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Evert Hoek, NSERC Industrial Research Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,

University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

David. F. Wood, Senior Engineer, Golder Associates, Vancouver, British Columbia,


Published in Underground Support Systems.

Edited by J. Udd. (Montreal; Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy). Special
Volume 35, 1987, pages 1-6.
Support in Hard rock Underground Mines


Rock support is the term widely used to describe the procedures and materials used to
improve the stability and maintain the load bearing capacity of rock near to the
boundaries of an underground excavation. In this paper, a distinction is drawn
between rock reinforcement or active support, where the supporting elements are an
integral part of the reinforced rock mass, and rock support or passive support, where
the supporting members are external to the rock and respond to inward movement of
the rock surrounding the excavation. A good example of active reinforcement is a
pattern of untensioned grouted dowels which are tensioned as the rock deforms and
which interact with the rock in much the same way as reinforcing steel does with
concrete. Steel sets are an example of passive support since they external to the rock
mass and can only respond to progressive inward movement of the loosened rock

The primary objective of a support system is to mobilize and conserve the inherent
strength of the rock mass so that it becomes self-supporting. Rock support generally
combines the effects of reinforcement, by such elements as dowels, tensioned rock
bolts and cables, and support, with shotcrete, mesh and steel sets which carry loads
from individual rock blocks isolated by structural discontinuities or zones of loosened
rock. These notes are intended to assist the underground support engineer in choosing
the most appropriate, and the easiest to install, combination of reinforcement and
support. If possible, the installation of rock support should be carried out as an
integral part of the excavation cycle to enhance the self -supporting aspects of rock
mass improvement.

Rock support

The choice of the type of support installed in a particular underground excavation

depends upon the extent of the zone of loosened or fractured rock surrounding that
excavation. A very crude guide to support selection is given in Table 1.

Active rock reinforcement

Underground mines use two principal types of rock reinforcement - tensioned

mechanically anchored rockbolts and untensioned grouted or friction anchored
dowels. It is important that the different ways in which these reinforcing systems
work is fully understood and a brief discussion on this subject is given on the pages
which follow.

Mechanically anchored rockbolts

Mechanically anchored rockbolts are probably the oldest form of rock reinforcement
used in underground mining and are still the most common form of rock
reinforcement used in Canadian mines. Provided that the rock is hard enough to
provide a good grip for the anchor, an expansion shell anchor which is well seated
will usually allow a rockbolt to be tensioned to its maximum load-carrying capacity.
In fact, if a bolt is overloaded, it usually fails in the threads at either the faceplate or
anchor end rather than by anchor slip.

Support in Hard rock Underground Mines

Tensioned rockbolts are most effective in retaining loose blocks or wedges of rock
near the surface of the excavation. These blocks may have been loosened by
intersecting joints and bedding planes in the rock or they may have been created by
poor quality blasting. In either case, falls of loose rock create unsafe working
conditions and some form of support is required.

Since the amount of loosening does not usually penetrate very far into the rock mass,
the support is only required to hold up the dead weight of the loose material.
Mechanically anchored rockbolts, with the addition of mesh where small pieces of
rock are likely to fall out between bolt heads, provide very effective support for these
conditions. Tensioning of the bolts, usually to about 70% of their ultimate breaking
load, is required in order to tighten the loose blocks and wedges and to provide as
much interlocking between these blocks as possible. It is by helping the rock to
support itself and by the prevention of further unravelling and deterioration of the
rock mass that the tensioned rockbolts provide effective support.

Unfortunately, mechanically anchored rockbolts suffer from several problems. There

is a tendency for anchors to slip progressively with time, probably as a result of
vibrations induced by nearby blasting. Hence, old rockbolts which have clearly lost all
their tension are frequently seen in underground mines. Another problem relates to
rusting of the bolts in rock masses with aggressive groundwater, for example, in
massive sulphides. Sometimes, the life of an unprotected bolt may be less than one
year under such circumstances and, where long term life is required, the bolts should
be grouted in place.

The need for mechanically anchored rockbolts is reduced significantly by careful

blasting and by correct scaling. These techniques reduce the amount of loose rock
which has to be supported and hence the need for bolts and mesh.

Grouted or friction anchored dowels

One of the main disadvantages of mechanically anchored rockbolts is that, if the

anchor slips or the bolt breaks, the capacity of the bolt drops to zero and the rock
being supported can fall. This problem is less severe in the case of a fully grouted or
friction anchored dowel because, even if slip does occur or if the face plate breaks off,
the remaining length of the dowel is still anchored and will continue to provide

The problem with grouted or friction anchored dowels is that they cannot be tensioned
and hence they have to be installed before significant movement has taken place in the
rock. In fact, experience has shown that this apparent problem can be turned to
advantage and that a combination of careful blasting and the installation of dowels as
close as possible to the advancing face can provide very effective support for a much
wider range of rock conditions than can be handled by mechanically anchored bolts.
The installation of the dowels close to the advancing face ensures that relatively little
movement has taken place in the rock mass and that the maximum amount of
interlocking between individual pieces is retained. Retention of this interlocking is
critical to the self-supporting characteristics of the rock mass and any loss of interlock
causes a very severe drop in strength.

Support in Hard rock Underground Mines

Table 1: Suggested support for various rock conditions.

Rock Conditions Suggested support type
Sound rock with No support or alternatively, where required for safety, mesh held in place by
smooth walls created grouted dowels or mechanically anchored rockbolts, installed to prevent small
by good blasting. pieces from falling.
Low in situ stresses.
Sound rock with few Scale well then install tensioned, mechanically anchored bolts to tie blocks into
intersecting joints or surrounding rock. Use straps across bedding planes or joints to prevent small
bedding planes pieces falling out between bolts. In permanent openings, such as shaft stations
resulting in loose or crusher chambers, rockbolt should be grouted with cement to prevent
wedges or blocks. corrosion.
Low in situ stresses.
Sound rock damaged Chain link or weld mesh held by tensioned mechanically anchored rockbolts, to
by blasting with a prevent falls of loose rock. Attention must be paid to scaling and to improving
few intersecting blasting to reduce amount of loose rock.
planes. Low in situ
Closely jointed Shotcrete layer, approximately 50 mm thick. Addition of micro-silica and steel
blocky rock with fibre reduces rebound and increases strength of shotcrete in bending. Larger
small blocks wedges are bolted so that shotcrete is not overloaded. Limit scaling to control
ravelling from ravelling. If shotcrete not available, use chain-link or weldmesh and pattern
surface causing reinforcement such as split sets or Swellex.
deterioration if
unsupported. Low
stress conditions.
Stress-induced Pattern support with grouted dowels or Swellex. Split sets are suitable for
failure in jointed supporting small amounts of failure. Grouted tensioned or untensioned cables
rock. First can be used but mechanically anchored rockbolts are less suitable for this
indication of failure application. Typical length of reinforcement should be about ½ the span of
due to high stresses openings less than 6 m and between ½ and 1/3 for spans of 6 to 12 m. Spacing
are seen in borehole should be approximately ½ the dowel length. Support should be installed
walls and in pillar before significant movement occurs. Shotcrete can add significant strength to
corners. rock and should be used in long-term openings (ramps etc.). Mesh and straps
may be required in short-term openings (drill-drives etc.)
Drawpoints Use grouted rebar for wear resistance and for support of drawpoint brows.
developed in good Install this reinforcement during development of the trough drive and
rock but subjected to drawpoint, before rock movement takes place as a result of drawing of stopes.
high stress and wear Do not use shotcrete or mesh in drawpoints – place dowels at close spacing in
during blasting and blocky rock.
drawing of stopes.
Fractured rock Pattern support required but in this case some ‘flexibility’ required to absorb
around openings in shock from rockbursts. Split sets are good since they will slip under shock
stressed rock with a loading but will retain some load and keep mesh in place. Grouted dowels and
potential for Swellex will also slip under high load but some face plates may fail.
rockbursts Mechanically anchored bolts are poor in these conditions. Lacing between
heads of reinforcement helps to retain rock near surface under heavy
Very poor rock Fibre-reinforced shotcrete can be used for permanent support under low stress
associated with conditions or for temporary support to allow steel sets to be placed. Note that
faults or shear zones. shotcrete layer must be drained to prevent build up of pressure behind the
Rock-bolts or shotcrete. Steel sets are required for long-term support where it is evident that
dowels cannot be stresses are high or that roc is continuing to move. Capacity of steel sets
anchored in this estimated from amount of loose rock to be supported.

Support in Hard rock Underground Mines

With the development of grouted or friction anchored dowels which are both
economical and simple to install, the use of untensioned dowels has become very
wide-spread in mining and will probably become the dominant rock reinforcement
technique in years to come.

Grouted cables

Rockbolts and dowels can be replaced in most mining applications by means of

grouted cables. The main advantage of these cables is that they can be installed in
openings with very low headroom. The cables can be grouted in place without
tensioning or they can be tensioned before grouting. In recent years, simple tensioning
techniques have been developed which eliminate the complex and time-consuming
procedures previously used.

Grouted cables are very effective in applications such as the reinforcement of ore or
waste passes. The progressive wear of the exposed cable does not reduce the support
provided by the remaining length of grouted cable. The flexibility of the cables allows
the rock mass to ‘work’ without a significant loss of strength.

In cut and fill mining, long grouted cables can be pre-placed in the ore-body to be
mined in order to provide support for the stope backs. As the cables are shortened by
progressive cuts, the remaining grouted lengths are tensioned by downward
movement of the rock above the stopes and support forces are generated. When the
remaining length of cable has been reduced to about 2m, a new set of cables is
installed to overlap the first set and to assume the support duties when the first set is
mined out.

When a large zone of potentially unstable rock is to be supported, say adjacent to a

fault or shear zone, long tensioned and grouted cables can be installed from
development headings before mining of the stopes takes place. Long grouted cables
have also been used successfully in many civil engineering applications such as the
anchoring of crane beams in large underground powerhouse excavations or the
support of very large span openings where normal rockbolts would have proved

Passive rock support

In order to complement the reinforcement achieved using dowels, bolts or cables, rock
support often includes the use of mesh, straps, shotcrete or steel sets. Each of these
rock support elements is reviewed briefly in the notes which follow.


A general rule which can be used deciding upon the spacing of rockbolts is that the
distance between faceplates should be approximately equal to three times the average
spacing of the weakness planes in the rock mass. Hence, if a set of intersecting joints
and bedding planes create wedges or blocks with an average side length of 0.5m, the
ideal bolt spacing should be about 1.5m and the bolt length should be twice the bolt
spacing, i.e 3m. This example gives reasonable bolt lengths and spacing but, what is

Support in Hard rock Underground Mines

the solution if the average joint spacing is about 100mm? Obviously, it would be
impractical to place bolts at 300mm centres and, under these circumstances, mesh is
used to keep the small blocks between the faceplates in place.

Mesh may be either chainlink or weldmesh. Chainlink mesh is flexible and has a very
high load bearing capacity. It is, however, rather difficult to handle during installation
and it is also completely unsuitable for use with shotcrete because of the difficulty of
eliminating the air pockets trapped behind the links in the mesh. Weldmesh,
fabricated by welding a grid of crossing wires at their intersection points, is more
rigid and is easier to install than chainlink mesh. It is also suitable for use with
shotcrete because the wire intersections are small in area and it is easy for the
shotcrete to penetrate behind these intersections.


When the rock mass surrounding an underground opening is very slabby, in other
words, most of the weakness planes run in one direction, the strength of the rock mass
is much higher in the direction of the weakness planes than it is across these planes.
Under these circumstances, straps may be a more effective means of face support than
mesh. These straps are placed between rockbolts and run across the planes of
weakness. Straps placed parallel to the planes of weakness are generally a waste of


Shotcrete is used very widely in civil engineering construction but is not used by the
mining industry to the extent that it deserves. This is partly due to the fact that a
typical mine has many working faces and it is difficult to schedule the shotcreting
equipment efficiently. It is also due to traditional attitudes which are gradually
changing in recognition of the fact the each element in underground support plays a
different role and that shotcrete can be a very effective support medium. The shotcrete
acts in much the same was as mesh in that it prevents small pieces of rock from
unravelling from the surface of an excavation. This helps to retain the interlocking
and self-supporting characteristics of the rock mass. Since shotcrete is generally
stronger than mesh, particularly if it is fibre-reinforced, and since it is corrosion
resistant, it is generally considered to be a more effective support system. It is
particularly useful in excavations such as ramps and haulages where long-term
stability is important.

Shotcrete has developed into a versatile support system with the addition of micro-
silica and steel fibre reinforcement to the mortar/aggregate mix. The complex
installation of thin layers of shotcrete, reinforced with weldmesh fabric can now be
replaced quickly and economically by a single pass of steel fibre reinforced micro-
silica shotcrete. Sufficient research has now gone into shotcrete mix design and the
constituent materials used, that shotcrete quality now rests almost entirely with the
equipment operators. Shotcrete application requires constant attention to the supply
pressure and volume of water, mix and air to ensure that the material leaves the nozzle
in a continuous uninterrupted stream which can be applied by the nozzleman in such a
fashion as to maximize compaction and quality while minimizing rebound and

Support in Hard rock Underground Mines

As shotcrete develops strength with time after application, it may be used effectively
soon after excavation. Local readjustment of the in situ stress field due to mining is
unlikely to induce excessive loading on the green shotcrete, and shotcrete has shown
good resilience and durability to nearby blasting. As loading is transferred on to the
support system, it is gaining strength and producing a stiffening support member.
Most products are shot with up to 5% accelerator if a high early strength is required.
This obviously leads to the development of a faster supporting member, but care must
be exercised in design to ensure that the support will not become overstressed by load
transferred from relaxing ground in high stress environments.

The use of a micro-silica additive means that rebound is reduced considerably,

thickness of application can be increased, weak zones of rock with running water can
be covered and voids can be filled effectively. Silica does not appear to affect the long
term strength of the product.

The addition of high aspect ratio, deformed steel fibres, usually 30-38 mm long and
0.5 mm in equivalent diameter, enhances the post crack load bearing capacity of the
support system, although it does not give a marked improvement to the initial bending
strength of the shotcrete layer. Early problems with balling of steel fibres and
excessive equipment wear have been largely overcome and the addition of steel fibres
do not usually give rise to significant operational problem.

Typical shotcrete mix design

Components kg/cu.m Percent

Cement 420 18.6

Micro-silica additive 42 1.9
Blended aggregate 1735 76.9
Steel fibres 59 2.9

Steel sets

Steel sets have generally replaced timber as the traditional ‘passive’ support system in
underground construction. The term ‘passive’ derives from the fact that the steel sets
(or timber) do not interact with the rock in the same way as rockbolts or dowels.
These elements become part of the rock mass in much the same way as reinforcing
becomes part of the concrete in reinforced concrete. On the other hand, passive
support such as steel sets can only respond to loads imposed on them by the inward
movement of the rock. Since they are generally placed some distance behind the
advancing face, most of the short-term movement in the rock has already taken place
before the sets are in place and the only load which they are called upon to carry is the
dead-weight of rock failing around the opening.

In hard rock mining, steel sets have very limited application since most support duties
can be performed more effectively by rockbolts, dowels or shotcrete or by some
combination of these systems. The exception is in mining through faults or in very
badly broken ground associated with faults of shear zones. In such cases, it may be
impossible to anchor the rockbolts or dowels in the rock mass and steel sets may be
required in order to carry the dead weight of the failed material surrounding the

Support in Hard rock Underground Mines


Blocking is a critical part of steel set installation since it is essential that the rock
loads be transferred uniformly onto the steel sets. Badly blocked sets are a very poor
investment. Traditionally, wood is used as a blocking medium and this can be very
effective if carefully placed and tightly wedged in place. In some mining applications,
where large rock movements are anticipated, timber poles placed parallel to the
opening axis are used to distribute the load onto the sets. These poles act rather like
roller bearings and move with the rock to give a uniform load distribution on the sets.
Where wood is difficult to obtain or where a skilled labour force is not available to
install timber blocking correctly, timber blocking can be replaced by means of sacks
of lean concrete. These sacks are pushed into place behind the sets and then sprayed
with water to initiate setting of the concrete. The weak concrete provides adequate
blocking to transfer the rock loads uniformly onto the steel sets.

Illustrations of support systems

Illustrations of different support systems are presented on the pages which follow.
These illustrations are intended to provide a condensed summary of the most
important features of each system and to act as simple design aids to rock support
designers and users.

Warning: Some of the systems or components illustrated in this series of drawings are
protected by patents. Potential users intending to manufacture similar systems or
components should check patent regulations.

1. Mechanically anchored, tensioned rockbolt

Figure 1 illustrates a number of components which can be used in different
combinations. The expansion shell anchor is one of a large number of different types,
all of which operate in basically the same way. A wedge, attached to the bolt shank is
pulled into a conical anchor shell forcing it to expand against the drillhole walls.
When grouting a bolt, the rubber grout seal is used to centre the bolt in the hole and to
seal the collar of the hole against grout leakage. An alternative system is to use a
quick setting plaster to seal the hole collar. The grout is injected into the collar end of
the hole (except in down-holes) and the return pipe is extended for the length of the
hole. Grout injection is stopped when the air has been displaced and grout flows from
the return tube.

Bolt can be tensioned immediately after installation using an impact wrench, torque
wrench or hydraulic jack, and grouted at a later stage when short term movements
have ceased. This system provides very reliable anchorage in good rock and high bolt
loads can be achieved.

Correct installation requires skilled workmen and close supervision. Grout tubes are
often damaged during installation.

Support in Hard rock Underground Mines

These bolts are very widely used for permanent support applications in civil
engineering. Mechanically anchored bolts without grout are widely used in mining.

Typical data:
Steel designation ASTM A 615 (Grade 60) or ASTM A 722 (Grade 150)
Yield stress 414 MPa (60000 psi) or 1034 MPa (150000 psi)
Steel diameter 19 mm ( 3 4 ”) to 35 mm (1 38 ”)
Hole diameter 41 mm (1 58 ”) to 63 mm (2 ½”)
Length variable

Figure 1. Mechanically anchored, tensioned rockbolt

2. Untensioned grouted dowel

Developed as an inexpensive solution where use of untensioned dowels is appropriate.
A thick grout is pumped into the drillhole by means of a simple hand pump or a
monopump. The dowel is pushed into the grout as shown in Figure 2. For up-holes,
the dowel is sometimes held in place by bending the dowel slightly during insertion.
A faceplate and nut can be added if required although, for light support, a plain dowel
is sometimes used. Resin cartridges can also be used to encapsulate the bar and
provide bonding to the rock.

Simple and inexpensive. High corrosion resistance in permanent installations.

Cannot be tensioned and hence must be installed before significant deformation of the
rock mass has taken place. Care must be taken to ensure resin ‘grout’ is properly

Support in Hard rock Underground Mines

mixed. Resin has limited shelf life.

Widely used in the mining industry for general support duties.

Typical data:
Steel designation ASTM A 615 (Grade 60)
Yield stress 414 MPa (60000 psi)
Steel diameter 19 mm ( 3 4 ”) to 25 mm (1”)
Hole diameter 35 (1 38 ” ) to 38 mm (1 ½”)
Length variable

Figure 2. Untensioned, grouted dowel

3. Friction anchored rockbolt - Swellex

Developed by Atlas Copco AB, the Swellex deformed tube is expanded by water
pressure to the the shape of the drill hole. Mechanical interlock of the bolt and the
rock then prevents the bolt from sliding. Expansion of the deformed tube leads to
some reduction in length, which puts the Swellex into tension.

Rapid and simple installation. Gives immediate support action after installation. Can
be used in a variety of ground conditions. The installation causes contraction in the
bolt length. This effectively tensions the face plate against the rock surface.

Corrosion can be a problem in long term installations. Requires a pump for
installation. May require a sleeve at the collar to prevent spalling under certain rock

Support in Hard rock Underground Mines

Swellex bolts are commonly used in the mining industry for medium-term support
requirements. Becoming increasingly used in civil engineering tunneling work.

Typical data:
Yield load 130 kN (13 ton f)
Tube diameter 26 mm (1”)
Hole diameter 33 mm (1 38 ”) to 39 mm (1 ½”)
Lengths Up to 8 m (24ft)
Inflation pressure 20 MPa (3000psi)

Warning: Swellex bolts are patented by Atlas Copco AB, Sweden.

Figure 3. Friction anchored rockbolt – Swellex

4. Friction anchor or Split Set

Developed by Scott in conjunction with the Ingersoll -Rand Company in the U.S.A.,
this device has gained considerable popularity in the mining industry. As the split tube
is forced into a drillhole, the spring action of the compressed tube applies a radial
force against the rock and generates a frictional resistance to sliding of the rock on the
steel. This frictional resistance increases as the outer surface of the tube rusts.

Support in Hard rock Underground Mines

Simple and quick to install and claimed to be cheaper than a grouted dowel of similar
capacity. Useful in moving and bursting ground.

Cannot be tensioned and hence is activated by movement in the rock in the same way
as a grouted dowel. Its support action is similar to that of an untensioned dowel and
hence it must be installed very close to the face. The drillhole diameter is critical and
most failures during installation occur because the hole is either too small or too large.
In some applications, rusting has occurred very rapidly and has proved to be a
problem where long term support is required. The device cannot be grouted.

Used for relatively light support duties in the mining industry, particularly where
short term support is required. Little application in civil engineering at present.

Typical data:
Yield load 90 kN
Tube diameter 33 mm (1.32”), 39 mm (1.55”) and 46 mm (1.81”)
Hole diameter 32 mm (1 18 ”), 35 mm (1 38 ”) and 41 mm (1 58 ”)
Lengths: variable

Warning: Split Set friction rock stabilizers are patented by the Ingersoll-Rand
Company, U.S.A.

Figure 4. Friction anchor or Split Set

Support in Hard rock Underground Mines

5. Resin grouted, tensioned threaded bar

The most sophisticated rockbolt system currently in use, combines most of the
advantages of other bolt systems. Resin and a catalyst are contained in plastic
‘sausages’, the catalyst being separated in a glass or plastic container in the resin.
These capsules are pushed into the hole with a loading stick and the bar is then
inserted. Rotation of the bar during insertion breaks the plastic containers and mixes
the resin and catalyst. The bar illustrated in Figure 5 has a very coarse rolled thread
which gives good bonding and allows the length of the installation to be adjusted very

This system is very convenient and simple to use. Very high strength anchors can be
formed in rock of poor quality and, by choosing appropriate setting times, a ‘one shot’
installation produces a fully grouted tensioned rockbolt system.

Effective resin mixing requires careful adherence to recommendations provided by
manufacturers. Resins are expensive and many have a limited shelf-life, particularly
in hot climates.

Increasingly used in critical applications in which cost is less important than speed
and reliability.

Typical data:
As for mechanically anchored rockbolts.

Figure 5. Resin grouted, tension threaded bar

Support in Hard rock Underground Mines

6. Grouted Cable Bolt

Grouted cables were introduced to mining for reinforcement of the backs of cut and
fill stopes. Cable reinforcement, using tensioned or untensioned, fully grouted cables,
is very widely used in mining applications. Cables can be installed effectively in very
narrow tunnels, they are inexpensive and have a very high load bearing capacity.

This system is inexpensive. If properly installed, it provides competent and durable
reinforcement. It can be installed to any length in narrow areas. The system gives very
high bolt loads in various rock conditions, as well as high corrosion resistance in
permanent installations.

Tensioning of the cable bolt is possible only if a special installation procedure is
adopted. The use of standard cement in the grout requires several days curing before
the cable can be loaded.

The system is gaining increasing use in mining applications.

Typical data:
Yield stress 1770 Mpa (257000 psi)
Yield load 500 kN (50 ton f)
Cable diameter 20 mm ( 25 32 ”)
Hole diameter 35 mm (1 3 8 ”)
Lengths: Any length required

Figure 6. Grouted cable bolt

Support in Hard rock Underground Mines

7. Strap

This system is used extensively in mining and civil engineering applications to hold
slabby ground between rock bolts or to prevent slabs from loosening.

Straps are easy to install with rock bolts. They are very effective in stratified, slabby

Straps cannot be used to control ravelling in loose, blocky ground if the block size is

Steel straps are used to give roof control in ground where rockbolts or dowels alone
cannot hold intermediate and relatively thin slabs of rock. The strap is formed to
follow the rock surface and held with regular rock reinforcement or specially installed
pins. Straps should always be installed across weakness planes.

Figure 7. Strap

8. Mesh

Wire mesh is used to support small pieces of loose rock and broken rock from falling.
Two types of wire mesh currently used in underground operations are chainlink mesh
and weld mesh.

Mesh is very economical and quickly installed. It is easy to attach to roof

Support in Hard rock Underground Mines

reinforcement with extra faceplates and nuts. It is easily repaired.

Mesh cannot carry excessive load of broken rock without failure. It is easily damaged
by flyrock from nearby blasts.

Mesh is useful for supporting small pieces of broken rock. Weldmesh is used
traditionally as reinforcement for shotcrete, but is rapidly being replaced by steel fibre
reinforced shotcrete. Mesh, like straps, is held in place with additional faceplates or
washers and nuts on rockbolts or using separate pins.

Figure 8. Mesh

9. Typical dry-mix shotcrete operation

Pneumatically applied mortar and concrete have been used increasingly in the support
of underground excavations both in civil and mining applications. Two basic types of
shotcrete (dry-mix and wet-mix) can be used. Flexibility of equipment, batching and
availability often result in the use of the dry-mix process in mining.

This system is very adaptable to the tunneling environment. New technology has
made mix design easier.

Support in Hard rock Underground Mines

Final product is highly dependent on the operators and especially on the nozzleman.

The system has rapid support potential for loosened rock and changing stress
conditions. It is as durable as concrete in most applications for roadways or as roof
support. It is not recommended for drawpoints.

Figure 9. Typical dry-mix shotcrete operation

10. Steel arches

This system developed from the earliest use of timber supports underground, steel
arches are now manufactured as rigid or yielding supports. They are employed for
long term, permanent rock mass support especially in critical areas of roadways and

Highly effective under heavy strata loading conditions. Continues to provide support
after substantial deformation has occurred.

Steel arches are time consuming to install properly. Unless well blocked, sets are
ineffective. Prone to twisting under eccentric loading. Rock mass must undergo
deformation before arch starts to take load, i.e. a ‘passive ’ support.

This system used in support of long term haulages and critical intersections especially

Support in Hard rock Underground Mines

in highly stressed ground. Yielding and rigid supports are required in different

Figure 10. Steel arches


This paper is based upon a report originally prepared for Cominco’s Sullivan mine
and the permission granted by Cominco for publication of this paper is gratefully
acknowledged. The authors wish to thank Mr Byron Stewart and Mr Roy van Rijswyk
for the constructive criticism provided during the preparation of this paper.


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