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Session 6A: Papers SIGITE’18, October 3-6, 2018, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

A Novel Blockchain-based Education

Records Verification Solution
Meng Han Zhigang Li Jing (Selena) He
Kennesaw State University Kennesaw State University Kennesaw State University
Marietta, GA Marietta, GA Marietta, GA
mhan9@kennesaw.edu zli8@kennesaw.edu she4@kennesaw.edu

Dalei Wu Ying Xie Asif Baba

University of Tennessee at Kennesaw State University Tuskegee University
Chattanooga Marietta, GA Tuskegee, AL
Chattanooga, TN yxie2@kennesaw.edu ababa@tuskegee.edu
This paper proposes a novel blockchain-based technique for cre- In today’s education and human resource system, how to store and
ating an environment where individuals can be the custodians of track the educational growth of an individual become more and
their official education records and can easily share those records more crucial for multiple institutions from the college, graduate
with others. A blockchain is a digitized, decentralized, open record college, to the employer’s HR system. Particularly, the exchange
of all cryptographic data exchanges. One key characteristic of the and sharing of the learning record among education institutions
blockchain is its decentralized nature. Unlike records or accounts for one student are very common academic affairs last the whole
maintained by department, college, university, government agen- length of the study. These data are also used in colleges for paying
cies and other institutions, the blockchain does not require an in- specific care to students extra attention. In most cases, the “official”
termediary to complete education records or alter records. Our so- learning record of a student, a.k.a. transcript, only contains the
lution incorporating the advanced features of blockchain allows course number, an abbreviated course title, the letter grades, and
education providers to issue official certificates that supply proof GPA (grade point average). It doesn’t show what the student has
of completion or achievement. The proposed framework could also done in taking the course. For the graduate school, the official tran-
provide the corresponding functions for the after-college educa- script is a requirement for the student to show their performance
tion and many other further usages. in the past; for their future employers, what a student has done in
taking the course that is most relevant to the job the student for
CCS CONCEPTS applying is probably the most important thing. Many employers
• Theory of computation → Theory of database privacy and often request students to submit portfolios to demonstrate the stu-
security; • General and reference → Design; • Applied com- dents’ capacity. But these portfolios are not “official” in any capac-
puting → Learning management systems; Digital libraries and ity, and there is no guarantee that whatever the student presented
archives; in the portfolio are of his/her work. This is especially important
since studies have shown that service-based learning or project-
KEYWORDS based learning can significantly increase students’ opportunities
for landing a job [3]. Education background checks confirm the ap-
Blockchain, Education Record, Data Privacy, Data Security, System, plicant’s type of degree or certificate, graduation date, attendance
Framework dates, and any graduating honors. Education verification for em-
ACM Reference Format: ployment purposes verifies the certification or educational claims
Meng Han, Zhigang Li, Jing (Selena) He, Dalei Wu, Ying Xie, and Asif Baba. of a job applicant.
2018. A Novel Blockchain-based Education, Records Verification Solution. For decades, higher education institutions are the keepers and
In The 19th Annual Conference on Information Technology Education (SIGITE sole authority when it comes to students learning records and cre-
’18), October 3–6, 2018, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, dentials. Due to security concerns, institutions have been using an
6 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3241815.3241870 obsolete and inadequate way to manage and authenticate student
records and credentials [8, 11]. Upon request, these credentials and
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or transcripts are delivered in sealed envelopes and have to be handed
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full cita- directly to the relevant third parties. Any photocopies or unsealed
tion on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than records that students keep personally are considered “unofficial”
ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or re- and do not carry the same significance during the hiring or recruit-
publish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission
and/or a fee. Request permissions from permissions@acm.org. ing process. Requesting these “official” records often involves a cer-
SIGITE ’18, October 3–6, 2018, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA tain amount of fee from the students, which increases the financial
© 2018 Association for Computing Machinery. burden to the students, especially when they are still job hunting
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5954-2/18/10…$15.00
https://doi.org/10.1145/3241815.3241870 without an income. In recent years, more and more institutions

Session 6A: Papers SIGITE’18, October 3-6, 2018, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

started to use some form of digital transcripts online. However, a community of users can control how the record of information
these digital transcripts are generally designed to be used only is amended and updated.
once. They are the equivalent of photocopies of the paper-based Blockchain technology, with its tamper-proof security and de-
transcripts or credentials and the records are not very secure in centralized structure, allows institutions and students to manage
nature [14]. This “institution as the record keeper” system makes learning records and credentials over a secure and distributed net-
it very inefficient for any employers or relevant third parties to work. It makes it possible for students to be the owner of their
verify the authenticity of student learning records and credentials. learning records and credentials [7, 9]. This means that they can
It wastes time and money for the institutions, students, as well as share their learning records or credentials with anyone and have
employers. Especially in the 21st century and the age of the inter- them trusted to be authentic. Also, institutions or learning organi-
net of everything, this process appears even more outdated and zations no longer have to build a centralized storage unit or applica-
inadequate. tion to securely store students’ records or data. It can significantly
Since the institutions are the sole authority and keeper of stu- lower the cost of managing and maintaining student records for
dent learning records and credentials, it makes it even cumbersome both institutions and students [14].
for an employer or a relevant third party to verify the learning Blockchain technology also helps with the issue when a learner
records and credentials when a student attends or takes courses attends or takes the course from different institutions. This is es-
across different institutions. This is the disadvantage of centraliza- pecially relevant given the increasing popularity of Massive Open
tion. It means that the student or the employer has to reach out to Online Courses (MOOCs), nano-degrees, and digital badges. The
multiple institutions to request the “official” transcripts. More fees transformation from college degrees to lifelong learning creden-
are going to be involved and a more financial burden is going to tials requires a different way of storing, managing, and authen-
be put on the student. It also means that more time will be needed ticating learning records and credentials. Blockchain technology
for multiple institutions to respond. Building a centralized national can help break down the institutional barrier and allow students
database for such purpose is possible on paper but the cost will be to keep and maintain their learning history across different insti-
astronomical. It will also be challenging to implement technolog- tutions and organizations.
ically due to the vast differences of the systems used in different Using the smart contract [4, 19], a student’s learning record can-
institutions across the country. Even so, such system will not be not only contain the As and Bs along with course titles, but also
able to help if the learner attends schools from different countries. the actual work they’ve done in a lab or a service-learning project.
However, it is not a trivial project to exchange, share, and pro- Employers will not only be able to verify the authenticity of an
vide the verification for many traditional scenarios. Multiple chal- applicant’s learning records and credentials but will also be able
lenges are standing in front of the target: to see what the applicant has done that are most relevant to the
job he/she is applying. Unlike the portfolios that students create
• The data of learning records or study achievement need au-
and maintain individually, employers can trust that the applicant’s
thorized organization to provide credentials. This fact will
work is authentic and of his/her own. It will also only take the em-
result in the very limited number of data providers as well
ployer minutes if not seconds to verify the learning records and
as the complicated authorization procedure.
history of the applicant without having to contact or wait for the
• The privacy and security concern is closely followed by these
response from the institution.
personal data. How to access and use the data securely while
Our solution incorporating the advanced features of blockchain
preserving privacy is a very challenge task.
will allow education providers to issue official certificates that sup-
• The size of data for each record may not be large, but bring
ply proof of completion or achievement. These certificates can be
all the data from individuals would build a huge capacity,
collected by individuals and shared directly with anyone who re-
which makes it very hard to manage.
quires official documents. Furthermore, the education is not just a
This paper proposes a novel blockchain-based technique for cre- period experience but a lifelong project. People continue to learn
ating an environment where individuals can be the custodians of through their life experiences, their work, and professional train-
their official education records and can easily share those records ing. Accruing evidence of those learning experiences is just as im-
with others. A blockchain is a digitized, decentralized, open record portant as tracking formal education. Our resolution can also pro-
of all cryptographic data exchanges. The most famous example vide the corresponding functions for the after-college education.
would be Bitcoin, but the design feature of blockchain provides The main contribution of this solution could be summarised as
much bigger application scope for blockchain [10]. One key charac- follows:
teristic of the blockchain is its decentralized nature. Unlike records
or accounts maintained by department, college, university, govern-
ment agencies and other institutions, the blockchain does not re- • By incorporating the decentralized data storage of blockchain,
quire an intermediary to complete education records or alter records. our solution could allow the participated organization and
Each user within a blockchain has a private encryption key linked individual to easily establish the authorized access to the
to their block, and when a change is made to that block, every data belonging to corresponding parties.
block linked before and after it is updated, creating an irreversible • The secure and private nature of blockchain could guarantee
record. This allows the participants to verify and audit transactions the privacy and security of data stored on it, and provide
inexpensively [12]. With a blockchain, many people can write en- customized access to different parties.
tries into a record of information (such as education records), and

Session 6A: Papers SIGITE’18, October 3-6, 2018, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

Education Education Record Blockchain-based Individual
Institution Verification System Data Storage Response Client

Figure 1: The Structure of the Proposed Solution

• The cost of blockchain-based storage could be reduced to publically accessible digital ledger. Unlike traditional financial in-
half of the typical cloud-based storage. This allows our res- stitutions that keep records of all transactions in a centralized sys-
olution could be much applicable concerning cost to a great tem, the blockchain is replicated in a peer-to-peer network that is
extent. accessible to anyone [13]. To put it in layman’s term, a blockchain
As shown in Fig. 1, the proposed solution provide a bridge for can be defined as a distributed secure log file.
both the educational institution and the individual users (graduate Since 2008, a growing number of businesses including brick and
students, or the third parties). The nodes of the blockchain network mortar stores started to accept Bitcoin as payment. Some of the
incorporate a consensus algorithm to determine the transaction’s merchants are well-known names such as Microsoft, Subway, Over-
validity, and when the node agrees to the change, it is permanently stock.com, Expedia, and Newegg. People have used Bitcoins to buy
committed to the blockchain (public ledger). The individual client drinks in pubs, cars from the dealerships, even as payment for real
can connect to the blockchain and download the documents avail- estate [5, 20].
able to her/him. And all these documentation are decrypted using Bitcoin, or rather the blockchain technology, caught the atten-
the individual’s private key. tion of financial institutions almost immediately after the release.
In this paper, we work on the defense of clique-based attack and It’s decentralized network and secure by design nature allow users
proposed a couple of fundamental results in theoretical complexity to cut out the middleman, and thus, reduce the transaction cost
analysis, then proposed the efficient and effective algorithms to and increase efficiency. In 2014, a group of financial institutions
solve the proposed problem. Firstly, we give the motivation and formed a consortium to explore the possibility of using blockchain
the background with examples of the typical problems in Section to improve the efficiency of payments between banks. However,
1. Secondly, some preliminary knowledge of blockchain and the the anonymity nature of Satoshi’s original design of blockchain
classical electrical education records techniques are presented in goes contrary to the practices of banking institutions as financial
Section 2. In Section 3, we introduce our solution and the detailed laws in both the U.S. and other countries require the identity of
design of our solution in each component. Then, we discussed the people adding the blocks to be known. To solve this issue, the con-
education value of our solutions. Finally, Section 5 concludes this sortium of financial institutions proposed the concept of “permis-
work. sion ledger”. Unlike open blockchains such as Bitcoin, in permis-
sion ledger, the identity of people adding blocks is known, and the
2 PRELIMINARY KNOWLEDGE right to create new blocks is assigned by the people who run the
code [13].
2.1 Blockchain Techniques In addition to the finance sector, ideas of applying and imple-
There is no getting around blockchain without mentioning the name menting blockchain technology in other areas have also been pro-
of the infamous Bitcoin. Since its first appearance in the cryptocur- posed or conceptualized. In late 2013, a computer-science student
rency Bitcoin, blockchain technology has outgrown its novelty and named Vitalik Buterin created an entirely new blockchain called
attracted attention across all industries. First proposed by the mys- Ethereum. Ethereum features smart contracts, also called Ether, as
teries figure(s) named Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, Bitcoin was the the currency. It allows users to publish software programs that are
first real-life application of blockchain technology. Created post secure from censors and can be operated infinitely in the absence
the financial crisis; Bitcoin was believed to be a defiance of the fi- of its creator [1, 13, 18]. Ethereum, along with the smart contract,
nancial system and institutions that have lost the trust of the peo- showed the world that blockchain technology could be a viable
ple [13]. Over the past decade, Bitcoin has made its name known solution to many of the real-world situations other than being an
to the public through its ups and downs, promises and downfalls. alternative solution to the traditional financial system.
Despite its wide exposure, few people know what Bitcoin is, let Since 2014, blockchain technology has seen implementation in
alone understand blockchain, the technology that made all these industry sectors such as consumer products, manufacturing, me-
happen. dia, telecommunications, healthcare, and government [15]. IBM
Before we dive into the blockchain, we need to discuss the ori- has joined forces with the Linux Foundation on the Hyperledger
gin of Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency that made blockchain tech- project that is building an open source, standardized, and production-
nology what it is today. In 2008, Nakamoto published a white- grade digital ledger. A blockchain startup called Factom is working
paper discussing a purely peer-to-peer electronic cash system. The with the Honduran government on a land registry project. It is also
system, named Bitcoin, uses an ongoing chain of records to keep involved in some projects in China such as smart cities and digital
time-stamped transactions that are secured by cryptography. The notarization services [17].
records, called blocks, cannot be altered without changing all the
subsequent blocks. The chain of blocks, or blockchain, serves as a

Session 6A: Papers SIGITE’18, October 3-6, 2018, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

The development and implementation of blockchain technology Hash

(SHA 256) URL
in other industry sectors didn’t go unnoticed by educators. The se-
cure and decentralized nature of blockchain technology makes it a
perfect technological solution for some of the areas in higher edu- Hash (SHA 256)
cation that are desperately in need of improvement and innovation. Previous Hash
One such area is the storage, management, and authentication of Signature

student records and credentials.

In the current learning environment, there are several challenges
facing higher education institutions when it comes to the storage, Hash from (Hash(Er1.Hash +Er2.Hash)) Hash from (Hash(Er3.Hash +Er4.Hash))
management, and authentication of student records and creden-
One of the earlier adopters of blockchain technology for student
recording keeping is the Holberton School of Software Engineer-
Er1 Er2 Er3 Er4
ing, a California-based institution established in 2015. The Holber-
ton school offers learner a paper certificate at the end of the pro-
gram as well as a digital certificate that is inserted into the Bitcoin Figure 2: The Components of a Block in Blockchain with Ed-
blockchain. ucation Record
In addition to utilizing an existing public blockchain such as
Bitcoin, other efforts have been made to use blockchain technology
to address issues of authoring, managing, and delivering learning
resources [10]. Using blockchain technology, different individuals which allows the system about, provide a private access to each
or publishers across different institutions can use author, manage, different education institution or individual; (3) the resource URL
and deliver learning objects or components directly to the learners is a reference to the additional education record resource location,
and thus, eliminate the middleman. One such example is a startup such as the original electronic copy of the diploma, or other re-
called On-Demand Education Marketplace (ODEM). ODEM uses sources; (3) the last one is the index, which could allow the system
smart contract to allow educators and learners to connect directly to achieve the data discovery without the content leaking regard-
with cutting institutions out of the loop, and thus reducing the cost ing the record.
for learners. The education record is demonstrated in the structure chart of
Another example of blockchain’s use in education is a company Fig. 2. The top level is the header of the block; then the Hash func-
called Education. Education is an educational platform born out tion is calculated to construct each layer. For each transaction, the
of Dubai Future Accelerators. It has launched the world’s largest Hash, Signature, Resource URL, and Index are the four main com-
pilot of blockchain technology in education and is affecting over ponents.
400,000 students.

3 SOLUTION PROPOSAL 3.3 System Architecture

The main architecture includes the provider node, individual node,
3.1 Blockchain and the miner around the blockchain as the center of the system. In
The fundamental role of blockchain is a decentralized network which the education record tracking and verification process, we assume
enables all parties to make transactions in a trustless network to that many nodes and the education institution providers trustfully
trust each other. The blockchain has a distributed ledger that con- manage the database on servers with the network connectivity,
tains connected blocks of transactions for all the members of the The record could be added to the system with the support of data,
network. Participants in the network administer and accept by con- then the data will be transferred to the blockchain system with se-
sensus on the updates to the records in the ledger. No central, curity and privacy consideration. Another end of individual nodes
third-party mediator get involved in verifying the activities of the could also access their profile in the architecture, and exchange
network. The heavy use of cryptography is the key characteristic the data with the provider node according to the specific rule de-
of blockchain networks which carries authoritativeness behind all veloped by all the parity involved into the system [2].
the interactions in the network [6]. Applying blockchain for the In Fig. 3, the education record can be added to the system with
education record tracking and verification can secure the sensitive the maintenance of different components, and posted to the blockchain
users’ data by recording communication and control information finally. The individual could also try to access the data but may be
as transactions in the distributed ledger. rejected due to their registration status, and be notified once there
is any particular update.
3.2 Components of an Education Record The miner in the system refers to the instance who was adding
As shown at the top of Fig. 2, we store our Education Record (Er) blocks to the blockchain. Different from Bitcoin, which use Proof
into the blockchain for data exchange and information sharing. (1) of Work model, where very high computational power is expended
Similar like Bitcoin, in our solution we also use SHA 256 for the for making the censuses. Since we assume that there are trusted
hash function, which brings a very low conflict rate of the hash- parties involved in the system already, we expect that the nodes
ing process; (2) the Signature is signed by the originating node, can provide proof. Thus, the data about the transaction referred can

Session 6A: Papers SIGITE’18, October 3-6, 2018, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

Provider Node
A Ethereum Client
Education Backend
Record Lib EduRec Service
Manager B
Add Record Update
Resolve Address
DB Check Permissions on Post New Record
Gatekeeper Current Chain Link the Data from both End

Database C

Singed Query Request G Query Result
E Individual Node
Notification Education Ethereum Client
Record Backend
Manager EduRec Service
Update Status
Reject or Acknowledge

Figure 3: The Architecture of the Proposed System

be meaningfully interpreted within all the authorized unit. This al- Only certified institutions could be allowed to access and update
ternative way could allow the blockchain consistency well. the data in the system under the restricted rules.

Both the education institution and education records users could
3.4 The Usage of Smart Contract benefit from our proposed data exchange platform. From both per-
The concept of smart contract, proposed by Nick Szabo, is defined spectives, the benefits are gained from both the greater convenience
as a computerized transaction protocol that executes the terms of and better care outcomes for individuals. The blockchain technol-
a contract [16]. The methodology has only recent years come into ogy provides the education a new way to incorporate data with pri-
use with the appearance of distributed ledger technology. Under vacy and security concerns. This would be one of the most promis-
the blockchain context, smart contracts are stored scripts on the ing domain to apply the data-driven intelligence as well as big
blockchain with the unique address. room for further business value discovery.
The smart contract could be triggered by addressing a transac-
tion and executed automatically in a required manner. The trigger- Education Institution Perspective:
ing transaction also allowed to have a general purpose computa- • The collaborative nature of different institutions could be
tion on the blockchain. The smart contract could allow the educa- achieved. This will eliminate many of the challenges of ex-
tion record system to execute the commands automatically based isting educations system, and provide huge potential to fur-
on users’ preferences. For example, the employer could directly re- ther improve the quality of education.
ceive the latest update if there is an employee belonging to a part- • The Data-driven competitive advantage between different
time education program, and this is not limited to the transcript parities involved in the system could be avoided, and the
but also includes the academic achievement or any other project life-time education and achievement record could be store
experience. All the commands don’t need a centralized system and and shared with all the authorized organizations.
the blockchain secures users’ private information. • The data of the students could also be shared for the research
As shown in Fig. 4, the contract structures and the relationships especially the education research activities for further lever-
within our solution are illustrated. Once the data was registered, age of the power of data-driven intelligence.
the smart contract could allow different individual and organiza-
tion to implement the contract which covers the operation of each Records Users Perspective:
other once the condition of the contract could be satisfied. The
• The individual no longer need to coordinate with multiple
relationships between each individual or between the individual
agencies to gather records and pay for the extra cost for ed-
and organization are all considered and stored in the blockchain.
ucation verification.
The address would be the unique key for all the transactions and
• The user could retain the control of their data without hav-
data exchange. Policies coded into the contract could regulate the
ing to be a data manager. It is not required for them to spend
new identities or change the mapping of existing one’s registration.
time and energy to maintain the data.

Session 6A: Papers SIGITE’18, October 3-6, 2018, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

Registrar Contract
“Alice” Eth addr SC

ID Discovery
“Bob” Eth addr SC

Summary Contract

SmartContract SmartContract SmartContract Alice Eth address

Individual 1 Individual 2 Individual 3

PPR address Status

PPR address Status

Relationship Relationship
Individual 1-Provider 2 Individual 1-Provider 3
Patient Provider Relationship

Blockchain Queries Reference Queries Reference Owner Access information

Network Nodes
queries and hashes


Database Database Mining Bounties

Provider2 Provider3 …

Figure 4: The Data Contract Structure of Each Part

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