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why is he still crying? let me hold him for a sec?

don't be silly. ben loves u. he's just being so ...

i once dated saphire. lovely girl, kind of moody
there's my little boy
he hates me, my nephew hates me
what if my own baby hates me? what am i gonna do then? huh
monica, stop. this is nuts
do u know how long it'll be before u actually have to deal with this problem?
i mean u even don't have a boyfriend yet!
what's in this pie? butter and eggs and flour, lime and kiwi
that's what makes it so special
that's what gonna kill me. i'm allergic to kiwi
no you're not. u're allergic to lobster and peanuts ...
it's definitely getting worse. is ur tongue swelling up? it's like my mouth is
getting smaller
get your coat. we'll go to the hospital.
is he gonna be okay? he's gotta get a shot. hey it's getting better. i think we
don't need to go to the hospital
jacket now. what about ben? we can't bring a baby to the hospital
we'll watch them. i don't think so
oh come on. i have seven sisters. i've already taken care of hundreds of kids
we want to do it, don't we? well i was gonna play basketball but i guess that's out
the window
okay if u take him out for a walk,remember bring his hat. there's milk in the
refrigerator and diapers in the bag
hey rach, u want to hear the new song that i'm singing this afternoon? i wrote it
this morning in the shower
rachel sweetheart, could i see u for a minute?
i've decided to pay a professional musician to play here on Sundays afternoon. her
name is ... something
she's supposed to be very good. what about phoebe?
it's not that your friend is bad. it's that she's so bad
she makes me want to put my finger through my eye into my brain and swirl it
u're not fan but u can't do this to her. i have to do this to her
i don't think we brought enough stuff. i'm telling u, it'll be worth it
it's a known fact that women loves babies
women love guys who love babies. it's the sensitive thing
u want to smell him? i assume we're talking about baby
yeah but he's got great baby smell. my brother and his boyfriend have been trying
to adopt for three years.
what agency did u two go through?
this is where i play and my name is written out there in chalk. u can't just erase
and he's gonna be paying this woman?
u probably did everything u could. let me see what else i can do
just let her go on after stephen. i mean u won't be here and it won't cost u
how much am i gonna get? what? u said he's paying the people who were playing?
i meant he's gonna be paying that other woman because she's professional
i'm not gonna be the only one who's not getting paid
u know there are thousands of places in this city where people would be happy to
hear me play
have a seat. the doctor says it's gotta be a needle. so y're gonna have to be
brave. can u do that for me?
u want to squeeze my hand. dont squeeze my hand so hard
there's our stop. u guys live around here too?
we live in the building by the sidewalk. sice we're neighbors, what do u say we get
together for a drink?
are u sure he didn't break it. it's pretty hurt.
hello transit Authority?
i'm doing research for a book? i was wondering what sombody might do if they left a
baby on a city bus?
i realize that would be a stupid character
here's the deal: we lost a car seat an a bus and there was a baby in it
he wants to talk to u
he's here. i assume one of u is the father? actually we're both the father
please tell me u know which one is our baby
that one has ducks on his T-shirt and this one has clowns
ben was definitely wearing ducks or clowns
wait. that one's definitely ben. remember he had that cute little mole by his
we'll flip for it. flip for the baby? u got a better idea?
call it in the air. head it is
here.i think u might be cold
this whole playing for money thing is so not good for me
people missed u in there and in fact there was actually a request for smelly cat
from who? me
i'm sr i almost broke your hand
they were infected. they wouldn't have made it

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