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Bailey Yellott


September 23, 2020

Getting Red Raiders to the Polls

On Tuesday, November 3, the United States will elect its next president.

On Election Day, VoteCo is visiting Texas Tech University to encourage college

students to vote. VoteCo, a local organization rooted in student voting advocacy,

will guide students to polling stations, offer prize incentive games and cater food

cuisine from food trucks, announced VoteCo CEO Gordon Keith.

The VoteCo headquarters is between the Student Union and University Library on

the southeast side of the Texas Tech campus. Students can easily access the booth

by locating VoteCo’s branded flags.

“All it takes is a quick look at our voter demographics to see how poorly

represented the youth of our country is, particularly college students.” said Gordon

Keith, CEO, VoteCo. In the 2016 Presidential election, only 19% of Americans 18-

29 years old voted opposed to the 70.9% of Americans aged 65 plus. VoteCo

hopes to broaden the youth voting landscape of America and give young people the
voice they’ve been lacking. If only one side of the isle is represented, then none


“VoteCo has teamed up with Texas Tech University during the past three election

seasons. Our efforts have proven very effective, leading over 10,000 students to the

polls since 2008” said Keith. The efforts of organizations such as VoteCo are being

adopted and appreciated nationwide as a record setting amount of the American

youth voted in the 2018 midterm election.

Bailey Yellott


September 23, 2020

Getting Red Raiders to the Polls

VoteCo, a Lubbock based organization rooted in student voting advocacy, is

visiting Texas Tech University for the fourth straight election day, November 3.

VoteCo is stationed at two spots on the Texas Tech campus beginning at 8 AM.

The primary station is located between the Student Union Building and University

Library on the southeast side of campus. The second location is scheduled in front

of the Rawls College of Business.

Since the first presidential election of 1789, the youth of America is yet to out-vote

any other age group. VoteCo aims to turn the tide and give students the voice they

deserve through voting advocation and education.

“VoteCo has teamed up with Texas Tech University during the past three election

seasons. Our efforts have proven very effective, leading over 10,000 students to the

polls since 2008” said Gordon Keith, CEO of VoteCo. The efforts of organizations

such as VoteCo are being adopted and appreciated nationwide as a record setting

amount of the American youth voted in the 2018 midterm election.

Keith founded the company in 2008 after graduating from the Texas Tech

University Rawls college of business. The idea for VoteCo was sparked when

Keith, a TTU senior at the time, realized he had no idea it was election day until he

came home and turned on his TV. He saw how easy it might be for other college

students to miss election day with their hectic schedules.


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