156.1 1424.6 -268.5 27-Sep-06 484.1 599.6 -115.5

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


27-Sep- 28-Sep-06 1006.8 698.1 308.7
06 1464.4 1429.4 34.9
28-Sep- 29-Sep-06 480.2 359.1 121.1
06 2090.8 1535.8 555
29-Sep- 3-Oct-06 324.1 305 19.1
06 2409.9 1690.4 719.5
4-Oct-06 440.9 572.3 -131.5
3-Oct-06 2996.5 1702.9 1293.5
5-Oct-06 754.6 665.4 89.2
4-Oct-06 1443.3 1737.6 -294.3
6-Oct-06 552.8 436 116.8
5-Oct-06 1648.2 2067.6 -419.4
9-Oct-06 420 501.7 -81.7
6-Oct-06 1863.2 1739.5 123.7
10-Oct-06 295.5 404 -108.6
9-Oct-06 1420.9 1349.9 71
11-Oct-06 622.4 522.2 100.2
10-Oct-06 929.3 975 -45.7
12-Oct-06 300.6 338.3 -37.7
11-Oct-06 1509.1 1412.6 96.4
13-Oct-06 448.6 489.3 -40.8
12-Oct-06 2234.4 1431 803.4
16-Oct-06 679.5 613.9 65.6
13-Oct-06 2116.3 1577 539.3
17-Oct-06 521.3 642.5 -121.1
16-Oct-06 2580 1486.2 1093.8
18-Oct-06 664.9 841.6 -176.7
17-Oct-06 2276.7 1482 794.7
19-Oct-06 372.3 443.4 -71
18-Oct-06 1878.1 1489.1 389
20-Oct-06 375.1 376.4 -1.3
19-Oct-06 2846.7 1838.8 1007.9
23-Oct-06 303.5 408.6 -105.1
20-Oct-06 1842.5 1879.6 -37.1
26-Oct-06 692.2 697.3 -5.1
23-Oct-06 37.8 60.9 -23.2
27-Oct-06 785.4 495.8 289.6
26-Oct-06 1241.6 1072.8 168.8
30-Oct-06 740 592.6 147.4
27-Oct-06 2846.8 2353.6 493.3
31-Oct-06 646.3 592.4 53.9
30-Oct-06 2661.5 2164.7 496.7
1-Nov-06 613.9 269.2 344.7
31-Oct-06 2170.4 1153.1 1017.2
2-Nov-06 521.8 375.8 146
1-Nov-06 2343.6 2019.9 323.8
3-Nov-06 525.3 447.7 77.7
2-Nov-06 1898.6 1530.2 368.5
6-Nov-06 575.5 411.2 164.3
3-Nov-06 1444.4 1305.2 139.1
7-Nov-06 521.4 536.4 -15
6-Nov-06 1683.1 1455.7 227.4
8-Nov-06 387.2 662.1 -274.9
7-Nov-06 1907.4 1484.6 422.9
9-Nov-06 464.3 619.5 -155.2
8-Nov-06 2099.7 1764.2 335.5
10-Nov-06 647.4 517.5 129.9
9-Nov-06 1960.8 1967 -6.2
10-Nov- 13-Nov-06 549.3 497.3 52.1
06 2276.8 1749.9 526.9

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


13-Nov- 14-Nov-06 498.1 606.1 -108

06 2661.6 2183.5 478.1
14-Nov- 15-Nov-06 851.6 645 206.5
06 1927.7 1149.5 778.2
15-Nov- 16-Nov-06 1066.3 703.9 362.4
06 3096.9 1573.1 1523.8
16-Nov- 17-Nov-06 700.4 614.6 85.8
06 1888.9 1789.3 99.6
20-Nov- 20-Nov-06 500.7 786.5 -285.8
06 4976.9 3674.3 1302.7
21-Nov- 21-Nov-06 537.4 616.2 -78.8
06 3421.5 3363.5 58
22-Nov- 22-Nov-06 827.2 620.9 206.3
06 2825.1 2182.9 642.3
23-Nov- 23-Nov-06 521.3 797.5 -276.2
06 2103.1 2124.1 -21.1
24-Nov- 24-Nov-06 341.9 681.3 -339.5
06 4182.8 3004 1178.7
27-Nov- 27-Nov-06 387.6 413.7 -26.1
06 3560.3 2565.8 994.6
28-Nov- 28-Nov-06 404 673 -269
06 3082.9 2677.3 405.6
29-Nov- 29-Nov-06 643.7 527.2 116.5
06 1894.8 2230.1 -335.3
30-Nov- 30-Nov-06 588.9 677.3 -88.4
06 1907.6 1970.6 -63
1-Dec-06 666.3 362 304.3
1-Dec-06 4072.9 3814.8 258.1
4-Dec-06 484.4 441.3 43.1
4-Dec-06 1872.3 1523.1 349.3
5-Dec-06 504.2 453.7 50.5
5-Dec-06 2552.7 5366.5 -2813.8
6-Dec-06 394.8 572.2 -177.4
6-Dec-06 2557.4 2124.2 433.2
7-Dec-06 487.8 483.7 4.2
7-Dec-06 2119.2 1875.1 244.2
8-Dec-06 616.1 548.3 67.8
8-Dec-06 1657.5 1647.4 10.1
11-Dec- 11-Dec-06 445.3 5 -657.2
06 1682.4 1835 -152.6
12-Dec- 12-Dec-06 732.8 9 -550.1
06 2442.6 2020.3 422.3
13-Dec- 13-Dec-06 743.3 975.1 -231.8
06 3088.4 2993.2 95.2
14-Dec- 14-Dec-06 601.9 673.6 -71.7
06 2782.7 2879.6 -96.9
15-Dec- 15-Dec-06 763.9 614 150
06 2512.3 2363.6 148.6
18-Dec- 18-Dec-06 499.3 453.9 45.5
06 2038.7 2084.7 -46
19-Dec- 19-Dec-06 663.8 653.1 10.7
06 2266.4 2449.1 -182.7
20-Dec- 20-Dec-06 1076.4 615.9 460.5
06 1580.1 2253.5 -673.4
21-Dec- 21-Dec-06 712 475.8 236.2
06 1891.7 2256.8 -365.1
22-Dec- 1666.5 1401.7 264.8 22-Dec-06 767.2 419.4 347.9

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


26-Dec- 26-Dec-06 697.5 361.2 336.4
06 298.6 290.4 8.2
27-Dec- 27-Dec-06 752.4 396.4 356.1
06 2076.8 2229.7 -153
28-Dec- 28-Dec-06 1014.2 337.1 677.1
06 923 1291.1 -368.2
29-Dec- 29-Dec-06 557.7 332.6 225.1
06 2188.1 3237.8 -1049.7
2-Jan-07 249.3 257.3 -8
2-Jan-07 1488.5 1156.7 331.9
3-Jan-07 826.7 632.8 193.8
3-Jan-07 4352.1 998.8 3353.3
4-Jan-07 506.4 527.9 -21.4
4-Jan-07 1913.9 1706.1 207.8
5-Jan-07 573.9 558.4 15.5
5-Jan-07 1700.7 1962.9 -262.2
8-Jan-07 564.7 713 -148.3
8-Jan-07 2794.7 2793.8 0.9
9-Jan-07 574.1 938.8 -364.6
9-Jan-07 1385.3 4461 -3075.7
10-Jan-07 456.2 579.8 -123.6
10-Jan-07 2739.8 3108 -368.2
11-Jan-07 513 841.3 -328.4
11-Jan-07 1752 2858.8 -1106.8
12-Jan-07 1087.2 450.1 637.1
12-Jan-07 2460.3 2301 159.2
15-Jan-07 553.3 449.8 103.5
15-Jan-07 2633.1 2426.1 207
16-Jan-07 582.7 510.9 71.8
16-Jan-07 2610.7 2849.6 -238.9
17-Jan-07 623.7 534.1 89.6
17-Jan-07 1787 1685.7 101.3
18-Jan-07 691.5 632.5 59
18-Jan-07 1716.5 1625.3 91.2
19-Jan-07 409 811.1 -402
19-Jan-07 2531.7 2419.8 111.9
22-Jan-07 468.4 522.6 -54.2
22-Jan-07 2106.1 2029.3 76.8
23-Jan-07 400.4 937.5 -537.1
23-Jan-07 2236.2 1916.4 319.8
24-Jan-07 419.3 770.4 -351.2
24-Jan-07 2388.6 2119.5 269.1
25-Jan-07 1154.6 7 145.9
25-Jan-07 2671.3 2498.6 172.7
29-Jan-07 206.6 273.5 -66.9
29-Jan-07 3783.7 3642.7 141
31-Jan-07 637.7 968.3 -330.6
2-Feb-07 7283.7 7753.3 -469.7
1-Feb-07 512.3 404.5 107.8
5-Feb-07 3927.4 3262.8 664.6
2-Feb-07 637.2 714.8 -77.6
6-Feb-07 2107 1762 345
5-Feb-07 337.6 503.1 -165.5
7-Feb-07 3104.9 2448.9 656
6-Feb-07 646.8 675.1 -28.3
8-Feb-07 2768.8 2223.4 545.4
7-Feb-07 762.9 800.7 -37.8
9-Feb-07 2562.7 1863.8 698.9
12-Feb- 2518.1 2243.5 274.6 8-Feb-07 447.7 640.8 -193.1

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


13-Feb- 9-Feb-07 397 587.8 -190.8
07 2323 2104.3 218.7
14-Feb- 12-Feb-07 429.1 818.5 -389.4
07 2602.6 2842.1 -239.6
15-Feb- 13-Feb-07 725.2 700.3 24.9
07 2804.1 2593.7 210.5
19-Feb- 14-Feb-07 552.7 8 -481.1
07 3261 2643.9 617.1
20-Feb- 15-Feb-07 777.4 672.6 104.9
07 1725.5 1505.3 220.2
21-Feb- 19-Feb-07 704.2 573.5 130.8
07 2005.7 1531.8 473.9
22-Feb- 20-Feb-07 544.6 541.6 3
07 2240 2280.2 -40.2
23-Feb- 21-Feb-07 557.8 540 17.8
07 3256.6 3481.8 -225.2
26-Feb- 22-Feb-07 1063.9 1 0.7
07 7011.2 2724 4287.2
27-Feb- 23-Feb-07 780.5 743.2 37.2
07 2483.1 3065.1 -582.1
28-Feb- 26-Feb-07 821 550.4 270.6
07 1818.5 2234.3 -415.7
27-Feb-07 774.6 426 348.6
1-Mar-07 3048.7 4693 -1644.3
28-Feb-07 1225.1 981.3 243.9
2-Mar-07 2798.3 3237 -438.7
1-Mar-07 767.8 796.9 -29.1
5-Mar-07 3442.4 3117.5 324.9
2-Mar-07 442.3 567.6 -125.3
6-Mar-07 2862.9 3175.6 -312.7
5-Mar-07 707.4 541.2 166.1
7-Mar-07 2212.3 2782.7 -570.4
6-Mar-07 528.5 460.1 68.4
8-Mar-07 2673 2588.9 84.1
7-Mar-07 338.2 717.8 -379.6
9-Mar-07 2197.6 2081.7 115.8
12-Mar- 8-Mar-07 578.2 618 -39.8
07 2757.2 2361.5 395.7
13-Mar- 9-Mar-07 482.3 866.6 -384.3
07 2704.4 2500 204.3
14-Mar- 12-Mar-07 517.6 663.5 -145.8
07 1641.4 1725.4 -84
15-Mar- 13-Mar-07 334.2 347.7 -13.5
07 1709.6 2571 -861.4
16-Mar- 14-Mar-07 402.8 364.6 38.2
07 1978.8 1960.3 18.5
19-Mar- 15-Mar-07 283 489.3 -206.4
07 1316.1 1314 2.1
20-Mar- 16-Mar-07 280.9 490.4 -209.6
07 1056.6 1306.5 -250
21-Mar- 19-Mar-07 241.9 208.9 33.1
07 1630.7 1494.4 136.3
22-Mar- 20-Mar-07 283.9 226.9 57
07 1395.4 1230.9 164.5
23-Mar- 2594.6 1881.5 713.1 21-Mar-07 397.6 453.9 -56.3

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


26-Mar- 22-Mar-07 562.8 471 91.8
07 2707.2 2028.8 678.5
28-Mar- 23-Mar-07 498.8 667 -168.2
07 2184.7 2104.2 80.5
29-Mar- 26-Mar-07 463.5 758.7 -295.3
07 3716.4 3196.2 520.2
30-Mar- 28-Mar-07 483.9 690.7 -206.8
07 4050.2 4409.2 -359
29-Mar-07 956.6 862.9 93.7
2-Apr-07 2922.8 2082 840.8
30-Mar-07 494.5 488.7 5.8
3-Apr-07 2072.4 2545.9 -473.5
2-Apr-07 461.7 391.2 70.5
4-Apr-07 2237.5 2407.4 -169.9
3-Apr-07 568.4 670.5 -102.1
5-Apr-07 2406.1 2408.3 -2.2
4-Apr-07 340.2 478.3 -138.1
9-Apr-07 2341 1773.5 567.5
5-Apr-07 358.8 317.8 41
10-Apr-07 1574.5 1005.1 569.4
9-Apr-07 437.2 390.9 46.3
11-Apr-07 2266.9 1864.3 402.6
10-Apr-07 279.4 749.5 -470.1
12-Apr-07 2074.6 1972.7 101.9
11-Apr-07 1015.5 726.1 289.4
13-Apr-07 1714.5 1659.3 55.2
12-Apr-07 400.9 422 -21
16-Apr-07 2863.6 2388 475.7
13-Apr-07 753.1 490.9 262.2
17-Apr-07 2674.8 1886.5 788.3
16-Apr-07 703.7 498.8 204.9
18-Apr-07 2597.3 1948.8 648.5
17-Apr-07 530.1 781.2 -251.1
19-Apr-07 2329.4 1689.3 640.1
18-Apr-07 652.4 633.3 19.1
20-Apr-07 1917 1990.4 -73.4
19-Apr-07 457.6 483.3 -25.8
23-Apr-07 2537.3 1788.6 748.7
20-Apr-07 676.7 485.9 190.8
24-Apr-07 1907.7 1976.2 -68.5
23-Apr-07 511.9 259.3 252.6
25-Apr-07 3283.4 2781.9 501.5
24-Apr-07 1142.1 781.1 361.1
26-Apr-07 3610 2648.5 961.5
25-Apr-07 812 560.2 251.8
27-Apr-07 3064.6 2704.8 359.8
26-Apr-07 1040.1 4 17.8
30-Apr-07 1745.8 1940.6 -194.8
27-Apr-07 465.5 504.2 -38.7
3-May-07 1557.7 1862.3 -304.6
30-Apr-07 609 537.7 71.2
4-May-07 2753.5 2697.3 56.2
3-May-07 690.4 392.4 298
7-May-07 2151.4 1939.4 212
4-May-07 382.3 273.3 109
8-May-07 1646.2 1549.5 96.7
7-May-07 788.7 767 21.7
9-May-07 1611.8 1834 -222.1
10-May- 1974.1 1950.8 23.3 8-May-07 593.3 612.1 -18.8

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


11-May- 9-May-07 534.2 658.4 -124.2
07 2047.1 1855.6 191.5
14-May- 07 646.5 420 226.6
07 1858.6 2194.8 -336.2
15-May- 07 526.9 426.2 100.7
07 1908.9 1848.4 60.5
16-May- 07 562.1 522 40.1
07 2023.7 2354.5 -330.8
17-May- 07 550.3 628.2 -77.8
07 2497.3 2636.6 -139.2
18-May- 07 951.8 616.2 335.6
07 3966 2905.3 1060.8
21-May- 07 1218.8 588.3 630.5
07 3428.1 2167.8 1260.3
22-May- 07 534.4 669.4 -135
07 2764.4 2286.7 477.6
23-May- 07 1099.4 786.3 313
07 3189.5 2738.7 450.8
24-May- 07 929.9 977.4 -47.5
07 2840.1 2394.1 446
25-May- 07 729.4 713.3 16.2
07 2269.1 1949.6 319.5
24-May- 1022.
28-May- 07 575.3 1 -446.8
07 2585.8 2732.9 -147.1
29-May- 07 562.1 523.8 38.3
07 1895.3 1571.1 324.2
30-May- 07 870.6 717.3 153.3
07 2282 1444.6 837.4
31-May- 07 636 638.2 -2.2
07 2500.9 2878 -377.1
07 1008 596.6 411.4
1-Jun-07 3381.1 3070.7 310.4
07 1046 980.8 65.2
4-Jun-07 2531.2 2048.8 482.4
1-Jun-07 894.7 529.2 365.5
5-Jun-07 1905.3 1683.2 222.1
4-Jun-07 605.1 589.4 15.6
6-Jun-07 2118.7 2156.5 -37.8
5-Jun-07 535.9 484.9 51.1
7-Jun-07 2327.7 2397.3 -69.6
8-Jun-07 1646.1 1869 -222.8 6-Jun-07 579.6 713.6 -134

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


7-Jun-07 618.3 656.8 -38.5

11-Jun-07 2694.8 3631 -936.2
8-Jun-07 774.8 542.4 232.4
12-Jun-07 2136.6 2191.1 -54.6
11-Jun-07 427.5 450.7 -23.2
13-Jun-07 2173.2 1628 545.3
12-Jun-07 352.8 679.6 -326.8
14-Jun-07 1732.9 2040.7 -307.8
13-Jun-07 259 326.9 -67.9
15-Jun-07 2716.7 2505 211.8
14-Jun-07 372.7 405.8 -33.1
18-Jun-07 1982.7 1995.7 -13
15-Jun-07 588.4 379 209.4
19-Jun-07 1587.5 1616.4 -28.9
18-Jun-07 528.4 320.2 208.2
20-Jun-07 2463.1 1810 653.1
19-Jun-07 568.2 602.1 -33.9
21-Jun-07 1535 1652.1 -117
20-Jun-07 665.9 507.8 158.2
22-Jun-07 4546.4 2904.8 1641.6
21-Jun-07 616.1 540.1 76
25-Jun-07 2314.1 2235.9 78.2
22-Jun-07 529.2 538.8 -9.5
26-Jun-07 2884.4 2386.7 497.8
25-Jun-07 411.6 418.9 -7.3
27-Jun-07 1666.4 1966 -299.6
26-Jun-07 664 501.8 162.2
28-Jun-07 2106.3 2576.8 -470.5
27-Jun-07 488.7 365.8 122.9
29-Jun-07 2799.3 3241.1 -441.8
28-Jun-07 796.7 698.8 97.9
2-Jul-07 7952 2114.9 5837.1
29-Jun-07 917.9 729.9 187.9
3-Jul-07 1835.9 1635.2 200.7
2-Jul-07 442.6 644.2 -201.6
4-Jul-07 2454.5 2044.5 410
3-Jul-07 779.4 657.2 122.1
5-Jul-07 2240.8 1416 824.8
4-Jul-07 549.7 960.2 -410.5
6-Jul-07 4316.5 3041.5 1275
5-Jul-07 1102 906.8 195.2
9-Jul-07 5508.5 2329.2 3179.3
6-Jul-07 850.6 822.2 28.4
10-Jul-07 2866.1 1976.7 889.3
9-Jul-07 499.8 689.9 -190.1
11-Jul-07 3177.5 2475.4 702.1
10-Jul-07 521.1 688.5 -167.3
12-Jul-07 3055.2 2691.7 363.5
11-Jul-07 607.3 939 -331.7
13-Jul-07 3787.9 3088.3 699.6
12-Jul-07 819.9 702.8 117.1
16-Jul-07 5475.7 3129.3 2346.4
13-Jul-07 1223 927.2 295.8
17-Jul-07 4344.2 2684.1 1660.1
16-Jul-07 558.2 930.1 -371.9
18-Jul-07 3890 2943.6 946.4
17-Jul-07 803.5 906.5 -103
19-Jul-07 4124.3 2890.7 1233.7
18-Jul-07 550.7 725.5 -174.8
20-Jul-07 3762 2878.9 883.1

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


19-Jul-07 884.8 754.9 130

23-Jul-07 4108.4 2885.3 1223.1
20-Jul-07 493.1 809.6 -316.5
24-Jul-07 3784.9 2688.9 1096
23-Jul-07 562.1 610.6 -48.5
25-Jul-07 4376.5 3091 1285.6
24-Jul-07 657.2 1144 -486.8
26-Jul-07 3205.6 3264.8 -59.2
25-Jul-07 848.9 797.3 51.6
27-Jul-07 4519.3 4271.1 248.2
26-Jul-07 1109.4 5 0.9
30-Jul-07 3677.3 4899.7 -1222.4
27-Jul-07 1218.8 967.2 251.6
31-Jul-07 2817 2966.9 -150
30-Jul-07 1094.1 571.1 523.1
1-Aug-07 3620.8 3187.2 433.6
31-Jul-07 715.8 529.5 186.3
2-Aug-07 3853.6 4836.3 -982.7
1-Aug-07 809.4 956.9 -147.5
3-Aug-07 1957 2376 -419
2-Aug-07 534.5 542 -7.5
6-Aug-07 2501.8 2309 192.8
3-Aug-07 558.3 301.5 256.8
7-Aug-07 1851.7 3018.4 -1166.6
6-Aug-07 395.9 348 47.9
8-Aug-07 2330.7 2454.2 -123.6
7-Aug-07 345.9 351.2 -5.2
9-Aug-07 3056.6 2866.4 190.2
10-Aug- 8-Aug-07 797.8 420.5 377.3
07 2840.1 2457.5 382.6
13-Aug- 9-Aug-07 721.5 676.1 45.3
07 3197.6 3605.7 -408.1
14-Aug- 10-Aug-07 616.5 786.3 -169.8
07 1669.8 2190 -520.2
16-Aug- 13-Aug-07 300.3 277.3 23
07 1771.4 1898.9 -127.5
17-Aug- 14-Aug-07 498.8 347.3 151.5
07 2696.5 5546.4 -2849.9
20-Aug- 16-Aug-07 989.5 750.3 239.2
07 2612.5 5855.2 -3242.7
21-Aug- 17-Aug-07 1537.4 659.1 878.3
07 2797.7 2704.9 92.8
22-Aug- 20-Aug-07 618.8 466.5 152.3
07 2474.2 2484 -9.8
23-Aug- 21-Aug-07 507.3 523.8 -16.5
07 1978.3 2646.4 -668.1
24-Aug- 22-Aug-07 837.3 625.7 211.6
07 3318.8 2988.4 330.4
27-Aug- 23-Aug-07 953 621.6 331.4
07 2371.9 1957.4 414.5
28-Aug- 24-Aug-07 714.8 630.1 84.7
07 2559.1 1357.3 1201.8
29-Aug- 27-Aug-07 947.2 601.8 345.4
07 2561.5 2196 365.6
30-Aug- 28-Aug-07 480.8 434.9 45.9
07 2677.2 2869.3 -192.1
31-Aug- 29-Aug-07 594.7 534.9 59.8
07 4125.7 4790.1 -664.5
3-Sep-07 3019.5 2342.2 677.3 30-Aug-07 1871.6 1145. 726.4

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


31-Aug-07 1044.5 581 463.6

4-Sep-07 2514.7 1987.1 527.7
3-Sep-07 544.8 402.3 142.5
5-Sep-07 2089.2 1458.8 630.4
4-Sep-07 510.7 411.9 98.8
6-Sep-07 2703 2292.7 410.4
5-Sep-07 548.8 481.4 67.4
7-Sep-07 2464.2 1841.1 623.1
10-Sep- 6-Sep-07 513.3 468.2 45.2
07 2435.1 1854.2 580.9
11-Sep- 7-Sep-07 487.3 675 -187.7
07 1444.3 1507.1 -62.9
12-Sep- 10-Sep-07 537.1 527.1 10.1
07 2370.8 1925.1 445.6
13-Sep- 11-Sep-07 464.7 644 -179.3
07 2392.8 2110.9 281.9
14-Sep- 12-Sep-07 720.8 647.4 73.3
07 2458.5 2505.1 -46.6
17-Sep- 13-Sep-07 769 689 80
07 3528.9 2369.5 1159.4
18-Sep- 14-Sep-07 720.2 937.2 -217.1
07 2307.8 2575.2 -267.4
19-Sep- 17-Sep-07 402.9 606.5 -203.6
07 2989 3126.4 -137.5
20-Sep- 18-Sep-07 732.7 751.7 -19
07 5770 3285.5 2484.5
21-Sep- 19-Sep-07 1517.6 5 491.1
07 4575 2945.5 1629.5
24-Sep- 20-Sep-07 740.1 974.7 -234.6
07 3856.7 2932.4 924.3
25-Sep- 21-Sep-07 1168.1 4 128.7
07 4854.2 3569.8 1284.4
26-Sep- 24-Sep-07 1168.8 2 -35.4
07 4509.1 2958.9 1550.3
27-Sep- 25-Sep-07 707.5 1 -430.5
07 3810.7 2806.8 1004
28-Sep- 26-Sep-07 975.5 1493 -517.5
07 7317 4883.7 2433.3
27-Sep-07 1527.1 4 92.7
1-Oct-07 6303.6 2810.3 3493.3
28-Sep-07 1089.8 6 31.2
3-Oct-07 4933.7 2737.7 2196
1-Oct-07 760.2 888 -127.8
4-Oct-07 8194.5 5033 3161.5
3-Oct-07 647.5 749.6 -102.1
5-Oct-07 4403.8 3828.8 575
4-Oct-07 590.6 6 -532.1
9-Oct-07 9160.4 5740.6 3419.9
5-Oct-07 592.5 867.4 -274.9
10-Oct-07 5364.4 3413.3 1951.1

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


8-Oct-07 396.4 727.7 -331.2

11-Oct-07 6043.1 4295.3 1747.9
9-Oct-07 917.1 1258 -340.9
12-Oct-07 6301.7 5310.7 991
10-Oct-07 1052.3 8 -354.5
15-Oct-07 5510.9 4729.9 781
11-Oct-07 1146.6 7 1
16-Oct-07 8184 4325.6 3858.5
12-Oct-07 881.4 2 -723.8
17-Oct-07 6832.6 5678.5 1154.1
15-Oct-07 1265.5 1 111.4
18-Oct-07 6076.5 7853.1 -1776.6
16-Oct-07 1154.1 4 -300.3
19-Oct-07 8355 8229.4 125.7
10009. 17-Oct-07 1313.6 4 16.2
22-Oct-07 6794.3 7 -3215.5
18-Oct-07 1107 5 -265.5
23-Oct-07 5580.9 6791.2 -1210.3
19-Oct-07 1037.3 1269 -231.7
24-Oct-07 6315.7 5538.7 777
22-Oct-07 779.8 1 -326.3
25-Oct-07 6358.5 4497.4 1861
23-Oct-07 1286.7 999.9 286.8
26-Oct-07 7678.5 7465.5 213
24-Oct-07 1037.5 700.1 337.4
29-Oct-07 4077.9 4334.7 -256.8
25-Oct-07 1891.5 2 735.3
30-Oct-07 4782.8 3735.4 1047.4
26-Oct-07 1690.3 858.9 831.4
31-Oct-07 4534 4837.3 -303.3
29-Oct-07 1459.3 2 421.1
1-Nov-07 5442.2 5214.2 228
30-Oct-07 938.1 7 -533.6
2-Nov-07 5179.4 4998.8 180.6
31-Oct-07 1275.2 4 -11.2
5-Nov-07 3322.7 4084.1 -761.4
1-Nov-07 1300.3 3 -358
6-Nov-07 4550.2 5207.1 -656.8
2-Nov-07 832 614 218
7-Nov-07 4092.3 4087.2 5.1
5-Nov-07 725.4 641.9 83.5
8-Nov-07 4156.9 4119.2 37.7
12-Nov- 6-Nov-07 864.2 801.4 62.8
07 4366.1 4653 -286.9
13-Nov- 7-Nov-07 678.9 837.8 -158.9
07 4550 5370 -820

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


14-Nov- 8-Nov-07 656.2 875 -218.8

07 5186.8 5064.6 122.2
15-Nov- 9-Nov-07 8.3 2.8 5.5
07 5112.6 4160.6 952
16-Nov- 12-Nov-07 810.6 950.1 -139.4
07 4464.3 3675.9 788.4
19-Nov- 13-Nov-07 1188.2 1 -12.8
07 3508.9 3588 -79.1
20-Nov- 14-Nov-07 1185.2 702.2 483
07 3859.7 3886.5 -26.8
21-Nov- 15-Nov-07 1120 932.3 187.7
07 4816.7 5888.8 -1072.1
22-Nov- 16-Nov-07 573.3 430.4 142.9
07 3246.6 5469 -2222.4
23-Nov- 19-Nov-07 649.7 905.2 -255.5
07 3328.7 4172.5 -843.9
26-Nov- 20-Nov-07 1004.2 866 138.2
07 2756.3 2929.7 -173.4
27-Nov- 21-Nov-07 640.7 791.8 -151.1
07 3325.5 2855.3 470.2
28-Nov- 22-Nov-07 914.2 609.1 305.2
07 3467 3730.6 -263.7
29-Nov- 23-Nov-07 904.6 569.9 334.7
07 3268.5 3718.5 -450
30-Nov- 26-Nov-07 766.6 513.7 252.9
07 5311.4 6289 -977.6
27-Nov-07 750.3 621.7 128.6
3-Dec-07 7639.4 6159 1480.4
28-Nov-07 778.7 721.6 57.1
4-Dec-07 5566 5451.6 114.4
29-Nov-07 1484.2 9 403.4
5-Dec-07 3974.1 3954.6 19.5
30-Nov-07 1493.6 833 660.5
6-Dec-07 5515.5 4434.2 1081.3
3-Dec-07 1152.5 703.1 449.4
7-Dec-07 4943.2 4120.8 822.4
10-Dec- 4-Dec-07 1040.5 1 -25.7
07 4752.3 4747.1 5.2
11-Dec- 5-Dec-07 1197.6 1 -297.5
07 3128.6 2827.9 300.6
12-Dec- 6-Dec-07 1203.2 6 97.7
07 4178.2 3488.3 689.9
13-Dec- 7-Dec-07 901.4 828.9 72.4
07 3281.3 3221.4 59.8
14-Dec- 10-Dec-07 720.8 1013 -292.1
07 6909.5 5827.4 1082.1
17-Dec- 11-Dec-07 1075 766.9 308.1
07 4732.6 4325.1 407.5
18-Dec- 12-Dec-07 1061.5 4 37.1
07 4117.7 5216.4 -1098.7
19-Dec- 13-Dec-07 1010.7 8 -181.1
07 3446.5 5896.3 -2449.8

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


20-Dec- 14-Dec-07 734.1 953.1 -218.9

07 2585 3677.5 -1092.5
24-Dec- 17-Dec-07 670 869 -199
07 2561.2 3077 -515.8
26-Dec- 18-Dec-07 895.4 548.8 346.6
07 3498.5 3331.1 167.4
27-Dec- 19-Dec-07 1055.6 932.1 123.6
07 4727.3 2306.8 2420.5
28-Dec- 20-Dec-07 1291.6 633.4 658.2
07 6774.3 5830.3 944
31-Dec- 24-Dec-07 1522.6 692.6 830.1
07 3255.2 2114.3 1140.9
26-Dec-07 1527.6 784.9 742.7
2-Jan-08 1437.6 1295.3 142.3
27-Dec-07 1835.5 6 716.9
3-Jan-08 4083.8 4328.3 -244.5
28-Dec-07 827.6 793.3 34.3
4-Jan-08 6007.1 5281.9 725.1
31-Dec-07 1021.5 9 -178.4
7-Jan-08 4549.4 4040.6 508.8
2-Jan-08 1142.1 846.8 295.2
8-Jan-08 4891.4 4972.3 -80.9
3-Jan-08 1835.2 2 490
9-Jan-08 5529.9 4476.5 1053.4
4-Jan-08 1609.2 992.6 616.6
10-Jan-08 4859.7 4585.1 274.6
7-Jan-08 1187.1 1 30
11-Jan-08 4334.2 4965 -630.8
8-Jan-08 1263.6 1 12.5
14-Jan-08 3906.3 3792.6 113.7
9-Jan-08 774.7 975.9 -201.2
15-Jan-08 4521.5 4347.2 174.4
10-Jan-08 1204.7 4 46.3
16-Jan-08 5209.9 4984.1 225.8
11-Jan-08 755 2 -274.2
17-Jan-08 4662.3 6941.9 -2279.6
14-Jan-08 857.7 1 -551.4
18-Jan-08 4303.3 6489.3 -2186
15-Jan-08 573.1 5 -519.5
21-Jan-08 4972.3 6328.4 -1356.1
16-Jan-08 1413.5 1 -59.5
22-Jan-08 4896.9 7322.5 -2425.7
10005. 17-Jan-08 1455.5 994.6 460.9
23-Jan-08 7749.2 5 -2256.2
18-Jan-08 1077.2 4 -271.2
24-Jan-08 6082.5 8582.3 -2499.9
25-Jan-08 5347.2 6698.4 -1351.2 21-Jan-08 3062 1060. 2001.8

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


22-Jan-08 2813.3 2 1195.1
28-Jan-08 4854.6 4185.6 669.1
23-Jan-08 3033.5 2 874.4
29-Jan-08 2600.3 4113.6 -1513.4
24-Jan-08 1310.4 960.3 350.1
30-Jan-08 2924.5 3209.6 -285.1
25-Jan-08 1319.2 1098 221.2
31-Jan-08 2913.2 3524.6 -611.4
28-Jan-08 798.5 429.7 368.8
1-Feb-08 5323.7 8717.1 -3393.4
29-Jan-08 443.2 560.9 -117.7
4-Feb-08 3398.6 2364.3 1034.3
30-Jan-08 858.2 442 416.3
5-Feb-08 8300 4489.3 3810.7
31-Jan-08 3080.8 946.3 2134.5
6-Feb-08 2918.4 2341.5 576.9
1-Feb-08 899.2 799.2 100
7-Feb-08 2224.7 2752.9 -528.2
4-Feb-08 1332.6 513.7 818.9
8-Feb-08 2989.5 3157.9 -168.4
12-Feb- 10015. 5-Feb-08 565.7 863.1 -297.5
08 8169.9 4 -1845.6
13-Feb- 6-Feb-08 745 957.2 -212.2
08 3440.2 3555.3 -115.1
14-Feb- 7-Feb-08 583 661.3 -78.4
08 3969.9 3620.9 349
15-Feb- 8-Feb-08 522.2 815.8 -293.5
08 2572.3 3755.5 -1183.1
19-Feb- 11-Feb-08 698.8 7 -570.8
08 1766.9 1882.8 -115.9
20-Feb- 12-Feb-08 720.8 820.7 -99.9
08 3788.3 2203.2 1585.1
21-Feb- 13-Feb-08 592.8 585.1 7.7
08 3033.8 2977.1 56.7
22-Feb- 14-Feb-08 936.4 640.1 296.3
08 2786 2500.3 285.6
25-Feb- 15-Feb-08 803.9 642 161.9
08 2409.3 2863.1 -453.8
26-Feb- 19-Feb-08 618.7 945.5 -326.8
08 3063.5 2325 738.5
27-Feb- 20-Feb-08 523.7 715 -191.3
08 2369.4 2284 85.4
28-Feb- 21-Feb-08 467.4 694.2 -226.8
08 3698.6 3302.2 396.4
29-Feb- 22-Feb-08 327.3 490.9 -163.6
08 3655.6 4184.9 -529.3
25-Feb-08 960.4 9 -140.5
3-Mar-08 3800.9 4045 -244.1
26-Feb-08 1013.7 487.8 525.9
4-Mar-08 3420.3 4103.9 -683.5
27-Feb-08 985.4 792.9 192.5
5-Mar-08 3551.1 4023.9 -472.8
7-Mar-08 2852.5 2982.2 -129.7 28-Feb-08 1647.2 1046. 600.7

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


10-Mar- 29-Feb-08 1312.2 855.8 456.4

08 5447.6 4340.8 1106.9
11-Mar- 3-Mar-08 731.3 2 -452.9
08 4306.8 5444.4 -1137.6
12-Mar- 4-Mar-08 653.1 804.5 -151.4
08 4610 4782.4 -172.4
13-Mar- 5-Mar-08 881.7 8 -280.1
08 4150.8 4007.2 143.6
14-Mar- 7-Mar-08 867.1 918.6 -51.5
08 3457.7 3630.2 -172.5
17-Mar- 10-Mar-08 1355 2 335.8
08 3545.6 3674.4 -128.8
18-Mar- 11-Mar-08 1243.1 924.7 318.4
08 3807.3 4439.6 -632.4
19-Mar- 12-Mar-08 469.1 963.4 -494.3
08 4701.3 5389.1 -687.7
24-Mar- 13-Mar-08 646.8 6 -380.8
08 4183.3 3646.1 537.2
25-Mar- 14-Mar-08 792.5 6 -321.1
08 2999.9 2675.8 324.1
26-Mar- 17-Mar-08 650.9 753.3 -102.4
08 5060.7 3715.4 1345.3
27-Mar- 18-Mar-08 947.5 882.4 65.1
08 3166.6 2609 557.6
28-Mar- 19-Mar-08 953.9 4 -291.5
08 4861.1 4430.4 430.7
31-Mar- 24-Mar-08 502.9 972.7 -469.8
08 3235.9 3350.1 -114.3
25-Mar-08 1326.4 791.9 534.5
1-Apr-08 2964.2 2953.4 10.8
26-Mar-08 531 962 -431
2-Apr-08 2661.4 3849.6 -1188.2
27-Mar-08 1238 1 -52.2
3-Apr-08 2898.6 2918.7 -20.2
28-Mar-08 1034.7 690.5 344.2
4-Apr-08 2761.3 3304.2 -543
31-Mar-08 722.9 813.2 -90.3
7-Apr-08 3375.1 2010.5 1364.6
1-Apr-08 403.2 688.2 -285
8-Apr-08 4983.7 4607 376.7
2-Apr-08 520.9 648.8 -127.9
9-Apr-08 2636.3 2487.6 148.7
3-Apr-08 531.2 599.8 -68.6
10-Apr-08 2040.8 2213 -172.3
4-Apr-08 396.8 559.3 -162.5
11-Apr-08 2674.7 2989.5 -314.8
7-Apr-08 598.2 638.1 -40
15-Apr-08 2688.7 2720 -31.3
8-Apr-08 635 545.2 89.8
16-Apr-08 3544.3 3463.4 80.9
17-Apr-08 1765.1 1761 4.1 9-Apr-08 644.3 429.9 214.4

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


10-Apr-08 775 425.6 349.4

21-Apr-08 4067.5 3368.5 699
11-Apr-08 473.6 300.7 172.8
22-Apr-08 2893.4 2616 277.4
15-Apr-08 495.5 373.7 121.8
23-Apr-08 2742.1 2349.8 392.4
16-Apr-08 525.7 782.4 -256.8
24-Apr-08 2927.8 3190.9 -263.1
17-Apr-08 953.7 9 -86.3
25-Apr-08 3675.2 4201.3 -526.1
21-Apr-08 734.8 635.2 99.6
28-Apr-08 3414.9 3066.1 348.8
22-Apr-08 709.8 806.5 -96.7
29-Apr-08 2620.7 2539.5 81.2
23-Apr-08 560.6 465.5 95.1
30-Apr-08 3991.6 3646.2 345.4
24-Apr-08 882.1 849 33.1
2-May-08 3418.3 3503 -84.7
25-Apr-08 685.5 758.8 -73.4
5-May-08 3624.5 2904.6 720
28-Apr-08 650.5 850.1 -199.6
6-May-08 2704.9 3011.5 -306.7
29-Apr-08 1423.9 3 381.5
7-May-08 3099 3827.8 -728.8
30-Apr-08 806.2 5 -272.2
8-May-08 3435.7 3110.6 325.1
2-May-08 866.7 942.9 -76.2
9-May-08 2663.3 3065.8 -402.5
12-May- 5-May-08 680.2 538.5 141.7
08 3368.7 3739.2 -370.5
13-May- 6-May-08 588.5 615 -26.5
08 2339 2464.4 -125.4
14-May- 7-May-08 612.5 635.5 -23
08 3039.1 2852.9 186.3
15-May- 8-May-08 492.3 575.7 -83.4
08 2619.7 2361.5 258.1
16-May- 9-May-08 539.5 874.7 -335.3
08 3135.4 2405.5 729.9
20-May- 08 410.6 475.4 -64.8
08 2882.7 2825.6 57
21-May- 08 599.3 904.7 -305.4
08 3119.7 3439.5 -319.8
22-May- 08 638.6 505.6 133.1
08 2830.3 3441.7 -611.4
23-May- 08 1019.5 709.6 309.9
08 2226 2776.7 -550.7
26-May- 08 680.9 453.8 227
08 2350.7 2851.2 -500.5
27-May- 2144.8 3259.9 -1115 20-May- 311.1 799.7 -488.7

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management



28-May- 08 432.4 476.9 -44.5
08 2338.6 2692.8 -354.1
29-May- 08 548.8 640.9 -92.2
08 3264.4 3998.3 -733.9
30-May- 08 564.2 545.6 18.6
08 4208.9 5292.7 -1083.9
08 538.5 486.7 51.8
2-Jun-08 4215.2 3960.6 254.6
08 521.3 615.7 -94.5
3-Jun-08 2483.2 2832.5 -349.3
08 1099.1 735.2 363.9
4-Jun-08 2966.8 3919.2 -952.3
29-May- 1105.
08 1106.4 5 0.9
5-Jun-08 3245.7 4070.9 -825.2
08 1219.7 768.5 451.1
6-Jun-08 3739.6 5158.5 -1419
2-Jun-08 396.9 562.1 -165.2
9-Jun-08 2887.3 2580.3 307
3-Jun-08 648.8 524.7 124.1
10-Jun-08 2556.6 3898.4 -1341.8
4-Jun-08 903.5 701.5 202
11-Jun-08 3311.5 4155.5 -844
5-Jun-08 1271.2 724.3 546.9
12-Jun-08 3768.4 3919.9 -151.5
6-Jun-08 526.9 467.6 59.3
13-Jun-08 3169.5 4311.2 -1141.7
9-Jun-08 631.6 672.7 -41.1
16-Jun-08 2712.1 2763.9 -51.8
10-Jun-08 812.4 963.9 -151.6
17-Jun-08 2282.8 2815.7 -532.8
11-Jun-08 792.3 471.9 320.3
18-Jun-08 2546.2 2173.8 372.4
12-Jun-08 711.2 483.4 227.8
19-Jun-08 2469.9 2919.7 -449.8
13-Jun-08 811.1 528.8 282.4
20-Jun-08 1858.7 2211.3 -352.6
16-Jun-08 628 355.7 272.3
23-Jun-08 2501.5 3454 -952.5
17-Jun-08 683 424.5 258.5
24-Jun-08 2273.9 2894.7 -620.8
18-Jun-08 434.2 450 -15.8
25-Jun-08 3366.2 3092.1 274.1
19-Jun-08 247.7 347.4 -99.7
26-Jun-08 2901.6 3005.2 -103.6
20-Jun-08 593.4 377.8 215.6
27-Jun-08 4235.5 4704.6 -469
23-Jun-08 520.7 484.3 36.5
30-Jun-08 3348.6 4094.7 -746.2
24-Jun-08 637.3 426 211.3
1-Jul-08 2865 3092.2 -227.1
2-Jul-08 3151.1 2976.9 174.3 25-Jun-08 976.2 651.5 324.7

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


26-Jun-08 1067.3 791.2 276

3-Jul-08 3468.1 3818.6 -350.4
27-Jun-08 772.8 768.7 4.2
4-Jul-08 3309.8 4012.2 -702.5
30-Jun-08 744.2 453.5 290.7
7-Jul-08 3008.9 2476.2 532.6
1-Jul-08 521.7 715.2 -193.5
8-Jul-08 1782.1 2102 -319.9
2-Jul-08 755 455.5 299.4
9-Jul-08 2333.8 2165.3 168.5
3-Jul-08 873.1 631.6 241.6
10-Jul-08 2555.8 2843.5 -287.7
4-Jul-08 577 642.8 -65.8
11-Jul-08 1988.4 2334.4 -345.9
7-Jul-08 567.6 523.3 44.2
14-Jul-08 2420.1 2730.4 -310.3
8-Jul-08 555 373.3 181.7
15-Jul-08 2020.1 2232.3 -212.3
9-Jul-08 713.5 508.8 204.7
16-Jul-08 2370.5 3050.9 -680.4
10-Jul-08 392.7 591.1 -198.4
17-Jul-08 2693 2903.5 -210.4
11-Jul-08 900.3 780.4 119.9
18-Jul-08 2939.5 2403.7 535.8
14-Jul-08 341.1 323.4 17.7
21-Jul-08 2988.4 2399.2 589.2
15-Jul-08 422.8 531 -108.2
22-Jul-08 2031.2 2143.1 -111.9
16-Jul-08 467.2 498.6 -31.5
23-Jul-08 2264.4 2654.9 -390.5
17-Jul-08 635.9 642.8 -6.9
24-Jul-08 6017.9 4382.3 1635.6
18-Jul-08 671.1 800.9 -129.8
25-Jul-08 3927.1 3370.8 556.3
21-Jul-08 861.2 5 -201.3
28-Jul-08 2954.6 3501 -546.3
22-Jul-08 1143.1 769.2 373.9
29-Jul-08 1696.8 2306.1 -609.3
23-Jul-08 1603.3 7 334.5
30-Jul-08 2312.7 2645 -332.3
24-Jul-08 777.4 8 -270.4
31-Jul-08 2464 2855.9 -391.9
25-Jul-08 794.2 827.1 -32.9
1-Aug-08 3828 3231 597
28-Jul-08 851.6 648.1 203.5
4-Aug-08 2889.7 3231.9 -342.2
29-Jul-08 542.4 791.8 -249.4
5-Aug-08 1820.7 2221.3 -400.6
30-Jul-08 1147.7 457.4 690.3
6-Aug-08 4530.1 4466 64.1
31-Jul-08 1074.5 885.6 188.9
7-Aug-08 4921.9 3293.3 1628.6
1-Aug-08 887.5 661.1 226.4
8-Aug-08 2379.5 2398.5 -19
11-Aug- 4-Aug-08 464.3 768.3 -304
08 2074.9 1995.8 79.1
12-Aug- 2958.1 2548.4 409.7 5-Aug-08 1016.3 819.5 196.8

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


13-Aug- 6-Aug-08 865.7 1249 -383.3
08 2636.5 3020.8 -384.3
14-Aug- 7-Aug-08 463 485 -22
08 1928.6 2574.9 -646.3
18-Aug- 8-Aug-08 444.7 576 -131.3
08 1834.2 2230.5 -396.3
20-Aug- 11-Aug-08 850.8 396 454.8
08 2830.8 3966.6 -1135.8
21-Aug- 12-Aug-08 616.8 883.3 -266.5
08 1802.4 2087.8 -285.4
22-Aug- 13-Aug-08 305.5 480.1 -174.6
08 1419.9 1698 -278.1
25-Aug- 14-Aug-08 252.7 668.4 -415.7
08 1689.7 1803.5 -113.8
26-Aug- 18-Aug-08 343.7 396 -52.3
08 1303.7 1209.8 93.9
27-Aug- 19-Aug-08 369.5 462.4 -92.9
08 1426 1932 -506
28-Aug- 20-Aug-08 341.7 263.1 78.6
08 1882.2 1602.3 279.9
29-Aug- 21-Aug-08 282.2 379.7 -97.5
08 3403.3 3259.5 143.8
22-Aug-08 487.6 306.6 181.1
1-Sep-08 2669.7 2926.8 -257
25-Aug-08 273.3 259.9 13.5
2-Sep-08 1348.8 1520.5 -171.7
26-Aug-08 450 362.9 87.1
4-Sep-08 2844.1 1506.7 1337.4
27-Aug-08 415.4 422.1 -6.7
5-Sep-08 2617.2 3016.4 -399.1
28-Aug-08 658.4 717 -58.6
8-Sep-08 1713.9 3450.7 -1736.8
29-Aug-08 870.6 472.2 398.4
9-Sep-08 3356.4 2598.4 758.1
10-Sep- 1-Sep-08 311 391.8 -80.7
08 2023.1 2209.2 -186.2
11-Sep- 2-Sep-08 983.4 877.6 105.9
08 2611.8 3481.9 -870.1
12-Sep- 4-Sep-08 651.3 517.2 134.1
08 2332.9 3743.4 -1410.5
15-Sep- 5-Sep-08 554.5 653.2 -98.6
08 2687.8 3544.3 -856.4
16-Sep- 8-Sep-08 713.1 613.3 99.7
08 2495.2 3124.5 -629.3
17-Sep- 9-Sep-08 278 492 -214.1
08 3092.4 4333 -1240.6
18-Sep- 10-Sep-08 594.6 479.2 115.4
08 3762 5095.5 -1333.5
19-Sep- 11-Sep-08 518.3 569 -50.7
08 7146.7 7745.4 -598.7
22-Sep- 12-Sep-08 573.4 336.5 236.9
08 6826.2 5658.3 1167.9
23-Sep- 15-Sep-08 629.2 498.3 130.9
08 3245.3 3134 111.4
24-Sep- 16-Sep-08 963.8 721.8 242.1
08 1895.8 2763.5 -867.7
25-Sep- 3505.6 3680 -174.4 17-Sep-08 798.7 364.9 433.8

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


26-Sep- 18-Sep-08 1488.6 549.1 939.5
08 4214.5 4918.3 -703.8
29-Sep- 19-Sep-08 1071.5 910.7 160.8
08 2712.2 3316.3 -604.1
30-Sep- 22-Sep-08 477.2 809 -331.8
08 3394.6 3007.7 387
23-Sep-08 320.5 546.7 -226.2
1-Oct-08 4203.1 4118.6 84.5
24-Sep-08 654.4 638.6 15.8
3-Oct-08 1969.8 2254 -284.2
25-Sep-08 1067.5 688.2 379.3
6-Oct-08 2785.3 3831.3 -1046
26-Sep-08 477.2 543.9 -66.7
7-Oct-08 1995.2 3116.6 -1121.4
29-Sep-08 636 670.8 -34.8
8-Oct-08 2797.6 3345.7 -548.1
30-Sep-08 893.7 492.1 401.6
10-Oct-08 3016.7 3864.4 -847.7
1-Oct-08 631.6 483.8 147.8
13-Oct-08 3959 6282.2 -2323.2
3-Oct-08 330.7 673.4 -342.8
14-Oct-08 3150.8 3993 -842.2
6-Oct-08 528.1 759.2 -231.1
15-Oct-08 3789.3 3978.4 -189.1
7-Oct-08 578.8 885.5 -306.8
16-Oct-08 2041.8 2882.5 -840.7
8-Oct-08 704.8 823.3 -118.5
17-Oct-08 2233.6 4144.9 -1911.3
10-Oct-08 1097.1 781.9 315.2
20-Oct-08 2234.3 3101.8 -867.6
13-Oct-08 986.8 466.4 520.5
21-Oct-08 1870.2 2710.3 -840.1
14-Oct-08 539 802.1 -263.1
22-Oct-08 2725.6 2611.8 113.9
15-Oct-08 340.1 723 -382.9
23-Oct-08 1724.6 1997.5 -272.9
16-Oct-08 927.7 496 431.6
24-Oct-08 2162 2509.4 -347.4
17-Oct-08 575 462.3 112.7
27-Oct-08 2284.1 3462.1 -1178
20-Oct-08 553.3 346.9 206.4
29-Oct-08 1802.4 2813.3 -1010.9
21-Oct-08 970.3 368.1 602.2
31-Oct-08 2685.9 3760.8 -1074.9
22-Oct-08 440 422.5 17.5
3-Nov-08 4111.1 2927.9 1183.2
23-Oct-08 398 458.1 -60
4-Nov-08 2483.3 1721.6 761.7
24-Oct-08 513.3 832 -318.6
5-Nov-08 1968.3 2061.2 -93
27-Oct-08 915.8 412.3 503.5
6-Nov-08 2432.3 2092.8 339.5
28-Oct-08 22.1 1.2 20.9
7-Nov-08 1522.9 1936.9 -414
10-Nov- 29-Oct-08 1137.5 517.5 620
08 1282.4 1222 60.3
11-Nov- 31-Oct-08 987.2 1 -42.9
08 1651.7 1516.1 135.5
12-Nov- 1347.4 1613.9 -266.5 3-Nov-08 625.3 703.8 -78.6

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


14-Nov- 4-Nov-08 581 749.8 -168.8
08 1045 1660 -615.1
17-Nov- 5-Nov-08 592.2 991.8 -399.6
08 2152.1 2716.2 -564.2
18-Nov- 6-Nov-08 391.2 513 -121.8
08 1586.5 2218.4 -631.9
19-Nov- 7-Nov-08 213.4 295.1 -81.7
08 1137.6 1506.9 -369.3
20-Nov- 10-Nov-08 802.6 297.1 505.5
08 1884 2092.2 -208.1
21-Nov- 11-Nov-08 289.2 511.3 -222.2
08 998.4 1654.5 -656.1
24-Nov- 12-Nov-08 358.5 418.2 -59.7
08 1070 1584 -514.1
25-Nov- 14-Nov-08 315.5 620.3 -304.8
08 1080 1391.4 -311.5
26-Nov- 17-Nov-08 278.5 654.4 -375.9
08 1384.2 1382.9 1.3
28-Nov- 18-Nov-08 324.8 369.8 -45
08 1278.9 1714.9 -436
19-Nov-08 428.9 479.7 -50.7
1-Dec-08 2157.6 1738.2 419.4
20-Nov-08 275.4 374.1 -98.7
2-Dec-08 1663.3 1509.4 153.9
21-Nov-08 553.6 529.2 24.4
3-Dec-08 855.9 1175.5 -319.6
24-Nov-08 404 333.2 70.9
4-Dec-08 875.5 1362.1 -486.6
25-Nov-08 435.5 317.2 118.2
5-Dec-08 1779.5 1331.2 448.3
26-Nov-08 621.9 311.7 310.2
8-Dec-08 1182.1 1130.9 51.2
10-Dec- 28-Nov-08 962.3 356.6 605.7
08 1724.5 1264.2 460.4
11-Dec- 1-Dec-08 350.4 425.4 -75
08 2603.2 1614.8 988.4
12-Dec- 2-Dec-08 145.7 472.5 -326.8
08 2078.8 1745.4 333.3
15-Dec- 3-Dec-08 443 337 106.1
08 1527 1633.4 -106.4
16-Dec- 4-Dec-08 451.6 367.2 84.3
08 1798.6 1559.2 239.4
17-Dec- 5-Dec-08 214.7 410 -195.3
08 1684.8 1657.2 27.5
18-Dec- 8-Dec-08 500.3 774.1 -273.7
08 2288.1 2396.8 -108.7
19-Dec- 10-Dec-08 698.2 531.3 166.9
08 2139.9 2194.1 -54.2
22-Dec- 11-Dec-08 517.6 600.3 -82.8
08 2243.3 1780.4 462.9
23-Dec- 12-Dec-08 514.2 389.8 124.4
08 943.1 1167.1 -224
24-Dec- 15-Dec-08 690.1 529.6 160.5
08 645.8 917.1 -271.4
26-Dec- 16-Dec-08 431.8 488.2 -56.4
08 1095 1213.5 -118.5
29-Dec- 356.8 616.1 -259.3 17-Dec-08 509.6 676.9 -167.3

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


30-Dec- 18-Dec-08 691.5 872.7 -181.1
08 830.2 840.5 -10.3
31-Dec- 19-Dec-08 905 610.2 294.7
08 882.2 757.8 124.4
22-Dec-08 475.9 312.8 163.2
2-Jan-09 292 191.8 100.2
23-Dec-08 344.6 440.7 -96.2
5-Jan-09 832 718 114
24-Dec-08 433.2 363.5 69.7
6-Jan-09 1698.5 1382.7 315.8
26-Dec-08 304.2 509.8 -205.6
7-Jan-09 2389.9 1945.1 444.8
29-Dec-08 544.7 333.3 211.4
9-Jan-09 2409.2 3467.6 -1058.4
30-Dec-08 433.6 177.2 256.5
12-Jan-09 2815.3 2993.2 -177.9
31-Dec-08 610.3 247 363.3
13-Jan-09 1763 2404.5 -641.5
2-Jan-09 540.3 468.2 72.1
14-Jan-09 1640 1974.4 -334.4
5-Jan-09 723.7 537.6 186.1
15-Jan-09 1689.7 1614.8 74.8
6-Jan-09 542.2 592.5 -50.3
16-Jan-09 1337.3 1816.2 -478.9
7-Jan-09 439.6 8 -1011.2
19-Jan-09 835.3 1398.5 -563.2
9-Jan-09 540.1 890.6 -350.6
20-Jan-09 777.5 1217.2 -439.7
12-Jan-09 352.2 791.7 -439.5
21-Jan-09 767.3 1059.5 -292.2
13-Jan-09 419.7 598.4 -178.6
22-Jan-09 866.4 1628.7 -762.3
14-Jan-09 257.4 403.3 -145.9
23-Jan-09 1207.5 1458.8 -251.3
15-Jan-09 307.7 545.2 -237.5
27-Jan-09 994.5 1338.6 -344.1
16-Jan-09 610.7 325.7 285.1
28-Jan-09 1359 1598.7 -239.7
19-Jan-09 237.6 126 111.6
29-Jan-09 1588.8 1563.6 25.2
20-Jan-09 281.3 403.2 -121.9
30-Jan-09 2097.2 1822.1 275.1
21-Jan-09 251 504.7 -253.8
2-Feb-09 1318.8 1335.4 -16.6
22-Jan-09 350.5 487.9 -137.5
3-Feb-09 1334.5 1346.5 -11.9
23-Jan-09 466.6 672.3 -205.7
4-Feb-09 1221.3 1382.5 -161.2
27-Jan-09 526.5 499.2 27.3
5-Feb-09 1267 1291.4 -24.4
28-Jan-09 857.2 431.2 426
6-Feb-09 1291.2 1240 51.2
29-Jan-09 1200.2 620.6 579.5
9-Feb-09 1232.3 1172 60.3
10-Feb- 30-Jan-09 919.9 385.4 534.5
09 1293.7 1004.6 289.1
11-Feb- 2-Feb-09 156.4 610.6 -454.3
09 1695.2 1279 416.1
12-Feb- 920.1 1034.3 -114.2 3-Feb-09 260.8 386.7 -125.9

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


13-Feb- 4-Feb-09 347.3 302.7 44.6
09 871.7 1037.4 -165.6
16-Feb- 5-Feb-09 139.1 344 -204.9
09 1319.2 1299.2 20
17-Feb- 6-Feb-09 382.5 243.5 139.1
09 685.7 969.1 -283.4
18-Feb- 9-Feb-09 439.8 376.9 62.9
09 1132.6 1618.8 -486.2
19-Feb- 10-Feb-09 269.7 307.2 -37.5
09 958.9 1392.6 -433.7
20-Feb- 11-Feb-09 270.3 367.3 -96.9
09 941.3 1261.4 -320.2
24-Feb- 12-Feb-09 135 337.4 -202.4
09 967.5 1139.8 -172.2
25-Feb- 13-Feb-09 489.5 317.2 172.4
09 725.2 1117.1 -391.9
26-Feb- 16-Feb-09 180.2 469.1 -288.8
09 811.3 1264.5 -453.2
27-Feb- 17-Feb-09 164.3 647.7 -483.4
09 1353.6 1592.3 -238.6
18-Feb-09 241.4 347.7 -106.3
2-Mar-09 1840.9 2111.2 -270.3
19-Feb-09 265.3 340.8 -75.5
3-Mar-09 831.5 1309.4 -477.9
20-Feb-09 192.1 526.3 -334.2
4-Mar-09 651.1 1297.4 -646.3
24-Feb-09 354.5 330.5 24
5-Mar-09 936.9 1391.1 -454.2
25-Feb-09 396.6 266.6 130
6-Mar-09 1495.2 2104.2 -608.9
26-Feb-09 716.1 650.7 65.4
9-Mar-09 1814.7 1816.2 -1.6
12-Mar- 27-Feb-09 662.4 386.2 276.2
09 1028.4 1016.4 12
13-Mar- 2-Mar-09 171.6 442.1 -270.6
09 1896.9 1996.3 -99.3
16-Mar- 3-Mar-09 196.3 300.9 -104.6
09 2105 1913.6 191.4
17-Mar- 4-Mar-09 246.9 459.8 -212.9
09 1369.9 1384.2 -14.3
18-Mar- 5-Mar-09 372.8 591.6 -218.8
09 1574.3 1130 444.3
19-Mar- 6-Mar-09 393.5 264.3 129.3
09 1807.5 1453.8 353.7
20-Mar- 9-Mar-09 236.9 334.4 -97.4
09 1429.8 1272.1 157.7
23-Mar- 12-Mar-09 493 339.9 153.1
09 1277.4 1228 49.4
24-Mar- 13-Mar-09 1095.5 470.8 624.7
09 1445.9 1130.2 315.8
25-Mar- 16-Mar-09 623.3 397 226.3
09 2288.4 1589.2 699.2
26-Mar- 17-Mar-09 334.6 468.1 -133.4
09 1831.9 1534.3 297.6
27-Mar- 18-Mar-09 846.5 580.6 265.9
09 3544.2 2226.9 1317.3
30-Mar- 1740.7 2011.4 -270.7 19-Mar-09 347.6 394.1 -46.5

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


31-Mar- 20-Mar-09 340.3 503.9 -163.6
09 1466.8 1931.4 -464.6
23-Mar-09 871.3 483.6 387.7
1-Apr-09 1640.9 2172.3 -531.4
24-Mar-09 925.8 802.5 123.4
2-Apr-09 1695.2 1460.4 234.8
25-Mar-09 674.4 541 133.4
6-Apr-09 2761.5 2065.3 696.3
26-Mar-09 1199.4 8 20.6
8-Apr-09 2619.8 2447.5 172.3
27-Mar-09 704.8 451.1 253.8
9-Apr-09 3796.9 3312.8 484.1
30-Mar-09 506.2 726.7 -220.5
13-Apr-09 2101.8 2011.2 90.6
31-Mar-09 1140.6 514.8 625.8
15-Apr-09 2058.3 1416.4 641.8
1-Apr-09 359.4 343.3 16.1
16-Apr-09 4062.6 3290.4 772.2
2-Apr-09 1023 777.8 245.1
17-Apr-09 3019.3 2623.4 395.8
6-Apr-09 570.5 792.1 -221.6
20-Apr-09 2547.6 1758.6 789.1
8-Apr-09 378.8 868.3 -489.5
21-Apr-09 1868.2 1535.6 332.6
9-Apr-09 931.2 571.5 359.8
22-Apr-09 1496.3 1559 -62.7
13-Apr-09 699.8 497.8 201.9
23-Apr-09 1424.5 1422.8 1.8
15-Apr-09 1246.3 840.9 405.4
24-Apr-09 1406.1 1094.4 311.6
16-Apr-09 612.2 1 -812
27-Apr-09 1948.4 1434.9 513.5
17-Apr-09 1036.3 630.5 405.8
28-Apr-09 3661.8 1822.1 1839.7
20-Apr-09 645.5 557.6 87.8
29-Apr-09 1544.1 1718 -173.9
21-Apr-09 425.3 682.3 -257.1
4-May-09 2869.3 2524.7 344.5
22-Apr-09 558.7 750 -191.3
5-May-09 3852.8 2361.6 1491.1
23-Apr-09 823.6 363.6 460.1
6-May-09 2969.1 2274.1 695
24-Apr-09 696.6 492.5 204.1
7-May-09 2857.2 2168.9 688.3
27-Apr-09 655 679.1 -24.1
8-May-09 1898.8 1503.6 395.2
11-May- 28-Apr-09 482.4 854.9 -372.5
09 3164.6 1924 1240.6
12-May- 29-Apr-09 993.2 972.6 20.6
09 1684.4 1501.9 182.4
13-May- 4-May-09 835.3 456.5 378.8
09 2542.5 2048.7 493.8
14-May- 5-May-09 543.7 580.8 -37
09 6033.1 1947.9 4085.2
15-May- 6-May-09 781.5 749.7 31.9
09 1523.4 1869.1 -345.7
18-May- 2673 1672.8 1000.2 7-May-09 528.3 422 106.3

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


19-May- 8-May-09 503.6 575.1 -71.4
09 58.1 4.7 53.4
20-May- 09 284.1 624.5 -340.5
09 12578.9 7534.1 5044.8
21-May- 09 726.2 422.5 303.7
09 6399.5 6633.7 -234.1
22-May- 09 772.6 379.4 393.3
09 3896.4 3749.5 146.9
25-May- 09 449.3 509.2 -59.9
09 2412 3106.7 -694.7
26-May- 09 1137.2 741.3 395.9
09 5092.6 2046.5 3046.2
27-May- 09 17.2 17.7 -0.5
09 2323.1 2405 -81.9
19-May- 3115.
28-May- 09 1396.2 8 -1719.6
09 4076.7 3639.8 436.9
20-May- 1395.
29-May- 09 1635.4 3 240.1
09 5870.9 3741.8 2129.1
09 1263.4 1166 97.4
1-Jun-09 5979.3 5145.1 834.2
09 1031.1 580.5 450.7
2-Jun-09 3798.5 3180.6 617.9
09 1105.3 717.5 387.8
3-Jun-09 4067.6 3858.3 209.3
09 798.6 861.2 -62.7
4-Jun-09 3423.8 3740 -316.2
09 1736.7 733.1 1003.6
5-Jun-09 3626.1 2955.5 670.6
28-May- 1558.
09 1662.8 1 104.7
8-Jun-09 4550.6 3133.2 1417.4
29-May- 1059.
09 1748.2 5 688.7
9-Jun-09 2694.1 2399.2 294.9
1-Jun-09 952.9 8 -293
10-Jun-09 3815.3 2824.6 990.7
2-Jun-09 823.8 8 -588
11-Jun-09 3851.5 3133.8 717.6
3-Jun-09 1107 865.2 241.8
12-Jun-09 3581.8 2588.7 993.2
15-Jun-09 2931.9 2413.2 518.7 4-Jun-09 871.7 1298. -426.6

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


5-Jun-09 1045.2 4 -55.2
16-Jun-09 2578.6 2791.9 -213.3
8-Jun-09 566.9 3 -912.4
17-Jun-09 1862.3 2574.2 -711.8
9-Jun-09 1092.8 772.5 320.3
18-Jun-09 2168.3 2394.8 -226.6
10-Jun-09 1940.6 997.8 942.8
19-Jun-09 2138.4 2654.3 -515.9
11-Jun-09 1435.3 6 298.8
22-Jun-09 1894.4 1920.5 -26.2
12-Jun-09 1011 7 -122.7
23-Jun-09 1617.2 1814.2 -197
15-Jun-09 649.4 1 -481.7
24-Jun-09 2047.3 2705.5 -658.2
16-Jun-09 789.2 780.5 8.6
25-Jun-09 1602.9 2204.1 -601.3
17-Jun-09 531.4 710.9 -179.5
26-Jun-09 4111.5 5149.6 -1038.1
18-Jun-09 862.3 732.7 129.6
29-Jun-09 2547.7 1874.8 672.9
19-Jun-09 847.6 439.6 408
30-Jun-09 2388.1 1990.9 397.2
22-Jun-09 647.6 526.8 120.8
1-Jul-09 2952.1 2723.2 228.9
23-Jun-09 1032.6 950.7 81.9
2-Jul-09 1448.6 1284.9 163.7
24-Jun-09 886.9 497.6 389.3
3-Jul-09 2302.7 1900.8 401.9
25-Jun-09 1955.3 7 691.6
6-Jul-09 2149.6 1581.3 568.4
26-Jun-09 1219.7 850.1 369.7
7-Jul-09 3189.5 3540.8 -351.4
29-Jun-09 1013.4 838.2 175.3
8-Jul-09 5956.7 3158.1 2798.6
30-Jun-09 932.5 6 -280.1
9-Jul-09 3451 2675.5 775.5
1-Jul-09 626.7 792.6 -165.9
10-Jul-09 2345.3 2636.9 -291.6
2-Jul-09 760 965.5 -205.5
13-Jul-09 1897.8 2520.9 -623.2
3-Jul-09 786 480.9 305.1
14-Jul-09 2071.5 1881.1 190.4
6-Jul-09 950.3 1537 -586.7
15-Jul-09 2106.9 1654 452.9
7-Jul-09 1077.7 880.6 197
16-Jul-09 2887.5 1856.5 1031
8-Jul-09 873.4 2 -274.8
17-Jul-09 2618.5 2326.7 291.8
9-Jul-09 746.7 489.5 257.2
20-Jul-09 2846.6 2586.6 260
21-Jul-09 2578.9 1872.9 706 10-Jul-09 729.4 418.2 311.3

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


13-Jul-09 602.6 682 -79.4

22-Jul-09 2547.4 2497.3 50.1
14-Jul-09 807.4 584.8 222.6
23-Jul-09 2936.4 2790.9 145.5
15-Jul-09 930.5 683.2 247.3
24-Jul-09 5307 4597.1 709.9
16-Jul-09 939.5 793 146.5
27-Jul-09 3263.9 2213.2 1050.6
17-Jul-09 1452.7 710.4 742.3
28-Jul-09 3032.3 2586.1 446.1
20-Jul-09 1251.6 781 470.6
29-Jul-09 4315.6 3577.5 738.1
21-Jul-09 1005.8 901.3 104.5
30-Jul-09 2851.7 2712.6 139.1
22-Jul-09 982.2 1 -284.9
31-Jul-09 5071.2 3887.2 1184
23-Jul-09 1112.3 946.3 166
3-Aug-09 3079.8 2292.2 787.6
24-Jul-09 972.4 3 -33
4-Aug-09 1826.5 1350.5 475.9
27-Jul-09 967.1 9 -176.8
5-Aug-09 2781.4 2573.7 207.8
28-Jul-09 1022.4 889.8 132.6
6-Aug-09 1948.9 2429.4 -480.4
29-Jul-09 869 3 -292.3
7-Aug-09 2580.9 2827.4 -246.5
10-Aug- 30-Jul-09 1536.9 2 -51.3
09 2141.8 2987.9 -846.1
11-Aug- 31-Jul-09 1556.9 883.8 673.1
09 2972.8 3200 -227.3
12-Aug- 3-Aug-09 663.2 520.6 142.6
09 2894.1 2190 704.2
13-Aug- 4-Aug-09 879.4 854 25.4
09 2595 2705.5 -110.5
14-Aug- 5-Aug-09 589.7 799.5 -209.8
09 2954.8 2017.6 937.2
17-Aug- 6-Aug-09 1061.2 9 21.2
09 2639.9 1609.2 1030.7
18-Aug- 7-Aug-09 755.9 2 -276.3
09 1766.4 2740.2 -973.8
19-Aug- 10-Aug-09 652.5 870.4 -218
09 1644.3 1639.8 4.6
20-Aug- 11-Aug-09 866.8 662.3 204.5
09 2288.7 3160.8 -872.1
21-Aug- 12-Aug-09 619.9 2 -494.4
09 1777.6 2079 -301.3
24-Aug- 13-Aug-09 1123.2 651.8 471.4
09 2413.2 1867 546.2
25-Aug- 14-Aug-09 883.7 625.2 258.5
09 2543.9 1695.2 848.6

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


26-Aug- 17-Aug-09 499.6 4 -681.8
09 2039.3 2092.9 -53.6
27-Aug- 18-Aug-09 754.2 618.1 136.1
09 2812.6 1776.7 1036
28-Aug- 19-Aug-09 453.1 645 -191.9
09 4109.6 2766.8 1342.8
31-Aug- 20-Aug-09 897.3 560.4 337
09 2574.3 1481.5 1092.7
21-Aug-09 698.3 570.3 127.9
1-Sep-09 2673.9 2760.1 -86.2
24-Aug-09 995.8 579.7 416.1
2-Sep-09 2596.8 2899.3 -302.5
25-Aug-09 1043.5 620.5 423
3-Sep-09 1500.3 2074.5 -574.2
26-Aug-09 1059.4 975.5 83.9
4-Sep-09 1912.2 1853.3 58.9
27-Aug-09 1297 2 16.7
7-Sep-09 2208.3 2265.1 -56.9
28-Aug-09 971 905.5 65.5
8-Sep-09 2952.8 1902.8 1050
31-Aug-09 686.8 774.2 -87.3
9-Sep-09 3929.3 2754.8 1174.6
10-Sep- 1-Sep-09 965.6 872.1 93.5
09 3101.4 2854 247.4
11-Sep- 2-Sep-09 702.3 954.2 -251.9
09 2998.5 2423.6 574.9
14-Sep- 3-Sep-09 742.5 715.9 26.7
09 2660.8 2330.2 330.6
15-Sep- 4-Sep-09 599.7 593.3 6.4
09 1863.1 1601 262.1
16-Sep- 7-Sep-09 1019.9 680.3 339.5
09 2911.2 2025.1 886.1
17-Sep- 8-Sep-09 1069.4 6 47.8
09 3608.9 2435 1173.9
18-Sep- 9-Sep-09 710.1 951.2 -241.1
09 6074.9 3411.7 2663.1
22-Sep- 10-Sep-09 631.3 974.7 -343.4
09 4504.5 2634.7 1869.8
23-Sep- 11-Sep-09 519.9 952 -432.1
09 3208.4 1704.9 1503.5
24-Sep- 14-Sep-09 599.6 796.7 -197.1
09 4311.2 2478.5 1832.7
25-Sep- 15-Sep-09 822.6 724.5 98.1
09 5711.2 4389.1 1322.1
29-Sep- 16-Sep-09 1025.2 3 9.8
09 5440.3 2128.4 3311.9
30-Sep- 17-Sep-09 1093.8 992.1 101.7
09 3702.9 2600.4 1102.5
18-Sep-09 710.4 8 -455.5
1-Oct-09 4687.9 3179 1508.9
22-Sep-09 507 758.8 -251.8
5-Oct-09 4632.5 3260.4 1372.1
23-Sep-09 883.9 771.3 112.7
6-Oct-09 3709.6 3947.1 -237.5

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


24-Sep-09 920.9 1 -797.2
7-Oct-09 4178.3 4146.9 31.4
25-Sep-09 581.2 688.5 -107.2
8-Oct-09 4071.7 3298.5 773.1
29-Sep-09 700.2 679.7 20.5
9-Oct-09 4000.6 4362.5 -361.9
30-Sep-09 1046.5 5 -114
12-Oct-09 3282.5 3031.8 250.7
1-Oct-09 989.9 7 -775.8
14-Oct-09 3058.9 2059.9 999
5-Oct-09 476.1 8 -906.7
15-Oct-09 4268.4 2685.9 1582.5
6-Oct-09 714.1 4 -721.3
16-Oct-09 3924.2 2961.1 963.1
7-Oct-09 885.4 821.4 64
20-Oct-09 3861.6 2664.9 1196.7
8-Oct-09 1052.3 2 -42.9
21-Oct-09 4478.3 2708.3 1770
9-Oct-09 797.8 3 -288.5
22-Oct-09 2758.3 3149.9 -391.7
12-Oct-09 542.9 546 -3
23-Oct-09 2682.5 2978.3 -295.7
14-Oct-09 968.4 982.4 -14
26-Oct-09 2942.4 2991.1 -48.8
15-Oct-09 579 6 -499.6
27-Oct-09 2147.9 1956.9 191
16-Oct-09 621.3 805 -183.7
28-Oct-09 4989.8 3648.8 1341
20-Oct-09 613.6 931.6 -317.9
29-Oct-09 3035.9 3008.1 27.7
21-Oct-09 680.1 1 -558
30-Oct-09 3418.9 5013.5 -1594.6
22-Oct-09 769 9 -558
3-Nov-09 4072.5 3336.8 735.7
23-Oct-09 618 927.2 -309.1
4-Nov-09 2188.1 2488.9 -300.8
26-Oct-09 617.6 4 -473.9
5-Nov-09 3395.2 3381.4 13.7
27-Oct-09 912.8 4 -637.6
6-Nov-09 2035.5 1767.9 267.6
28-Oct-09 1290.2 851.5 438.7
9-Nov-09 3428 2732 696.1
10-Nov- 29-Oct-09 1758.4 7 457.7
09 2280.2 1631 649.2
11-Nov- 30-Oct-09 1336.2 4 114.8
09 3035.4 2606.9 428.6

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


12-Nov- 3-Nov-09 879.8 911.1 -31.3

09 3087.1 2114.3 972.7
13-Nov- 4-Nov-09 958 571.7 386.3
09 2517.4 2366 151.3
16-Nov- 5-Nov-09 635.5 601.2 34.3
09 2271.9 1600.1 671.8
17-Nov- 6-Nov-09 853.4 671.3 182.1
09 2505.9 1826.6 679.3
18-Nov- 9-Nov-09 699 577.4 121.7
09 2379.4 1785.6 593.7
19-Nov- 10-Nov-09 762.5 944.1 -181.6
09 2586 2063.7 522.4
20-Nov- 11-Nov-09 875.4 725.8 149.5
09 2083.5 2417.8 -334.3
23-Nov- 12-Nov-09 795.5 9 -255.4
09 2291.7 2417.3 -125.6
24-Nov- 13-Nov-09 623.4 524.9 98.5
09 1951.3 2019.3 -68
25-Nov- 16-Nov-09 502.9 552.1 -49.2
09 2342.7 2040 302.7
26-Nov- 17-Nov-09 458.6 767.1 -308.6
09 2255.3 2190.1 65.1
27-Nov- 18-Nov-09 584.3 885 -300.7
09 2935.2 2629.1 306.1
30-Nov- 19-Nov-09 509.6 686.2 -176.7
09 1420.8 2151.1 -730.3
20-Nov-09 580.2 793.1 -212.9
1-Dec-09 2976.1 2276.2 699.8
23-Nov-09 722 509.1 212.9
2-Dec-09 4548.8 2238.9 2309.9
24-Nov-09 599 877.5 -278.5
3-Dec-09 3914.9 2402.8 1512.1
25-Nov-09 842 683.8 158.2
4-Dec-09 2365.2 1936.5 428.7
26-Nov-09 1015.4 1273 -257.6
7-Dec-09 2303.8 1858.9 444.9
27-Nov-09 938.3 8 -361.5
8-Dec-09 1937 1939.9 -2.9
30-Nov-09 917 542.1 374.9
9-Dec-09 2873.7 1879.6 994.1
10-Dec- 1-Dec-09 786.6 627.6 159
09 2105.8 2402.7 -296.9
11-Dec- 2-Dec-09 1013.6 982 31.5
09 2554.8 2178.2 376.7
14-Dec- 3-Dec-09 613.8 778.7 -164.8
09 2167.8 1825.7 342
15-Dec- 4-Dec-09 535.2 630.9 -95.7
09 1830.1 1655.6 174.5
16-Dec- 7-Dec-09 545.7 903.7 -358
09 2295.4 2181.4 114
17-Dec- 8-Dec-09 728.9 956 -227.2
09 2215.1 2354.4 -139.3
18-Dec- 9-Dec-09 516.9 977.2 -460.3
09 2534.6 2045.5 489.1
21-Dec- 10-Dec-09 751.9 810.3 -58.4
09 2234.8 2318.2 -83.4
22-Dec- 1837.4 2095.7 -258.3 11-Dec-09 856.3 1012. -156.2

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


23-Dec- 14-Dec-09 605.5 770.9 -165.4
09 1410.8 1185.8 224.9
24-Dec- 15-Dec-09 554.1 908.1 -354.1
09 2467.5 1114 1353.5
29-Dec- 16-Dec-09 594.5 670.6 -76.2
09 1594.7 783.4 811.3
30-Dec- 17-Dec-09 707.4 734.6 -27.2
09 1776.1 1391.7 384.5
31-Dec- 18-Dec-09 578.1 630.1 -52
09 1417.2 1063.4 353.9
21-Dec-09 415.1 589.1 -174
4-Jan-10 2702.5 1868.5 834
22-Dec-09 718.8 501.7 217.1
5-Jan-10 1621.6 920 701.6
23-Dec-09 823.7 722.8 100.9
6-Jan-10 3338.3 2276.3 1061.9
24-Dec-09 713.9 569.4 144.5
7-Jan-10 3431.6 2592.5 839.1
29-Dec-09 657.3 456.4 200.9
8-Jan-10 2644.8 2342.7 302.1
30-Dec-09 607.9 573 34.8
11-Jan-10 3268.3 3117.6 150.8
31-Dec-09 869 1 -281.1
12-Jan-10 7538.6 2794.6 4744
4-Jan-10 612.3 809.7 -197.5
13-Jan-10 2893.6 3155.6 -261.9
5-Jan-10 1030.7 987.3 43.4
14-Jan-10 3622 3665.5 -43.5
6-Jan-10 654.4 5 -571.2
15-Jan-10 3602.4 3738.8 -136.4
7-Jan-10 700.3 1 -421.7
18-Jan-10 1983.6 2873.4 -889.8
8-Jan-10 948.4 1 -157.7
19-Jan-10 2619.9 2325.2 294.7
11-Jan-10 840.5 785.4 55.1
20-Jan-10 2123.7 2575.2 -451.5
12-Jan-10 608.1 871.1 -263
21-Jan-10 2711.7 2744 -32.3
13-Jan-10 581.2 975.4 -394.2
22-Jan-10 2698.6 3268.1 -569.6
14-Jan-10 1147.9 954.6 193.3
25-Jan-10 3247.2 5306.7 -2059.5
15-Jan-10 713.6 602.9 110.6
27-Jan-10 1628.7 2529.1 -900.4
18-Jan-10 506.5 621.5 -115
28-Jan-10 2957.1 4876.9 -1919.8
19-Jan-10 505.6 2 -498.6
29-Jan-10 3496.1 5659.9 -2163.8
20-Jan-10 730.2 935.8 -205.6
1-Feb-10 3940 3742.6 197.5
21-Jan-10 798.1 9 -462.8
2-Feb-10 2345.5 2394.3 -48.8

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


22-Jan-10 1162.7 1004 158.7

3-Feb-10 2810.1 2799.2 10.9
25-Jan-10 726.5 883.9 -157.5
4-Feb-10 2374.4 1888.8 485.7
27-Jan-10 1028.5 9 -176.3
5-Feb-10 1741.6 1784.1 -42.5
28-Jan-10 1937.1 824.6 1112.5
8-Feb-10 1517.8 3147.5 -1629.7
29-Jan-10 1329.6 693.4 636.2
9-Feb-10 1741.8 2548.3 -806.5
10-Feb- 1-Feb-10 595.1 562.5 32.5
10 1978.8 2374.4 -395.6
11-Feb- 2-Feb-10 417.6 664.6 -247
10 2376.8 2400.4 -23.6
15-Feb- 3-Feb-10 752.3 746.1 6.2
10 1808.9 1458 350.9
16-Feb- 4-Feb-10 561.7 857.9 -296.2
10 1628.6 1411.1 217.6
17-Feb- 5-Feb-10 672 678.8 -6.8
10 1181.3 924.3 257
18-Feb- 8-Feb-10 515.8 478.8 37.1
10 2977 1753.1 1223.9
19-Feb- 9-Feb-10 669.9 410.5 259.3
10 2048.3 2077.2 -28.9
22-Feb- 10-Feb-10 761.5 494.5 267.1
10 2135.8 1842.4 293.4
23-Feb- 11-Feb-10 480.6 479.1 1.5
10 1538.2 1498.6 39.6
24-Feb- 15-Feb-10 234.5 534.2 -299.7
10 2107.9 1364.1 743.9
25-Feb- 16-Feb-10 621.2 680.2 -59
10 2402.7 1786.9 615.8
26-Feb- 17-Feb-10 681 418.5 262.6
10 2402.1 2645.8 -243.7
18-Feb-10 445.3 578.3 -133
2-Mar-10 3678.1 2583.7 1094.4
19-Feb-10 618.5 766.6 -148.1
3-Mar-10 3812.7 2278 1534.7
22-Feb-10 488.3 399.4 88.9
4-Mar-10 2940.9 1927.6 1013.4
23-Feb-10 477.8 704.5 -226.7
5-Mar-10 2585.1 1892.9 692.2
24-Feb-10 493 739.6 -246.6
8-Mar-10 3462.5 1583.4 1879.1
25-Feb-10 1114.9 737.3 377.6
9-Mar-10 4461.3 2201.8 2259.4
10-Mar- 26-Feb-10 1035.6 1 -387.4
10 3730.1 1959.9 1770.2
11-Mar- 2-Mar-10 782.7 962.4 -179.7
10 2716.7 2298.5 418.2
12-Mar- 3-Mar-10 701.6 619.1 82.6
10 2302.9 1855.9 447
4-Mar-10 502.8 853.8 -351

5-Mar-10 593.7 1121 -527.3

8-Mar-10 796.2 995 -198.8

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


9-Mar-10 719.3 692.6 26.7

10-Mar-10 568.4 905.9 -337.6

11-Mar-10 468.6 713 -244.4

Sensex daily S&P CNX NIFTY

Closing Closing
Date price Date price
2-Jan-01 4018.88 2-Jan-01 1271.8
3-Jan-01 4060.02 3-Jan-01 1291.25
4-Jan-01 4115.37 4-Jan-01 1307.65
5-Jan-01 4183.73 5-Jan-01 1327.25
8-Jan-01 4120.43 8-Jan-01 1309.25
9-Jan-01 4125.31 9-Jan-01 1311.65
10-Jan-01 4047.64 10-Jan-01 1287.3
11-Jan-01 4027.13 11-Jan-01 1280.4
12-Jan-01 4036.58 12-Jan-01 1286.75
15-Jan-01 4046.76 15-Jan-01 1286.75
16-Jan-01 4070.73 16-Jan-01 1293.05
17-Jan-01 4083.41 17-Jan-01 1297.9
18-Jan-01 4113.21 18-Jan-01 1305.95
19-Jan-01 4194.46 19-Jan-01 1329.1
22-Jan-01 4267.11 22-Jan-01 1348

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


23-Jan-01 4296.69 23-Jan-01 1355.2

24-Jan-01 4326.42 24-Jan-01 1365.95
25-Jan-01 4330.22 25-Jan-01 1370.1
29-Jan-01 4234.57 29-Jan-01 1342.05
30-Jan-01 4372.04 30-Jan-01 1379.7
31-Jan-01 4326.72 31-Jan-01 1371.7
1-Feb-01 4286.11 1-Feb-01 1359.15
2-Feb-01 4352.26 2-Feb-01 1378.85
5-Feb-01 4370.47 5-Feb-01 1382.6
6-Feb-01 4375.29 6-Feb-01 1387.1
7-Feb-01 4312.93 7-Feb-01 1370.8
8-Feb-01 4381.19 8-Feb-01 1395.5
9-Feb-01 4397.33 9-Feb-01 1405.7
01 4406.3 12-Feb-01 1402.2
01 4363.05 13-Feb-01 1391.2
01 4363.11 14-Feb-01 1393.35
01 4437.99 15-Feb-01 1416.7
01 4330.32 16-Feb-01 1381.35
01 4350.65 19-Feb-01 1384.8
01 4359.22 20-Feb-01 1383.85
01 4302.23 21-Feb-01 1370.1
01 4262.55 22-Feb-01 1355.1
01 4122.16 23-Feb-01 1320.45
01 4112.69 26-Feb-01 1312.4
01 4069.68 27-Feb-01 1295.55
01 4247.04 28-Feb-01 1351.4
1-Mar-01 4271.65 1-Mar-01 1358.05
2-Mar-01 4095.16 2-Mar-01 1306.35
5-Mar-01 3998.12 5-Mar-01 1271.45
7-Mar-01 4046.89 7-Mar-01 1290.5
8-Mar-01 4056.94 8-Mar-01 1292.85
9-Mar-01 3881.96 9-Mar-01 1254.75
01 3767.89 12-Mar-01 1197.95
01 3540.65 13-Mar-01 1124.7
01 3725.03 14-Mar-01 1194.2
01 3819.86 15-Mar-01 1217.15

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


01 3745.74 16-Mar-01 1193.55
01 3722.49 19-Mar-01 1186.7
01 3672.4 20-Mar-01 1170.95
01 3791.07 21-Mar-01 1207.1
01 3713.97 22-Mar-01 1187.55
01 3635.28 23-Mar-01 1161.3
01 3636.32 26-Mar-01 1161.5
01 3694.82 27-Mar-01 1177.75
01 3788.21 28-Mar-01 1206.2
01 3751.56 29-Mar-01 1195.1
01 3604.38 30-Mar-01 1148.2
2-Apr-01 3566.26 2-Apr-01 1138.1
3-Apr-01 3605.01 3-Apr-01 1149.25
4-Apr-01 3565.65 4-Apr-01 1136.65
6-Apr-01 3576 6-Apr-01 1139.6
9-Apr-01 3544.08 9-Apr-01 1128.35
01 3458.39 10-Apr-01 1103.05
01 3325.46 11-Apr-01 1066.8
01 3183.77 12-Apr-01 1024.9
01 3251.62 16-Apr-01 1044.6
01 3312.29 17-Apr-01 1067
01 3438.75 18-Apr-01 1103.4
01 3574.08 19-Apr-01 1144.45
01 3583.04 20-Apr-01 1144
01 3587.01 23-Apr-01 1149.75
01 3589.99 24-Apr-01 1146.3
01 3600.83 25-Apr-01 1155.35
01 3557.19 26-Apr-01 1143.75
01 3422.76 27-Apr-01 1101.3
01 3519.16 30-Apr-01 1125.25
2-May-01 3538.42 2-May-01 1137.2

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


3-May-01 3494.48 3-May-01 1122.05

4-May-01 3514.59 4-May-01 1130.05
7-May-01 3544.81 7-May-01 1139.2
8-May-01 3580.37 8-May-01 1148.95
9-May-01 3586.58 9-May-01 1149.25
01 3568.27 10-May-01 1144.95
01 3559.77 11-May-01 1140.5
01 3568.93 14-May-01 1140.8
01 3576.96 15-May-01 1145.3
01 3592.06 16-May-01 1151.15
01 3669.76 17-May-01 1174.95
01 3655.03 18-May-01 1172.8
01 3640.1 21-May-01 1169.45
01 3640.6 22-May-01 1168.1
01 3674.54 23-May-01 1179.1
01 3683.2 24-May-01 1181.85
01 3659.81 25-May-01 1174.9
01 3720.15 28-May-01 1193.2
01 3742.07 29-May-01 1198.45
01 3662.04 30-May-01 1177.55
01 3631.91 31-May-01 1167.9
1-Jun-01 3557.64 1-Jun-01 1148.05
4-Jun-01 3498.38 4-Jun-01 1127.2
5-Jun-01 3460.04 5-Jun-01 1115.6
6-Jun-01 3457.31 6-Jun-01 1115.7
7-Jun-01 3457.24 7-Jun-01 1112.35
8-Jun-01 3495.84 8-Jun-01 1126.6
01 3509.32 11-Jun-01 1131.1
01 3498.39 12-Jun-01 1127.15
01 3501.61 13-Jun-01 1129
01 3453.77 14-Jun-01 1112.75
01 3372.94 15-Jun-01 1087.75
01 3353.11 18-Jun-01 1078.3

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


01 3410.95 19-Jun-01 1096.65
01 3406.05 20-Jun-01 1097.6
01 3405.64 21-Jun-01 1095.2
01 3381.76 22-Jun-01 1087.65
01 3318.67 25-Jun-01 1067
01 3407.32 26-Jun-01 1096.6
01 3411.64 27-Jun-01 1096.1
01 3404.86 28-Jun-01 1094
01 3456.78 29-Jun-01 1107.9
2-Jul-01 3426.03 2-Jul-01 1100.75
3-Jul-01 3312.29 3-Jul-01 1069.8
4-Jul-01 3311.88 4-Jul-01 1067.95
5-Jul-01 3317.63 5-Jul-01 1069.75
6-Jul-01 3305.78 6-Jul-01 1065.1
9-Jul-01 3290.81 9-Jul-01 1059.5
10-Jul-01 3328.27 10-Jul-01 1072.05
11-Jul-01 3376.21 11-Jul-01 1083.65
12-Jul-01 3452.75 12-Jul-01 1105.5
13-Jul-01 3453.99 13-Jul-01 1110.45
16-Jul-01 3434.83 16-Jul-01 1105.55
17-Jul-01 3431.93 17-Jul-01 1103.1
18-Jul-01 3383.41 18-Jul-01 1091.95
19-Jul-01 3370.93 19-Jul-01 1085.9
20-Jul-01 3340.75 20-Jul-01 1077.7
23-Jul-01 3330.98 23-Jul-01 1070.65
24-Jul-01 3335.08 24-Jul-01 1072.55
25-Jul-01 3301.97 25-Jul-01 1064.2
26-Jul-01 3259.03 26-Jul-01 1053.4
27-Jul-01 3251.53 27-Jul-01 1051.7
30-Jul-01 3285.89 30-Jul-01 1061.45
31-Jul-01 3329.28 31-Jul-01 1072.85
1-Aug-01 3284.17 1-Aug-01 1063.15
2-Aug-01 3298.78 2-Aug-01 1066
3-Aug-01 3325.38 3-Aug-01 1074.6
6-Aug-01 3329.95 6-Aug-01 1075.25
7-Aug-01 3319.67 7-Aug-01 1072.1
8-Aug-01 3302.32 8-Aug-01 1068
9-Aug-01 3319.61 9-Aug-01 1070.65
01 3316.21 10-Aug-01 1071.15
01 3287.62 13-Aug-01 1063

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


01 3331.89 14-Aug-01 1075.5
01 3337.91 16-Aug-01 1078.95
01 3296.71 17-Aug-01 1069.2
01 3278.92 20-Aug-01 1063.75
01 3297.43 21-Aug-01 1068.7
01 3308.79 23-Aug-01 1071.5
01 3305.51 24-Aug-01 1069.15
01 3318.32 27-Aug-01 1072.55
01 3313.07 28-Aug-01 1070.65
01 3300.62 29-Aug-01 1067.45
01 3286.87 30-Aug-01 1064.15
01 3244.95 31-Aug-01 1053.75
3-Sep-01 3227.12 3-Sep-01 1048.05
4-Sep-01 3231.6 4-Sep-01 1048.2
5-Sep-01 3228.6 5-Sep-01 1045
6-Sep-01 3202.55 6-Sep-01 1036.1
7-Sep-01 3198.4 7-Sep-01 1035.2
01 3183.63 10-Sep-01 1033.4
01 3150.4 11-Sep-01 1023.4
01 3032.71 12-Sep-01 982.2
01 2987.5 13-Sep-01 971.7
01 2830.12 14-Sep-01 919.7
01 2680.98 17-Sep-01 872.25
01 2782.47 18-Sep-01 900.2
01 2804.16 19-Sep-01 912.2
01 2761.66 20-Sep-01 898.8
01 2600.12 21-Sep-01 854.2
01 2651.78 24-Sep-01 869.05
01 2617.35 25-Sep-01 861.4
01 2667.34 26-Sep-01 873.7
01 2715.5 27-Sep-01 890

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


01 2811.6 28-Sep-01 913.85
1-Oct-01 2795.3 1-Oct-01 910.1
3-Oct-01 2754.95 3-Oct-01 899.65
4-Oct-01 2788.97 4-Oct-01 911.65
5-Oct-01 2812.9 5-Oct-01 914.6
8-Oct-01 2765.37 8-Oct-01 901.95
9-Oct-01 2794.42 9-Oct-01 912.7
01 2896.6 10-Oct-01 940.35
01 2943.69 11-Oct-01 954.9
01 2959.39 12-Oct-01 960.4
01 2976.3 15-Oct-01 963.4
01 2992.46 16-Oct-01 971.25
01 3043.85 17-Oct-01 986.25
01 2981.33 18-Oct-01 972.05
01 3016.84 19-Oct-01 976.65
01 3001.86 22-Oct-01 976.4
01 3061.91 23-Oct-01 993.2
01 3040.16 24-Oct-01 991.2
01 3022.16 25-Oct-01 983.2
01 3009.33 29-Oct-01 977.45
01 2957.45 30-Oct-01 963.1
01 2989.35 1-Nov-01 971.9
1-Nov-01 3049.8 2-Nov-01 994
2-Nov-01 3052.6 5-Nov-01 997.6
5-Nov-01 3037.01 6-Nov-01 991.05
6-Nov-01 3068.89 7-Nov-01 1001.9
7-Nov-01 3013.94 8-Nov-01 987.5
8-Nov-01 3059.97 9-Nov-01 997.7
9-Nov-01 3079.67 12-Nov-01 1004.05
01 3094.14 13-Nov-01 1010.9
01 3077.19 14-Nov-01 1005.4
01 3113.04 15-Nov-01 1015.8
01 3180.23 19-Nov-01 1035.7
01 3280.48 20-Nov-01 1068.15

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


01 3231.66 21-Nov-01 1050.2
01 3244.09 22-Nov-01 1056.35
01 3258.13 23-Nov-01 1062.45
01 3252.2 26-Nov-01 1059
01 3322.77 27-Nov-01 1080.6
01 3287.57 28-Nov-01 1076.05
01 3294.12 29-Nov-01 1070.8
01 3287.56 3-Dec-01 1067.15
3-Dec-01 3275.47 4-Dec-01 1065.4
4-Dec-01 3320.28 5-Dec-01 1077.7
5-Dec-01 3409.64 6-Dec-01 1104.55
6-Dec-01 3431.57 7-Dec-01 1110.45
7-Dec-01 3436.37 10-Dec-01 1112.3
01 3442.89 11-Dec-01 1115.25
01 3419.13 12-Dec-01 1110.2
01 3412.15 13-Dec-01 1107.65
01 3388.59 14-Dec-01 1098.75
01 3353.6 18-Dec-01 1087.85
01 3335.88 19-Dec-01 1082.3
01 3262.67 20-Dec-01 1060.75
01 3271.64 21-Dec-01 1062
01 3235.49 24-Dec-01 1050.85
01 3232.97 26-Dec-01 1048.5
01 3175.86 27-Dec-01 1034.25
01 3131.78 28-Dec-01 1020
01 3184.44 31-Dec-01 1033.8
01 3262.33 2-Jan-02 1055.3
2-Jan-02 3269.16 3-Jan-02 1060.75
3-Jan-02 3308.02 4-Jan-02 1072.25
4-Jan-02 3375.74 7-Jan-02 1096.2
7-Jan-02 3401.8 8-Jan-02 1100.15
8-Jan-02 3437.78 9-Jan-02 1109.9
9-Jan-02 3400.89 10-Jan-02 1102.8

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


10-Jan-02 3381.96 11-Jan-02 1098.2

11-Jan-02 3362.88 14-Jan-02 1088.55
14-Jan-02 3407.84 15-Jan-02 1109.8
15-Jan-02 3352.52 16-Jan-02 1094.15
16-Jan-02 3348.8 17-Jan-02 1090.3
17-Jan-02 3401.15 18-Jan-02 1109.2
18-Jan-02 3377.05 21-Jan-02 1093.15
21-Jan-02 3382.29 22-Jan-02 1091.35
22-Jan-02 3368.28 23-Jan-02 1092.85
23-Jan-02 3373.07 24-Jan-02 1089.4
24-Jan-02 3357.79 25-Jan-02 1085.3
25-Jan-02 3332.3 28-Jan-02 1080.1
28-Jan-02 3317.64 29-Jan-02 1071.35
29-Jan-02 3313.28 30-Jan-02 1071.65
30-Jan-02 3298.79 31-Jan-02 1067.45
31-Jan-02 3311.03 4-Feb-02 1081.65
4-Feb-02 3317.01 5-Feb-02 1076.9
5-Feb-02 3311.73 6-Feb-02 1074.25
6-Feb-02 3427.39 7-Feb-02 1113.1
7-Feb-02 3436.94 8-Feb-02 1110.45
8-Feb-02 3493.92 11-Feb-02 1123.75
02 3515.45 12-Feb-02 1131.55
02 3497.68 13-Feb-02 1129.5
02 3519.87 14-Feb-02 1135.1
02 3557.06 15-Feb-02 1150
02 3602.02 18-Feb-02 1159.95
02 3633.93 19-Feb-02 1172.85
02 3597.61 20-Feb-02 1158.9
02 3558.21 21-Feb-02 1145.95
02 3570.46 22-Feb-02 1149.85
02 3604.08 25-Feb-02 1163.5
02 3613.51 26-Feb-02 1165.45
02 3712.74 27-Feb-02 1189.4
02 3705.66 28-Feb-02 1189.2
02 3562.31 1-Mar-02 1142.05
1-Mar-02 3678.75 4-Mar-02 1178
4-Mar-02 3642.58 5-Mar-02 1177.35
5-Mar-02 3641.1 6-Mar-02 1178.5

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


6-Mar-02 3614.44 7-Mar-02 1172.6

7-Mar-02 3690.27 8-Mar-02 1193.05
8-Mar-02 3656.77 11-Mar-02 1187.65
02 3603.97 12-Mar-02 1167.85
02 3535.8 13-Mar-02 1150.45
02 3569.62 14-Mar-02 1157.05
02 3580.83 15-Mar-02 1159.45
02 3617.68 18-Mar-02 1169.75
02 3613.28 19-Mar-02 1169.3
02 3560.32 20-Mar-02 1152.15
02 3581.32 21-Mar-02 1155.6
02 3536.26 22-Mar-02 1144.2
02 3516.11 26-Mar-02 1138.45
02 3466.29 27-Mar-02 1123.05
02 3459.08 28-Mar-02 1123.35
02 3469.35 1-Apr-02 1129.55
1-Apr-02 3500.18 2-Apr-02 1138.95
2-Apr-02 3505.79 3-Apr-02 1136.95
3-Apr-02 3462.99 4-Apr-02 1123.5
4-Apr-02 3512.55 5-Apr-02 1145.9
5-Apr-02 3500.57 8-Apr-02 1141.95
8-Apr-02 3480.17 9-Apr-02 1135.25
9-Apr-02 3463.33 10-Apr-02 1126.7
02 3479.59 11-Apr-02 1138.5
02 3497.67 12-Apr-02 1143.6
02 3510.9 15-Apr-02 1146.5
02 3461.51 16-Apr-02 1134.15
02 3413.72 17-Apr-02 1118.75
02 3421.82 18-Apr-02 1125.1
02 3420.94 19-Apr-02 1129
02 3364.4 22-Apr-02 1100.3
02 3390.25 23-Apr-02 1104.15
23-Apr- 3403.82 24-Apr-02 1106

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


02 3411.92 25-Apr-02 1110.6
02 3359.64 26-Apr-02 1094.3
02 3371.7 2-May-02 1084.5
2-May-02 3372.56 3-May-02 1093.3
3-May-02 3380.61 6-May-02 1096.95
6-May-02 3384.35 7-May-02 1100.95
7-May-02 3423.75 8-May-02 1110.7
8-May-02 3435.06 9-May-02 1117.6
9-May-02 3462.01 10-May-02 1127.6
02 3431.32 13-May-02 1116.4
02 3442.49 14-May-02 1119.65
02 3420.33 15-May-02 1115.1
02 3395.59 16-May-02 1107.8
02 3355.61 17-May-02 1092.8
02 3333.76 20-May-02 1090.65
02 3282.81 21-May-02 1074.35
02 3186.53 22-May-02 1049.2
02 3175.49 23-May-02 1045.3
02 3114.05 24-May-02 1026.75
02 3255.62 27-May-02 1067
02 3243.41 28-May-02 1062.7
02 3146.83 29-May-02 1038.2
02 3160.24 30-May-02 1041.65
02 3135.89 31-May-02 1032.15
02 3125.73 3-Jun-02 1028.8
3-Jun-02 3161.09 4-Jun-02 1039.75
4-Jun-02 3191.6 5-Jun-02 1045.4
5-Jun-02 3255.52 6-Jun-02 1064.2
6-Jun-02 3259.31 7-Jun-02 1064.35
7-Jun-02 3217.76 10-Jun-02 1048.8
02 3279.49 11-Jun-02 1069.9
02 3362.42 12-Jun-02 1097.05
12-Jun- 3344.41 13-Jun-02 1092.8

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


02 3311.16 14-Jun-02 1082.85
02 3312.07 17-Jun-02 1085.7
02 3323.5 18-Jun-02 1088.9
02 3284.54 19-Jun-02 1074.95
02 3242.26 20-Jun-02 1062.9
02 3264.02 21-Jun-02 1070.05
02 3242.75 24-Jun-02 1062.55
02 3231.62 25-Jun-02 1061.85
02 3214.34 26-Jun-02 1055.4
02 3180.89 27-Jun-02 1044.2
02 3217.15 28-Jun-02 1048.55
02 3244.7 1-Jul-02 1057.8
1-Jul-02 3288.71 2-Jul-02 1068.95
2-Jul-02 3285.04 3-Jul-02 1068.05
3-Jul-02 3310.19 4-Jul-02 1069.9
4-Jul-02 3316.77 5-Jul-02 1070.55
5-Jul-02 3330.61 8-Jul-02 1073.8
8-Jul-02 3357.66 9-Jul-02 1082.05
9-Jul-02 3358.58 10-Jul-02 1080.3
10-Jul-02 3332.36 11-Jul-02 1071.7
11-Jul-02 3290.56 12-Jul-02 1056.6
12-Jul-02 3305.83 15-Jul-02 1058.25
15-Jul-02 3278.71 16-Jul-02 1048
16-Jul-02 3229.18 17-Jul-02 1035.95
17-Jul-02 3216.07 18-Jul-02 1032.55
18-Jul-02 3245.74 19-Jul-02 1041.3
19-Jul-02 3230.27 22-Jul-02 1035.9
22-Jul-02 3153.34 23-Jul-02 1012
23-Jul-02 3176.93 24-Jul-02 1021.9
24-Jul-02 3107.48 25-Jul-02 1004.05
25-Jul-02 3094.96 26-Jul-02 1001.55
26-Jul-02 3024.35 29-Jul-02 973.5
29-Jul-02 3030.06 30-Jul-02 971.65
30-Jul-02 2990.91 31-Jul-02 960.65
31-Jul-02 2987.65 1-Aug-02 958.9
1-Aug-02 2975.81 2-Aug-02 957.7
2-Aug-02 2985.01 5-Aug-02 954.75
5-Aug-02 3011.35 6-Aug-02 963.25

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


6-Aug-02 3023.26 7-Aug-02 966.65

7-Aug-02 3009.48 8-Aug-02 969.1
8-Aug-02 2950.09 9-Aug-02 953.55
9-Aug-02 2976.34 12-Aug-02 969.85
02 3007.85 13-Aug-02 976.05
02 3036.4 14-Aug-02 969.65
02 3020.7 16-Aug-02 979.25
02 3065.9 19-Aug-02 979.85
02 3064.04 20-Aug-02 988.55
02 3089.58 21-Aug-02 988.45
02 3084.38 22-Aug-02 985.7
02 3080.7 23-Aug-02 995.2
02 3119.18 26-Aug-02 998.85
02 3123.6 27-Aug-02 987.7
02 3097.85 28-Aug-02 985.7
02 3099.38 29-Aug-02 987.25
02 3114.16 30-Aug-02 1010.6
02 3181.23 2-Sep-02 1013.5
2-Sep-02 3187.26 3-Sep-02 1001.1
3-Sep-02 3159.77 4-Sep-02 1006.95
4-Sep-02 3173.35 5-Sep-02 1008.6
5-Sep-02 3181.47 6-Sep-02 995.2
6-Sep-02 3141.11 9-Sep-02 998.55
9-Sep-02 3089.47 11-Sep-02 998.85
02 3125.66 12-Sep-02 1001.65
02 3131.34 13-Sep-02 992
02 3098.94 16-Sep-02 985.75
02 3076.01 17-Sep-02 994.9
02 3103.9 18-Sep-02 983.6
02 3069.78 19-Sep-02 976.05
02 3040.3 20-Sep-02 969.6
02 3024.35 23-Sep-02 970.3
23-Sep- 3021.28 24-Sep-02 966.2

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


02 3022.25 25-Sep-02 970.05
02 3021.08 26-Sep-02 969.9
02 3014.69 27-Sep-02 976.45
02 3037.26 30-Sep-02 963.15
02 2991.36 1-Oct-02 955.2
1-Oct-02 2959.66 3-Oct-02 948.2
3-Oct-02 2938.06 4-Oct-02 948.2
4-Oct-02 2930.51 7-Oct-02 954.75
7-Oct-02 2952.78 8-Oct-02 960.8
8-Oct-02 2973.35 9-Oct-02 954.75
9-Oct-02 2956.89 10-Oct-02 958.45
02 2969.49 11-Oct-02 971.05
02 2995.77 14-Oct-02 972.45
02 3003.39 16-Oct-02 973.6
02 2994.99 17-Oct-02 973.3
02 3006.14 18-Oct-02 971.65
02 3009.76 21-Oct-02 967.35
02 2998.01 22-Oct-02 962.5
02 2965.97 23-Oct-02 957.35
02 2948.96 24-Oct-02 946.9
02 2908.05 25-Oct-02 932.2
02 2875.53 28-Oct-02 922.7
02 2834.41 29-Oct-02 936.9
02 2885.23 30-Oct-02 937.75
02 2888.59 31-Oct-02 951.4
02 2949.32 1-Nov-02 951.45
1-Nov-02 2950.58 4-Nov-02 962.1
4-Nov-02 2987.58 5-Nov-02 962.3
5-Nov-02 2982.39 7-Nov-02 960.7
7-Nov-02 2975.26 8-Nov-02 956.95
8-Nov-02 2956.84 11-Nov-02 954.05
02 2948.04 12-Nov-02 959.85
12-Nov- 2961.24 13-Nov-02 962.65

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


02 2960.66 14-Nov-02 971.9
02 2986.56 15-Nov-02 990.35
02 3033.91 18-Nov-02 996.85
02 3057.16 20-Nov-02 1001.6
02 3075.48 21-Nov-02 1008.75
02 3101.36 22-Nov-02 1020.15
02 3141.61 25-Nov-02 1026.2
02 3175.56 26-Nov-02 1036.15
02 3187.76 27-Nov-02 1031.1
02 3174.11 28-Nov-02 1049.7
02 3220.75 29-Nov-02 1049.7
02 3228.82 2-Dec-02 1067.9
2-Dec-02 3270.36 3-Dec-02 1055
3-Dec-02 3230.14 4-Dec-02 1036.4
4-Dec-02 3207.36 5-Dec-02 1045.95
5-Dec-02 3229.73 6-Dec-02 1069.8
6-Dec-02 3306.29 9-Dec-02 1058.65
9-Dec-02 3269.31 10-Dec-02 1063.7
02 3289.68 11-Dec-02 1069.75
02 3303.27 12-Dec-02 1077
02 3324.48 13-Dec-02 1086.2
02 3342.97 16-Dec-02 1078.45
02 3328.39 17-Dec-02 1073.25
02 3311.06 18-Dec-02 1077.95
02 3333.31 19-Dec-02 1076
02 3333.86 20-Dec-02 1079.3
02 3337.22 23-Dec-02 1076
02 3329.61 24-Dec-02 1085
02 3352.77 26-Dec-02 1094.8
02 3382.64 27-Dec-02 1098.4
27-Dec- 3398 30-Dec-02 1091.95

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


02 3374.97 31-Dec-02 1093.5
02 3377.28 2-Jan-03 1093.05
2-Jan-03 3365.06 3-Jan-03 1089.6
3-Jan-03 3357.54 6-Jan-03 1084.35
6-Jan-03 3334.89 7-Jan-03 1081.8
7-Jan-03 3330.5 8-Jan-03 1089.35
8-Jan-03 3357.87 9-Jan-03 1097.35
9-Jan-03 3384.2 10-Jan-03 1080.25
10-Jan-03 3358.99 13-Jan-03 1073.75
13-Jan-03 3327.16 14-Jan-03 1078.95
14-Jan-03 3335.35 15-Jan-03 1085
15-Jan-03 3357.69 16-Jan-03 1088.35
16-Jan-03 3373.52 17-Jan-03 1086.5
17-Jan-03 3370.39 20-Jan-03 1076.35
20-Jan-03 3341.89 21-Jan-03 1077.9
21-Jan-03 3354.14 22-Jan-03 1082.9
22-Jan-03 3357.04 23-Jan-03 1070.9
23-Jan-03 3328.18 24-Jan-03 1056.05
24-Jan-03 3287.86 27-Jan-03 1037.65
27-Jan-03 3247.71 28-Jan-03 1046.2
28-Jan-03 3267.84 29-Jan-03 1037.2
29-Jan-03 3238.02 30-Jan-03 1034.6
30-Jan-03 3219.88 31-Jan-03 1041.85
31-Jan-03 3250.38 3-Feb-03 1055.3
3-Feb-03 3279.83 4-Feb-03 1054.8
4-Feb-03 3278.13 5-Feb-03 1047.4
5-Feb-03 3256.08 6-Feb-03 1063.6
6-Feb-03 3305.44 7-Feb-03 1057.5
7-Feb-03 3279.77 10-Feb-03 1048.6
03 3256.86 11-Feb-03 1048
03 3261.47 12-Feb-03 1044.45
03 3247.51 14-Feb-03 1036
03 3223.41 17-Feb-03 1058.2
03 3282.45 18-Feb-03 1059.3
03 3289.09 19-Feb-03 1064.3
03 3302.04 20-Feb-03 1065.6
03 3303.22 21-Feb-03 1066.15
03 3307.2 24-Feb-03 1070.15
24-Feb- 3322.17 25-Feb-03 1055.55

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


03 3281.92 26-Feb-03 1049.65
03 3260.48 27-Feb-03 1052.95
03 3277.34 28-Feb-03 1063.4
03 3283.66 3-Mar-03 1058.85
3-Mar-03 3277.27 4-Mar-03 1046.6
4-Mar-03 3244.8 5-Mar-03 1040.7
5-Mar-03 3226.1 6-Mar-03 1031.25
6-Mar-03 3190.35 7-Mar-03 1017.1
7-Mar-03 3153.06 10-Mar-03 1006.7
03 3125.88 11-Mar-03 1014.55
03 3154.91 12-Mar-03 1001.7
03 3110.08 13-Mar-03 999.65
03 3108.24 17-Mar-03 993
03 3084.91 19-Mar-03 1003.9
03 3121.18 20-Mar-03 1025.25
03 3192.93 21-Mar-03 1025.25
03 3200.15 24-Mar-03 1013.9
03 3140.36 25-Mar-03 1011.3
03 3140.42 26-Mar-03 1013.85
03 3143.58 27-Mar-03 1002.7
03 3116.79 28-Mar-03 1000.6
03 3115.44 31-Mar-03 978.2
03 3048.72 1-Apr-03 984.3
1-Apr-03 3080.95 2-Apr-03 999.4
2-Apr-03 3116.99 3-Apr-03 1009.15
3-Apr-03 3151.16 4-Apr-03 1016.95
4-Apr-03 3167.7 7-Apr-03 1031.5
7-Apr-03 3215.24 8-Apr-03 1018.1
8-Apr-03 3174.86 9-Apr-03 1004.85
9-Apr-03 3141.25 10-Apr-03 962.2
03 3035.33 11-Apr-03 949.8
03 2997.87 15-Apr-03 951.2
03 2997.38 16-Apr-03 958.65

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


03 3032.32 17-Apr-03 940.7
03 2984.5 21-Apr-03 947.2
03 2996.97 22-Apr-03 943.5
03 2985.54 23-Apr-03 934.2
03 2947.33 24-Apr-03 929.7
03 2937.23 25-Apr-03 924.3
03 2924.03 28-Apr-03 929.5
03 2936.71 29-Apr-03 932.3
03 2950.14 30-Apr-03 934.05
03 2959.79 2-May-03 938.3
2-May-03 2966.63 5-May-03 945.4
5-May-03 2975.47 6-May-03 951.85
6-May-03 2993 7-May-03 950.15
7-May-03 2980.74 8-May-03 941.55
8-May-03 2961.6 9-May-03 937.85
9-May-03 2950 12-May-03 936
03 2942.78 13-May-03 944.2
03 2960.62 14-May-03 952.15
03 2993.94 15-May-03 959.85
03 3012.97 16-May-03 973.1
03 3056.58 19-May-03 966.55
03 3043.89 20-May-03 971.55
03 3062.92 21-May-03 968
03 3057.09 22-May-03 963.25
03 3040.79 23-May-03 967.9
03 3049.84 26-May-03 982.45
03 3096.69 27-May-03 976.85
03 3081.94 28-May-03 990.8
03 3130.46 30-May-03 1006.8
03 3180.75 2-Jun-03 1015.15
2-Jun-03 3206.38 3-Jun-03 1010.65
3-Jun-03 3181.97 4-Jun-03 1021.05

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


4-Jun-03 3216.49 5-Jun-03 1035.05

5-Jun-03 3262.2 6-Jun-03 1046.4
6-Jun-03 3303.24 9-Jun-03 1052.1
9-Jun-03 3337.31 10-Jun-03 1037.8
03 3289.55 11-Jun-03 1044.1
03 3314.6 12-Jun-03 1051.3
03 3337.3 13-Jun-03 1056.2
03 3354.14 16-Jun-03 1051.8
03 3336.64 17-Jun-03 1081.95
03 3431.03 18-Jun-03 1086.75
03 3430.96 19-Jun-03 1092.55
03 3454.6 20-Jun-03 1100.25
03 3499.5 23-Jun-03 1089.2
03 3461.38 24-Jun-03 1085.35
03 3447.45 25-Jun-03 1106.65
03 3517.27 26-Jun-03 1116.35
03 3552.4 27-Jun-03 1125.55
03 3583.06 30-Jun-03 1134.15
03 3607.13 1-Jul-03 1130.7
1-Jul-03 3604.43 2-Jul-03 1133.8
2-Jul-03 3601.39 3-Jul-03 1144.65
3-Jul-03 3639.89 4-Jul-03 1138.45
4-Jul-03 3622.34 7-Jul-03 1140.55
7-Jul-03 3612.53 8-Jul-03 1145.9
8-Jul-03 3629.68 9-Jul-03 1141.05
9-Jul-03 3620.79 10-Jul-03 1162.35
10-Jul-03 3679.63 11-Jul-03 1161.65
11-Jul-03 3676.26 14-Jul-03 1171.5
14-Jul-03 3720.75 15-Jul-03 1159.85
15-Jul-03 3686.34 16-Jul-03 1168.75
16-Jul-03 3721.65 17-Jul-03 1152
17-Jul-03 3668.91 18-Jul-03 1140
18-Jul-03 3647.58 21-Jul-03 1115.8
21-Jul-03 3569.58 22-Jul-03 1109.2
22-Jul-03 3554.13 23-Jul-03 1119.05
23-Jul-03 3577.89 24-Jul-03 1139.45
24-Jul-03 3668.07 25-Jul-03 1162.75

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


25-Jul-03 3726.46 28-Jul-03 1169.2

28-Jul-03 3739.76 29-Jul-03 1174.75
29-Jul-03 3764.44 30-Jul-03 1183
30-Jul-03 3780.42 31-Jul-03 1185.85
31-Jul-03 3792.61 1-Aug-03 1195.75
1-Aug-03 3815.31 4-Aug-03 1203.6
4-Aug-03 3832.5 5-Aug-03 1184.45
5-Aug-03 3765.82 6-Aug-03 1171.05
6-Aug-03 3741.66 7-Aug-03 1196.95
7-Aug-03 3806.83 8-Aug-03 1222.65
8-Aug-03 3883.76 11-Aug-03 1232.85
03 3893.41 12-Aug-03 1234.75
03 3889.41 13-Aug-03 1246.9
03 3926.07 14-Aug-03 1247.75
03 3921.2 18-Aug-03 1281.4
03 3977.73 19-Aug-03 1277.7
03 4006.91 20-Aug-03 1287.4
03 4056.6 21-Aug-03 1300.95
03 4095.39 22-Aug-03 1311.15
03 4125.12 25-Aug-03 1271.1
03 4004.63 26-Aug-03 1318.2
03 4152.29 27-Aug-03 1340.3
03 4205.56 28-Aug-03 1341.05
03 4212.29 29-Aug-03 1356.55
03 4244.73 1-Sep-03 1375.95
1-Sep-03 4324.76 2-Sep-03 1385.45
2-Sep-03 4339.2 3-Sep-03 1359.35
3-Sep-03 4257.94 4-Sep-03 1372.7
4-Sep-03 4310.51 5-Sep-03 1398.4
5-Sep-03 4369.17 8-Sep-03 1417.35
8-Sep-03 4434.25 9-Sep-03 1407.05
9-Sep-03 4425.2 10-Sep-03 1409.55
03 4434.26 11-Sep-03 1403.15
03 4393.13 12-Sep-03 1372.1
03 4305.91 15-Sep-03 1329.25
15-Sep- 4193.83 16-Sep-03 1357.95

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


03 4274.75 17-Sep-03 1341.6
03 4235.35 18-Sep-03 1302.35
03 4134.15 19-Sep-03 1322.15
03 4217.12 22-Sep-03 1302.9
03 4151.72 23-Sep-03 1328.2
03 4231.69 24-Sep-03 1372.05
03 4356.39 25-Sep-03 1357.2
03 4297.15 26-Sep-03 1386.95
03 4382.57 29-Sep-03 1399.95
03 4402.05 30-Sep-03 1417.1
03 4453.24 1-Oct-03 1420.85
1-Oct-03 4455.08 3-Oct-03 1449.3
3-Oct-03 4552.92 6-Oct-03 1478.9
6-Oct-03 4631.39 7-Oct-03 1477.85
7-Oct-03 4632.94 8-Oct-03 1478.6
8-Oct-03 4634.86 9-Oct-03 1502.1
9-Oct-03 4698.68 10-Oct-03 1523.1
03 4768.9 13-Oct-03 1546.75
03 4849.27 14-Oct-03 1520.8
03 4782.03 15-Oct-03 1537
03 4855.26 16-Oct-03 1555.7
03 4887.32 17-Oct-03 1569.45
03 4930.53 20-Oct-03 1542.7
03 4851.67 21-Oct-03 1506.5
03 4755.72 22-Oct-03 1494.1
03 4741.2 23-Oct-03 1470.45
03 4648.41 24-Oct-03 1470.45
03 4757.37 27-Oct-03 1485.3
03 4698.28 28-Oct-03 1481.75
03 4707.8 29-Oct-03 1498.45
29-Oct- 4744.1 30-Oct-03 1516.85

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


03 4780.52 31-Oct-03 1555.9
03 4906.87 3-Nov-03 1601.65
3-Nov-03 5063.03 4-Nov-03 1618.7
4-Nov-03 5097.84 5-Nov-03 1609.15
5-Nov-03 5064.91 6-Nov-03 1612.2
6-Nov-03 5047.54 7-Nov-03 1592.05
7-Nov-03 4971.57 10-Nov-03 1594.5
03 4998.57 11-Nov-03 1601.15
03 5030.64 12-Nov-03 1603.8
03 5005.77 13-Nov-03 1579.95
03 4949.16 14-Nov-03 1579.95
03 4865.83 17-Nov-03 1579.9
03 4940.23 18-Nov-03 1564.4
03 4891.13 19-Nov-03 1540.6
03 4823.73 20-Nov-03 1522.3
03 4771.23 21-Nov-03 1540.7
03 4838.54 24-Nov-03 1543.9
03 4822.15 25-Nov-03 1568.65
03 4894.59 27-Nov-03 1598.35
03 4989.04 28-Nov-03 1615.25
03 5044.82 1-Dec-03 1657.65
1-Dec-03 5160.85 2-Dec-03 1658.5
2-Dec-03 5186.08 3-Dec-03 1670.5
3-Dec-03 5221.9 4-Dec-03 1675.2
4-Dec-03 5225.9 5-Dec-03 1645.8
5-Dec-03 5131.72 8-Dec-03 1646.25
8-Dec-03 5131.54 9-Dec-03 1675.85
9-Dec-03 5229.34 10-Dec-03 1686.9
03 5285.54 11-Dec-03 1695.4
03 5299.96 12-Dec-03 1698.9
03 5315.81 15-Dec-03 1723.95
03 5390.88 16-Dec-03 1736.25
03 5437.05 17-Dec-03 1733.25

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


03 5418.23 18-Dec-03 1756.1
03 5455 19-Dec-03 1778.55
03 5541.35 22-Dec-03 1789.15
03 5577.96 23-Dec-03 1780.3
03 5564.33 24-Dec-03 1808.7
03 5641.92 26-Dec-03 1837.05
03 5699.24 29-Dec-03 1874.05
03 5797.33 30-Dec-03 1873.25
03 5791.85 31-Dec-03 1879.75
03 5838.96 2-Jan-04 1946.05
2-Jan-04 6026.59 5-Jan-04 1955
5-Jan-04 6039 6-Jan-04 1926.7
6-Jan-04 5943.64 7-Jan-04 1916.75
7-Jan-04 5957.02 8-Jan-04 1968.55
8-Jan-04 6108.54 9-Jan-04 1971.9
9-Jan-04 6119.59 12-Jan-04 1945.6
12-Jan-04 6067.76 13-Jan-04 1963.6
13-Jan-04 6132.97 14-Jan-04 1982.15
14-Jan-04 6194.11 15-Jan-04 1944.45
15-Jan-04 6063.91 16-Jan-04 1900.65
16-Jan-04 5946.19 19-Jan-04 1935.35
19-Jan-04 6064.1 20-Jan-04 1893.25
20-Jan-04 5922.11 21-Jan-04 1824.6
21-Jan-04 5758.19 22-Jan-04 1770.5
22-Jan-04 5593.74 23-Jan-04 1847.55
23-Jan-04 5816.64 27-Jan-04 1904.7
27-Jan-04 5993.06 28-Jan-04 1863.1
28-Jan-04 5876.05 29-Jan-04 1843.6
29-Jan-04 5802.75 30-Jan-04 1809.75
30-Jan-04 5695.67 3-Feb-04 1769
3-Feb-04 5620.98 4-Feb-04 1822.2
4-Feb-04 5756.76 5-Feb-04 1804.5
5-Feb-04 5720.63 6-Feb-04 1833.65
6-Feb-04 5786.35 9-Feb-04 1880.7
9-Feb-04 5926.22 10-Feb-04 1880.75
04 5932.52 11-Feb-04 1891.5
04 5949.78 12-Feb-04 1885.3
04 5936.96 13-Feb-04 1913.6

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


04 6011.66 16-Feb-04 1913.55
04 6012.35 17-Feb-04 1920.1
04 6035.8 18-Feb-04 1916.45
04 6027.02 19-Feb-04 1858.3
04 5855.1 20-Feb-04 1852.65
04 5850.72 23-Feb-04 1808.2
04 5698.04 24-Feb-04 1821.35
04 5734.44 25-Feb-04 1786.8
04 5618.15 26-Feb-04 1765.8
04 5567.12 27-Feb-04 1800.3
04 5667.51 1-Mar-04 1852.7
1-Mar-04 5823.17 3-Mar-04 1860.4
3-Mar-04 5842.2 4-Mar-04 1843.85
4-Mar-04 5815.87 5-Mar-04 1867.7
5-Mar-04 5880.35 8-Mar-04 1885.25
8-Mar-04 5935.19 9-Mar-04 1866.05
9-Mar-04 5850.61 10-Mar-04 1844.35
04 5759.29 11-Mar-04 1805.4
04 5649.86 12-Mar-04 1812.2
04 5700.4 15-Mar-04 1763.4
04 5520.66 16-Mar-04 1749.35
04 5525.09 17-Mar-04 1749.85
04 5535.69 18-Mar-04 1716.65
04 5414.94 19-Mar-04 1725.1
04 5443.44 22-Mar-04 1685
04 5365.4 23-Mar-04 1696.4
04 5400.99 24-Mar-04 1692.1
04 5395.28 25-Mar-04 1704.45
04 5414.44 26-Mar-04 1747.5
04 5528.94 29-Mar-04 1762.05
04 5571.37 30-Mar-04 1750.15

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


04 5520.44 31-Mar-04 1771.9
04 5590.6 1-Apr-04 1819.65
1-Apr-04 5740.85 2-Apr-04 1841.1
2-Apr-04 5788.08 5-Apr-04 1856.6
5-Apr-04 5838.02 6-Apr-04 1851.15
6-Apr-04 5822.42 7-Apr-04 1848.7
7-Apr-04 5815.13 8-Apr-04 1853.55
8-Apr-04 5838.45 12-Apr-04 1838.2
04 5783.79 13-Apr-04 1878.45
04 5904.52 15-Apr-04 1861.95
04 5843.97 16-Apr-04 1861.95
04 5862.82 19-Apr-04 1844.05
04 5800.54 20-Apr-04 1844.25
04 5804.81 21-Apr-04 1873.35
04 5876.42 22-Apr-04 1889.55
04 5924.18 23-Apr-04 1892.45
04 5925.58 27-Apr-04 1817.25
04 5712.28 28-Apr-04 1816.55
04 5713.09 29-Apr-04 1808.95
04 5668.43 30-Apr-04 1796.1
04 5655.09 3-May-04 1766.7
3-May-04 5584.99 4-May-04 1793.1
4-May-04 5647.15 5-May-04 1809.9
5-May-04 5686.19 6-May-04 1832.8
6-May-04 5757.3 7-May-04 1804.45
7-May-04 5669.58 10-May-04 1769.1
04 5555.84 11-May-04 1699.45
04 5325.9 12-May-04 1711.1
04 5358.35 13-May-04 1717.5
04 5399.47 14-May-04 1582.4
04 5069.87 17-May-04 1388.75
04 4505.16 18-May-04 1503.95
04 4877.02 19-May-04 1567.85

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


04 5006.1 20-May-04 1543.85
04 4932.11 21-May-04 1560.2
04 4961.57 24-May-04 1608.85
04 5123.23 25-May-04 1606.7
04 5102.22 26-May-04 1598.8
04 5081.95 27-May-04 1586.4
04 5058.55 28-May-04 1508.75
04 4835.39 31-May-04 1483.6
04 4759.62 1-Jun-04 1507.9
1-Jun-04 4835.12 2-Jun-04 1535.2
2-Jun-04 4923.69 3-Jun-04 1495.1
3-Jun-04 4817.99 4-Jun-04 1521.1
4-Jun-04 4889 7-Jun-04 1542.55
7-Jun-04 4938.15 8-Jun-04 1550.55
8-Jun-04 4962.63 9-Jun-04 1548.3
9-Jun-04 4963.75 10-Jun-04 1544.75
04 4944.64 11-Jun-04 1508.45
04 4832.71 14-Jun-04 1481.35
04 4746.01 15-Jun-04 1501
04 4814.85 16-Jun-04 1494.75
04 4788.8 17-Jun-04 1512.05
04 4839.88 18-Jun-04 1491.2
04 4769.99 21-Jun-04 1482
04 4738.62 22-Jun-04 1474.7
04 4735.86 23-Jun-04 1446.1
04 4644 24-Jun-04 1470.75
04 4708.55 25-Jun-04 1488.5
04 4756.39 28-Jun-04 1514.35
04 4837.6 29-Jun-04 1518.3
04 4841.38 30-Jun-04 1505.6
04 4795.46 1-Jul-04 1537.2
1-Jul-04 4874.05 2-Jul-04 1537.5

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


2-Jul-04 4870.58 5-Jul-04 1526.85

5-Jul-04 4843.77 6-Jul-04 1558.25
6-Jul-04 4928.59 7-Jul-04 1558.25
7-Jul-04 4955.97 8-Jul-04 1518.15
8-Jul-04 4843.84 9-Jul-04 1553.2
9-Jul-04 4945.48 12-Jul-04 1556.95
12-Jul-04 4944.54 13-Jul-04 1539.3
13-Jul-04 4898.99 14-Jul-04 1522.75
14-Jul-04 4848.3 15-Jul-04 1539.4
15-Jul-04 4888.19 16-Jul-04 1558.8
16-Jul-04 4951.17 19-Jul-04 1571.6
19-Jul-04 4975.4 20-Jul-04 1566.1
20-Jul-04 4957.88 21-Jul-04 1581.4
21-Jul-04 4993.76 22-Jul-04 1598.1
22-Jul-04 5054.29 23-Jul-04 1601.6
23-Jul-04 5073.34 26-Jul-04 1618
26-Jul-04 5118.17 27-Jul-04 1618
27-Jul-04 5075.88 28-Jul-04 1594.15
28-Jul-04 5070.29 29-Jul-04 1618.7
29-Jul-04 5120.45 30-Jul-04 1632.3
30-Jul-04 5170.32 2-Aug-04 1639.05
2-Aug-04 5202.53 3-Aug-04 1630.6
3-Aug-04 5194.63 4-Aug-04 1626.55
4-Aug-04 5169.07 5-Aug-04 1654.95
5-Aug-04 5252.78 6-Aug-04 1633.4
6-Aug-04 5196.99 9-Aug-04 1642.6
9-Aug-04 5233.21 10-Aug-04 1652.15
04 5252.05 11-Aug-04 1621.6
04 5175.16 12-Aug-04 1621.6
04 5139.77 13-Aug-04 1598.2
04 5102.92 16-Aug-04 1599.15
04 5102.37 17-Aug-04 1604.35
04 5102.94 18-Aug-04 1581.8
04 5038.28 19-Aug-04 1609.2
04 5123.65 20-Aug-04 1590.35
04 5064.66 23-Aug-04 1578.2
04 5033.69 24-Aug-04 1591.6
04 5067.39 25-Aug-04 1595.7
04 5088.56 26-Aug-04 1610.75

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


04 5135.45 27-Aug-04 1609
04 5117.01 30-Aug-04 1628.45
04 5186.45 31-Aug-04 1631.75
04 5192.08 1-Sep-04 1635.45
1-Sep-04 5210.85 2-Sep-04 1629.3
2-Sep-04 5198.72 3-Sep-04 1634.1
3-Sep-04 5218.46 6-Sep-04 1644
6-Sep-04 5246.23 7-Sep-04 1650.15
7-Sep-04 5264.67 8-Sep-04 1656.25
8-Sep-04 5298.16 9-Sep-04 1649
9-Sep-04 5298.23 10-Sep-04 1649
04 5370.05 13-Sep-04 1675.2
04 5397.46 14-Sep-04 1685.55
04 5428.77 15-Sep-04 1683.2
04 5420.09 16-Sep-04 1705.7
04 5477.68 17-Sep-04 1733.65
04 5561.15 20-Sep-04 1728.8
04 5545.82 21-Sep-04 1750.2
04 5605.93 22-Sep-04 1753.9
04 5616.87 23-Sep-04 1726.15
04 5539.48 24-Sep-04 1722.5
04 5527.75 27-Sep-04 1717.5
04 5511.81 28-Sep-04 1700.25
04 5462.61 29-Sep-04 1727.95
04 5527.56 30-Sep-04 1745.5
04 5583.61 1-Oct-04 1775.15
1-Oct-04 5675.54 4-Oct-04 1805.65
4-Oct-04 5766.3 5-Oct-04 1812.45
5-Oct-04 5758.67 6-Oct-04 1794.9
6-Oct-04 5713.75 7-Oct-04 1815.7
7-Oct-04 5773.66 8-Oct-04 1815.7
8-Oct-04 5776.85 11-Oct-04 1807.75
04 5717.54 12-Oct-04 1786.9
04 5676.73 14-Oct-04 1794.75

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


04 5713.1 15-Oct-04 1794.75
04 5686.73 18-Oct-04 1786
04 5679.83 19-Oct-04 1808.4
04 5738.11 20-Oct-04 1790.05
04 5673.02 21-Oct-04 1779.75
04 5641.06 25-Oct-04 1757.25
04 5581.49 26-Oct-04 1781.05
04 5651.09 27-Oct-04 1783.85
04 5662.87 28-Oct-04 1800.1
04 5715.62 29-Oct-04 1800.1
04 5672.27 1-Nov-04 1797.75
1-Nov-04 5704.1 2-Nov-04 1813.7
2-Nov-04 5754.76 3-Nov-04 1837.4
3-Nov-04 5842.54 4-Nov-04 1834.85
4-Nov-04 5832.88 5-Nov-04 1852.3
5-Nov-04 5891.36 8-Nov-04 1862.8
8-Nov-04 5930.47 9-Nov-04 1858.75
9-Nov-04 5929.6 10-Nov-04 1876.1
04 5973.75 11-Nov-04 1870.55
04 5954.31 12-Nov-04 1872.95
04 5964.01 16-Nov-04 1879
04 5996.7 17-Nov-04 1888.65
04 6016.58 18-Nov-04 1892.05
04 6025.47 19-Nov-04 1892.05
04 5961.71 22-Nov-04 1873.35
04 5963.8 23-Nov-04 1892.6
04 6009.86 24-Nov-04 1904.05
04 6035.95 25-Nov-04 1901.05
04 6035.03 29-Nov-04 1939.65
04 6157.77 30-Nov-04 1958.8
04 6234.29 1-Dec-04 1962.05
1-Dec-04 6227.83 2-Dec-04 1999

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


2-Dec-04 6328.43 3-Dec-04 1996.2

3-Dec-04 6322.76 6-Dec-04 1993.15
6-Dec-04 6322.5 7-Dec-04 1992.7
7-Dec-04 6316.28 8-Dec-04 1977.95
8-Dec-04 6261.52 9-Dec-04 1989.95
9-Dec-04 6304.27 10-Dec-04 1969
04 6233.54 13-Dec-04 1969
04 6268.72 14-Dec-04 2006.8
04 6325.53 15-Dec-04 2028.7
04 6402.29 16-Dec-04 2033.2
04 6420.38 17-Dec-04 2012.1
04 6346.48 20-Dec-04 2026.85
04 6403 21-Dec-04 2044.65
04 6451.3 22-Dec-04 2035.35
04 6413.66 23-Dec-04 2045.15
04 6441.85 24-Dec-04 2062.7
04 6498.06 27-Dec-04 2062.6
04 6513.03 28-Dec-04 2062.6
04 6563.48 29-Dec-04 2069.6
04 6567.94 30-Dec-04 2059.8
04 6522.54 31-Dec-04 2080.5
04 6602.69 3-Jan-05 2115
3-Jan-05 6679.2 4-Jan-05 2103.75
4-Jan-05 6651.01 5-Jan-05 2032.2
5-Jan-05 6458.84 6-Jan-05 1998.35
6-Jan-05 6367.39 7-Jan-05 2015.5
7-Jan-05 6420.46 10-Jan-05 1982
10-Jan-05 6308.54 11-Jan-05 1952.05
11-Jan-05 6222.87 12-Jan-05 1913.6
12-Jan-05 6102.74 13-Jan-05 1954.55
13-Jan-05 6221.06 14-Jan-05 1931.1
14-Jan-05 6173.82 17-Jan-05 1932.9
17-Jan-05 6194.07 18-Jan-05 1934.05
18-Jan-05 6192.35 19-Jan-05 1926.65
19-Jan-05 6173.32 20-Jan-05 1925.3
20-Jan-05 6183.24 24-Jan-05 1925.3
24-Jan-05 6106.43 25-Jan-05 1931.85

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


25-Jan-05 6162.98 27-Jan-05 1955

27-Jan-05 6239.43 28-Jan-05 2008.3
28-Jan-05 6419.09 31-Jan-05 2057.6
31-Jan-05 6555.94 1-Feb-05 2059.85
1-Feb-05 6552.47 2-Feb-05 2052.25
2-Feb-05 6530.06 3-Feb-05 2079.45
3-Feb-05 6619.97 4-Feb-05 2077.95
4-Feb-05 6618.23 7-Feb-05 2055.1
7-Feb-05 6535.17 8-Feb-05 2055.15
8-Feb-05 6544.77 9-Feb-05 2070
9-Feb-05 6593.53 10-Feb-05 2063.35
05 6577.83 11-Feb-05 2082.05
05 6633.76 14-Feb-05 2098.25
05 6679.33 15-Feb-05 2089.95
05 6670.06 16-Feb-05 2068.8
05 6607.78 17-Feb-05 2061.9
05 6589.29 18-Feb-05 2055.55
05 6584.32 21-Feb-05 2043.2
05 6534.68 22-Feb-05 2058.4
05 6589.41 23-Feb-05 2057.1
05 6582.5 24-Feb-05 2055.3
05 6574.21 25-Feb-05 2060.9
05 6569.72 28-Feb-05 2103.25
05 6713.86 1-Mar-05 2084.4
1-Mar-05 6651.08 2-Mar-05 2093.25
2-Mar-05 6686.89 3-Mar-05 2128.85
3-Mar-05 6784.72 4-Mar-05 2148.15
4-Mar-05 6849.48 7-Mar-05 2160.1
7-Mar-05 6878.98 8-Mar-05 2168.95
8-Mar-05 6915.09 9-Mar-05 2160.8
9-Mar-05 6892.82 10-Mar-05 2160.8
05 6907.65 11-Mar-05 2154
05 6853.73 14-Mar-05 2146.35
05 6810.04 15-Mar-05 2128.95
05 6752.45 16-Mar-05 2125.55
16-Mar- 6746.88 17-Mar-05 2125.55

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


05 6669.52 18-Mar-05 2109.15
05 6700.34 21-Mar-05 2096.6
05 6656.69 22-Mar-05 2061.6
05 6535.45 23-Mar-05 2026.4
05 6454.46 24-Mar-05 2015.4
05 6442.87 28-Mar-05 2029.45
05 6510.74 29-Mar-05 1983.85
05 6367.86 30-Mar-05 1993.7
05 6381.4 31-Mar-05 2035.65
05 6492.82 1-Apr-05 2067.65
1-Apr-05 6605.04 4-Apr-05 2063.4
4-Apr-05 6604.42 5-Apr-05 2052.55
5-Apr-05 6550.29 6-Apr-05 2069.3
6-Apr-05 6606.41 7-Apr-05 2052.85
7-Apr-05 6545.64 8-Apr-05 2031.2
8-Apr-05 6479.54 11-Apr-05 2031.2
05 6397.52 12-Apr-05 2024.95
05 6464.61 13-Apr-05 2025.45
05 6467.92 15-Apr-05 1956.3
05 6248.34 18-Apr-05 1927.8
05 6156.78 19-Apr-05 1909.4
05 6134.86 20-Apr-05 1929.7
05 6243.74 21-Apr-05 1948.55
05 6299.2 22-Apr-05 1967.35
05 6346.57 25-Apr-05 1970.95
05 6377.85 26-Apr-05 1957.1
05 6339.98 27-Apr-05 1935.4
05 6278.5 28-Apr-05 1941.3
05 6284.2 29-Apr-05 1902.5
05 6154.44 2-May-05 1916.75
2-May-05 6195.15 3-May-05 1920.7

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


3-May-05 6216.77 4-May-05 1942.6

4-May-05 6289.55 5-May-05 1963.3
5-May-05 6359.65 6-May-05 1977.5
6-May-05 6388.48 9-May-05 2000.75
9-May-05 6481.35 10-May-05 1994.3
05 6454.71 11-May-05 1985.95
05 6445.13 12-May-05 1993.15
05 6456.82 13-May-05 1988.3
05 6451.54 16-May-05 2012.6
05 6528.03 17-May-05 1990.8
05 6466 18-May-05 1990.8
05 6447 19-May-05 1990.85
05 6478.94 20-May-05 1992.4
05 6499.5 23-May-05 2013.9
05 6539.83 24-May-05 2028.6
05 6565.37 25-May-05 2043.85
05 6597.6 26-May-05 2074.7
05 6670.78 27-May-05 2074.7
05 6707.72 30-May-05 2072.4
05 6663.55 31-May-05 2087.55
05 6715.11 1-Jun-05 2087.55
1-Jun-05 6729.9 2-Jun-05 2064.65
2-Jun-05 6655.56 3-Jun-05 2064.65
3-Jun-05 6748.85 6-Jun-05 2092.8
6-Jun-05 6758.19 7-Jun-05 2098.15
7-Jun-05 6781.25 8-Jun-05 2112.4
8-Jun-05 6858.24 9-Jun-05 2103.2
9-Jun-05 6832.53 10-Jun-05 2090.6
05 6781.99 13-Jun-05 2090.6
05 6832.68 14-Jun-05 2112.35
05 6860.18 15-Jun-05 2128.65
05 6906.98 16-Jun-05 2123.7
05 6900.41 17-Jun-05 2123.4
17-Jun- 6906.52 20-Jun-05 2144.35

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


05 6984.55 21-Jun-05 2170
05 7076.52 22-Jun-05 2187.35
05 7145.34 23-Jun-05 2183.85
05 7119.76 24-Jun-05 2194.35
05 7148.62 27-Jun-05 2199.8
05 7151.08 28-Jun-05 2169.85
05 7049 29-Jun-05 2191.65
05 7119.88 30-Jun-05 2220.6
05 7193.85 1-Jul-05 2220.6
1-Jul-05 7210.77 4-Jul-05 2230.65
4-Jul-05 7277.31 5-Jul-05 2210.75
5-Jul-05 7220.25 6-Jul-05 2228.2
6-Jul-05 7287.6 7-Jul-05 2179.4
7-Jul-05 7145.13 8-Jul-05 2196.2
8-Jul-05 7212.08 11-Jul-05 2218.85
11-Jul-05 7306.74 12-Jul-05 2218.85
12-Jul-05 7303.95 13-Jul-05 2204.05
13-Jul-05 7247.91 14-Jul-05 2185.1
14-Jul-05 7187.7 15-Jul-05 2212.55
15-Jul-05 7271.54 18-Jul-05 2234
18-Jul-05 7347.1 19-Jul-05 2237.3
19-Jul-05 7346.63 20-Jul-05 2241.9
20-Jul-05 7342.89 21-Jul-05 2230.5
21-Jul-05 7304.32 22-Jul-05 2265.6
22-Jul-05 7423.25 25-Jul-05 2291.75
25-Jul-05 7505.6 26-Jul-05 2303.15
26-Jul-05 7552.77 27-Jul-05 2319.1
27-Jul-05 7605.03 29-Jul-05 2312.3
29-Jul-05 7635.42 1-Aug-05 2318.05
1-Aug-05 7669.45 2-Aug-05 2353.65
2-Aug-05 7756.04 3-Aug-05 2357
3-Aug-05 7756.47 4-Aug-05 2367.8
4-Aug-05 7797.08 5-Aug-05 2361.2
5-Aug-05 7754 8-Aug-05 2324.4
8-Aug-05 7606.17 9-Aug-05 2318.7
9-Aug-05 7595.57 10-Aug-05 2360.15
05 7729.82 11-Aug-05 2380.9
05 7816.51 12-Aug-05 2361.55
12-Aug- 7767.49 16-Aug-05 2369.8

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


05 7768.24 17-Aug-05 2403.15
05 7859.53 18-Aug-05 2388.45
05 7811.33 19-Aug-05 2383.45
05 7780.76 22-Aug-05 2367.85
05 7750.6 23-Aug-05 2367.85
05 7615.99 24-Aug-05 2322.5
05 7612 25-Aug-05 2354.55
05 7660.42 26-Aug-05 2357.05
05 7680.22 29-Aug-05 2337.65
05 7634.43 30-Aug-05 2367.75
05 7745 31-Aug-05 2384.65
05 7805.43 1-Sep-05 2405.75
1-Sep-05 7876.15 2-Sep-05 2415.8
2-Sep-05 7899.77 5-Sep-05 2422.95
5-Sep-05 7925.24 6-Sep-05 2428.65
6-Sep-05 7946.78 8-Sep-05 2454.45
8-Sep-05 8052.56 9-Sep-05 2455.45
9-Sep-05 8060.01 12-Sep-05 2484.15
05 8138.42 13-Sep-05 2500.35
05 8193.96 14-Sep-05 2492.45
05 8189.48 15-Sep-05 2523.95
05 8283.76 16-Sep-05 2552.35
05 8380.96 19-Sep-05 2567.1
05 8444.84 20-Sep-05 2578
05 8500.28 21-Sep-05 2578
05 8487.14 22-Sep-05 2476.5
05 8221.64 23-Sep-05 2477.75
05 8222.59 26-Sep-05 2557.35
05 8478.91 27-Sep-05 2574.85
05 8525.52 28-Sep-05 2598.05
28-Sep- 8606.03 29-Sep-05 2611.2

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


05 8650.17 30-Sep-05 2601.4
05 8634.48 3-Oct-05 2630.05
3-Oct-05 8697.65 4-Oct-05 2663.35
4-Oct-05 8799.96 5-Oct-05 2644.4
5-Oct-05 8724.47 6-Oct-05 2579.15
6-Oct-05 8528.7 7-Oct-05 2574.05
7-Oct-05 8491.56 10-Oct-05 2566.85
05 8483.86 11-Oct-05 2589.55
05 8540.56 13-Oct-05 2537.3
05 8376.9 14-Oct-05 2484.4
05 8201.73 17-Oct-05 2485.15
05 8202.62 18-Oct-05 2468.2
05 8122.25 19-Oct-05 2412.45
05 7971.06 20-Oct-05 2395.45
05 7935.12 21-Oct-05 2443.75
05 8068.95 24-Oct-05 2394.85
05 7920.8 25-Oct-05 2418.2
05 7991.74 26-Oct-05 2408.5
05 7974.69 27-Oct-05 2352.9
05 7798.49 28-Oct-05 2316.05
05 7685.64 31-Oct-05 2370.95
05 7892.32 1-Nov-05 2370.95
1-Nov-05 7944.1 2-Nov-05 2419.05
2-Nov-05 8072.75 7-Nov-05 2461.6
7-Nov-05 8206.83 8-Nov-05 2492.65
8-Nov-05 8317.8 9-Nov-05 2489.1
9-Nov-05 8308.78 10-Nov-05 2500.7
05 8308.93 11-Nov-05 2548.65
05 8471.04 14-Nov-05 2558.7
05 8494.29 16-Nov-05 2582.75
05 8595.92 17-Nov-05 2603.95
05 8649.52 18-Nov-05 2620.05

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


05 8686.65 21-Nov-05 2602.5
05 8610.74 22-Nov-05 2572.85
05 8534.97 23-Nov-05 2608.6
05 8638.34 24-Nov-05 2635
05 8744.04 25-Nov-05 2664.3
05 8853.21 28-Nov-05 2712
05 8994.94 29-Nov-05 2698.3
05 8931.16 30-Nov-05 2652.25
05 8788.81 1-Dec-05 2698.95
1-Dec-05 8944.78 2-Dec-05 2697.95
2-Dec-05 8961.61 5-Dec-05 2660.5
5-Dec-05 8823.31 6-Dec-05 2662.3
6-Dec-05 8815.53 7-Dec-05 2693
7-Dec-05 8895.81 8-Dec-05 2706.7
8-Dec-05 8906.31 9-Dec-05 2756.45
9-Dec-05 9067.28 12-Dec-05 2776.2
05 9133.67 13-Dec-05 2812.3
05 9263.9 14-Dec-05 2804.55
05 9241.76 15-Dec-05 2778.55
05 9170.4 16-Dec-05 2810.15
05 9284.46 19-Dec-05 2842.6
05 9394.27 20-Dec-05 2826.2
05 9346.24 21-Dec-05 2826.2
05 9339.17 22-Dec-05 2835.25
05 9372.3 23-Dec-05 2804.85
05 9256.91 26-Dec-05 2749.6
05 9085.89 27-Dec-05 2805.9
05 9283.16 28-Dec-05 2794.05
05 9257.51 29-Dec-05 2821.95
05 9323.25 30-Dec-05 2836.55
05 9397.93 2-Jan-06 2835.95
2-Jan-06 9390.14 3-Jan-06 2883.35

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


3-Jan-06 9539.37 4-Jan-06 2904.4

4-Jan-06 9648.08 5-Jan-06 2899.85
5-Jan-06 9617.74 6-Jan-06 2914
6-Jan-06 9640.29 9-Jan-06 2910.1
9-Jan-06 9583.45 10-Jan-06 2870.8
10-Jan-06 9445.3 12-Jan-06 2850.7
12-Jan-06 9380.88 13-Jan-06 2850.55
13-Jan-06 9374.19 16-Jan-06 2833.1
16-Jan-06 9311.19 17-Jan-06 2833.1
17-Jan-06 9314.13 18-Jan-06 2809.2
18-Jan-06 9237.53 19-Jan-06 2870.85
19-Jan-06 9449.84 20-Jan-06 2870.85
20-Jan-06 9520.96 23-Jan-06 2884.05
23-Jan-06 9464.9 24-Jan-06 2908
24-Jan-06 9549.92 25-Jan-06 2940.35
25-Jan-06 9685.74 27-Jan-06 2982.75
27-Jan-06 9870.79 30-Jan-06 2974.5
30-Jan-06 9849.03 31-Jan-06 3001.1
31-Jan-06 9919.89 1-Feb-06 2971.55
1-Feb-06 9859.26 2-Feb-06 2967.45
2-Feb-06 9843.87 3-Feb-06 2940.6
3-Feb-06 9742.58 6-Feb-06 3000.45
6-Feb-06 9980.42 7-Feb-06 3020.1
7-Feb-06 10082.28 8-Feb-06 3008.95
8-Feb-06 10044.82 10-Feb-06 3027.55
06 10110.97 13-Feb-06 3041.15
06 10173.25 14-Feb-06 3017.55
06 10086.63 15-Feb-06 3022.2
06 10113.18 16-Feb-06 3021.6
06 10124.3 17-Feb-06 2981.5
06 9981.11 20-Feb-06 3005.85
06 10079.3 21-Feb-06 3005.85
06 10168.11 22-Feb-06 3050.8
06 10224.32 23-Feb-06 3062.1
06 10244.05 24-Feb-06 3050.05
06 10200.76 27-Feb-06 3067.45
06 10282.09 28-Feb-06 3074.7
06 10370.24 1-Mar-06 3123.1

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


1-Mar-06 10565.47 2-Mar-06 3150.7

2-Mar-06 10626.78 3-Mar-06 3147.35
3-Mar-06 10595.43 6-Mar-06 3190.4
6-Mar-06 10735.36 7-Mar-06 3182.8
7-Mar-06 10725.67 8-Mar-06 3182.8
8-Mar-06 10508.85 9-Mar-06 3129.1
9-Mar-06 10573.54 10-Mar-06 3183.9
06 10765.16 13-Mar-06 3202.65
06 10803.71 14-Mar-06 3195.35
06 10801.72 16-Mar-06 3226.6
06 10878.74 17-Mar-06 3234.05
06 10860.04 20-Mar-06 3265.65
06 10941.11 21-Mar-06 3262.3
06 10905.2 22-Mar-06 3240.15
06 10841.35 23-Mar-06 3247.15
06 10840.59 24-Mar-06 3279.8
06 10950.3 27-Mar-06 3279.8
06 11079.02 28-Mar-06 3279.8
06 11086.03 29-Mar-06 3279.8
06 11183.48 30-Mar-06 3418.95
06 11307.04 31-Mar-06 3402.55
06 11279.96 3-Apr-06 3473.3
3-Apr-06 11564.36 4-Apr-06 3483.15
4-Apr-06 11638.01 5-Apr-06 3510.9
5-Apr-06 11746.9 7-Apr-06 3454.8
7-Apr-06 11589.44 10-Apr-06 3478.45
06 11662.55 12-Apr-06 3478.45
06 11355.73 13-Apr-06 3345.5
06 11237.23 17-Apr-06 3425.15
06 11539.68 18-Apr-06 3518.1
06 11821.57 19-Apr-06 3535.85
06 11895.98 20-Apr-06 3573.5
06 12039.55 21-Apr-06 3573.05

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


06 12030.3 24-Apr-06 3548.9
06 11915.24 25-Apr-06 3462.65
06 11646.78 26-Apr-06 3555.75
06 11938.53 27-Apr-06 3508.1
06 11835.02 28-Apr-06 3508.1
06 11851.93 2-May-06 3605.45
2-May-06 12218.78 3-May-06 3634.25
3-May-06 12310.72 4-May-06 3648.4
4-May-06 12347.63 5-May-06 3663.95
5-May-06 12359.7 8-May-06 3693.15
8-May-06 12462.47 9-May-06 3720.55
9-May-06 12513.86 10-May-06 3754.25
06 12612.38 11-May-06 3701.05
06 12435.41 12-May-06 3650.05
06 12285.11 15-May-06 3502.95
06 11822.2 16-May-06 3523.3
06 11873.73 17-May-06 3635.1
06 12217.81 18-May-06 3388.9
06 11391.43 19-May-06 3246.9
06 10938.61 22-May-06 3081.35
06 10481.77 23-May-06 3199.35
06 10822.78 24-May-06 3115.55
06 10573.15 25-May-06 3177.7
06 10666.32 26-May-06 3209.6
06 10809.35 29-May-06 3214.9
06 10853.14 30-May-06 3185.3
06 10786.63 31-May-06 3185.3
06 10398.61 1-Jun-06 2962.25
1-Jun-06 10071.42 2-Jun-06 3091.35
2-Jun-06 10451.33 5-Jun-06 3016.65
5-Jun-06 10213.48 6-Jun-06 2937.3
6-Jun-06 9957.32 7-Jun-06 2860.45
7-Jun-06 9756.76 8-Jun-06 2724.35

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


8-Jun-06 9295.81 9-Jun-06 2866.3

9-Jun-06 9810.46 12-Jun-06 2776.85
06 9476.15 13-Jun-06 2663.3
06 9062.65 14-Jun-06 2632.8
06 8929.44 19-Jun-06 2916.9
06 9545.06 20-Jun-06 2861.3
06 9884.51 21-Jun-06 2923.45
06 9997.84 22-Jun-06 2994.75
06 9822.52 23-Jun-06 3042.7
06 10040.14 26-Jun-06 2943.2
06 10275.88 27-Jun-06 2982.45
06 10401.3 28-Jun-06 2981.1
06 10042.06 29-Jun-06 2997.9
06 10151.01 30-Jun-06 3128.2
06 10129.7 3-Jul-06 3150.95
06 10162.16 4-Jul-06 3138.65
06 10609.25 5-Jul-06 3197.1
3-Jul-06 10695.26 6-Jul-06 3156.4
4-Jul-06 10662.22 7-Jul-06 3075.85
5-Jul-06 10919.64 10-Jul-06 3142
6-Jul-06 10767.97 11-Jul-06 3116.15
7-Jul-06 10509.53 12-Jul-06 3195.9
10-Jul-06 10684.3 13-Jul-06 3169.3
11-Jul-06 10614.35 14-Jul-06 3123.35
12-Jul-06 10930.09 17-Jul-06 3007.55
13-Jul-06 10858.5 18-Jul-06 2993.65
14-Jul-06 10678.22 19-Jul-06 2932.75
17-Jul-06 10293.22 20-Jul-06 3023.05
18-Jul-06 10226.78 21-Jul-06 2945
19-Jul-06 10007.34 24-Jul-06 2985.85
20-Jul-06 10352.94 25-Jul-06 3040.5
21-Jul-06 10085.91 26-Jul-06 3110.15
24-Jul-06 10215.37 27-Jul-06 3156.15
25-Jul-06 10415.61 28-Jul-06 3130.8
26-Jul-06 10617.27 31-Jul-06 3143.2
27-Jul-06 10741.59 1-Aug-06 3147.8
28-Jul-06 10680.23 2-Aug-06 3182.1

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


31-Jul-06 10743.88 4-Aug-06 3176.75

1-Aug-06 10751.66 7-Aug-06 3151.1
2-Aug-06 10876.19 8-Aug-06 3212.4
3-Aug-06 10923.16 9-Aug-06 3254.6
4-Aug-06 10866.51 10-Aug-06 3260.1
7-Aug-06 10812.64 11-Aug-06 3274.35
8-Aug-06 11014.97 14-Aug-06 3313.1
9-Aug-06 11145.18 16-Aug-06 3356.05
06 11149.17 17-Aug-06 3353.9
06 11192.46 18-Aug-06 3356.75
06 11312.99 21-Aug-06 3366
06 11448.31 22-Aug-06 3364.6
06 11477.48 23-Aug-06 3335.8
06 11465.72 24-Aug-06 3370.4
06 11511.68 25-Aug-06 3385.95
06 11502.62 28-Aug-06 3401.1
06 11406.65 29-Aug-06 3425.7
06 11531.95 30-Aug-06 3430.35
06 11572.2 31-Aug-06 3413.9
06 11619.52 1-Sep-06 3435.45
06 11706.85 4-Sep-06 3476.85
06 11723.92 5-Sep-06 3473.75
06 11699.05 6-Sep-06 3477.25
1-Sep-06 11778.02 7-Sep-06 3454.55
4-Sep-06 11914.21 8-Sep-06 3471.45
5-Sep-06 11904.6 11-Sep-06 3366.15
6-Sep-06 11933.21 12-Sep-06 3389.9
7-Sep-06 11853.85 13-Sep-06 3454.55
8-Sep-06 11918.65 14-Sep-06 3471.6
06 11550.69 15-Sep-06 3478.6
06 11660.79 18-Sep-06 3492.75
06 11893.79 19-Sep-06 3457.35
06 11973.02 20-Sep-06 3502.8
06 12009.59 21-Sep-06 3553.05

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


06 12071.3 22-Sep-06 3544.05
06 11970.47 25-Sep-06 3523.45
06 12109.14 26-Sep-06 3571.75
06 12274.27 27-Sep-06 3579.3
06 12236.78 28-Sep-06 3571.75
06 12173.91 29-Sep-06 3588.4
06 12321.19 3-Oct-06 3569.6
06 12366.91 4-Oct-06 3515.35
06 12380.74 5-Oct-06 3564.9
06 12454.42 6-Oct-06 3569.7
3-Oct-06 12366.39 9-Oct-06 3567.15
4-Oct-06 12204.01 11-Oct-06 3558.55
5-Oct-06 12389.41 12-Oct-06 3621.05
6-Oct-06 12372.81 13-Oct-06 3676.05
9-Oct-06 12365.83 16-Oct-06 3723.95
06 12363.77 17-Oct-06 3715
06 12353.49 18-Oct-06 3710.65
06 12537.98 19-Oct-06 3677.8
06 12736.42 20-Oct-06 3676.85
06 12928.18 23-Oct-06 3657.3
06 12883.83 26-Oct-06 3677.55
06 12858.48 27-Oct-06 3739.35
06 12723.59 30-Oct-06 3769.1
06 12709.4 31-Oct-06 3744.1
06 12623.28 1-Nov-06 3767.05
06 12698.41 2-Nov-06 3791.2
06 12906.81 3-Nov-06 3805.35
06 13024.26 6-Nov-06 3809.25
06 12961.9 7-Nov-06 3798.75
1-Nov-06 13033.04 8-Nov-06 3777.3
2-Nov-06 13091.12 9-Nov-06 3796.4
3-Nov-06 13130.79 10-Nov-06 3834.75

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


6-Nov-06 13186.89 13-Nov-06 3858.75

7-Nov-06 13156.66 14-Nov-06 3865.9
8-Nov-06 13072.51 15-Nov-06 3876.3
9-Nov-06 13137.49 16-Nov-06 3876.85
06 13282.91 17-Nov-06 3852.8
06 13399 20-Nov-06 3856.15
06 13425.5 21-Nov-06 3918.25
06 13469.37 22-Nov-06 3954.75
06 13505.89 23-Nov-06 3945.45
06 13429.48 24-Nov-06 3950.85
06 13430.71 27-Nov-06 3968.9
06 13616.77 28-Nov-06 3921.75
06 13706.53 29-Nov-06 3928.2
06 13680.83 30-Nov-06 3954.5
06 13703.33 1-Dec-06 3997.6
06 13773.59 4-Dec-06 4001
06 13601.95 5-Dec-06 4015.75
06 13616.73 6-Dec-06 4015.95
06 13696.31 7-Dec-06 4015.35
1-Dec-06 13844.78 8-Dec-06 3962
4-Dec-06 13874.33 11-Dec-06 3849.5
5-Dec-06 13937.65 12-Dec-06 3716.9
6-Dec-06 13949 13-Dec-06 3765.2
7-Dec-06 13972.03 14-Dec-06 3843.05
8-Dec-06 13799.49 15-Dec-06 3888.65
06 13399.43 18-Dec-06 3928.75
06 12995.02 19-Dec-06 3832
06 13181.34 20-Dec-06 3815.55
06 13487.16 21-Dec-06 3833.5
06 13614.52 22-Dec-06 3871.15
06 13731.09 26-Dec-06 3940.5
06 13382.01 27-Dec-06 3974.25
20-Dec- 13340.21 28-Dec-06 3970.55

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


06 13384.86 29-Dec-06 3966.4
06 13471.74 2-Jan-07 4007.4
06 13708.34 3-Jan-07 4024.05
06 13859.69 4-Jan-07 3988.8
06 13846.34 5-Jan-07 3983.4
06 13786.91 8-Jan-07 3933.4
2-Jan-07 13942.24 9-Jan-07 3911.4
3-Jan-07 14014.92 10-Jan-07 3850.3
4-Jan-07 13871.71 11-Jan-07 3942.25
5-Jan-07 13860.52 12-Jan-07 4052.45
8-Jan-07 13652.15 15-Jan-07 4078.4
9-Jan-07 13566.33 16-Jan-07 4080.5
10-Jan-07 13362.16 17-Jan-07 4076.45
11-Jan-07 13630.71 18-Jan-07 4109.05
12-Jan-07 14056.53 19-Jan-07 4090.15
15-Jan-07 14129.64 22-Jan-07 4102.45
16-Jan-07 14114.73 23-Jan-07 4066.1
17-Jan-07 14131.34 24-Jan-07 4089.9
18-Jan-07 14217.75 25-Jan-07 4147.7
19-Jan-07 14182.71 29-Jan-07 4124.45
22-Jan-07 14209.24 31-Jan-07 4082.7
23-Jan-07 14041.24 1-Feb-07 4137.2
24-Jan-07 14110.46 2-Feb-07 4183.5
25-Jan-07 14282.72 5-Feb-07 4215.35
29-Jan-07 14211.96 6-Feb-07 4195.9
31-Jan-07 14090.92 7-Feb-07 4224.25
1-Feb-07 14267.18 8-Feb-07 4223.4
2-Feb-07 14403.77 9-Feb-07 4187.4
5-Feb-07 14515.9 12-Feb-07 4058.3
6-Feb-07 14478.19 13-Feb-07 4044.55
7-Feb-07 14643.13 14-Feb-07 4047.1
8-Feb-07 14652.09 15-Feb-07 4146.2
9-Feb-07 14538.9 19-Feb-07 4164.55
07 14190.7 20-Feb-07 4106.95
07 14090.98 21-Feb-07 4096.2
07 14009.9 22-Feb-07 4040
07 14355.55 23-Feb-07 3938.95
07 14402.9 26-Feb-07 3942
20-Feb- 14253.38 27-Feb-07 3893.9

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


07 14188.49 28-Feb-07 3745.3
07 14021.31 1-Mar-07 3811.2
07 13632.53 2-Mar-07 3726.75
07 13649.52 5-Mar-07 3576.5
07 13478.83 6-Mar-07 3655.65
07 12938.09 7-Mar-07 3626.85
1-Mar-07 13159.55 8-Mar-07 3761.65
2-Mar-07 12886.13 9-Mar-07 3718
5-Mar-07 12415.04 12-Mar-07 3734.6
6-Mar-07 12697.09 13-Mar-07 3770.55
7-Mar-07 12579.75 14-Mar-07 3641.1
8-Mar-07 13049.35 15-Mar-07 3643.6
9-Mar-07 12884.99 16-Mar-07 3608.55
07 12902.63 19-Mar-07 3678.9
07 12982.98 20-Mar-07 3697.6
07 12529.62 21-Mar-07 3764.55
07 12543.85 22-Mar-07 3875.9
07 12430.4 23-Mar-07 3861.05
07 12644.99 26-Mar-07 3819.95
07 12705.94 28-Mar-07 3761.1
07 12945.88 29-Mar-07 3798.1
07 13308.03 30-Mar-07 3821.55
07 13285.93 2-Apr-07 3633.6
07 13124.32 3-Apr-07 3690.65
07 12884.34 4-Apr-07 3733.25
07 12979.66 5-Apr-07 3752
07 13072.1 9-Apr-07 3843.5
2-Apr-07 12455.37 10-Apr-07 3848.15
3-Apr-07 12624.58 11-Apr-07 3862.65
4-Apr-07 12786.77 12-Apr-07 3829.85
5-Apr-07 12856.08 13-Apr-07 3917.35
9-Apr-07 13177.74 16-Apr-07 4013.35
07 13189.54 17-Apr-07 3984.95

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


07 13183.24 18-Apr-07 4011.6
07 13113.81 19-Apr-07 3997.65
07 13384.08 20-Apr-07 4083.55
07 13695.58 23-Apr-07 4085.1
07 13607.04 24-Apr-07 4141.8
07 13672.19 25-Apr-07 4167.3
07 13619.7 26-Apr-07 4177.85
07 13897.41 27-Apr-07 4083.5
07 13928.33 30-Apr-07 4087.9
07 14136.72 3-May-07 4150.85
07 14217.77 4-May-07 4117.35
07 14228.88 7-May-07 4111.15
07 13908.58 8-May-07 4077
07 13872.37 9-May-07 4079.3
3-May-07 14078.21 10-May-07 4066.8
4-May-07 13934.27 11-May-07 4076.65
7-May-07 13879.25 14-May-07 4134.3
8-May-07 13765.46 15-May-07 4120.3
9-May-07 13781.51 16-May-07 4170.95
07 13771.23 17-May-07 4219.55
07 13796.16 18-May-07 4214.5
07 13965.86 21-May-07 4260.9
07 13929.33 22-May-07 4278.1
07 14127.31 23-May-07 4246.2
07 14299.71 24-May-07 4204.9
07 14303.41 25-May-07 4248.15
07 14418.6 28-May-07 4256.55
07 14453.72 29-May-07 4293.25
07 14363.26 30-May-07 4249.65
07 14218.11 31-May-07 4295.8
07 14338.45 4-Jun-07 4267.05

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


07 14397.89 5-Jun-07 4284.65
07 14508.21 6-Jun-07 4198.25
07 14411.38 7-Jun-07 4179.5
07 14544.46 8-Jun-07 4145
1-Jun-07 14570.75 11-Jun-07 4145.6
4-Jun-07 14495.77 12-Jun-07 4155.2
5-Jun-07 14535.01 13-Jun-07 4113.05
6-Jun-07 14255.93 14-Jun-07 4170
7-Jun-07 14186.18 15-Jun-07 4171.45
8-Jun-07 14063.81 18-Jun-07 4147.1
07 14083.41 19-Jun-07 4214.3
07 14130.95 20-Jun-07 4248.65
07 14003.03 21-Jun-07 4267.4
07 14203.72 22-Jun-07 4252.05
07 14162.71 25-Jun-07 4259.4
07 14080.14 26-Jun-07 4285.7
07 14295.5 27-Jun-07 4263.95
07 14411.95 28-Jun-07 4282
07 14499.24 29-Jun-07 4318.3
07 14467.36 2-Jul-07 4313.75
07 14487.72 3-Jul-07 4357.55
07 14501.08 4-Jul-07 4359.3
07 14431.06 5-Jul-07 4353.95
07 14504.57 6-Jul-07 4384.85
07 14650.51 9-Jul-07 4419.4
2-Jul-07 14664.26 10-Jul-07 4406.05
3-Jul-07 14806.51 11-Jul-07 4387.15
4-Jul-07 14880.24 12-Jul-07 4446.15
5-Jul-07 14861.89 13-Jul-07 4504.55
6-Jul-07 14964.12 16-Jul-07 4512.15
9-Jul-07 15045.73 17-Jul-07 4496.75
10-Jul-07 15009.88 18-Jul-07 4499.55
11-Jul-07 14910.62 19-Jul-07 4562.1
12-Jul-07 15092.04 20-Jul-07 4566.05
13-Jul-07 15272.72 23-Jul-07 4619.35

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


16-Jul-07 15311.22 24-Jul-07 4620.75

17-Jul-07 15289.82 25-Jul-07 4588.7
18-Jul-07 15301.17 26-Jul-07 4619.8
19-Jul-07 15550.13 27-Jul-07 4445.2
20-Jul-07 15565.55 30-Jul-07 4440.05
23-Jul-07 15732.2 31-Jul-07 4528.85
24-Jul-07 15794.92 1-Aug-07 4345.85
25-Jul-07 15699.33 2-Aug-07 4356.35
26-Jul-07 15776.31 3-Aug-07 4401.55
27-Jul-07 15234.57 6-Aug-07 4339.5
30-Jul-07 15260.91 7-Aug-07 4356.35
31-Jul-07 15550.99 8-Aug-07 4462.1
1-Aug-07 14935.77 9-Aug-07 4403.2
2-Aug-07 14985.7 10-Aug-07 4333.35
3-Aug-07 15138.4 13-Aug-07 4373.65
6-Aug-07 14903.03 14-Aug-07 4370.2
7-Aug-07 14932.77 16-Aug-07 4178.6
8-Aug-07 15307.98 17-Aug-07 4108.05
9-Aug-07 15100.15 20-Aug-07 4209.05
07 14868.25 21-Aug-07 4074.9
07 15017.21 22-Aug-07 4153.15
07 15000.91 23-Aug-07 4114.95
07 14358.21 24-Aug-07 4190.15
07 14141.52 27-Aug-07 4302.6
07 14427.55 28-Aug-07 4320.7
07 13989.11 29-Aug-07 4359.3
07 14248.66 30-Aug-07 4412.3
07 14163.98 31-Aug-07 4464
07 14424.87 3-Sep-07 4474.75
07 14842.38 4-Sep-07 4479.25
07 14919.19 5-Sep-07 4475.85
07 14993.04 6-Sep-07 4518.6
07 15121.74 7-Sep-07 4509.5
07 15318.6 10-Sep-07 4507.85
3-Sep-07 15422.05 11-Sep-07 4497.05
4-Sep-07 15465.4 12-Sep-07 4496.85
5-Sep-07 15446.15 13-Sep-07 4528.95

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


6-Sep-07 15616.31 14-Sep-07 4518

7-Sep-07 15590.42 17-Sep-07 4494.65
07 15596.83 18-Sep-07 4546.2
07 15542.77 19-Sep-07 4732.35
07 15505.36 20-Sep-07 4747.55
07 15614.44 21-Sep-07 4837.55
07 15603.8 24-Sep-07 4932.2
07 15504.43 25-Sep-07 4938.85
07 15669.12 26-Sep-07 4940.5
07 16322.75 27-Sep-07 5000.55
07 16347.95 28-Sep-07 5021.35
07 16564.23 1-Oct-07 5068.95
07 16845.83 3-Oct-07 5210.8
07 16899.54 4-Oct-07 5208.65
07 16921.39 5-Oct-07 5185.85
07 17150.56 8-Oct-07 5085.1
07 17291.1 9-Oct-07 5327.25
1-Oct-07 17328.62 10-Oct-07 5441.45
3-Oct-07 17847.04 11-Oct-07 5524.85
4-Oct-07 17777.14 12-Oct-07 5428.25
5-Oct-07 17773.36 15-Oct-07 5670.4
8-Oct-07 17491.39 16-Oct-07 5668.05
9-Oct-07 18280.24 17-Oct-07 5559.3
07 18658.25 18-Oct-07 5351
07 18814.07 19-Oct-07 5215.3
07 18419.04 22-Oct-07 5184
07 19058.67 23-Oct-07 5473.7
07 19051.86 24-Oct-07 5496.15
07 18715.82 25-Oct-07 5568.95
07 17998.39 26-Oct-07 5702.3
07 17559.98 29-Oct-07 5905.9
07 17613.99 30-Oct-07 5868.75

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


07 18492.84 31-Oct-07 5900.65
07 18512.91 1-Nov-07 5866.45
07 18770.89 2-Nov-07 5932.4
07 19243.17 5-Nov-07 5847.3
07 19977.67 6-Nov-07 5786.5
07 19783.51 7-Nov-07 5782.35
07 19837.99 8-Nov-07 5698.75
1-Nov-07 19724.35 9-Nov-07 5663.25
2-Nov-07 19976.23 12-Nov-07 5617.1
5-Nov-07 19590.78 13-Nov-07 5695.4
6-Nov-07 19400.67 14-Nov-07 5937.9
7-Nov-07 19289.83 15-Nov-07 5912.1
8-Nov-07 19058.93 16-Nov-07 5906.85
9-Nov-07 18907.6 19-Nov-07 5907.65
07 18737.27 20-Nov-07 5780.9
07 19035.48 21-Nov-07 5561.05
07 19929.06 22-Nov-07 5519.35
07 19784.89 23-Nov-07 5608.6
07 19698.36 26-Nov-07 5731.7
07 19633.36 27-Nov-07 5698.15
07 19280.8 28-Nov-07 5617.55
07 18602.62 29-Nov-07 5634.6
07 18526.32 30-Nov-07 5762.75
07 18852.87 3-Dec-07 5865
07 19247.54 4-Dec-07 5858.35
07 19127.73 5-Dec-07 5940
07 18938.87 6-Dec-07 5954.7
07 19003.26 7-Dec-07 5974.3
07 19363.19 10-Dec-07 5960.6
3-Dec-07 19603.41 11-Dec-07 6097.25
4-Dec-07 19529.5 12-Dec-07 6159.3
5-Dec-07 19738.07 13-Dec-07 6058.1
6-Dec-07 19795.87 14-Dec-07 6047.7

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


7-Dec-07 19966 17-Dec-07 5777

07 19930.68 18-Dec-07 5742.3
07 20290.89 19-Dec-07 5751.15
07 20375.87 20-Dec-07 5766.5
07 20104.39 24-Dec-07 5985.1
07 20030.83 26-Dec-07 6070.75
07 19261.35 27-Dec-07 6081.5
07 19079.64 28-Dec-07 6079.7
07 19091.96 31-Dec-07 6138.6
07 19162.57 2-Jan-08 6179.4
07 19854.12 3-Jan-08 6178.55
07 20192.52 4-Jan-08 6274.3
07 20216.72 7-Jan-08 6279.1
07 20206.95 8-Jan-08 6287.85
07 20286.99 9-Jan-08 6272
2-Jan-08 20465.3 10-Jan-08 6156.95
3-Jan-08 20345.2 11-Jan-08 6200.1
4-Jan-08 20686.89 14-Jan-08 6206.8
7-Jan-08 20812.65 15-Jan-08 6074.25
8-Jan-08 20873.33 16-Jan-08 5935.75
9-Jan-08 20869.78 17-Jan-08 5913.2
10-Jan-08 20582.08 18-Jan-08 5705.3
11-Jan-08 20827.45 21-Jan-08 5208.8
14-Jan-08 20728.05 22-Jan-08 4899.3
15-Jan-08 20251.09 23-Jan-08 5203.4
16-Jan-08 19868.11 24-Jan-08 5033.45
17-Jan-08 19700.82 25-Jan-08 5383.35
18-Jan-08 19013.7 28-Jan-08 5274.1
21-Jan-08 17605.35 29-Jan-08 5280.8
22-Jan-08 16729.94 30-Jan-08 5167.6
23-Jan-08 17594.07 31-Jan-08 5137.45
24-Jan-08 17221.74 1-Feb-08 5317.25
25-Jan-08 18361.66 4-Feb-08 5463.5
28-Jan-08 18152.78 5-Feb-08 5483.9
29-Jan-08 18091.94 6-Feb-08 5322.55
30-Jan-08 17758.64 7-Feb-08 5133.25
31-Jan-08 17648.71 8-Feb-08 5120.35
1-Feb-08 18242.58 11-Feb-08 4857

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


4-Feb-08 18660.32 12-Feb-08 4838.25

5-Feb-08 18663.16 13-Feb-08 4929.45
6-Feb-08 18139.49 14-Feb-08 5202
7-Feb-08 17526.93 15-Feb-08 5302.9
8-Feb-08 17464.89 19-Feb-08 5280.8
08 16630.91 20-Feb-08 5154.45
08 16608.01 21-Feb-08 5191.8
08 16949.14 22-Feb-08 5110.75
08 17766.63 25-Feb-08 5200.7
08 18115.25 26-Feb-08 5270.05
08 18075.66 27-Feb-08 5268.4
08 17617.6 28-Feb-08 5285.1
08 17734.68 29-Feb-08 5223.5
08 17349.07 3-Mar-08 4953
08 17650.57 4-Mar-08 4864.25
08 17806.19 5-Mar-08 4921.4
08 17825.99 7-Mar-08 4771.6
08 17824.48 10-Mar-08 4800.4
08 17578.72 11-Mar-08 4865.9
3-Mar-08 16677.88 12-Mar-08 4872
4-Mar-08 16339.89 13-Mar-08 4623.6
5-Mar-08 16542.08 14-Mar-08 4745.8
7-Mar-08 15975.52 18-Mar-08 4533
08 15923.72 19-Mar-08 4573.95
08 16123.15 25-Mar-08 4877.5
08 16127.98 26-Mar-08 4828.85
08 15357.35 27-Mar-08 4830.25
08 15760.52 28-Mar-08 4942
08 14809.49 31-Mar-08 4734.5
08 14833.46 1-Apr-08 4739.55
08 14994.83 2-Apr-08 4754.2
08 15289.4 3-Apr-08 4771.6

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


08 16217.49 4-Apr-08 4647
08 16086.83 7-Apr-08 4761.2
08 16015.56 8-Apr-08 4709.65
08 16371.29 9-Apr-08 4747.05
08 15644.44 10-Apr-08 4733
1-Apr-08 15626.62 11-Apr-08 4777.8
2-Apr-08 15750.4 15-Apr-08 4879.65
3-Apr-08 15832.55 16-Apr-08 4887.3
4-Apr-08 15343.12 17-Apr-08 4958.4
7-Apr-08 15757.08 21-Apr-08 5037
8-Apr-08 15587.62 22-Apr-08 5049.3
9-Apr-08 15790.51 23-Apr-08 5022.8
08 15695.1 24-Apr-08 4999.85
08 15807.64 25-Apr-08 5111.7
08 16153.66 28-Apr-08 5089.65
08 16244.19 29-Apr-08 5195.5
08 16481.2 30-Apr-08 5165.9
08 16739.33 2-May-08 5228.2
08 16783.87 5-May-08 5192.25
08 16698.04 6-May-08 5144.65
08 16721.08 7-May-08 5135.5
08 17125.98 8-May-08 5081.7
08 17015.96 9-May-08 4982.6
08 17378.46 12-May-08 5012.65
08 17287.31 13-May-08 4957.8
2-May-08 17600.12 14-May-08 5011.75
5-May-08 17490.9 15-May-08 5115.25
6-May-08 17373.01 16-May-08 5157.7
7-May-08 17339.31 20-May-08 5104.95
8-May-08 17080.65 21-May-08 5117.65
9-May-08 16737.07 22-May-08 5025.45
08 16860.9 23-May-08 4946.55
08 16752.86 26-May-08 4875.05
08 16978.35 27-May-08 4859.8

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


08 17353.54 28-May-08 4918.35
08 17434.94 29-May-08 4835.3
08 17230.18 30-May-08 4870.1
08 17243.16 2-Jun-08 4739.6
08 16907.11 3-Jun-08 4715.9
08 16649.64 4-Jun-08 4585.6
08 16348.5 5-Jun-08 4676.95
08 16275.59 6-Jun-08 4627.8
08 16525.37 9-Jun-08 4500.95
08 16316.26 10-Jun-08 4449.8
08 16415.57 11-Jun-08 4523.6
2-Jun-08 16063.18 12-Jun-08 4539.35
3-Jun-08 15962.56 13-Jun-08 4517.1
4-Jun-08 15514.79 16-Jun-08 4572.5
5-Jun-08 15769.72 17-Jun-08 4653
6-Jun-08 15572.18 18-Jun-08 4582.4
9-Jun-08 15066.1 19-Jun-08 4504.25
08 14889.25 20-Jun-08 4347.55
08 15185.32 23-Jun-08 4266.4
08 15250.2 24-Jun-08 4191.1
08 15189.62 25-Jun-08 4252.65
08 15395.82 26-Jun-08 4315.85
08 15696.9 27-Jun-08 4136.65
08 15422.31 30-Jun-08 4040.55
08 15087.99 1-Jul-08 3896.75
08 14571.29 2-Jul-08 4093.35
08 14293.32 3-Jul-08 3925.75
08 14106.58 4-Jul-08 4016
08 14220.07 7-Jul-08 4030
08 14421.82 8-Jul-08 3988.55
08 13802.22 9-Jul-08 4157.1

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


08 13461.6 10-Jul-08 4162.2
1-Jul-08 12961.68 11-Jul-08 4049
2-Jul-08 13664.62 14-Jul-08 4039.7
3-Jul-08 13094.11 15-Jul-08 3861.1
4-Jul-08 13454 16-Jul-08 3816.7
7-Jul-08 13525.99 17-Jul-08 3947.2
8-Jul-08 13349.65 18-Jul-08 4092.25
9-Jul-08 13964.26 21-Jul-08 4159.5
10-Jul-08 13926.24 22-Jul-08 4240.1
11-Jul-08 13469.85 23-Jul-08 4476.8
14-Jul-08 13330.51 24-Jul-08 4433.55
15-Jul-08 12676.19 25-Jul-08 4311.85
16-Jul-08 12575.8 28-Jul-08 4332.1
17-Jul-08 13111.85 29-Jul-08 4189.85
18-Jul-08 13635.4 30-Jul-08 4313.55
21-Jul-08 13850.04 31-Jul-08 4332.95
22-Jul-08 14104.2 1-Aug-08 4413.55
23-Jul-08 14942.28 4-Aug-08 4395.35
24-Jul-08 14777.01 5-Aug-08 4502.85
25-Jul-08 14274.94 6-Aug-08 4517.55
28-Jul-08 14349.11 7-Aug-08 4523.85
29-Jul-08 13791.54 8-Aug-08 4529.5
30-Jul-08 14287.21 11-Aug-08 4620.4
31-Jul-08 14355.75 12-Aug-08 4552.25
1-Aug-08 14656.69 13-Aug-08 4529.05
4-Aug-08 14577.87 14-Aug-08 4430.7
5-Aug-08 14961.07 18-Aug-08 4393.05
6-Aug-08 15073.54 19-Aug-08 4368.25
7-Aug-08 15117.25 20-Aug-08 4415.75
8-Aug-08 15167.82 21-Aug-08 4283.85
08 15503.92 22-Aug-08 4327.45
08 15212.13 25-Aug-08 4335.35
08 15093.12 26-Aug-08 4337.5
08 14724.18 27-Aug-08 4292.1
08 14645.66 28-Aug-08 4214
08 14543.73 29-Aug-08 4360
08 14678.23 1-Sep-08 4348.65
08 14243.73 2-Sep-08 4504
08 14401.49 4-Sep-08 4447.75
08 14450.35 5-Sep-08 4352.3

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


08 14482.22 8-Sep-08 4482.3
08 14296.79 9-Sep-08 4468.7
08 14048.34 10-Sep-08 4400.25
08 14564.53 11-Sep-08 4290.3
1-Sep-08 14498.51 12-Sep-08 4228.45
2-Sep-08 15049.86 15-Sep-08 4072.9
4-Sep-08 14899.1 16-Sep-08 4074.9
5-Sep-08 14483.83 17-Sep-08 4008.25
8-Sep-08 14944.97 18-Sep-08 4038.15
9-Sep-08 14900.76 19-Sep-08 4245.25
08 14662.61 22-Sep-08 4223.05
08 14324.29 23-Sep-08 4126.9
08 14000.81 24-Sep-08 4161.25
08 13531.27 25-Sep-08 4110.55
08 13518.8 26-Sep-08 3985.25
08 13262.9 29-Sep-08 3850.05
08 13315.6 30-Sep-08 3921.2
08 14042.32 1-Oct-08 3950.75
08 13994.96 3-Oct-08 3818.3
08 13570.31 6-Oct-08 3602.35
08 13692.52 7-Oct-08 3606.6
08 13547.18 8-Oct-08 3513.65
08 13102.18 10-Oct-08 3279.95
08 12595.75 13-Oct-08 3490.7
08 12860.43 14-Oct-08 3518.65
1-Oct-08 13055.67 15-Oct-08 3338.4
3-Oct-08 12526.32 16-Oct-08 3269.3
6-Oct-08 11801.7 17-Oct-08 3074.35
7-Oct-08 11695.24 20-Oct-08 3122.8
8-Oct-08 11328.36 21-Oct-08 3234.9
08 10527.85 22-Oct-08 3065.15
08 11309.09 23-Oct-08 2943.15
08 11483.4 24-Oct-08 2584

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


08 10809.12 27-Oct-08 2524.2
08 10581.49 28-Oct-08 2684.6
08 9975.35 29-Oct-08 2697.05
08 10223.09 31-Oct-08 2885.6
08 10683.39 3-Nov-08 3043.85
08 10169.9 4-Nov-08 3142.1
08 9771.7 5-Nov-08 2994.95
08 8701.07 6-Nov-08 2892.65
08 8509.56 7-Nov-08 2973
08 9008.08 10-Nov-08 3148.25
08 9044.51 11-Nov-08 2938.65
08 9788.06 12-Nov-08 2848.45
3-Nov-08 10337.68 14-Nov-08 2810.35
4-Nov-08 10631.12 17-Nov-08 2799.55
5-Nov-08 10120.01 18-Nov-08 2683.15
6-Nov-08 9734.22 19-Nov-08 2635
7-Nov-08 9964.29 20-Nov-08 2553.15
08 10536.16 21-Nov-08 2693.45
08 9839.69 24-Nov-08 2708.25
08 9536.33 25-Nov-08 2654
08 9385.42 26-Nov-08 2752.25
08 9291.01 28-Nov-08 2755.1
08 8937.2 1-Dec-08 2682.9
08 8773.78 2-Dec-08 2657.8
08 8451.01 3-Dec-08 2656.45
08 8915.21 4-Dec-08 2788
08 8903.12 5-Dec-08 2714.4
08 8695.53 8-Dec-08 2784
08 9026.72 10-Dec-08 2928.25
08 9092.72 11-Dec-08 2920.15
1-Dec-08 8839.87 12-Dec-08 2921.35

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


2-Dec-08 8739.24 15-Dec-08 2981.2

3-Dec-08 8747.43 16-Dec-08 3041.75
4-Dec-08 9229.75 17-Dec-08 2954.35
5-Dec-08 8965.2 18-Dec-08 3060.75
8-Dec-08 9162.62 19-Dec-08 3077.5
08 9654.9 22-Dec-08 3039.3
08 9645.46 23-Dec-08 2968.65
08 9690.07 24-Dec-08 2916.85
08 9832.39 26-Dec-08 2857.25
08 9976.98 29-Dec-08 2922.2
08 9715.29 30-Dec-08 2979.5
08 10076.43 31-Dec-08 2959.15
08 10099.91 2-Jan-09 3046.75
08 9928.35 5-Jan-09 3121.45
08 9686.75 6-Jan-09 3112.8
08 9568.72 7-Jan-09 2920.4
08 9328.92 9-Jan-09 2873
08 9533.52 12-Jan-09 2773.1
08 9716.16 13-Jan-09 2744.95
08 9647.31 14-Jan-09 2835.3
2-Jan-09 9958.22 15-Jan-09 2736.7
5-Jan-09 10275.6 16-Jan-09 2828.45
6-Jan-09 10335.93 19-Jan-09 2846.2
7-Jan-09 9586.88 20-Jan-09 2796.6
9-Jan-09 9406.47 21-Jan-09 2706.15
12-Jan-09 9110.05 22-Jan-09 2713.8
13-Jan-09 9071.36 23-Jan-09 2678.55
14-Jan-09 9370.49 27-Jan-09 2771.35
15-Jan-09 9046.74 28-Jan-09 2849.5
16-Jan-09 9323.59 29-Jan-09 2823.95
19-Jan-09 9329.57 30-Jan-09 2874.8
20-Jan-09 9100.55 2-Feb-09 2766.65
21-Jan-09 8779.17 3-Feb-09 2783.9
22-Jan-09 8813.84 4-Feb-09 2803.05
23-Jan-09 8674.35 5-Feb-09 2780.05
27-Jan-09 9004.08 6-Feb-09 2843.1
28-Jan-09 9257.47 9-Feb-09 2919.9

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


29-Jan-09 9236.28 10-Feb-09 2934.5

30-Jan-09 9424.24 11-Feb-09 2925.7
2-Feb-09 9066.7 12-Feb-09 2893.05
3-Feb-09 9149.3 13-Feb-09 2948.35
4-Feb-09 9201.85 16-Feb-09 2848.5
5-Feb-09 9090.88 17-Feb-09 2770.5
6-Feb-09 9300.86 18-Feb-09 2776.15
9-Feb-09 9583.89 19-Feb-09 2789.35
09 9647.47 20-Feb-09 2736.45
09 9618.54 24-Feb-09 2733.9
09 9465.83 25-Feb-09 2762.5
09 9634.74 26-Feb-09 2785.65
09 9305.45 27-Feb-09 2763.65
09 9035 2-Mar-09 2674.6
09 9015.18 3-Mar-09 2622.4
09 9042.63 4-Mar-09 2645.2
09 8843.21 5-Mar-09 2576.7
09 8822.06 6-Mar-09 2620.15
09 8902.56 9-Mar-09 2573.15
09 8954.86 12-Mar-09 2617.45
09 8891.61 13-Mar-09 2719.25
2-Mar-09 8607.08 16-Mar-09 2777.25
3-Mar-09 8427.29 17-Mar-09 2757.45
4-Mar-09 8446.49 18-Mar-09 2794.7
5-Mar-09 8197.92 19-Mar-09 2807.15
6-Mar-09 8325.82 20-Mar-09 2807.05
9-Mar-09 8160.4 23-Mar-09 2939.9
09 8343.75 24-Mar-09 2938.7
09 8756.61 25-Mar-09 2984.35
09 8943.54 26-Mar-09 3082.25
09 8863.82 27-Mar-09 3108.65
09 8976.68 30-Mar-09 2978.15
09 9001.75 31-Mar-09 3020.95
09 8966.68 1-Apr-09 3060.35

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


09 9424.02 2-Apr-09 3211.05
09 9471.04 6-Apr-09 3256.6
09 9667.9 8-Apr-09 3342.95
09 10003.1 9-Apr-09 3342.05
09 10048.49 13-Apr-09 3382.6
09 9568.14 15-Apr-09 3484.15
09 9708.5 16-Apr-09 3369.5
1-Apr-09 9901.99 17-Apr-09 3384.4
2-Apr-09 10348.83 20-Apr-09 3377.1
6-Apr-09 10534.87 21-Apr-09 3365.3
8-Apr-09 10742.34 22-Apr-09 3330.3
9-Apr-09 10803.86 23-Apr-09 3423.7
09 10967.22 24-Apr-09 3480.75
09 11284.73 27-Apr-09 3470
09 10947.4 28-Apr-09 3362.35
09 11023.09 29-Apr-09 3473.95
09 10979.5 4-May-09 3654
09 10898.11 5-May-09 3661.9
09 10817.54 6-May-09 3625.05
09 11134.99 7-May-09 3683.9
09 11329.05 8-May-09 3620.7
09 11371.85 11-May-09 3554.6
09 11001.75 12-May-09 3681.1
09 11403.25 13-May-09 3635.25
4-May-09 12134.75 14-May-09 3593.45
5-May-09 12131.08 15-May-09 3671.65
6-May-09 11952.75 18-May-09 4323.15
7-May-09 12116.94 19-May-09 4318.45
8-May-09 11876.43 20-May-09 4270.3
09 11682.99 21-May-09 4210.9
09 12158.03 22-May-09 4238.5
09 12019.65 25-May-09 4237.55
14-May- 11872.91 26-May-09 4116.7

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


09 12173.42 27-May-09 4276.05
09 14284.21 28-May-09 4337.1
09 14302.03 29-May-09 4448.95
09 14060.66 1-Jun-09 4529.9
09 13736.54 2-Jun-09 4525.25
09 13887.15 3-Jun-09 4530.7
09 13913.22 4-Jun-09 4572.65
09 13589.23 5-Jun-09 4586.9
09 14109.64 8-Jun-09 4429.9
09 14296.01 9-Jun-09 4550.95
09 14625.25 10-Jun-09 4655.25
1-Jun-09 14840.63 11-Jun-09 4637.7
2-Jun-09 14874.91 12-Jun-09 4583.4
3-Jun-09 14870.9 15-Jun-09 4484
4-Jun-09 15008.68 16-Jun-09 4517.8
5-Jun-09 15103.55 17-Jun-09 4356.15
8-Jun-09 14665.92 18-Jun-09 4251.4
9-Jun-09 15127 19-Jun-09 4313.6
09 15466.81 22-Jun-09 4235.25
09 15411.47 23-Jun-09 4247
09 15237.94 24-Jun-09 4292.95
09 14875.52 25-Jun-09 4241.85
09 14957.91 26-Jun-09 4375.5
09 14522.84 29-Jun-09 4390.95
09 14265.53 30-Jun-09 4291.1
09 14521.89 1-Jul-09 4340.9
09 14326.22 2-Jul-09 4348.85
09 14324.01 3-Jul-09 4424.25
09 14422.73 6-Jul-09 4165.7
09 14345.62 7-Jul-09 4202.15
09 14764.64 8-Jul-09 4078.9

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


09 14785.74 9-Jul-09 4080.95
09 14493.84 10-Jul-09 4003.9
1-Jul-09 14645.47 13-Jul-09 3974.05
2-Jul-09 14658.49 14-Jul-09 4111.4
3-Jul-09 14913.05 15-Jul-09 4233.5
6-Jul-09 14043.4 16-Jul-09 4231.4
7-Jul-09 14170.45 17-Jul-09 4374.95
8-Jul-09 13769.15 20-Jul-09 4502.25
9-Jul-09 13757.46 21-Jul-09 4469.1
10-Jul-09 13504.22 22-Jul-09 4398.9
13-Jul-09 13400.32 23-Jul-09 4523.75
14-Jul-09 13853.7 24-Jul-09 4568.55
15-Jul-09 14253.24 27-Jul-09 4572.3
16-Jul-09 14250.25 28-Jul-09 4564.1
17-Jul-09 14744.92 29-Jul-09 4513.5
20-Jul-09 15191.01 30-Jul-09 4571.45
21-Jul-09 15062.49 31-Jul-09 4636.45
22-Jul-09 14843.12 3-Aug-09 4711.4
23-Jul-09 15231.04 4-Aug-09 4680.5
24-Jul-09 15378.96 5-Aug-09 4694.15
27-Jul-09 15375.04 6-Aug-09 4585.5
28-Jul-09 15331.94 7-Aug-09 4481.4
29-Jul-09 15173.46 10-Aug-09 4437.65
30-Jul-09 15387.96 11-Aug-09 4471.35
31-Jul-09 15670.31 12-Aug-09 4457.5
3-Aug-09 15924.23 13-Aug-09 4605
4-Aug-09 15830.98 14-Aug-09 4580.05
5-Aug-09 15903.83 17-Aug-09 4387.9
6-Aug-09 15514.03 24-Aug-09 4642.8
7-Aug-09 15160.24 25-Aug-09 4659.35
09 15009.77 26-Aug-09 4680.85
09 15074.59 27-Aug-09 4688.2
09 15020.16 28-Aug-09 4732.35
09 15518.49 31-Aug-09 4662.1
09 15411.63 1-Sep-09 4625.35
09 14784.92 2-Sep-09 4608.35
09 15035.26 3-Sep-09 4593.55
09 14809.64 4-Sep-09 4680.4
09 15012.32 7-Sep-09 4782.9
21-Aug- 15240.83 8-Sep-09 4805.25

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


09 15628.75 9-Sep-09 4814.25
09 15688.47 10-Sep-09 4819.4
09 15769.85 11-Sep-09 4829.55
09 15781.07 14-Sep-09 4808.6
09 15922.34 15-Sep-09 4892.1
09 15666.64 16-Sep-09 4958.4
1-Sep-09 15551.19 17-Sep-09 4965.55
2-Sep-09 15467.46 18-Sep-09 4976.05
3-Sep-09 15398.33 22-Sep-09 5020.2
4-Sep-09 15689.12 23-Sep-09 4969.95
7-Sep-09 16016.32 24-Sep-09 4986.55
8-Sep-09 16123.67 25-Sep-09 4958.95
9-Sep-09 16183.55 29-Sep-09 5006.85
09 16216.86 30-Sep-09 5083.95
09 16264.3 1-Oct-09 5083.4
09 16214.19 5-Oct-09 5003.2
09 16454.45 6-Oct-09 5027.4
09 16677.04 7-Oct-09 4985.75
09 16711.11 8-Oct-09 5002.25
09 16741.3 9-Oct-09 4945.2
09 16886.43 12-Oct-09 5054.25
09 16719.5 14-Oct-09 5118.2
09 16781.43 15-Oct-09 5108.85
09 16693 16-Oct-09 5142.15
09 16852.91 20-Oct-09 5114.45
09 17126.84 21-Oct-09 5063.6
1-Oct-09 17134.55 22-Oct-09 4988.6
5-Oct-09 16866.41 23-Oct-09 4997.05
6-Oct-09 16958.54 26-Oct-09 4970.9
7-Oct-09 16806.66 27-Oct-09 4846.7
8-Oct-09 16843.54 28-Oct-09 4826.15
9-Oct-09 16642.66 29-Oct-09 4750.55
09 17026.67 30-Oct-09 4711.7

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


09 17231.11 3-Nov-09 4563.9
09 17195.2 4-Nov-09 4710.8
09 17322.82 5-Nov-09 4765.55
09 17223.01 6-Nov-09 4796.15
09 17009.17 9-Nov-09 4898.4
09 16789.74 10-Nov-09 4881.7
09 16810.81 11-Nov-09 5003.95
09 16740.5 12-Nov-09 4952.65
09 16353.4 13-Nov-09 4998.95
09 16283.49 16-Nov-09 5058.05
09 16052.72 17-Nov-09 5062.25
09 15896.28 18-Nov-09 5054.7
3-Nov-09 15404.94 19-Nov-09 4989
4-Nov-09 15912.13 20-Nov-09 5052.45
5-Nov-09 16063.9 23-Nov-09 5103.55
6-Nov-09 16158.28 24-Nov-09 5090.55
9-Nov-09 16498.72 25-Nov-09 5108.15
09 16440.56 26-Nov-09 5005.55
09 16849.6 27-Nov-09 4941.75
09 16696.03 30-Nov-09 5032.7
09 16848.83 1-Dec-09 5122
09 17032.51 2-Dec-09 5123.25
09 17050.65 3-Dec-09 5131.7
09 16998.78 4-Dec-09 5108.9
09 16785.65 7-Dec-09 5066.7
09 17021.85 8-Dec-09 5147.95
09 17180.18 9-Dec-09 5112
09 17131.08 10-Dec-09 5134.65
09 17198.95 11-Dec-09 5117.3
09 16854.93 14-Dec-09 5105.7
09 16632.01 15-Dec-09 5033.05

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


09 16926.22 16-Dec-09 5042.05
1-Dec-09 17198.27 17-Dec-09 5041.75
2-Dec-09 17169.91 18-Dec-09 4987.7
3-Dec-09 17185.68 21-Dec-09 4952.6
4-Dec-09 17101.54 22-Dec-09 4985.85
7-Dec-09 16983.14 23-Dec-09 5144.6
8-Dec-09 17227.68 24-Dec-09 5178.4
9-Dec-09 17125.22 29-Dec-09 5187.95
09 17189.31 30-Dec-09 5169.45
09 17119.03 31-Dec-09 5201.05
09 17097.55 4-Jan-10 5232.2
09 16877.16 5-Jan-10 5277.9
09 16912.77 6-Jan-10 5281.8
09 16894.25 7-Jan-10 5263.1
09 16719.83 8-Jan-10 5244.75
09 16601.2 11-Jan-10 5249.4
09 16692 12-Jan-10 5210.4
09 17231.11 13-Jan-10 5233.95
09 17360.61 14-Jan-10 5259.9
09 17401.56 15-Jan-10 5252.2
09 17343.82 18-Jan-10 5274.85
09 17464.81 19-Jan-10 5225.65
4-Jan-10 17558.73 11-Feb-10 4826.85
5-Jan-10 17686.24 15-Feb-10 4801.95
6-Jan-10 17701.13 16-Feb-10 4855.75
7-Jan-10 17615.72 17-Feb-10 4914
8-Jan-10 17540.29 18-Feb-10 4887.75
11-Jan-10 17526.71 19-Feb-10 4844.9
12-Jan-10 17422.51 22-Feb-10 4856.4
13-Jan-10 17509.8 23-Feb-10 4870.05
14-Jan-10 17584.87 24-Feb-10 4858.6
15-Jan-10 17554.3 25-Feb-10 4859.75
18-Jan-10 17641.08 26-Feb-10 4922.3
19-Jan-10 17486.06 2-Mar-10 5017
20-Jan-10 17474.49 3-Mar-10 5088.1
21-Jan-10 17051.14 4-Mar-10 5080.25
22-Jan-10 16859.68 5-Mar-10 5088.7

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


25-Jan-10 16780.46 8-Mar-10 5124

27-Jan-10 16289.82 9-Mar-10 5101.5
28-Jan-10 16306.87 10-Mar-10 5116.25
29-Jan-10 16357.96 11-Mar-10 5133.4
1-Feb-10 16356.03
2-Feb-10 16163.44
3-Feb-10 16496.05
4-Feb-10 16224.95
5-Feb-10 15790.93
8-Feb-10 15935.61
9-Feb-10 16042.18
10 15922.17
10 16152.59
10 16038.35
10 16226.68
10 16428.91
10 16327.84
10 16191.63
10 16237.05
10 16286.32
10 16255.97
10 16254.2
10 16429.55
2-Mar-10 16772.56
3-Mar-10 17000.01
4-Mar-10 16971.7
5-Mar-10 16994.49
8-Mar-10 17102.6
9-Mar-10 17052.54
10 17098.33
10 17167.96

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management


Bhagwan Mahavir College of Management

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