DNV-Buckling Strength of Shells

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1.1 Buckling strength of shells .................................... 4
1.2 Symbols and Definitions ....................................... 4
1.3 Buckling modes ..................................................... 6
2.1 General .................................................................. 8
2.2 Stresses .................................................................. 8
3.1 Stability requirement ........................................... 10
3.2 Characteristic buckling strength of shells............ 10
3.3 Elastic buckling strength of unstiffened curved
panels .................................................................... 10
3.4 Elastic buckling strength of unstiffened circular
cylinders................................................................ 11
3.5 Ring stiffened shells ............................................ 12
3.6 Longitudinally stiffened shells ............................ 14
3.7 Orthogonally stiffened shells............................... 15
3.8 Column buckling ................................................. 15
3.9 Torsional buckling............................................... 16
3.10 Local buckling of longitudinal stiffeners and ring
stiffeners................................................................ 17
4.1 Introduction ......................................................... 19
4.2 Stresses in conical shells...................................... 19
4.3 Shell buckling...................................................... 20




The recommended methods for buckling analyses may be

 ,QWURGXFWLRQ substituted by more refined analyses or model tests taking
into account the real boundary conditions, the pre-buckling
 %XFNOLQJVWUHQJWKRIVKHOOV edge disturbances, the actual geometric imperfections, the
non-linear material behaviour, and the residual welding
This RP treats the buckling stability of shell structures based
on the load and resistence factor design format (LRFD).
Chapter 2 gives the stress in closed cylinders. Chapter 3 Chapter 4 treats the buckling of unstiffened conical shells.
treats the buckling of circular cylindrical steel shells, see
Figure 1.1-1. The shell cylinder may be stiffened by
longitudinal stiffeners and/or ring frames.  6\PEROVDQG'HILQLWLRQV
The following symbols are used and may not have a specific
N definition in the text where they appear:
A cross-sectional area of a longitudinal stiffener
M1 T P
θ (exclusive of shell flange)
M2 Ac cross sectional area of complete cylinder section;
O including longitudinal stiffeners/internal
Q2 bulkheads if any
L O 2 Af cross sectional area of flange (=btf)
AR cross-sectional area of a ring frame (exclusive of
O σx RING FRAME shell flange)

AReq required cross sectional area (exclusive of
effective plate flange) of ring frame to avoid
panel ring buckling
Aw cross sectional area of web (=htw)
)LJXUH6WLIIHQHGF\OLQGULFDOVKHOO C reduced buckling coefficient
C1 coefficient
It is assumed that the edges are effectively supported by ring
frames, bulkheads or end closures. C2 coefficient

Stiffened circular cylindrical shells have to be dimensioned E Young’s modulus = 2.1⋅105 N/mm2
against several buckling failure modes. The relevant modes E
G shear modulus, G =
are defined in Section 1.3. To exclude local buckling of 2(1 + ν )
longitudinal stiffeners and rings, explicit requirements are
given in Section 3.10 I moment of inertia of a longitudinal stiffener
(exclusive of shell flange)
In Table 1.3-1 reference is made to recommended methods
for buckling analysis with respect to different buckling Ic moment of inertia of the complete cylinder
modes. The methods are to be considered as semi-empirical. section (about weakest axis), including
The reason for basing the design on semi-empirical methods longitudinal stiffeners/internal bulkheads if any
is that the agreement between theoretical and experimental Ipo polar moment of inertia
buckling loads for some cases has been found to be non-
existent. This discrepancy is due to the effect of geometric IR effective moment of inertia of a ring frame
imperfections and residual stresses in fabricated structures. Isef moment of inertia of longitudinal stiffener
Actual geometric imperfections and residual stresses do not including effective shell width se
in general appear as explicit parameters in the expressions
for buckling resistance. This means that the methods for It stiffener torsional moment of inertia (St. Venant
buckling analysis are based on an assumed level of torsion).
imperfections. This level is reflected by the tolerance Iz moment of inertia of a stiffeners neutral axis
requirements given in '1926&)DEULFDWLRQDQG normal to the plane of the plate
Ih minimum required moment of inertia of
ringframes inclusive effective shell flange in a
cylindrical shell subjected to external lateral or
hydrostatic pressure




Ix minimum required moment of inertia of fks characteristic buckling strength of a shell

ringframes inclusive effective shell flange in a
fksd design buckling strength of a shell
cylindrical shell subjected to axial and/or bending
fr characteristic material strength
Ixh minimum required moment of inertia of
ringframes inclusive effective shell flange in a fT torsional buckling strength
cylindrical shell subjected to torsion and/or shear
fy yield strength of the material
L distance between effective supports of the ring
stiffened cylinder h web height
hs distance from stiffener toe (connection between
Lc total cylinder length
stiffener and plate) to the shear centre of the
LH equivalent cylinder length for heavy ring frame stiffener.
MSd design bending moment i radius of gyration
M1, Sd design bending moment about principal axis 1 ic radius of gyration of cylinder section
M2, Sd design bending moment about principal axis 2 ih effective radius of gyration of ring frame
inclusive affective shell flange
NSd design axial force
k effective length factor, column buckling
QSd design shear force
O distance between ring frames
Q1,Sd design shear force in direction of principal axis 1
Oe equivalent length
Q2,Sd design shear force in direction of principal axis 2
Oef effective width of shell plating
TSd design torsional moment
Oeo equivalent length
ZL = 1− 2 , curvature parameter
OT torsional buckling length
pSd design lateral pressure
O2 2 , curvature parameter
Z = O
rt r shell radius
s2 re equivalent radius
Zs = 1− 2 , curvature parameter
rt rf radius of the shell measured to the ring flange
a Factor rr radius (variable)
b flange width, factor r0 radius of the shell measured to the neutral axis of
bf flange outstand ring frame with effective shell flange, Oeo

c Factor s distance between longitudinal stiffeners

e distance from shell to centroid of ring frame se effective shell width

exclusive of any shell flange t shell thickness
ef flange eccentricity tb thickness of bulkhead
fak reduced characteristic buckling strength te equivalent thickness
fakd design local buckling strength tf thickness of flange
fE elastic buckling strength tw thickness of web
fEa elastic buckling strength for axial force. w initial out-of roundness
fEh elastic buckling strength for hydrostatic pressure, zt distance from outer edge of ring flange to centroid
lateral pressure and circumferential compression. of stiffener inclusive effective shell plating
fEm elastic buckling strength for bending moment. α, αA coefficients
fET elastic buckling strength for torsion. αB, αC coefficients
fEτ elastic buckling strength for shear force. β coefficient
fk characteristic buckling strength 0 initial out-of-roundness parameter
fkc characteristic column buckling strength γM material factor
fkcd design column buckling strength coefficient




λ reduced column slenderness

λs reduced shell slenderness
O eo
λT reduced torsional slenderness
µ Coefficient

θ circumferential co-ordinate measured from axis 1 tw

ρ Coefficient e
ν Poisson’s ratio = 0.3 h A r
σa,Sd design membrane stress in the longitudinal zt
direction due to uniform axial force bf tf
B r0
σh,Sd design membrane stress in the circumferential
σhR,Sd design membrane stress in a ring frame
ef C
σhm,Sd design circumferential bending stress in a shell at
a bulkhead or a ringframe b
σj,Sd design equivalent von Mises’ stress
σm,Sd design membrane stress in the longitudinal
direction due to global bending  %XFNOLQJPRGHV
σx,Sd design membrane stress in the longitudinal The buckling modes for stiffened cylindrical shells are
direction categorised as follows:
σxm,Sd design longitudinal bending stress in a shell at a
a) Shell buckling: Buckling of shell plating between rings/
bulkhead or a ringframe
longitudinal stiffeners.
τSd design shear stress tangential to the shell surface b) Panel stiffener buckling: Buckling of shell plating
(in sections x = constant and θ = constant) including longitudinal stiffeners. Rings are nodal lines.
c) Panel ring buckling: Buckling of shell plating including
τT,Sd design shear stress tangential to the shell surface
rings. Longitudinal stiffeners act as nodal lines.
due to torsional moment
d) General buckling: Buckling of shell plating including
τQ,Sd design shear stress tangential to the shell surface longitudinal stiffeners and rings.
due to overall shear forces e) Column buckling: Buckling of the cylinder as a
coefficient For long cylindrical shells it is possible that interaction
coefficient between local buckling and overall column buckling
may occur because second order effects of axial
coefficient compression alter the stress distribution calculated from
linear theory. It is then necessary to take this effect into
account in the column buckling analysis. This is done
 'HILQLWLRQV by basing the column buckling on a reduced yield
strength, fkc, as given for the relevant type of structure.
A general ring frame cross section is shown Figure 1.2-1, f) Local buckling of longitudinal stiffeners and rings.
Section 3.10
A Centroid of ring frame with effective shell flange,
The buckling modes and their relevance for the different
B Centroid of ring frame exclusive any shell flange
cylinder geometries are illustrated in Table 1.3-1
C Centroid of free flange




a) Shell buckling

Section 3.4 Section 3.3 Section 3.3

b) Panel stiffener buckling

Section 3.6 Section 3.7

c) Panel ring buckling

Section 3.5 Section 3.7

d) General buckling

Section 3.7

e) Column buckling

Section 3.8 Section 3.8 Section 3.8




For a cylindrical shell with longitudinal stiffeners it is

 6WUHVVHVLQ&ORVHG&\OLQGHUV usually permissible to replace the shell thickness by the
equivalent thickness for calculation of longitudinal
 *HQHUDO membrane stress only:
The stress resultants governing the stresses in a cylindrical
shell is normally defined by the following quantities: A 
te = t +
NSd = Design axial force
MSd = Design bending moments
If simple beam theory is applicable, the membrane shear
TSd = Design torsional moment
stress may be taken as:
QSd = Design shear force
pSd = Design lateral pressure 
Sd = T, Sd + Q, Sd
Any of the above quantities may be a function of the axial
co-ordinate x. In addition pSd may be a function of the where τT,Sd is due to the torsional moment and τQ,Sd is due to
circumferential co-ordinate θ, measured from axis 1. pSd is the overall shear forces.
always to be taken as the difference between internal and
external pressures, i.e. pSd is taken positive outwards. TSd 
T,Sd =
2 r2 t
Actual combinations of the above actions are to be
considered in the buckling strength assessments. Q1, Sd Q2, Sd 
Q, Sd = − rt
cos +
where the signs of the torsional moment and the shear forces
 *HQHUDO must be reflected. Circumferential and longitudinal stiffeners
The membrane stresses at an arbitrary point of the shell are normally not considered to affect τSd.
plating, due to any or all of the above five actions, are
completely defined by the following three stress components:  &LUFXPIHUHQWLDOPHPEUDQHVWUHVV
For an unstiffened cylinder the circumferential membrane
σx,Sd = design membrane stress in the longitudinal stress may be taken as:
direction (tension is positive)
σh,Sd = design membrane stress in the circumferential pSd r 
direction (tension is positive) h, Sd = t
τSd = design shear stress tangential to the shell surface
provided pSd is constant (gas pressure) or a sine or cosine
(in sections x = constant and θ = constant)
function of θ (liquid pressure).

 /RQJLWXGLQDOPHPEUDQHVWUHVV For a ringstiffened cylinder (without longitudinal stiffeners)

the circumferential membrane stress midway between two
If the simple beam theory is applicable, the design
ring frames may be taken as:
longitudinal membrane stress may be taken as:

pSd r  pSd r  

  
= + h, Sd = t − + 1  t − x, Sd 
x,Sd a,Sd m,Sd  
where σa,Sd is due to uniform axial force and σm,Sd is due to where
Sinh cos + Cosh sin 
For a cylindrical shell without longitudinal stiffeners: =2 , but ≥ 0
Sinh 2 + sin 2
N Sd 
a,Sd = O 
2 rt =
1.56 r t
M1,Sd M 2,Sd 
= sin − cos
t U
t AR 
O eo t




O  Cosh 2 − cos 2  
O eo =  
 Sinh 2 + sin 2   *HQHUDO
The below stresses may be applied in a check for local
ζ and Oeo may also be obtained from Figure 2.2-1. yielding in the material based on a von Mises’ equivalent
stress criterion. The bending stresses should also be
For simplification of the analysis the following
accounted for in the fatigue check, but may be neglected in
approximation may be made:
the evaluation of buckling stability.
O eo = O or O eo = 1.56 r t whichever is the smaller.
For the particular case when pSd is constant and σx,Sd is due to The circumferential membrane stress at a ring frame for a
the end pressure alone, the above formula may be written as: ring stiffened cylinder (without longitudinal stiffeners) may
be taken as:
    
 1 −  
p Sd r   2  p r  1 
= 1− =  Sd −  1 + +
t  
h,Sd h,Sd x,Sd x,Sd
+1  t 
 
 
 
In the case of a bulkhead instead of a ring, AR is taken as
r tb
, where tb is the thickness of the bulkhead. For the
(1 - ν )

1.0 particular case when pSd is constant and σx,Sd is due to the
end pressure alone, the above formula can be written as:
 
p Sd r  
2 + 
h,Sd =
ζ t  1+


0.4  

0.2 Oe0
1.56 rt
Bending stresses and associated shear stresses will occur in
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 the vicinity of “discontinuities” such as bulkheads and
β frames. The longitudinal bending stress in the shell at a
bulkhead or a ring frame may be taken as:
p r  3 
xm,Sd =  Sd − h,Sd 
 t  1−

 &LUFXPIHUHQWLDOVWUHVVLQDULQJIUDPH where σh,Sd is given in (2.2.17)or (2.2.18).

For ring stiffened shells the circumferential stress in a ring
The circumferential bending stress in the shell at a bulkhead
frame at the distance rr (rr is variable, rr = rf at ring flange
or a ring frame is:
position and rr = r at shell) from the cylinder axis may be
taken as:
h m,Sd = xm,Sd 
p r  1  r  
=  Sd −   
hR,Sd x,Sd r 
 t  1+  r 

For the particular case when pSd is constant and σx,Sd is due to
the end pressure alone, the above formula can be written as:

  
1− 
p Sd r  2  r
hR,Sd =
t  1 +  rr
 
 

For longitudinally stiffened shells α should be replaced by

A R in eq. (2.2.15) and (2.2.16).
O t




 0 if ≥0 

− a,Sd if <0

The stability requirement for shells subjected to one or more  0 if ≥0 

− m,Sd if <0
of the following components: m,Sd

0 if h,Sd ≥ 0, internal net pressure 

− < 0, ext. net pressure
h0, Sd
- axial compression or tension h, Sd if h, Sd
- bending
- circumferential compression or tension
- torsion σa,Sd = design axial stress in the shell due to axial forces
- shear (tension positive), see eq. (2.2.2)
is given by:
σm,Sd = design bending stress in the shell due to global
bending moment (tension positive), see eq. (2.2.3).
≤ f ksd 
σh,Sd = design circumferential stress in the shell due to
σj,Sd is defined in Section 3.2, and the design shell buckling external pressure (tension positive), see eq (2.2.8),
strength is defined as: (2.2.9), or (2.2.14). For ring stiffened cylinders
shall only stresses midway between rings be used.
τSd = design shear stress in the shell due to torsional
f ks 
f ksd = moments and shear force, see eq. (2.2.5).

fEa, fEm, fEh and fEτ are the elastic buckling strengths of
curved panels or circular cylindrical shells subjected to axial
The characteristic buckling strength, fks, is calculated in compression forces, global bending moments, lateral
accordance with Section 3.2. pressure, and torsional moments and/or shear forces
respectively, where:
The material factor, γM, is given as:
fEa = elastic buckling strength for axial force.
= 1.15 for < 0.5 
M s fEm = elastic buckling strength for bending moment.
M = 0.85 + 0.60 s for 0.5 ≤ s ≤ 1.0 fEh = elastic buckling strength for hydrostatic pressure,
M = 1.45 for s > 1.0 lateral pressure and circumferential compression.
fEτ = elastic buckling strength for torsion and shear
These may be calculated in accordance with Section 3.3 to
Shell structures may be subjected to global column buckling.
3.7 taking the appropriate buckling coefficients into account.
Evaluation of global column buckling is found in Section
The characteristic buckling strength of shells is defined as:  *HQHUDO
This section deals with buckling of shell plate between
fy  stiffeners.
f ks =
1+ λs The buckling mode to be checked is:
where a) Shell buckling, see Section 3.3.2.

2 f y  a0,Sd  
= + + + Sd 
m0,Sd h0,Sd
j,Sd  Ea f Em f Eh f E 

The characteristic buckling strength is calculated from

σ j,Sd =  Section 3.2.
(σ a,Sd + σ m,Sd ) − (σ a,Sd + σ m,Sd )σ h,Sd + σ h,Sd
2 2
+ 3τ Sd 2
The elastic buckling strength of curved panels with aspect
ratio O/s > 1 is given by:




The reduced buckling coefficient may be calculated as:

π 2E t
fE = C  
12(1 - ν 2 )  s 
 
A curved panel with aspect ratio O/s < 1 may be considered as C= 1 +  
an unstiffened circular cylindrical shell with length equal to  
O, see Section 3.4.2.
The values for ψ, ξ and ρ are given in Table 3.4-1 for the
The reduced buckling coefficient may be calculated as: most important load cases.

The curvature parameter Z is defined as:

 
C= 1 +   
  O2 2
Z =O
The values for ψ, ξ and ρ are given in Table 3.3-1 for the
most important load cases. For long cylinders the solutions in Table 3.4-1 will be
pessimistic. Alternative solutions are:

ψ ξ ρ If O > 3,85 r then the elastic buckling strength may be
r t
Axial stress 4 0.702 Zs  r  calculated as:
0.51 + 
 150t 
Shear stress
s 3/4 t
5.34 + 4  0.856 Zs 0.6 f E = 0,25 E  
O O
Circumferential 2
  s 2 
1 +   
1.04 Zs • Lateral/hydrostatic pressure
O 0.6
  O  
If O > 2,25 r then the elastic buckling strength may be
r t
The curvature parameter Zs is defined as:
calculated as:

Zs = 1- 2
rt f Eh = 0,25 E  

 *HQHUDO ψ ξ ρ
The buckling modes to be checked are: Axial stress 1 −0.5
0.702 Z  r 
0.51 + 
 150t 
a) Shell buckling, see Section 3.4.2.
b) Column buckling, see Section 3.8. Bending 1 0.702 Z  r 
0.51 + 
 300t 
Torsion and 5.34 0.856 Z 3 / 4
 6KHOOEXFNOLQJ shear force
Lateral 4 1.04 Z 0.6
The characteristic buckling strength of unstiffened circular pressure1)

cylinders is calculated from Section 3.2. The elastic buckling

Hydrostatic 2 1.04 Z 0.6
strength of an unstiffened circular cylindrical shell is given pressure2)

by: 127( Lateral pressure is used when the capped end axial force due to
hydrostatic pressure is not included in the axial force.
2E t
2  127( Hydrostatic pressure is used when the capped end axial force due
fE = C  
2 to hydrostatic pressure is included in the axial force.
12(1 - )  O 




x, Sd t 1 + A r0
4 ) 
500 E O
The buckling modes to be checked are:
a) Shell buckling, see Section 3.4.2.
b) Panel ring buckling, see Section 3.5.2. A 
e) Column buckling, see Section 3.8. A =

 3DQHOULQJEXFNOLQJ A = cross sectional area of a longitudinal stiffener.

The rings will normally be proportioned to avoid the panel
ring buckling mode. This is ensured if the following
requirements are satisfied.  &DOFXODWLRQRI,[K
The moment of inertia of ring frames inclusive effective
width of shell plate in a cylindrical shell subjected to torsion
The cross sectional area of a ring frame (exclusive of and/or shear should not be less than Ixh, which is defined by:
effective shell plate flange) should not be less than AReq,
which is defined by:

  r0 
1/ 5 
I xh =  Sd
   Lr0 t O
  L
 2  
A Req ≥  2 + 0.06 O t

The moment of inertia of ring frames inclusive effective

width of shell plate in a cylindrical shell subjected to external
lateral pressure should not be less than Ih, which is
 0RPHQWRILQHUWLD conservatively defined by:
The effective moment of inertia of a ring frame (inclusive
effective shell plate flange) should not be less than IR, which
 
is defined by:
p Sd r r02 O  3 E z tδ 0

Ih = 1 .5 +
3E   f 
I R = I x + I xh + I h   r02  r − σ h R,Sd  
  2  

Ix, Ixh and Ih are defined in eq.(3.5.5), (3.5.7) and (3.5.8), (see and
also Sec., the effective width of the shell plate flange
is defined in Sec. fr
> σ hR,Sd
 (IIHFWLYHZLGWK The characteristic material resistance, fr, shall be taken as:
The effective width of the shell plating to be included in the
actual moment of inertia of a ring frame shall be taken as the • For fabricated ring frames:
smaller of: fr = fT

• For cold-formed ring frames:

1.56 rt  fr = 0.9fT
O ef =
1 + 12
r The torsional buckling strength, fT, may be taken equal to the
yield strength, fy, if the following requirements are satisfied:
O ef = O 

• Flat bar ring frames:

The moment of inertia of ring frames inclusive effective E 
h ≤ 0.4 t W
width of shell plate in a cylindrical shell subjected to axial fy
compression and/or bending should not be less than Ix, which
is defined by:




• Flanged ring frames (ef = 0, for ef ≠ 0 see section 3.10):

E  fE
h ≤ 1.35 t W
The values for the parameters fr, fE and µ may be taken as:

7h  The characteristic material strength, fr, may be taken equal to

E h the yield strength, fy, if the following requirements are
10 + satisfied:
fy r
• Flat bar ring frames:
Otherwise fT may be obtained from section 3.9.
zt is defined in Figure 1.2-1. For σhR,Sd see section 2.2.5 and E 
for pSd see section 2.1. h ≤ 0.4 t W
The assumed mode of deformation of the ring frame
corresponds to ovalization, and the initial out-of-roundness is • Flanged ring frames (ef = 0, for ef ≠ 0 see section 3.10):
defined by:
h ≤ 1.35 t W
w = δ 0 cos 2θ  fy

δ 0 = 0.005 r  7h 

E h
Alternatively the capacity of the ring frame may be assessed 10 +
from fy r

Otherwise fr should be set to fT. fT may be obtained from

section 3.9.
If a ring stiffened cylinder, or a part of a ring stiffened
cylinder, is effectively supported at the ends, the following
π 2E t
procedure may be used to calculate required moment of f E = C1  
inertia Ih. For design it might be recommended to start with 12(1 -ν )  L 

equation (3.5.8) to arrive at an initial geometry. (The reason

is that Ih is implicit in the present procedure in equations
(3.5.23) and (3.5.27)).

When a ring stiffened cylinder is subjected to external C1 =

21+ B ) 1 +
0.27 ZL

B 

1+  
pressure the ring stiffeners should satisfy:  1+ B 1+ B 
 

 A  L2 
t rf 1 + R   ZL = 1 −ν 2
fk  Oeo t
 rt
pSd ≤ 0.75
γM 2 ν
r 1 − 
 2
B =
12 1 − ν 2 I h ) 
where O t3

pSd = design external pressure AR 

t = shell thickness =
Oeo t
rf = radius of the shell measured to the ring flange, see
Figure 1.2-1.
r = shell radius z t δ 0 rf O  C  1 
Oeo = smaller of 1.56 rt and O µ= 1 − 2 
i h r O eo 
2 C1  ν 
AR = cross sectional area of ring stiffener (exclusive 1−  
shell flange)  2

fk is the characteristic buckling strength found from: 

0 = 0.005r

+ 2 − 1 + + 2  2 −4 2

fk 1+ Ih 
  i 2h =
fr 2 2 A R + Oeo t





zt = distance from outer edge of ring flange to centroid  /RQJLWXGLQDOO\VWLIIHQHGVKHOOV

of stiffener inclusive effective shell plating, see
Figure 1.2-1.  *HQHUDO

C 2 = 2 1 + 0.27 Z L  Lightly stiffened shells where s > 3 r will behave basically
t t
L = distance between effective supports of the ring as an unstiffened shell and shall be calculated as an
stiffened cylinder. Effective supports may be: unstiffened shell according to the requirements in Section
• End closures, see Figure 3.5-1a.
• Bulkheads, see Figure 3.5-1b. Shells with a greater number of stiffeners such that
• Heavy ring frames, see Figure 3.5-1c. s/t ≤ 3 r/t may be designed according to the requirements
given below or as an equivalent flat plate taking into account
the design transverse stress, normally equal to pSd r/t.
The moment of inertia of a heavy ring frame has to comply
with the requirement given in section with Ix, Ixh and The buckling modes to be checked are:
Ih defined in eq. (3.5.5), (3.5.7) and (3.5.8) and with O
substituted by LH, which is defined in Figure 3.5-1d. a) Shell buckling, see Section 3.6.2
b) Panel stiffener buckling, see Section 3.6.3
e) Column buckling, see Section 3.8.

The characteristic buckling strength is found from Section
3.2 and the elastic buckling strengths are given in 3.3.2.

The characteristic buckling strength is found from Section
3.2. It is necessary to base the strength assessment on
b. effective shell area. The axial stress σa,Sd and bending stress
σm,Sd are per effective shell width, se is calculated from

Torsional buckling of longitudinal stiffeners may be

excluded as a possible failure mode if the following
requirements are fulfilled:

c • Flat bar longitudinal stiffeners:

h ≤ 0.4 t W

• Flanged longitudinal stiffeners:

λ T ≤ 0 .6 
If the above requirements are not fulfilled for the
longitudinal stiffeners, an alternative design procedure is to
replace the yield strength, fy, with the torsional buckling
strength, fT, in all equations.

λT and fT may be found in section 3.9.




 (ODVWLFEXFNOLQJVWUHQJWK σx,Sd = design membrane stress from axial force and
The elastic buckling strength of longitudinally stiffened bending moment, see eq. (2.2.1)
cylindrical shells is given by: fy = yield strength

π 2E t
fE = C  
The reduced buckling coefficient may be calculated as:  *HQHUDO
The buckling modes to be checked are:
 
C= 1+   a) Shell buckling (unstiffened curved panels), see Sec.
  3.7.2
b) Panel stiffener buckling, see Sec. 3.6.
The values for ψ, ξ and ρ are given in Table 3.6-1 for the c) Panel ring buckling, see Sec. 3.7.3
most important load cases.
d) General buckling, see Sec. 3.7.4
e) Column buckling, see Sec. 3.8
7DEOH %XFNOLQJFRHIILFLHQWVIRUVWLIIHQHG The characteristic buckling strength is found from
F\OLQGULFDOVKHOOVPRGHE 3DQHOVWLIIHQHU Section 3.2 and the elastic buckling strengths are given in
EXFNOLQJ Section 3.3.2.
ψ ξ ρ
Axial stress 1+ C 0.702 Z O
A Conservative strength assessment following Section 3.5.2.
se t
Torsion and O
0.856 Z 3/4 0.6
5.34 + 1.82  1/3 O

shear stress C The rings will normally be proportioned to avoid the general
buckling mode. Applicable criteria are given in Section 3.5.
21+ 1+ C ) 1.04 Z O


Z = O
1 −ν 2
rt The column buckling strength should be assessed if

C =
12 1 − ν 2 Isef )  kL 
 c  ≥ 2,5 E

st 3
 i  fy
 c 
A = area of one stiffener, exclusive shell plate where
Isef = moment of inertia of longitudinal stiffener k = effective length factor
including effective shell width se, see eq. (3.6.7). LC = total cylinder length
iC = IC /A C = radius of gyration of cylinder section
IC = moment of inertia of the complete cylinder section
 (IIHFWLYHVKHOOZLGWK (about weakest axis), including longitudinal
stiffeners/internal bulkheads if any.
The effective shell width, se, may be calculated from:
AC = cross sectional area of complete cylinder section;
including longitudinal stiffeners/internal bulkheads
se f ks σ x, Sd  if any.
s σ j, Sd fy The stability requirement for a shell-column subjected to
axial compression, bending, circumferential compression is
where: given by:
fks = characteristic buckling strength from Section 3.3.2
/ 3.4.2.
σj,sd = design equivalent von Mises stress, see eq. (3.2.3).




 2 2
0.5  2f y2  
 

  b =  − 1 h,Sd
   f Ea f Eh 
a0, Sd 1  m1, Sd   
   
+   +  m2, Sd  ≤ 1.
f kcd f akd     
 1 − a0, Sd  1−
a0, Sd
  
 f E1   f E2   f y2 2
     c= 2
h,Sd + − f y2
f Eh

where f ak 
f akd =
σa0,Sd = design axial compression stress, see eq. (3.2.4) M

σm,Sd = maximum design bending stress about given σh,Sd = design circumferential membrane stress, see eq.
axis, see eq. (2.2.3) (2.2.8) or (2.2.9), tension positive.
fakd = design local buckling strength, see Section 3.8.2 fy = yield strength.
fkcd = design column buckling strength, see eq. (3.8.4)
γM = material factor, see eq. (3.1.3).
fE1,fE2 = Euler buckling strength found from eq. (3.8.3):
fEa, fEh = elastic buckling strengths, see Section 3.4.

c, i
f Ei = , i = 1,2
 k L  A
The torsional buckling strength may be found from:
f kc 
f kcd = • if ≤ 0.6 :

γM = material factor, see eq. (3.1.3) 

fkc = characteristic column buckling strength, see eq. = 1.0
(3.8.5) or (3.8.6). fy

The characteristic buckling strength, fkc, for column buckling • if T > 0.6 :
may be defined as:

fT 1 + +
T − (1 + + 2
T ) 2
−4 2
f kc = [1.0 − 0.28λ 2 ] f ak for λ ≤ 1.34 2
fy 2 T

0.9  where:

f kc = f ak for λ > 1.34
where = 0.35 ( T − 0.6 ) 

fak kLc f ak  T =
= = f ET
fE ic E

In the general case eq. (3.1.1) shall be satisfied. Hence fak

may be determined (by iteration of equations (3.1.1) to Generally fET may be found from:
(3.2.6)) as maximum allowable σa0,Sd (σa,Sd) where the actual
design values for σm,Sd, σh,Sd and τSd have been applied. GI t Eh s2 I z 
f ET = +
For the special case when the shell is an unstiffened shell the I po I po OT2
following method may be used to calculate fak.
For L and T stiffeners fET may, when eqs. (3.10.4) and
(3.10.5) are satisfied, be found from:
b + b 2 − 4ac 
f ak =
2a t 

A W +  f  A f 2 2
 tW  t  EI z
 f ET = G W  + 
f y2 A W + 3A f  
h  W
A 
a = 1+  + A f  O T2
f Ea  3 




1 Af  h t 
Iz = A f b 2 + e f2 C =   (1 − )
12 A s  tw 
1+ f
• for ring frames

For flat bar ring stiffeners fET may be found from: 3

h  t 
C=   (1 − )
O H 0  t w 

 h  t 
f ET =  + 0.2  G  w 
 r  h  and

For flat bar longitudinal stiffeners fET may be found from: f ks

 σj,Sd may be found from eq. (3.2.3) and fks may be calculated
  h   t

from eq. (3.2.1) using the elastic buckling strengths from
f ET =  + 2   G  w 

  O T    h  Sections 3.3.2 or 3.4.2.

Ring frames in a cylindrical shell which is not designed for

external lateral pressure shall be so proportioned that the
β = 1.0, reduced slenderness with respect to torsional buckling, λ T ,
or may alternatively be calculated as per eq. is not greater than 0.6.
Af = cross sectional area of flange
AW = cross sectional area of web
G = shear modulus
polar moment of inertia = ∫
r dA
Ipo = where r is  5LQJVWLIIHQHUV
measured from the connection between the
The geometric proportions of ring stiffeners should comply
stiffener and the plate
with the requirements given below (see Figure 1.2-1 for
It = stiffener torsional moment of inertia (St. Venant
Iz = moment of inertia about centroid axis of stiffener • Flat bar ring frames:
normal to the plane of the plate
lT = for ring stiffeners:
distance (arc length) between tripping brackets. E 
h ≤ 0.4t w
lT need not be taken greater than π rh for the
analysis; • Flanged ring frames:
for longitudinal stiffeners:
distance between ring frames E 
h ≤ 1.35 t W
b = flange width fy
ef = flange eccentricity, see Figure 1.2-1
h = web height If the requirements in eqs. (3.10.1) and (3.10.2) are not
hs = distance from stiffener toe (connection between satisfied, the characteristic material resistance fr shall be
stiffener and plate) to the shear centre of the taken as fT (where fT is calculated in accordance with Section
stiffener 3.9).
t = shell thickness
tf = thickness of flange E 
tW = thickness of web b f ≤ 0.4t f

3C + 0.2  where:

C + 0.2
bf = flange outstand
• for longitudinal stiffeners
h 2 rf A w E 

t w 3 h Af f y




e f 1 rf A w 

t w 3 h Af

The geometric proportions of longitudinal stiffeners should
comply with the requirements given below (see Figure 1.2-1
for definitions):

• Flat bar longitudinal stiffeners:

h ≤ 0.4t w

• Flanged longitudinal stiffeners:

h ≤ 1.35 t W

If the requirements in eqs. (3.10.6) and (3.10.7) are not

satisfied, the characteristic material resistance fr shall be
taken as fT (where fT is calculated in accordance with Section

h ≤ 1.35 t W

b f ≤ 0.4t f




σx,Sd = design membrane stress in the longitudinal

σh,Sd = design membrane stress in the circumferential
 ,QWURGXFWLRQ direction
This chapter treats the buckling of unstiffened conical shells, τSd = design shear stress tangential to the shell surface
see Figure 4.1-1. (in sections x = constant and θ = constant)

Buckling of conical shells is treated like buckling of an The loading condition and axes are similar as defined for
equivalent circular cylindrical shell. cylindrical shells in Figure 1.1-1.

pSd If simple beam theory is applicable, the longitudinal
membrane stress may be taken as:

x,Sd = a,Sd + m,Sd

where σa,Sd is due to uniform axial compression and σm,Sd is

O α r1 due to bending.

For a conical shell without stiffeners along the generator:

p Sd r N Sd 
= +
2 t e 2π r t e

M1,Sd M 2,Sd 

m,Sd = sin θ − cosθ


The loading condition governing the stresses in a truncated
conical shell, Figure 4.1-1, is normally defined by the  &LUFXPIHUHQWLDOPHPEUDQHVWUHVV
following quantities: The circumferential membrane stress may be taken as:
NSd = design overall axial force exclusive of end
pressure p Sd r 
h,Sd =
M1,Sd = design overall bending moment acting about te
principal axis 1
M2,Sd = design overall bending moment acting about where
principal axis 2
te = t cos α
TSd = design overall torsional moment
Q1,Sd = design overall shear force acting parallel to
principal axis 1
Q2,Sd = design overall shear force acting parallel to
principal axis 2  6KHDUVWUHVV
pSd = design lateral pressure If simple beam theory is applicable, the membrane shear
stress may be taken as:
Any of the above quantities may be a function of the co-
ordinate x along the shell generator. In addition pSd may be a Sd = T,Sd + Q,Sd

function of the circumferential co-ordinate θ, measured from
axis 1. pSd is always to be taken as the difference between where τT,Sd is due to the torsional moment and τQ,Sd is due to
internal and external pressures, i.e. pSd is taken positive the overall shear forces.

The membrane stresses at an arbitrary point of the shell TSd
T,Sd =
plating, due to any or all of the above seven actions, are 2 r2 t
completely defined by the following three stress components:




Q1,Sd Q 2,Sd

Q,Sd =− cos + sin
rt rt

where the signs of the torsional moment and the shear forces
must be reflected.

The characteristic buckling strength of a conical shell may be
determined according to the procedure given for unstiffened
cylindrical shells, Section 3.4.

The elastic buckling strength of a conical shell may be taken

equal to the elastic buckling resistance of an equivalent
unstiffened cylindrical shell defined by:

r1 + r2 
re =
2 cosα

Oe =
The buckling strength of conical shells has to comply with
the requirements given in Section 3.4 for cylindrical shells.
In lieu of more accurate analyses, the requirements are to be
satisfied at any point of the conical shell, based on a
membrane stress distribution according to Section 4.2.


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