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CAREER PLANNING Attend the LSU College of Agriculture Career Fair. Explore. Describe ‘What companies are attending that you are |PeaceCorps interested in talking to? USDA\National Agricultural Statistics Service ‘What information have you researched about these companies? The PeaceCorps is a non-profit organization that sends ‘educated American adults to countries in need for two years to help serve issues ranging from education to agricultural sustainability. The National Agricultural Statistics Service is a governmental agency that collects data from farmers and communities through surveys to ascertain conditions. Question 1: How does one decide the area they volunteer within the PeaceCorps? Many people think they are going to be daing one thing when they sign up for PeaceCorps, but they end up doing a variely of things from helping communities better manage to teaching classes in particular hobbies. It is not binary there is a lot of grey area, and the PeaceCorps is. really about providing help where it is needed. How are Ag Majors helpful to the National Agricultural Statistics Service? People with knowledge of agricultural sustainability are very helpful in formulating the questions that need to be asked and will serve as important knowledge to build lasting solutions. Question 2: ‘What is the benefit to volunteering with the PeaceCorps? Volunteering with the PeaceCorps ends up giving the volunteer much more than the community. The volunteers typically feel gratification for their ‘work and feel a sense of direction for their futures careers. How does the National Agricultual Statistics Service apply the data it collects? ‘The data collected by the National Agricultural Statistics Service is used by the public and policy makers to build more sustainable practices and assess the present Question 3: |What does the PeaceCorps look for in its candidates? The PeaceCorps looks for academically successful individuals with experience in service and leadership. Proficiency in a needed foreign language is also a plus! How can | apply for internships with the National Agricultural Statistics Service? The National Agricultural Statistics Service employs Ithrough USAJOBS. gov. They are currently hiring for internships.

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