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Homophobic (LGBT RIGHTS) Violation in Honduras


LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Individual) are subject in discrimination now a day,
especially in the land of Honduras they are prohibited in 1hiring, promotion, job assignment,
termination, and compensation, as well as harassment on the basis of one's sexual orientation. In
the country of Honduras most of the LGBTI are facing torture, prison and assassination. “You
can be killed at any moment in this extremely violent country,” a lesbian activist told the
Washington Blade during an interview with three others affiliated with Colectivo Unidad Color
Rosa who identify themselves as transsexual women [CITATION Mic18 \l 1033 ]. From the report it
is proven how the LGBT individual discriminated, has been criticized, tortured and killed
violently. Additionally2 Honduras has one of the world’s highest per capita murder rates because
of violence that is frequently associated with gangs and drug traffickers. Violence and
discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation remains commonplace in the
Central American country that borders Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua.
July 17, 2018 at 8:55 pm EDT | by Michael K. LaversViolence, discrimination prompts LGBTI Hondurans to migrate
To support the issue the following are some reports taken in Honduras;

The 33-year-old gay activist bears the scar of the bullet that grazed his skull in an attack
a few years ago. He's moved the office of his advocacy group four times. Still, he feels hunted in
what is arguably the most homophobic nation in the Americas.

"We are in a deplorable state," Hernandez said of gays in Honduras. "When we walk the
streets, people shout insults at us and throw rocks. Parents move their children away." [ CITATION
Tim12 \l 1033 ].

“Since her murder, at least 15 more trans people have been killed in the United States.
The latest were Sasha Garden, 27, of Orlando, Florida, and Diamond Stephens, 39, of Meridian,
Mississippi. We are in the midst of a crisis. Transgender people, especially trans women of color,
are at an extremely high risk of violence. Last year, the Human Rights Campaign reported a
record number of violence-based deaths of trans people: 28. The violence is not relenting”.
[ CITATION Mol18 \l 1033 ]

“A transgender Honduran woman died in Ice custody last Friday after coming to the US
as part of a caravan of Central American migrants, including several dozen other transgender
women fleeing persecution in their respective countries. Roxana Hernández reportedly died from
HIV-related complications following an alleged five-day detention in what’s known by
immigrant rights groups as the “ice box” – Ice detention facilities notorious for their freezing
temperatures. Her death has prompted an outcry, with protests in New Mexico, where Hernández
died, and activists speaking out in New York, with some posting social media under the hashtags
#JusticeforRoxana and #AbolishICE.” [ CITATION Unk18 \l 1033 ]

Honduras is test of new U.S. policy on gay rights
Tim JohnsonJanuary 17, 2012 02:42 PMUpdated January 17, 2012 06:48 PM
TRANS TRAGEDIES The violence never stops, 16 transgender murders already in 2018
by Molly Sprayregen
NOVEMBER 28, 2017 / 1:52 AM / 8 MONTHS AGO
'Terrorized at home', Central America's LGBT people to flee for their lives: report
“These individuals, particularly transgender women, are extremely vulnerable to abuse,
including sexual assault, while in custody,” said the letter, which was signed by the US
representative Kathleen M Rice, a Democrat from New York, and 18 other US lawmakers.”
“They are a vulnerable population with particular needs,” Bermudez said. “[Ice is] obviously not
equipped to handle the medical needs that many trans folks have.”[ CITATION Unk18 \l 1033 ]

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are being forced to leave El Salvador,
Honduras and Guatemala to escape “epidemic levels of violence” and threats by criminal gangs
and security forces, the rights group said in a report.

“People are facing vicious discrimination in Central America due to their gender
identities, and have absolutely nowhere to run for safety,” Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas
director at Amnesty International said in a statement. “Terrorized at home, and abused while
trying to seek sanctuary abroad, they are now some of the most vulnerable refugees in the
Americas.”[ CITATION Ana17 \l 1033 ]

The five given reports from different news article are enough to justify the case how the
LGBT individuals violated and been killed. It is discussed by different victims, who experienced
the criminality and discriminations. The said country is responsible for increasing the criminality
rates based on the issue. However the country had been subjected to the said violation and it was
banned through the activisms of the LGBTI programs, Human Rights Protection with the force
of UN organization.

US immigration
LGBT rightsTransgenderHondurasnews
QUEER VOICES 11/29/2017 01:11 pm ET
Why ‘Terrorized’ Members Of Central America’s LGBTQ Community Are Fleeing
“They are now some of the most vulnerable refugees,” advocates say.
Anastasia Moloney

From the discussion above the case of the LGBT Individual had been violently
done, and justified through reports, statement of the victims and other studies. LGBT individual
are given now a voice and now take some move to attain the freedom.

(San Pedro Sula) - Honduras should act to end an epidemic of violence against
transgender people by investigating, prosecuting, and convicting those responsible, Human
Rights Watch said in a report released today. The organization also called on Honduran
authorities to repeal legal provisions on "public morality" and "public scandal" that give police
excessive power and enable abuse.

From the study of the UN organization, 9“GENEVA (8 August 2017) – Honduras must
tackle violence and intimidation against human rights defenders, a group of United Nations
experts* has urged after attacks targeting people promoting the human rights of the lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) community.  

“We are deeply concerned that in Honduras, even today, human rights defenders and activists
who protect and promote the human rights of LGBTI people are often the target of hateful
violent acts,” the experts said. 

“These attacks are being perpetrated against civil society organizations and their individual
members. We continue to receive information relating to threats and attacks, and we are deeply
concerned by the level of violence, which in some cases has resulted in loss of lives,” the experts

The experts’ call follows attacks including the attempted murder of prominent LGBTI human
rights defender, Osmin David Valle Castillo, programme manager at the Center for LGBTI
Development and Cooperation - Somos CDC.

May 29, 2009 12:30PM EDT
Honduras: End Violence Against Transgender People
Government Should Prosecute Attackers and Prohibit Discrimination
Honduras must boost protection of LGBTI rights defenders, UN experts urge after latest attack
Therefore the UN organization is one of the factors that help the LGBT Individual to be
free from violence and discrimination.

“We call on the Honduran authorities to ensure it is effective, and that all those responsible are
prosecuted and convicted. 

“The prompt, thorough and impartial investigation of such cases is a key element of a democratic
society and in its efforts to curb violence and fight impunity,” they added. 

“Violence and intimidation against LGBTI human rights defenders should be met with a firm
response by governments, to ensure that defenders and activists are free to carry out their
important work of promoting and protecting human rights for all,” the UN experts concluded.
[ CITATION Dam18 \l 1033 ]

In this case globalization helps a certain country to solve the issue from the participation
of the UN organization that gives hope to the LGBT activist’s individual. From the
discussion above it is stated the government must response the case and trough the force of UN
organization which promotes and protect human rights not only for an LGBT individual but for
all, through the lead concept of globalization.
Pagadian Capitol College Inc.

Tuburan, Pagadian City

Homophobic (LGBT RIGHTS) Violation in Honduras; A Situationer

Submitted to;

Kris Vergel Bulagao


Submitted by;

Epfie Rose Sanchez


Johnson, Tim. Honduras is test of new U.S. policy on gay rights. Honduras: Miami Herald, 2012.
Lavers, Michael K. Violence, discrimination prompts LGBTI Hondurans to migrate. Honduras: Washington
Blade, 2018.

Moloney, Anastasia. Why ‘Terrorized’ Members Of Central America’s LGBTQ Community Are Fleeing.
news, Honduras: reuters, 2017.

Serefidis, Damianos. Honduras must boost protection of LGBTI rights defenders, UN experts urge after
latest attack. news, tegucigalpa: united nation human rights , 2018.

Sprayregen, Molly. TRANS TRAGEDIES The violence never stops, 16 transgender murders already in 2018.
Honduras: Windy City Times, 2018.

unknown. n.d.

Unkown. Transgender Honduran woman's death in US 'ice box' detention prompts outcry. news,
Honduras: Support the Guardian, 2018.

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