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S.Y 2019-2020

A Research presented to the Faculty

of the Senior High School
Department Iligan City East
National High School,
Sta. Filomena,
Iligan City,

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements in
Research II




October 2019



approved by the Research Committee.

Annie Rose C. Cadelina

Research Adviser

Research Committee

Felix Pilar Merlin Aguinid

Panel Member Panel Member

Louella Valendez
Panel Member

Approved and Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical

Research 2

Annie Rose C. Cadelina

Practical Research 2 Adviser


This research is dedicated to the people who supported the researchers

from the very beginning. Specially Mrs. Milyn Tablon for always lifting the

researchers high for the unconditional love and for the encouragement. For the

researcher’s Practical Research Adviser Maam Annie Cadelina, For her

dedication in helping the researcher to correct the unnecessary mistakes. For her

guidance from the very start, for all the motivational support. For the researchers

parents. For Mrs and Mr Cubao, For Mr and Mrs. Villacorta, For Mr and Mrs.

Andoyo and For Mr and Mrs Romero, for their overlapping support financially and

emotionally. To the researchers peers.

-The Researchers-


The researchers would like to acknowledge with sincere and deep gratitude

and appreciation, the special persons who helped to successfully conduct this


To our beloved Mrs. Annie Cadelina, our Practical Research 2 adviser, for

her guidance, for her constructive criticisms which serves us our foundation and

challenge for the success of our study.

To Mr.Herald R. Cadelina for openly accepted our paper and initiate what

proper survey tool suits for our study without any payment.

To our ever supportive Mrs. Milyn Tablon, our Class Adviser, for giving us the

opportunities to finish our research study.

To our ever supporting Mr. Felix Mendez Pilar, Merlin Aguinid, and Louella

To our parents, who supported us from the very beginning until end,

financially and mentally.

To the selected respondents who openly gave their time and attention in

fulfilling this study.


This study aims to correlates of the student’s track choice and academic
engagement among grade 11 student in Iligan City East National High School.
As the area of the study is a learning institution where student’s behaviorial
response to its selected track will be an important information for the researcher
to know is there’s a significant relationship between the students track choice
and its academic engagement. It aims to evaluate the Satisfaction of grade 11
students on its selected track. The satisfaction of a student to their track will be a
great factor in their academic performance. The study also aims to answer the
following questions: What are the profile of the students in terms of: Strand, Age
and Sex. 2 Is there a significant relationship between the Grade 11 student’s
track choice and their academic engagement? 3. What factor has the greatest
impact on Grade 11 Senior High student’s satisfaction on their track? 4. Is there
a significant difference of the academic track choice and academic engagement,
when the students are grouped according to their profile in terms of: Interest,
Study Habits and Teaching related aspect. Through the statements of the
problem the researcher concluded that there is no significance relationship
between Track Choice and Academic Engagement among Grade 11 Student in
Iligan City East National High School. The researchers customize a survey tool
that modifies the necessary data to be collected. After, the researcher distributed
the questionnaire to a purposive way to the grade 11 students, 5 respondents in
6 strands.

Keywords: Track Choice, Academic Engagement, Strands.


Table Contents

Title i
Table of contents ii
Acknowledgement iii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents v
List of tables vi
List of Figures vii

Chapter Page

1 The Problem

Introduction 1

Conceptual Framework 2

Statement of the Problem 4

Hypothesis 4

Significance of the Study 4

Scope and Limitation

Definition Of terms 8

2 Review of related literature

Related literature 9

Related study 11

3 Research Methodology

Research Design 16

Locale of the study 17

Sampling Design 17
Research Instrument 18

Data Gathering Procedure 18

4 Results And Discussion 20

5 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary 28

Conclusion 29

Recommendation 29

References 30


Appendix A: Questionnaire for the student 31

Appendix B: Dean Approval Letter 33
Appendix C: Tally 34
Appendix D: Photo Documentation 35
Appendix E: Curriculum Vitae 36

List of Tables

Table Page

1 Profile of the respondents 20

2 Strand of the respondents 20

3 Age of the respondents 21

4 Sex of the respondents 21

5 Weighted mean for factors selecting a Track 22

6 Weighted mean for the interest of the respondents 23

7 Weighted Mean to the Study Habits of

the respondents 24

8 Weighted Mean of the Teaching related aspect 24

9 Group statistics for Interest 28
10 Independent sample test for interest 29
11 Group statistics for Study Habits 29
12 Independent Sample test for Study Habits 30
13 Group Statistics for Teaching Related Aspects 30
14 Independent Sample Test for Study Teaching
Related Aspects 31

List of Figures

Figure Page

1 Schematic Diagram of the Study 8

2 Research Locale 17


Since K to 12 program was implemented in the Philippines, junior high

school completers are required and must took senior high school before pursuing

college. The K-12 curriculum develops the knowledge and skills that helps the

students to identify their field of concentration in preparation to a higher degree of

education towards career path they have chosen. This program will help the

students in making decisions prior to their career track. By 2 years added in High

school the students will be enclosed with analyzing and critical thinking. 5 strands

will be the possible choices given in every school. In every strands there’s

specific styles that will help enhancing its prior skills.

This system aims to fully enhance and develop the students in order for

them to be well-prepared to join the work force right after high school and

suitably prepared for a higher level of education (Theasianph,2015). Through this

students can pick up knowledge more efficiently because they will not be

overwhelmed when an advanced topic is taught because they already have a

good grasp of the knowledge that is needed for the topic hence improving their

skills. 2

Satisfaction of every students on its selected track will greatly affect their

academic performance. When one who have the contentment to its track, they

would easily absorbed and accept the methods in their track considering their
capabilities and skills. They will have the gratitude that would help them building

up their confidence and intellectual skills.

These adult students were satisfied with courses that contained content

they perceived to be useful to their personal career development, that could be

applied, that helped them prepare for a job, and that they found personally

relevant and useful. That makes sense, given that so many adults return to

higher education to advance their professional standing (Maryellen Weimer,


It becomes disadvantage to those students who don’t analyze critically

considering their abilities in choosing their track. It will lower their chances in

exceeding their full potential.

Hence, this present study is useful because it help us to understand the

different factors why they chose this kind of track or who force them to chose


Conceptual Framework

Student’s analysis and critical thinking would be so helpful in

selecting a track that could boost up their skills and abilities also for intellectual

matters. It would be their first step of setting their goal process. 3

Student’s contentment to his/her track choice is a broad sense, to

get this contentment the student must consider their selected track as well as it

is, helpful in developing their skills for the long term, career and personal
development. These might include, for example, problem-solving, strategic and

analytical skills, thinking creatively, and assimilating new ideas.

Track fulfillment could be attain by the students by analyzing their

capabilities. Iligan City East National High School offered only two major tracks.

The Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track and Academic track which have

HUMSS, ABM and STEM. Expounding the problem, satisfactory of the Grade 11

student’s to its track; determining what are these preferred track mostly chose by

the students.

Learning related aspects is also a factor on satisfaction of the students.

The processes and the instruments used to fill in the knowledge could be a factor

on the students learning that could affect their conclusions toward their track. The

educators accompany to their students is also considered as a factor.

The academic engagement of the students will be basing on the fulfillment

of the track towards their inadequate knowledge proceeding to their track. It

could be determine through their interest, study habits and absorption to the

teacher related aspect. The analysis of the Grade 11 student’s academic

engagement will help the researcher in knowing the exact factor that really

affects and the track’s learning process prior to shaping the student’s knowledge.

Profile of the students could help the researcher in determining the

relationship between the student’s attentiveness towards to their track and

student’s outline.

Statement of the problem

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Strand

1.2 Age

1.3 Sex

2. What factor has the greatest impact on Grade 11 Senior High

student’s Academic Engagement on their track in terms of:

2.1.1 Interest

2.1.2 Study Habits

2.1.3 Teaching Related Aspects

3. Is there a significant relationship between the Grade 11 student’s

track choice and their academic engagement?


There is no significance relationship between Track Choice and Academic

Engagement among Grade 11 Student in Iligan City East National High School.

Significance of the study 5

This study will provide informations that can help the future researchers,

students, parents, junior and senior high school guidance counsellor. The study

have a significance in several areas. First, the outcome of this research could

help future researchers that will conduct a study relating to this. They can use
this study to be their foundation of anew attempt of giving awareness to the

students that will pursuing Senior High school. The awareness that they should

analyze and determine their abilities before selecting a track. That students may

get pressured and choose the curriculum that may not be suitable for their

capabilities and could become a factor that may influence their satisfaction.

Second, the study could inform students that there are chances getting the track

that won’t be applicable for their competence. To inform the students that

choosing a track should be according to their preferences. This study will help

the students who are incoming senior high to determine the considerations in

selecting a college degree. Students must consider their interest, natural skills,

abilities, aims and rewards. That later on could affect their academic

performance and full potential when they’re unluckily selected a track that could

cease or lower their competence.

It cost a lot of effort and time on selecting a track to pursue. One’s should

consider their preferences. Dependent of this will be the future of the student and

their success.

` Parents will also be the beneficiary of the study. This study will help all the

parents that serve as a main influence in their children’s career development and

career decision-making. Parents want their offspring to find happiness and

success in life, and one factor which influences happiness and success is a

career choice. The result of this research could be the source of awareness to

the parents that may give them idea what could the factors their offspring will

face in selecting a track that could affect their future.


This study will also help the junior and senior high school guidance

counsellor. The students career success can best attained if proper guidance

was given in choosing the right course in college, suited to students personality,

ability, and intellect. Helping student chooses the career that suits them can

finished by integrating career plan with the curriculum enable the students can

make a worthy decision in what course to take in college. A collaborative effort of

the high school guidance counsellor should also be made to end with the better

career plan for every individual student.

Scope and limitations of the study

This study deals with the correlation of student’s track choice and

academic engagement among grade 11 senior high students of Iligan City East

National High School, Santa Filomena during the school year 2019-2020. The

study will be focusing on the grade 11 students in Iligan City East National High

School. It will analyze the personality factor: student’s preferences and

competence suiting on the strand. It will also examine the Environmental factor

influencing the student; is it they absorbed the learning style and methods of

teaching in their chosen track; lecturer or lessons that could influence their

satisfaction despite of other advantages that they can get on choosing other

track. It will also view the advantages and disadvantages of the students that me

encounter prior to their selected track. It will conduct a consultation among Grade

11 students to know whether they successfully or unluckily choose the right track

for them.


A. Preferred Track Choice:

 Academic Track
 Technical-Vocational-
Livelihood Track
B. Factors affecting the
student’s satisfaction
 Lecturer
 Subjects
 Learning Process

 Sex
 Parent’s Monthly
 Parent’s level of

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of The Study

The diagram above define the independent variable that has a preferred track

choice and its factors affecting the students satisfaction. It also stated there the

dependent variable and its Academic Engagement Of Grade 11 students.

Definition of Terms
For better understanding of the footings used in the study, these were

defined conceptual and operationally:


Track is the term refers to refers to the placement of students into

different kinds of educational programs according to a defined criterion of

similarity or dissimilarity, such as interest, ability, or achievement. 

K12 Program is a program implemented by the Government that requires

the Junior High School completers to take the added two years before pursuing


Inadequate knowledge is learner’s capacity to absorb knowledge form

their respective educators

Inadequate knowledge is a ineffectual in response to emotional, social,

intellectual, and physical demands in the absence of any obvious mental or

physical deficiency.

Academic engagement is an indicator that combined academic

identification (which refers to getting along with teachers, having an interest in

the subject matter, and related behaviours and attitudes) and academic

participation (which captures the student's work effort both inside and outside of

school, including hours spent on homework, meeting deadlines, not skipping

classes, and so on).


This chapter will provide and give foundations which contains

gathered information from different sources relating to the choice of

specialization of grade 11 students. The chapter includes the following

topics: Senior High school, Factors that influence the choice of

specialization of students.

Related Literature
We all know that choosing your career in life is a big decision. Having and

doing a career that you really love will make a huge impact in your life and you,


An American self-help author Steve Pavlina (2011) wrote an article about

The Challenge of Choosing the Right Career. According to him, those people

who are conscious and deliberate in making decisions tend to choose the wrong

career. So if you feel like you made a wrong choice of career, it’s definitely fine.

“Good choices rarely happen by accident”, as Pavlina said. Staying in that bad

decision can also lead your health, relationship, and life in to bad situation. But

still, making good career choice will most likely be hard unless you have tried it.

Pavlina stated an example in his article about a chef that he and his friend hired.

When they gave a recipe to the chef for her to bake, the result was unexpected.

He said that the cake feels like a mattress when they try to chew on it.

Instead of telling the chef how the cake really tasted, they somehow told the chef

that maybe the recipe is the bad one. And that example made him make another

lesson that if you ever made a mistake, just the same as choosing bad career, all

you have to do is move on and forgive yourself. Don’t stay on the situation but

learn from it. Little by little, your decision making will improve. A good career is

one of the greatest blessings you’ll ever experience, and a bad career is one of

life’s greatest curses. (Pavlina, 2011).(Martin 2012) Factors that affect a student

decision in choosing their College Course according to their research Decision

making is very important in our day to day life. 11

One of the most crucial people to decide are the adolescents because

teenagers are unsteady and can easily believe in what they want, not in what

should they do. The research said that after high school, some students find it

hard to choose what career they will take for college and some, d their strand,

one of these factors are financial stability, university prestige or practicality, peer

pressure, school location, or parental preferences. It is important that a student

must decide what they really want to take or in what career they are good at, for

them to have a successful college career. Students who took peer pressure as a

consideration in choosing their career mostly have a difficulty getting through

college, while on the other hand, students that pursue their desired course with

no doubt, were able to graduate with high spirits. So to avoid having a wrong

decision to make, parents must talk with their children and guide them because
their future is involved. They must also consider what their children is really good

at, for them to be motivated enough to aim higher.

The choice of Career Tracks of the students play a great role in the

preparations of the schedule for the Senior High School. These career tracks are

associated with career preferences which were the bases in the conduct of the

present study. Career preferences as defined by Martinez and Fuller (2009)

pertains to the identification of one’s work schedules and activities in relation to

individual’s abilities, skills, competencies and with the assistance of management

in order that he can take greater job and personal responsibility for his future. In

other words, this is a preferred career choice of an individual that should be

decided ahead of time. In an article on “What is Most Important to Students

(Duffy and Sedlacek 2012) revealed that male preferred to select careers which

will generate money and female would like to select career which will concentrate

on working with people and those which can contribute to society.

Related Studies 12

Continuous lifelong process of developmental experiences that focuses on

seeking, obtaining, and processing information about self, occupational and

educational alternatives, life styles, and role options. (Richard Hilton 2012)

defines career development. He is a researcher from the City College of the City

University of New York, he conducted a study and described career development

among the high school student. Based on his definition, he concluded that
everything we had earned is determined by what we learned and pertain to

where we can apply this skill and because it’s a non-stop process we must

possess on how to improve our lives.

Career development affects and influences the career selection of a student and

it is important to know how these factors relevant to the student.

Witko, et al (Bernes, Magnusson and Bardick) (2010) studies on senior

high school students occupational aspirations found out that interest, skill,

personal meaning, challenges and parental support are variables contributory to

the occupational aspirations of senior high school students. In like manner with

the study of La (2014) on factors influencing the educational and career choices

of senior high school students revealed that parent’ supports, school structure,

gender and grade point average has considerable influence on the Vietnamese

Senior high school students’ educational and career choice. In same year,

Leonard (2009) study on high school students' course selection decisions in

South Carolina found out that parents and teachers are highly influential in the

course selection decision. In addition, Heilbronner (2011) claimed that the

greater number of the students manifested to proceed to STEM courses in

college. This is brought about with the quality, adequacy of preparations and

scholastic experiences of the students. 13

However, Daniel (2011) a former teacher and is now a blogger, stated that

there are two main factors in choosing a strand for Senior High School,

Availability because not all tracks are offered by schools in your area- and
College Plans is the student planning to go to college after Senior High or what

course is the student planning to take in college.

The earning potential of your chosen profession is likely to be a factor that

influences your career path. You may find one aspect of your career is more

financially rewarding than another, or that working your way through the ranks

holds greater financial incentive than staying in the same job. Your personal

financial needs are also likely to influence the career choices you make.

Opportunity is the third factor that has shaped career choices for students.

Opportunity may influence how students have perceived their future in terms of

the reasonable probability of a future in particular career fields. The issue of

poverty has played an important determining role in the opportunities available to

all (Mc Querrey, 2016) Opportunities in career choice would include academic

settings, technical schools, entry level job openings, job shadowing, vocational

guidance, job placement, and industry Contacts (Kroll, Dinklage, Lee, Morley,

and Wilson, 2015).

Engagement is more than involvement or participation – it requires

feelings and sense-making as well as activity (Harper and Quaye 2009) Acting

without feeling engaged is just involvement or even compliance of feeling

engaged without acting is dissociation. Students who are behaviourally engaged

would typically comply with behavioural norms, such as attendance and

involvement, and would demonstrate the absence of disruptive or negative

behavior, Students who engage emotionally would experience affective reactions

such as interest, enjoyment, or a sense of belonging, Cognitively engaged


students would be invested in their learning, would seek to go beyond the

requirements, and would relish challenge.

Student engagement has been defined participation in educationally

effective practices, both inside and outside the classroom which leads to a range

of measurable outcomes (Kuh, Kinzie, Buckley, Bridges & Hayek, 2011), and as

the 10 extent to which students are engaging in activities that higher education

research has shown to be linked with high-quality learning outcomes (Krause &

Coates 2009) Similarly, (Hu and Kuh 2011) define engagement as the quality of

effort students themselves devote to educationally purposeful activities that

contribute directly to desired outcomes. By way of comparison others have

defined engagement as the process where by institutions and sector bodies

make deliberate attempts to involve and empower students in the process of

shaping the learning experience (HEFCE 2008) or as institutional and Student

Union (SU) processes and practices, such as those relating to student

representation and student feedback, that seek to inform and enhance the

collective student learning experience, as distinct from specific teaching, learning

and assessment activities that are designed to enhance individual students

engagement with their own learning (Little, Locke Scesa & Williams 2009)

Combining these two perspectives, Kuh (2011) has defined student engagement

as the time and effort students devote to activities that are empirically linked to

desired outcomes of college and what institutions do to induce students to

participate in these activities .


Coates (2009) describes engagement as a broad construct intended to

encompass salient academic as well as certain non-academic aspects of the

student experience comprising the following, Active and collaborative learning

Participation in challenging academic activities, Formative communication with

academic staff, Involvement in enriching educational experiences, Feeling

legitimated and supported by university learning communities. These five facets

form the basis of the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), the

annual survey conducted among public and private Higher Education Institutions

in the USA and Canada, and have been modified with the addition of a sixth

aspect into the Australasian Survey of Student Engagement (AUSSE), which

defines student engagement as students involvement with activities and

conditions likely to generate high quality learning Coates measured along 6

engagement scales, academic challenge (extent to which expectations and

assessments challenge students to learn),active learning (students efforts to

actively construct their knowledge), student and staff interactions (level and

nature of students' contact with teaching staff) , enriching educational

experiences (participation in broadening educational activities).

Research Methodology

This discusses the detail of research methodology that has been adopted

in this study of Student’s track choice and their Academic Engagement in Iligan

City East National High School, Santa Filomena. This chapter will state the

research methodology used and how the researcher construct the research

design. It will state also the location where the study was conducted. The

sampling design and the Research instrument used and the daa gathering


Research Design

The method used in this study is the Causal Research Design, the study is

aiming to determine the correlates of the Grade 11 student’s track choice and

Academic engagement. The researchers are also sighting the factors that affects

their track choice before they committed in their currently respective tracks.

Causal Research design focuses on an analysis of a situation or a specific

problem to explain the patterns of relationships between variables. (Zikmund,

W.G., Babin, J., Carr, J. & Griffin, M. 2012).

The instrument that will be used will be a revised questionnaire that is well

customized to prioritize accurate informations.


Locale of the Study

The study was conducted at the Iligan East National High School (formerly

Regional Science High School). That was established in 1985. The school is

located at the small barangay in Iligan named Sta. Felomina along with the busy

road of Butuan-Cagayan De Oro-Iligan road in Lanao del Norte. (Wikipedia).

The researcher followed the instruction of choosing ICENHS to be the

location of were the study will be conducted.

Figure 2: Locale of the Study

Sampling Design

In conducting the study, grade 11 students were the respondents and also

was administered by the researcher’s research instrument. Due to lack of

capabilities the researchers select the respondents through Convenience

sampling procedure.

Convenience Sampling procedure is a non-probability, all the grade 11 will

not be given the chance to be selected. Due to lack of time the researcher

choose this procedure. This procedure will only select people who are convenient

accessibility and proximity to the researcher.

Research Instrument

The Likert scale was adopted to the study. A self-administered question

will be distributed to the selected grade 11 students. The questionnaire will be

given to the grade 11 students aiming to decisive their contentment to their

selected track. The study used an adapted questionnaire from the study of the

various students in Bukidnon National High School and was revised and used to

gather the primary information and to attain the objectives of the study and

determine the correlation of the grade 11 students’ track choice and their

academic engagement.

Data Gathering Procedure 19

The data collecting procedure was anchored by survey questionnaire. The

researcher used a revised questionnaire from a related studies. The

questionnaire is well-customized in prior in understanding. The researcher asked

for the approval from the instructors. After the approval, the questionnaire was

administered to the each track.The self-administered survey questionnaires was

given to the selected grade 11 students. The researcher observed confidentiality

and will not be subjective in conducting the study.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

The data obtained from the survey questionnaires were analyzed and

interpreted using descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage. The

following are formula used:

1. Percentage: % = x 100

Where: F = frequency

N = sample size

% = percentage

The formula is applied during the calculation of the frequency and

percentage of the students’ profile according to strand, age and sex.

2. Weighted Mean



This chapter deals with the data collected during the period of data

gathering of the study “Correlation of Track Choice and Academic Engagement

among Grade 11 students in Iligan City East National High School, Santa

Filomena”. This study is aiming to determine the relationship between the factors

that the grade 11 students considered before choosing their track in Senior High

school and their academic engagement in terms of student’s interest, study

habits, and teaching related aspects. The flow of the presentation, discussion

and analysis of data follows the pattern of the study’s statement of the problem.

Part I. Profile of the Respondent

a. Strand
b. Age
c. Sex

Strand Frequency Percent

HUMSS 5 16.67%
STEM 5 16.67%
ABM 5 16.67%
EIM 5 16.67%
HE 5 16.67%
RAC 5 16.67%
Total 30 100%
Table 1.1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution by Strand of the

In the table above, it states the total respondents in every strand. HUMSS

has a frequency of 5, Stem has 5, ABM, EIM, HE and RAC also has 5 total of
respondents. In total the study got 30 respondents that are responsible for the

data collected.

Table 1.2

Frequency and Percentage Distribution by Age of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percent

16 12 40%
17 14 46.67%
18 1 3.33%
19 2 6.67%
21 1 3.33%
Total 30 100%

In the table above, It has 5 age categorization 16, 17, 18, 19, 21,

corresponding to the age of the respondents. The total respondents aged 16

have frequency of 12, 40% of the total respondents. Next, the total respondents

aged 17 got the highest frequency which is 14 and 46.67% of the overall total

respondents. Respondents aged 19 have frequency of 2 and both 18 and 21

have the same frequency of 1.

Table 1.3 Frequency and Percentage Distribution by Sex of the

Sex Frequency Percent
Male 12 40 %
Female 18 60%
Total Frequency 100%


Table 1.3 presents the frequency and percentage distribution according to

the gender of the respondents there are 12 male and 18 female which is the
majority of the respondents. The total number of the respondents of the study is

30 all is in grade 11

senior high level.

Part II. The factors affecting the student’s in Selecting their Track
Table 2.1 Weighted Mean on the Factors in Selecting Track of the
Factors in Selecting Mean Interpretation
Q1. My chosen track 4.36 AGREE
helps to enhance my
intellectual capabilities.

Q2. My chosen track 3.6 UNDECIDED

was related to my past
curriculum in my Junior
High School years.

Q3. People around me 3.6 UNDECIDED

motivates me to choose
this track.

Q4. My friends 3.3 UNDECIDED 23

influenced me to choose
this track.

Q5. My parent’s 2.63 DISAGREE

educational background
effect my track choice.

Overall Weighted Mean 3.498 UNDECIDED

It stated the factors that affects the Grade 11 students before choosing

their currently preferred track. In the 5 questions analyzing the student’s

encountered factors it came out that the factor that considered as the most

reason why they choose their currently track is that it helps them to enhance their

intellectual capabilities that got a weighted mean of 4.36. The overall weighted

mean for the factors in selecting a track is 3.498.


Part III Academic Engagement of the Respondents in the Academic


Table 3.1 Weighted Mean on the Academic Engagement of the respondents

in terms of Interest.
Interest Mean Interpretation
Q1. I can say that I was 4.06 AGREE
right in choosing my
strand because it is
related to the course I’ll
take in college.
Q2. I am satisfied to 4.33 AGREE
graduate under this
Q3. I want to get good 4.43 AGREE
grades on every test,
quizzes and other
Q4. I am listening 4.06 AGREE
attentively to the lecture
of my teacher
Q5. I am actively 4.03 AGREE
participating in every
discussions and
Overall Weighted Mean 4.182 AGREE

On the table above it states the 5 statements corresponds to the

respondent’s interest towards their academic track. It came out that the most

respondents considering to exceed their interest in having good grades in test

quizzes and other activities that got a weighted mean of 4.43. The Over-all

weighted mean of 4.182 shows that the students are interested with their track. 24

Table 3.2 Weighted Mean on the Academic Engagement of the respondents

in terms of Study Habits.
Study Habits Mean Interpretation
Q1. I take notes during 3.76 UNDECIDED
Q2. I do assignments 3.9 UNDECIDED
regularly and finish my
homework on time
Q3. I study diligently 3.8 UNDECIDED
every day.
Q4. I study at last minute 4.03 AGREE
before test
Q5. I read many different 3.86 UNDECIDED
reference books.
Overall Weighted Mean 3.87 UNDECIDED
In table 3.2 it analyzes the weighted mean of the 5 statements that assess
the respondent’s study habits towards their track. The highest weighted mean is
4.03 which represents the weighted mean it the last minute study techniques of
the respondents. The overall weighted mean for the study habits is 3.87.

Table 3.3 Weighted Mean on the Academic Engagement of the respondents

in terms of Teaching Related Aspect
Teaching Related Mean Interpolation
Q1. Has mastery of the 3.7 UNDECIDED
subject matter.

Q2. Give example and 3.8 UNDECIDED


Q3. Guides the students 3.53 UNDECIDED

in performing the activity.

Q4. Uses various 3.8 UNDECIDED

strategy teaching
aids/device techniques in
presenting the lesson
Q5. Gives and explain 3.46 UNDECIDED
rubric in evaluating the
Overall Weighted Mean 3.658 UNDECIDED
In the table above it interprets the gathered data in prior to the teaching

related aspects of the teacher. In the 5 statements the Guides of the students in

performing the activity got the highest weighted mean which has 3.53. In short
the most respondents are considering the teacher’s guides in having activities.

Overall weighted mean is 3.658 for the teaching related aspect.

Part IV. Correlates between Students Track Choice and Academic

Engagement in terms of Interest, Study habits and Teaching related

Table 4.1 T Test: Significant Difference between Track Choice and Interest

Group Statistics t df Sig(2- Remarks

Interest N Mean Std. Std.
Deviatio Error
n Mean
Factors in Undecided 7 3.171 .73420 .27750 . 28 .119 Not Significant
Selecting 4 1608
the Track Agree 23 3.600 .58153 .12126

In the Group Statistics box, the mean for undecided is 3.17. The mean for

Agree is 3.60. The standard deviation for undecided is .734 and for agree, 0.581.

The number of participants for undecided were 7 and for Agree was 23.

An independent t-test was conducted to compare level of assessment on

the interest respondents in selecting their track either Undecided or Agree. There

was a significant difference in the level of assessment mean scores for

Undecided (M=3.17, SD=0.734) and Agree (M=3.60, SD=0.581); t(28)=-1.608,




Group Statistics t df Sig(2- Remarks

Interest N Mean Std. Std.
Deviation Error
Factors in Undecide 12 3.583 .54244 .54244 .581 28 .566 Not
Selecting d 3 Significant
the Track Agree 18 3.444 .69808 .69808

In the Group Statistics box, the mean for undecided is 3.58. The mean for Agree

is 3.44. The standard deviation for undecided is .542 and for agree, 0.698. The

number of participants for undecided were 12 and for Agree was 18.

In independent t-test for study habits of the respondents in selecting their

track. There was a significant difference in the level of assessment mean scores
for Undecided (M=3.58, SD=0.542) and Agree (M=3.44, SD=0.698); t(28)=.581,


Group Statistics t df Sig(2- Remarks

Interest N Mean Std. Std.
Deviation Error
Mean .
Factors in Undecide 11 3.254 .64554 .19464 . 28 108 Not
Selecting d 5 1661 Significant
the Track Agree 19 3.642 .59844 .13729
1 27

In the Group Statistics box, the mean for undecided is 3.25. The mean for

Agree is 3.64. The standard deviation for undecided is .645 and for agree, 0.598.

The number of participants for undecided were 11 and for Agree was 19. In

Factors selecting the track, Teaching Related Aspects. There was a significant

difference in the level of assessment mean scores for Undecided (M=3.58,

SD=0.542) and Agree (M=3.44, SD=0.698); t(28)=.581, p=0.566.



This chapter present the summary of finding; the conclusion made and the

recommendation have been given.


This study “Correlates of Track choice and Academic Engagement” was

conducted in Iligan City East National High School Sta, Filomena, with an overall

of 30 respondents of Grade 11 senior High school. Convenient Sampling was

used in the study.

1. There are 5 respondents in every strands which got a percentage 16.67%.

2. Most of the respondents who filled up the survey are above aged 16 to 21

which got a total frequency of 30.

3. Female has the greatest number of the respondents which got a total

frequency of 18.

4. The highest weighted mean for the factors in selecting the track is 4.36

which is that the track helps the students to enhance their intellectual


5. In the 3 category in analyzing the Academic Engagement of the Grade 11

Students, Interest got the highest weighted mean of 4.182.



The researchers concluded that there is no relationship between the

correlation of student’s track choice and academic engagement among grade 11

senior high students of Iligan City East National High School, Santa Filomena

based on the results in the Interest, Study Habits, and Teaching Related Aspect

of the students on choosing their track. Therefore, the senior high students are

choosing their tracks based on other factors. It may be Financial or other factor

that may affect their decision making.


After giving the summary of the study and conclusions. Recommendation will be

put next.

1. The researchers recommended that there should be further seeking of

related studies assessing the other factors that affects the Decision

making of the students prior to their career.

2. There should be a widening of data gathering to collect the accurate

information, Number of respondents must be above of 60 individuals.

3. Schools should have activities in prior to the student’s career choice and


4. Compare the results gathered from grade 11 students to the other grade


Segundo, R. (2016) An Inquiry to the Influence of Choosing the Strands among

the Students. Retrieve From 31785389/ An_Inquiry



Mattew, J. (2017) Factors Affecting Career Track and Strand Choices of

Grade 9 Students in the Division of Antipolo and Rizal, Philippines. Retrieve

From https: // Factors_Affecting_Career_Track_




Hansen, P (2016) Overview of Career Development Theories. Retrieve

From http: // uploads/docs/Topic%202 _Overview%20of%


Korir, J (2015) Factors that Influence Career Choice of Hospitality

Students. Retrived From /Journals/I ndex.php/JEP/article

/download/3426/3453 .

Cabuto, L. (2016) Factors Affecting Career Track and Strand Choices.

Retrieve From https: // 33962483/ Factors_affecting_track

_and_strand_ choices


Part I. Profile of the Student

Name (Optional):_______________________________ Section:
______________ Age:______ Sex:__________
Chosen Track: ( ) HUMSS ( ) STEM ( ) ABM ( ) ABM ( ) EIM ( )HE ( )RAC
Part II. Factors in Selecting the Track
General Instruction: Read each item carefully and answer the following questions
provided below.
(Please be assured that all of the answers provided wherein shall be kept
Strongly Agree- 5 Agree- 4 Undecided- 3 Disagree- 2 Strongly Disagree- 1
Please indicate (√) mark on the appropriate box.
Statement Strongly Agree Undecide Disagre Strongl
Agree d e y
1 My chosen track helps to enhance my
intellectual capabilities.
2. My chosen track was related to my past
curriculum in my Junior High School
3. People around me motivates me to
choose this track.
4. My friends influenced me to choose this
5. My parent’s educational background
affect my track choice.

Part III. Academic Engagement

The matrix is divided into three, each part is assisted with the questions that will
analyze the respondents Interest, Study Habits, and Teaching Related Aspect towards
their selected track.
Statement Strongl Agre Undecide Disagre Strongl
y e d e y
Agree Disagree
3.1 Interest
1 I can say that I was right in choosing my
strand because it is related to the course I’ll
take in college

2. I am satisfied to graduate under this

3. I want get to get good grades on every
test, quizzes and other activities.
4. I am listening attentively to the lecture of
my teacher.
5. I am actively participating in every
discussions and activities.
3.2 Study Habits
6. I take notes properly during class.
7. I do assignments regularly and finish my
homework on time.
8. I study diligently every day.
9. I study at last minute before test.
10. I read many different reference books.
3.3 Teaching Related Aspect
11. Has mastery of the subject matter.
12. Give sample and ideas.
13. Guides the students in performing the
14. Uses various strategy teaching
aids/device techniques in presenting the
15. Gives and explain rubric in evaluating
the activity



Sta. Filomena, Iligan City

July 23, 2019

Dear Respondent,
Good Day!

We are the Grade 12 Students taking up Humanities and Social Sciences of

Iligan City East National High School (Senior High School Department) are
conducting a study entitled “Correlates of Student’s Track Choice and Academic
Engagement Among Grade 11 Students of Iligan City East National High School.

In line with this, we have chosen you to be our respondents of this study and we
hope that will you take time answering the question honestly. Rest assured that
all the gathered will be treated with utmost confidentially and will be used
academic purposes only.
We hope your kind consideration, support and cooperation.

Respectfully yours,
Jay Mark Cubao
Kent Brian Villacorta
Angelo Andoyo
Cesar Romero Jr.

Noted by:
Annie Rose C. Cadelina
Research Adviser


Survey and data gathering of the researchers


Curriculum Vitae
Brgy. San Roque, Lambaguhon Iligan City
Lanao Del Norte, Philippines 9200

Personal Particulars
Age 18 years old
Date of Birth March 20, 2001
Place of Birth Cagayan De Oro City
Nationality Filipino
Religion Roman Catholic
Sex Male
Marital Status Single
Father’s Name Jerome Petallana Occupation: None
Mother’s Name Gerlyn Cubao Occupation:

Educational Background
Senior High School Iligan City East National High School
Humanities and Social Sciences
Sta. Filomena Iligan City
2019- Present
Junior High School Iligan City East National High School
Basic Education Curriculum
Sta Filomena, Iligan City
Elementary Macanhan Elementary School
Macanhan Cagayan De Oro City
Curriculum Vitae
Purok Valderama, Sta. Filomena Iligan City
Lanao Del Norte, Philippines 9200

Personal Particulars
Age 18 years old
Date of Birth January 21, 2001
Place of Birth Iligan City
Nationality Filipino
Religion Roman Catholic
Sex Male
Marital Status Single
Father’s Name Cesar D. Romero Sr. Occupation: None
Mother’s Name Cristy Binag
Occupation: None

Educational Background
Senior High School Iligan City East National High School
Humanities and Social Sciences
Sta. Filomena Iligan City
2019- Present
Junior High School Iligan City East National High School
Basic Education Curriculum
Sta Filomena, Iligan City
Elementary Santa Filomena Central School
Sta. Filomena Iligan City
Curriculum Vitae
Brgy. Acmac, Iligan City
Lanao Del Norte, Philippines 9200

Personal Particulars
Age 18 years old
Date of Birth April 19, 2001
Place of Birth Dalipuga Iligan City
Nationality Filipino
Religion Roman Catholic
Sex Male
Marital Status Single
Father’s Name Cerilo Villacorta Occupation: Driver
Mother’s Name Cherilyn Villacorta Occupation: None

Educational Background
Senior High School Iligan City East National High School
Humanities and Social Sciences
Sta. Filomena Iligan City
2019- Present
Junior High School Iligan City East National High School
Basic Education Curriculum
Sta Filomena, Iligan City
Elementary Santa Filomena Elementary School
Sta. Filomena Iligan City
Curriculum Vitae
Brgy. Acmac Iligan City
Lanao Del Norte, Philippines 9200

Personal Particulars
Age 18 years old
Date of Birth October 18, 2001
Place of Birth Montovista Compestilla Valley Province

Nationality Filipino
Religion Roman Catholic
Sex Male
Marital Status Single
Father’s Name Jaime Andoyo Occupation: None
Mother’s Name Jovelin Andoyo Occupation:

Educational Background
Senior High School Iligan City East National High School
Humanities and Social Sciences
Sta. Filomena Iligan City
2019- Present
Junior High School Iligan City East National High School
Basic Education Curriculum
Sta Filomena, Iligan City
Elementary New Dalaguete Elementary School
Compostella Valley

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