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InduOrg EC Q2 Total points 89/100

Sept 21

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The following are main components of Total 3/3

Quality Management EXCEPT:


customer focus

continuous improvement to control variation

This is taken when the gap between what is 3/3
plannned and what is actually begins too large. It
depends on discovery of deviations and the ability
to take the necessary actions. *




corrective action

None of these answers

Economic Value Added can be defined as the ···/2
profit that an organization’s unit achieves through:

Revenues less production and operations and capital


Revenues less cost of capital

Revenues less operations cost and capital cost

Revenues or Sales

Cost of capital
This leadership style under the path-goal model 3/3
treats subordinates as equals *





Keeping customers from defecting to competitors 1/1
is an important aspect of managerial control. How
does a manager keep customers? Statement I: By
enticing existing customers with more benefits
and perks Statement II: By learning from actual
customers who defect. Statement III: By identifying
customer segments who defect *

Statement I only

Statement II only

Statement III only

Statement II and III

Statement I and II
“Workers who receive special attention will 2/2
perform better simply because they receive that
attention” is a concept of *


behavioral science

Hawthorne effect

Organizational culture

Concerted control
This theory of leadership relies on contingent 3/3
rewards and management by exception. *

multicultural leadership

transactional leadership

charismatic leadership

contingency leadership

risk management
Which of the following is not one of the steps in 3/3
the controlling process? *

establish standards

measure performance

compare performance against standards

determine need for corrective action

Plan for next project

Individuals with a high need for this have a special 3/3
desire to perform challenging tasks well and to
meet their own personal standards for excellence *





The major purpose of leadership is to * 0/3

generate trust

achieve relevant goals

influence behavior of others

all of the above

none of the above

The ability to influence others because of the 3/3
position one holds in the organization. *

legitimate power

moral power

coercive power

reward power

charisma Personal power

expert power
The management function which deals with 3/3
influencing people so that they contribute willingly
and enthusiastically toward group goals. *





None of these options.

Which of the principles of other management
theories are analogous to Scientific Management’s? *

quantitative approach principle that management’s

concerns can be solved quantitatively

behavioral science approach principle that when a

worker is not properly paid, s/he will be demotivated

Classical administrative theory principle that work

must be divided into parts and assigned to specific

All three of the above

None of the above

Understanding the individual’s _____ and _____ may 3/3
be the key in making the worker the productive
organizational asset that he/she is meant to be. *

attitude; motivation

ego; psychology

personality; motivation

personality; ego

none of the above

The needs according to Maslow are * 2/2


safety and security

social and belongingness

Self esteem

all of the above plus one more

Which of the following is not included in Maslow’s 2/2
Hierarchy of Needs model? *

social belongingness

ego and esteem

Extrinsic motivation


safety and security

A personality determinant which includes the 3/3
culture where person is raised, his early
conditioning, the norms in his family and social
groups, among others. *





This type of managerial control emphasizes 3/3
consequences of problem behavior, and assigning
departments to investigate these same problems.
The Internal Affairs department in police
organizations is an example *

Bureaucratic Control

Objective Control

Normative Control

Concertive Control

Self Control
This method of managerial control emphasizes 3/3
real-time adjustments during plan execution to
manage risks even before final results occur. *

direct control

Feedforward control

concurrent control

Remote control

Feedback control
This is a series of documents that define what an 0/3
organization quality system should be: *

Malcolm Baldridge National award

ISO 9000

ISO 14000

Deming Prize

Total Quality management awards

The balanced scorecard is a managerial tool to 3/3
help managers see the four perspectives on
company performance. Which of the following is
NOT a perspective taken by it? *

Innovation and learning


Environmental Sustainability


A product that is said to be reliable when which of 3/3
the following occurs? *

a. It is functional during the time period it is in use

b. It has consistent results.

c. It can be depended upon to perform well

d. It is durable.

e. All of the above.

A type of control which involves instituting policies 3/3
and procedures, devices, and punishment to
ensure no deviations from behavioral standards
occur *

internal control

external control

statistical control

Input control

box of control,
_____ saw an organization as a cooperative system 2/2
in which people interact with each other to
overcome their physical limitations and accomplish
more than they could acting individually. *

Abraham Maslow

Joseph the Dreamer

Henry Gantt

Chester Barnard

Mary Parker Follet

A pervasive part of organizational life, this is used 3/3
by managers to accomplish goals and to
strengthen their own positions.





none of the above

The power to punish * 3/3

charisma Personal power

coercive power

reward power

expert power

moral power

legitimate power
Under this modern management approach, an 0/3
organizational problem is defined in quantifiable
terms, alternative courses of action are proposed
and evaluated, and an optimal solution found from
these alternatives. *

behavioral science approach

quantitative approach

process approach

systems approach

Political will approach

This type of managerial control takes an 3/3
organizational cultural approach to making
members behave according to cultural norms and
values. Leaders train members to internalize the
values of the organization, so that organization
members police each other when problem
behavior occurs. *

Bureaucratic Control

Objective Control

Normative Control

Concertive Control

Self Control
In the Blake and Mouton model of leadership style, 3/3
which term characterizes the strong need for
productivity to the detriment of concern for
people? *

Team management

country club

impoverished management


middle of the road style

Which of the following statements about 3/3
productivity is true? *

it is a product of effectiveness and efficiency

it is the ratio between output and input

it is an objective of any organization

All of the above

It is a ratio between output and input and is an

objective of any organization
When it takes Dept A three labor hours to finish a 3/3
task, but Dept B takes only two-and-a-half hours
to finish the same task, we say Dept A has
_________ productivity than Dept B *

a. 17% less productive

b. 21.2 % more productive

c. 17.5 % more productive

d. 21.2 % less productive

e. 8.75 % less productive

Which of the following is false about controlling? 3/3

It is the steering mechanism that links all the preceding

functions of organizing, staffing, and directing to the
goals of planning.

It is the activity that triggers new plans - one that are

more consistent with the resources of the organization
and the environment in which it is operated.

Sets standards and measures progress against them

Corrective action is taken when the gap between what

was planned and what is actually happening becomes
too large.

Tasks need to be balanced with concern for people.

Good service-to-Profit chain has the following 3/3
components EXCEPT: *

Employee satisfaction

High value services by frontline employees to


Providing service capability to Employees in the


Customer satisfaction and loyalty

rules and regulatory controls

Financial control consists of controlling member 3/3
and departmental behavior through the allowance
or undercutting of which of the following? *

Income statement comparison

Financial ratios

Cash flow analysis

Balance sheet reporting

Budget allocation
Which of the following identifies the advantages of 3/3
high delegation of authority

A. managers exercise more authority, satisfying their

problem-solving desires

B. leads to competitive climate

C. develops professional managers

A and C only

All of A, B and C.
An exceptional leadership quality that enables 3/3
leaders to motivate followers to achieve
outstanding performance. *





Which of the following does not embody Frederick 2/2
Taylor’s Scientific Management principles? *

work must be designed and planned by management

highly productive worker must be recognized

worker’s expected daily output must be determined

management must properly compensate workers

none of the above

This form was created inside of De La Salle University.


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