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Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional (National Public Health Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional
Journal). 2020; Special Issue 1: 60-63
DOI: 10.21109/kesmas.v15i2.4010 (National Public Health Journal)

From Social Distancing to Physical Distancing: A Challenge for

Evaluating Public Health Intervention against COVID-19

Hadi Pratomo

Department of Health Education and Health Promotion, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected every country. Currently, no suitable vaccine or treatment has been identified; therefore,
each country has attempted to issue appropriate policies, designed to reduce and prevent increases in the numbers of extreme cases. Transmission can be
prevented by implementing social restrictions, also known as social distancing. The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued several methods for the
prevention of transmission, including social distancing, washing hands with soap (or using hand sanitizer containing at least 70% alcohol), and using masks.
Over time, the term social distance has changed to physical distance. Evaluating the impacts of different types of non-pharmacological interventions has been

Keywords: COVID-19, physical distance, social distance

The ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Nonverbal communication refers to communication
pandemic has become closely associated with the intro- without words and encompasses messages developed by
duction of the popular term “social distancing”, followed body motions, the use of space, and the use of sounds
shortly by the emergence of the new jargon “physical dis- and touch. One dimension of nonverbal communication
tancing”. These two terms are very closely related to the is kinesics, which refers to the study of body motions as
public health emergency and quarantine protocols. a form of communication.2 The other dimension is prox-
A public health emergency is an extraordinary situa- emics, a term proposed by the anthropologist Edward T.
tion, during which a communicable disease rapidly dis- Hall, which refers to how individuals use and interpret
seminates across different regions and even countries. space. One area of proxemics that is relevant to the cur-
Based on the Indonesian Law, No 06, 2018, quarantine rent pandemic issue is distance. Both space and distance
was defined as the isolation of a person or group of per- play significant roles in how individuals interact.3
sons who have been exposed to a communicable disease, Hall (1966) in Martinez et al.,3 defined that individu-
regardless of the presentation of symptoms.1 als in a social situation used four distance zones namely
intimate, personal, social, and public. The intimate dis-
The History of Social Distancing tance represents an area in which persons can touch one
Over the past 35 years, I have taught public health another, representing approximately 1.5 feet (45 cm) of
students in a course on Health Communications. One of separation. Personal distance is defined as between 1.5
the required readings that we discussed was Health and 2.5 feet (45 – 75 cm) of separation, equivalent to ap-
Communication: A Handbook for Health Professionals. proximately an arm’s length. When individuals are sepa-
This textbook includes a section, titled, Nonverbal rated by 4 – 12 feet (120–360 cm), they are practicing
Communication in Health Care Setting (Chapter 4).2 social distancing. Finally, when two individuals are sepa-
This book was written by health communication expert rated by 12–25 feet (360–750 cm), this distance is re-
Peter Guy Northouse, Ph.D and his wife Laurel Lindhout ferred to as public distance.3
Northouse, RN, MSN (a nurse) from western Michigan Social distance is currently being endorsed by World
University in the United States of America. Health Organization (WHO) as one practice that can pre-

Correspondence*: Hadi Pratomo, Department of Health Education & Health Received : June 29, 2020
Promotion, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java, Accepted : July 20, 2020
Indonesia, E-mail:, Phone: +62217863475 Published : July 31, 2020

Copyright @ 2020, Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional (National Public Health Journal), p-ISSN: 1907-7505, e-ISSN: 2460-0601, SINTA-S1 accredited,, Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Pratomo, From Social Distance to Physical Distance: A Challenge for Evaluating Public Health Intervention against COVID-19

vent the transmission of COVID-19. This term originated peak attack rate of SARS.8 This reduction would be even
in the field of health communication. Putting a social dis- more effective faster if physical distancing was combined
tance between two people indicates that an individual is with other non-pharmacological interventions, such as
6 feet (1 foot= 30.48 cm or 0.305 m) away from another the use of masks, washing hands with soap, or using
individual, which can prevent the spread of droplets from hand-sanitizer, according to the WHO recommendations.
a patient suffering from COVID-19. In Indonesia, we are Epidemiology research has shown that physical distance
unfamiliar with measurement in feet; therefore, I would has a strong association with the reduction of influenza-
suggest that a distance of 6 feet is equivalent to approxi- like illnesses and the serum conversion of flu A (H1N1).8
mately 2 meters of separation. However, careful interpretations of these data should be
made, as there was potential for bias.
From Social Distancing toward Physical Distancing In the United Stated of America (USA), the stay-at-
The Canadian Agency for Public Health,4 indicated home orders were not coordinated at the national level.
that physical distancing refers to making changes in one's Fowler, et al.,9 analyzed publicly available data sources
everyday routines, to minimize close contact with others, regarding the timing of stay-at-home orders and con-
including avoiding crowded places and non-essential firmed the reported daily COVID-19 cases, at the county
gatherings, avoiding common greetings, such as hand- level, for the USA. The results indicated that a coordinat-
shakes, and limiting contact with people at higher risk ed, nationwide, stay-at-home order may have significantly
(e.g., older adults and those in poor health). In addition, reduced the numbers of both infections and deaths
maintaining a distance of least 2 arm lengths from other caused by COVID-19. In this case, stay-at-home orders
individuals, as much as possible, is an important compo- reduced the infection growth rate and are the most ben-
nent of physical distancing. eficial when the infection counts are still low.9 In con-
The John Hopkins University,5 defined social distanc- trast, in the United Kingdom (UK), the implementation
ing as a public health practice that aims to prevent sick of physical distance measures was widely adopted by the
people from coming into close contact with healthy peo- UK public, which substantially reduced COVID-19 trans-
ple, to reduce opportunities for disease transmission. mission. However, this decrease is projected, and will not
While, the US Centers for Disease Control and occur immediately due to delays in the onset of sympto-
Prevention (CDC),6 defines social distancing as remain- matic disease and hospitalization, in addition to delays in
ing out of congregate settings, avoiding mass gatherings, these events being reported. Tracking behavioral changes
and maintaining distance (approximately 6 feet) from can provide a more rapid assessment of the impacts of
others when possible. Social life is a part of human to physical distancing measures compared with routine epi-
survive. We could not live in an isolated world. Maria demiological surveillance.10
van Kerkhove, an epidemiologist from WHO urged that, The absence of evidence regarding the effectiveness
“We're changing to say physical distance from social dis- of mask use from clinical trials should not be regarded as
tance and that's on purpose because we want people to being equivalent to evidence of ineffectiveness. Xiao, et
still remain connected”.7 Physical distancing represents al.,11 argued that cough etiquette (proper behavior when
the maintenance of physical distance from other people, coughing and sneezing, such as covering your nose and
to prevent the spread of COVID-19 while remaining so- mouth with a tissue or inner sleeve) is based on this con-
cially connected to others, through the internet or social sideration, and not on evidence provided by clinical trials.
media. Therefore, currently, the term physical distancing Cheng, et al.,12 stated that mass masking to control the
is preferable to social distancing.7 viral source represents a useful and low-cost complement
to social distancing and hand washing (with soap or 70%
Physical Distancing as an Applied Public Health alcohol hand sanitizer) during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Practice against COVID-19 These measures shift the focus from self-protection to al-
Since COVID-19 is a relatively new disease, to assess truism and actively involve every citizen. In addition,
the effectiveness of physical distancing, I attempted to these actions are considered symbols of social solidarity
identify literature examining the impacts of physical dis- during the response to the global COVID-19 pandemic.
tancing for the spread of another, similar disease, namely Various studies have examined the use of masks.
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). I found a Surgical masks are known to prevent the inhalation of
study report by Ahmed, et al.,8 using certain criteria, a large droplets and sprays but are limited in their ability
systematic review was conducted to look for publication to filter submicron-sized airborne particles.13 Because
within 2000–2017, then it found 13 research models and SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, can
two epidemiology studies. The research model indicated also be embedded in aerosols < 5 μm in diameter, evi-
that physical distance could only reduce approximately dence remains necessary regarding whether surgical
one-fourth (23%) of the attack rate and could reduce the masks are effective for preventing transmission. In one

Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional (National Public Health Journal). 2020; Special Issue 1: 60-63

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Abbreviations the COVID-19 pandemic: altruism and solidarity. Lancet. Published
COVID-19: Coronavirus Disease 2019; WHO: World Health online April 26, 2020.
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Competing Interest masks. Nature Medicine. 2020 [cited 2020 May 14]; 26: 676–80.
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16. Singh A, Chandra SK and Bajpai MK. Study of non-pharmacological
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Acknowledgment navirus disease 2019 and influenza in Hong Kong: an observational
The author would like to thank Ms. Paskalinda M. Y. Bandur STr. study. Lancet Public Health. 2020; 5 (5): E279-88.
Keb., MKM, who provided support for literature review. 18. Backer JA, Mollema L, Klinkenberg D, de Melker HE, Van der Klis
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