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PGI Supplement November 2017

1. Most common cause of secondary postpartum hemorrhage: 2. Management of postmenopausal women with stress urinary
a. Trauma incontinence include (s):
b. Atonic uterus a. Kegel pelvic floor exercise
c. Bleeding disorders b. Retropubic cystourethropexy
d. Retained products of conception c. Intermittent self catheterization
e. Coagulopathy d. Anticholinergic drugs
e. Retopubic midurethral sling procedures
Secondary Postpartum Hemorrhage
Dutta Obs 8th/483; Obs by JB Sharma 1st/341-42 Management of Stress Incontinence Dutta Gynae 7th/331-32
•• The bleeding usually occurs b/w 8th and 14th day of delivery •• Sympathomimetic drugs (α-adrenergic drugs)-Imipramine
•• Retained bits of cotyledon or membranes (most common) •• Retropubic cystourethropexy (colposuspension)
•• Endometritis and subinvolution of placental site •• Retopubic midurethral sling procedures
•• Secondary hemorrhage from CS wound Genuine Stress Incontinence (GSI) Shaw’s Gynae 16th/225
•• Withdrawl bleeding following estrogen therapy for suppression of •• Age: Old postmenopausal women with loss of pelvic muscle tone

lactation are liable to develop (estrogen deficiency)
•• Infection and separation of slough over a deep cervicovaginal •• GSI is the only kind which can be cured by surgical procedures,
laceration hence the importance of making a correct diagnosis prior to

•• Other rare cause- chorionepithelioma, carcinoma cervix, placental planning any surgical repair
polyp, infected fibroid polyp, puerperal inversion of uterus •• GSI require to be differentiated from urge incontinence, DI and a
•• Coagulopathy- Gabbe 6th/426 (Table) neurological bladder
Late Postpartum Hemorrhage William’s Obs 24th/1395-96 •• Lifestyle interventions can decrease stress urinary incontinence

•• The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in many women
(2013) defines secondary postpartum hemorrhage as bleeding 24 •• Vaginal devices (pessaries) and urethral inserts are available for

hours to 12 weeks after delivery.
Clinically worrisome uterine hemorrhage develops within 1 to
tN ••
treating stress urinary incontinence. Novak’s 15th/885
Urethral inserts are sterile inserts placed into the urethra by the
2 weeks in perhaps 1 percent of women. Such bleeding most patient and removed before a void, after which a new sterile
often is the result of abnormal involution of the placental site. insert is placed. Such inserts are appropriate for women with
It occasionally is caused by retention of a placental fragment or relatively pure stress incontinence, no history of recurrent
by a uterine artery pseudoaneurysm. urinary tract infections, and no serious contraindications to
bacteriuria (e.g., artificial heart valves)- Novak’s 15th/885-86

•• Usually, retained products undergo necrosis with fibrin

deposition and may eventually form a so-called placental polyp. “Anticholinergic Agents: These agents represent first-line
As the eschar of the polyp detaches from the myometrium, medicinal therapy in women with urge incontinence. These agents
hemorrhage may be brisk. are useful in treating urinary incontinence associated with urinary

•• Delayed postpartum hemorrhage may also be caused by von frequency, urgency, and nocturnal enuresis”- emedicine.medscape.
Willebrand disease or other inherited coagulopathies com; Novak’s 15th/887

“Retained products of conception (namely placental tissue Anticholinergic Agents are useful in Detrusor Instability-
and amniotic membrane) complicate 1 in 100-200 deliveries”- Gabbe Shaw’s Gynae 16th/233; Novak’s 15th/887
6th/435 “The mainstay in the treatment of voiding difficulty is clean,

“Uterine inversion is a rare event, complicating about 1 2000 to intermittent self catheterization. The most important protection
1in 23000 deliveries”- Gabbe 6th/437 against urinary tract infection is frequent and complete bladder
Primary postpartum hemorrhage: Atonic uterus (80%) is the emptying rather than avoiding the introduction of a foreign body into

commonest cause- Dutta Obs 8th/475 the bladder. Voiding difficulty may be caused by neurologic diseases,
such as multiple sclerosis, medications (such as antihistamines and
anticholinergic agents), infections (in particular, herpes simplex
virus, and urinary tract infections), obstruction (following bladder
neck surgery, or in women with advanced pelvic organ prolapse),
overdistension, severe constipation (particularly in the elderly), and,
rarely, psychogenic factors”- Novak’s 15th/900

1.  . Retained products of conception
d [Ref: Dutta Obs 8th/483; William’s Obs 24th/1395-96; Obs by JB Sharma 1st/341-42; Normal and Problem
 Pregnancy by Gabbe 6th/426]
2. a. Kegel pelvic floor exercise; b. Retropubic cystourethropexy; e. Retopubic midurethral sling procedures [Ref: Shaw’s Gynae 16th/229-32; Dutta
 Gynae 7th/331-32; Novak’s 15th/882-900]

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Table 1. (Shaw’s Gynae 16th/230): Management of stress (remove IUD first); chronic adrenal failure; concurrent long-
incontinence term corticosteroid therapy; history of allergy to mifepristone,
misoprostol, or other prostaglandin; and the inherited
Conservative Drugs Surgery porphyrias.
1 line of treatment
• Oestrogen cream 1. If others fail •• The mifepristone–misoprostol combination was studied for
• Young woman in menopausal  • Vaginal (Kelly) gestations at 9 to 13 weeks; although it is almost as effective
• Frail, old woman woman  • Abdominal as earlier in pregnancy, a larger proportion of patients will
• Postpartum, • Venlafaxine 75 mg 2. Marshall– experience heavy bleeding and require vacuum curettage
previous failed daily Marchetti–Krantz
Contraindications to Medical Abortion William’s Obs 23rd/232
surgery • Imipramine 10–20 and Pereyra
mg BD Burch
•• In addition to specific allergies to the medicines, they have
ƒƒ Combined
included an in situ intrauterine device, severe anemia,
1.  K
 egel pelvic floor coagulopathy or anticoagulant use, and significant medical
vaginal and
exercises × 4–6
abdominal conditions, such as active liver disease, cardiovascular disease,
suspension and uncontrolled seizure disorders.

2.  E lectric/magnetic ƒƒ Slings •• Additionally, because misoprostol can lower glucocorticoid
stimulation for ƒƒ Tension –free activity, women with adrenal disease or with disorders requiring
nerve damage, sling glucocorticoid therapy should be excluded.

ƒƒ Transobturator
stimulation type 4. Which of the following contraceptive will be effective when
3. Laparoscopic used alone after 15 day of menstrual cycle:
3.  A
 rtificial urinary
sphincter in suspension of a. Levonorgestrel IUCD

neurological bladder neck b. Progesterone only pill
condition c. Combined oral contraceptives (COC)
4.  Vaginal cones tN e. LNG emergency pill
3. Absolute contraindication of medical abortion:
Answer should be those method which prevent present risk of pregnancy
a. Previous LSCS
and provide medium and long term method of contraception. From
b. Previous myomectomy
above options, CuT (>LNG-IUCD) is single best answer. CuT prevent
c. Suspected ectopic pregnancy
implantation of even fertilized egg. LNG-IUCD act through prevents
d. Prostaglandin hypersensitivity
penetration of sperm, endometrial atrophy and prevention of ovulation

e. Severe rheumatic heart disease

“Intercourse b/w 11th and 17th day may result in a pregnancy”-
Absolute C/I of medical abortion: Suspected ectopic pregnancy or Shaw’s Gynae 16th/265
undiagnosed adnexal mass; Allergy to any drug”-J B Sharma 1st/126 Emergency contraception (EC) Dutta Obs 8th/629-30

Table 2.(Robert Shaw Gynae 4th/435): Contraindication of medical •• LNG (0.75 stat and after 12 hour)
•• Cu IUCD (gold standard): Introduction within maximum

period of 5 days can prevent conception following accidental

Absolute contraindications unprotected exposure. This prevent implantation. It is gold
• Adrenal insufficiency standard method to be offered to all women for EC

• Ectopic pregnancy IUD- CuT and LNG-IUS. It can be used as postcoital

• Asthma contraceptive- Dutta Obs 8th/615-16
• Cardiac disease COC: Simple regime of 3 week on and 1 week off is to be

• Heavy smoker followed. New users should normally start their pills packet on day
• Older than 35 years 1 of their cycle”- Dutta Obs 8th/623
• On anticoagulants or bleeding disorder POP: It has to be taken daily from the 1st day of the cycle- Dutta
Relative contraindications Obs 8th/627
• Heavy smoker Minipill/Progestogen-only pill: The tablet is taken daily
• >35 years without break. The bill should be started within 5-7 days of the
• Obesity menstruation and taken at same time with a leeway of 3 hr on either
• Hypertension (diastolic > 100 mmHg) side of fixed time each day. If this regime is nt observed any day, the
women continues with POP but observes extra precaution for 48 h”-
Shaw’s Gynae 16th/275
Contraindications to Medical Abortion Novak’s Gyae 15th/256-57 IUD (Interval): It is preferable to insert 2-3 days after the
•• Contraindications to medical abortion with mifepristone/ period is over. But can be inserted any time during the cycle even
misoprostol include ectopic pregnancy; an IUD in place during menstrual phase which has certain advantage- Dutta Obs
Answer 8th/616
3. c . Suspected ectopic pregnancy; d. Prostaglandin hypersensitivity; e. Severe rheumatic heart disease [Ref: Dutta Obs 8th/204,206; J B Sharma
 1st/126; William’s Obs 23rd/232; Novak’s Gyae 15th/256-57; Robert Shaw Gynae 4th/435]
4. d. CuT IUCD [Ref: Shaw’s Gynae 16th/275; Dutta Gynae 7th/270; Dutta Obs 8th/629-30]

PGI Supplement November 2017

“It is advisable to insert IUCD during or soon after menstruation Cardiovascular system in pregnancy Dutta Obs 8th/60-61
and after abortion or MTP. Lately, immediate postpartum insertion •• Cardiac output starts to increase from 5th week of pregnancy and
within 10 min of placental expulsion or within 24 hr of delivery is reaches its peak 40-50% at about 30-34 weeks. CO increases
practical and is found effective”- Shaw’s Gynae 16th/270 further during labor (+50%) and immediately following delivery
(+70%) over the pre-labor values
5. A women forget to take 3 Combined oral contraceptive •• CO return to pre-labor values by 1 hr following delivery and to the
(COC) active pills. What should she do now: pre-pregnant level by another 4 weeks, time
a. Take all missing piles at a time and continue rest pills as •• Blood pressure unaffected or mid-pregnancy drop of diastolic
usual pressure by 5-10 mm Hg
b. For 2–3 day use barrier method and continue rest pills as •• A systolic murmur may be audible in the apical or pulmonary
usual area
c. Immediately switch to non hormonal contraceptives ( e.g. •• A continuous hissing murmur may be audible over the tricuspid
CuT-IUD) and discontinue COC area in the left second and third intercostal spaces called the
d. If she exposed to recent intercourse, use emergency mammary murmur

contraceptive Cardiovascular System in Pregnancy Obs by JB Sharma 1st/49-51
e. Use another method of contraception like barrier method •• An increase in cardiac output begins early in pregnancy (6
for remaining period and start next COC pack without weeks) and reach peak at 32-34 week

break •• Changes in cardiac function become apparent during the first 8
weeks of pregnancy. Cardiac output is increased as early as the
Missed Combined oral contraceptive (COCs): Management fifth week and reflects a reduced systemic vascular resistance
Dutta Gynae 7th/400 and an increased heart rate- William’s Obs 23rd

•• When a woman forgets to take one pill (late up to 24 hours), •• Cardiac output returns to normal by about 2 weeks following
she should take the missed pill at once and continue the rest as delivery
schedule. There is nothing to worry. tN•• Maternal BP decreases during pregnancy to reach the lowest peak
•• When she misses two pills in the first week (days 1-7), she at 24-26 weeks and increases thereafter to reach pre-pregnancy
should take 2 pills on each of the next 2 days and then continue level at term. There is more fall in diastolic and mean arterial
the rest as schedule. Extra precaution has to be taken for next 7 pressure (5-10 mm Hg) as compared with systolic BP. The mid
days either by using a condom or by avoiding sex. trimester fall in BP may be absent in women with pre-eclamsia
•• If 2 pills are missed in the third week (days 15-21) or if more •• Systolic ejection murmur (d/t increased flow across pulmonary
than two active pills are missed at any time, another form and aortic valve) can be heard in 90% cases of normal pregnancy.

of contraception should be used as back up for next 7 days as These physiological murmurs are mostly midsystolic and less than
mentioned above. She should start the next pack without a grade 3
break. If she misses any of the 7 inactive pills (in a 28-day pack •• A soft,diastolic murmur may be hard transiently in 20% women

only) she should throw away the missed pills. She should take •• A continuing mammary murmur may be heard in 10% women
the remaining pills one a day and start the new pack as usual. Cardiac changes in pregnancy Normal and Problem Pregnancy by

“If she forgets to take a tablet, she should take two tablets the Gabbe 6th/49
following day.If she forgets to take tablet more than once in a cycle, •• CO- return to normal in 2-4 postpartum week
she is no longer adequately protected and must use a barrier method •• By 5th week, CO has already risen by more than 10%

during that cycle”- Shaw’s Gynae 16th/273 Supine hypotensive syndrome is caused when the inferior
Emergency contraceptive: It should be used mainly as back- vena cava is compressed by the weight of a pregnant female’s uterus,
up methods. It is used in misplaced IUCD and missed pills”- Shaw’s fetus, placenta and amniotic fluids while lying in the supine position

Gynae 16th/279 This condition can develop as early as the second trimester but is
6. Which of the following is/are true regarding haemodynamic maximal during the third trimester, 36 to 38 weeks- jacobburton.
changes in pregnancy:
a. Maximum cardiac changes occurs at 8 weeks of gestation “Vena cava compression begins as early as 13 to 16 week’s
b. Venocaval compression begins at about 16 weeks of gestation and nearly complete at term”- Bonica’s Management of Pain
gestation by Scott M. Fishman 4th/795
c. There is midtrimester fall in blood pressure
d. Systolic murmur may occur normally
e. Cardiac output return to pregnant level by 20 days after

5.  . If she exposed to recent intercourse, use emergency contraceptive; e. Use another method of contraception like barrier method for remaining
period and start next COC pack without break [Ref: Dutta Obs 8th/624; Dutta Gynae 7th/400]
6. b. Venocaval compression begins at about 16 weeks of gestation; c. There is midtrimester fall in blood pressure; d. Systolic murmur may occur
normally; e. Cardiac output return to pregnant level by 20 days after delivery
 [Ref: Dutta Obs 8th/60-61; Obs by JB Sharma 1st/49-52; Normal and Problem Pregnancy by Gabbe 6th/46-50]

Obstetrics and Gynecology

•• It can detects 62% Down’s syndrome pregnancies with a 5%

7. Screening test (s) for aneuploidy in 1st trimester:
false-positive rate
a. PAPP-A and β-hCG estimation
b. Quadruple test Second Trimester Screening J B Sharma 1st/155
c. Chorionic villus Sampling •• Double test (MSAFP is lower while total hCG or free β-hCG is
d. Amniocentesis raised in Down’s syndrome
e. Triple test •• Triple test- MSAFP, hCG and uE3 (unconjugated estriol)
•• Quadruple test- MSAFP, hCG, uE3 and inhibin-A
CVS is done for first trimester prenatal diagnosis b/w 10-14 •• Penta screen: AFP, hCG, uE3, diameric inhibin-A and hyper-
week- J B Sharma 1st/160 glycosylated hCG
First Trimester Screening J B Sharma 1st/155; Dutta Obs 8th/128
•• It uses PAPP-A (lower in Down syndrome) and free β-hCG
(higher in Down’s syndrome) b/w 11 and 14 weeks
Table 3. (Dutta Obs 8th/130): Prentatal Diagnosis- CVS, Amniocentesis and Cordocentesis

Chorionic villus Sampling Amniocentesis Cordocentesis

Time Transcervical 10–13 weeks After 15 weeks (early 12-14 weeks) 18–20 weeks
Transabdominal 10 weeks

to term
Materials for study Trophoblast cells • Fetal fibroblasts • Fetal white blood cells (others–
• Fluid for biochemical study (see p. 741) infection and biochemical study)
Karyotype result Direct preparation: 24–48 Culture: Culture:

• • •
hours 3–4 weeks 24–48 hours
• Culture: 10–14 days

Fetal loss
Accurate; may need
Highly accurate
tN 1–2%
Highly accurate
amniocentesis for
Termination of 1st trimester–safe 2nd trimester–risky 2nd trimester–risky
pregnancy when


Screening Methods: Second Trimester Dutta Obs 8th/129

8. Double test in 2nd trimester for screening of Down syndrome
•• It is done b/w 15 weeks and 22 weeks

•• MSAFP: Low level are found in down syndrome
a. PAPP and AFP b. MSAFP and hCG
•• Triple test: It is a combine test which includes MSAFP, hCG and

c. MSAFP and uE3 d. MSAFP and inhibin-A

uE3 (unconjugated estriol). It is used for
See explanation of above question detection of down syndrome. In an affected pregnancy, levels of
MSAFP and uE3 tend to low while that of hCG is high

Screening Methods: First Trimester Dutta Obs 8th/128-29

•• Screening Parameters are •• Quadruple (Quad) screening include four biochemical
•• Biophysical: (i) ultrasound measurement of nuchal transluceny analytes: MSAFP, hCG, uE3 and dimeric inhibin-A. It can detect
(NT), (ii) nasal bone trisomy 21 in 85% cases. Level of serum analytes in cases with

•• Biochemical: (i) free β –hCG, (ii) PAPP-A (Pregnancy associated trisomy 21: MSAFP-reduced, hCG-increased, uE3- reduced and
plasma protein-A) dimeric inhibin-A- elevated
•• Time of test: b/w 11 weeks and 14 weeks •• Note: Best screening procedure is combined first and second
•• Values: PAPP-A- reduced; β –hCG- increased; NT- measurement trimester procedures
increased in trisomy 21 9. True about adenomyosis:
Note: a. Capsulated lesion
•• NT is the fluid-filled space (detected by USG) b/w the fetal skin b. Associated with dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia
and the underlying soft tissue at the region of fetal neck. NT ≥ mm c. Total hysterectomy is the treatment of choice
is abnormal. Combined tests can detect trisomy 21 in 92% cases
d. Asymmetrically enlarged and tender uterus
with a false-positive rate of 5%
e. Tenderness of uterus may be seen before and during
•• First trimester screening is either equal or even superior to
second trimester screening
7. a. PAPP-A and β-hCG estimation; c. Chorionic villus Sampling [Ref: Dutta Obs 8th/128-130; William’s Obs 23rd/292-93; Fernando Arias 3rd/44-45]
8. b. MSAFP and hCG [Ref: Dutta Obs 8th/128,132; J B Sharma 1st/155]
9. b. Associated with dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia; c. Total hysterectomy is the treatment of choice; e. Tenderness of uterus may be seen before
and during menses [Ref: Shaw’s Gynae 16th/420-22; Dutta Gynae 7th/256-58; Novak’s Gynae 15th/484-85; Robbins 9th/1012]

PGI Supplement November 2017

Adenomyosis Shaw’s Gynae 16th/420-22 •• Symptoms typically associated with adenomyosis include ex-
•• Grossly, the uterus appears symmetrically enlarged to not more cessively heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, dyspareunia,
than 14 weeks size and dysmenorrhea. Symptoms often begin up to 2 weeks before
•• Unlike fibroid- there is no capsule surrounding the lesion- the onset of a menstrual flow and may not resolve until after
Dutta Gynae 7th/257 the cessation of menses.
•• Some are aymptomatic, others present with menorrhagia and •• The uterus is typically diffusely enlarged, although usually less
progressively increasing dysmenorrhea, pelvic discomfort, than 14 cm in size, and is often soft and tender, particularly at
backache and dyspareunia the time of menses.
•• If a patient gives a history of menorrhagia with accompanying •• The uterus is usually tender and slightly softened under
bimanual examination performed premenstrually (Halban’s
dysmenorrhea, one should always consider the possibility of
sign)- COGDT 2006/Chap 39
•• Adenomyosis is a clinical diagnosis.
•• Uterus is tender •• Imaging studies including pelvic ultrasound or MRI, although
•• NSAIDS are commonly used to control pain and bleeding. helpful, are not definitive
Treatment with progestins or cyclic estrogen and progestins •• The management of adenomyosis depends on the patient’s age
have got little benefit. LNG-IUD is found to improve the and desire for future fertility. Relief of secondary dysmenorrhea
menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea- Dutta Gynae 7th/257 caused by adenomyosis can be ensured after hysterectomy, but

•• Since most women are elderly and past the age of age of less invasive approaches can be tried initially.
childbearing, total hysterectomy is the treatment •• NSAIDs, hormonal contraceptives, and menstrual suppression
Adenomyosis Novak’s Gynae 15th/484-85 using oral, intrauterine, or injected progestins or gonadotropin-

•• Adenomyosis is defined as presence of endometrial stroma releasing hormone agonists are all useful. Treatment follows the
and glands within the myometrium, at least one low- same protocol as treatment for endometriosis. Uterine artery
power field from the basis of the endometrium, whereas embolization can be effective
endometriosis is characterized by ectopic endometrium 10. A lady with secondary amenorrhea is negative for

appearing within the peritoneal cavity. progesterone challenge test but positive for combined
•• Although occasionally noted in women in their younger estrogen and progesterone challenge test. What is the
reproductive years, the average age of symptomatic women is
usually older than 40 years. Increasing parity, early menarche,
and shorter menstrual cycles may all be risk factors according
probable cause (s):
a. Hypothalamic and pituitary cause
to one study b. Ovarian failure c. PCOD
d. Asherman syndrome e. Pregnancy

Fig. 1 (Shaw’s Gynae 16th/332): Secondary amenorrhea

10. a. Hypothalamic and pituitary cause; b. Ovarian failure [Ref: Shaw’s Gynae 16th/330-32; Dutta Gynae 7th/387,441-43]

Obstetrics and Gynecology


Fig. 2 (Dutta Gynae 7th/387): Secondary amenorrhea

PGI Supplement November 2017

11. True about chronic hypertension in pregnancy: initial ultrasound examination should be performed as early as
a. Hypertension before pregnancy, elevation of blood possible to confirm the due date and to ensure that no obvious
pressure during the first half of pregnancy, or high blood fetal anomalies are present. Thereafter, fetal growth may be
pressure that lasts for longer than 12 weeks after delivery assessed by ultrasound as needed, usually no more frequently
b. Fetal complication may occur than every 2–4 weeks. Antepartum fetal monitoring usually is
c. Incidence is about 50% started by 32–34 weeks.
d. High blood pressure may require antihypertensive medica- •• Pregnancy outcome usually is good in patients with mild
tions chronic hypertension and no other serious medical conditions.
Fetal growth restriction, superimposed preeclampsia, placental
Chronic Hypertension in Pregnancy Dutta Obs 8th/277 abruption, and preterm delivery are the most common
•• Chronic hypertensive disease (CHD) is defined as the complications.
presence of hypertension of any cause antedating or before •• In pregnant women with mild hypertension and no evidence of
the 20th week of pregnancy and its presence beyond the 12 renal disease, serious medical complications are rare.
weeks after delivery. •• Women with sustained blood pressure ≥180/110 mm Hg or those

•• The condition poses a difficult problem as regards the diagnosis with evidence of renal disease may be at higher risk for serious
and management when seen for the first time, beyond the 20th complications, such as heart attack, stroke, or progression
week of pregnancy. of renal disease, and are candidates for antihypertensive

•• Overall incidence is 2-4% of which 90% are due to essential medication.
hypertension. 12. Which of the following are true about Breech presentation:
•• The high risk factors for CHD are: (i) Age (> 40 years), a. Frank breech is most common breech presentation
(ii) Duration of hypertension (>15 years), (iii) Level of BP

b. Complete breech is more common in multiparae
(>160/110 mm of Hg), (iv) Presence of any medical disorder c. Frank breach is more common in primigravida
(renovascular), and (v) Presence of thrombophilias. d. Chance of cord prolapse in footling presentation is 5–6%
•• Majority of women with CHD are low risk and have satisfactory
maternal and fetal outcome without any antihypertensive
tN e. Chance of cord prolapse in complete breech is 5%

therapy Breech Presentation Obs by JB Sharma 1st/302-03; Dutta Obs 8th/435-36

Fetal complication of chronic hypertension of pregnancy •• Complete (Flexed breech): It is commonly present in multiparae
Obs by JB Sharma 1st/441 (10%)
•• Abortions •• Incomplete breech: 3 types (Frank, footling and Knee)
Fetal growth restriction (FGR) Breech with extended leg (Frank breech): It is commonly

•• ••
•• Intrauterine death present in primigravidae, about 70%
•• Increased neonatal complications •• Footling presentation: 25% (10-30%)
•• Prematurity •• Knee presentation-rare

Chronic Hypertension COGDT 2006/Chap 19 •• Cord prolapse chance in Complete (Flexed breech): 4-6%
•• Chronic hypertension complicates as many as 5% of •• Cord prolapse chance in footling presentation: 12%

pregnancies. •• Cord prolapse chance in extended leg (Frank breech): 0.5%

•• It is characterized by a history of high blood pressure before Table 4. (Gabbe 6th/396): Breech categories
pregnancy, elevation of blood pressure during the first half of

pregnancy, or high blood pressure that lasts for longer than 12 Type Overall % of Risk (%) of Premature
weeks after delivery. breech prolapse
•• After evaluating the possible causes of chronic hypertension,

Frank 48-73 0.5 38

further assessment is directed at end-organs and systems most
likely to be affected by hypertension, including the eyes, heart, Complete 4.6-11.5 4-6 12
kidneys, uteroplacental circulation, and the fetus. Footling 12-38 15-18 50
•• Pregnancies complicated by chronic hypertension, regardless
of the cause, are at increased risk for poor fetal growth. An

11. a . Hypertension before pregnancy, elevation of blood pressure during the first half of pregnancy, or high blood pressure that lasts for longer than
12 weeks after delivery; b. Fetal complication may occur; d. High blood pressure may require antihypertensive medications
 [Ref: Dutta Obs 8th/277; William’s Obs 23rd/709; Obs by JB Sharma 1st/441-43; Normal and Problem Pregnancy by Gabbe 6th/781]
12.  a. Frank breech is most common breech presentation; b. Complete breech is more common in multiparae; c. Frank breach is more com-
mon in primigravida; e. Chance of cord prolapse in complete breech is 5% [Ref: Dutta Obs 8th/435-36; William’s Obs 23rd/527-35; Obs by JB
 Sharma 1st/302-03; Normal and Problem Pregnancy by Gabbe 6th/396]

Obstetrics and Gynecology

13. True about benign gestational trophoblastic disease: pregnancy values are below 60, 0000 mIU/ml. (there is no
a. Occur due to proliferation of placenta mention of doubling time)
b. No risk of carcinoma •• Sonography: Characteristic snowstorm appearance
c. Fetus may be absent
Table 5. (COGDT): Comparison of Complete and Partial
d. Karyotype 69XXY may result from fertilization of 1 ovum
Hydatidiform Moles
and 2 sperm
e. Snowstorm appearance on USG Complete Partial
Karyotype Diploid (46,XX or Triploid (69,XXX or
“The development of choriocarcinoma following hydatidiform mole
46,XY) 69,XXY)
ranges b/w 2-10%”- Dutta Obs 8th/226
Embryo/fetus Absent Often present
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease Dutta Gynae 7th/298-300
•• It is a spectrum of abnormal growth and proliferation of the Villi Hydropic Few hydropic
trophoblasts of the placenta that continue even beyond the end Trophoblasts Diffuse hyperplasia Mild focal
of pregnancy of the placenta hyperplasia
•• Benign GTD includes: Hydatidiform mole-complete and
Implantation-site Diffuse atypia Focal atypia

•• GTN encompasses: persistent hydatiform mole, invasive mole,
choriocarcinoma and a rare entity of placental site trophoblastic Fetal RBCs Absent Present

β-hCG High (> 50,000) Slight elevation (<
H. mole: (Short Review) Dutta Obs 8th/221-31 50,000)
•• It is prevalent among teenaged and elderly patients with high Frequency of classic Common Rare
parity clinical symptoms1

•• It is best regarded as a benign neoplasia of chorion with Risk for persistent 20–30% < 5%
malignant potential GTT
•• In general completes moles have a 45XX karyotype (85%), the tN
molar chromosomes are derived entirely from the father. The
Hyperemesis, hyperthyroidism, excessive uterine enlargement,
ovum nucleus may be either absent (empty ova) or inactivated anemia, and preeclampsia
which have been fertilized by a haploid sperm. It then
duplicates its own chromosomes after meosis. Infrequently, the
chromosome pattern may be 46Xy or 45X
•• The higher the ratio of paternal: maternal chromosomes, the

greater is the molar change. Complete moles show 2: 0 paternal/

maternal ratio whereas partial mole shows 2: 1 ratio
•• Symptoms
 Vaginal bleeding (Commonest, in 90%, “white currant in

red currant juice”)

 Varying degrees of lower abdominal pain

 Constitutional symptoms like excessive vomiting, breath­

lessness, thyrotoxicosis, features of tremors or tachycardia
 Expulsion of grape like vesicles per vaginum is diagnostic

of vesicular mole
 History of quickenig is absent.
•• Signs

 Ill looking patient, prominent pallor

 Features of pre-eclampsia (hypertension, oedema and or
 The size of the uterus is more than that expected for the
period of amenorrhea
 Doughy, firm elastic feel of the uterus
 Fetal parts are neither felt nor fetal movements
Fig. 3: (William’s Obs): Typical pathogenesis of complete and partial
moles. A. A 46,XX complete mole may be formed if a 23,X-bearing
 Absence of Fetal Heart Sound
haploid sperm penetrates a 23,X-containing haploid egg whose genes
 High HCG in urine (positive pregnancy test) diluted up to have been “inactivated.” Paternal chromosomes then duplicate
1: 200 to 1: 500 beyond 100 days of gestation is very much to create a 46,XX diploid complement solely of paternal origin.
suggestive. Rapidly increasing value of serum HCG > 100, B. A partial mole may be formed if two sperm—either 23,X- or
000 mIU/ml, are usual with molar pregnancy. Normal 23,Ybearing— both fertilize (dispermy) a 23,X-containing haploid egg
whose genes have not been inactivated. The resulting fertilized egg
is triploid with two chromosome sets being donated by the father
Answer (diandry).
13. a . Occur due to proliferation of placenta; c. Fetus may be absent; d. Karyotype 69XXY may result from fertilization of 1 ovum and 2 sperm; e. Snow-
storm appearance on USG [Ref: Dutta Obs 8th/221-31; Dutta Gynae 7th/298-300; William’s Obs 23rd/257-61; Obs by JB Sharma 1st/143-49]

PGI Supplement November 2017

14. Pap smear of a patient with condyloma accuminita shows 15. High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) are
what kind of smear: found in pap smear. Next step (s) of management:
a. Inflammatory a. HPV DNA Testing
b. High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (HSIL) b. Liquid based cytology
c. Squamous cell carcinoma c. Colposcopy study and biopsy of suspicious lesion
d. Low-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (LSIL) d. Hysterectomy
e. Normal e. Radiotherapy
“Condyloma acuminatum-Subcategory of LSIL”
What is Condyloma Acuminatum of Uterine Cervix HSIL includes CINII, CINIII and CIS- Shaw’s 16th/88 High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions
•• Condyloma Acuminatum of Uterine Cervix is strongly Novak’s Gyae 15th/588
associated with HPV type 6 and HPV type 11. The infection •• Any woman with a cytologic specimen suggesting the presence
typically manifests as a benign wart on the mucous membrane of HSIL should undergo colposcopy and directed biopsy. This
of the cervix is because two-thirds of patients with this cytologic finding will
Treatment of the condition is necessary, since Condyloma

•• have CIN 2 or greater.
Acuminatum of Uterine Cervix is termed as a variant of low- •• After colposcopically directed biopsy and determination of the
grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL). Low-grade SIL is distribution of the lesion, excisional or ablative therapy that

an early indicator for future ‘invasive carcinoma’ development addresses the entire transformation zone should be performed
•• The prognosis of Condyloma Acuminatum of Cervix depends “Since cytology alone does not give a clue to which abnormal
upon 2 key factors, namely the type of HPV involved and the cells progress to invasive cancer and aneuploidy which suggest the
grade of the premalignant lesion present (whether low-grade risk of progression is not routinely performed, it is necessary to submit

or high-grade SIL) all women with HSIL cytology for colposcopic study and biopsy of
•• Informing and educating the infected individuals on the suspicious lesions”- Shaw’s 16th/489
importance of safe sex is essential to prevent the spread of HPV tN “A combined HPV testing and pap smear yields 96% sensitivity
infection, and thus of Cervical Condyloma Acuminatum as compared to only 60-70% with pap smear alone. PCR, southern blot
How is Condyloma Acuminatum of Uterine Cervix Diagnosed or hybrid capture detects HPV DNA”-Shaw’s 16th/491 “A single pap smear has a diagnostic sensitivity of about
•• Pap smear: Cells are collected from the tip of the cervix and 60%. False negative results may be upto 25%. False negative rate
examined under the microscope for any associated precancerous of Pap smear after 3 consecutive negative tests is less than 1%.
or cancerous lesions. Pap smear results may indicate Error in cytology could be reduced further by liquid-based thin layer

abnormalities such as low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion slide preparation and automated (computer) screening methods.
•• Cervical Condyloma Acuminata is a variant of low-grade Abnormal cytology is an indication of colposcopic evaluation and
squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL), which are asymptomatic directed biopsy”-Dutta Gynae 6th/113

lesions, but present a low risk for future cancer “In 2003, the FDA approved HPV DNA testing combined with
cervical cytology as a screening technique for women older than age
Table 6. (Shaw’s Gynae 16th/88): Comparison of different

30. When the results of both tests are negative, the woman does not
have to be retested for 3 years. The negative predictive value of a
double negative test exceeds 99% . Because most HPV infections

Pap Smear (1943) CIN (WHO 1975) SIL Bethesda (1988)

are transient, clear spontaneously, and do not lead to real cancer
I Normal Normal precursors (especially in young women), it should not be used for
II Inflammatory Inflammatory screening in women younger than 30. Women who have negative test

– HPV results for both cytology and HPV have a 1 in 1,000 chance of having
– ASCUS CIN 2 or worse detected in the following 6 months. Prospective
III CIN I Low SIL studies report less than 2 per 1,000 women will develop CIN 2 or
greater in the following 3 years”-Novak’s Gyae 15th/5887
ASCUS: atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance:
CIN: Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia; CIS: carcinoma in situ; SIL:
squamous intraepithelial lesion and SCC: squamous cell carcinoma

 . Low-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (LSIL) [Ref: Shaw’s Gynae 16th/157,88-89; Dutta Gynae 7th/90,128; Neena Khanna 5th/339-40; Gynae
14. d
 by Robert Shaw 4th/969]
15. a. HPV DNA Testing; b. Liquid based cytology; c. Colposcopy study and biopsy of suspicious lesion
 [Ref: Shaw’s 16th/88-90; Dutta Gynae 6th/111-15, 323-28; Novak’s Gyae 15th/588]

Obstetrics and Gynecology

16. Indication (s) of postoperative radiotherapy in vulval 17. A female with IUCD develops pelvic inflammatory disease.
carcinoma is/are all except: Which of the following should be done?
a. Lymphovascular space permeation a. Keep the IUCD, give antibiotic, follow up for antibiotic
b. Positive margins response and then take decision regarding IUCD removal
c. Margin < 8-10 mm b. Start antibiotics and then remove IUCD
d. Single metastatic nodule with capsular involvement c. Remove IUCD and then start antibiotics
e. Only one microscopically positive lymph node d. Wait till next menstrual cycle for any intervention
e. Do nothing
Post-op Radiation indicated for: >1 LN+, LN with ECE, margin
< 8-10 mm, lymphadenectomy not performed due to comorbid “When PID is suspected in a woman wearing an IUD, appropriate
disease, LVSI” cultures should be obtained, and antibiotic therapy should be
administered. Removal of the IUD is not necessary unless symptoms
Post-op indications for radiotherapy: do not improve after 72 hours of treatment. Pelvic abscess, if
•• Vulva (Heaps criteria): (+) margins, margin <8 mm suspected, should be ruled out by ultrasound examination. Novak’s
pathologically or < 1 cm clinically, LVSI (lymphovascular space Gynae 15th/223-24
involvement), lesions > 5 mm deep
“Leaving an IUD in place is not thought to increase the chance

•• Inguinal/pelvic nodes (Homesley GOG371986): clinically +
of long-term complications from PID, although this cannot be
groin LN, >1 groin LN+, nodal ECE
guaranteed. In general the IUD can be left in place if the symptoms
Postoperative Adjuvant Radiotherapy respond to antibiotic treatment within 48-72 hours”- www.fpnsw.

Gynaecology by Robert Shaw 4th/41
•• Patient with risk factors for local recurrence such as a close
surgical margin, lymphovascular space permeation, poorly 18. Mutation involved in serous ovarian carcinoma:
differentiated tumor grade or diffuse infiltrative growth pattern, a. KRAS

should be considered for adjuvant external beam radiation b. WT1
therapy to reduce the risk of recurrence c. TP53
•• With regard to the nodal status, no additional treatment is tN d. PTEN
recommended if there is only one microscopically positive e. ARID1A
lymph node. However, if two or more metastatic nodes are
Two Important Carcinogenic Pathway Dutta Gynae 7th/305
present or there is capsular involvement in a single metastatic
•• Type I: Incorporation of Mullerian epithelial cells on the
node, postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy is usually
ovary with formation of endometriosis or cortical inclusion
cyst. Type I ovarian tumors, are borderline tumors, low grade

Role of Radiation Therapy in Vulvar carcinoma serous ovarian cancers (LGSOC) or clear cell carcinoma. These
Novak 15th/1142-43 patients harbor somatic gene mutations (KRAS, BRAF, or
•• It is important to remember that, with a rare exception, radiation PTEN) but no association with p53 mutations.
therapy alone has little place in the primary management of Type II: Incorporation of serous tubal intraepithelial

vulvar cancer. It is indicated in conjunction with surgery. carcinoma (STIC), with exfoliation of cells, on to the surface
•• Radiation seems to be indicated in the following situations: of the ovary or both. This pathogenesis leads to development

 Preoperatively, in patients with advanced disease who would of high grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC). HGSOC
otherwise require pelvic exenteration or suffer loss of anal or are aggressive from the outset as opposed to LGSOC that
urethral sphincteric function

are indolent in nature. Individuals with HGSOC harbor p53

 Preoperatively, in patients with fixed, unresectable groin mutations in about 100% of situation. Currently the concept of
nodes distal fallopian tube origin of many pelvic serous carcinomas is
 Postoperatively, to treat the pelvic lymph nodes and groins of considered indisputable.

patients with multiple microscopically positive groin nodes, •• Majority of epithelial ovarian cancers are not familial or
one or more macrometastasis (10 mm or larger), or any hereditary. Familial cancer account for 10-15% of all ovarian
evidence of extracapsular spread. cancers
•• No additional treatment is recommended if one microscopically “Low-grade serous carcinomas exhibit low-grade nuclei with
positive groin node (5 mm or less tumor deposit) is found in a infrequent mitotic figures. They evolve from adeno fibromas or
fully dissected groin. The prognosis for this group of patients is borderline tumors, have frequent mutations of the KRAS, BRAF,
excellent, and only careful observation is required. or ERBB2 genes, and lack TP53 mutations (Type I pathway). Low-
•• If clinically evident groin metastases (any extracapsular spread grade tumors are indolent and have better outcome than high-grade
or two or more microscopically positive groin nodes) are found, tumors. In contrast, high-grade serous carcinomas have high-grade
the patient is at increased risk of groin and pelvic recurrence nuclei and numerous mitotic figures. More recently, studies have
and should receive postoperative groin and pelvic irradiation.
16. e. Only one microscopically positive lymph node [Ref: Shaw’s Gynae 16th/480; Dutta Gynae 7th/277; Novak 15th/1142-43;
 Gynaecology by Robert Shaw 4th/41]
17. a. Keep the IUCD, give antibiotic, follow up for antibiotic response and then take decision regarding IUCD removal
 [Ref: Shaw’s Gynae 16th/271; Novak’s Gynae 15th/223-24]
18. a. KRAS; c. TP53; d. PTEN [Ref: Shaw’s Gynae 16th/436; Dutta Gynae 7th/304-05]

PGI Supplement November 2017

suggested that a proportion appear to originate from intraepithelial carcinoma in the fallopian tube. The development of these tumors is rapid
(Type II pathway). The vast majority are characterized by TP53 mutations and lack mutations of KRAS, BRAF, or ERBB2”-www.ncbi.nlm.
“Mutations in the ARID1A gene have been found in many types of cancer, including cancers of the ovaries and lining of the uterus
(endometrium) in women and cancers of the kidney, stomach, bladder, lung, breast, and brain. These mutations are somatic, which means
they are acquired during a person’s lifetime and are present only in tumor cells”
“ARID1A is mutated in ~50% of ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCCC)”
“WT1: Wilms tumor, certain leukemias - Robbins 9th/291
Common Epithelial Tumour Shaw’s Gynae 16th/436
•• Serous
•• Mucinous
•• Endometrioid
•• Clear cell
•• Brenner tumour

•• Mixed epithelial tumor


Fig. 4 (Dutta Gynae 7th/305): The schematic presentation of distal fallopian tube origin of ovarian carcinoma


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