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Case Analysis

Case 1 “Boruto The Movie”

“Psychoanalytic Theory of Sigmund Freud”

As what the movie shows, with Naruto as the Seventh Hokage, Hidden Leaf Village
is planning to host the Chunin Exams to train new shinobi from the village and from the
five of their allied villages. Among the entrants are Sasuke’s daughter, Sarada, who adores
Naruto Mitsuki, an exceptionally talented yet mysterious shinobi and Boruto, Naruto’s
son who shows great potential, but despises his Father. To beat his Father, Boruto
decided to have the illegal ninja tool which was invented by Katasuke. Katasuke tried to
introduce this tool to the Naruto but he didn’t accept it because this will only show that
ninjas will be strong when they have ‘that’ tool. That is why when Boruto uses the tool
during the Chunin exams, Naruto is disappointed. Boruto was disqualified and Naruto
took the ninja circlet on Boruto. However, the villain appeared and Naruto sacrifices his
life to save everyone. That was the time Boruto realizes how great his father was. When
they found out that Naruto is on the hand of the villain, Boruto did not waste and he
joined the Hokage’s and Sasuke to save Naruto.

This relatively displays that Boruto developed his personality during the Phallic
Stage. Due to Naruto’s responsibilities as the Seventh Hokage, he did not have time to his
family and to be the Father of Boruto. That is why Boruto longed to have a Father and
later on this developed to anger. Apparently on the Oral Stage, Boruto is underfeed and
continues on the Anal Stage which he became rebellious to Naruto. However, Phallic
Stage is more on self-discovery. Boruto discovers that in order for his Mother and his little
sister to be happy he wanted Naruto to be on their side. One proof of that is when his
little sister celebrates birthday and he wanted his Father be their but instead of coming to
his sister’s birthday, Naruto uses power to jest Boruto. Boruto was furious and he wanted
that time take revenge to his Father. Boruto definitely experienced frustration. At his
young age, he is aware that his Father did not have time for him and his family and this
developed to some sort of anger. According to Freud, when a boy experienced Oedipus
Complex it’s either he will developed a desire to compete his Father or he will try to get
close to his Father in order to get his Mother’s attention. The movie shows that Boruto
developed a desire to compete his Father and he wanted to become stronger than his
Father was because that is the only way for him to catch his Father’s attention. Thus, he
uses the ninja tool during the Chunin Exams even if it is illegal.

Other than that, Boruto has this ego defence mechanism. It is true that because of
Boruto’s ego he wanted to compete his father consequently shows some defense
mechanism. He wanted to prove the he is much better than Naruto. Boruto has also a
personality like he did not want to lose because for him that it is not a quality of a true
ninja. Nevertheless, it was his ego that is working and it was his ego working all along in
getting the idea of competing with his Father. However, Boruto soon realizes how Naruto
great was when Naruto shield himself from the attack of the villain. Boruto realizes how
lucky he was to have a great Father like Naruto and not experience the life of Naruto
when he was still a child hood. Boruto also understands the responsibilities of Naruto as
the Seventh Hokage. He realizes how much he idolizes Naruto. Even though, Boruto
developed a different kind of personality in Phallic Stage and have the ego defense
mechanism, he did not became fixated in that personality and thus change it when he
saw and realize the truth. He is treated instantly as a result his conscious mind is working
as well as he grasped the truth. All in all, the movie was wonderful and you can absolutely
learn a lesson from it.
Case 2. The Island
“Stem Cell”

The Island was pretty amazing movie, truth to be told. It addressed the scares of
cloning and the possible black market that might occur if cloning becomes an easy thing
to do. It also discusses about the ethics and morals of people. Basically, this movie makes
you think that you wouldn’t normally think about. The first-half part of the movie takes
place in a sterile futuristic environment where the inhabitants wear identical uniforms.
This is where the protagonists Ewan McGregor as Lincoln Six Echo and Scarlett Johansson
as Jordan Two Delta technically imprisoned in a world they did not think they would be.
For their sponsors they were just a product of science. They need to remain vegetative,
they manipulated their consciousness and they will not feel any human emotion,
completely thrown away from the world of humans nonetheless, that’s what they
thought. Lincoln Six is different. He began to question things. Thousandths of inhabitants
were there and they were surrounded by securities that wear black uniform. It would not
be easy to escape in that building since it was surrounded by advanced technologies that
can easily detect someone who escaped. Big-screen TVs, broadcast slogans and
instructions twice a day, everybody gathers for the Lottery to be held. This sealed world,
its inhabitants believe, has been created to protect them from contamination that has
poisoned the Earth. People in there believed that when they win in the Lottery they can
go to The Island, the only place that is free from contamination, but the truth is the
sponsor (or the real person of the clone) needs them and they will instantly face death.

The Island and The Stem cell research is somehow similar. They reproduce another cell
that is exactly the same to the original cell in order to replace those infected cells or
scarred cell from the body. Fundamentally it is good and somehow Science find a ways to
obtain cells that are very good for the body and it is from the unborn baby. Science said
that the cells from the unborn child is perfectly fit for the replacement of the infected
cells compared to an adults which are pretty much risky plus the stem cells of an adult is
limited. This procedure have used by the scientists and researchers to improve and as a
result many advanced technologies were created in order to cure infected cells. One
example of that is the technology that is commonly used to treat bone marrow cancer.

This case is pretty much interesting because it deals with a fact of omitting immoral acts
as well as unethical behaviour towards humanity. Just like in the movie The Island,
because of Lincoln Six Echo’s curiosity that leads him together with Jordan Two Delta to
found out the truth about their existence and the memory that has been plugged in their
system or the memory imprints is just a creation of the President or (the Founder of this
Science Cloning Institution.) They said that they are special but the think is not. For
Lincoln and Jordan, their existence is just a lie. The main issue here is, ‘was cloning an
ethical just for the use of organs or other body parts? To be honest, I think it’s not. It was
like creating life to suit the ulterior need. To me, this is using life as a means to achieve
goal and this is not far from doing immoral and unethical acts. According to the Rule-
based obligation or deontology, Life should not be a tool to help succeed in other areas,
life should be lived and enjoyed and thus we should do our mission and that is to do good
deed. The fact that you created a life through science, fabricated some memories and
behaviour like a 15 year old child and keeping this a secret from the person is completely
an immoral act. According to some dictionary, Cloning is the act of creating something in
the exact from that already exists. To me, this is also unethical and I don’t know why their
society needs to do this. I see no good or benefit for a society that can come up from
cloning. Allowing the wealthy people to clone themselves in order to serve a purpose is
not right. Creating a life to serve a purpose also creates an issue to individual rights. Even
if it is just a clone, it doesn’t mean that they are not a human too.
Whether you are not born in the desire to create a life and to love that person, or you are
created in order to save someone else, that person who is ultimately being used should be
given the right to know and to be informed. A man is rational, free, and in deliberate
manner. Being free doesn’t mean that we should make an evil act or hurt people. Being
free means doing good deeds and human acts.

The movie and the Stem cell research tell us that creating life in order to save someone is
a biased idea. The fact that our society is engaged in the stem cell research literally breaks
my heart but how can we help and solve this issue. Directly speaking, an unborn child
will feel unwanted due to the fact that his/her purpose is just to save someone. A child
would definitely developed different personality or there will be an effect on child’s mind
including the psychological behaviour. Imagine a child becomes rebel or he will try to
isolate himself because he knew that he was born just for some ulterior motives.
Obtaining stem cell from someone remains senseless and superfluous. This issue is still
disturbing and it remains a challenge to how science would take account to all of this
problems and how will the society adjust to this issue. Some points though, there is also a
good benefits of this stem cell research if we look at those people who wants to be treated
or save point of views. All in all, I really enjoyed the movie as well as I’ve learned about
the stem cell research.
Case 3. The Consumed 2015 Film
“Genetically Modified Organisms”

Entertaining, relatable, suspenseful and a real eye opener to what our society is going on.
This film has inspired and educated me. Consumed is a dramatic thriller that explores the
complex world of genetically modified food. The story is anchored by a working-class,
single Mother on a hunt to uncover the cause of her son’s mysterious illness. Interwoven
are the stories of an Organic Farmer, the CEO of a biotechnology corporation. Two
Scientists on the verge of a major discovery, and an ex-Cop caught in the middle of it.

This powerful and alarming film raises awareness about our food supply chain and how
easily it can be threatened by powerful forces who aren’t concerned about our health. It
cries out for all citizens who care about the health of people and the planet to get
engaged. As I watched the movie, I instantly realized how powerful technology and
science works on our society. I’ve researched some facts about genetically modified
organisms and was it bad or good in health. Some people says especially farmers that
(let’s use the example of a GM food crops) it is a very good help plus they need to rely on
pesticides because it can kill insects. It can protect the food crops against harmful
bacteria and viruses including all the insects that might eat the crops. Lastly, their profits
will surely increase.

The term Genetically Modified Organisms is actually more like known to people or
people have been genetically modifying organisms since the invention of agriculture.
Every plants and animal species has a natural genetically ability and for thousandths of
years we’ve harnessed this ability by practicing artificial selection. We cultivated and
breed organisms to emphasize their most desirable traits. Certainly, one example for that
is a corn that was originally looks like a marking pen probably 9 inches long but after
selective readings we have turn it to massive corn that we usually see in a market place.
When we talked about genetically modified organisms, we are taking about genetically
engineered organisms or transgenic organisms. It means that the genes from other
species are extracted or fused into the genes of a different species. However here’s the
thing, engineered organisms are not new to us since we’ve been tinkering with food and
laboratories for a hundred of years. Possibly, scientist have realized that they can cause
mutations in plants thereby creating more genetically diversity and probably more
desirable traits by exposing them to x-rays or gamma rays and a lot of experimentation. It
was said that

The movie points out just how little we, as consumers, know about products we eat every
day. Lister-Jones who played the main character is led down to twisted path as she tries to
figure out the cause of her son’s illness. She unveils some startling information about the
food culture, the dubious ingredients in what we eat, the decline in organic farming, the
trickle down effects of big corporations. She ends up surrounded by genetically modified
organisms, genetically engineered products and many blurred answers. The important
lesson I have acquire is that we pretty much don’t know that the foods that we thought
are natural. Not just that, GMO’s may not be safe since it comes from a lot of process and
a lot of chemicals are extracted into the food. Still according to National Center for
Health Statistics, they haven’t found conclusive evidence that GMOs negatively impact
Many GMO companies make millions from producing genetically engineered products.
Nowadays, it’s hard to find foods that are GMO-free. With the new found and disturbing
information, I realized that GMO products are virtually inescapable. Even if we choose
foods that we thought are not GMO still we cannot rely on that perception since GMO
products were not labelled by the FDA including the certified organic foods.

On that film, it emphasizes how GMO products can affect everyone. How the product of
science gave an impact to everyone’s life and in this case the movie Consumed and the
GMO, we could give practical approach to the consumers as well as to the scientists as
they need to value the life of every human. For the reason that, it’s not the ‘product’ that
matters it’s the life of every human being. Creating GMO products will definitely cause an
effect to our nature specifically the living things. It creates an impact to our bio system.
The things that will certainly go with the flow will be fragmented and will unnaturally
continue. If this will last, all the foods that we eat will be a product of science and this is
intrinsically not healthy to our body because there is a lot of substance extracted to it
even though the WHO have not issued about this particular matter.
Case Analysis
GE 7
MWF (1:00-2:00)

Submitted by: Ernelyn Fe T. Tuse

Submitted to: Mr. Neil Cadungog-Uy

October 6, 2018

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