Empowering Women in Maritime Community-290819

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woman in maritime sector: surviving and thriving in Man’s world - A Pakistan Perspective


woman in maritime sector: surviving and thriving in Man’s world - A Pakistan Perspective


Captain Muhammad Khurshid

Master mariner (UK) / MICS
Marine suptd. (GMSL)


by: Captain Muhammad Khurshid

master mariner / MICS
marine suptd. GMSL
O345-5141620/03355141620/ muhammdshipbroker@gmail.com OCT19
woman in maritime sector: surviving and thriving in Man’s world - A Pakistan Perspective

IMO (women in maritime) / international initiatives:

Policies to foster the advancement and empowerment of women have been on the agenda of several
international organizations, government agencies and non-government organizations in the last
decades in particular the promotion of gender equality has been a goal of the UN, and its specialized

The evidence is clear: equality for women means progress for all

IMO has been making a concerted effort to help industry to move forward and support women to
achieve a representation under the slogan “ Training- Visibility-Recognition” IMO is strongly
committed to helping its member states achieve the UN 2030 Agenda for sustainable development
(SD) and the 17 sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) particular Goal-5: Achieve gender equality and
empower all women and girls” was initiated in 1988, under IMO auspices, Women in maritime
Associations (WIMAs) have been established covering 152 Countries and 490 participants, launched
IMO gender and capacity – building programs (Pac WIMA / WOMESA / WIMA Asia / WiMAC / AWIMA
/ Red-WAMLa) , other institution world maritime university (WMU) / IMO International Maritime Law
institution (IMLI) / Women International Shipping and trading Association (WISTA-international)

Principles and Power:

Empowerment can be defined in many ways, however, women’s empowerment means accepting and
allowing people (women) who are on the outside of the decision – making process into, it create a
sense of empowerment (Wikipedia) , refer to measures designed to increase the degree of autonomy
and self-determination in people and in community in order to enable them to represent their interest
in a responsible and self-determined way , acting on their own authority

Why women’s empowerment is important? equality of access to and quality education is an important
key, empowerment of women can be categorized into five main parts – social, educational, economic,
political and psychological

Community empowerment is a process of re-negotiating power in order to gain more control, gender
equality is intrinsically linked to sustainable development in a society in which women and men enjoy
the same opportunities, rights and obligations in all sphere of life

Gender empowerment, being reduced to its aspect’s empowerment of women, it does not mean that
man and women are become the same, but their rights, responsibilities and opportunities will not
depend on whether they are born male or female

by: Captain Muhammad Khurshid

master mariner / MICS
marine suptd. GMSL
O345-5141620/03355141620/ muhammdshipbroker@gmail.com OCT19
woman in maritime sector: surviving and thriving in Man’s world - A Pakistan Perspective

Elements of empowerment – education- self dependency- making own decision – self realization of
your own physical power

What is the purpose of gender equality? UN (united nation)’s one of the objectives is the United
Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights to prevent violence against women, economic
prosperity, societies become safer and healthier,

Feminism Contextualizes:
Feminist movement campaigns for reform on issues such as domestic violence, maternity leave, equal
pay, women’s suffrage, sexual harassment, and sexual violence, reproductive rights were first initiated
in USA on July 19-20, 1848, by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, draft a declaration of sentiment, grievances
and resolutions,

Statement of dissertation:
“feminism is based on assumptions that women and men are different, but equality is based on
women having freedom, if equality is the end goal, equity set the stage and provide means to get
there “

Religion holds women back or Does it?

Brain Grim, Jo-Ann Lyaon (17nov15) President of the religious freedom and business foundation

“ religion is often seen as a barrier to gender parity , stories abound of gender based violence done in
the name of religion, the issue is often dismissed as too complicated to address, there appears to be
no way to unwind this rather complex multi-institution , however a critical factor overlooked is
religious freedom , the denial of it contribute to gender inequality (extremist ideology) ISIS, religious
intolerance affects women’s ability to engage in and contribute to the economy, “

by: Captain Muhammad Khurshid

master mariner / MICS
marine suptd. GMSL
O345-5141620/03355141620/ muhammdshipbroker@gmail.com OCT19
woman in maritime sector: surviving and thriving in Man’s world - A Pakistan Perspective

women’s empowerment in Islamic system of life (Dr. Haseeb Ahmed 18March16)

the prevailing idea of a women’s place in Islam is that women are deprived of freedom and equality
this is the result of either ignorance about Islam or biased propaganda of anti-Islam ideology and a
prejudiced media

Prior to Islam

- Greek Mythology: women, pandora was considered to be the source of all evil, depicted women
in such a way that promoted unbridled sex
- Roman, second civilization, one of their philosopher Seneca, reprimanded romans about the
degenerating family system, a sport named “Floralia” promoted licentious atmosphere
- When it came to Christianity: Chrysostom says “woman is an unavoidable evil, a delicious calamity
and an attractive trouble.” Aristotle declared: the female state is a deformity” a roman catholic,
Aquinas believed: “a female is a misbegotten male” Nietzsche, the German Philosopher, opines “
woman is the source of folly, unreason”, in modern Europe women were not given equal rights
and the situation led to feminist movement that have been struggling for equal rights for women
- Before the advent of Islam in Arabia: fair sex was appalling, girls were sometime killed or buried

ISLAM (provision for empowerment of women in the Islamic system of life):

Islam emancipated women in all respect (freedom, equality, security, economic empowerment,

Freedom: it is obligatory for every man and woman to receive education, a girl cannot be married
off to anybody without her consent, as man has liberty to divorce: woman is also allowed to take
“khula”, in islam it is preferred that women remain at home to look after the family and train
children to increase family income she may go out to earn but in hijab, there were women traders,
and participated in war to supply water or nurse the wounded,

equality: man is the head of the family, critics of Islam quote this out of context, this position of
man is to safe guard and strengthened the institution of the family, women are equal to men in
all civil and criminal acts of judiciary

security: male responsibility to provide food, shelter and lies with male guardian, when she travels
long distance a male guardian must accompany her to facilitate the journey

economic empowerment: women receive money in the form of bride price (mehr), she has a
lawful share in property

Dignity: mother place is higher than the father’s, heaven lies under the mother’s feet, woman is
the ruler / queen of her husband’s establishment

thus, Islam gives dignity, respect, protection, and an appropriate place to women

by: Captain Muhammad Khurshid

master mariner / MICS
marine suptd. GMSL
O345-5141620/03355141620/ muhammdshipbroker@gmail.com OCT19
woman in maritime sector: surviving and thriving in Man’s world - A Pakistan Perspective

Demographic of society in Pakistan: culture, family values, are fundamentally, based upon the
principles of Islamic ideology,

Western society: is purely based on the principles formulated or promulgated mostly by the
humans according to the current needs of the society they evaluate perhaps more genuinely suite
without or barely follow or indulge within the depth of religion related guidelines or fundamentals

Maritime history: Ferdinand Magellan worlds first sailor circumnavigation set out from the city of
Seville in 1519 to discover spice island, proving the earth is round and establishing the existence
of time zone, first canoe boat found constructed back in 8200/7600BC

Hype and Fury:

In Depth analysis of Women Empowerment particularly in the fabric of society in Pakistan

maritime depth of Pakistan is a narrow and negligent in contrast with India and Europe or USA ,
whereby the society and family structure is nurtured with fundamentals of Islam, with an
estimated population of 300milion people, growing rate of more than 6% , average size of family
about 6-4 children, own a fleet of 12ships does not carry any sense to indulge within the problem
of an alien world where the growth rate is barely under 2% ,average family size 1-2 or adoption
of siblings, Pakistan has a strong base of men society to cater the needs of maritime sector in
whole, entail with surplus of seafarer and fresh graduate with an average waiting of 12months
or more, logically Pakistan does not qualify for the statement for the women empowerment in
particular maritime industry at cost of changing , damaging the fine fabric of family institutions
instead to, breed modern social issue of sexual harassment or sex related violations, destroying
the feminism of the society, torn apart the invisible boundaries of the society norms, fracturing
the dignity and grace of woman in Islamic society , ultimately snatching away the teaching of
religion which act as glue to the fundamentals of family institution in (Pakistan)

by: Captain Muhammad Khurshid

master mariner / MICS
marine suptd. GMSL
O345-5141620/03355141620/ muhammdshipbroker@gmail.com OCT19
woman in maritime sector: surviving and thriving in Man’s world - A Pakistan Perspective

flaws in the statement of dissertation:

modern ideology of women empowerment unable to define the limits of the empowerment by
definition, they unknowingly cross the invisible boundaries, instead breed the concept of defecto,
gay, lesbian, sexual violence, non-existence of marriage concept, children adoption, children
without legitimate parents , scratch the family and society, hence, fail to understand the nature
and the purpose of designing the man and women entirely with different set of responsibilities,
duties , problems , functions , and needs , likewise two ends of poles ,

women in maritime industries:

assigned with, the greater role in building family structure, women in maritime spend contract of
6-8month on average period on board a ship away from her children or family member, absolutely
denial of the basic human function she designed originally by the nature

ground reality on board a ship during her employment contract (views and statements)
narrated by the fellow

1- Most of the women get pregnant on board during their start of career (it is true) that one
male capable to pregnant a staff of 26woman on board – few reported others accept it silently
especially in Asian countries likewise INDIA / BANGLADESH , young girl suicide while ship
anchored in black sea, local police reported it is an incident but in reality she was raped,
(reported on)
2- senior master, performed navigation watches of his 2nd mate, as she refused to come on
bridge due to her period cycle (compromised on safe navigation) and extra burden face by
the master and linger on his commercial role
3- female staff normally, attached with PSC surveyors, to get some extra favors on deficiencies
if found (it works perfectly)
4- how a pregnant female staff on board jump from bridge deck while life jacket on, in case of
abandon ship (compromised on safety)?
5- mostly vacuum toilet system chocked by the sanitary napkins use by the female staff
6- some cases female staff extorting male staff for (ransom) not to disclose the intimacy to
higher management or his family
7- on bulk carrier night time hold cleaning to prepare holds for next cargo after coal to grain
standards (woman is unable to perform in such a harsh conditions) while on a high sea at a
sea state of BF6 or above
8- woman can take undue advantage on promotion due to her feminism
9- woman can manipulate the situation to get the job done, pilots gives extra favour to female
masters to navigate channel beyond the limits where the male masters were refused (due to

by: Captain Muhammad Khurshid

master mariner / MICS
marine suptd. GMSL
O345-5141620/03355141620/ muhammdshipbroker@gmail.com OCT19
woman in maritime sector: surviving and thriving in Man’s world - A Pakistan Perspective

financial implications

1- owner’s extra liability to cater the hidden problems of feminism (woman)

2- expected rise in medical claims (woman) related generic check ups
3- insurance covers to be arranged accordingly to cover the additional associated risk (assault/
harassment/ sexual violence / safety / security) due to physically weak in nature
4- segregation of toilets / code of working / dress code / food intakes / utility items /etc.
5- liable to increase the pirate attacks to capture the feminism in addition to
6- formulate additional laws to circumvent associated risk while on board or on ashore (extra

Understanding of planted liberals:

we have been forbidden to consume liquor, they took 1441 years to devise the Alcohol polices and its
importance on board a ship, history will dictate that we are again committing the same mistake.

Interested in research than advocacy:

male and female are two separate species or entity (for elaborating) , the concept of empowerment
should be considered among the male (such as from different regions, colors ,sects, countries , religions ,
educational backgrounds , physical parities , continents , etc ) and women should be dealt with separately
with in their domain , it should not be interchangeable , for example elephants cannot be claimed
empowerment with loins

of course, human can advocate it through promulgated amended laws to achieve few goals at the cost of
completely new front of problems and change in demography of the natural echo system of human beings

in my opinion, maritime industry in particular is not suitable for empowerment of woman, rather
institutionalize or endorsing the concept of Beauty and Beast (for understanding purpose), (sex related
violations, harassments, others), we as a sovereign nation must value or merit our fundamental laws of
society and family integrity, instead blindly follow the foot step, in the name of globalization, does not
mean to be applicable or effect our family values, otherwise it is supposed to be applicable within the
parameters of international boundaries or in a broader perspective for the collective benefit as a whole
we are accountable to our future generations for our deeds and decision and ratifications or amendments

by: Captain Muhammad Khurshid

master mariner / MICS
marine suptd. GMSL
O345-5141620/03355141620/ muhammdshipbroker@gmail.com OCT19
woman in maritime sector: surviving and thriving in Man’s world - A Pakistan Perspective

1- Brain Grim, Jo-Ann Lyaon (17nov15) President of the religious freedom and business foundation
2- women’s empowerment in Islamic system of life (Dr. Haseeb Ahmed 18March16)
3- internet technology (google) / IMO website
4- comments / discussion base analysis from senior master’s and colleagues (sharing sea experiences)
5- various books/ articles / papers / published on impact of religion on woman empowerment (past and present)
6- personal experience as a seafarer / general survey conducted to abstract their views to induct their women in maritime

by: Captain Muhammad Khurshid

master mariner / MICS
marine suptd. GMSL
O345-5141620/03355141620/ muhammdshipbroker@gmail.com OCT19

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