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Grade and Section: II- St. Elisha

Lesson3 Week 3

Activity 1 (Put your answers here)

Directions: Copy all the nouns found in the sentences. Write them under the
proper heading in the table below.

1. Mother and Perla went to Goody Supermarket

2. They bought fruits, vegetables, and meet.
3. They bought Kitty its favorite food.
4. As they were paying at the cashier, Perla saw her friend Leila.

Persons Animals Places Objects

Activity 2
Directions: Look for the common nouns and proper nouns in the treasure chest.
Write each noun under its proper heading in the chart below.

Common Nouns Proper Nouns

*If you are done kindly submit it on VSmart. Congratulations! You are done with
all the activities. 

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