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SDP-Design Thinking

Empathize, Define, Ideate

Assignment 2 – Session 2

Understanding of the users, their needs, and the problems.

For Years, Blind and visually impaired people who wanted to use a kindle were left with a lot
of frustration and even hassle. There are many potential problems associated with blind
people, being a blind is not problem, but if they are not able to use the product then it will
be a big-no for product.

 We could understand the following needs :->

 Why do blind people will need e-reader devices ?
 How can the e-reader device can add an extra significant value for their product ?
 What could be the potential frauds associated with using the device ?
 Do they need e-reader for hearing news, articles, novel or learning for their
 What is the age-requirement for the product and what is the total distribution for
that ?..
 Are there any color-blind people ?, what type of exact medical problems can occur
while using an e-reader.
 We need to consult expert doctors to ensure, that e-reader will be a hassle-free for
them to use.
 Most Importantly, their speed of listening the audio through the e-book.
By following-up on these questions we could really understand their needs.

Analyse your observations and synthesise them in order to
define the core problems.
For the blind people, we could see that they want to listen character by character, word by
word, or maybe continuously, as well as move forward or backward in the text.For some
words, they don’t understand, they should be able to look-up words in the dictionary and
Wikipedia. We need to create a feature for this particular problem.
Another problem might occur during navigation, within library or within a book using
consistent title, menu and button names. Searching for the book is also a problem for them,
and choosing from the results.
They also need to address the following:->
How to adjust reading speed for convenience – Because the rate at what sentence, word-by-
word which is spoken can be problematic to bling users.
Also, from the users perspective, they might skip pages accidentally, so we need to create
an alert on this.
Summarizing, we can define the problem statement as:->
Designing an e-reader device for visually impaired people (could be blind, or color-blind),
that is fully featured in terms of making products accessible to the blind.

Identify new solutions to the problem statement you’ve created,
and you can start to look for alternative ways of viewing the

We could solve all of those problems using adding proper solutions to it.
 Their may be customers with moderate vision impairments or other reading disabilities, and
we can make more comfortable by customizing the font type, size, and weight, controlling the
screen brightness, margins, and line spacing or inverting the background and text colours.
 An assistive technology like “screen reader” that is compatible with braille displays. Using this
technology, it will help blind readers to read character-by- character, word by word or move
forward or backward by simple touch.
 A voice-view approach seems feasible, it can help exploring the content and navigate item-
by-item by some touch gestures. These accessibility gestures should be easy to use and
globally pre-defined.
 We could come-up with a additional feature for adjusting the reading speed, the rate at which
screen-reader is spoken with different (three or many) speeds of choice.
 Every tap on the screen should have a voice-over listening feature, where the visually
impaired person would not budge at any time.

We could see that the solution is not easy to implement as far, but needs to re-engineered
any time for iteration purpose. Using AI-assistive technology and collaborating with AI-experts
we could create an amazing solution for this product.
 Our new-product Kindle e-reader will be now ready to ship-on !..

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