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LONDONSAM POLAND __________________________________________________

We are an international company specializing in finance & management trainings and supplying top
education services to many business sectors. Since our operation began in Poland, we have successfully
trained over five thousand people, including top managers from different business environments and our
clients have frequently confirmed the quality of our trainings. We have had a pleasure to work with Hitachi,
BNP Paribas Bank, IBM, Motorola, Infosys and Shell, which is a great recommendation for LondonSAM
to our prospective clients – Thank you!
Our partners help us supply the best quality tuition, which translates into exceptionally high level of our
training services. Here, we would like to mention ACCA of which we are Tuition Provider, CIPP, PMI and,
as of late, INSEAD The Business School for the World, a France-based highly rated establishment. All that
proves that we never stop developing and confirms the high standard of the services rendered by
LondonSAM Poland.

ACADEMY OF FINANCE PtP, OtC, RtR – THE IDEA ____________________________

The main concept of the Academy arose from the fact that accountants working in finance shared services
centers deal with accounting matters which are grouped within 3 main processes - Purchase to Pay (PtP),
Order to Cash (OtC) and Record to Report (RtR). Companies first buy goods and services where PtP process
is involved, then sell their products to customers within OtC. Finally, RtR process takes over for the closing
of financial statements and report preparation. Therefore, the first day of Academy covers the PtP process,
the second – OtC, and the third – RtR, in order to show the whole 3- stage process in finance
and accounting area.
The Academy will take place during 3 days in April 2019, in Krakow. It is possible to sign up for just one day
e.g. only the PtP or OtC training. However, we recommend taking part in all 3 days in order to gain a full
overview of the financial knowledge involved in the full 3-part process. Only then will the participants
be able to move with full confidence between finance departments in Shared Service Centers.

PARTICIPANTS PROFILE & BENEFITS ______________________________________

The training is addressed to young individuals who are looking for professional accounting courses to build
a bridge between the regulations & rules set by professional accounting bodies and the real day-to-day
work. It is also designed for SSC & BPO accounting departments employees, as the Academy offers
comprehensive accounting knowledge which SSC accountants must have in order to make their work task
performance excellent.
Benefits for participants:
• A unique project – one of its kind in Europe
• First-hand knowledge from accounting experts
• All session in one place in Krakow
• Perfect location, affordable prices, group discounts
• Flexible study option – classroom based & live webinar

TRAINING PROGRAMS __________________________________________________

Purchase to Pay - PtP

1. The general scope of the PtP process
⁄ Demand
⁄ Collection and selection of the offer
⁄ Order
⁄ Delivery
⁄ Receipt of an invoice
⁄ Invoice entry in the ledgers
⁄ Payment

2. Purchases - documenting purchase transactions

⁄ Provisions of the Polish Accounting Act and the VAT Act regarding purchase documentation
⁄ Pro-forma invoice, VAT invoice, correcting invoice, credit notes and debit notes
⁄ Receiving purchase documents, including electronic document workflow
⁄ Automation of the invoicing process - self-billing and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)

3. Recognition of purchase invoices in accounting ledgers

⁄ Cost invoices, including accrued expenses
⁄ Cost accounting by type
⁄ Cost recognition by cost centers
⁄ Invoices for the purchase of fixed assets and intangible assets
⁄ Purchase of materials and goods
⁄ Account analysis - "settlement of purchases" - non-invoiced deliveries or goods on the way
⁄ Reflection of accounts regarding the purchase process in the financial statements

4. Accounts Payable - liabilities

⁄ Definition of liabilities and their valuation under the Accounting Act and IFRS
⁄ Payment methods
⁄ Payment process
⁄ Recognition of payments in accounting ledgers
⁄ Interest on liabilities

5. Provisions and accruals

6. Financial Statements - impact of the PtP process on data included in the financial statements
⁄ Exemplary financial statements according to IFRS or US GAAP
⁄ Discussion of the structure of the balance sheet and the profit and loss account
⁄ The impact of the recognition of purchase invoices on the form of financial statements
⁄ Turnover ratio
⁄ Settling exchange differences - payments in foreign currencies

Order to Cash - OtC
1. The general scope of the OtC process
⁄ The agreement / contract
⁄ Delivery and handing over the goods
⁄ Issuing a sales invoice
⁄ Recognition of sales invoice (revenue) in the ledgers
⁄ Payment
⁄ Debt collection

2. Billing - sales documentation

⁄ Provisions of the Accounting Act and the VAT Act regarding sales documentation
⁄ Pro-forma invoice, VAT invoice, correcting invoice, credit notes and debit notes
⁄ Electronic document flow
⁄ Automation of the invoicing process - self-billing and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
⁄ Recognition of sales on accounting accounts
⁄ Reflecting accounts regarding the sales process in the financial statements

3. Accounts Receivable - receivables and sales revenues

⁄ Revenue Recognition
⁄ IFRS 15 - new rules for recognizing revenues in the light of international regulations
⁄ 5-stage revenue recognition model
⁄ Revenues recognized at the moment and spread over time
⁄ Specific cases of revenue recognition, e.g. sale with the right to return, bonuses on turnover, loyalty
⁄ Presentation of sales revenues in the financial statements
⁄ Profitability analysis based on the profit and loss account and balance sheet

4. Impairment losses on receivables

⁄ The concept of write-down
⁄ National regulations - CRS 4 Impairment of assets
⁄ International regulations - IFRS and US GAAP
⁄ Tax aspects of the recognition of impairment losses
⁄ Analysis of the possibility of recognizing a write-down as a tax deductible cost

5. Financial Statements - impact of OtC on data included in the financial statements

⁄ Exemplary IFRS or US GAAP financial statements
⁄ Discussion of the balance of the balance sheet and the profit and loss account
⁄ The impact of recognizing revenues on the form of financial statements
⁄ DSO - selected elements of financial analysis in the area of trade in receivables and profitability
⁄ Settlement of exchange differences - payments in foreign currencies

Record to Report - RtR
1. The general scope of the RtR process
⁄ Intangible assets and fixed assets
⁄ Receivables’ write-down
⁄ Stock valuation and inventory’s write-downs
⁄ Cash valuation (calculation of exchange rate differences and accrued interest)
⁄ Recognition of changes in equity
⁄ Calculation and recognition of reserves
⁄ Valuation of trade liabilities
⁄ Valuation and recognition of financial assets and liabilities
⁄ Calculation and recognition of current and deferred tax
⁄ Classification of short and long-term assets and liabilities
⁄ Reconciliation of intercompany transactions and settlements
⁄ Consolidation package for the purpose of preparing the consolidated financial statements
⁄ Statutory financial statement

2. Reporting
⁄ Consolidation package
⁄ Reconciliation of intercompany transactions and settlements
⁄ Financial Statements

3. Fixed assets and intangible assets in the light of the Polish Accounting Act and IFRS
⁄ Basic definitions
⁄ Principles of recognition and valuation of fixed assets
− On the day of entry into the records for the first time
− On the next balance sheet date
⁄ Fixed assets under construction
⁄ Records of fixed assets for tax purposes - cooperation with the tax department
⁄ Inventory of fixed assets (physical count)
⁄ Impairment of assets in the area of non-current assets
− Basic definitions
− IFRS and US GAAP regulation
− Example concerning fixed assets and intangible assets
⁄ Discontinuation of the fixed asset recognition
− Sale
− Liquidation
⁄ New leasing regulations in US GAAP and IFRS after 01.01.2019
− New definitions
− Financial and operating leasing after changes
− Identifying industries for which the impact will be significant
− Example of settlement the leasing after changes

4. Calculation and recognition of deferred tax
⁄ The reasons for determining the deferred tax
⁄ Transitional and permanent differences
⁄ Regulations of the Polish Accounting Act along with the National Accounting Standard No. 2
⁄ IAS 12 Income tax
⁄ Examples of the formation taxable and deductible temporary differences
⁄ Methods for determining deferred tax
⁄ Case study

5. Other issues
⁄ Exchange rate differences
⁄ Receivables’ write-down (OtC)
⁄ Stock valuation and inventory’s write-downs (PtP)
⁄ Calculation and recognition of reserves (PtP)
⁄ Valuation of trade liabilities (PtP)
⁄ Classification of short and long-term assets and liabilities

KEYNOTE SPEAKERS ___________________________________________________

Roman Seredyński
Certified auditor, IFRS lecturer

He started his professional career in an international auditing company. He participated in numerous

projects, among others auditing financial statements, including listed companies, transforming financial
statements in accordance with IAS / IFRS and HGB, preparing financial analyzes of the type of Due Diligence
and business valuations. He has extensive experience in the field of International Accounting Standards.
He is currently the managing partner at UHY ECA S.A.

Roman is the author of numerous articles in the field of auditing and financial reporting as well as a valued
lecturer. For 8 years he has been a trainer of LondonSAM Polska specializing in issues related to accounting
and finance.

He successfully conducted training projects for such companies as: IBM, ArcelorMittal, BNP Paribas Fortis,
Lundbeck, Electrolux, Capgemini, Volvo, Tate & Lyle and others.

Barbara Jędrzejek
Polish Chartered Accountant, ACCA

Barbara is a certified auditor with extensive experience in the audit of financial statements and
consolidation packages prepared in accordance with the Polish accounting standards as well as the
International Financial Reporting Standards.

She graduated of the University of Economics in Katowice. Our expert has gained a wide experience
in international auditing firms, including one in the so-called "Big Four".

In the financial and accounting structures of the international shared service center, she was responsible
for many important topics, such as: the provision of accounting services for internal clients,
the implementation of process improvement and business transformation projects. Coordination of these
areas indicates a high professionalism and extensive knowledge of our expert in the field of finance.

For many years she had headed the Transition department of one of the biggest Silesian company.

TRAINING DETAILS _____________________________________________________

Duration: 3 training days

Dates: 10th of April – PtP
11th of April – OtC
12th of April – RtR
Place of training: Kraków, Standard of 4* Hotel
Language: Polish
Price: 3-day Academy:
730 PLN net + VAT / per day
Total: 2 200 PLN net + VAT / per person

It is possible to sign only for 1 training day in the price of 1 050 PLN net + VAT / per person.

For registration until 20th of March:

/ 15% - individual discount
/ 20% - 2 people or more

Price includes:
/ Workshop with professional experts,
/ Training materials for participants,
/ Administration service,
/ Coffee breaks and lunch,
/ Certificate of attendance for participants,
/ Evaluation of participants needs and course adjustment.

If you would like to discuss the offer with more details please do not hesitate to contact:
tel. 12 661 74 11

COURSE REGISTRATION FORM __________________________________________
In order to register to a course, please access the online registration form available on our website: or fill the paper version and send a scan to LondonSAM’s office:

PARTICIPANT DETAILS __________________________________________________

Address …............................................................................................................................................................
Total price………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………….
Santander: 30 1090 1665 0000 0001 0924 2238
I agree to pay the total course fees at least two weeks prior the commencement of a course. In case of the
resign or absence from part/whole of the course paid amount won't be refunded. LondonSAM Polska
reserves the right to alter timetables and teaching staff where necessary.
I agree my personal details to be added to LondonSAM customer data base and used by LondonSAM
regarding the Polish Data Protection Act (August 29th, 1997) for administration purposes. I agree to receive
marketing correspondence from LondonSAM Polska Sp. z o.o. on my e-mail address, regarding the Act of
marketing service via internet (July 18th, 2002).

I confirm I read LondonSAM Polska Sp. z o.o. offer and terms and conditions presented at the website: I agree to all the term and conditions of enrolment.

[ ] I agree to all the terms and conditions of enrolment above.

Please, send this form to the following: address: and we will confirm your
registration within 24 hours.

Name & Surname Date:

........................................................... ...........................................................

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