Selling The Dream - Guy Kawasaki - Ss

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10/2/2020 Selling the Dream - Guy Kawasaki

Guy Kawasaki        

tor           Tim Ferriss: Best-Selling Author of The Four Hour Work Week, Best of iTune

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Selling the Dream

Guy’s success at Apple and as a start-up
entrepreneur was the result of an innovative
approach to sales, marketing, and management
called evangelism. Evangelism means
convincing people to believe in your product or
ideas as much as you do, by using fervor, zeal,
guts, and cunning to mobilize your customers
and sta into becoming as passionate about a
cause as you are.

Selling the Dream is a handbook and workbook

for putting evangelism into action. Kawasaki
charts a complete blueprint for the beginning
evangelist that covers such topics as how to
de ne a cause (whether it is a business, like
Windham Hill Records or the Body Shop, or a
public interest concern, like the National
Audubon Society or Mothers Against Drunk
Driving), how to identify good and bad
enemies, how to deliver an e ective
presentation, and how to nd, train, and recruit
new evangelists. 1/3
10/2/2020 Selling the Dream - Guy Kawasaki

One of the highlights of the book is a short

Guy Kawasaki        
course in developing an evangelistic business
tor           Tim Ferriss: Best-Selling Author of The Four Hour Work Week, Best of iTune
plan, illustrated by the complete, original
Macintosh Product Introduction Plan. Selling
the Dream will teach you how to become a
raging, inexorable thunder lizard of an
evangelist — a leader whose words will never
fall on deaf ears again.

Here’s what the experts said about Selling the


“Clearly expresses what it took us years of

mistakes to learn. I would have paid many
times the cover price to read it ten years ago.”
– Steve Jobs, CEO, Apple

“Anyone interested in understanding the kinds

of leadership, marketing, and strategic
planning that will triumph in the nineties had
better read Guy Kawasaki’s Selling the Dream.
By day I nd myself using ideas from this book
to help my clients de ne their visions and
marketing strategies. At night it res
entrepreneurial dreams.”
– Gi ord Pinchot, author of Intrapreneuring and
chairman of Pinchot & Company

“A provocative, entertaining, and pragmatic

must-read book. If you want to make a
di erence in your company, this your
handbook. Selling the Dream will restore your
faith in the ability of individuals to impact large
– Jim Young, assistant to the chairman, EDS

Reviews 2/3
10/2/2020 Selling the Dream - Guy Kawasaki

Read what Amazon customers had to say about

Guy Kawasaki        
the book.
tor           Tim Ferriss: Best-Selling Author of The Four Hour Work Week, Best of iTune


Here is where you can buy Selling the Dream:


Wise Guy | The Art of the Start 2.0 | The Art of Social Media | APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur | Enchantment |

What the Plus! | Reality Check | Rules for Revolutionaries | Selling the Dream | The Macintosh Way |

How to Drive Your Competition Crazy | Hindsights | The Computer Curmudgeon | Database 101

Copyright © 2006-2020 Guy Kawasaki, All Rights Reserved |

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