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i sure miss julie. spanish midgets?

i know how u got there

hey u ever figure out what that thing's for? i'm trying this screening thing
i figure if i answer the phone, people will think i don't have a life
hello i'm looking for bob. this is jade. i don't know if u're still at this number.
i was just thinking about us and how great it was. well i know it's been three
years but
i was kind of hoping that we could hook up again. u know i barely had the nerve to
make this call...
u know what i did? i got a little drunk and naked
can u hold on a moment? i have another call. i'm back. so are we gonna get back
yeah absolutely. how about tomorrow afternoon? u know the coffe house which
opposites my college?
yes see u then.
allright having a phone has finally paid off.
i'm thinking when she sees u tomorrow and she's probably gonna realize u're not bob
i am hoping that when bob doesn't show up so she'd be probably depressed and i'd be
around and talk to her
yeah everybody's here. hey u guys say hi to julie in New Mexico
okay while ross's on the phone, everyone owes me 62 bucks for his birthday.
is there any chance that u're rounding up from like 20...
come on we got the gift, the concert and the cake
do we need a cake?
all right. i'll see u guys later. i gotta go do a thing
sweatie, i'll call u later tonight. Whoa you're not really going through with this,
are u?
well i might just
so what are u guys doing for dinner tonight?
i guess i gotta start saving up for Ross' birthday. so i guess i'll just stay home
and eat dust bunnies
can u believe how much this is gonna cost?
do u guys ever get the feeling that chanler and those guys just don't get that we
do not make money as much as they do
yes, it's like they're always saying "let's go here, let's go there"
like we can afford to go here, go there
yes and we always have to go to someplace nice. it's not like we can say anything
about it because this is a birthday thing
i'm at work, just an ordinary day but all of a sudden, the manager calls me into
his office. turns out they fired the head
lunch chef and guess who got the job.
if it's not u, this is a horrible story. Fortunately it is me. and they made me
head of purchasing
anyway i just ran into Chandler and ross. we should go out and celebrate
i'm telling u. u can't do it
for all we know, bob is who she was meant to be with. u maybe destroying two
people's chance for happiness.
we don't know bob.please let me be happy
go over there and tell that woman the truth. i have to confess something. whoever
stood u up is a jerk. tissue
here is to my sister. who is in charge of purchasing
are u ready to order? we haven't even looked yet
well when u do, just let me know
i'll be right over there on the edge of my seat. look at these prices
how incredible was my afternoon with jade? well according to the message she left
on my machine
hey why is this woman leaving a message for u on my machine?
see i had to tell her that my number was your number. i couldn't tell her my number
was my number becuase she thinks
my number is bob's number.
do i dare ask? i'll start with... then i'll have...
that sounds great. same for me
i will have the side salad. so what would that be on the side of?
i don't know. why don't u just put it right here next to my water?
it's monica's big night. she shouldn't pay
no. no way it's gonna ever happen
i'm really happy u got promoted but cold cucumber mush for 30 bucks?
rachel just had that liitle salad and joey just had the tiny pizza
okay pheebs. how about we'll each pay for what we had. it's no big deal. Not for u
hey what's going on?
look i really don't wanna get into this right now 'cause it'll make everyone feel
okay the three of us feel like uh sometime u guys just don't get that we dont have
as much money as u
well i guess i never think of money as an issue.
that's because u have it. that's a good point. so how come u guys haven't talked
about this before?
because it's always something like monica's new job or the whole ross's birthday
hey i don't want my birthday to be the source of any kind of negative
if it makes anybody feel better so we can just forget the thing and just do the
hey the thing's not the gift?
the gift was we were gonna go see Hootie and the Blowfish
i feel bad. u wanna go to the concert
no look it's my birthday and the important thing is that we all could be together
monica, what's in the bag? i dont know let's take a look. wow it's dinner for us.
Five steaks
we switched meat suppliers at work and they gave me the steaks as a thank u.
wait there's more. hey chanler, what's in that envolope?
it's six tickets to hootie and blowfish
it's on us, all right? so don't worry. this is our treat
it's just feel like charity
hey we're just trying to do a nice thing here
but u have to understand that your nice thing makes us feel this big
if u guys feel this big, maybe that's not our fault
maybe that's just how u feel. now u're telling us how u feel. we never should have
talked about this
i'm gonna pass on the concert...
hey we bought the tickets. well u'll have extra seats
why do u look at me when u said that? i guess we can't go
hey what do u want? do we always have to do evrything together?
it's not for another six hours. we're gonna go then
are u ready? yes just let me grab my jacket and tell u i had sex today
so maybe it sounds cooler when somebody else says it huh?
i was awesome. she was biting her lip to stop form screaming
it's been a while but i took that as a good sign
this is jade. listen i just wanted to tell u i was really hurt when u didn't show
up the other day
and i ended up meeting a guy. and in fact i had sex with him two hours ago.
so how was he? oh come on he was nothing compared to you
i had to bite my lip to keep from screaming your name.
i was just so arkward and bumpy
maybe he had some kind of new cool style that you're not familiar with and maybe u
have to get used to it
there wasn't much time to get used to it
i'm not gonna be able to enjoy this. i know it's my birthday, we all should be
yeah maybe we should go
hey we should just stay for one song. yeah it would be rude to them for us to leave
maybe the guys are probably having a great time
i can't believe the guys missed this
do i know u? u used to be my baby-sitter
how have u been?
good. i'm a lawyer. u can't be a lawyer. u're eight
i gotta run backstage. my firm represents the band
u guys wanna meet the group?
are u one of the ones that fooled around with my dad?
hey how was your night last night? it was really suck. how was yours?
ours pretty much sucked too
oh i ran into fisher. how's his dad?
we really missed u guys. yeah we were just saying this whole thing is so stupid.
we just have to not let stuff like money...
is that a hickey? i just fell down. on someone's lips?
where did u get that hickey?
what party? it wasn't a party. it was a gathering of people with food, music and
the band
who gave u that hickey? that would be the work of a blowfish
i can't believe this. we're just sitting at home trying to guess joey's fingers and
u guys are out like having fun and
like "hey blowfish suck on my neck"
don't blame us. u guys could've been there
i dont know what to say. i'm sorry we make more money than u
but i just don't feel guilty about it because we really work hard for it
i'm just saying sometimes we like to do stuff that costs a little more
and u feel like we hold u back?
come one. i'll just replace them and we can forget the whole thing
what coporate policy? i just got fired
i know it's been three years and u're probably seeing someone else now
but if we could just have one night together

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