4 Predictions For Mortgage Industry in 2011: Pam Wilhelm, Realtor

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February 2011

Volume 4 Issue 2

Pam Wilhelm, Realtor;

Short Sale Specialist

New Home Specialist

Transinternational Referral Certification

Tampa Bay International Council

Email: pamspremierproperties@gmail.com
4 Predictions for Mortgage Industry in 2011
Web: http://www.pwilhelm.prudentialtropical.com

.By Brian Summerfield, Realtor .mortgage loans, there’s still sub-

Magazine– One of the biggest 2.FHA will continue to be stantial concern about high-end
obstacles for a recovery in the prime mover in the sec- homes holding their value over
Inside this issue: housing has been– and will ondary mortgage market. next couple of years. He pre-
continue to be– mortgage lend- 3. Refinances will go down, dicts this will be the last strata of
4 Predictions 1 ing. Although rates fell to his- purchases will go up. Wind
toric levels in 2010 and will expects U.S. mortgage lend-
Banks Lose Case 1 likely remain relatively low ing activity to be way down
through a good portion of this in 2011, due almost entirely
Why don’t my scores match? 2 year, credit still isn’t easy to to a severe drop in refi-
come by, even for many bor- nances. But the silver lining
rowers who would be consid- here is with favorable af-
Housing Starts Climb 3
ered safe in a normal market. fordability conditions, mort- mortgage loans to recover. “For
gages for homes will likely a healthy jumbo market, we need
Vacation Homes Hot Mar- With that in Mind, here are a
3 a healthy housing market first.”
ket few predictions for 2011: go up.

Just for Laughs 2 1. Several proposals wil be 4. Jumbo loans will remain
made to reform and reconsti- hard to come by. Although
tute Fannie Mae and Freddie Wind sees private investors
Property of the Month 4
Mac, but no new plan will be and financial instutions eas-
implemented this year. ing back into jumbo

Banks Lose Pivotal Foreclosure Case

Associated Press(Jan 7,2011) A foreclosures across the coun- of foreclosure.. The court
recent decision by the Massa- try. found that the banks-who were
chusetts Supreme Judicial The court, in affirming a lower not the original mortgages-
Court is expected to have courts ruling,. Invalidated two failed to show that they held
sweeping implications for the mortgage foreclosure sales the mortgages at the time of
nation’s banking industry when because the banks failed to the foreclosurs. Attorney Paul
it comes to how they’ve ap- prove the homeowners actually Collier III, who represents one
proved foreclosures and may owed the mortgages at the time of the homeowners, said this
even invalidate thousands of ruling stands to affect thou-
sands of mortgages.
Page 2 V olum e 4 I ssue 2

Why don’t My Credit Scores Match?

By Jeff Mandel and Marlin credit score is a three digit pare and analyze credit infor-
Brandt– Purhaps you have number that helps lending in- mation and credit utilization
decided that now is a great stitutions assess their risk asso- patterns from your credit re-
time to buy, and your agent has ciated with lending you money. port compared to thousands of
advised you to purchase a However, it doesn’t end there. other consumers.
credit report from a reputable Your score may also be consid- In 2006 , Vantage Score was
credit report provider. ered for non-lending pur- created by the 3 bureaus. It
However, while the score they poses, such as new utility ser- provides a formula to create a
saw was a 920, the score the vices, cell phone providers, score based on the three major
lender pulls up is an 810– what new job. bureaus. This score will be
happened? Credit scores are calculated different from the lenders if
based on computer the lender only orders a report
What Happened? from one of the bureaus.
“predictability” models. These
First you need to understand a models are designed to com- The Vantage Score should be
little about credit scores. Your more consistant across all bu-

Just for Laughs

A Man wakes up in the hospital bandaged from head to foot.
A doctor comes in and says,”Ah, I see you’ve regained consciousness. Now you probably won’t
remember, but you were in a huge pile up on the freeway. You’re going to be ok, you’ll walk
again and everything, but your penis was severed in the accident and we couldn’t find it.
The man groans, but the doctor goes on.
You’ve got $9000 in insurance compensation coming and we now have the technology to build
a new penis. They work great but they don’t come cheap. It’s roughly $1000 an inch.
The Man perks up
Now is the time to pursue “So”, the doctor says, “You must decide how many inches you want. But, I understand that you
the American Dream. have been married for over thirty years and this is something you should discuss with your wife.
If you had a five incher before, and get a nine incher now she might be a bit put out. It’s impor-
Call Pam today to set up tant that she plays a role in helping you make the decision. The man agrees to talk it over with
an appointment wife
(727) 237-4288 The Doctor comes back next day, “So have you spoken to your wife?” “Yes I have,” says the
man. “And has she helped you make a decision?” “Yes” says the man. “What is the decision?”
asks the doctor .”
“We’re getting granite countertops.”

Thought for the Day

If you obey all the rules, you’ll miss all the
fun.— Katharine Hepburn
V olum e 4 I ssue 2 Page 3

Vacation Homes Emerge As Hot Market

Vacation Communities across sense that they’ve been on the crease to gains in the stock
the United States are showing sidelines long enough,” says market and an overall improv-
big signs of a rebounding real Ned Monell, a real estate pro- ing economy. He says prices in
estate market, reporting soar- fessional with Sotheby’s Inter- these areas have come down so
ing sales at levels that have national Realty in Palm much that there’s been high
not been seen since the days of Beach, Fla. Palm Beach posted demand for these properties
the housing boom. The Wall a nearly 40 percent annual among buyers, particularly in
Street Journal reports. increase and a 54 percent areas with stable labor mar-
The increase is driven by deep increase in homes under con- kets.
discounts and cash purchases, tract.
analyst say. National Association of REAL-
We haven’t felt energy like TORS Chief Economist Law-
this in a long time. Buyers rence Yun attributes the in-

Housing Starts Expected to Climb in 2011

Erica Christoffer, REALTOR projection of 492,000 housing Credit is another factor. Lend-
Magazine– During an eco- usits in 2011 was released by ing remains tight, bjut if it
nomic update at the Associa- Edward Sullivan, PCA chief opens u with safe underwriting
tion of Home Builders, in Or- economist. He does not ex- standards for creditworthy
lando on Wednesday, David pect significant increases until buyers , there will be a bigger
Crowe projected single-family 2012 due to tight lending stan- boost to the housing market
housing starts to rise by 21 dards, a high home inventory with spillover effects for the
percent in 2011, reaching count, and unstable housing broader economy, says Law-
575,000 units. prices. He also said that new rence Yun chief economist for Need to Move Up? Now is the
home construction will vary the National Association of time to buy! Call today for list
An even more conservative
considerably by region. Realtors. of available homes (727)237-

Prudential to Expand into 2011

Prudential has had a busy 2010. And having partnered with 26 keting sites and are offering a
After purchasing numerous major builders in the local area, class to its agents called” 100
offices throughout Pinellas; to join forces with a new web- days to greatness” .
Fruits Realty in Tarpon site discussed in the January These steps continue to help
Springs, and Indians issue, that will to be kicked off maintain the quality of service
Rocks,they also purchased later this month. that Prudential Tropical has
Gulfside Realty in Spring Hill. Prudential has gone another provided over the years taking “Prudential’s Gulfview
They have positioned them- step further. They have pur- it to the next level. Stop by
selves as the major player on Mall Kiosk”
chased additional internet mar- the mall today to find out
the West Coast of Florida. more!
Pam Wilhelm

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