Diagnostic Test Media With Answer

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Media and Information Literacy 12
Name:_______________________ Section:___________

MULTIPLE CHOICES: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the BEST answer. (50pts)
1. Which three things should you consider when evaluating a website?
a. Navigation, structure and format
b. Authority, purpose and currency
c. Layout, Graphics and Publisher
d. None of the above

2. Which of the following is a characteristic of scholarly journals?

a. Reports on current events
b. Usually published weekly
c. Articles include bibliographies or references
d. Normally read by the general public

3. When searching the Internet you should keep in mind...

a. That you can find any information online if you just search long enough
b. That banner ads and chat rooms will often lead you to the best quality information
c. That because of copyright laws, nothing worthwhile is ever published on the Internet
d. That not all online sources provide reliable or authoritative information

4. The area of the library where you would go to get help with a strategy for a research project
a. Special Collections
b. Reference
c. Circulation
d. Periodicals

5. Information literacy is a term that best applies to:

a. College students learning to improve their research skills
b. Lifelong learners in any number of learning situations
c. Librarians designing interactive instruction tools
d. Both a and b

6. You must cite your source used in a research paper if:

a. The source was quoted word for word
b. Only the idea was used in the paper, the words were changed
c. The source was from a web page
d. All of the above

7. Which is the best strategy when you find too much information?
a. Broaden your question
b. Narrow your question
c. Change your topic
d. Only use the first few results

8. Which of the following is not part of 'Media Literacy'?

a. One-way.
b. Critically analyzing media content by considering its particular presentation, its underlying
political or social messages
Media and Information Literacy 12
c. Assessing media ownership and regulation issues that may affect what media is presented in
what form
d. All of the above

9. Which of the following is NOT one of the three general categories in building media literacy?
a. Media grammar
b. Fragmentation of Media Channels
c. Media production practices
d. Commercial Forces Shaping Media Content

10. The grammar of media includes which of the following?

a. The size and design of books, newspapers, and magazines
b. The types of camera angles used on television, editing, lighting, sound effects and music to
help cue viewers
c. Use of sound effects, actualities, and voice overs on radio
d. All of the above

11. Which of the following is NOT one of the main ways of evaluating information found online?
a. Looking at the brand name is it a trusted brand?
b. Making sure the source is a governmental agency
c. Checking the website's internal information and procedure for fact-checking and mission, as
well as what types of web sites it links to
d. Comparing the information on the website with the same information from an established
media company or with original source material

12. Which of the following statements about the fragmentation of media channels is incorrect?
a. The fragmentation of media channels is drastically altering the media landscape, but this
trend is lessened by the World Wide Web
b. A lack of a common media experience can segment groups and hurt the establishment of a
civil society
c. A greater diversity of voices now have better chances of reaching a larger media audience
than in the past because of more media outlets
d. Despite fragmentation, some events still draw record audiences such as big sporting events
or man-made or natural disasters

13. Which of the following is NOT true of the commercial forces shaping media content?
a. Commercial decisions often play a role in the type of media content that is created
b. Most media enterprises in the U.S. follow a profit model for their operation
c. Corporate sponsorship plays a large role in funding public television programs in the U.S.,
who get less than a third of their funding from the government
d. Large media companies like Time Warner, Walt Disney, and Viacom are global in scope and
therefore rarely can dominate local media

14. Concentration of media ownership is driven by which of the following forces?

a. Economies of scale that media owners can get by owning larger media companies in a variety
of media types
b. Federal rules that require media companies to acquire new media properties;
c. Diversity goals that can be met primarily through broad media ownership;
d. All of the above

15. Subtext does NOT refer to which of the following

Media and Information Literacy 12
a. The technology underlying a particular medium of communication
b. The message beneath the message xx corrrect
c. The explicit message
d. All of the above

16. Communicate or mass communication through physical objects such as radio, television,
computers, or film, etc. It also refers to any
a. Media Education
b. People Media
c. Media
d. Netiquette

17. It refers to the set of standards for the analysis, design, development, implementation and
evaluation of media and information for effective and efficient integration to the learning
a. Wearable Technology
b. Internet Addiction
c. Selection Criteria
d. Information Literacy

18. Any form of media that is created and controlled by a community, either a geographic
community or a community of identity or interest. Community media are separate from either
private (commercial) media, state-run media, or public broadcast media. Community media are
increasingly recognized as a crucial element in a vibrant and democratic media system.
a. Internet Addiction
b. Media Literacy
c. Indigenous media
d. Media Convergence

19. An idea that the current age is characterized by creating a knowledge-based society
surrounded by a high-tech computerization. It is also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age,
or New Media Age. (Wikipedia)
a. Information
b. New (Information) Age
c. Text Information and Media
d. Audio Information and Media

20. Physical object used to communicate media messages.

a. Media
b. Virtual Self
c. Technology
d. Media Literacy

21. When a message is transformed into an understandable sign and symbol system, the
process is referred to as:
a. Encoding
b. Noise
c. Decoding
d. Interpretation
Media and Information Literacy 12
22. What percentage of his/her waking hours does the average person spend consuming mass
a. 45%
b. 55%
c. 65%

23. How many people worldwide use internet?

a. 66 million
b. 500 million
c. 1,7 billion
d. 634 million

24. Find the best answer: When media identify a certain group of people they wish to get their
message across to, this group of people is known as a(n):
a. Narrowcasting audience
b. Demographic response
c. Audience poll
d. Target audience

25. A person that is media literate can:

a. Easily use all types of computer hardware and software and other forms of new technology
b. Use and find information of all types in a university library, including computer sources,
microfilm and indexes/abstracts
c. Read, analyze and critically evaluate information presented in a variety of formats (television,
print, radio, computers, etc.)
d. Critically evaluate television programs and see through persuasion techniques

26. Typing all in capitals in electronic communications means:

a. Nothing special, typing in capitals is normal
b. You are shouting
c. This message is very important
d. All of the above

27. What are your habits when it comes to newspapers and current events:
a. You pay attention to news when there is a juicy story that grabs your interest
b. You avoid mainstream news media
c. You try to read news everyday relying on media you trust and respect
d. You should pay more attention to the news but don't have time

28. You are working on your personal homepage and would like to publish a nice graphic you
found on the internet. What do you have to think of before publishing?
a. The background of the graphic has to be transparent
b. The copyright – I have to ask the owner for permission
c. The graphic has to be published in its original size
d. Nothing particular, I can use it as it is

29. When you are communicating online to unknown people or filling out details on a website,
what contact information should you give out?
a. An alias
b. The family name
Media and Information Literacy 12
c. The address
d. The phone number
30. Which of the file formats below is that of a picture?
a. Mp3
b. Gif
c. Doc
d. Pdf

31. Which statement best describes the term ‘Browser’?

a. A program that searches for information on the internet
b. A program for exchanging files over the internet
c. A program to treat pictures
d. A program for viewing and accessing data on the internet

32. In case of cyberbullying, you should:

a. Respond to the bully and fight back if necessary
b. Block the cyberbully from your contacts list and talk to a trusted adult
c. Wait in silence until things get better
d. All of the above

33. You found out that your favorite program on the History Channel also has a website. What
do you need to know in order to visit the program's site?
a. The state where the website is located
b. What time the program's website is open
c. The Internet address (URL) of the website
d. None of the above

34. The number of Internet pages of the program's website34. Someone is behaving
inappropriately on one of the sites you're using. You should:
a. Report to the moderator of the site
b. Shut down your PC
c. Tell the person off
d. All of the above

35. What does censorship mean?

a. When information is filtered, suppressed or deleted to hinder freedom of speech
b. When someone tries to influence the opinions or behaviors of others
c. When false and deceiving information is used to trick others
d. All of the above

36. You and your friends have come up with a great fundraiser idea for your team. In order to
show how it can raise the most money and attract the biggest audience, how might you use
digital tools?
a. Create a graph showing the last few fundraisers compared to other group's fundraising
efforts with this product
b. Create a survey online that polls students' interest in this product and show results to your
c. Create a video and website that shows the benefits of this product to your student body
d. All of the above
Media and Information Literacy 12
37. After opening your word processor program, you choose a file and click open. The picture
below is what you see. What is likely the problem?
a. Computer has a virus
b. You are not logged in as the administrator
c. The file is the wrong format for that program
d. The program cannot read a picture within the file

38. In my math class the teacher has given me a budget project. I have a salary and have to
make budget decisions based on that salary. What would be the best kind of program to do
this project?
a. Spreadsheet
b. Word Processing
c. Presentation software
d. Database

39. Because of advancements in technology, education has changed in many ways. One way it
has changed is that it is more about:
a. Creation and Interaction
b. Delivery and Teaching
c. Content and Subject Matter
d. Computers and Videos

40. In the following list what is considered personal information that might be bad to give out
on the Internet?
a. Full Name
b. Address
c. Age
d. All of the above

41. How do you know if you can open a certain type of file on your computer?
a. Look at the file name only
b. Look at the file name, extension, and programs on the computer
c. Look at the serial number on the computer and the file name
d. Look at the operating system only

42. What happens in a Word Processing program when the command "Cut" is used?
a. Only half of the screen is seen
b. The application stops running
c. A new paragraph begins
d. Selected text is removed

43. Identify the correct communication tool that goes with this definition: A type of website
with regular entries called "posts" commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. Many of
these allow audience members to "comment" on the content.
a. Instant Message
b. Email
c. Wiki
d. Blog

44. If I need to complete a history project on the life of Benjamin Franklin, which of these digital
products would be my best choice?
Media and Information Literacy 12
a. Power Point show
b. Video
c. Web Page
d. Any of the above

45. Software programs that allow you to legally copy files and give them away at no cost are
called which of the following?
a. Timeshare
b. Shareware
c. Public domain
d. Probe ware

46. Any combination of text, graphics, sound, animation, or video would be considered which of
the following?
a. Word processing
b. Multimedia
c. Database
d. Spreadsheet

47. I have a printer and when I click the print icon in my program, nothing happens. What
should be my first step?
a. Reinstall the printer
b. Check the cable connections
c. Restart the printer
d. Click the print icon again

48. What are the letters of the home keys of the keyboard?

49. A local area network (LAN) connects

a. Different states
b. Different computers in the same building
c. Distant computers in different communities
d. Different Countries

50. Your teacher said you have to have 1-inch all the around the report you are writing. In
order to fix this you must set the:
a. Font
b. Tabs
c. Line Spacing
d. Margins

Prepared by: Checked by:

Shendy M. Acosta Irene P. Espiritu, MAED

Subject Teacher Principal

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