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SADULLO, Jerome Michael J.


It is intuitive to form such word, SERVICE, on the dimensions of development of

NSTP-CWTS. It makes sense since there is an impact and help to other people on each
of the component or combining it together. The values indicated in it help foster
students to practice service for others and develop holistically.

The first component is safety and security, and it is perfect for the saying “Safety
first”. In certain parts of life, there are some unexpected and unfortunate situations, and
happenings that might occur. It could be disasters, medical emergencies, etc. It is
important to know what to do in these situations to be of help and of service to yourself
and others. The second is education, in which knowledge, understanding and skills are
developed. It is needed to efficiently serve others and having extra knowledge could be
quite handy in a lot of situations. The third is recreation, and it is way to communicate
your feeling and ideas to others. If you have a lot of knowledge and skills within you,
one must learn to effectively relate it to other people. The fourth is Values formation and
Morality recovery. Having those knowledges, communication skills, etc. means nothing
if you don’t know what the right things to do with it. Having these within a certain person
will ensure that he or she can become responsible and can be a good person. The fifth
is Industry and Entrepreneurship. In terms of practicality, money is a factor. One must
know to produce goods and jobs or at least knows how to perform tasks to help drive
the economy even in miniscule. The sixth is Care of Health, everybody knows that the
body should be taken care of. Knowing what the status of your health is can increase
the chance of saving it, if you have any complication and it could also help in preventing
one. Lastly, the seventh is Environment, and it is the sum and overall of everything that
is being said. Not only in nature but the things that can influence you is part of the
environment. It should be taken care of, for the good and benefit of everybody.

In conclusion, every component is important and has an impact to one another.

One cannot just posses one of each component and be called a holistic person but the
two I think that Philippines society needs for now is Values Formation, since Filipinos
are known for their hospitality and kindness; and Moral recovery and Environment,
since Philippines is an agricultural country, that are forgotten nowadays.

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