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Assessment Task 1 BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

Written questions and answers

Submission details
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this
arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.

Performance objective
The candidate will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to determine individual and
team development needs and to facilitate the development of the workgroup.

Assessment description
In this assessment task, you are required to provide answers to the questions asked. You may
use additional documents as required.

1. Read and understand the questions clearly.
2. Provide answers to the questions asked.
3. Give examples from your own experience as far as possible.
4. Submit all documents required in the specifications below to your assessor. Ensure you
keep a copy of all work submitted for your records.

You must:
● meet with your assessor to clarify any confusion
● provide answers to all the questions
● submit your notes and any additional documents.
● If you utilise material from published authors make certain that you cite and reference
appropriately. If you do not know how to reference discuss this with your assessor.
Plagiarism is unacceptable.

Your assessor will be looking for your ability to:

● systematically identify and implement learning opportunities for others

● collect feedback on team and individual performance

● give and receive feedback from team members to encourage participation in and
effectiveness of the team
● collaboratively develop learning plans to match skill needs of individuals and groups

● provide mentoring and coaching assistance to teams and individuals

● monitor and review workplace learning.

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RTO 41297 | CRICOS 03444C
Jan 2018 version: 2.0
Assessment Task 1 BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

Answer the following questions:

You are required to answer the questions given below. You may either use the space being
provided for your answers or attach separate answer sheets as required.
1. Explain what coaching and mentoring is and the differences between the two.

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RTO 41297 | CRICOS 03444C
Jan 2018 version: 2.0
Assessment Task 1 BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

2. What are the benefits of having both coaches and mentors in organizations?

3. List and describe 4 different staff motivation techniques you could put into a workplace

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RTO 41297 | CRICOS 03444C
Jan 2018 version: 2.0
Assessment Task 1 BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

to assist in staff development.

4. What are the importance of feedback forms when evaluating skill development

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RTO 41297 | CRICOS 03444C
Jan 2018 version: 2.0
Assessment Task 1 BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

5. What learning and development needs may you identify within an organisation (list 4)?

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RTO 41297 | CRICOS 03444C
Jan 2018 version: 2.0
Assessment Task 1 BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

6. Detail 4 different learning delivery methods, and their benefits.

7. Describe Honey & Mumford’s Activist, Pragmatist, Reflector, Theorist.

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RTO 41297 | CRICOS 03444C
Jan 2018 version: 2.0
Assessment Task 1 BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

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RTO 41297 | CRICOS 03444C
Jan 2018 version: 2.0
Assessment Task 1 BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

8. Describe the following three (3) learning styles: auditory, visual, kinesthetic

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RTO 41297 | CRICOS 03444C
Jan 2018 version: 2.0

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