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SADULLO, Jerome Michael J.



As a student, most of the conflict I encountered in group projects or tasks is silent

consensus. Commonly, my groupmates are not that shy that, they could not speak their
ideas or opinions. Meeting them for the first time, always go with an introduction and
weighing appropriate things to say and do. For the group to function objectively, the
group must be comfortable to work with each other, but unfortunately, due to different
experiences, we form a trait can be unhealthy for the group. One of these is not
speaking out of your mind, because your intimidated by the other person or you might
feel that your opinion is worthless, but you never know whether your idea is helpful or
not, and in order to confirm this, he or she must confer this to the others.

A solution to this problem is confidence and respect. In order to gain confidence,

one must have enough knowledge of a given field and if you don’t know what you are
doing, you will be really shy. Another is respect, because if someone is speaking in the
group, all must listen and don’t compete in what he or she is saying. These things are
important in group decision, in the members side. In the side of the leader, or the
majority, they must ensure that everybody truly agrees with the decision that will be
taken. Communication between the two factions, is the key in order to truly a function as
a team or a group.

Overall, this scenario is common, where the group decides, and some people are
dominant, specially where some intimidating people bannered with excellence are in the
group. Even though they might have a reputation, or an intimidating will, everybody is
part of the group and is responsible for the other person. A group must function as one,
so as individuals know when to hold back.

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