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Discus and Draw

In a bond paper discuss and draw one (1) Proper and Improper way of caring for a computer. 

Note: Once you’re done, Take a clear photo of your work and submit it to Computer LMS.


Criteria 5 4 3 2 Score
Following All directions You followed You followed None of the
Project were follow most direction some directions directions were
Direction followed
Use of You used your You used your You used some You did not use
Creativity own idea and own idea most imagination. your own ideas
imagination. of the time or imagination
Organization Content is well Content is Content is Content is not
organized. organized. organized for organized.
Colors are Colors are used. the most part. Colors are
complimentary Colors may or unpleasant.
may not work
Originality Product shown Product shows Use other Use other
a large amount some original people’s ideas, people’s ideas,
of original thought. Work but there is little but does not
thought. Ideas shows new evident of give them
are creative and ideas and original thinking credit.
incentive insight.
Effort put into You took your You worked You put a small You rushed
project time and hard for most of effort into the through and did
worked hard on the time. project. not work hard.
the project.

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